陳淑如(Chen, Su-Ru ) 教授

現   職
學士後護理學系 教授


學 歷

台北醫學大學醫學科學研究所博士班 博士
私立臺北醫學院護理學研究所 碩士
私立臺北醫學院護理學系 學士




2017/03/01 ~




兒科護理(pediatric nursing)
氣喘兒童運動訓練(exercise training in asthmatic children



1. 2024 衛教介入對社區長者預立醫療照護諮商知識與態度之成效 . 新台北護理期刊 .2024

2. 2024 Kuo SY,Cheng SY,Pien LC,Lin PC,Kuo SF,Susanti HD, Chen YU, Lin-Lewry M, Chen SR. The Association of Sleep Quality and Internet Addiction with Health Status in Hospital Nurses . Journal of Addiction Nursing .2024

3. 2023 Tsai, S. Y.,,Tsai, H. Y., , Lin, Y. Y.,,Chen, S. R.,, Kuo, S. Y.,, Lou, M. F. Sleep and Its Disturbance in Parents of Children and Adolescents with Epilepsy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. . Nature and science of sleep .2023 ;(15)

4. 2023 Lin-Lewry, M.,,Tzeng, Y.L.,,Li, C.C., ,Lee, G.T., ,Lee, P.H.,,Chen, S.R., Kuo,S.Y. . Trajectories of sleep quality and depressive symptoms in women from pregnancy to 3 months postpartum: a prospective cohort study. . Journal of Sleep Research .2023 ;(32)

5. 2023 Pien, L.C.,,Cheng, W.J.,, Chang, W.P., , Chen, S.R., , Chou, K.R., ,Wang, C.H.. Relationships between stroke prevalence, health literacy, and oral health-related quality of life in middle-aged and older adults: a national survey study. . BMC Geriatrics .2023 ;(23):233

6. 2023 認知行為介入對學童網路成癮之改善成效. . 新台北護理期刊 .2023 ;(25):10-22

7. 2023 江亭穎,林碧珠,侯文萱,陳昱廷,李綉雲,朱欣蘭、潘禕琳、陳淑如. 治療性遊戲對兒童手術焦慮之改善成效:系統性文獻回顧與統合分析 . 新台北護理期刊 .2023

8. 2022 Kuo, T.C.,,Au, H.K.,,Chen, S.R., ,Chipojola, R., ,Lee, G. T., ,Lee, P. H., Kuo, S.Y.. Effects of an integrated childbirth education program to reduce fear of childbirth, anxiety, and depression, and improve dispositional mindfulness: A single-blind randomised controlled trial. . Midwifery, .2022 ;(2022)

9. 2022 Su-Ru,Wen-Hsuan ,Jung-Nien ,Joey S.W. ,Pi-Chu . Effects of Acupressure on Anxiety: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . THE JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE .2022 ;(28):25-35

10. 2022 Chia-Hui,Wen-Pei, Su-Ru, Wan-Ju ,Kuei-Ru,Li-Chung. Health Literacy and Exercise to Treat Frailty in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A National Survey Study . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2022 ;(19):1-10

11. 2022 My,D.T.T ,Chipojola,R,Lee, G.T.,Huda,M.H. ,Chen, S.R., , Kuo,S.U.. Associated factors of breastfeeding practices among mothers in rural Vietnam: A community-based stud . Journal of Pediatric Nursing .2022 ;(62):e85-e91

12. 2022 Pien, L.C.,,Tsai, H.T., ,Cheng, W.J.,, Rias,Y. A., ,Chou, K.R.,., Chen, S.R. Sex-Influenced Risk Factors for Cognitive Impairment Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults . Journal of Gerontological Nursing .2022 ;(48):19-25

13. 2021 Kuo,S.F., ,Chen,I.H., .,Chen, S.R., ,Chen, K.H., ,Fernandez. R.S. The Effect of Paternal Skin-to-Skin Care: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Control Trials . Advanced Neonatal Care. .2021

14. 2021 Chen,P.Y., ,Song,C.Y.,, Yen,H.Y., ,Lin,P.C., ,Chen, S.R.,, Lu,L.H., Tien,C.L., Wang,X.M., Lin, C.H. . Impacts of tai chi exercise on functional fitness in community-dwelling older adults with mild degenerative knee osteoarthritis: a randomized controlled clinical trial. . BMC Geriatrics .2021

15. 2021 Lu., Y. J., ,Lai, H. R., .,Lin, P. C.,, Kuo, S. Y., ,Chen, S.R.,, Lee, P. H. Predicting exercise behaviors and intentions of Taiwanese urban high school students using the theory of planned behavior. . Journal of Pediatric Nursing .2021

16. 2021 學童網路成癮與睡眠品質、學習注意力及執行功能之相關性. . 新台北護理期刊 .2021

17. 2021 青少年螢幕式坐式行為使用時間與身體活動、心理社會適應與執行功能之相關性 . 新台北護理期刊 .2021 ;(23):36-50

18. 2021 學齡前期兒童螢幕使用時間與睡眠品質及心理社會適應行為之相關性 . 新台北護理期刊 .2021

19. 2020 Effects of Acupressure on Anxiety: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis . Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine .2020

20. 2020 柳美如,林碧珠,陳昱廷,陳淑如. 親產後憂鬱與母育信心、睡眠品質及嬰兒睡眠品質之相關性 . 新台北護理期刊 .2020

21. 2020 Lin, Y. M.,Kuo, S. Y.,Chang, Y. K.,Lin, P. C.,Lin, Y. K.,Lee, P. H., Chen, S. R.. Effects of Parental Education on Screen Time, Sleep Disturbances, and Psychosocial Adaptation among Preschoolers: A Randomized Controlled Study. . Journal of Pediatric Nursing. .2020 ;(2020):1-8

22. 2020 Hou,W.H. ,Lin,P.C. ,Lee,P.H. ,Wu,J.C. ,Tai,T.E. ,Chen, S. R.. Effects of extracorporeal magnetic stimulation on urinary incontinence: A systematic review and Meta-Analysis. . Journal of Advanced Nursing. .2020 ;(76):2286-2298

23. 2020 Tseng, J. F.,Chen, S. R.,Au, H. K. ,Chipojola, R.,Lee, G.,Lee, P. H.,Shyu, M. L.,Kuo, S. Y.. Effectiveness of an integrated breastfeeding education program to improve self-efficacy and exclusive breastfeeding rate: A single-blind, randomised controlled study. . International Journal of Nursing Studies. .2020 ;(111):1-10

24. 2019 Preceptors' subjective competency ratings in acute care hospitals in Taiwan: A questionnaire survey study. . Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing .2019 ;(50):69-78

25. 2019 Chen Shih-Hui,Lai Hsiang-Ru,Chen Su-Ru,Lin Pi-Chu,Chou Kuei-Ru,Lee Pi-Hsia. Validity and Reliability of a Chinese-Language Instrument for Continuous Assessment of Exercise Stages of Change in Adults . The journal of nursing research : JNR .2019

26. 2019 Lin PC,Lee PH,Tseng SJ,Lin YM,Chen SR,Hou WH. Effects of aromatherapy on sleep quality: A systematic review and metaanalysis . Complementary Therapies in Medicine .2019 ;(45):156-166

27. 2019 YH,MF,SR, PH , LM,PC. Investigating missed care by nursing aides in Taiwanese long-term care facilities. . Journal of Nursing Management .2019 ;(2019):1-11

28. 2019 Lee PH,Lai HR,Lin PC,Kuo SY,Lin YK,Chen SR, Lee PH. Effects of a parenting sexual education program for immigrant parents: A cluster randomized trial. . Patient Education and Counseling .2019

29. 2019 Lee PH,Kuo .SY,Ou TS,Lin YK,ChiMJ,Chen SR, Lin PC, Lai HR. Predicting exercise intentions and behaviors of Taiwanese children in a longitudinal sample. . Journal of Pediatric Nursing .2019

30. 2019 Wang CC,Alderman B,Wu CH,Chi L,Chen SR, Chu IH, Chang YK.. Effects of Acute Aerobic and Resistance Exercise on Cognitive Function and Salivary Cortisol Responses. . Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. .2019 ;(41):73-78

31. 2019 Chu CH ,Chen SR ,Wu CH,Cheng YC,Cho YM ,Chang YK. The effects of negative air ions on cognitive function: an event-related potential (ERP) study. . International Journal of Biometeorology. .2019 ;(63):1309-1317

32. 2019 Hsu CC,Chen SR,Lee PH,Lin PC. Effect of Music Listening on Pain, Heart Rate Variability, and Range of Motion in Older Adults After Total Knee Replacement. . Clinical Nursing Research .2019 ;(28):529-547

33. 2019 臨床護理主管工作倦怠與工作壓力、工作-家庭衝突之相關性探討 . 新台北護理期刊 .2019 ;(21):27-38

34. 2018 Shu-Yu Kuo,Yu-Ting Chen,Yu-Kai Chang,Pi-Hsia Lee,Mei-Ju Liu,Su-Ru Chen. Influence of internet addiction on executive function and learning attention in Taiwanese school-aged children . Perspectives in Psychiatric Care .2018 ;(54):1-6

35. 2018 Khwepeya M ,Lee GT ,Chen SR,Kuo SY. Childbirth fear and related factors among pregnant and postpartum women in Malawi. . BMC pregnancy and childbirth, .2018 ;(18):1-10

36. 2018 Cheng SY ,Lin PC,Chang YK, Lin YK,Lee PH,Chen SR. Sleep quality mediates the relationship between work–family conflicts and the self‐perceived health status among hospital nurses . journal of nursing management .2018

37. 2017 Chen FT,.,Chen SR, ,Chu IH,, Liu JH,,Chang, YK. Multicomponent exercise intervention and metacognition in obese preadolescents: A randomized controlled study . Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, .2017 ;(39):302-312

38. 2017 Lee PH,Chuang YH,Chen SR,Fang CL,Lai HR,Lee PI. Perspectives of Brisk Walking among Middle-aged and Older Persons in Community :A qualitative study . Collegian .2017 ;(24):147-153

39. 2017 住院病人跌倒事件之原因分析及醫療成本 . 護理雜誌 .2017 ;(64):44-52

40. 2016 Chen SR,Tseng CL,Kuo SY,Chang YK. Effects of a physical activity intervention on autonomic and executive functions in obese young adolescents:a randomized controlled trial. . Health psychology .2016 ;(35):1120-1125

41. 2016 Chang Yuanmay,Lam Calvin,Chen SR,Trevor Sithole,Chung, Min-Huey. Seasonal Variations in Sleep Disorders of Nurses. . Journal of Clinical Nursing .2016

42. 2015 Hsu CC,Chen IH,Chen SR,Tseng YT,Lin PC. Effectiveness of Music Listening in Patients With Total Knee Replacement During CPM Rehabilitation. . Biological Research Nursing .2015 ;(18):68-75

43. 2015 Hu YC,Chen SR,Chen IH,Shen HC,Lin YK,Chang WY. Evaluation of Work Stress, Turnover Intention, Work Experience, and Satisfaction With Preceptors of New Graduate Nurses Using a 10-Minute Preceptor Model. . The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing .2015 ;(46):261-271

44. 2014 Kuo SY,Chen SR,Tzeng YL. Depression and Anxiety Trajectories among Women Who Undergo an Elective Cesarean Section . PLOS one .2014 ;(9):e86653-e86653

45. 2014 Wu JL,Chen.SR,,Kuo SY,Chang WY. The effectiveness of an accessibility-enhanced multimedia informational educational program in reducing anxiety and increasing satisfaction of patients undergoing cardiac catheterization . Journal of Clinical Nursing, .2014 ;(23):2063-2073

46. 2014 Chen.SR,Chen CS,Lin. PC. The Effect of Educational Intervention on the Pain and Rehabilitation Performance of Patients Who Undergo a Total Knee Replacement. . Journal of Clinical Nursing, .2014 ;(23):279-287

47. 2014 Chen.SR,Chien.YP,Kang CM,Jeng C,Chang WY. Comparing self-efficacy and self-care behaviors between outpatients with comorbid schizophrenia and type 2 diabetes and outpatients with only type 2 diabetes . Journal of psychiatric and Mental Health .2014 ;(21):414-422

48. 2014 Chen, YR.,,Hung, KW,Tsai, JC,Chu,H,Chung, MH,Chen, SR. Efficacy of Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing for Patients with Posttraumatic-Stress Disorder: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . PLoS one .2014 ;(9):e1036-e1036

49. 2014 Lin. PC,Kuo SY,Lee PH,Sheen TC,Chen SR. Effects of internet addiction on heart rate variability in school-aged children. . Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. .2014 ;(29):493-498

50. 2014 柳美如,解麗凰,陳淑如. 照顧一位急性淋巴性白血病新生兒接受換血治療之護理經驗 . 長庚護理 .2014 ;(25):231-241

51. 2014 Sheen TC,Lu MH,Lee MY,Chen SR. Nonreassuring Fetal Heart Rate Decreases Heart Rate Variability in Newborn Infants . Ann Noninvasive Electrocardiol .2014 ;(19):273-278

52. 2012 Chen.SR,,Chiu, HW,Lee YJ,,Sheen TC,Jeng, C. Impact of pubertal development and physical activity on heart rate variability in overweight and obese children in Taiwan. . Journal of School Nursing .2012 ;(28):284-290

53. 2011 陳淑如. 第1型糖尿病兒童生心理適應及因應計能訓練之應用 . 新台北護理期刊 .2011 ;(13):1-6

54. 2010 曾玟琦,陳淑如. 一位海洛因成癮引發肺水腫病患之護理經驗 . 新台北護理期刊 .2010 ;(12):101-109

55. 2010 曾玟琦,*陳淑如. 一位海洛因成癮引發肺水腫病患之護理經驗 . 新台北護理期刊 .2010 ;(12):101-109

56. 2010 Tsai, YH.,,Lai, FC,Chen, SR,Jeng, C. (. The influence of physical activity level on heart rate variability among asthmatic adults. . Journal of Clinical Nursing .2010 ;(20):111-118

57. 2008 Chen. SR,Lee. YJ,,Chiu. HW,Jeng. C. Impact of physical activity on heart rate variability in children with type 1 diabetes . Childs Nervous System .2008 ;(24):741-747

58. 2007 Chen. SR,Lee. YJ,,Chiu. HW,Jeng. C. Impact of glycemic control, disease duration, and exercise on hear rate variability in children with type 1 diabetes . Journal of Formosan Medical Association .2007 ;(106):935-946

59. 2006 陳淑如,陳五常,邱泓文,鄭綺. 氣喘兒童休息及活動狀態下的心率變異度 . 台灣醫學 .2006 ;(10):20-27

60. 2005 徐麗琴,陳淑如,邱志平. 運動誘發性氣喘的衛教對氣喘兒童運動成效的探討 . 台灣醫界 .2005 ;(48):25-29

61. 2005 陳淑如,蔡月霞,羅映琪,蔡宜珊,鄭綺. 心率變異度的簡介及護理上的應用 . 新台北護理期刊 .2005 ;(7):1-11

62. 2005 Chen SR,Chiu WT,Ho YS. Asthma in children: Mapping the literature by bibliometric analysis. . Revue Française d'Allergologie et d'Immunologie Clinique .2005 ;(45):442-446

63. 2003 李嘉琳、沈孝梅、吳麗彬、高靖秋、蔡仁貞、陳淑如. 降低病房環境中噪音量之改善專案 . 慈濟護理 .2003 ;(2):75-81

64. 2003 陳淑如、盧美秀、陳靜敏、沈宗奇. 醫院評鑑制度的探討 . 台灣醫界 .2003 ;(46):45-47

65. 2002 潘美蓉、鄭綺、王桂芸、鍾飲文、陳麗娟、陳淑如. 運動誘發性氣喘衛教對氣喘患者成效之探討 . 新臺北護理期刊 .2002 ;(4):77-88

66. 2002 陳淑如、張文英、潘美蓉、鄭綺. 氣喘兒童身體活動狀態,自我效能及其生活品質 . 醫護科技學刊 .2002 ;(4):1-14

67. 2002 Chii Jeng, Hsiao-chuan Yang, Pui-Man Wai, Jen-Chen Tsai, Ling-Ling Wei, Su-Ru Chen. Investigation of the Difference between Treadmill Self-Efficacy and Actual Performance in Taiwanese Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease . Heart & Lung .2002 ;(31):150-156

68. 2002 Jeng,C., chang,W.Y., Chen,S.R., Tseng,I.J.. Effects of Arm Exercise on Serum Glucose Respose in Type 2 DM Patients . The Journal of Nursing Research .2002 ;(10):187-194

69. 2001 Tzong-Chyi Sheen, Su-Ru Chen, Heng-Kien Au, Yi-Yi Chien, Ko-Yi Wu, & Chii-Ruey Tzeng. Herniated blastomere following chemically assisted hatching may result in monozygotic twins. . Fertility and Sterility. .2001 ;(75):442-444

70. 2001 Jeng, C., Sheu, P. Y., Chen, C. M., Chen, S. R., Tseng, I. G.. Clinical Validation of the Related Factors and Defining Characteristics og Impaired Swallowing for Patients with Stroke . The Journal of Nursing Research .2001 ;(9):105-115

71. 2001 陳淑如、張文英、鄭綺. 氣喘兒童的運動指導 . 長庚護理 .2001 ;(12):234-238

72. 2001 陳淑如、 鄭綺. 「腸脹氣」相關因素、定義性特徵之建立及臨床測定的初探 . 新台北護理期刊 .2001 ;(3):55-65

73. 1998 陳淑如、林佳靜、鄭綺、何善台. 探討手術後病人對疼痛護理及疼痛控制的滿意度及其影響因素. . 護理研究 .1998 ;(6):475-488

74. 1998 林佳靜陳淑如謝麗鳳. 疼痛護理 . 護理雜誌 .1998 ;(44):37-47


112 照顧者教育介入對注意力不足過動症兒 童網路使用行為之改善成效

112 後疫時代醫護人員手機成癮與時間管理、工作績效、醫療疏失之相關性及正念認知行為介入之改善成效

111 新冠病毒流行對大學生手機成癮之影響及正念認知行為介入之改善成效

107 建構與評值自我管理訓練計劃對學齡兒童網路成癮之成效

106 父母反思教育暨親子互動介入對學齡前期兒童螢幕式活動之成效評值(2/2)

105 父母反思教育暨親子互動介入對學齡前期兒童螢幕式活動之成效評值(1/2)

105 父母反思教育暨親子互動介入對學齡前期兒童螢幕式活動之成效評值(1/2)

104 家長參與式行為修正方案對兒童螢幕式坐式行為時間、身體活動與肥胖之成效探討

102 兒癌病童因應技能訓練對壓力及症狀困擾之成效探討

102 兒癌病童因技能訓練對壓力及症狀困擾之成效探討

99 中小學學生網路使用行為對睡眠品質及自主神經功能之影響及認知行為治療介入之輔助成效探討

98 分娩中胎兒窘迫對新生兒心率變異度及神經功能發展之影響及按摩治療介入措施之成效探討

90 運動對胰島素依賴型糖尿病血糖控制影響之文獻統合分析研究

89 探討氣喘兒童身體活動自我效能及其影響因素