鄭建睿(Cheng, Chien-Jui ) 副教授

現   職
病理學科 副教授


學 歷

臺北醫學大學醫學研究所 博士
國立臺灣大學病理學研究所 碩士
私立臺北醫學院醫學系 學士











1. 2021 Sara Khan, Palma Solano-Paez,Tannu Suwal,Mei Lu,Salma Al-Karmi,Ben Ho, et al. Tai-Tong Wong, Chien-Jui Cheng, et al. . Clinical phenotypes and prognostic features of embryonal tumours with multi-layered rosettes: a Rare Brain Tumor Registry study . Lancet Child Adolesc Health .2021 ;(5):800-813

2. 2019 Chen CC,Cheng CJ,Kuo LJ. An unusual cause of left lower quadrant abdominal pain. . Gastroenterology. .2019

3. 2019 Fu HS,Wu YC,Chen CH,Liu WM,Cheng CJ,Chang CW, Wang ID, Chiu YH. Primary peritoneal carcinosarcoma: A report of two cases. . Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. .2019 ;(58):288-291

4. 2018 Yu G,Cheng CJ,Lin SC,Lee YC,Frigo DE,Yu-Lee LY, Gallick GE, Titus MA, Nutt LK, Lin SH.. Organelle-Derived Acetyl-CoA Promotes Prostate Cancer Cell Survival, Migration, and Metastasis via Activation of Calmodulin Kinase II. . Cancer Res. .2018 ;(78):2490-2502

5. 2017 Chung CT,Liu YL,Cheng CJ,Hsieh KL,Tsai ML,Wong TT. Extrarenal rhabdoid tumor presented with an immobile arm in a one-year-old boy . Brain Dev. .2017 ;(39):717-721

6. 2017 Endothelial-to-Osteoblast Conversion Generates Osteoblastic Metastasis of Prostate Cancer . Dev Cell .2017 ;(41):467-480

7. 2017 Zeng H,Ortiz A,Shen PF,Cheng CJ,Lee YC,Yu G, Lin SC, Creighton CJ, Yu-Lee LY, Lin SH. Angiomotin regulates prostate cancer cell proliferation by signaling through the Hippo-YAP pathway . Oncotarget. .2017 ;(8):10145-10160

8. 2017 Huang HL,Leung CY,Cheng CJ. Mass-like Dieulafoy’s lesion associated with advanced gastric cancer at the antrum of stomach: a case report and literature review . Diagn Pathol .2017 ;(12):73-73

9. 2015 Chatterji T,Varkaris AS,Parikh NU,Song JH,Cheng CJ,Schweppe RE, Alexander S, Davis JW, Troncoso P, Friedl P, Kuang J, Lin SH, Gallick GE.. Yes-mediated phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase at tyrosine 861 increases metastatic potential of prostate cancer cells. . Oncotarget. .2015 ;(6):10175-10194

10. 2015 Lee YC,Lin SC,Yu G,Cheng CJ,Liu B,Liu HC, Hawke DH, Parikh NU, Varkaris A, Corn P, Logothetis C, Satcher RL, Yu-Lee LY, Gallick GE, Li. Identification of Bone-Derived Factors Conferring De Novo Therapeutic Resistance in Metastatic Prostate Cancer. . Cancer Res. .2015 ;(75):4949-4959

11. 2015 Hsiao CH,Ji AT,Chang CC,Cheng CJ,Lee LM,Ho JH. Local injection of mesenchymal stem cells protects testicular torsion-induced germ cell injury. . Stem Cell Res Ther. .2015 ;(6):113

12. 2014 Lin YC,Lee YC,Li LH,Cheng CJ,Yang RB. Tumor suppressor SCUBE2 inhibits breast-cancer cell migration and invasion through the reversal of epithelial-mesenchymal transition. . J Cell Sci .2014 ;(127):85-100

13. 2014 Yu G,Lee YC,Cheng CJ,Wu CF,Song JH,Gallick GE, Yu-Lee LY, Kuang J, Lin SH. RSK Promotes Prostate Cancer Progression in Bone through ING3, CKAP2, and PTK6-Mediated Cell Survival. . Mol Cancer Res .2014 ;(13):OF1-OF10

14. 2014 Satcher RL,Pan T,Cheng CJ,Lee YC,Lin SC,Yu G, Li X, Hoang AG, Tamboli P, Jonasch E, Gallick GE, Lin SH. Cadherin-11 in renal cell carcinoma bone metastasis. . PLoS One. .2014 ;(9):e89880-e89880

15. 2014 Jin JK,Tien PC,Cheng CJ,Song JH,Huang C,Lin SH, Gallick GE. Talin1 phosphorylation activates β1 integrins: a novel mechanism to promote prostate cancer bone metastasis. . Oncogene. .2014 ;(5):1-11

16. 2013 *Lee YC,*Jin JK,*Cheng CJ,Huang CF,Song JH,Huang M, Brown WS, Zhang S, Yu-Lee LY, Yeh ET, McIntyre BW, Logothetis CJ, Gallick GE, Lin SH.. Targeting Constitutively Activated β1 Integrins Inhibits Prostate Cancer Metastasis . Mol Cancer Res .2013 ;(11):405-417

17. 2012 Chou CY,Tsai HH,Cheng CJ,Lin YT,Wang KH. Famciclovir-induced leukocytoclastic vasculitis . J Dermatol .2012 ;(39):735-736

18. 2012 Chia-Lan Ou,Chien-Jui Cheng,Kuo-Hsien Wang. Porocarcinoma in situ showing follicular differentiation: A case report . DERMATOLOGICA SINICA .2012 ;(30):47-50

19. 2012 Chiu TF,Li CH,Chen CC,Chen CH,Cheng CJ,Yan YT, Yang RB. Association of plasma concentration of small heat shock protein B7 with acute coronary syndrome . Circ J. .2012 ;(76):2226-2233

20. 2011 Lin YC,Chen CC,Cheng CJ,Yang RB. Domain and functional analysis of a novel breast tumor suppressor protein, SCUBE2. . J Biol Chem. .2011 ;(286):27039-27047

21. 2011 Lee YC,Cheng CJ,Bilen MA,Lu JF,Satcher RL,Yu-Lee LY, Gallick GE, Maity SN, Lin SH. BMP4 promotes prostate tumor growth in bone through osteogenesis . Cancer Res. .2011 ;(71):5194-5203

22. 2011 Lin PY,Cheng CJ,Lou HY,Tiong C,Fang SU,Cheng YC, Chang CC. Deep infiltrating cervical endometriosis mimicking rectosigmoid cancer. . Am J Med Sci. .2011 ;(342):239-239

23. 2011 Lee CH,Cheng CJ,Chan WP. Disseminated lung metastasis of atypical carcinoid tumor of thymic origin? . Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. .2011 ;(40):e-159-e160

24. 2010 Lee YC,Cheng CJ,Huang M,Bilen MA,Ye X,Navone NM, Chu K, Kao HH, Yu-Lee LY, Wang Z, Lin SH.. Androgen depletion up-regulates cadherin-11 expression in prostate cancer . J Pathol. .2010 ;(221):68-76

25. 2010 Chao YC,Cheng CJ,Hsieh HT,Lin CC,Chen CC,Yang RB. Guanylate cyclase-G, expressed in the Grueneberg ganglion olfactory subsystem, is activated by bicarbonate. . Biochem J. .2010 ;(432):267-273

26. 2009 Tsai MT, Cheng CJ,Lin YC,Chen CC,Wu AR,Wu MT, Hsu CC, Yang RB.. Isolation and characterization of a secreted, cell-surface glycoprotein SCUBE2 from humans. . Biochem J. .2009 ;(422):119-128

27. 2009 Cheng CJ,Lin YC,Tsai MT,Chen CS,Hsieh MC,Chen CL, Yang RB.. SCUBE2 suppresses breast tumor cell proliferation and confers a favorable prognosis in invasive breast cancer. . Cancer Res. .2009 ;(69):3634-3641

28. 2008 Tseng JT,Cheng CJ,Lee WR,Wang KH.. Plasma-cell cheilitis: successful treatment with intralesional injections of corticosteroids. . Clin Exp Dermatol .2008

29. 2008 Wang CC,Wang KH,Cheng CJ,Chen JH. Pigmented mammary Paget's disease presenting as an enlarged areola. . The Breast Journal .2008

30. 2008 Lin H,Cheng CF,Hou HH,Lian WS,Chao YC,Ciou YY, Djoko B, Tsai MT, Cheng CJ, Yang RB. Disruption of guanylyl cyclase-G protects against acute renal injury. . J Am Soc Nephrol .2008 ;(19):339-348

31. 2008 Zou Y,Tsai WB,Cheng CJ,Hsu C,Chung YM,Li PC, Lin SH, Hu MC. Forkhead box transcription factor FOXO3a suppresses estrogen-dependent breast cancer cell proliferation and tumorigenesis. . Breast Cancer Res .2008 ;(10):R21-R33

32. 2008 Tu CF,Yan YT,Wu SY,Djoko B,Tsai MT,Cheng CJ, Yang RB. Domain and Functional Analysis of a Novel Platelet-Endothelial Cell Surface Protein, SCUBE1. . J Biol Chem. .2008 ;(283):12478-12488

33. 2008 Lin SH,Cheng CJ,Lee YC,Ye X,Tsai WW,Kim J, Pasqualini R, Arap W, Navone NM, Tu SM, Hu. A 45-kDa ErbB3 secreted by prostate cancer cells promotes bone formation. . Oncogene. .2008 ;(27):5195-5203

34. 2007 Yang HY,Cheng CF,Djoko B,Lian WS,Tu CF,Tsai MT, Chen YH, Chen CC, Cheng CJ, Yang RB.. Transgenic overexpression of the secreted, extracellular EGF-CUB domain-containing protein SCUBE3 induces cardiac hypertrophy in mice. . Cardiovasc Res. .2007

35. 2007 Cheng CJ,Ye XC,Vakar-Lopez F,Kim J,Tu SM,Chen DT, Navone NM, Hu MT ,Yu-Lee LY, Lin SH. Bone Microenvironment and Androgen Status Modulate Subcellular Localization of ErbB3 in Prostate Cancer Cells . Mol Cancer Res .2007 ;(5):675-684

36. 2007 Cheng CJ,Wu YC,Shu JA,Ling TY,Kuo HC,Wu JY, Chang EE, Chang SC, Huang YH. Aberrant expression and distribution of the OCT-4 transcription factor in seminomas . J Biomed Sci .2007 ;(14):797-807

37. 2007 Chan TS,Lien GS,Cheng YS,Hsieh MC,Cheng CJ. Advanced gastric cancer with long-term survivals for over ten years: Report of a case . Gastroenterol J Taiwan .2007 ;(24):21-29

38. 2007 Chang SL,Lai PC,Cheng CJ,Yang LC,Hong HS. Bullous amyloidosis in a hemodialysis patient is myeloma-associated rather than hemodialysis-associated amyloidosis. . Amyloid. .2007 ;(14):153-156

39. 2007 Yang HY,Cheng CF,Djoko B,Lian WS,Tu CF,Tsai MT, Chen YH, Chen CC, Cheng CJ, Yang RB. Transgenic overexpression of the secreted, extracellular EGF-CUB domain-containing protein SCUBE3 induces cardiac hypertrophy in mice . Cardiovasc Res .2007 ;(75):139-147

40. 2006 Tu CF,Su YH,Huang YN,Tsai MT,Li LT,Chen YL, Cheng CJ, Yang RB. Localization and characterization of a novel secreted protein SCUBE1 in human platelets . Cardiovascular Research .2006 ;(71):486-495

41. 2005 Chien JC,Hsieh SC,Lee RC,Chen CY,Cheng CJ,Chan WP. Endometrial stromal sarcoma mimicking submucosal myoma protruding to the vagina: MRI findings . Eur J Gynaecol Oncol. .2005 ;(26):657-660

42. 2005 Leung TK,Cheng CJ,Lee CM,Shen LK,Wang HJ,Chen YY. Image features of two rare mediastinal tumors: schwannoma of intrathoracic phrenic nerve and clear cell chondrosarcoma of the rib. . Chin Med J (Engl). .2005 ;(118):1493-1496

43. 2005 Chen KC,Chiu AW,Chiang HS,Chu JS,Cheng CJ. Gemcitabine/ Carboplatin chemotherapy for pure small cell carcinoma of the prostate: A case report. . Fu Jen Journal of Medicine. .2005 ;(3):17-23

44. 2005 Hsu CK,Cheng CJ,Chen KC,Chiang HS,Chu JS. Prostatic pure small cell carcinoma vs Mixed-type small cell carcinoma: Analysis of two cases. . JTUA (台灣泌尿科醫學會雜誌) .2005 ;(16):115-119

45. 2004 Phan D,Cheng CJ,Galfione M,Vakar-Lopez F,Tunstead J,Najjar SM, Yu-Lee L, Lin SH. Identification of Sp2 as a transcriptional repressor of carcinoembryonic antigen- related cell adhesion molecule 1 in tumorigenesis . Cancer Res .2004 ;(64):3072-3078

46. 2004 Vakar-Lopez F*,Cheng CJ*,Kim J,Shi GG,Troncoso P,Tu SM, Yu-Lee L, Lin SH. Up-regulation of MDA-BF-1, a secreted isoform of ErbB3, in metastatic prostate cancer cells and activated osteoblasts in bone marrow . J Pathol .2004 ;(203):688-695

47. 2003 Hsu CH,Yang CM,Cheng CJ. Angiolipoma detected by F-18 FDG positron emission tomography . Clinical Nuclear Medicine .2003 ;(28):604-605

48. 2002 Wang KH,Cheng CJ,Hu CH,Lee WR. Coexistence of localized Langerhans cell histiocytosis and cutaneous Rosai-Dorfman disease . British Journal of Dermatology .2002 ;(147):770-774

49. 2001 Chang CC, Pan S, Lien GS, Chen SH, Cheng CJ, Liu JD, Cheng YS, Suk FM.. Investigation of the extent of gastric metaplasia in the duodenal bulb by using . J of Gastroenterology and Hepatology .2001

50. 2001 Cheng CJ, Chen KC, Chen WY, SU SJ.. Ductal adenocarcinoma of the prostate with endometrioid features in a 69-year-old man. . J Formosa Med Assoc. .2001 ;(100):707-711

51. 2001 Lee LM, Pan CC, Cheng CJ, Chi CW, Liu TY. Expression of cyclooxygenase-2 in prostate adenocarcinoma and benign prostatic hyperplasia . Anticancer Reserch. .2001 ;(21):1291-1294

52. 2001 楊素卿, 黃娣儀, 黃啟彰, 謝明哲, 邱琬淳, 鄭建睿, 陳俊榮. 綠藻對於餵食高油脂高膽固醇飼料之大白鼠脂質代謝的影響 . Nutr. Sci. J. .2001 ;(25):226-231

53. 2000 Liew PL, Cheng CJ, Lin JW, Lee CM, Chen CY.. Case A98-8 at Taipei Medical University Wanfang Hospital . New Taipei Journal of Medicine .2000 ;(2):275-284

54. 1999 Cheng CJ, Chen PR, Liu MC, Kuo MS, Hsu YH.. Primary malignant lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue of larynx . Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery .1999 ;(121):661-662

55. 1998 Yin CS, Chan CC, Chao TC, Cheng CJ. Villoglandular papillary adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix with foci of small cell carcinoma: A case report . Taiwanese J Obstet. Gynecol. .1998 ;(37):21-26

56. 1997 Hsiao CH, Cheng CJ, Yeh KL. Immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study of malignant plasmacytoid myoepithelioma of the maxillary sinus . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .1997 ;(96):209-212

57. 1996 Wu JM, Young C, Wang PJ, Cheng CJ, Shen YZ. Late infantile type neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis: report of one case . Chung-Hua Min Kuo Hsiao Erh Ko i Hsueh Hui Tsa Chih .1996 ;(37):376-380

58. 1996 Chen CD, Wu MY, Ho HN, Huang SC, Cheng CJ, Yang YS. Congenital atresia of the uterine cervix and vagina: report of case. . Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica .1996 ;(75):770-771

59. 1991 Shiao CS, Su IJ, Cheng CJ, Hsieh HC, Lee SH, Hong RL.. Peripheral T cell lymphoma containing Reed-Sternberg or RS-like giant cell (Hodgkin-like PTL): An aggressive disease morphologically mimicking Hodgkin's disease but with distinct clinical features . J. Chinese Oncol. Soc. .1991 ;(7):9-20

1. 2004 Vakar-Lopez F*,Cheng CJ*,Kim J,Shi GG,Tunstead JR,Troncoso P Ruggeri A, Tu SM, Lin SH. Up-regulation of soluble ErbB3 in metastatic prostate cancer cells and activated osteoblasts in bone marrow . United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology 93rd Annual Meeting .2004

2. 2003 Cheng CJ,Lee LM,Chu JS,Chen TY,Chiang HS. Immunohistochemical detection of HLA-G in invasive and non-invasive clear cell renal cell carcinoma. . United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology 92nd Annual Meeting .2003

3. 2003 Cheng CJ,Lee LM,Chen KC,Chiang HS. Basal Cell Differentiation Detected by High Molecular Weight Cytokeratin(34βE12) in Immunohistochemistry Study Is Associated With Proliferation in Prostate Adenocarcinoma . Second Asian Annual meeting of International Society for the Study of the Aging Male (ISSAM) .2003

4. 2001 Lin HP, Cheng CJ, Chen TY. Kikuchi's disease diagnosed by Fine Needle Aspiration: 4 cases experience in Taipei Medical Univeristy-Wan-Fang Hospital . 中華民國臺灣臨床細胞學會九十年年會 .2001

5. 2000 Cheng CJ, Wu CC.. The significance of neurotrophin receptors in proliferative activity of prostatic carcinoma . 八十八學年度師生聯合學術發表會 .2000

6. 2000 Cheng CJ. Perineural invasion in prostatic carcinoma . 醫學系基礎醫學演講 .2000

7. 2000 Cheng CJ. The significance of neurotrophin receptors in prostatic carcinoma . 陳定堯教授講座 .2000

8. 2000 Wang KH, Lee WR, Lai HH, Hu CH, Cheng CJ. Cutaneous angicentric lymphoma . 皮膚科醫學會八十九年年會 .2000

9. 1999 Chen KC, Cheng CJ. Large ductal (endometrioid) adenocarcinoma of the prostate. A cases report and review of the literature . 中華民國泌尿科醫學會 .1999

10. 1998 Cheng CJ. Kuo MS. Hsu YH. Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor of liver in patient of neurofibromatosis . 台灣病理學會八十七年度切片討論會 .1998

11. 1998 Cheng CJ. Kuo MS. Hsu YH.. Mucormycosis of maxillary sinus involving the posterior circulation of brain resulting in multiple brain infarction- Report a autopsy case . 中華民國比較病理學會八十七年度學術討論會 .1998

12. 1997 Cheng CJ. Huang SF. Hsu HC.. Parietal cell carcinoma of stomach. Report a case . 台灣病理學會八十六年度切片討論會 .1997


100 探討新穎乳房腫瘤抑制基因SCUBE2之分子調節機轉,訊息傳遞與對腫瘤轉移的影響

99 研究SCUBE2蛋白表現對於乳癌癌化與轉移之重要性

98 研究SCUBE2蛋白表現對於乳癌癌化與轉移之重要性

96 SCUBE2表現在乳癌的癌化上的角色與預後的相關性探討

96 研究SCUBE2蛋白表現對於乳癌癌化與轉移之重要性

95 Ape1/ref-1, hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha 與 CEACAM-1在睪丸生殖細胞腫瘤分化上表現之探討

94 腎細胞癌HLA-G表現調控之探討

93 骨轉移攝護腺癌於核中表現erbB-3之探討

89 神經營養因子受體之表現與攝護腺癌之生長促進,雄性素受體表現與細胞表現型之相關性

88 生長因子及其受體與黏著蛋白在具有神經侵犯攝護腺癌上之表現