邱琬淳(Chiu, Wan-Chun) 副教授

現   職
保健營養學系 副教授


學 歷

臺北醫學大學藥學研究所食品化學組 博士
私立臺北醫學院藥學系 碩士
私立臺北醫學院保健營養學系 學士




2023/07/16 ~ 2023/09/09




健康食品功效評估(高血脂 骨質疏鬆)



1. 2024 Suk FM,Hsu FY,Hsu MH,Chiu WC,Fang CC,Chen TL, Liao YJ. Treatment with a new barbituric acid derivative suppresses diet-induced metabolic dysfunction and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in mice . Life Sciences .2024 ;(336)

2. 2024 Hsu FY,Yang SC,Suk FM,Shirakawa H,Chiu WC,Liao YJ. Dietary rice bran attenuates hepatic stellate cell activation and liver fibrosis in mice through enhancing antioxidant ability . The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry .2024 ;(125)

3. 2023 Suk FM,Hsu FY,Lee YC,Chen TL,Chiu WC,Liao YJ. Dietary oxidized frying oil activates hepatic stellate cells and accelerates the severity of carbon tetrachloride- and thioacetamide-induced liver fibrosis in mice . The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry .2023 ;(115)

4. 2023 Huang PX,Yeh CL,Yang SC,Shirakawa H,Chang CL,Chen LH, Chiu YS, Chiu WC*. Rice Bran Supplementation Ameliorates Gut Dysbiosis and Muscle Atrophy in Ovariectomized Mice Fed with a High-Fat Diet . Nutrients .2023 ;(15):3514

5. 2023 Ho DKN,Chiu WC,Kao JW,Tseng HT,Yao CY,Su HY, Wei PH, Le NQKL, Nguyen HT, Jung-Su Chang. Mitigating Errors in Mobile-Based Dietary Assessments: Effects of a Data Modification Process on the Validity of an Image-Assisted Food and Nutrition App . Nutrition .2023 ;(116):112212

6. 2023 Tung YT,Chen YL,Fan TY,Fong TH,Chiu WC. Effects of dietary adjustment of n-3:n-6 fatty-acid ratio to 1:2 on anti-inflammatory and insulin-signaling pathways in ovariectomized mice with high fat diet-induced obesity. . Heliyon .2023 ;(9):e20451

7. 2023 Chou KR,Huang MS,Chiu WC,Chen YH, Chen YY,Xiao Q, Yang SC. A comprehensive assessment of oral health, swallowing difficulty, and nutritional status in older nursing home residents . Scientific Reports .2023 ;(13):19914.

8. 2022 Liao KW,Lo WL,Hsu CY,Chiu WC,Wu CH,Chen YW, Hsu PC, Huang HY. Predictive Model for Oral Status in Elderly People in a Taiwanese Nursing Home Using a High-Protein Black Soybean Koji Food . Front Nutr .2022 ;(9)

9. 2022 Ho DKN,Lee YC, Chiu WC,Shen YT ,Yao CY, Chu HK, Chu WT, Le NQK, Nguyen HT, Su HY, Chang JS. COVID-19 and Virtual Nutrition: A Pilot Study of Integrating Digital Food Models for Interactive Portion Size Education . Nutrients .2022 ;(14): 3313

10. 2022 Chen TY,Chen YL,Chiu WC,Yeh CL,Tung YT,Shirakawa H, Liao WT, Yang SC. Effects of the Water Extract of Fermented Rice Bran on Liver Damage and Intestinal Injury in Aged Rats with High-Fat Diet Feeding . Plants .2022

11. 2022 Trang NTT,Chiu WC,Feng YT,Hsieh SL,Tung DD,Chang J, Fong TH. Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester Inhibits Basal Lipolysis by Activating PPAR-Gamma and Increasing Lipid Droplet-Associated Perilipin in Mature Rat Adipocytes . Evid Based Complement Alternat Med .2022

12. 2022 HMGCS2 Mediation of Ketone Levels Affects Sorafenib Treatment Efficacy in Liver Cancer Cells . Molecules .2022

13. 2022 Chen YM,Chiu WC,Chiu YS. Effect of Inonotus obliquus Extract Supplementation on Endurance Exercise and Energy-Consuming Processes Through Lipid Transport in Mice . Nutrients .2022 ;(14):5007

14. 2021 Ho DKN,Chiu WC,Lee YC,Su HY,Chang CC,Yao C Y,Hua KL, Chu HK, Hsu, CY, Chang JS.. Integration of an Image-Based Dietary Assessment Paradigm into Dietetic Training Improves Food Portion Estimates by Future Dietitians . Nutrients .2021 ;(13):175

15. 2021 Chen YM,Wang IL,Zhu XY,Chiu WC,Chiu YS. Red Clover Isoflavones Influence Estradiol Concentration, Exercise Performance, and Gut Microbiota in Female Mice . Frontiers in Nutrition .2021

16. 2021 Suk FM,Wang YH,Chiu WC,Liu CF,Wu CY,Chen ZL, Liao YJ. Secretory NPC2 protein-mediated free cholesterol levels were correlated with the sorafenib response in hepatocellular carcinoma . 期刊International journal of molecular sciences .2021

17. 2021 Chen YM,Wang IL,Zhou S,Tsai TY,Chiu YS,Chiu WC. Six weeks of Jilin ginseng root supplementation attenuates drop jump-related muscle injury markers in healthy female college students . Food and Function .2021

18. 2021 Chen YH,Chiu WC,Xiao Q,Chen YL,Shirakawa H,Yang SC. Synbiotics alleviate hepatic damage, intestinal injury and muscular beclin-1 elevation in rats after chronic ethanol administration . International journal of molecular sciences .2021 ;(22):12547-12566

19. 2020 Lu NS,Chiu WC,Chen YL,Peng HC,Shirakawa H,Yang SC. Fish oil up-regulates hepatic autophagy in rats with chronic ethanol consumption . The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry .2020

20. 2020 Chen YM,Chiu WC,Chiu YS,Li T,Sung HC,Hsiao CY. Supplementation of nano-bubble curcumin extract improves gut microbiota composition and exercise performance in mice . Food and Function .2020

21. 2020 Wang IL,Chen YM,Jiang YH,Wang J,Chiu WC,Chiu YS. Immediate Effect of Acupuncture on Performance in the Drop Jump Task: A Single-Group Pretest–Posttest Experimental Study . European Journal of Integrative Medicine .2020

22. 2020 Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Muscle Mass, Muscle Strength and Muscle Performance among the Elderly: A Meta-Analysis . Nutrients .2020

23. 2019 Tung YT,Hsu YJ,Chein YW,Huang CC,Huang WC,Chiu WC. Tea seed oil prevents obesity, reduces physical fatigues, and improves exercise performance in high-fat-diet-induced obese ovariectomized mice . molecules .2019 ;(24):980

24. 2019 Wang YH,Liu CL,Chiu WC,Twu YC,Liao YJ. HMGCS2 Mediates Ketone Production and Regulates the Proliferation and Metastasis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma . Cancers .2019 ;(11):1876

25. 2018 Wu MP,Chang NC,Chung CL,Chiu WC,Hsu CC,Chen HM, Sheu JR, Jayakumar T, Chou DS, Fong TH. Analysis of Titin in Red and White Muscles: Crucial Role on Muscle Contractions Using a Fish Model . BioMed Research International .2018

26. 2018 Huang JH,Lin YK,Chung CC,Hsieh MH,Chiu WC,Chen YJ. Factors That Determine the Prothrombin Time in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Receiving Rivaroxaban. . Clin Appl Thromb Hemost. .2018

27. 2017 Huang JH,Lin YK,Hsieh MH,Chen SA,Chiu WC,Chen YJ. Modulation of Autonomic Nervous Activity in the Termination of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation . PACE - Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology .2017

28. 2016 Huang Jen-Hung ,Lin Yung-Kuo ,Hsieh Ming-Hsiung ,Chiu Wan-Chun ,Chen Yi-Jen . Age and thyroid hormone replacement delays the recovery from amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism . International Journal of Cardiology .2016 ;(202):561-563

29. 2016 Hsu YJ,Huang WC,Chiu CC,Liu YL,Chiu WC,Chiu YS, Huang CC.. Capsaicin supplementation reduces physical fatigue and improves exercise performance in mice . Nutrients .2016 ;(8):648-663

30. 2016 Huang YN,Lin CI,Liao H,Liu CY,Chen YH,Chiu WC, Lin SH.. Cholesterol overload induces apoptosis in SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells through the up regulation of flotillin-2 in the lipid raft and the activation of BDNF/Trkb signaling . Neuroscience .2016 ;(328):201-209

31. 2016 Huang JH,Lin YK,Hsieh MH,Chiu WC,Chen YJ. Age and thyroid hormone replacement delays the recovery from amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism . International Journal of Cardiology .2016 ;(202):561-563

32. 2015 Liao CC,Chiu YS,Chiu WC,Tung YT,Chuang HL,Wu JH, Huang CC. Proteomics Analysis to Identify and Characterize the Molecular Signatures of Hepatic Steatosis in Ovariectomized Rats as a Model of Postmenopausal Status . Nutrinets .2015 ;(7):8752-8766

33. 2015 Kuo PH,Lin CI,Chen YH,Chiu WC,Lin SH. High-cholesterol diet enriched with polyphenols from Oriental plums (Prunus salicina) improves cognitive function and lowers brain cholesterol levels and neurodegenerative-related protein expression in mice . British J. Nutrition .2015 ;(113):1550-1557

34. 2015 Chiu WC,Huang YL,Chen YL,Peng HC,Liao WH,Chuang HL, Chen JR, Yang SC. Synbiotics reduce ethanol-induced hepatic steatosis and inflammation by improving intestinal permeability and microbiota in rats. . Food Function .2015 ;(6):1692-1700

35. 2015 Chiu WC,Huang WC,Chuang HL,Tang DW,Lee ZM,Wei L, Chen FA, Huang CC. Effect of Curcumin Supplementation on Physiological Fatigue and Physical Performance in Mice . Nutrients .2015 ;(7):905-921

36. 2014 Chiu WC,Yang HH,Chiang SC,Chou YX,Yang HT. Auricularia polytricha aqueous extract supplementationdecreases hepatic lipid accumulation and improves antioxidative status in animal model of nonalcoholic fatty liver . BioMedicine .2014 ;(4):29-38

37. 2014 Li CC,Yang HT,Hou YC,Chiu YS,ChiuWC. Dietary fish oil reduces systemic inflammation and ameliorates sepsis-induced liver injury by up-regulating the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma-mediated pathway in septic mice . The Journal of nutritional biochemistry .2014 ;(25):19-25

38. 2013 Huang JH,Chiu WC,Hsu MI,Chen YJ. Effects of androgen on vascular and inflammatory biomarkers in a female hypertensive population(co-first author) . Gynecol Endocrinol .2013 ;(4):340-4

39. 2013 Kao YH,Chiu WC,Hsu MI,Chen YJ. Endothelial Progenitor Cell Dysfunction in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Implications for The Genesis of Cardiovascular Diseases . International Journal of Fertility and Sterility .2013 ;(6):208-213

40. 2013 Wang, YC,Chang TC,Tsu PS,Yeh CH,Chiu WC. Reduction in advanced glycation end products by ACE inhibitor in diabetic cardiomyopathy model . Asian Biomedicine .2013 ;(7):29-37

41. 2012 Yang HY,Chiu WC,Huang JH,Hsu CY,Lin YK,Chen YJ. Analysis of 10-year nationwide population-based data on sex differences in hospitalization for heart failure . Heart and vessels (published online)DOI 10.1007/s00380-012-0299-5 .2012 ;(0):1-7

42. 2011 LinYH,Chiu WC,Wu CH,Tzeng CR,Hsu CS,Hsu MI. Antimullerian hormone and polycystic ovary syndrome . Fertility and Sterility .2011 ;(96):230-235

43. 2011 Hou YC,Chiu WC,Yeh CL,Yeh SL. Glutamine modulates lipopolysaccharide-induced activation of NF-KB via the Akt/mTOR pathway in lung epithelial cells . Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol .2011 ;(302):L174-L183

44. 2011 Chiu WC,Liao HF,Chang PJ,Chen PC,Chen YC. Duration of breast feeding and risk of developmental delay in Taiwanese children: a nationwide birth cohort study. . Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. .2011 ;(25):519-527

45. 2011 Tsai PH,Liu JJ,Yeh CL,Chiu WC,Yeh SL. Effects of glutamine supplementation on oxidative stress-related gene expression and antioxidant properties in rats with streptozotocin-induced type 2 diabetes . British Journal of Nutrition .2011

46. 2010 Liao FH,Liou TH,Chiu WC,Shieh MJ,Chein YW. Differential effects of high MUFA with high or low P/S ratio (polyunsaturated to saturated fatty acids) on improving hepatic lipolytic enzymes and mediating PPARγ related with lipoprotein lipase and hormone-sensitive lipase of white adipose tissue in diet . International Journal of Obesity .2010 ;(34):1608-1617

47. 2010 Hsu CS,Wu CH,Chiu WC,Lee CT,Chang CJ,Hsu MI. Obesity and insulin resistance in women with polycystic ovary syndrome . Gynecological Endocrinology .2010

48. 2010 Tsai PH,Liu JJ,Chiu WC,Pai MH,Yeh SL. Effects of dietary glutamine on adhesion molecule expression and oxidative stress . Clinical Nutrition .2010 ;(XXX):1-6

49. 2009 Hou YC,Pai MH,Chiu WC,Hu YM,Yeh SL. Effects of dietary glutamine supplementation on lung injury induced by lipopolysaccharide administration. . Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol .2009 ;(296):L288-L295

50. 2009 Chiu WC,Wang YC,Chien YW,Hou YC,Hu YM,Yeh SL. Effects of dietary fish oil supplementation on cellular adhesion molecule expression and tissue myeloperoxidase activity in hypercholesterolemic mice with sepsis . J Nutr Biochem .2009 ;(20):254-256

51. 2008 Chiu WC,Tsou SS,Yeh CL,Hou YC,Yeh SL. Effects of n-3 fatty acids on inflammatory mediators and splenocyte cytokine mRNA expressions in rats with polymicrobial sepsis. . Nutrition .2008 ;(24):484-491

52. 2007 Yeh CL,Hsu CS,Hou YC,Chiu WC,Chou SY,Yeh SL. Effect of arginine on cellular adhesion molecule expression and leukocyte transmigration in endothelial cells stimulated by biological fluid from surgical patients. . Shock .2007 ;(28):39-44

53. 2007 Chiu WC,Hou YC,Yeh CL,Hu YM,Yeh SL. Effect of dietary fish oil supplementation on cellular adhesion molecule . British Journal of Nutrition .2007 ;(97):685-691

54. 2006 Yeh CL,Hsu CS,Chiu WC,Yeh SL. Dietary arginine enhances adhesion molecule and Th2 cytokine expressions in mice with gut-derived sepsis . shock .2006 ;(25):150-160

55. 2006 Hsu CS,Chiu WC,Yeh CL,Hou YC,Yeh SL. Dietary fish oil enhances adhesion molecule and interleukin-6 expression in mice with polymicrobial sepsis. . British Journal of Nutrition .2006 ;(96):854-860

56. 2006 Yang HT,Chen YH,Chiu WC,Huang SY. Effects of consecutive high-dose alcohol administration on the utilization of sulfur-containing amino acids by rats . Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry .2006 ;(17):45-50

57. 2005 Lee CH,Chiu WC,Chen SC,Yeh SL. Effects of glutamine-containing total psrenteral nutrition on phagocytic activity and anabolic hormone response in rats undergoing a gastrectomy. . World J Gastroenterol .2005 ;(11):817-822

58. 2005 Lee CH,Chiu WC,Chen SC,Yeh SL. Effects of glutamine-containing total parenteral nutrition on phagocytic activity and anabolic hormone response in rats undergoing a gastrectomy. . World J Gastroenterol. .2005 ;(11):817-822

59. 2005 Hou YC,Hsu CS,Yeh CL,Chiu WC,Pai MH,Yeh SL. Effects of glutamine on adhesion molecule expression and leukocyte transmigration in endothelial cells exposed to arsenic . Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry .2005 ;(16):700-704

60. 2004 Shang HF,Wang YY,Lai YN,Chiu WC,Yeh SL. Effects of arginine supplementation on mucosal immunity in rats with septic peritonitis . Clin Nutr .2004 ;(23):561-569

61. 2003 Yeh SL , Tsa HJ, Chiu WC, Shang HF. Effects of dietary arginine supplementation on nutrient . Nutrition Research .2003 ;(23):331-341

62. 2002 Huey-Fang Shang, PhD*, Yi-Yun Wang, BS, Yi-Chen Wu, BS, An-Yin Tsai, BS, Wan-Chun Chiu, MS, Sung-Ling Yeh, PhD. Effects of Arginine Supplementation on Humoral Immunity in Burned Rats . New Taipei J Med .2002

63. 2002 Chun-Sen Hsu, Wan-Chun Chiu, Sung-Ling Yeh. Effects of soy isoflavone supplementation on plasma glucose, lipids, and antioxidant enzyme activities in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats . Nutr Res .2002

64. 2002 Huey-Fang Shang, Hui-Jui Tsai, Wan-Chun Chiu, Shung-Ling Yeh. Effects of dietary arginine supplementation on antibody production and antioxidant enzyme activity in burned mice. . Burns .2002

65. 2001 1. Yang ,S.C., Huang, T.I., Huang, C.C., Shieh, M.J., Chiu, W.C., Cheng, C.J., and Chen J.R.,. The effects of Chlorella on lipid metabolism in rats fed with high fat and high cholesterol diet. . Nutri. Sci. J. .2001 ;(26):11-21

66. 2000 Weng, P.Y., Cheng, H. H., Chiu, W.C., and Shih, C.K.. Prooxidant and antioxidant activity of dietary b-carotene in primary rat hepatocytes. . N. Taipei J. of Med. .2000 ;(2):261-270

67. 1999 Yang ,S.C., Chiu, W.C., Chen J.R., Lee, J.C., and Shieh, M.J.. Dietary intakes of 4-8 years old children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder . Nutri. Sci. J. .1999 ;(24):153-165

68. 1996 Chiu, W.C., Cheng, H.H., and Shieh, M.J.. Effect of unsaturated fatty acids on the cell viability and antioxidative system of primary rat hepatocytes. . Nutri. Sci. J. .1996 ;(21):353-367

1. 2018 Chang PH,Lai YH,Yeh SL,Chiu WC,Li PC,Tang ST*. Customized Dietary Management System . 2018 International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science (ICENS 2018) Jan. 30‒Feb. 1 2018, Premier Hotel Tsubaki Sapporo, Sapporo, Japan .2018

2. 2017 客製化飲食管理系統 . 2017台灣醫療影像資訊標準協會年會(MISAT2017)論文集(頁28)。 陽明大學,台北,台灣。 .2017

3. 2015 Li PH,Chiu YS,Huang CC,Chiu WC. The effect of different sources of n-3 fatty acids on lipid metabolism and body fat in ovariectomized rat . 12th Asian Congress of Nutrition (12th ACN2015) .2015

4. 2013 Chiu WC,Wang IT,Chiu YS,Yeh SL. The Effects of dietary glutamine on hepatic inflammatory response and mitochondrial function in diabetic septic mice . IUNS The 20th International Congress of Nutrition. Spain (# PO 0464; poster) .2013

5. 2013 Chiu YS,Huang CC,Chen YH,Chiu WC. Effects of perilla oil on bone loss in ovariectominzed rats . IUNS The 20th International Congress of Nutrition. Spain.(# PO 2259; poster) .2013

6. 2012 Wang IT,Chiu WC. 麩醯胺對於糖尿病合併敗血症小鼠發炎反應及肝臟粒線體功能之影響 . 台灣營養學會第38屆年會暨學術研討會(OA-8)研究生論文競賽第三名 .2012

7. 2012 Chiang PC,Yang JH,Chen PT,Chiu WC,Chien YW. The effect of high fiber noodle on glycometabolism and body weight in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. . The annual conference in the Chinese Taipei Association for the study of obesity, Taipei, Taiwan (Poster) .2012

8. 2012 Chiang PC,Yang JH,Chen PT,Chiu WC,Chien YW. The Effect of High Fiber Noodle on Lipid Metabolism in Diet-Induced Hyperlipidemic Hamster. . Taipei Medical University, Taipei (Poster) .2012

9. 2010 Chiu WC,Li CC,Pai MH,Huang JJ,Hunag SY. 第二型膠原蛋白對卵巢切除雌性大鼠其骨質之影響 . 第三十六屆台灣營養學會年會 .2010 ;(PAC):170

10. 2010 Li CC,Chiu WC,Yeh SL. 魚油對敗血症小鼠發炎反應及粒線體功能之影響 . 第三十六屆臺灣營養學會年會 .2010 ;(1):129

11. 2010 蔡佩璇,劉俊仁,邱琬淳,葉松鈴. 麩醯胺對STZ 誘發糖尿病所引起的黏著分子表現與氧化傷害之影響 . .2010 ;(1):157

12. 2009 Chiu WC,Li CC,Hu YM,Yeh SL. Effects of dietary fish oil on hepatic mitochondrial morphology and enzyme activities in mice with gut-derived sepsis . Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism(supplement) .2009

1. 2023 消化系統:供給身體養分的機制 . 營養生化學(二版) .2023

2. 2022 腸胃道疾病的營養照顧 . 膳食療養學(第十一章) .2022

3. 2013 邱琬淳. 運動與營養增補劑 . 運動營養學(第六章) .2013

4. 2010 Chiu WC. 新編團體膳食供應與管理(第八章) . .2010

5. 2003 邱琬淳,陳玉華,陳俊榮,楊素卿,劉珍芳. 營養生化學(下冊) . .2003

6. 2003 陳玉華,邱琬淳,鄭心嫻,蔡雅惠,楊素卿. 營養生化學(上冊) . .2003

7. 2002 謝明哲,楊素卿,邱琬淳,簡怡雯,陳俊榮,葉松鈴,劉珍芳. 營養學字辭精要 . .2002

8. 2000 卞秀娟,邱琬淳,林聖敦,胡淑慧,柯耀華,黃尚銘,詹仲舒,楊素卿,蔡文騰,張偉胤. 最新營養師試題詳解 . .2000


113 米糠,豆渣、益生菌、共生質對停經肌肉萎縮之影響-以丁酸鹽產生、腸肌軸、胰島素阻抗觀點進行探討

112 豆渣、米糠及富含GABA米類產品對停經後肌肉萎縮之影響-以肌腸軸、胰島素阻抗、粒線體生合成觀點進行探討

111 調查大學生對鈣質及鈣補充劑之認知與攝取行為:試以臺北醫學大學為例

111 薑黃亞麻仁籽油植物膠囊對於調節血脂功能之評估研究計畫

111 米糠及豆渣對停經後肌肉萎縮之影響-以肌腸軸、胰島素阻抗及粒線體功能觀點進行探討

110 探討苦茶油對餵與高脂飲食之卵巢切除小鼠其肺部發炎反應之影響

110 不同脂肪酸組成的植物油對停經後肌肉萎縮之影響-以肌腸軸、胰島素阻抗及粒線體功能觀點進行探討

109 探討玄米油及油炸玄米油合併運動訓練對於停經後體能表現、腸道菌相、脂肪肝及胰島素阻抗的影響(3/3)

108 探討玄米油及油炸玄米油合併運動訓練對於停經後體能表現、腸道菌相、脂肪肝及胰島素阻抗的影響(2/3)

107 探討玄米油及油炸玄米油合併運動訓練對於停經後體能表現、腸道菌相、脂肪肝及胰島素阻抗的影響(1/3)

106 探討不同高油脂飲食合併運動訓練對停經後腸道菌相、非酒精性肝臟疾病及胰島素阻抗之影響

105 探討不同油脂對停經後腸道菌相, 脂肪肝及胰島素阻抗之影響

103 檢測並比較市售小吃及便當中鈉,鉀及鈣離子含量

103 探討N-3脂肪酸對卵巢切除小鼠肺部發炎反應之影響

103 不同 n-3 脂肪酸來源對骨質疏鬆合併糖尿病時骨質流失、體脂肪及發炎反應之影響(2/2)

102 不同 n-3 脂肪酸來源對骨質疏鬆合併糖尿病時骨質流失、體脂肪及發炎反應之影響(1/2)

102 不同 N-3 脂肪酸來源對骨質疏鬆合併糖尿病時骨質流失、體脂肪及發炎反應之影響(1/2)

102 不同 N-3 脂肪酸來源對骨質疏鬆合併糖尿病時骨質流失、體脂肪及發炎反應之影響(2/2)

100 麩醯胺對糖尿病合併敗血症時發炎反應與器官損傷之影響

99 麩醯胺對糖尿病合併敗血症時發炎反應與器官損傷之影響

98 麩醯胺對糖尿病合併敗血症時發炎反應與器官損傷之影響

98 精胺酸對糖尿病合併敗血症小鼠其發炎反應之影響

96 魚油對敗血症小鼠其粒線體功能及發炎反應之影響

95 魚油對糖尿病合併敗血症小鼠其免疫反應及血基質氧化酶-1表現之影響

95 n-3脂肪酸對腹膜炎引致之發炎反應之影響