施純光(Shih, Chun-Kuang) 教授

現   職
保健營養學系 教授


學 歷

國立台灣大學食品科技研究所 博士
私立臺北醫學院藥學系 碩士
私立臺北醫學院保健營養學系 學士




2017/06/01 ~
2016/08/01 ~




化學誘發型大腸癌動物模式 (Animal model of chemically induced colorectal cancer)
食品分析(Food analysis)



1. 2023 Faradina A,Tung YT,Chen SH,Liao YC,Chou MJ,Teng IC, Lin WL, Wang CC, Sheu MT, Chou PY, Shih CK, Skalny AV, Tinkov AA, Chang JS. Djulis hull enhances the efficacy of ferric citrate supplementation via restoring normal iron effux through the IL-6-hepcidin-ferroportin pathway in high-fat-diet-induced obese rats . J Agric Food Chem .2023 ;(71):16691-16701

2. 2020 Lee CW,Chen HJ,Chien YH,Hsia SM,Chen JH,Shih CK. Synbiotic combination of djulis (Chenopodium formosanum) and Lactobacillus acidophilus inhibits colon carcinogenesis in rats . Nutrients .2020 ;(12):103

3. 2020 Chen CM,Mu SC,Shih CK,Chen YL,Tsai LY,Kuo YT, Cheong IM, Chang ML, Chen YC, Li SC. Iron status of infants in the first year of life in northern Taiwan . Nutrients .2020 ;(12):139

4. 2020 Shih CK,Chen CM,Varga V,Shih LC,Chen PR,Luo SF, Shyur LF, Li SC. White sweet potato ameliorates hyperglycemia and regenerates pancreatic islets in diabetic mice . Food & Nutrition Research .2020 ;(64):3609

5. 2020 Lin PH,Chiang YF,Shieh TM,Chen HY,Shih CK,Wang TH, Wang KL, Huang TC, Hong YH, Li SC, Hsia SM. Dietary compound isoliquiritigenin, an antioxidant from licorice, suppresses triple-negative breast tumor growth via apoptotic death program activation in cell and xenograft animal models . Antioxidants .2020 ;(9):228

6. 2020 Chen SH,Yuan KC,Lee YC,Shih CK,Tseng SH,Tinkov AA, Skalny AV, Chang JS. Iron and advanced glycation end products: iron's emerging role in androgen deficiency in obesity . Antioxidants .2020 ;(9):261

7. 2020 Teng IC,Tseng SH,Aulia B,Shih CK,Bai CH,Chang JS. Can diet-induced weight loss improve iron homoeostasis in patients with obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis . Obesity Reviews .2020 ;(2020):1-16

8. 2020 Ho DKN,Tseng SH,Wu MC,Shih CK,Atika AP,Chen YC, Chang JS. Validity of image-based dietary assessment methods: A systematic review and meta-analysis . Clinical Nutrition .2020 ;(39):2945-2959

9. 2019 Lin PY,Li SC,Lin HP,Shih CK. Germinated brown rice combined with Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis inhibits colorectal carcinogenesis in rats . Food Sci Nutr .2019 ;(7):216-224

10. 2019 Shih CK,Chen CM,Hsiao TJ,Liu CW,Li SC. White sweet potato as meal replacement for overweight white-collar workers: a randomized controlled trial . Nutrients .2019 ;(11):165

11. 2019 Li SC,Hsu WF,Chang JS,Shih CK. Combination of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis shows a stronger anti-inflammatory effect than individual strains in HT-29 cells . Nutrients .2019 ;(11):969

12. 2019 Lin PH,Shih CK,Yen YT,Chiang W,Hsia SM. Adlay (Coix lachryma-jobi L. var. ma-yuen Stapf.) hull extract and active compounds inhibit proliferation of primary human leiomyoma cells and protect against sexual hormone-induced mice smooth muscle hyperproliferation . Molecules .2019 ;(24):1556

13. 2019 Hu TY,Lee SY,Shih CK,Chou MJ,Wu MC,Teng IC, Bai CH, Sabrina N, Tinkov AA, Skalny AV, Chang JS. Soluble CD163-associated dietary patterns and the risk of metabolic syndrome . Nutrients .2019 ;(11):940

14. 2019 Duong TV,Shih CK,Wong TC,Chen HH,Chen TH,Hsu YH, Peng SJ, Kuo KL, Liu HC, Lin ET, Su CT, Yang SH. Insulin resistance and cardiovascular risks in different groups of hemodialysis patients: a multicenter study . BioMed Res Int .2019 ;(2019):1541593

15. 2019 Kurniawan AL,Lee YC,Shih CK,Hsieh RH,Chen SH,Chang JS. Alteration in iron efflux affects male sex hormone testosterone biosynthesis in a diet-induced obese rat model . Food Funct .2019 ;(10):4113-4123

16. 2019 Lin PH,Chang CC,Wu KH,Shih CK,Chiang W,Chen HY, Shih YH, Wang KL, Hong YH, Shieh TM, Hsia SM. Dietary glycotoxins, advanced glycation end products, inhibit cell proliferation and progesterone secretion in ovarian granulosa cells and mimic PCOS-like symptoms . Biomolecules .2019 ;(9):327

17. 2019 Lee CW,Chen HJ,Xie GR,Shih CK. Djulis (Chenopodium formosanum) prevents colon carcinogenesis via regulating antioxidative and apoptotic pathways in rats . Nutrients .2019 ;(11):2168

18. 2019 Tung TH,Tung YT,Lin IH,Shih CK,Nguyen NTK,Shabrina A, Huang SY. Fish oil, but not olive oil, ameliorates depressive-like behavior and gut microbiota dysbiosis in rats under chronic mild stress . Biomolecules .2019 ;(9):516

19. 2019 Chen CM,Shih CK,Su YJ,Cheang KU,Lo SF,Li SC. Evaluation of white sweet potato tube-feeding formula in elderly diabetic patients: a randomized controlled trial . Nutr Metab .2019 ;(16):70

20. 2019 Li SC,Lin HP,Chang JS,Shih CK. Lactobacillus acidophilus-fermented germinated brown rice suppresses preneoplastic lesions of the colon in rats . Nutrients .2019 ;(11):2718

21. 2018 Tseng SH,Chang TY,Shih CK,Hsieh RH,Chen CW,Chen YC, Lin MH, Chang JS. Effect of endoplasmic reticular stress on free hemoglobin metabolism and liver injury . Int J Mol Sci .2018 ;(19):1977

22. 2018 Hu TY,Chen YC,Lin P,Shih CK,Bai CH,Yuan KC, Lee SY, Chang JS. Testosterone-associated dietary pattern predicts low testosterone levels and hypogonadism . Nutrients .2018 ;(10):1786

23. 2017 Palupi KC,Shih CK,Chang JS. Cooking methods and depressive symptoms are joint risk factors for fatigue among migrant Indonesian women working domestically in Taiwan . Asia Pac J Clin Nutr .2017 ;(26):S61-S67

24. 2017 Cheang KU,Chen CM,Chen CYO,Liang FY,Shih CK,Li SC. Effects of glucomannan noodle on diabetes risk factors in patients with metabolic syndrome: A double-blinded, randomized crossover controlled trial . J Food Nutr Res .2017 ;(5):622-628

25. 2016 陳巧明,鄭茡方,施純光,陳白蓮,李信昌. 蒟蒻麵主食對第2型糖尿病患者的影響 . 台灣營養學會雜誌 .2016 ;(41):44-53

26. 2015 Owaga E,Hsieh RH,Mugendi B,Masuku S,Shih CK,Chang JS. Th17 cells as potential probiotic therapeutic targets in inflammatory bowel diseases . Int. J. Mol. Sci .2015 ;(16):20841-20858

27. 2014 李慧庭,蔡玲貞,施純光,蘇矢立. 食物升糖指數與大腸直腸癌的關係 . 中華民國糖尿病衛教學會會訊 .2014 ;(6月):12-14

28. 2014 Huang DW,Wu CH,Shih CK,Liu CY,Shih PH,Shieh TM, Lin CI, Chiang W, Hsia SM. Application of the solvent extraction technique to investigation of the anti-inflammatory activity of adlay bran . Food Chem .2014 ;(145):445-453

29. 2014 Yang SH,Shih CK,Liu CH,Peng HT,Chan WP,Tzeng CR. Service learning for medical students: program development and students' reflection . TOJET .2014 ;(13):193-198

30. 2014 Chiu YF,Chen YC,Wu PY,Shih CK,Chen HH,Chen HH, Chen TH, Yang SH. Association between the hemodialysis eating index and risk factors of cardiovascular disease in hemodialysis patients . J Ren Nutr .2014 ;(24):163-171

31. 2012 Wang ML,Shih CK,Chang HP,Chen YH. Antiangiogenic activity of indole-3-carbinol in endothelial cells stimulated with activated macrophages . Food Chem .2012 ;(134):811-820

32. 2011 Chen CM,Li SC,Chen CYO,Au HK,Shih CK,Hsu CY, Liu JF. Constituents in purple sweet potato leaves inhibit in vitro angiogenesis with opposite effects ex vivo . Nutrition .2011 ;(27):1177-1182

33. 2011 Li SC,Chen CM,Lin SH,Chiang W,Shih CK. Effects of adlay bran and its ethanolic extract and residue on preneoplastic lesions of the colon in rats . J Sci Food Agric .2011 ;(91):547-552

34. 2011 Li SC,Chou TC,Shih CK. Effects of brown rice, rice bran, and polished rice on colon carcinogenesis in rats . Food Res Int .2011 ;(44):209-216

35. 2011 Shih CK,Ho CJ,Li SC,Yang SH,Hou WC,Cheng HH. Preventive effects of rice bran oil on 1,2-dimethylhydrazine/dextran sodium sulphate-induced colon carcinogenesis in rats . Food Chem .2011 ;(126):562-567

36. 2010 Chen HJ,Shih CK,Hsu HY,Chiang W. Mast cell-dependent allergic responses are inhibited by ethanolic extract of adlay (Coix lachryma-jobi L. var. ma-yuen Stapf) testa . J Agric Food Chem .2010 ;(58):2596-2601

37. 2010 Shih CK,Chen CM,Chen CYO,Liu JF,Lin HW,Chou HT, Li SC. Riboflavin protects mice against liposaccharide-induced shock through expression of heat shock protein 25 . Food Chem Toxicol .2010 ;(48):1913-1918

38. 2010 Chung CP,Hsu HY,Huang DW,Hsu HH,Lin JT,Shih CK, Chiang W. Ethyl acetate fraction of adlay bran ethanolic extract inhibits oncogene expression and suppresses DMH-induced preneoplastic lesions of the colon in F344 rats through an anti-inflammatory pathway . J Agric Food Chem. .2010 ;(58):7616-7623

39. 2010 Shih CK,Chen CM,Chen YC,Huang HC,Chen YT,Li SC. Screening of ethylnitrosourea mice with fatty acid oxidation disorders by a candidate gene approach after proteome analysis . J Exp Clin Med .2010 ;(2):231-238

40. 2008 Shih CK,Chang JH,Yang SH,Chou TW,Cheng HH. β-Carotene and canthaxanthin alter the pro-oxidation and antioxidation balance in rats fed a high-cholesterol and high-fat diet . Brit J Nutr .2008 ;(99):59-66

41. 2007 Shih CK,Chen SH,Hou WC,Cheng HH. A high-resistance-starch rice diet reduces glycosylated hemoglobin levels and improves the antioxidant status in diabetic rats . Food Res Int .2007 ;(40):842-847

42. 2006 Chu TM,Cheng HH,Lin YJ,Shih CK,Yang SH,Chou TW, Jeng H. Lowering dietary fat changes plasma lipids and the fatty acid composition in young adults . Nutr Sci J .2006 ;(31):77-86

43. 2004 Shih CK,Chiang W,Kuo ML. Effects of adlay on azoxymethane-induced colon carcinogenesis in rats . Food Chem. Toxicol. .2004 ;(42):1339-1347

44. 2000 Weng PY, Cheng HH, Chiu WC, and Shih CK. Prooxidant and antioxidant activity of dietary beta-carotene in primary rat hepatocytes. . N. Taipei J. Med. .2000 ;(2):261-270

45. 1997 施純光、鄭心嫻、謝明哲. β-胡蘿蔔素在有或無膽固醇攝取下對大白鼠脂質代謝的影響. . 中華民國營養學會雜誌 .1997 ;(22):287-301

1. 2023 Hsieh MC,Wu WL,Shih CK. Djulis (Chenopodium formosanum) prevents colitis-associated colorectal cancer and regulates gut microbiota in F344 rats . 2023 Teacher and Student Joint Academic Research Symposium, Taipei Medical University .2023

2. 2023 Tsai YS,Hsieh MC,Wu WL,Shih CK. The inhibitory effect and regulatory mechanism of amazake on colorectal cancer . 2023 Teacher and Student Joint Academic Research Symposium, Taipei Medical University .2023

3. 2022 Chao HM,Chen ML,Hsieh MC,Lin NH,Ho TH,Shih CK. Effects of fermented djulis on colonic preneoplastic lesions and gut microbiota in rats . 2022 Teacher and Student Joint Academic Research Symposium, Taipei Medical University .2022

4. 2022 Chen ML,Chao HM,Hsieh MC,Shih CK. The adjuvant effect and associated mechanism of djulis (Chenopodium formosanum) on radiotherapy for rectal cancer . 2022 Teacher and Student Joint Academic Research Symposium, Taipei Medical University .2022

5. 2022 Lin YH,Chao HM,Chen ML,Hsieh MC,Shih CK. The preventive effect of djulis (Chenopodium formosanum) extracts on dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced chronic colitis in mice . 2022 Teacher and Student Joint Academic Research Symposium, Taipei Medical University .2022

6. 2022 Lu ML,Shih CK. Comparison of the nutritional and functional composition between germinated and ungerminated Djulis (Chenopodium formosanum) . Asia Pacific Nutrigenomics Nutrigenetics Organisation (APNNO) 2022 Biennial Conference .2022

7. 2022 Hsieh MC,Xiao Q,Shen CA,Shih HY,Shih CK. Anti-proliferative effect of germinated djulis (Chenopodium formosanum) in human colorectal cancer cells . The 22nd IUNS-ICN International Congress of Nutrition .2022

8. 2022 Wu WL,Lin NH,Ho TH,Shih CK. Anti-inflammatory effects and mechanism of djulis in HT-29 human colorectal cancer cells . The 22nd IUNS-ICN International Congress of Nutrition .2022

9. 2021 Ho TH,Shih CK. The effects of maltodextrin on colonic inflammation in mice . International Symposium on Lipids and Food Ingredients for Health Promotion 2021 .2021

10. 2021 Wu WL,Lin NH,Ho TH,Shih CK. Anti-inflammatory effect and mechanism of djulis in inflammatory colorectal cells . 2021 Teacher and Student Joint Academic Research Symposium, Taipei Medical University .2021

11. 2021 Lin NH,Ho TH,Chen ML,Chao HM,Shih CK. Fermented djulis inhibits the growth of human colorectal cancer cell line HT-29 through autophagy . 2021 Teacher and Student Joint Academic Research Symposium, Taipei Medical University .2021

12. 2021 Hu ST,Ho TH,Lin NH,Shih CK. Nutrient content and functionality of koji amazake . 2021 Teacher and Student Joint Academic Research Symposium, Taipei Medical University .2021

13. 2021 Ho TH,Lin NH,Chen ML,Chao HM,Shih CK. Effects of maltodextrin on dextran sodium sulfate (DSS)-induced chronic colitis in mice . 2021 Teacher and Student Joint Academic Research Symposium, Taipei Medical University .2021

14. 2020 Shen CA,Shih HY,Lin NH,Shih CK. The inhibitory effect of Chenopodium quinoa and Chenopodium formosanum on human colorectal cancer cell line HT-29 . Annual Conference of Taipei Medical University 2020 .2020

15. 2020 Shih HY,Shen CA,Ho TH,Shih CK. Effects of Chenopodium formosanum on colitis induced by dextran sulfate sodium in mice . Annual Conference of Taipei Medical University 2020 .2020

16. 2020 Hsieh MC,Xiao Q,Shen CA,Shih HY,Shih CK. The inhibition and regulatory mechanism of germinated djulis on colorectal cancer . Annual Conference of Taipei Medical University 2020 .2020

17. 2020 Shen CA,Shih HY,Lin NH,Shih CK. Djulis inhibits human colorectal cancer cells via anti-oxidative and apoptotic pathways . 2020 Conference of Oncology Nutrition Research .2020

18. 2020 Shih HY,Shen CA,Ho TH,Shih CK. The inhibitory effect of djulis on ulcerative colitis in mice . 2020 Conference of Oncology Nutrition Research .2020

19. 2020 Hsieh MC,Xiao Q,Shen CA,Shih HY,Shih CK. Effects of germinated djulis on colorectal cancer cells . 2020 Conference of Oncology Nutrition Research .2020

20. 2019 Wong EYU,Xiao Q,Shih HY,Shen CA,Chen CL,Shih CK. Effects of unrefined coconut sugar on dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced colitis in rats . Annual Conference of Taipei Medical University 2019 .2019

21. 2019 Xiao Q,Chen CL,Lee CW,Shih CK. Changes of components in djulis after germination and its preventive effects on colon carcinogenesis . Annual Conference of Taipei Medical University 2019 .2019

22. 2019 Chen CL,Xiao Q,Lee CW,Shih CK. Inhibitory effects of extracts from djulis hull with different solvents on HT-29 human colon cancer cells . Annual Conference of Taipei Medical University 2019 .2019

23. 2019 Luan CC,Wu YR,Shih CK,Tsai SM. Nutritional care of discharge-planning services in a medical center . Ann Nutr Metab .2019 ;(75):48-48

24. 2019 Xiao Q,Chen CL,Lee CW,Shih CK. Effects of germinated Chenopodium formosanum on DMH-induced colon carcinogenesis in rats . Ann Nutr Metab .2019 ;(75):261-261

25. 2019 Chen CL,Xiao Q,Lee CW,Shih CK. Effects of djulis (Chenopodium formosanum) hull extracts on HT-29 human colon cancer cells . Ann Nutr Metab .2019 ;(75):282-282

26. 2018 Tang YJ,Hung TH,Lee CW,Shih CK. Preventive effects of djulis seed hull on colonic preneoplastic lesion . Annual Conference of Taipei Medical University 2018 .2018

27. 2018 Hung TH,Tang YJ,Lee CW,Shih CK. Effects of green banana flour on intestinal function in rats . Annual Conference of Taipei Medical University 2018 .2018

28. 2018 Tang YJ,Hung TH,Lee CW,Shih CK. Effects of djulis (Chenopodium formosanum) seed hull on DMH-induced colon carcinogenesis in F344 rats . The 7th Asian Congress of Dietetics .2018

29. 2018 Hung TH,Tang YJ,Lee CW,Shih CK. Effect of resistant starch in green banana flour on gut microbiota in rats . The 7th Asian Congress of Dietetics .2018

30. 2017 Chien YH,Shih CK. Reduction of colonic aberrant crypt foci by chenopodium formosanum and Lactobacillus acidophilus in DMH/DSS-induced colon cancer model . The 43rd Annual Conference of Nutrition Society of Taiwan .2017

31. 2017 Huang PY,Shih CK. Effects of Chenopodium formosanum on DMH/DSS induced colon carcinogenesis in F344 rats . Annual Conference of Taipei Medical University 2017 .2017

32. 2017 Chien YH,Shih CK. The effects of Chenopodium formosanum and Lactobacillus acidophilus on DMH/DSS-induced colon carcinogenesis in rats . Annual Conference of Taipei Medical University 2017 .2017

33. 2017 Huang PY, Chien YH, Shih CK. Effects of djulis (Chenopodium formosanum) on colitis-associated colon cancer in rats . IUNS 21st International Congress of Nutrition .2017

34. 2017 Chien YH, Huang PY, Shih CK. Combination of Lactobacillus acidophilus and djulis reduced early lesions of colon cancer in rats . IUNS 21st International Congress of Nutrition .2017

35. 2016 唐彥儒,吳啟豪,施純光. 苦蕎麥對DMH誘導F344大鼠大腸癌的影響 . 台北醫學大學104學年度師生聯合學術研究發表會 .2016

36. 2016 Lee CW,Lin MS,Chien YH,Shih CK. Preventive effects of yogurt on colon carcinogenesis in rats via colonic mucin modification and regulation of intestinal immune . EMBO/EMBL Symposium: Innate Immunity in Host-Pathogen Interactions .2016

37. 2016 Shih CK,Hsu WF,Lin HP,Lee CW,Chen JH,Chen CM, Li SC. Anti-inflammatory effect of combination of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis in human colorectal cancer cells . EMBO/EMBL Symposium: Innate Immunity in Host-Pathogen Interactions .2016

38. 2016 Lee CW,Tsai PC,Shih CK. Preventive effect of djulis (Chenopodium formosanum) on colon carcinogenesis in rats via modulating oxidative stress, cell proliferation and apoptosis . IUFoST 2016 18th World Congress of Food Science and Technology .2016

39. 2016 Tsai PC,Lee CW,Shih CK. Effects of foxtail millet (Setaria italica) on DMH-induced colon carcinogenesis in F344 rats . IUFoST 2016 18th World Congress of Food Science and Technology .2016

40. 2016 Lu ML,Shih CK. Comparison of the nutritional and functional composition between cooked germinated brown rice and brown rice . IUFoST 2016 18th World Congress of Food Science and Technology .2016

41. 2015 Shih CK,Kuo AC,Chen JH,Chen CM,Li SC. Effects of germinated brown rice on DMH/DSS-induced colon carcinogenesis in rats . Mal J Nutr .2015 ;(21):S138-S138

42. 2015 Lin HP,Lin HP,Shih CK. Effects of fermented germinated brown rice on DMH/DSS-induced colorectal carcinogenesis in rats . 12th Asian Congress of Nutrition .2015

43. 2015 Lin HP,Lin HP,Shih CK. Effects of combination of germinated brown rice, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis on DMH/DSS-induced colon carcinogenesis in rats . 12th Asian Congress of Nutrition .2015

44. 2015 Lee CW,Shih CK. Preventive effect of perilla oil on colon carcinogenesis in rats . 12th Asian Congress of Nurition .2015

45. 2015 Lin HP,Shih CK. Effects of germinated brown rice and synbiotics on colon carcinogenesis in rats . Ann Nutr Metab .2015 ;(67):S333-S334

46. 2015 Lin HP,Lin HP,Shih CK. Synbiotics regulate p38 MAPK signaling pathways and prevent colon carcinogenesis . 6th International Conference on Food Factors .2015

47. 2015 Lin HP,Lin HP,Shih CK. Effects of fermented germinated brown rice on preneoplastic lesions of colons . 6th International Conference on Food Factors .2015

48. 2015 Chang TX,Shih CK. Effects of Heat-Killed Lactobacillus plantarum L-137 and Bifidobacterium bifidum BGN4 on DMH-induced colon carcinogensis in rats . Annual Conference of Taipei Medical University 2015 .2015

49. 2014 Kuo AC,Shih CK. Effects of germinated brown rice on DMH/DSS-induced colon carcinogenesis in F344 rats . Annual Conference of Taipei Medical University 2014 .2014

50. 2014 Lee W,Kuo AC,Lin HP,Lin HP,Shih CK. Effects of sweet potato ethyl acetate extracts on lipid metabolism in hamsters . The 40th Annual Conference of Nutrition Society of Taiwan .2014

51. 2014 Lee CW,Li SC,Shih CK. Effects of perilla oil on DMH/DSS-induced colon carcinogenesis in rats . Annual Conference of Taipei Medical University 2014 .2014

52. 2014 Lee CW,Li SC,Shih CK. Effects of perilla oil on colon carcinogenesis in rats . AFDA 6th Asian Congress of Dietetics .2014

53. 2014 Cheng TF,Chen PL,Chen CC,Shih CK,Li SC. Effect of konjac noodles on blood sugar and lipids in patients with type 2 diabetes . AFDA 6th Asian Congress of Dietetics .2014

54. 2014 LeeW,Shih CK. Effects of white sweet potato extracts on lipid metabolism in hamsters . Annual Conference of Chinese Taipei Association for the Study of Obesity 2014 .2014

55. 2013 Hsu WF,Shih CK. Anti-inflammatory effects of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis in an inflammatory model of HT-29 cells . The 39th Annual Conference of Nutrition Society of Taiwan .2013

56. 2013 Chen PC,Shih CK. Effects of rice bran oil and perilla oil on DMH/DSS-induced colon carcinogenesis in rats . The 39th Annual Conference of Nutrition Society of Taiwan .2013

57. 2013 林詩萍,籃筱筑,陳巧明,施純光,李信昌. 魚類及長鏈n-3脂肪酸攝取與糖尿病腎病變之相關性 . 台北醫學大學101學年度師生聯合學術研究發表會 .2013

58. 2013 施純光,李昀靜,江文章. 薏仁麩皮不同萃取區分物其酚類化合物含量和抑制大腸癌之效果 . 2013全球華人保健(功能)食品科技大會論文集 .2013

59. 2013 Chen PC,Li SC,Shih CK. Effects of rice bran oil and perilla oil on DMH/DSS-induced colon carcinogenesis in rats . Ann Nutr Metab .2013 ;(63):1256-1256

60. 2013 Hsu WF,Li SC,Shih CK. Anti-inflammatory effects of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis in an inflammatory model of HT-29 cells . Ann Nutr Metab .2013 ;(63):1688-1688

61. 2012 簡均安,施純光. Cycloartenyl ferulate、cycloartenol與ferulic acid對大腸癌細胞生長之交互作用影響 . 臺灣營養學會第38屆年會論文集 .2012

62. 2012 Lee W,Hsu WF,Chen PC,Shih CK. Effects of β-glucan-fortified rice on lipid metabolism in hamsters . The 38th Annual Conference of Nutrition Society of Taiwan .2012

63. 2012 Cheang KU,Chen CM,Shih CK,Li SC. Effects of dietary fiber supplementation in type 2 diabetes . The 38th Annual Conference of Nutrition Society of Taiwan .2012

64. 2012 Hung KC,Hsu WF,Li SC,Shih CK. Effects of γ-oryzanol and unsaponifiable matter from rice bran oil on colon carcinogenesis in rats . Ann Oncol .2012 ;(23):iv82-iv82

65. 2011 王毓祺,施純光,李信昌. 專利地圖分析探討綠茶發展趨勢及產業運用 . 臺灣營養學會第37屆年會系列(I)暨營養與健康論壇論文集 .2011

66. 2011 林詩萍,蕭惠蓮,施純光,李信昌. 探討高蛋白質營養介入對於嚴重褥瘡個案之影響 . 臺灣營養學會第37屆年會系列(I)暨營養與健康論壇論文集 .2011

67. 2011 Hung KC,Li SC,Shih CK. Preventive effects of unsaponifiable matter obtained from rice bran oil on DMH/DSS-induced colon carcinogenesis in rats . XI Asian Congress of Nutrition .2011

68. 2011 Shih CK,Chiang W. Progress in the anti-tumor effect of adlay . Global Chinese Health (Functional) Food Symposium 2011 .2011

69. 2011 Chu CJ,Hsu WF,Shih CK. Chemoprevention of rice bran and Lactobacillus rhamnosus on colon carcinogenesis in rats . 2011 International Conference on Food Factors .2011

70. 2011 Chen JH,Chen CM,Shih CK,Lei CS,Chou CH,Li SC. Metalloproteinase expression as biomarker in patients with colorectal polyps: a preliminary study . 2011 International Conference on Food Factors .2011

71. 2011 Lai CH,Chen CM,Cheang KU,Lin SP,Cheng TF,Shih CK, Li SC. Notification of adverse interaction between healthy food and drug by bioinformatics platform . 2011 International Conference on Food Factors .2011

72. 2010 Ho CJ,Hung KC,Cheng HH,Shih CK. Effect of rice bran oil on preneoplastic lesions of the colon . The 36th Annual Conference of Nutrition Society of Taiwan .2010

73. 2010 Lin MS,Hung KC,Shih CK. Yogurts reduce morphological markers of colon cancer risk in 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-treated rats . The 36th Annual Conference of Nutrition Society of Taiwan .2010

74. 2010 Wang YC,Shih CK,Li SC. 綠茶專利地圖分析 . 台灣營養學會第36屆年會 .2010

75. 2009 Hsu HH,Chiang W,Chou TC,Shih CK. The preventive effect of ethyl acetate fraction of adlay bran ethanolic extract on DMH-induced preneoplastic lesions of colon in F344 rats . The 35th Annual Conference of Nutrition Society of Taiwan .2009

76. 2009 Chou TC,Lin MS,Ho CJ,Shih CK. Preventive effects of brown rice, rice bran and polished rice on preneoplastic lesions of colon in F344 rats . Annual Conference of Taipei Medical University 2009 .2009

77. 2009 Chou TC,Lin MS,Ho CJ,Shih CK. Rice bran inhibits colon carcinogenesis in rats . Global Chinese Health (Functional) Food symposium 2009 .2009

78. 2009 Chen CM,Shih CK,Lee HY,Lee SC. Patent insight for functional foods . Global Chinese Health (Functional) Food symposium 2009 .2009

79. 2009 Shih CK. Progress in preventive effect of adlay on colorectal cancer . 2009 Breeding, Cultivation, Processing and Health Functionality of Adlay and Buckwheat Symposium .2009

80. 2008 Lin SH,Shih CK,Chiang W,Hsu HH. The preventive effect of adlay bran ethanolic extract and residue on preneoplastic lesions of colon in rats . The 10th Annual Conference of Health Food Society of Taiwan .2008

81. 2008 Lee W,Shih CK. The preventive effect of yogurt on colon carcinogenesis in F344 rats . The 10th Annual Conference of Health Food Society of Taiwan .2008

82. 2008 Chou TC,Hsu HH,Lee W,Huang JJ,Shih CK. The effect of brown rice on colon carcinogenesis in F344 rats . Annual Conference of Taipei Medical University 2008 .2008

83. 2008 Lee W,Lin SH,Shih CK. Yogurt containing Bifidobacterium lactis inhibits preneoplastic lesions of colon in rats . Annual Conference of Taipei Medical University 2008 .2008

84. 2008 Li SC,Chen CM,Lin CY,Hsieh MJ,Shih CK,Lin YJ, Lee YJ. Plasma proteomes as a basis for searching potential septic biomarkers in intensive care units . The Joint 2nd Pacific Rim International Conference in Protein Science and 4th Asian Oceania Human Proteome Organization .2008

85. 2007 Lin SH,Shih CK. The preventive effect of extract and residue from ethanolic extraction of adlay bran on colon carcinogenesis in F344 rats . The 10th Asian Congress of Nutrition .2007

86. 2006 Shih CK,Lin SH. High-fat diet promotes colon carcinogenesis in rats . The 32th Annual Conference of Nutrition Society of Taiwan .2006

87. 2005 Shih CK,Chiang W,Kuo ML. Effects of adlay on dimethylhydrazine-induced colon carcinogenesis in rats . The 31th Annual Conference of Nutrition Society of Taiwan .2005

88. 2004 Shih CK,Chiang W,Kuo ML. Effect of adlay on azoxymethane-induced colon carcinogenesis in rats . The 6th Annual Conference of Health Food Society of Taiwan .2004

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112 探討臺灣藜康普茶對發炎性腸道疾病之 抑制效果及作用機制

111 探討台灣藜對直腸癌前導性放射治療之輔助效果與作用機制

111 補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議」申請費用補助案(研究生:保健營養學系碩士班謝鎂淇君),業經核定

110 探討米麴甘酒對大腸癌之抑制效果與調節機制

109 帶殼台灣藜之乙醇萃取物對小鼠DSS誘導慢性腸炎之預防效果

109 台灣藜、發芽台灣藜及發酵台灣藜對發炎性腸道疾病與大腸癌之抑制效果與作用機制

108 探討台灣藜對發炎性腸道疾病之抑制效果及作用機制

108 甘酒營養成分對人體機能影響之研究

107 探討發芽台灣藜對大腸癌之抑制效果與調節機制

106 椰糖對葡聚醣硫酸鈉(DSS)誘發結腸炎大鼠的影響

104 人參與黃耆萃取物(AstraGin®)對人體蛋白質吸收之影響

104 乳酸菌與發芽糙米抑制大腸癌發展之研究

103 探討發芽糙米及益生菌對大腸癌之預防效果與作用機制

103 生物活化米對大腸癌發展之抑制效果與作用機制

103 104年5月14日至104年5月18日赴日本橫濱(YOKOHAMA)參加亞洲營養大會

103 104年5月14日至104年5月18日赴日本橫濱(YOKOHAMA)參加亞洲營養大會-林會樸

103 104年5月14日至104年5月18日赴日本橫濱(YOKOHAMA)參加亞洲營養大會-李芷薇

103 台灣藜與小米防癌功效之研究

102 探討HEAT-KILLED LACTOBACILLUS PLANTARUM L-137乳酸菌質單獨使用或與益生菌合用對大腸癌之影響

102 探討發芽糙米及其成分對大腸癌之預防效果與作用機制

102 探討發芽糙米及其成分對大腸癌之預防效果與作用機制

100 由飲食、蛋白質體學及基因多形性探討素食與大腸腫瘤之關聯

99 薏苡麩皮萃取物對大腸癌之預防效果及其作用機制

98 薏苡麩皮萃取物對大腸癌之預防效果及其作用機制

97 國人營養生化指標分析計畫

96 開發保健食品計畫-稻米抗腫瘤之研究

96 薏苡麩皮萃取物對大腸癌之預防效果及其作用機制

95 建立保健食品之預防大腸癌功能評估方法

94 榖類預防大腸癌之研究

93 保健食品預防大腸癌評估方法之研究