周幸華(Chou, Hsin-Hua) 教授

現   職
口腔衛生學系 教授


學 歷

日本國立岡山大學大學院 博士
私立臺北醫學院牙醫學系 學士




2020/08/01 ~ 2023/07/31




Recombinant DNA technology
Microarrays and Genechips
Genespring data analysis
Basic methods of molecular biology



1. 2022 Ou KL,Huang CF,Lan WC,Huang BH,Pan HA,Shen YK, Saito T, Tsai HY, Cho YC, Hung KS, Chou HH. An Innovative Customized Biomimetic Hydrogel for Drug Screening Application Potential: Biocompatibility and Cell Invasion Ability . International Journal of Molecular Science .2022 ;(3):1488-1499

2. 2021 Biomimetic Ceramic Composite: Characterization, Cell Response, and In Vivo Biocompatibility . materials .2021

3. 2021 Optimized Micro-Pattern Design and Fabrication of a Light Guide Plate Using Micro-Injection Molding . polymers .2021 ;(13):4244-4263

4. 2021 The Association between Bone Mineral Density and Periodontal Disease in Middle-Aged Adults . Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health .2021 ;(18):1-8

5. 2020 Wu C-Z,Hsu L-C,Chou HH,Barnkob S,Eggert T,Nielsen PL,Young R, Vase L, Wang K, Svensson P, Ou KL. The Potential of Nano-Porous Surface Structure for Pain Therapeutic Applications: Surface Properties and Evaluation of Pain Perception . Appl. Sci. 2020, .2020 ;(10):4578-4591

6. 2020 Ou KL ,Hou PJ ,Huang BH ,Chou HH ,Yang TS ,Huang CF, Ueno T. Bone Healing and Regeneration Potential in Rabbit Cortical Defects Using an Innovative Bioceramic Bone Graft Substitute . Applied Science .2020 ;(10):6239-6250

7. 2020 “Porosity Structure Offering Improved Biomechanical Stress Distribution and Enhanced Pain-Relieving Potential” . Applied Sciences, 10, 3026 (2020) .2020 ;(10):3026-3034

8. 2020 Hsu Ling Chuan,Lan Wen Chien,Ou Keng Liang,Chou Hsin Hua,Wen Shih Cheng,Liu Chung Ming,Endo Kazuhiko,Huang Mao Suan,Huang Chiung Fang,Hsu Ling Chuan,Lan Wen Chien,Ou Keng Liang,Chou Hsin Hua,Wen Shih Cheng,Liu Chung Ming,Endo Kazuhiko,Huang Mao Suan,Huang Chiung Fang. Fabrication of biomolecules coated nanostructured oxide layer to facilitate cell adhesion and proliferation for improving osseointegration . Ceramics International .2020

9. 2020 Ou Keng Liang,Kuo Yun Wen,Wu Chia Yu,Huang Bai Hung,Pai Fang Tzu,Chou Hsin Hua,Saito Takashi,Ueno Takaaki,Cho Yung Chieh,Huang Mao Suan,Ou Keng Liang,Kuo Yun Wen,Wu Chia Yu,Huang Bai Hung,Pai Fang Tzu,Chou Hsin Hua,Saito Takashi,Ueno Takaaki,Cho Yung Chieh,Huang Mao Suan. The potential of a hair follicle mesenchymal stem cell-conditioned medium for wound healing and hair follicle regeneration . Applied Sciences (Switzerland) .2020 ;(10):2646-2658

10. 2019 Wahyuningtyas Endang,Hsu Ling Chuan,Lan Wen Chien,Wen Shih Cheng,Ou Keng Liang,Chou Hsin Hua,Huang Mao Suan,Sugiatno Erwan,Wahyuningtyas Endang,Hsu Ling Chuan,Lan Wen Chien,Wen Shih Cheng,Ou Keng Liang,Chou Hsin Hua,Huang Mao Suan,Sugiatno Erwan. Application of a Promising Bone Graft Substitute in Bone Tissue Regeneration: Characterization, Biocompatibility, and in Vivo Animal Study . BioMed Research International .2019 ;(2019):1-7

11. 2019 Wu Chi Ming,Lu Yi Jung,Chen Shyuan Yow,Wen Shih Cheng,Wu Chia Hung,Liao Pei Bang,Ou Keng Liang,Chou Hsin Hua,Wu Chi Ming,Lu Yi Jung,Chen Shyuan Yow,Wen Shih Cheng,Wu Chia Hung,Liao Pei Bang,Ou Keng Liang,Chou Hsin Hua. Surface characterization and thermomechanical behavior of nanostructured-gold layer for biomedical applications . Journal of Alloys and Compounds .2019 ;(782):1114-1120

12. 2019 Huang Min Tsan,Juan Po Kai,Chen Shyuan Yow,Wu Chia Jen,Wen Shih Cheng,Cho Yung Chieh,Huang Mao Suan,Chou Hsin Hua,Ou Keng Liang,Huang Min Tsan,Juan Po Kai,Chen Shyuan Yow,Wu Chia Jen,Wen Shih Cheng,Cho Yung Chieh,Huang Mao Suan,Chou Hsin Hua,Ou Keng Liang. The potential of the three-dimensional printed titanium mesh implant for cranioplasty surgery applications: Biomechanical behaviors and surface properties . Materials Science and Engineering C .2019 ;(97):412-419

13. 2019 Hsu Ling Chuan,Peng Bou Yue,Chen May Show,Thalib Bahruddin,Ruslin Muhammad,Tung Tran Dang Xuan,Chou Hsin Hua,Ou Keng Liang,Hsu Ling Chuan,Peng Bou Yue,Chen May Show,Thalib Bahruddin,Ruslin Muhammad,Tung Tran Dang Xuan,Chou Hsin Hua,Ou Keng Liang. The potential of the stem cells composite hydrogel wound dressings for promoting wound healing and skin regeneration: In vitro and in vivo evaluation . Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B .2019 ;(107):278-285

14. 2019 Wu CM,Liu CM,Ou KL,Chiang HJ,Sugiatno E,Wu CH, Yen HJ, Chou HH. Nanostructured titanium dioxide layer combined with reactive functional groups as a promising biofunctional surface for biomedical applications . Ceramics International .2019 ;(45):9712-9718

15. 2018 Hou PJ,Ou KL,Wang CC,Huang CF,Ruslin M,Sugiatno E, Yang TS, Chou HH. Hybrid micro/nanostructural surface offering improved stress distribution and enhanced osseointegration properties of the biomedical titanium implant. . J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. .2018 ;(79):173-180

16. 2018 Wu Chi Ming,Peng Pei Wen,Chou Hsin Hua,Ou Keng Liang,Sugiatno Erwan,Liu Chung Ming,Huang Chiung Fang,Wu Chi Ming,Peng Pei Wen,Chou Hsin Hua,Ou Keng Liang,Sugiatno Erwan,Liu Chung Ming,Huang Chiung Fang. Microstructural, mechanical and biological characterizations of the promising titanium-tantalum alloy for biomedical applications . Journal of Alloys and Compounds .2018 ;(735):2604-2610

17. 2018 Chiang Hsi Jen,Chou Hsin Hua,Ou Keng Liang,Sugiatno Erwan,Ruslin Muhammad,Waris Rahmat Abd,Huang Chiung Fang,Liu Chung Ming,Peng Pei Wen,Chiang Hsi Jen,Chou Hsin Hua,Ou Keng Liang,Sugiatno Erwan,Ruslin Muhammad,Waris Rahmat Abd,Huang Chiung Fang,Liu Chung Ming,Peng Pei Wen. Evaluation of surface characteristics and hemocompatibility on the oxygen plasma-modified biomedical titanium . Metals .2018 ;(8):513-522

18. 2017 Chen SY,Huang MT,Pender Sylvia L.F. ,Muhammad Ruslin,Chou HH,Ou KL. The application of silver nano-particles on developing potential treatment for chronic rhinosinusitis: Antibacterial action and cytotoxicity effect on human nasal epithelial cell model . Materials Science and Engineering: C .2017 ;(80):624-630

19. 2013 Chu KT,Ou SF,Chen SY,Chiou SY,Chou HH,Ou KL. 期刊論文 . Ceramics International. .2013 ;(2013):1455-1462

20. 2013 Cheng HY,Chu KT,Shen FC,Pan YN,Chou HH,Ou KL. 期刊論文 . Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A. .2013 ;(101):1158-1164

21. 2012 Kuo Paul,Chou HH,Lin YH,Peng PW,Ou KL,Lee WR. 期刊論文 . Journal of The Electrochemical Society. .2012 ;(159):E103-E107

22. 2011 Huang CF,Chiang HJ,Lan WC,Chou HH,Ou KL,Yu CH. 期刊論文 . Biofouling. .2011 ;(27):449-57

23. 2009 Ho YS,Lai MT,Liu SJ,Lin CT,Naruishi K,[Takashiba S, Chou HH]. Porphyromonas gingivalis fimbriae-dependent interleukin-6 autocrine regulation by increase of gp130 in endothelilal cells . Journal of periodontal research .2009 ;(44):550-6

24. 2006 Gibson III F.C.,Yumoto H.,Takahashi Y.,Chou H.-H.,Genco C.A.. Innate Immune Signaling and Porphyromonas gingivalis accelerated atherosclerosis. . Journal of Dental Research .2006 ;(85):106-121

25. 2005 Yumoto H,Chou HH,Takahashi Y,Davey M,Gibson FC,Genco CA. Sensitization of Human Aortic Endothelial Cells to Lipopolysaccharide via Regulation of Toll-Like Receptor 4 by Bacterial Fimbria-Dependent Invasion . Infection and immunity. .2005 ;(73):8050-9

26. 2005 Hsin-Hua Chou,Hiromichi Yumoto,Michael Davey,Yusuke Takahashi,Frank C. Gibson III,Caroline A. Genco. Porphyromonas gingivalis Fimbriae-Dependent Activation of Inflammatory Genes in Human Aortic Endothelial Cells . Infection and Immunity .2005 ;(73):5367-5378

27. 2004 Gibson FC,Hong C,Chou HH,Yumoto H,Chen J,Lien E, Wong J, Genco CA. Innate immune recognition of invasive bacteria accerlerates atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. . Circulation .2004 ;(109):2801-6

28. 2002 Khlgatian M., Nassar H., Chou, HH, Gibson, FC 3rd, and Genco, CA.. Fimbria-dependent activation of cell adhesion molecule expression in Porphyromonas gingivalis-infected endothelial cells. . Infect. Immun. .2002 ;(70):257-267

29. 2002 Nassar H.*, Chou, HH*, Khlgatian M., Gibson. FC 3rd, Van Dyke TE., and Genco, CA.(*equal contribution). Role for fimbriae and lysine-specific cysteine proteinase gingipain K in expression of interleukin-8 and monocyte chemoattractant protein in Porphyromonas gingivalis-infected endothelial cells. . Infect. Immun. .2002 ;(70):268-276

30. 2001 Naruishi K, Takashiba S, Nishimura F, Chou HH, Arai H, Yamada H, Murayama Y.. Impairment of gingival fibroblast adherence by IL-6/sIL-6R. . J Dent Res. .2001 ;(80):1421-1424

31. 2000 Lai M-T, Chou HH, Nishizaki K, Ogawa T, Fukushima K, Lee W-S, Lee H-S, Masuda Y.. Expression of copper-zinc superoxide dismutase in squamous cell carcinoma of the human tongue. . Jounal of Taiwan Otolaryngologyical Society. .2000 ;(35):370-375

32. 2000 Ohe H, Takashiba S, Naruishi K, Chou HH, Hamada H, Nishimura F, Arai H, Murayama Y.. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha)-induced and interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta)-induced shedding of TNF receptors from gingival fibroblasts. . Journal of Interferon Cytokine Research .2000 ;(20):1077-1082

33. 2000 Yamada H, Nishimura F, Naruishi K, Chou HH, Takashiba S, Albright GM, Nares S, Iacopino AM, Murayama Y.. Phenytoin and Cyclosporin-A suppress the expression of MMP-1 and TIMP-1 and Cathepsin L, but not that of Cathepsin B in cultured gingival fibroblasts. . Journal of Periodontology .2000 ;(71):955-960

34. 2000 Chou HH, Takashiba S, Maeda H, Naruishi K, Nishimura F, Arai H, Lu HK, Murayama Y. Induction of intracellular interleukin-1b signals via type II . Journal of Dental Research. .2000 ;(79):1683-1688

35. 1999 Naruishi K, Takashiba S, Chou HH, Arai H, Nishimura F, Murayama Y.. Role of soluble interleukin-6 receptor in inflamed gingiva for binding of interleukin-6 to gingival fibroblasts. . Journal of Periodontal Research .1999 ;(34):296-300

36. 1998 Sawade S, Kokeguchi S, Miyamoto M, Sawada K, Fujimoto C, Wataki T, Hirosue M, Shimizu A, Chou HH, Kurihara H, Arai H, Takashiba S and Murayama Y. Identification of periodontal bacteria using DNA probes based on bacterial 16s ribosomal RNA gene. . 日本齒周病學會會誌 .1998 ;(40):477-485

37. 1997 Chou HH. Roles of type II interleukin-1 receptor expressed on human gingival fibroblasts in cytokine network. . 岡山齒學會雜誌 .1997 ;(16):71-84

38. 1997 Nishimura F, Terranova VP, Braithwaite MB, Orman R, Ohyama H Mineshiba J, Chou HH, Takashiba S and Murayama Y. Comparison of in vitro proliferative capacity of human periodontal ligament cells in juvenile and aged donors. . Oral Diseases .1997 ;(3):162-166

1. 2000 Chou HH, Lai MT, Lu HK, Yeh SD, Yang IY, Naruishi K, Nishimura F,Takashiba S,Murayama Y and Lee WS.. Proliferation of gingival fibroblasts was inhibited by type II interleukin-1 receptor gene transfer. . Journal of Dental Research .2000 ;(79):496-496

2. 2000 Huang WT, Chou HH, Lu HK, Yeh SD, Lai MT, Sawada S, Nishimura F, Takashiba S,Murayama Y and Lee WS.. Expression of androgen receptor in inflamed gingiva and Nifedipine-induced hyperplastic gingiva. . Journal of Dental Research .2000 ;(79):235-235

3. 1999 Lai M-T, Chou HH, Lu HK, Fukushima H, Nishizaki N, Masuda Y.. Immunohistochemical localization of manganese superoxide dismutase in squamous cell carcinoma of human tongue. . Journal of Dental Research .1999 ;(78):288-288

4. 1998 Lai M-T, Chou HH, Tsurusako Y, Fukushima H, Nishizaki N, Lu H-K, Masuda Y.. Immunohistochemical localization of manganese superoxide dismutase in human submandibular glands. . Journal of Dental Research .1998 ;(77):779-779

5. 1998 Chou HH, Takashiba S, Naruishi K, Nishimura F, Arai H, Lu HK, Murayama Y.. Differential regulation of cytokine expression in human gingival fibroblasts overexpressing type II IL-1 receptor. . Journal of The Japanese Society of Periodontology .1998 ;(40):159-159

6. 1997 Kokeguchi S, Miyamoto M, Maeda H, Hongyo H, Hirosue M, Chou HH, Nishimura F, Arai H, Takashiba S, Murayama Y.. A regulatory gene controlling growth of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans. . Journal of Dental Reseach .1997 ;(76):224-224

7. 1997 Nishimura F, Ohyama H, Mineshiba J, Chou HH, Takashiba S, Murayama Y.. The effects of aging on in vitro regenerative capacity of human periodontal ligament cells. . Journal of Dental Research .1997 ;(76):336-336

8. 1997 Chou HH, Takashiba S, Takigawa M, Nishimura F, Arai. H and Murayama Y.. Roles of type II Interleukin-1 receptor expressed on human gingival fibroblasts. . Journal of Dental Research .1997 ;(76):406-406

9. 1996 Asahara Y, Nishimura F, Washio N, Chou HH, Yamamoto T, Arai. H, Takashiba S and Murayama Y.. Chemotactic event of human periodontal ligament fibroblasts are dependent on certain phases of cell cycle. . Journal of The Japanese Society of Periodontology .1996 ;(38):110-110

10. 1996 Chou HH, Takashiba S, Takigawa M, Nishimura F, Arai. H and Murayama y.. Role of Interleukin-1 receptors expressed on human gingival fibroblasts. . Jounal of Dental Research .1996 ;(75):97-97


108 牙齒長照整合技術暨服務產業平台之產學聯盟(1/3)

108 牙醫學系碩士班研究生Andi Sitti Hajrah Yusuf君擬於109年2月19日至2月21日赴印尼Makassar參加第十一屆牙科國際科學會議暨第三屆牙科生物物理技術國際會議

105 106年度「口腔健康整合行銷宣導計畫」採購案

104 105年度「口腔健康整合行銷宣傳計畫」採購案

93 侵入型及非侵入型Porphyromonas gingivalis調控人類血管內皮細胞介白質-6及其接受器(IL-6, gp130)之表現及其訊息傳遞之研究

92 成人型牙周炎致病菌(Porphyromonas gingivalis) 調控人類血管內皮細胞趨化性介質(CXCL1-8)及其受體(CXCR1-2)表現之研究  

91 成人型牙周炎致病菌(Porphyromonas gingivalis)調控人類心臟血管內皮細胞之基因表現之基因晶片研究

90 成人型牙周炎致病菌(Porphyromonas gingivalis)調控人類血管內皮細胞分泌趨化性介質之作用機轉之體外研究

89 第二型介白質-1受體調控介白質-1刺激人體牙齦纖維母細胞分泌分解代界謝性介質的作用及其作用機轉之體外研究

88 第一型及第二型介白質-1受體在人體牙齦組織之體內及體外研究:組織定位及分子調控