陳亦仁(Chen, Yi-Jen) 教授

現   職
臨床醫學研究所 教授


學 歷

國立陽明大學臨床醫學研究所 博士
私立臺北醫學院醫學系 學士




2018/02/01 ~
2018/02/01 ~
2016/11/01 ~ 2017/10/31
2016/11/01 ~ 2017/10/31
2009/09/01 ~
2009/09/01 ~
2007/08/01 ~ 2010/07/31




Basic and Clinical Electrophysiology
Mechanisms of Arrhythmia
Patch Clamp
Western Blot
Gene Cloning
Primary Cardiac fibroblast isolation
Heart failare animal



1. 2024 Cheng Tzu Yu,Chen Yao Chang,Li Shao Jung,Lin Fong Jhih,Lu Yen Yu,Lee Ting I,Lee Ting Wei, Higa Satoshi, Kao Yu Hsun, Chen Yi Jen. Interleukin-33/ST2 axis involvement in atrial remodeling and arrhythmogenesis . Translational Research .2024 ;(268):1-12

2. 2024 Chin Chye Gen,Chen Yao Chang,Lin Fong Jhih,Lin Yung Kuo,Lu Yen Yu,Cheng Tzu Yu, Chen Shih Ann, Chen Yi Jen. Targeting NLRP3 signaling reduces myocarditis-induced arrhythmogenesis and cardiac remodeling . Journal of Biomedical Science .2024 ;(31)

3. 2023 Chung Cheng Chih,Lin Yung Kuo,Chen Yao Chang,Kao Yu Hsun,Yeh Yung Hsin,Trang Nguyen Ngoc,Chen Yi Jen,. Empagliflozin suppressed cardiac fibrogenesis through sodium-hydrogen exchanger inhibition and modulation of the calcium homeostasis . Cardiovascular Diabetology .2023 ;(22)

4. 2023 Liu Chih Min,Lin Fong Jhih,Chen Yao Chang,Lin Yung Kuo,Lu Yen Yu,Chan Chao Shun,Higa Satoshi,Chen Shih Ann,Chen Yi Jen,Liu Chih Min,Lin Fong Jhih,Chen Yao Chang,Lin Yung Kuo,Lu Yen Yu,Chan Chao Shun,Higa Satoshi,Chen Shih Ann,Chen Yi Jen. Modulation of post-pacing action potential duration and contractile responses on ventricular arrhythmogenesis in chloroquine-induced long QT syndrome . European Journal of Pharmacology .2023 ;(941)

5. 2022 Chin Chye Gen,Elimam Ahmed Moustafa,Lin Fong Jhih,Chen Yao Chang,Lin Yung Kuo,Lu Yen Yu,Higa Satoshi,Chen Shih Ann,Hsieh Ming Hsiung,Chen Yi Jen,. Effects of Adrenomedullin on Atrial Electrophysiology and Pulmonary Vein Arrhythmogenesis . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2022 ;(23)

6. 2022 Lee Ting Wei,Chung Cheng Chih,Lee Ting I.,Lin Yung Kuo,Kao Yu Hsun,Chen Yi Jen,Lee Ting Wei,Chung Cheng Chih,Lee Ting I.,Lin Yung Kuo,Kao Yu Hsun,Chen Yi Jen. Fibroblast growth factor 23 stimulates cardiac fibroblast activity through phospholipase c‐mediated calcium signaling . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2022 ;(23)

7. 2022 Li Shao Jung,Cheng Wan Li,Kao Yu Hsun,Chung Cheng Chih,Trang Nguyen Ngoc,Chen Yi Jen,. Melatonin Inhibits NF-κB/CREB/Runx2 Signaling and Alleviates Aortic Valve Calcification . Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine .2022 ;(9)

8. 2022 Galectin-3 enhances atrial remodelling and arrhythmogenesis through CD98 signalling . Acta Physiologica .2022 ;(234)

9. 2021 ZFHX3 knockdown dysregulates mitochondrial adaptations to tachypacing in atrial myocytes through enhanced oxidative stress and calcium overload . Acta Physiologica .2021 ;(231)

10. 2021 Huang Shih Yu,Chen Yao Chang,Kao Yu Hsun,Lu Yen Yu,Lin Yung Kuo,Higa Satoshi,Chen Shih Ann,Chen Yi Jen. Calcium dysregulation increases right ventricular outflow tract arrhythmogenesis in rabbit model of chronic kidney disease . Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine .2021 ;(25):11264-11277

11. 2021 Lee Ting Wei,Lee Ting I.,Lin Yung Kuo,Chen Yao Chang,Kao Yu Hsun,Chen Yi Jen. Effect of antidiabetic drugs on the risk of atrial fibrillation: mechanistic insights from clinical evidence and translational studies . CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCE .2021

12. 2021 Yugo Dony,Chen Yao Chang,Lin Yung Kuo,Liu Chih Min,Huang Jen Hung,Chen Shih Ann,Chen Yi Jen. Effects of phosphodiesterase-1 inhibitor on pulmonary vein electrophysiology and arrhythmogenesis . EUR J CLINICAL INVESTIGATION .2021 ;(51)

13. 2020 Cheng WL,Kao YH,Chen YC,Lin YK,Chen SA ,Chen YJ. Macrophage migration inhibitory factor increases atrial arrhythmogenesis through CD74 signaling . Transl Res .2020 ;(216):43-56

14. 2020 Yuan Hung,Yao-Chang Chen ,Shih‐Yu Huang ,Yen-Yu Lu,Yung-Kuo Lin, Yu-Hsun Kao, Wei-Shiang Lin, Shih-Ann Chen, Yi-Jen Chen. Klotho Modulates Electrical Activity and Calcium Homeostasis in Pulmonary Vein Cardiomyocytes via PI3K/Akt Signaling . Europace .2020 ;(in press)

15. 2020 Chan CS, Lin YS,Lin YK,Chen YC,Kao YH, Hsu CC, Chen SA, Chen YJ. Atrial arrhythmogenesis in a rabbit model of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease . Translational Research .2020

16. 2020 Jun-Hei Chang,Chen-Chuan Cheng,Yen-Yu Lu,Yao-Chang Chen,Yao-Chang Chen,Yi-Jen Chen. Trastuzumab increases pulmonary vein arrhythmogenesis through modulating pulmonary vein electrical and conduction properties via phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling . Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences .2020

17. 2020 Liu Chih Min,Lin Feng Zhi,Chen Yao Chang,Lin Yung Kuo,Lu Yen Yu,Wu Cheng I.,Higa Satoshi,Chen Shih Ann,Chen Yi Jen,Liu Chih Min,Lin Feng Zhi,Chen Yao Chang,Lin Yung Kuo,Lu Yen Yu,Wu Cheng I.,Higa Satoshi,Chen Shih Ann,Chen Yi Jen. Concurrent increases in post-pacing action potential duration and contractility predict occurrence of ventricular arrhythmia . Pflugers Archiv European Journal of Physiology .2020

18. 2020 Lee Ting Wei,Lee Ting I.,Lin Yung Kuo,Chen Yao Chang,Kao Yu Hsun,Chen Yi . Effect of antidiabetic drugs on the risk of atrial fibrillation: mechanistic insights from clinical evidence and translational studies . Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences .2020

19. 2020 Baigalmaa Lkhagva, Yung-Kuo Lin,Yao-Chang Chen,Wan-Li Cheng,Satoshi Higa,Yu-Hsun Kao, | Yi-Jen Chen. ZFHX3 knockdown dysregulates mitochondrial adaptations to tachypacing in atrial myocytes through enhanced oxidative stress and calcium overload . Acta Physiologica   .2020

20. 2019 Huang JH,Chen YC,Lu YY,Lin YK,Chen SA,Chen YJ. Arginine vasopressin modulates electrical activity and calcium homeostasis in pulmonary vein cardiomyocytes. . J Biomed Sci .2019 ;(26):71-71

21. 2019 Lee Ting I.,Chen Yao Chang,Lin Yung Kuo,Chung Cheng Chih,Lu Yen Yu,Kao Yu Hsun,Chen Yi Jen. Empagliflozin Attenuates Myocardial Sodium and Calcium Dysregulation and Reverses Cardiac Remodeling in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2019 ;(20)

22. 2019 Li Shao Jung,Kao Yu Hsun,Chung Cheng Chih,Cheng Wan Li,Chen Yi Jen. Hdac i inhibitor regulates runx2 transactivation through canonical and non-canonical wnt signaling in aortic valvular interstitial cells . American Journal of Translational Research .2019 ;(11):744-754

23. 2019 Chan Chao Shun,Lin Yung Kuo,Chen Yao Chang,Lu Yen Yu,Chen Shih Ann,Chen Yi Jen. Heart failure differentially modulates natural (Sinoatrial node) and ectopic (pulmonary veins) pacemakers: Mechanism and therapeutic implication for atrial fibrillation . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2019 ;(20)

24. 2019 Lithium interacts with cardiac remodeling: the fundamental value in the pharmacotherapy of bipolar disorder . Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry .2019 ;(88):208-214

25. 2019 Cheng WL, Kao YH, Chao TF,Lin YK,Chen SA,Chen YJ. MicroRNA-133 suppresses ZFHX3-dependent atrial remodelling and arrhythmia . Acta Physiologica .2019 ;(27):e13322

26. 2019 Lee Ting I.,Kao Yu Hsun,Baigalmaa Lkhagva,Lee Ting Wei,Lu Yen Yu,Chen Yao Chang,Chao Tze Fan,Chen Yi Jen. Sodium hydrosulphide restores tumour necrosis factor-α-induced mitochondrial dysfunction and metabolic dysregulation in HL-1 cells . Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine .2019

27. 2019 Therapeutic potential of vitamin D in AGE/RAGE-related cardiovascular diseases . Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences .2019

28. 2018 Lee T W, Lee T I, Lin YK,Kao YH,Chen YJ. Calcitriol downregulates fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 through histone deacetylase activation in HL-1 atrial myocytes . Journal of Biomedical Science .2018 ;(25):42-.

29. 2018 Lin Yung Kuo ,Chen Yi Ann ,Lee Ting I. ,Chen Yao Chang ,Chen Shih Ann ,Chen Yi Jen. Aging modulates the substrate and triggers remodeling in atrial fibrillation . Circulation Journal .2018 ;(82):1237-1244

30. 2018 Chan Chao Shun ,Lin Yung Kuo ,Kao Yu Hsun ,Chen Yao Chang ,Chen Shih Ann ,chen Yi Jen. Hydrogen sulphide increases pulmonary veins and atrial arrhythmogenesis with activation of protein kinase C . Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine .2018

31. 2018 Lkhagva Baigalmaa ,Kao Yu Hsun ,Lee Ting I. ,Lee Ting Wei ,Cheng Wan Li ,Chen Yi Jen. Activation of Class I histone deacetylases contributes to mitochondrial dysfunction in cardiomyocytes with altered complex activities . Epigenetics .2018

32. 2018 Chung Cheng Chih ,Lin Yung Kuo ,Chen Yao Chang ,Kao Yu Hsun ,Yeh Yung Hsin ,Chen Yi Jen. Factor Xa inhibition by rivaroxaban regulates fibrogenesis in human atrial fibroblasts with modulation of nitric oxide synthesis and calcium homeostasis . Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology .2018 ;(123):128-138

33. 2018 Chang Chien Jung ,Li Shao Jung ,Chen Yao Chang ,Huang Shih Yu ,Chen Shih Ann ,Chen Yi Jen. Histone deacetylase inhibition attenuates atrial arrhythmogenesis in sterile pericarditis . Translational Research .2018

34. 2018 Lin Yung Kuo ,Chen Yi Ann ,Lee Ting I. ,Chen Yao Chang ,Chen Shih Ann ,Chen Yi Jen. Aging modulates the substrate and triggers remodeling in atrial fibrillation . Circulation Journal .2018 ;(82):1237-1244

35. 2018 Chang Chien Jung ,Cheng Chen Chuan ,Chen Yao Chang ,Higa Satoshi ,Huang Jen Hung ,Chen Shih-Ann, Chen Yi-Jen . Factor Xa inhibitors differently modulate electrical activities in pulmonary veins and the sinoatrial node . European Journal of Pharmacology .2018 ;(833):462-471

36. 2018 Calcitriol downregulates fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 through histone deacetylase activation in HL-1 atrial myocytes . Journal of Biomedical Science .2018 ;(25)

37. 2018 Lu Yen Yu ,Wu Wen Shiann ,Lin Yung Kuo ,Cheng Chen Chuan ,Chen Yao Chang ,Chen Shih-Ann, Chen Yi-Jen. Angiotensin 1-7 modulates electrophysiological characteristics and calcium homoeostasis in pulmonary veins cardiomyocytes via MAS/PI3K/eNOS signalling pathway . European Journal of Clinical Investigation .2018 ;(48):e12854-e12854

38. 2018 Chen Yen Chou ,Chung Cheng Chih ,Lin Yung Kuo ,Chen Yi Jen . Genetic and ethnic modulation of cardiovascular toxicity of vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors . Annals of Medicine .2018 ;(50):46-56

39. 2017 Activated p300 acetyltransferase activity modulates aortic valvular calcification with osteogenic transdifferentiation and downregulation of Klotho . International Journal of Cardiology .2017 ;(232):271-279

40. 2017 Lee Ting Wei ,Kao Yu Hsun ,Lee Ting I. ,Chen Yi Jen . ADAM10 modulates calcitriol-regulated RAGE in cardiomyocytes . European Journal of Clinical Investigation .2017 ;(47):675-683

41. 2017 Lu Yen Yu ,Cheng Chen Chuan ,Tsai Chin Feng ,Lin Yung Kuo ,Lee Ting I. ,Chen YC, Chen SA, Chen YJ. Discrepant effects of heart failure on electrophysiological property in right ventricular outflow tract and left ventricular outflow tract cardiomyocytes . Clinical Science .2017 ;(131):1317-1327

42. 2017 Huang Shih Yu ,Chen Yao Chang ,Kao Yu Hsun ,Hsieh Ming Hsiung ,Lin Yung Kuo ,Chen SA, Chen YJ. Redox and activation of protein kinase A dysregulates calcium homeostasis in pulmonary vein cardiomyocytes of chronic kidney disease . Journal of the American Heart Association .2017 ;(6)

43. 2017 Chang Shih Lin ,Chuang Hui Lun ,Chen Yao Chang ,Kao Yu Hsun ,Lin Yung Kuo ,Yeh YH, Chen SA, Chen YJ. Heart failure modulates electropharmacological characteristics of sinoatrial nodes . Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine .2017 ;(13):771-779

44. 2017 Li Shao Jung ,Kao Yu Hsun ,Chung Cheng Chih ,Chen Wei Yu ,Cheng Wan Li ,Cheng Wan-li, Chen Yi-Jen. Activated p300 acetyltransferase activity modulates aortic valvular calcification with osteogenic transdifferentiation and downregulation of Klotho . International Journal of Cardiology .2017 ;(232):271-279

45. 2017 Chung Cheng Chih ,Kao Yu Hsun ,Yao CJ,Lin Yung,Chen Yi-Jen. A comparison of left and right atrial fibroblasts reveals different collagen production activity and stress-induced mitogen-activated protein kinase signalling in rats. . Acta Physiol (Oxf). .2017 ;(220):432-445

46. 2016 Cheng WL,Kao YH,Chen SA,Chen YJ. Pathophysiology of cancer therapy-provoked atrial fibrillation. . Int J cardiol .2016

47. 2016 Huang JH,Lin YK,Hsieh MH,Chiu WC,Chen YJ. 127.Huang JH, Lin YK, Hsieh MH, Chiu WC, Chen YJ*. Age and Thyroid Hormone Replacement Delays the Recovery from Amiodarone-Induced Hypothyroidism . Int J cardiol .2016

48. 2016 Huang SY,Chen YC,Kao YH,Hsieh MH,Chen YA,Chen WP, Lin YK, Chen SA, Chen YJ. Renal failure induces atrial arrhythmogenesis from discrepant electrophysiological remodeling and calcium regulation in pulmonary veins, sinoatrial node, and atria. Int . Int J Cardiol .2016 ;(202):846-857

49. 2016 Chien-Jung Chang,Chen-Chuan Cheng,Yao-Chang Chen,Yu-Hsun Kao,Shih-Ann Chen,Yi-Jen Chen. Gap junction modifiers regulate electrical activities of the sinoatrial node and pulmonary vein: Therapeutic implications in atrial arrhythmogenesis . Int J Cardiol .2016 ;(221):529-536

50. 2016 Lkhagva B,Kao YH,Chen YC,Chao TF,Chen SA,Chen YJ. Targeting histone deacetylases: A novel therapeutic strategy for atrial fibrillation . Eur J Pharmacol .2016

51. 2016 Lkhagva B,Kao YH,Chen YC,Chao TF,Chen SA,Chen YJ. Targeting histone deacetylases: A novel therapeutic strategy for atrial fibrillation . Eur J Pharmacol .2016

52. 2016 Kao YH,Hsu JC,Chen YC,Lin YK,Lkhagva B,Chen SA, Chen YJ. ZFHX3 knockdown increases arrhythmogenesis and dysregulates calcium homeostasis in HL-1 atrial myocytes . Int J Cardiol .2016

53. 2016 Huang JH,Chen YC,Lee TI,Kao YH,Chazo TF,Chen SA, Chen YJ. Glucagon-like peptide-1 regulates calcium homeostasis and electrophysiological activities of HL-1 cardiomyocytes . Peptides .2016 ;(78):91-98

54. 2016 Lu YY,Chen YC,Kao YH,Lin YK,Yeh YH,Chen SA, Chen YJ. Colchicine modulates calcium homeostasis and electrical property of HL-1 cells . J Cell Mol Med .2016 ;(20):1182-1190

55. 2016 Lu YY,Cheng CC,Chen YC,Lin YK,Chen SA,Chen YJ. Electrolyte disturbances differentially regulate sinoatrial node and pulmonary vein electrical activity: A contribution to hypokalemia- or hyponatremia-induced atrial fibrillation . Heart Rhythm .2016 ;(13):781-788

56. 2016 Lu YY,Lin YK,Kao YH,Chung CC,Yeh YH,Chen SA, Chen YJ. Collagen regulates transforming growth factor-β receptors of HL-1 cardiomyocytes through activation of stretch and integrin signaling. . Mol Med Rep. .2016 ;(14):3429-3436

57. 2016 Huang SY,Chen YC,Kao YH,Hsieh MH,Lin YK,Chung CC, Lee TI, Tsai WC, Chen SA, Chen YJ. Fibroblast growth factor 23 dysregulates late sodium current and calcium homeostasis with enhanced arrhythmogenesis in pulmonary vein cardiomyocytes. . oncotarget .2016

58. 2015 Jung-Chieh Hsu,Chen-Chuan Cheng,Yu-Hsun Kao,Yao-Chang Chen,Cheng-Chih Chung,Yi-Jen Chen. Testosterone regulates cardiac calcium homeostasis with enhanced ryanodine receptor 2 expression through activation of TGF-β . International Journal of Cardiology .2015 ;(190):11-14

59. 2015 Chien-Jung Chang,Chen-Chuan Cheng,Ten-Fang Yang,Yao-Chang Chen,Lin YK,Chen SA, Chen YJ. Selective and non-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs differentially regulate pulmonary vein and atrial arrhythmogenesis . Int J Cardiol .2015 ;(184):559-567

60. 2015 Tsai WC,Lu YY,Chen YC,Chang CJ,Kao YH,Lin YK, Chen YH, Chen SA, Yang LY, Chen YJ.. Ablation of androgen receptor gene triggers right ventricular outflow tract ventricular tachycardia. . Int J Cardiol. .2015 ;(189):172-181

61. 2015 Chan CS, Lin YJ, Cha,Lin YJ,Chang SL,Lo LW,Hu YF,Chao TF, Chung FP, Liao JN, Chen YJ, Chen SA.. Early repolarization of surface ECG predicts fatal ventricular arrhythmias in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy and symptomatic ventricular arrhythmias. . Int J Cardiol .2015

62. 2015 Chong E,Chang SL,Hsiao YW,Singhal R,Liu SH,Leha T, Lin WY, Hsu CP, Chen YC, Chen YJ, Wu TJ, Hig. Resveratrol, a red wine antioxidant, reduces atrial fibrillation susceptibility in the failing heart by PI3K/AKT/eNOS signaling pathway activation. . Heart Rhythm .2015 ;(12):1046-1056

63. 2015 Hu YF,Chen YJ,Lin YJ,Chen SA. Inflammation and the pathogenesis of atrial fibrillation. . Nat Rev Cardiol .2015 ;(12):230-243

64. 2015 Lee TW,Lee TI,Chang CJ,Lien GS,Kao YH,Chao TF, Chen YJ.. Potential of vitamin D in treating diabetic cardiomyopathy. . Nutr Res .2015 ;(35):269-279

65. 2015 Chung CC,Kao YH,Lu YY,Chen YJ.. Reply to the letter "androgens in cardiac fibrosis and other cardiovascular mechanisms". . Int J Cardiol .2015

66. 2015 Lkhagva B,Lin YK,Kao YH,Chazo TF,Chung CC,Chen SA, Chen YJ. Novel Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor Modulates Cardiac Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors and Inflammatory Cytokines in Heart Failure. . pharmacology .2015 ;(96):184-91

67. 2014 Kao YH,Chen YC,Lin YK,Shiu RJ,Chao TF,Chen SA, Chen YJ.. FGF-23 dysregulates calcium homeostasis and electrophysiological properties in HL-1 atrial cells. . Eur J Clin Invest .2014 ;(44):795-801

68. 2014 Huang CS,Chen CI,Liu YT,Huang JH,Chen YJ. CHA2DS2-VASc Score and Heart Rate Predict Ischemic Stroke Outcomes in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation . Acta Cardiologica Sinica .2014 ;(30):16-21

69. 2014 Kao YH,Lien GS,Chao TF,Chen YJ. DNA methylation inhibition: a novel therapeutic strategy for heart failure. . Int J Cardiol .2014 ;(176):232-233

70. 2014 Kao YH,Lien GS,Chao TF,Chen YJ. DNA methylation inhibition: a novel therapeutic strategy for heart failure. . Int J Cardiol .2014 ;(176):232-233

71. 2014 Lu YY,Chen YJ.. A randomized trial of colchicine for acute pericarditis. . N Engl J Med. .2014 ;(370):780-781

72. 2014 Huang,Lin YK,Hsieh MH,Chen SA,Chen YJ. Non-standard dose dronedarone in treating atrial fibrillation patients. . Int J Cardiol. .2014 ;(172):e214-e216

73. 2014 Lu YY,Chung FP,Chen YC,Tsai CF,Kao YH,Chao TF, Huang JH, Chen SA, Chen YJ.. Distinctive electrophysiological characteristics of right ventricular out-flow tract cardiomyocytes. . J Cell Mol Med. .2014 ;(18):1540-1548

74. 2014 Lee TW,Kao YH,Lee TI,Chang CJ,,,,, Lien GS,Chen YJ.. Calcitriol modulates receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) in diabetic hearts. . Int J Cardiol. .2014 ;(173):236-241

75. 2014 Hanafy DA,Chang SL,Lu YY,Chen YC,Kao YH,Huang JH, Chen SA, Chen YJ. Electromechanical effects of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin d with antiatrial fibrillation activities. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol .2014 ;(25):317-323

76. 2014 Singhal R,Chang SL,Chong E,Hsiao YW,Liu SH,Tsai YN, Hsu CP, Lin YJ, Lo LW, Ha TL, Chen YC, Chen. Colchicine suppresses atrial fibrillation in failing heart. . Int J Cardiol. .2014 ;(176):651-660

77. 2014 Lin YK,Chen YC,Huang JH,Lin YJ,,Huang SS,,Chen SA, Chen YJ.. Leptin modulates electrophysiological characteristics and isoproterenol-induced arrhythmogenesis in atrial myocytes. . J Biomed Sci. .2014

78. 2014 Chen YC,Lu YY,Cheng CC,Lin YK,Chen SA,Chen YJ.. Sinoatrial node electrical activity modulates pulmonary vein arrhythmogenesis. . Int J Cardiol .2014 ;(173):447-452

79. 2014 Chien-Jung Chang,Ten-Fang Yang,Tin-I Lee,Yao-Chang Chen,Yu-Hsun Kao,Shih-Ann Chen,Yi-Jen Chen. Sitagliptin Modulates the Electrical and Mechanical Characteristics of Pulmonary Vein and Atrium . Acta Cardiol;ogica sinica .2014 ;(30):29-37

80. 2014 Shih-Yu Huang,Yen-Yu Lu,Yao-Chang Chen,Wei-Ta Chen,Yung-Kuo Lin,Shih-Ann Chen and Yi-Jen Chen. Hydrogen Peroxide Modulates Electrophysiological Characteristics of Left Atrial Myocytes . Acta Carcdiologica Sinica .2014 ;(30):38-45

81. 2014 Hung-Yu Yang,Jen-Hung Huang,Yung-Kuo Lin,Chien-Yeh Hsu,Shih-Ann Chen,Yi-Jen Chen. Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia Present Different Risks of Atrial fibrillation: A Nationwide Population-Based Analysis . Acta Cardiologica sinica .2014 ;(30):46-52

82. 2014 Cheng-Chih Chung,,Yu-Hsun Kao,Jing-Ping Liou,Yi-Jen Chen. Curcumin Suppress Cardiac Fibroblasts Activities by Regulating Proliferation, Migration, and the Extracellular Matrix . Acta Cardiologica Sinixa .2014 ;(30):474-482

83. 2014 Chung CC,Hsu RC,Kao YH,Liou JP,Lu YY,Chen YJ. Androgen attenuates cardiac fibroblasts activations through modulations of transforming growth factor-β and angiotensin II signaling. . Int J Cardiol. .2014 ;(176):386-393

84. 2014 Chung CC,Hsu RC,Kao YH,Liou JP,Lu YY,Chen YJ. Androgen attenuates cardiac fibroblasts activations through modulations of transforming growth factor-β and angiotensin II signaling. . Int J Cardiol. .2014 ;(176):386-393

85. 2014 Lin YK,Chen YC,Kao YH,Tsai CF,Yeh YH,Huang JL, Cheng CC, Chen SA, Chen YJ.. A monounsaturated fatty acid (oleic acid) modulates electrical activity in atrial myocytes with calcium and sodium dysregulation. . Int J Cardiol .2014 ;(176):191-198

86. 2014 Lee TI,Kao YH,Chen YC,Tsai WC,Chung CC,Chen YJ. Cardiac metabolism, inflammation, and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors modulated by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 in diabetic rats. . Int J Cardiol. 2014 .2014 ;(176):151-157

87. 2014 Tsai WC,Lee TI,Chen YC,Kao YH,Lu YY,Lin YK, Chen SA, Chen YJ.. Testosterone replacement increases aged pulmonary vein and left atrium arrhythmogenesis with enhanced adrenergic activity. . Int J Cardiol. 7 .2014 ;(176):110-118

88. 2014 Chen WT,Chen YC,Hsieh MH,Huang SY,,Kao YH,Chen YA, Lin YK, Chen SA, Chen YJ.. The Uremic Toxin Indoxyl Sulfate Increases Pulmonary Vein and Atrial Arrhythmogenesis. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2014 .2014

89. 2013 Lee TI,Chen YC,Kao YH,Hsiao FC,Lin YK,Chen YJ. Rosiglitazone induces arrhythmogenesis in diabetic hypertensive rats with calcium handling alteration. . Int J Cardiol. .2013 ;(165):299-307

90. 2013 Lee TI,Chen YC,Kao YH,Hsiao FC,Lin YK,Chen YJ. Rosiglitazone induces arrhythmogenesis in diabetic hypertensive rats with calcium handling alteration. . Int J Cardiol. 2013 .2013 ;(165):299-307

91. 2013 Lee TI,Chen YC,Kao YH,Hsiao FC,Lin YK,Chen YJ. Rosiglitazone induces arrhythmogenesis in diabetic hypertensive rats with calcium handling alteration. . Int J Cardiol. 2013 .2013 ;(165):299-307

92. 2013 Lee TI,Chen YC,Kao YH,Hsiao FC,Lin YK,Chen YJ. Rosiglitazone induces arrhythmogenesis in diabetic hypertensive rats with calcium handling alteration. . Int J Cardiol. 2013 .2013 ;(165):299-307

93. 2013 Huang JH,Chiu WC,Hsu MI,Chen YJ. Effects of androgen on vascular and inflammatory biomarkers in a female hypertensive population . Gynecol Endocrinol. .2013 ;(29):340-344

94. 2013 Wang CA,Chen WT,Lin YC,Hsieh MH,Chen YJ. Different coronary artery calcium scores with discrepant progression risks . Int J Cardiol .2013

95. 2013 Chen YC,Huang JH,Lin YK,Hsieh MH,Chen YJ. 99.Chen YC, Huang JH, Lin YK, Hsieh MH, Chen YJ*. Gender modulates the aging effects on different patterns of early repolarization. . Heart Vessels .2013

96. 2013 Lin YK,Chen YJ. Adipocytokinesmodulateioniccurrents – A keytolipotoxicitypotentiated cardiacarrhythmia. J Arrhythmia 2013 . . J Arrhythmia 2013 .2013

97. 2013 Kao YH,Chiu WC,Hsu MI,Chen YJ. Endothelial Progenitor Cell Dysfunction in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Implications for the Genesis of Cardiovascular Diseases. . Int J Fertil Steril .2013 ;(6):208-213

98. 2013 Chung CC,Kao YH,Chen YJ,Chen YJ. Androgen modulates cardiac fibrosis contributing to gender differences on heart failure. . Aging Male. .2013 ;(16):22-27

99. 2013 Lee TI,Kao YH,Chen YC,Huang JH,Hsiao FC,Chen YJ. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors modulate cardiac dysfunction in diabetic cardiomyopathy. . Diabetes Res Clin Pract. .2013 ;(100):330-9

100. 2013 Lee TI,Kao YH,Chen YC,Huang JH,Hsu MI,Chen YJ. The dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor-sitagliptin modulates calcium dysregulation, inflammation, and PPARs in hypertensive cardiomyocytes. . Int J Cardiol. 2013 .2013

101. 2013 Hanafy DA,Chen YC,,Chang SL,Lu YY,Lin YK,Kao YH, Chen SA, Chen YJ. Different effects of dronedarone and amiodarone on pulmonary vein electrophysiology, mechanical properties and H2O2-induced arrhythmogenicity. . Eur J Pharmacol. 2013 .2013 ;(28):1-3

102. 2013 Chang SL,Chen YC,Hsu CP,Kao YH,Lin YK,Lin YJ, Wu TJ, Chen SA, Chen YJ. Electrophysiological characteristics of complex fractionated electrograms and high frequency activity in atrial fibrillation. . Int J Cardiol. 2013 .2013

103. 2013 Chang CJ,Chen YC,Lin YK,Huang JH,Chen SA,Chen YJ. Rivaroxaban modulates electrical and mechanical characteristics of left atrium. . J Biomed Sci. 2013 .2013

104. 2013 Lu YY,Chen YC,Kao YH,Chen SA,Chen YJ. Extracellular matrix of collagen modulates arrhythmogenic activity of pulmonary veins through p38 MAPK activation. . J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2013 Jun;59:159-66 .2013 ;(59):159-166

105. 2013 Kao YH,Chen YC,Chung CC,Lien GS,Chen SA,Kuo CC, Chen YJ. Heart failure and angiotensin II modulate atrial Pitx2c promotor methylation.Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. . Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol .2013 ;(40):379-384

106. 2013 Chang CJ,Chen YC,Kao YH,Lin YK,Chen SA,Chen YJ. Response to letter regarding article, "Dabigatran and thrombin modulate electrophysiological characteristics of pulmonary vein and left atrium" by Chang et al. . Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2013 A .2013

107. 2013 Tsai WC,Yang LY,Chen YC,Kao YH,Lin YK,Chen SA, Cheng CF, Chen Y. Ablation of the androgen receptor gene modulates atrial electrophysiology and arrhythmogenesis with calcium protein dysregulation. . Endocrinology. .2013 ;(154):2833-2842

108. 2013 Hanafy DA,Chang SL,Lu YY,Chen YC,Kao YH,Huang JH, Chen SA, Chen YJ. Electromechanical Effects of 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D with Anti-Atrial Fibrillation Activities. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. .2013

109. 2013 Chen WT,Chen YC,Lu YY,Kao YH,Huang JH,Lin YK, Chen SA, Chen YJ. Apamin modulates electrophysiological characteristics of the pulmonary vein and the Sinoatrial Node. . Eur J Clin Invest. .2013 ;(43):957-963

110. 2013 Chang SL,Chen YC,Hsu CP,Kao YH,Lin YK,Lai YJ, Yeh HI, Higa S, Chen SA, Chen YJ. Heat shock protein inducer modifies arrhythmogenic substrate and inhibits atrial fibrillation in the failing heart. . Int J Cardiol. .2013

111. 2013 Kao YH,Liou JP,Chung CC,Lien GS,Kuo CC,Chen SA, Chen YJ. Histone deacetylase inhibition improved cardiac functions with direct antifibrotic activity in heart failure. . Int J Cardiol. .2013

112. 2013 Tsai WC,Chen YC,Kao YH,Lu YY,Chen SA,Chen YJ. Distinctive sodium and calcium regulation associated with sex differences in atrial electrophysiology of rabbits. . Int J Cardiol. .2013

113. 2013 Lin YK,Chen YC,Chang SL,Lin YJ,Chen JH,Yeh YH, Chen SA, Chen YJ. Heart failure epicardial fat increases atrial arrhythmogenesis. . Int J Cardiol .2013 ;(167):1979-1983

114. 2012 Chen WT,Huang JH,Hsieh MH,Chen YJ. Extremely high coronary artery calcium score is associated with a high cancer incidence. . Int J Cardiol. .2012 ;(155):474-475

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239. 1997 Tai CT, Chen SA, Chiang CE, LeeSH, Wen ZC, Chen YJ, Yu WC, Huang JL and Chang MS. Identification of fiber orientation in left free-wall accessory pathways implication for radiofrequency ablation. . J. Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology .1997 ;(1):235-240

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244. 1997 Lee SH, Chen SA, Tai CT, Chiang CE, Wen ZC, Chen YJ, Yu WC, Fong AN, Huang JL, Cheng JJ and Chang MS. Atrioventricular node reentrant tachycardia in patients with a long fast pathway effective refractory period: clinical features, electrophysiologic characteristics, and results of radiofrequency ablation. . Am. Heart J. .1997 ;(134):387-394

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113 調控心肌能量代謝路徑作為治療心房顫動與機轉探討之細胞和動物實驗研究(1/3)

113 延攬林豐智君參與「調控心肌能量代謝路徑作為治療心房顫動與機轉探討之細胞和動物實驗研究」研究計畫案,申請本會補助,業經核定以「博士級研究人員」資格補助 (NSTC 113-2811-B-038-016)

112 自體免疫心肌炎引起心室心律不整及鈣離子調控失衡、粒線體異常與NLRP3/MIF發炎體訊息路徑活化之致病機轉及治療策略探討(3/3)

112 林豐智君參與「自體免疫心肌炎引起心室心律不整及鈣離子調控失衡、粒線體異常與NLRP3/MIF發炎體訊息路徑活化之致病機轉及治療策略探討

112 補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議申請費用補助案(研究生:國際醫學研究博士學位學程博士班Iqra Mushtaq君)

111 針對IL-33/ST2訊息路徑調控鈣平衡、內質網壓力與粒線體功能作為心房與肺靜脈心律不整活性與心房顫動致病機轉及治療策略探討(3/3)

111 自體免疫心肌炎引起心室心律不整及鈣離子調控失衡、粒線體異常與NLRP3/MIF發炎體訊息路徑活化之致病機轉及治療策略探討(2/3)

111 延攬蒙古籍LKHAGVA BAIGALMAA 百噶瑪君參與「針對IL-33/ST2訊息路徑調控鈣平衡、內質網壓力與粒線體功能作為心房與肺靜脈心律不整活性與心房顫動致病機轉及治療策略探討」

110 針對IL-33/ST2訊息路徑調控鈣平衡、內質網壓力與粒線體功能作為心房與肺靜脈心律不整活性與心房顫動致病機轉及治療策略探討(2/3)

110 自體免疫心肌炎引起心室心律不整及鈣離子調控失衡、粒線體異常與NLRP3/MIF發炎體訊息路徑活化之致病機轉及治療策略探討(1/3)

110 延攬科技人才蒙古籍LKHAGVA BAIGALMAA 百噶瑪君參與「針對IL-33/ST2訊息路徑調控鈣平衡、內質網壓力與粒線體功能作為心房與肺靜脈心律不整活性與心房顫動致病機轉及治療策略探討」

109 性別差異對Brugada綜合病徵在細胞和分子機轉差異性的研究:藉由鋰中毒誘發新穎型實驗動物模型

109 調控半乳糖凝集素之免疫訊號重整作用對心房再塑與心律不整活性的病理機轉探討:一個新的治療心房顫動契機(3/3)

109 針對IL-33/ST2訊息路徑調控鈣平衡、內質網壓力與粒線體功能作為心房與肺靜脈心律不整活性與心房顫動致病機轉及治療策略探討(1/3)

109 調控半乳糖凝集素之免疫訊號重整作用對心房再塑與心律不整活性的病理機轉探討:一個新的治療心房顫動契機

108 調控半乳糖凝集素之免疫訊號重整作用對心房再塑與心律不整活性的病理機轉探討:一個新的治療心房顫動契機(2/3)

108 臨床醫學研究所申請補助延攬科技人才蒙古籍LKHAGVA BAIGALMAA 百噶瑪君參與「調控半乳糖凝集素之免疫訊號重整作用對心房再塑與心律不整活性的病理機轉探討:一個新的治療心房顫動契機」研究計畫案,業經核定以「博士級研究人員(博士後研究)」資格補助(MOST 108-2811-B-038-527)

107 臨床醫學研究所陳亦仁教授擬於107年10月17日至10月20日舉辦「2018年第十一屆亞太心律醫學會學術會議」申請補助所需費用一案

107 纖維芽細胞生成因子1對氧化誘導之氧化壓力、鈣平衡失調、和心律不整在肺靜脈的影響:一種新的心房顫動治療策略

107 巨噬細胞移行抑制因子對心衰竭引發心房心律不整之電生理與結構重塑病理生理機轉(3/3)

107 調控半乳糖凝集素之免疫訊號重整作用對心房再塑與心律不整活性的病理機轉探討:一個新的治療心房顫動契機(1/3)

107 臨床醫學研究所申請補助延攬鄭婉俐女士參與「巨噬細胞移行抑制因子對心衰竭引發心房心律不整之電生理與結構重塑病理生理機轉」研究計畫案,業經核定以「博士後研究」補助(MOST 107-2811-B-038-505)

106 鴉片類藥物信號在肺靜脈心肌細胞致心律不整之作用與嗎啡誘導心房顫動的機轉探討

106 細胞與分子生物機轉暨組蛋白去乙醯脢之附基因調控於手術後引發之心房與肺靜脈心律不整機轉(3/3)

106 巨噬細胞移行抑制因子對心衰竭引發心房心律不整之電生理與結構重塑病理生理機轉(2/3)

106 臨床醫學研究所申請補助延攬科技人才鄭婉俐女士參與「巨噬細胞移行抑制因子對心衰竭引發心房心律不整之電生理與結構重塑病理生理機轉」研究計畫案,業經核定以「博士後研究」補助

105 代謝壓力透過AMP依賴性蛋白激酶對肺動脈心律不整之影響來解釋心臟衰竭誘發心房顫動的機轉

105 細胞與分子生物機轉暨組蛋白去乙醯脢之附基因調控於手術後引發之心房與肺靜脈心律不整機轉(2/3)

105 細胞與分子生物機轉暨組蛋白去乙醯脢之附基因調控於手術後引發之心房與肺靜脈心律不整機轉(2/3)

105 巨噬細胞移行抑制因子對心衰竭引發心房心律不整之電生理與結構重塑病理生理機轉(1/3)

105 巨噬細胞移行抑制因子對心衰竭引發心房心律不整之電生理與結構重塑病理生理機轉(1/3)

105 巨噬細胞移行抑制因子對心衰竭引發心房心律不整之電生理與結構重塑病理生理機轉-鄭婉俐

104 Edoxaban對於肺靜脈心肌組織及左心房肌之電生理特性及心律不整活性之調控

104 細胞與分子生物機轉暨組蛋白去乙醯脢之附基因調控於手術後引發之心房與肺靜脈心律不整機轉(1/3)

104 細胞與分子生物機轉暨組蛋白去乙醯脢之附基因調控於手術後引發之心房與肺靜脈心律不整機轉(1/3)

104 ZFHX3基因對心房電生理調控及分子生物機轉研究與心方顫動之關聯性

104 ZFHX3基因對心房電生理調控及分子生物機轉研究與心房顫動之關聯性(3/3)

104 ZFHX3基因對心房電生理調控及分子生物機轉研究與心房顫動之關聯性(3/3)

103 秋水仙素對於心房肌細胞之鈣離子恆定及電生理特性調控的影響

103 ZFHX3基因對心房電生理調控及分子生物機轉研究與心房顫動之關聯性-徐榮杰(博)

103 脂肪細胞對心房細胞之離子及心電生理變化調控之研究(4/4)

103 ZFHX3基因對心房電生理調控及分子生物機轉研究與心房顫動之關聯性(2/3)

102 纖維母細胞生長因子23誘發心房心律不整及鈣離子調控之作用機轉研究

102 脂肪細胞對心房細胞之離子及心電生理變化調控之研究(3/4)

102 ZFHX3基因對心房電生理調控及分子生物機轉研究與心房顫動之關聯性(1/3)

102 脂肪細胞對心房細胞之離子及心電生理變化調控之研究(3-4)

102 脂肪細胞對心房細胞之離子及心電生理變化調控之研究(4/4)

102 ZFHX3基因對心房電生理調控及分子生物機轉研究與心房顫動之關聯性(1-3)

102 ZFHX3基因對心房電生理調控及分子生物機轉研究與心房顫動之關聯性(2/3)

102 ZFHX3基因對心房電生理調控及分子生物機轉研究與心房顫動之關聯性-徐榮杰(博)

101 類固醇與環氧化酵素抑制劑調控脂多糖對肺靜脈及心房之電生理影響

101 脂肪細胞對心房細胞之離子及心電生理變化調控之研究

101 Apelin對左心房與肺靜脈心肌細胞之電生理特性及鈣離子調控與心房顫動之致病機制研究

100 棕櫚酸甲基酯(PAME)對肺靜脈和左心房的影響

100 脂肪細胞對心房細胞之離子及心電生理變化調控之研究

100 Apelin對左心房與肺靜脈心肌細胞之電生理特性及鈣離子調控與心房顫動之致病機制研究

99 氧化壓力與抗氧化物對心房及肺靜脈心肌細胞之電生理與鈣離子調控之細胞與分子生物機轉

99 Apelin對左心房與肺靜脈心肌細胞之電生理特性及鈣離子調控與心房顫動之致病機制研究

98 Statins (3-hydroxyl-3 -methyl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors)對於HL-1心房細胞之熱休克蛋白與鈣離子調控的分子生理機制

98 心血管疾病與婦女健康

98 多囊性卵巢症候群對內皮前驅細胞功能的影響

98 性別差異於心房及肺靜脈心肌之電生理特性, 鈣離子調控與心房顫動之病理生理機轉(2-3)

98 氧化壓力與抗氧化物對心房及肺靜脈心肌細胞之電生理與鈣離子調控之細胞與分子生物機轉

97 氧化性壓力對於心房細胞HL-1鈣離子調控的分子生理機制

97 性別差異於心房及肺靜脈心肌之電生理特性, 鈣離子調控與心房顫動之病理生理機轉(2-3)

96 性別差異於心房及肺靜脈心肌之電生理特性, 鈣離子調控與心房顫動之病理生理機轉

96 氧化壓力與抗氧化物對心房及肺靜脈心肌細胞之電生理與鈣離子調控之細胞與分子生物機轉

95 調控鈣離子釋放(Ryanodine 接受器)對肺靜脈心肌細胞之鈣離子恆定、鈣離子亮點與引發心律不整活性之作用

94 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) 還原酵素阻斷素, statins對肺靜脈及心房心肌細胞之電生理與心律不整作用

93 心肥大對肺靜脈及心房肌細胞之電生理作用與心房顫動之關聯性

93 細胞擴張引發之外向氯離子流於肺靜脈心肌細胞之心律不整作用

92 鈉鈣離子交換在肺靜脈及上腔靜脈引發心房顫動之角色  

92 腫瘤壞死因子對肺靜脈心肌細胞之促心律不整及電生理作用

92 腫瘤壞死因子對肺靜脈心肌細胞之促心律不整及電生理作用

91 酒精作於肺靜脈心肌細胞之促心律不整的機轉

90 上腔靜脈心肌細胞之電生理特性,引發心律不整之活性,與陣發性心房纖動之關聯

89 雙心室電刺激對心室再極化及藥物引發心律不整的影響