莊坤洋(Chuang, Kun-Yang) 教授

現   職
公共衛生學系 教授


學 歷

美國密西根大學公共衛生學系 博士











1. 2021 Wardojo Sri Sunaringsih Ika,Huang Ya Li,Chuang Kun Yang. Determinants of the quality of life amongst HIV clinic attendees in Malang, Indonesia . BMC Public Health .2021 ;(21)

2. 2021 Madyaningrum Ema,Bintoro Bagas Suryo,Chuang Ying Chih,Chuang Kun Yang,Chi Wen Chou. Biometric indicators can be early signs of declines in activities of daily living functioning among the Indonesian elderly . Disability and Health Journal .2021 ;(14)

3. 2021 Nkoka Owen,Lee Daphne,Chuang Kun Yang,Chuang Ying Chih. Multilevel analysis of the role of women empowerment on use of contraceptive methods among married Cambodian women: evidence from demographic health surveys between 2005 and 2014 . BMC Women's Health .2021 ;(21):9-9

4. 2021 Owen Nkoka,Peter AM Ntenda,Kun-Yang Chuang. Contextual factors associated with knowledge and attitudes of HIV/AIDS among Malawian women of reproductive age . European Journal of Public Health .2021

5. 2019 A comparative study of the prevalence of and factors associated with insecticide-treated nets usage among children under 5 years of age in households that already own nets in Malawi . MALARIA JOURNAL .2019

6. 2019 Chuang, YC,Chuang, TW,Chao, HJ,Tseng, KC,Nkoka, O,Sri Sunaringsih , Chuang, KY. Contextual factors and spatial patterns of childhood malnutrition in provinces of Burkina Faso . Journal of Tropical Pediatrics .2019

7. 2019 Ema Madyaningrum,Ying-Chih Chuang,Kun-Yang Chuang. Prevalence and related factors of depression among elderly in Indonesia . International journal of gerontology .2019

8. 2018 Ema Madyaningrum,Ying-Chih Chuang,Kun-Yang Chuang. Factors associated with the use of outpatient services among the elderly in Indonesia . BMC Health Services Research .2018 ;(18):707

9. 2018 Delgermaa Bat-Erdene,Ying-Chih Chuang,Kun-Yang Chuang. Brucellosis knowledge and preventive practices among Herders in Western Mongolia . Zoonoses Public Health .2018

10. 2018 Factors associated with insecticide-treated net usage among women of childbearing age in Malawi: a multilevel analysis . MALARIA JOURNAL .2018

11. 2018 Multilevel Analysis of the Effects of Individual- and Community- Level Factors on Childhood Anemia, Severe Anemia, and Hemoglobin Concentration in Malawi . JOURNAL OF TROPICAL PEDIATRICS .2018

12. 2018 Spatial modelling and mapping of teen birth rates in Taiwan in the period 1995-2010 . GEOSPATIAL HEALTH .2018

13. 2017 Women's autonomy and maternal healthcare service utilization in Ethiopia . BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH .2017

14. 2017 Ying-Chih Chuang,Ting-Wu Chuang,Hsing Jasmine Chao,Kuo-Chien Tseng,Owen Nkoka,Sri Sunaringsih , Kun-Yang Chuang. Contextual factors and spatial patterns of childhood malnutrition in provinces of Burkina Faso . Journal of Tropical Pediatrics .2017

15. 2017 Ntenda Peter Austin Morton ,Chuang Kun Yang ,Tiruneh Fentanesh Nibret ,Chuang Ying Chih . Analysis of the effects of individual and community level factors on childhood immunization in Malawi . Vaccine .2017 ;(35):1907-1917

16. 2017 Tiruneh Fentanesh Nibret ,Chuang Kun Yang ,Ntenda Peter Austin Morton ,Chuang Ying Chih . Individual-level and community-level determinants of cervical cancer screening among Kenyan women: A multilevel analysis of a Nationwide survey . BMC Women's Health .2017 ;(17)

17. 2017 Tiruneh, Fentanesh Nibret,Chuang, Kun-Yang,Chuang, Ying-Chih. Women's autonomy and maternal healthcare service utilization in Ethiopia . BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH .2017

18. 2016 Ho Yuh Shan ,Siu Evelyn ,Chuang Kun Yang . A bibliometric analysis of dengue-related publications in the Science Citation Index Expanded . Future Virology .2016 ;(11):631-648

19. 2016 Tiruneh Fentanesh Nibret ,Chuang Kun Yang ,Ntenda Peter A M ,Chuang Ying Chih . Factors associated with contraceptive use and intention to use contraceptives among married women in Ethiopia . Women and Health .2016 ;(56):1-22

20. 2015 Chuang Kun Yang ,Ho Yu-Shan . An evaluation based on highly cited publications in Taiwan . Current Science .2015 ;(108):933-941

21. 2015 Chuang Kun Yang ,Chuang Ying Chih ,Ho Yu-Shan . Global influence of cancer statistics articles . Current Science .2015 ;(109):1552-1554

22. 2014 Kun-Yang Chuanga,Yuh-Shan Hob. Bibliometric profile of top-cited single-author articles in the Science Citation Index Expanded . Journal of Informetrics .2014

23. 2014 Chuang, Kun-Yang,Ho, Yuh-Shan. A Bibliometric Analysis on Top-Cited Articles in Pain Research . PAIN MEDICINE .2014

24. 2013 Kun-Yang Chuang,Ming-Huang Wang,Yuh-Shan Ho. High-impact papers published in journals listed in the field of chemical engineering . Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science .2013 ;(18):47-63

25. 2013 Kun-Yang Chuang,Pei-Wei Sung,Chia-Jung Chang,Ying-Chih Chuang. Political and economic characteristics as moderators of the relationship between health services and infant mortality in less-developed countries . Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health .2013 ;(66)

26. 2013 Ying-Chih Chuang,Kun-Yang Chuang,Tzu-Hsuan Yang. Social cohesion matters in health . International Journal for Equity in Health .2013 ;(12)

27. 2012 Kun-Yang Chuang,Muideen Tunbosun Ola,Yuh-Shan ho. Bibliometric Analysis of the polish journal of Environmental Studies(2000-11) . Polish Journal of Environmental Studies .2012 ;(21):1175-1183

28. 2012 Ying-Chih Chuang,Kun-Yang Chuang,You-Rong Chen,Bo-Wen Shi,Tzu-Hsuan Yang. Welfare state regimes, infant mortality and life expectancy: integrating evidence from East Asia . Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health .2012 ;(66)

29. 2012 Kun-Yang Chuang,Yuh-Shan Ho. Comments on “a bibliometric study of the trend in articles related to eutrophication published in Science Citation Index” . Scientometrics .2012

30. 2011 Chuang KY,Wang MH,Ho YS. presented in the subject category of water resources in the essential science indicators database of the institute for scientific information . .2011

31. 2011 Chuang Kun Yang ,Wang Ming Huang ,Ho Yu-Shan . High-impact papers presented in the subject category of water resources in the essential science indicators database of the institute for scientific information . Scientometrics .2011 ;(87):551-562

32. 2011 Fu HZ,Chuang KY,Wang MH,Ho YS. Characteristics of research in China assessed with Essential Science Indicators . Scientometrics .2011 ;(88):841-862

33. 2011 Chuang KY,Chuang YC,Ho M,Ho YS. Bibliometric analysis of public health research in Africa:The overall trend and regional comparisons . Scientometrics .2011 ;(107):309-314

34. 2011 Ying-Chih Chuang,Kun-Yang Chuang,You-Rong Chen,Bo-Wen Shi,Tzu-Hsuan Yang. Welfare state regimes, infant mortality and life expectancy: integrating evidence from East Asia. . Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health .2011

35. 2009 洪瑋薇,莊坤洋,莊媖智. 臺灣鄉鎮市區因子對青少女生育率的影響 . 台灣公共衛生雜誌 .2009 ;(28):491-502

36. 2008 Chuang KY,Chi WC. 長期照顧資訊系統之規劃 . 研考雙月刊 .2008 ;(32):12-21

37. 2008 Chuang YC,Chuang KY. Gender differences in relationships between social capital and individual smoking and drinking behavior in Taiwan. . Social Science & Medicine .2008 ;(67):1321-1330

38. 2008 Chuang KY,Chuang YC,Chen LJ,Wu SC. Geographical variations in elderly disability in Taiwan. . Journal of Nursing Research .2008 ;(16):47-54

39. 2007 Chuang KY,Wu SC,Dai YT,Ma AH. Post-hospital care of stroke patients in Taipei: Use of services and policy implications . Health Policy .2007 ;(82):28-36

40. 2007 Chi WC,Chuang KY,Hwang HG. 長期照護解決方案-個人健康紀錄 . 長期照護雜誌 .2007 ;(11)

41. 2007 Chuang KY,Huang YL,Ho YS. A bibliometric and citation analysis of stroke-related research in Taiwan . Scientometric .2007 ;(72)

42. 2006 Mei-Ju Chi,Kun-Yang Chuang,Chen-Long Wu,Shwu-Chong Wu. 居家服務使用之相關因素研究 . 台灣衛誌 .2006 ;(25):37-48

43. 2006 Ya-Li Huang,Yuh-Shan Ho,Kun-Yang Chuang. Bibliometric Analysis of Nursing Research in Taiwan 1991-2004 . Journal of Nursing Research .2006 ;(14):75-81

44. 2005 簡曉靜,吳振龍,陳育慧,馬靄萱,莊媖智,陳富莉、莊坤洋*. 網際網路中瘦身網站之品質評估 . 台灣衛誌 .2005 ;(24):***-***

45. 2005 Chuang KY,Wu SC,Chang M,Chen YH,Wu CL. Exploring the association between long-term care and mortality rates among stroke patients . Journal of Nursing Research .2005 ;(13):66-74

46. 2005 Wu SC,Chuang KY,Dai YT,Lee SD,Chang HJ,Day GI; Chen HM. Expanding the role of health care providers and the health care profession in the delivery of long-term care . 台灣衛誌 .2005 ;(24):189-191

47. 2005 Chuang KY,Wu SC,Ma AH,Chen YH,Wu CL. Factors associated with hospital readmissions among stroke patients in Taipei . Journal of Nursing Research .2005 ;(13):117-128

48. 2004 Chi YC,Chuang KY,Wu SC,Huang KC,Wu CL. The assessment of a hospital-based Care management model for long-term care services . Journal of Nursing Research .2004 ;(12):317-326

49. 2004 莊坤洋,陳育慧,曹愛蘭,吳淑瓊. 社區中失能者未滿足需求之盛行率與其相關因素 . 台灣衛誌 .2004 ;(23):169-180

50. 2004 吳淑瓊,莊坤洋,陳亮汝. 建構長期照護體系先導計畫---實驗社區介入前的照護需求與自付費用。 . 台灣衛誌 .2004 ;(23(已)

51. 2004 張媚,吳淑瓊,莊坤洋. 社區認知障礙者之照護需要 . 台灣衛誌 .2004 ;(23(已)

52. 2004 曾淑芬,莊坤洋,陳正芬,葉乃禎,吳淑瓊. 福利政策對失能者使用社區式家庭支持服務之影響-以居家服務為例 . 台灣衛誌 .2004 ;(23(已)

53. 2001 吳淑瓊, 莊坤洋. 在地老化: 台灣二十一世紀長期照護的政策方向 . 台灣衛誌 .2001 ;(20):192-201

54. 1996 Debold VP, Johnson E, Schoff J, Silberman SL, Cameron A, Chuang D. Telemedicine: An Annotated Bibilography: Part V . Telemedicine Journal .1996 ;(2):151-170

55. 1996 Johnson E, Cameron A, Debold VP, Schoff J, Chuang D. Telemedicine: An Annotated Bibilography: Part IV . Telemedicine Journal .1996 ;(1):49-77

56. 1995 Debold VP, Johnson E, Cameron A, Chuang D. Telemedicine: An Annotated Bibilography: Part III . Telemedicine Journal .1995 ;(4):377-394

57. 1995 Johnson E, Debold VP, Chuang D, Tolbert J, Cameron A, Miller E. Telemedicine: An Annotated Bibilography: Part II . Telemedicine Journal .1995 ;(3):257-292

1. 2002 莊坤洋,陳育慧,曹愛蘭,吳淑瓊. 社區中失能者未滿足需求之盛行律與其相關因素 . .2002

2. 2002 吳淑瓊,莊坤洋,陳亮汝. 實驗社區身心障礙者的照顧負擔:實驗介入前 . .2002

3. 2002 吳淑瓊,戴玉慈,莊坤洋,張媚,呂寶靜,曹愛蘭,王正,陳正芬. 建構長期照護體系先導計劃-理念與實踐 . .2002

4. 2002 張媚,吳淑瓊,莊坤洋. 社區認知障礙者之照護需求 . 台灣衛誌 .2002

1. 2000 莊坤洋,吳淑瓊. 台北市喘息服務模式之現況評估與發展 . .2000


109 印尼瑪琅地區HIV個案接受ART治療,憂鬱傾向,跟生活品質之長期追蹤研究: 社會歧視,個人韌力,與社會支持之角色

107 在台外籍移工的精神健康與相關因子

107 保健營養學系博士生SRIWARDOJO君擬於108年7月10日至7月12日赴馬來西亞吉隆坡參加The 5th International Conference on Public Health,依本部補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議作業要點申請補助費用乙案

105 106年度「老人心理健康調查委託科技研究計畫」採購案

104 105年度「老人心理健康調查委託科技研究計畫」採購案

104 高齡女性照顧者:健康概況與社會福利體制之關係

103 經濟衰退對老人健康與醫療服務使用的影響:福利國體系之比較

102 福利體系對健康與服務使用的影響--台灣與歐洲國家之比較

102 福利體系對健康與服務使用的影響--台灣與歐洲國家之比較

95 社區醫療群長期照護模式的發展與推廣

95 社區醫療群長期照護模式的發展與推廣

88 台北市喘息服務模式之現況評估與發展研究