黃豪銘(Huang, Haw-Ming) 教授

現   職
口腔醫學院 副院長
口腔醫學院精準生醫植體研究中心 主任
牙醫學系 教授


學 歷

台北醫學大學醫學研究所 博士
陽明醫學院醫工所 碩士
中國文化大學機械系 學士




2021/02/01 ~
2018/05/20 ~
2017/11/01 ~ 2020/10/31
2017/08/01 ~ 2017/10/31
2016/12/01 ~
2016/09/01 ~ 2017/07/31
2016/08/01 ~ 2017/07/31
2010/04/01 ~ 2011/07/31
2009/08/01 ~
2006/08/01 ~ 2009/07/31
2001/08/01 ~ 2005/07/31
2001/08/01 ~ 2005/07/31




口腔工程(oral engineering)
分析儀器(analysical instrumentation)
醫學工程(biomedical engineering)
有限元素分析(finite element analysis)
非破壞性檢測(nondestructive detection)
儀器分析(Instrumentation analysis)
模態測試(modal testing)
動物實驗 (animal study)



1. 2024 Kuo PJ,Lin YH,Huang YX,Lee SY,Huang HM. Effects of Sapindus mukorossi seed oil on bone healing efficiency: an animal study . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2024

2. 2024 Tsai CC,Yang YN,Wang K,Chen YCE,Chen YF,Yang JC, Li ZL, Huang HM, Pedersen JZ, Incerpi S, Lee SY, Lin Hym Whang-Peng J. Progesterone modulates cell growth via integrin αvβ3-dependent pathway in progesterone receptor-negative MDA-MB-231 cells . Heliyon .2024 ;(10):1-15

3. 2024 Lai HY,Fan KC,Lee YH,Lew WZ,Lai WY,Lee SY, Chang WJ, Huang HM. Using a static magnetic field to attenuate the severity in COVID-19-invaded lungs . Scientific Reports .2024 ;(14):1-11

4. 2023 Huang PC,Wu YT,Hsu YH,Liao SC,Wang YH,Gutmann JL, Huang HM, Hsieh SC. The investigation of composition and thermal behavior of two types of backfilling gutta-percha . Journal of Dental Sciences .2023 ;(18):414-419

5. 2023 Huang CS,Hsiao CH,Chang YC,Chang CH,Yang JC,Gutmann JL, Chang HC, Huang HM, Hsieh SC. A novel endodontic approach in removing smear layer using nano and submicron diamonds with intracanal oscillation irrigation . Nanomaterials .2023 ;(13):1-16

6. 2023 Aung LM,Lin JCY,Salamanca E,Wu YF,Pan YH,Teng NC, Huang HM, Sun YS, Chang WJ. Functionalization of zirconia ceramic with fibronectin proteins enhanced the bioactivity and osteogenic response of osteoblast-like cells . Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology .2023

7. 2023 Chen HW,Chen CH,Fan YJ,Lin CY,Hsu WH,Su IC, Lin CL, Chian YC, Huang HM. CFD study of the effect of the angle pattern on iliac vein compression syndrome. . Bioengineering .2023 ;(10):1-14

8. 2022 Chung CC,Huang TY,Chu HR,De Luca R,Candelotti E,Huang CH, Yang YCSH, Incerpi S, Pedersen JZ, Lin CY, Huang HM, Lee SY, Li ZL, ChangOu CA, Li WS, Davis PJ, Lin HY, Whang-Peng J, Wang K. Heteronemin and tetrac derivatives suppress non-small cell lung cancer growth via ERK1/2 inhibition . Food and Chemical Toxicology .2022 ;(161)

9. 2022 Chan YH,Ho KN,Lee YC,Chou MJ,Lew WZ,Huang HM, Lai PC, Feng SW. Melatonin enhances osteogenic differentiation of dental pulp mesenchymal stem cells by regulating MAPK pathways and promotes the efficiency of bone regeneration in calvarial bone defects. . Stem Cells Research and Therapy .2022 ;(13):73

10. 2022 Wang K,Chen YF,Yang YCSH,Huang HM,Lee SY,Shih YJ, Li ZL, Whang-Peng J, Lin HY, Davis PJ. The power of heteronemin in cancers . Journal of Biomedical Science .2022 ;(29):41

11. 2022 Cheng TM,Chu HY,Huang HM, Li ZL,Whang-Peng J,Cheng RH, Chen CY, Shih YJ, Mo JK, Wang K, Lin HY. Toxicologic concerns in current medical nanoparticles . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2022 ;(23)

12. 2022 Unson S,Chang TC,Yang YN,Wang SH,Huang CH,Crawford DR, Huang HM, Li ZL, Lin HY, Whang-Peng J, Wang K, Davis PJ, Li WS. Heteronemin and tetrac induce anti-proliferation by blocking EGFR-mediated signaling in colorectal cancer cells . Marine Drugs .2022 ;(20):1-21

13. 2022 Lin SK,Wu YF,Chang WJ,Feng SW,Huang HM. The treating efficiency and microbiota analysis of Sapindus mukorossi seed oil on the ligature-induced periodontitis rat model . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2022 ;(23)

14. 2022 Lin CY,Kuo PJ,Lin YH,Lin CY,Lin JCY,Chiu HC, Hung TF, Lin HY, Huang HM. Fabrication of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid-carboxymethyl cellulose hybrid to promote bone regeneration . Polymers .2022 ;(14)

15. 2022 Su KW,Lin HY,Chiu HC,Shen SY,ChangOu CA,Crawford DR, Yang YCSH, Shih YJ, Li ZL, Huang HM, Whang-Peng J, Ho Y, Wang K. Thyroid hormone induces oral cancer growth via the PD-L1-dependent signaling pathway . Cells .2022 ;(11):1-14

16. 2022 Wu Y,Chung YY,Chin YT,Lin CY,Kuo PJ,Chen TY, Lin TY, Chiu HC, Huang HM, Jeng JH, Lee SY. Comparison of 2,3,5,40-tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-b-D-glucoside-induced proliferation and differentiation of dental pulp stem cells in 2D and 3D culture systemsdgene analysis . Journal of Dental Sciences .2022 ;(17):14-29

17. 2022 Chang YL,Liao PB,Wu PH,Chang WJ,Lee SY,Huang HM. Cancer cytotoxicity of a hybrid hyaluronan-superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle material: an in-vitro evaluation . Nanomaterials .2022 ;(12):496

18. 2021 The review of bioeffects of static magnetic fields on the oral tissue-derived cells and its application in regenerative medicine . Cells .2021 ;(10):2662

19. 2021 2,3,5,4’-Tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-𝛽-D-glucoside promotes the effects of dental pulp stem cells on rebuilding periodontal tissues in experimental periodontal defects. . Journal of Periodontology .2021 ;(92):306-316

20. 2021 Huang HM,Chen FL,Lin PY,Hsiao YC. Dielectric thermal smart glass based on tunable helical polymer based-superstructure for biosensor . Polymers .2021 ;(13):245

21. 2021 Choy CS,Lee WF,Lin PY,Wu YF,Huang HM,Teng NC, Pan YH, Salamanca E, Chang WJ. Surface Modified β-Tricalcium phosphate enhanced stem cell osteogenic differentiation in vitro and bone regeneration in vivo . Scientific Reports .2021 ;(11):9234

22. 2021 Huang HM,Wu PH,Chou PC,Hsiao WT,Wang HT,Chiang HP, Lee CM, Wang SH, Hsiao YC. Enhancement of T2* weighted MRI imaging sensitivity of U87MG glioblastoma cells using γ-ray irradiated low molecular weight hyaluronic acid-conjugated iron nanoparticles . Int J Nanomed .2021 ;(16):3789-3802

23. 2021 Kuo PK,Ye HJ,Lin CY,Lai HY,Chen CH,Wang SH, Chang WJ, Lee SY, Huang HM. Estimation of the effect of accelerating new bone formation of high and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid hybrid: An animal study . Polymers .2021 ;(13):1708

24. 2021 Su KW,Li ZL,Huang TY,Lin CY,Huang CH,Chen HY, Yang YC, Lu MC, Huang HM, Lee SY, Whang-Peng J, Lin HY, Davis PJ, Wang K. Effect of estrogen on heteronemin-induced anti-proliferative effect in breast cancer cells with different estrogen receptor status . Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology .2021 ;(9)

25. 2021 Liao SC,Wang HH,Hsu YH,Huang HM,Gutmann JL,Hsieh SC. The investigation of thermal behavior and physical properties of different types of contemporary gutta-percha cones . Inernational Endodontic Journal .2021 ;(54):2025-2032

26. 2020 Huang HM,Chee TJ,Lew WZ,Feng SW. Modified surgical drilling protocols influence osseointegration performance and predict value of implant stability parameters during implant healing process . Clinical Oral Investigations .2020

27. 2020 Yao WL, ,Lin JCY, ,Salamanca E, ,Pan YH, ,Tsai PY, ,Leu SJ, Yang KC, Huang HM, Huang HY, Chang WJ. Er, Cr:YSGG laser performance to benefit biological response on titanium surfaces . Materials .2020 ;(13):756

28. 2020 Wang HT,Chou PC,Wu PH,Lee CM,Fan KH,Chang WJ, Lee SY, Huang HM. Physical and biological evaluation of low-molecular-weight hyaluronic acid-modified Fe3O4 nanoparticle for targeting MCF7 breast cancer cells . Polymers .2020 ;(12):1094

29. 2020 Static magnetic field–enhanced osteogenic differentiation of human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells via matrix vesicle secretion. . International Journal of Radiation Biology .2020 ;(96):1207-1217

30. 2020 Huang CH,Huang TY,Chang WJ,Pan YS,Chu HR,Li ZI, Unson S, Chin YT, Lin CY, Huang HM, Hsiung CN, Gionfra F, De Vito P, Pedersen JZ, Incerpi S, Chen YR, Lee SY, Lin HY, Davis PJ, Whang-Peng J, Wang K. Tetrac compensates heteronemin-induced antiproliferation in oral cancer cells. . Marine Drugs .2020

31. 2020 Pan YH,Lin JCY,Chen MK,Salamanca E,Choy CS, Tsai PY, Leu SJ, Yang KC, Huang HM, Yao WL, Chang WJ. Glow discharge plasma treatment on zirconia surface to enhance osteoblastic-like cell differentiation and antimicrobial effects . Materials .2020

32. 2020 Shiu ST,Lew WZ,Lee SY,Feng SW,Huang HM. Effects of Sapindus mukorossi seed oil on proliferation, osteogenetic/ odontogenetic differentiation and matrix vesicle secretion of human dental pulp mesenchymal stem cells . Materials .2020 ;(13)

33. 2020 Lin YH,Nien CJ,Chen LG,Lee SY,Chang WJ,Pan YH, Hsieh SC, Huang HM. Sapindus mukorossi seed oil changes tyrosinase activity of α-MSH-induced B16F10 cells via the anti-melanogenesic effect of eicosenoic acid . Natural Product Communications .2020

34. 2020 Huang HM,Chuang EY,Chen FL,Lin JD,Hsiao YC. Color-indicating, label-free, dye-doped liquid crystal organic-polymer based bioinspired sensor for biomolecule immunodetection . Polymers .2020 ;(12):1-10

35. 2020 Huang HM. Medical Application of Polymer-Based Composites . Polymers .2020 ;(12):1-5

36. 2020 Chin YT,Kuo PK,Wu Y,Weng IT,ChenTY,Wang HH, Huang HM, Hsiung CN, Lee SY. 2,3,5,40-tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-b-Dglucoside triggers the pluripotent-like possibility of dental pulp stem cells by activating the JAK2/STAT3 axis: Preliminary observations . Journal of Dental Sciences .2020

37. 2019 Effects of Sapindus mukorossi seed oil on skin wound healing: in vivo and in vitro testing . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2019 ;(20):2579-1-15

38. 2019 Gamma-irradiation–prepared low molecular weight hyaluronic acid promotes skin wound healing . Polymers .2019 ;(11):1214-1-12

39. 2019 Lew WZ,Feng SW,Lin CT,Huang HM. Use of 0.4-Tesla static magnetic field to promote reparative dentin formation of dental pulp stems cells through activation of p38 MAPK signaling pathway . International Endodontic Journal .2019 ;(52):28-43

40. 2019 Enhancement of natural killer cell cytotoxicity by using static magnetic field to increase their viability . Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine .2019 ;(38):131-142

41. 2019 Analysis of Surface Modified Porcine Bone Substitute—in vitro study . Coatings .2019

42. 2019 Establish a mechanical damping model for evaluating the surrounding soft tissue of dental implant. . Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology .2019 ;(19)

43. 2018 Lin CY,Chin YT,Kuo PJ,Lee HW,Huang HM,Lin HY, Weng IT, Hsiung CN, Chan YH, Lee SY. 2,3,5,4’-Tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-β-glucoside (THSG) potentiates self-renewal of human dental pulp stem cells via the AMPK/ERK/SIRT1 axis . International Endodontic Journal .2018

44. 2018 Lai WY,Feng SW,Chan YH,Chang WJ,Wang HT,Huang HM. In vivo investigation into effectiveness of Fe3O4/PLLA nanofibers for bone tissue engineering applications . Polymers .2018 ;(10):1-11

45. 2018 Chiang PC,Lin SL,Liu MJ,Fan KH,Chang WJ,Lee SY, Huang HM. Photoelastic analysis of stress distributions in the root-bone interface when applying various orthodontic methods to subside lower anterior crowding . Proc Instn Mech Engrs, Part H: J Engineering Medicine .2018

46. 2018 Huang HY,Manga YB,Huang WN,Lin CK,Tseng CL, Huang HM, Wu CY, Wu CC. Effect of hydroxyapatite formation on titanium surface with bone morphogenetic protein-2 loading through electrochemical deposition on MG-63 cells . Materials .2018

47. 2018 Proliferative effects of hyalyronic acid on human dental pulp stem cells . Journal of Prosthodontics and Implantology .2018 ;(7)

48. 2018 Salamanca E,Hsu CC,Huang HM,Teng NC,Lin CT,Pan YH, Chang WJ. Bone regeneration using substitute porcine bone-collagen composite in vitro and in vivo . Scientific Reports .2018 ;(8):984-984

49. 2018 Ultra-fast and sensitive silicon nanobelt field-effect transistor for high-throughput screening of alpha-fetoprotein . Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical .2018 ;(256):1114-1121

50. 2018 Lew WZ,Huang YC,Huang KY,Lin CT,Tsai MZ,Chang YL, Huang HM. Static magnetic fields enhance dental pulp stem cell proliferation by activating the p38 MAPK pathway as its putative mechanism . Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine .2018 ;(12):19-29

51. 2017 Chang YL,LO YJ,Feng SW,Huang YC,Tsai HY,Lin CT, Fan KH, Huang HM. Bone healing improvements using hyaluronic acid and hydroxyapatite/ beta-tricalcium phosphate in combination: an animal study . BioMed Research International .2017 ;(830162)

52. 2017 Huang YC,Huang KU,Yang BY,Ko CH,Huang HM. Fabrication of novel hydrogel with berberine-enriched carboxymethylcellulose and hyaluronic acid as an anti-inflammatory barrier membrane . BioMed Research International. .2017 ;(364018)

53. 2017 Ho KN,Lee SY,Huang HM. Damping ratio analysis of tooth stability under various simulated degrees of vertical alveolar bone loss and different root types . BioMedical Engineering OnLine .2017 ;(16):in-press

54. 2017 Lin JCY,Salamanca E,Tsai CY,Hsu YS,Huang HM,Teng NC, Wang PD, Feng SW, Chen MS, Chang WJ. Dental implant surrounding marginal bone level evaluation: platform switching vs. platform matching -1 year retrospective study . BioMed Research Internatiional .2017 ;(accept)

55. 2017 Manga YB,Ko FS,Yang YS,Hung JY,Yang WL,Huang HM, Wu CC. Ultra-fast and sensitive silicon nanobelt field-effect transistor for high-throughput screening of alpha-fetoprotein . Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical .2017 ;(256):1114-1121

56. 2017 Salamanca E,Pan YH,Tsai AI,Lin PY,Lin CK,Huang HM, Teng NC, Wang DP, Chang WJ. Enhancement of osteoblastic-like cell activity by glow discharge plasma surface modified hydroxyapetite/β-tricalcium phosphate bone substitute . Materials .2017 ;(accept)

57. 2017 Wang HT,Chiang PC,Tzeng JJ,Wu TL,Pan YH,Chang WJ, Huang HM. In vitro radiopacity and thermal property tests of nano-Fe3O4 incorporated poly-L-lactide bone screws . Polymers .2017 ;(9):191-212

58. 2017 ,Lin CT, Fan KH, Huang HM. Bone healing improvements using hyaluronic acid and hydroxyapatite/beta-tricalcium phosphate in combination: an animal study . BioMed Research International .2017 ;(2016):1-8

59. 2017 Chang YL,LO YJ,Feng SW,Huang YC,Tsai HY,Lin CT, Fan KH, Huang HM. Bone healing improvements using hyaluronic acid and hydroxyapatite/beta-tricalcium phosphate in combination: an animal study . BioMed Research International .2017

60. 2016 Huang YC ,Lew WZ,Feng SW,Lai WY,Abiko Y, Huang HM. Histomorphometric and transcriptome evaluation of early healing bone treated with a novel human particulate dentin powder . Biomedical Materials .2016 ;(12):1-13

61. 2016 Chang YC,Lee WF,Feng SW,Huang HM,Lin CT,Teng NC, Chang WJ. In vitro analysis of fibronectin-modified titanium surfaces . PLOS ONE .2016 ;(DOI:10)

62. 2016 Pan YH,Wang HT,Wu TL,Fan KH,Huang HM,Chang WJ. Fabrication of Fe3O4/PLLA composites for use in bone tissue engineering . Polymer Composites .2016 ;(38):2881-2888

63. 2016 Ho KN,Feng SW,Chang KC,Shih TC,Chang YC,Huang HM, Teng NC, Lin CT, Salamanca E, Chang WJ. A novel HA/β-TCP–collagen composite enhanced new bone formation for dental extraction socket preservation in the beagle dogs . Materials .2016 ;(9):191

64. 2016 Lo YJ,Pan YH,Lin CY,WJ Chang,Huang HM. Static magnetic field increases the survival rate of thawed RBCs frozen in a DMSO-free solution . Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering .2016 ;(37):157-161

65. 2016 Chang YC,Ho KN,Feng SW,Huang HM,Chang CH,Lin CT, Teng NC, Chang WJ, Pan YH. Fibronectin-grafted titanium dental implants: an in vivo study . BioMed Research International .2016 ;(241480)

66. 2016 Feng SW,Ho KN,Chan YH,Chang KJ,Lai WY,Huang HM. Damping Factor as a Diagnostic Parameter for Assessment of Osseointegration during the Dental Implant Healing Process: an Experimental Study in Rabbits . Ann Biomed Eng .2016 ;(44):3668-3678

67. 2016 YC Huang,WZ Lew,SW Feng,WY Lai,Y Abiko,HM Huang. Histomorphometric and transcriptome evaluation of early healing bone treated with a novel human particulate dentin powder . Biomedical Materials. .2016 ;(accept)

68. 2016 Salamaca E,Tsai CY,,Pan YH,Lin YT,Huang HM,Teng NC, Lin CT, Feng SW, Chang WJ. In vitro and in vivo study of a novel porcine collagen membrane for guided bone regeneration . Materials .2016 ;(9)

69. 2015 Sheng-Wei Feng,Wei-Jen Chang,Che-Tong Lin,Sheng-Yang Lee,Nai-Chia Teng,Haw-Ming Huang. Modal Damping Factor Detected by Impulse-Forced Vibration Method Provides Additional Information on Osseointegration during Dental Implant Healing Process . International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants .2015 ;(30):1333-1340

70. 2015 Salamanca E,Lee WF,Lin CY,Huang HM,Lin CT,Feng SW, Chang WJ. A novel porcine graft for regeneration of bone defects . Materials .2015 ;(8):2523-2536

71. 2015 Chang WJ,Pan YH,Tzeng JJ,Wu TL,Fong TH,Feng SW, Huang HM. Development and testing of X-ray imaging-enhanced poly-L-lactide bone screws . PLOS ONE .2015 ;(10):e01403-54

72. 2015 Lai WY,Huang YC,Chang WJ,Wang HT,Fong TH,Lin CT, Huang HM. Static magnetic field attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced multiple organ failure: a histopathologic study in mice . Int J Radiat Biol .2015 ;(91):135-141

73. 2015 Hsieh SC,Tsao JT,Lew WZ,Chan YH,Lee LW,Lin CT, Huang YK, Huang HM. Static magnetic field attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation in pulp cells by affecting cell membrane stability . The Scientific World Journal .2015 ;(492683):9

74. 2015 Chang YC,Feng SW,Huang HM,Teng NC,Lin CT,Lin HK, Wang Peter-D, Chang WJ. Surface Analysis of Titanium Biological Modification with Glow Discharge . Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research .2015 ;(17):469-475

75. 2014 Wang HT,Chan YH,Feng SW,Lo YJ,Teng NC,Huang HM. Development and biocompatibility tests of electrospun Poly-L-lactide nanofibrous membranes incorporating oleic acid coated-Fe3O4 . Journal of Polymer Engineering .2014 ;(34):241-245

76. 2014 Shen LK,Fan KH,Wu TL,Huang HM,Leung TK,Chen CJ, Chang WJ. Fabrication and magnetic testing of a poly-L-lactide biocomposite incorporating magnetite nanoparticles . Journal of Polymer Engineering .2014 ;(34):237-240

77. 2014 Hsu CJ,Lin SL,Chang WJ,Salamanca E,Feng SW,Teng NC, Huang HM. A novel porcine collagen GTR membrane for treatment of class II molar furcation involvemen . Journal of Polymer Engineering .2014 ;(34):231-235

78. 2014 Shu-Li Lin,Wei-Jen Chang,Chun-Yen Lin,Sung-Chih Hsieh,Sheng-Yang Lee,Kang-Hsin Fan, Che-Tong Lin, Haw-Ming Huang. Static magnetic field increases survival rate of dental pulp stem cells during DMSO-free cryopreservation. . Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine .2014 ;(23):1-7

79. 2014 Shen LK,Huang HM,Yang PC,Yung-Kai Huang,Wang PDY,Leung YK, Chen CJ, Chang WJ. A static magnetic field attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced neuro-inflammatory response via IL-6 mediated pathway . Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine .2014 ;(33):132-138

80. 2014 Feng SW,Lin CT,Chang WJ,Lee SY,Cheng CH,Huang HM. Influence of simulated bone quality and cortical bone thickness on implant stability detection using resonance frequency and damping factor analysis . International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants .2014 ;(29):105-112

81. 2014 Lin SL,Lee SY,Lin YC,Huang YH,Yang JC,Huang HM. Evaluation of mechanical and histological properties of cryopreserved human premolars under short-term preservation: A preliminary study . J Dent Sci .2014 ;(9):244-248

82. 2014 Salamanca E,Lin HK,Feng SW,Huang HM,Teng NC,Chang WJ. Histological evaluation of socket preservation with different bone grafting materials . Journal of Polymer Engineering .2014 ;(24):225-230

83. 2013 Lin CY,Chang WJ,Lee SY,Feng SW,Lin CT,Fan KS, Huang HM. Influence of a static magnetic field on the slow freezing of human erythrocyte . Int J Rad Biol .2013 ;(89):51-56

84. 2013 Lin CY,Wei PL,Chang WJ,Huang YK,Feng SW,Lin CT, Lee SY, Huang HM. Slow freezing coupled static magnetic field exposure enhances cryopreservative efficiency – A study on human erythrocytes . PLOS ONE .2013 ;(8):e58988

85. 2013 Hsieh SC,Lin SL,Huang YK,Chang WJ,Yuan CC,Lo YJ, Lee SY, Huang HM. Detection of looseness degree of dental posts using natural frequency analysis . Proc Instn Mech Engrs, Part H: J Engineering Medicine .2013 ;(227):928-932

86. 2013 Lin YS,Chou WL,Yang CH,Huang KS,Wang EC,Chen CY, Lin YH, Huang HM. A real-time impedance sensing chip for the detection of emulsion phase separation . Electrophoresis .2013 ;(34):1743-1748

87. 2012 Hsiao SY,Chen DC,Yang CH,Huang HM,Lu YP,Huang HS, Lin CY, Lin YS. Chemical-free and reusable cellular analysis - electrochemical impedance spectroscopy with a transparent ITO culture chip . International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction .2012 ;(8):1-9

88. 2012 Teng NC,Wang PDY,Chang WJ,Feng SW,Fan KH,Lin CT, Hsieh SC, Huang HM. Er:YAG laser-roughened enamel promotes osteoblastic differentiation. . Photomedicine and Laser Surgery .2012 ;(30):516-522

89. 2011 Lin CY,Teng NC,Hsieh SC,Lin YS,Chang WJ,Hsiao SY, Huang HS, Huang HM. Real-time detection of β1 integrin expression on MG-63 cells using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy . Biosensors and Bioelectronics .2011 ;(28):221-226

90. 2011 Huang HM,Chang WJ,Teng NC,Lin HL,Hsieh SC. Structural analysis of cyclic-loaded Ni-Ti rotary instruments using resonance frequency as a parameter . J Endod .2011 ;(37):993-996

91. 2011 Huang HM,Hsieh SC,Teng NC,Feng SW,Ou KL,Chang WJ. Biological surface modification of titanium surfaces using glow discharge plasma . Med Biol Eng Comput .2011 ;(49):701-706

92. 2011 Huang MS,Chang WJ,Huang HM,Lin YC,Huang YH,Yang JC, Lee SY. Effects of transportation time after extraction on the magnetic cryopreservation of pulp cells of rat dental pulp . J Dent Sci .2011 ;(5):20-25

93. 2011 Hsiao SY,Chen DC,Yang CH,Huang HM,Lu YP,Huang HS, Lin CY, Lin YS. Chemical-Free and Reusable Cellular Analysis - Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy with a Transparent ITO Culture Chip. . International Journal of Technology and Human Interact .2011 ;(in)

94. 2011 張維仁,劉宗豪,林哲堂,黃豪銘. 立即受力式牙科植體初期癒合之最佳受力條件分析 . J Family Dent .2011 ;(5):20-25

95. 2011 Chu CH,Ou KL,Dong DR,Huang HM,Tsai HH,Wang WN. Orthodontic bonding with self-etching primer and self-adhesive system . European Journal of Orthodontics .2011 ;(33):276-281

96. 2010 Hsieh SC,Lee SY,Ciou CY,Huang HM. Non-destructive natural frequency tests of cyclic fatigue-loaded nickel-titanium rotary instruments . Med Boil Eng Comput .2010 ;(48):555-560

97. 2010 Lee SY,Chiang PC,Tsai YH,Tsai SY,Jeng JH,Kawata T, HM Huang. The effects of cryopreservation of intact teeth on the isolated dental pulp stem cells . J Endodont .2010 ;(36):1336-1340

98. 2010 Yang JC,Lee SY,Chen CA,Lin CT,Chen CC,Huang HM. The role of the calmodulin-dependent pathway in static magnetic field-induced mechanotransduction . Bioelectromagnetics .2010 ;(31):255-261

99. 2010 辜雅勤,林哲堂,黃豪銘,張維仁. 外翼肌水平作用力與顳顎關節邊界條件 . J. Family Dent. .2010 ;(5):4-8

100. 2010 Lin YF,Yeh TS,Chen SF,Tsai YH,Chou5 CM,Yang YY, Huang HM. Non-muscle myosin IIA (MyH9): A novel class of signal transducer mediating the activation of Gαh/PLC-δ1 pathway . Endocrinology .2010 ;(151):876-885

101. 2010 Feng SW,Lo YJ,Chang WJ,Lin CT,Lee SY,Abiko Y, Huang HM. Static magnetic field exposure promotes differentiation of osteoblastic cells grown on the surface of a poly-L-lactide substrate . Med Boil Eng Comput .2010 ;(48):793-798

102. 2009 Chang WJ,Peng BY,Huang HM,Chang KJ,Lin CT. Effects of endodontic treatment on damping properties of teeth . J Family Dent .2009 ;(3):31-36

103. 2009 Lin SL,Chang WJ,Lin YS,Ou KL,Lin CT,Lin CP, Huang HM. Static magnetic field attenuates mortality rate of mice by increasing the production of IL-1 receptor antagonist . Int J Radiat Biol .2009 ;(85):633-640

104. 2009 Lin SL,Yang JC,Ho KN,Wang CH,Yeh CW,Huang HM. Effects of compressive residual stress on the morphologic changes of fibroblasts . Med Biol Eng Comp .2009 ;(47):1273-1279

105. 2009 Wang CH,Ou KL,Chang WJ,Teng NC,Yu JJ,Huang HM. Detection of furcation involvement of multirooted molar using natural frequency analysis: a numerical approach . Proc Instn Mech Engrs, Part H: J Engineering Medicine .2009 ;(223):375-382

106. 2009 Shen LK,Huang HM,Yu JJ,Lee SY,Lee CM,Hsieh SC. Effects of periodontal bone loss on the natural frequency of human canine: a three-dimensional finite element analysis. . J Dent Sci .2009 ;(4):81-86

107. 2009 Ou KL,Chang CC,Chang WJ,Lin CT,Chang KJ,Huang HM. Effect of damping properties on fracture resistance of root filled premolar teeth: a dynamic finite element analysis . Int Endod J .2009 ;(42):694-704

108. 2009 Lo YJ,Chang WJ,Lee SY,Chang KJ,Lin CT,Huang HM. Post-endodontic restorations reduced the effects of damping on stress concentration in premolars: a nonlinear finite element study . Proc Instn Mech Engrs, Part H: J Engineering Medicine .2009 ;(223):555-565

109. 2008 林敬凱,楊正昌,鄧乃嘉,潘裕華,許文祥,黃豪銘, 張維仁. 牙周再生膜片之生物性質評估 . 灣牙周醫誌 .2008 ;(13):339-349

110. 2008 Huang HM,Liu MJ,Lee SY. Photoelastic analysis for lower anterior crowding treatment with different bracket system. . J Taiwan Assoc Orthod. .2008 ;(20):26-31

111. 2008 Lin CT,Lee SY,Chen CY,Chen CA,Lin CP,Huang HM. Long-term continuous exposure to static magnetic field reduces lipopolysaccharide-induced cytotoxicity of fibroblasts . Int J Rad Biol .2008 ;(84):219-226

112. 2008 Lin SL,Chang WJ,Chiu KH,Hsien SC,Lee SY,Lin CT, Chen CC, Huang HM. Mechanobiology of MG63 osteoblast-like cells adaptation to static magnetic forces . Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine .2008 ;(27):55-64

113. 2008 Lee SY,Tseng H,Ou KL,Yang JC,Ho KN,Lin CT, Huang HM. Residual stress patterns affect cell distributions on injection-molded Poly-L-lactide substrate . Ann Biomed Eng .2008 ;(36):513-521

114. 2008 Wang CH,Liu HW,Ou KL,Teng NC,Yu JJ,Huang HM. Natural frequency analysis of tooth stability under various simulated types and degrees of alveolar vertical bone loss . Proc Inst Mec Eng H: J Biomed Eng .2008 ;(222):983-989

115. 2007 Lin YM,Liu DZ,Huang HM,Tseng LP. Measurement of the second virial coefficient of DPPC- and DPPG-liposomes by isothermal titration calorimetry . J Chin Inst Chem Eng .2007 ;(38):103-106

116. 2007 Lin CT,Chen CA,Chen YF,Chen CY,Lee SY,Huang HM. Static magnetic field reduced lipopolysaccharide-induced proinflammatory cytokine level of fibroblasts by altering membrane fluidity . J Dent Sci .2007 ;(2):11-18

117. 2007 Chang WJ,Lee SY,Wu CC,Lin CT,Abiko Y,Yamamichi N, Huang HM. A newly designed resonance frequency analysis device for dental implants stability detection (in press) . Dent Mat J .2007 ;(25):665-671

118. 2007 Chiu KH,Ou KL,Lee SY,Lin CT,Chang WJ,Chen CC, HM Huang. Static magnetic fields promote osteoblast-like cells differentiation via increasing the membrane rigidity . Annal of Biomedical Engineering (in press) .2007 ;(35):1932-1939

119. 2007 Chang WJ,Ou KL,Lee SY,Chen JY,Abiko Y,Lin CT, Huang HM. Type I Collagen Grafting on Titanium Surfaces Using Low Temperature Glow Discharge . Dent Mater J .2007 ;(accept)

120. 2006 Huang HM,Tsai CY,Lee HF,Lin CT,Yao WT,Chiu WT, Lee SY. Damping effects on the response of maxillary incisor subjected to a traumatic impact force: a nonlinear finite element analysis . J Dent .2006 ;(34):261-268

121. 2006 Huang HM,Lee SY,Yao WC,Lin CT,Yeh CY. Static magnetic field up-regulate osteoblast maturity by affecting local differentiation factors. . Clin Orthop Rel Res .2006 ;(447):201-208

122. 2006 Lo YJ,,Lee SY,Chen CC,Sheu MT,Huang HM,Shih YH, Yang JC.. In vivo evaluation of a dental anesthetic gydrogel dressing in post-extraction sockets. . Chin Dent J .2006 ;(25):79-89

123. 2006 Lin SL,Lee SY,Lee LY,Chiu WT,Lin CT,Huang HM. Vibrational analysis of mandible trauma: experimental and numerical approaches . Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing .2006 ;(44):785-792

124. 2005 Yao WC,Tasi CY,Chiu WT,Chen MS,Hsien SC,Lee HF, Lee SY, Lin CT, Huang HM. Effects of damping properties on the response of the maxillary central incisor subjected to a traumatic impact force . Chin J Dent .2005 ;(1):16-24

125. 2005 Hwang SD,Tsai CM,Teng NC,Huang HM,Lee SY,Wang WN. Bond strength of light-cured composite resin using various light sources . Chin Dent J .2005 ;(24):141-146

126. 2005 Huang HM,Lin CT,Chen YF,Tsai CM,Lo YJ,Lan WH, Lee SY. The effect of static magnetic field on lipopolysaccharide-induced cytotoxicity of fibroblast-an in vitro investigation . Chin J Dent .2005 ;(24):276-284

127. 2005 Huang,HM,Cheng KY,Chen CF,Ou KL,Lin CT,Lee SY. Design and examination of a stability-detecting device for dental implants . Proc Inst Med Eng H: J Biomed Eng .2005 ;(219):203-211

128. 2005 Ou KL,Tsai MH,Huang HM,Chiou SY,Lin CT,Lee SY. Interfacial reactions and electrical properties of hafnium-based thin films in Cu/barrier/n+-p junction diodes . Microelectronic Engineering .2005 ;(77):184-192

129. 2005 Huang HM,Ou KL,Wang WN,Chiu WT,Lin CT,Lee SY. Dynamic finite element analysis of the human maxillary incisor under impact loading in various directions . J Endod .2005 ;(31):723-727

130. 2005 Huang HM,Tsai CM,Chang CC,Lin CT,Lee SY. Evaluation of loading conditions on fatigue-failed dental implants by fracture surface analysis . Int J maxifacial Implants .2005 ;(20):855-860

131. 2004 Lee LY,Huang HM,Huang JM,Chou SY,Lee SY,Chiu WT, Tsai CM, Lo YJ, Lin CT. Dynamic response analysis of the mechanism of mandible trauma. . Chin Dent J .2004 ;(23):304-311

132. 2004 Huang HM,Liu DZ,Shiau YY,Yeh CY,Lin CT,Lee SY. Natural frequency assessment of the stability of root keeper magnetic devices . Med Boil Eng Comput .2004 ;(42):388-393

133. 2004 Huang HM,Cheng KY,Lin CT,Huang WJ,Yao WC,Cheng PY, Lee SY. Examination of A Novel Designed Device Used for Dental Implants Stability Detection – An Animal Study. . J Med Bilog Eng .2004 ;(24):155-162

134. 2003 Chen, C.C., Chueh, J.Y., Tseng, H., Huang, H.M., Lee, S.Y.. Preparation and characterization of biodegradable PLA polymeric blends for dental and orthopedic applications . Biomaterals .2003 ;(24):1167-1173

135. 2003 Huang HM, Chiu CL, Yeh CY, Lin CT, Lin LH, Lee SY.. Early detection of implant healing process using resonance frequency analysis. . Clin Oral Impl Res .2003 ;(14):437-443

136. 2003 Huang, H.M., Yeh, C.Y., Lee, S.Y.. Factors influencing the resonance frequency of dental implants. . J Oral Maxillofac Surg .2003 ;(61):1184-1188

137. 2003 黃豪銘,鄭光祐,鄭瑩瑩,李勝揚.. 人工牙根穩固度檢測儀之設計與驗證 . 機構與機械設計 .2003 ;(14):30-40

138. 2003 Lo YJ, Huang HM, Chang CC, Chen JL, Lin CT, Shih YH, Lee SY.. Fracture surface analysis of the implant with fatigue failure. . Chin Dent J .2003 ;(22):99-110

139. 2003 Huang HM, Cheng KY, Cheng PY, Cheng HC, Cheng JL, Lian RY, Lee SY. Design and examination of a stability-detecting device for dental implants. . Chin Dent J .2003 ;(22):111-120

140. 2003 Ma LH, Chen JY, Chang WJ, Lee SY, Huang HM, Wang JY, You YP, Sheu MS, Lin CT. Protein coating on the titanium surfaces using glow dischage. . Chin Dent J .2003 ;(22):89-98

141. 2003 Chen CC,Guo BR,Tseng H,Wang YH,Huang HM,Chiu WT, Lee SY. Tissue response and biodegradation of polylactic acid bone screw and plate . Chin Dent J .2003 ;(22):221-230

142. 2003 Ou KL,Tsai MH,Huang HM,Lee SY. Development of a piezoelectric microsensor for monitoring the stability of dental implants . Chin Dent J .2003 ;(23):231-250

143. 2002 Huang, H.M., Chang C.C., Lee, L.Y., Fan, K.H. Ho, K.N., Shiau, Y.Y., Lin, C.T., Ma, L.H., Lee, S.Y.. Vibrational assessment of the stability of Root Keeper in magnetic attachment system . Chin Dent J .2002 ;(21):283-294

144. 2002 Huang, H.M., Lee, S.Y., Yeh, C.Y., Lin, C.T.. Resonance frequency of dental implant stability with various bone quality: a numerical approach. . Clin Oral Impl Res .2002 ;(13):65-74

145. 2001 Huang, H.M., Lee, S.Y.. Mechanisms of mechanotransduction in bone remodeling. . New Taipei J Med .2001 ;(3):218-224

146. 2001 Lee, S.Y., Lin, C.T., Chiang, H.C., Huang, H.M., Shih, Y.H., Chen, H.C., Dong, D.R., Pan, L.C.. Thermo-debonding mechanisms in dentin bonding systems using finite element analysis. . Biomaterials .2001 ;(22):113-123

147. 2001 Ho, C.T., Vijayaraghavan T.V., Lee, S.Y., Tasi, A., Huang, H.M.. Flexural behavior of postcured composites at oral-simulating temperatures . J Oral Rehabil .2001 ;(28):658-667

148. 2001 Huang, H.M., Tzeng, H.C., Yeh, C.Y., Lin, J.W., Chiu, W.T., Tai, M.C., Lee, S.Y.. Pilot studies of partitioning membranes effects on head injury . New Taipei J Med .2001 ;(3):187-192

149. 2001 Pan, L.C., Huang, H.M., Lin, C.T., Shih, Y.H., Cheng, H.C., Chu, K.T., Lee, S.Y.. Acoustic emissions during soldering of base metals and resultant structures and strengths . New Taipei J Med .2001 ;(3):193-202

150. 2001 Huang, H.M., Lee, S.Y., Yeh, C.Y., Wang, M.S., Chang, W.J. Lin, C.T.. Resonance frequency analysis of periodontal conditions in human anterior teeth. . Ann Biomed Eng .2001 ;(29):915-921

151. 2001 Huang, H.M., Lee, S.Y.. Mechanisms of mechanotransduction in bone remodeling . New Taipei J Med .2001 ;(3):218-224

152. 2001 Huang H.M., Yu, C.C., Lin, C.T., Chen, H.C., Shih, Y. H., Lo, Y.J., Lee, S.Y.,. Resonance frequency analysis of tooth mobility under various simulated types and degree of alveolar bony defects. . Chin dent J .2001 ;(10):155-164

153. 2001 Huang, H.M., Pan L.C., Lee, S.Y., Ho, K.N., Fan, K.S., Chen, C.T.. Natural frequency analysis for the stability of a dental implant by finite element method . J. Med. Biol. Eng. .2001 ;(21):61-67

154. 2001 Lee, S.Y., Wang, M.S., Huang, H.M., Yeh, C.Y., Pan L.C., Lin, C.T.. Clinical investigation of resonance technique in periodontal level assessment . Chin dent J .2001 ;(20):37-46

155. 2001 Chen, C.C., Chueh, J.Y., Tseng, H., Huang, H.M., Cheng, H.C., Hsiang, C.L., S.Y., Lee.. Preparation and characterization of biodegradable polylactide blends for dental and orthopedic use . Chin Dent J .2001 ;(20):269-282

156. 2001 Huang, H.M., Wu, L.D., Lee, S.Y., Pan L.C.. Optimal design for wall thickness of dental implants using finite element method. . J. Med. Biol. Eng. .2001 ;(21):191-195

157. 2001 Huang, H.M., Wu L.D., Lee, S.Y., Chen, H.C., Chen, J.L., Chen, C.T.. Stress analysis of different wall thickness of implant fixture with various boundary levels. . J Med Eng Tecnnol .2001 ;(24):267-272

158. 2001 Huang, H.M., Yeh, C.Y., Pan L.C., Lee, S.Y., Wang, M.S., Chen, C.C.. Factors influencing the dynamic behavior of human teeth. . Med Biol Eng Comput .2001 ;(39):176-181

159. 2001 Huang, H.M., Wang, M.S., Lee, S.Y., Yeh, C.Y.. Dynamic behavior assessment of human teeth: an in vivo study. . J. Med. Biol. Eng. .2001 ;(21):155-160

160. 2000 Lee, S.Y., Lin, C.T., Wang, M.H., Tseng, H., Huang, H.M., Dong, D.R., Pan, L.C.. Effect of temperature and flux concentration on soldering of base metal. . J Oral Rehabil .2000 ;(27):1047-1053

161. 2000 Lee, S.Y., Huang, H.M., Pan L.C., Fan, K.S., Ho, K.N., Lin, C.T.. A comparison between bone quality and resonance frequency measurements of dental implant. . Chin dent J .2000 ;(19):183-191

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163. 2000 Lee, S.Y., Dong, D.R., Huang, H.M.. Fluoride ion diffusion from a glass-ionomer cement. . J Oral Rehabil .2000 ;(27):576-586

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165. 2000 Lee, S.Y., Chiang, H.C., Lin, C.T., Huang, H.M., Dong, D.R.. Finite element analysis of thermo-debonding mechanism in dental composites . Biomaterials .2000 ;(21):1315-1326

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1. 2018 Nien CJ,Huang YC,Lew WZ,Chan YH,Huang HM. Inhibitory effect of sapindus seed oil on melanogenesis in B16F10 melanoma cells . 2018 Hong Kong International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences .2018

2. 2018 Huang HM,Huang KY,Huang YC. Fabrication of novel hydrogel with berberine-enriched carboxymethylcellulose and hyaluronic acid as an anti-inflammatory barrier membrane . 2018 Hong Kong International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences. .2018

3. 2018 Huang YX,Lew WZ,Huang YC,Chan YH,Huang HM. 0.4-T SMF promotes reparative dentin formation by activate p38 MAPK signaling pathway: An in vitro study . Kong International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences .2018

4. 2018 Ho KN,Lee SY,Feng SW,Huang HM. Damping ratio analysis of dental implant stability under various boundary conditions . Hong Kong International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences .2018

5. 2018 Development of an electrochemical impedance transducer for measuring whole blood cogylation . 2018 Internation Conference on Science, Engineering, Vocational Education and Noveity .2018

6. 2018 Development of an electrochemical impedance transducer for measuring whole blood cogylation . 2018 Internation Conference on Science, Engineering, Vocational Education and Noveity, Kyoto, Japan .2018

7. 2018 Development of an electrochemical impedance transducer for measuring whole blood coagulation . 2018 Internation Conference on Science, Engineering, Vocational Education and Noveity, Kyoto, Japan .2018

8. 2018 Moderate strength static magnetic field promoting reparative dentin formation of dental pulp stems cells: An in vitro study . Hong Kong International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences. .2018

9. 2018 Development of a small-amount blood coagulation detecting chip using electronic impedance method . Hong Kong International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences .2018

10. 2017 Huang YC,Huang HM. Histomorphometric and transcriptome evaluation of early healing bone treated with a novel human particulate dentin powder . The 137th Annual meeting of Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. Sendai, Japan .2017

11. 2017 Nien CJ,Chiang HP,Huang KU,Huang YC,Huang HM. Fabrication of magnesium ion release membrane using carboxymethyl cellulose-hyaluronic acid . The 137th Annual meeting of Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. Sendai, Japan .2017

12. 2017 Zhang GW,Huang YC,Huang HM. Fabrication and mechanical property test of biodegradable PLLA-embedded magnesium bone screw . The 137th Annual meeting of Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. Sendai, Japan .2017

13. 2017 Huang YX,Huang KU,Lew WZ,Huang HM. The synergistic effect of magnesium and static magnetic field on enhancing the osteogenesis of dental pulp stem cell . The 137th Annual meeting of Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. Sendai, Japan .2017

14. 2015 Lin YH,Huang KU,Huang HM. The investigation on the signaling pathway of dental plup stem cell proliferation affected by hyaluronic acid . 135th The Pharmacetical Society of Japan, Kobe, Japan .2015

15. 2015 Chou PC,Wu PH,Wang HT,Huang HM. Synthesis and chemical testing of super-paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle encapsulate hyaluronic acid for MRI contrast agent development . 135th The Pharmacetical Society of Japan, Kobe, Japan .2015

16. 2015 Wu PH,Chou PC,Chan YH,Huang HM. Investigative on MRI contrast agent for tumor detection using hyaluronic acid modified magnetite nanoparticles . 135th The Pharmacetical Society of Japan, , Kobe .2015

17. 2015 Lin CT,Wu TL,Lee HM,Huang HM. Fabrication of a nano-magnetic biodegradable composite for medical applications . Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2015, Prague, Czech Republic .2015

18. 2015 Chang YL,Lew WZ,Shiau YY,Huang HM. The gene expression of dental pulp stem cells due to 0.4T SMF treatment . Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2015 .2015

19. 2015 Fan KS,Lin CY,Huang HM,Yang JC. Increases cryopreservation efficiency of stem cells using static magnetic field . Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2015, Prague, Czech Republic .2015

20. 2015 Huang HM,Tzeng JJ,Chan YH,Tseng CF. The bone regeneration effect of 3D printed ferromagnetic magnetite-based polylactide composite bone screw . In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2015, Prague, Czech Republic .2015

21. 2015 Lew WZ,Lin YH,Huang HM. The subcellular changes of 0.4T SMF exposure DPSCs . International Conference on Life Science & Biological Engineering 2015 .2015

22. 2015 Huang YC,Yeh MY,Huang HM. Histological and molecular evaluation of healing bone treated with human dentin materials . International Conference on Life Science & Biological Engineering 2015 .2015

23. 2015 Huang KY,Huang HM. The combined effect of chemical and physical stimulation on dental pulp stem cells . International Conference on Life Science & Biological Engineering 2015 .2015

24. 2015 Huang HM,Tzeng JJ,Chan YH. Development of a 3D printable and CT visible ferromagnetic magnetite-based polylactide composite bone screw . International Conference on Life Science & Biological Engineering 2015 .2015

25. 2014 Huang YC,Huang HM. Transcription analysis for early healing bone treated with dentin powders . Tokyo International Conference on Life Science and Biological Engineering .2014

26. 2014 Lew WZ,Lin CT,Huang HM. 0.4T static magnetic field enhances proliferation of isolated dental pulp stem cells by increased their cell membrane rigidity . Tokyo International Conference on Life Science and Biological Engineering .2014

27. 2012 Lin CT,Chang WJ,Yang PC,Lai WY,Fan KS,Huang HM. Inhabitation of LPS-induced brain damage using static magnetic field . Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2012 .2012

28. 2012 Huang HM,Lin CY,Chang WJ,Ho KN,Shiau YY,Lin CT. Static magnetic fields increase low-temperature storage efficiency of human blood cells . Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2012 .2012

29. 2012 Feng SW,Chan YH,Lin CT,Yeh CW,Lin SL,Huang HM. Biological properties and haemocompatibility evaluation of a novel paramagnetic nano-membrane via electrospinning . Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2012 .2012

30. 2012 Lin CT,Yang PC,Tsai HY,Ho KN,Shiau YY,Lee WF, Huang HM. Static magnetic fields increase endotoxin tolerance of microglia cells . 32th Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2012, Moscow, Russia .2012

31. 2012 Huang YK,Su YT,Feng SW,Chan YH,Fan KS,Lee HM, Huang HM. Influence of static magnetic fields on cytotoxicity of natural killer cells . 32th Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2012, Moscow, Russia .2012

32. 2012 Huang HM,Lee SY,Yang SH,Yeh CW,Lin SL,Jeng C, Ho KN. The influence of static magnetic field on growth of dental pulp stem cells. . 32th Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2012, Moscow, Russia .2012

33. 2012 Lee SY,Lin YC,Lin SL,Jeng C, Huang HM. Static magnetic field exposure has positive effects on mechanical and histological properties of cryopreserved human dental pulp . 32th Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2012, Moscow, Russia .2012

34. 2012 Feng SW,Lin CT,Huang HM. The application of damping factor for detecting implant healing process . 8th Biennial meeting of Asian Academy of Prosthodontics (AAP), Chennai, India .2012

35. 2012 Tzeng JJ,Huang HM. Effect of partial cementation on the stress distributions at post-cement interface . 8th Biennial meeting of Asian Academy of Prosthodontics (AAP), Chennai, India .2012

36. 2012 Huang HM,Yang SH,Lin CT. Effect of partial cementation on the stress distributions at post-cement interface . 8th Biennial meeting of Asian Academy of Prosthodontics (AAP), Chennai, India .2012

37. 2012 Huang YC,Ho, KN,Huang HM. Gene profile for healing bone treated with dentin powders . 8th Biennial meeting of Asian Academy of Prosthodontics (AAP), Chennai, India .2012

38. 2012 Lin CT,Feng SW,Huang HM. Dimensional changes of alveolar ridge after socket preservation with three different biomaterials . 8th Biennial meeting of Asian Academy of Prosthodontics (AAP), Chennai, India .2012

39. 2011 Yuan CC,Hsieh SC,Huang HM,Lee SY,Tzeng JJ,Teng NC. Relationship between resonance frequency and cemented post looseness: an in vito modal testing study. . The 7th Biennial Meeting of Asian Academy of Prosthodontics, Shanghai, China .2011 ;(1-P38):111

40. 2011 Su HY,Feng SW,Lin CT,Huang HM,Shiau YY,Chan YH, Chang WJ. Influence of MOD treatment on damping properties of restored teeth – An in vitro study using modal testing. . The 7th Biennial Meeting of Asian Academy of Prosthodontics, Shanghai, China .2011

41. 2011 Huang HM,Huang YC,Chang WJ,Feng SW,Chan YH,Yang PC. Laser-roughened tooth promotes osteoblastic cell differentiation. . The 7th Biennial Meeting of Asian Academy of Prosthodontics, Shanghai, China .2011 ;(1-P72):128

42. 2011 Ho KN,Tsai HY,Chang WJ,Huang HM,Lai WY. Morphological changes and histological evaluation after socket grafting with collagen-HA/TCP matrix. . The 7th Biennial Meeting of Asian Academy of Prosthodontics, Shanghai, China .2011 ;(1-P73):128

43. 2011 Tzeng JJ,Huang CC,Tsai HY,Huang HM. Detection of fixation degree of a cemented post using vibrational frequency as a parameter: a three dimensional finite element analysis. . The 7th Biennial Meeting of Asian Academy of Prosthodontics, Shanghai, China .2011 ;(1-P0):93

44. 2011 Lin CY,Yang SH,Su YT,Lee SY,Lin CT,Huang HM. Static magnetic fields improved survival rates of cryopreserved dental pulp stem cells for promoting implant healing. . The 7th Biennial Meeting of Asian Academy of Prosthodontics, Shanghai, China .2011 ;(1-P10):93

45. 2011 Feng SW,Huang HM,Lin CT,Shiau YY,Su HY,Lin CY. Application of damping ratio in monitoring dental implant stability: An in vitro study. . The 7th Biennial Meeting of Asian Academy of Prosthodontics, Shanghai, China .2011 ;(1-P54):119

46. 2011 Lin CT,Chang WJ,Feng SW,Yeh CH,Shiau YY,Chang YC, Huang HM. Resonance frequency analysis and bone height evaluation of osseointegrated implants with conventional or platform-switching abutment after occlusal loading. . The 7th Biennial Meeting of Asian Academy of Prosthodontics, Shanghai, China .2011 ;(1-P55):119

47. 2010 Lin CT,Liu TH,Huang HM,Chang WJ. The mechanisms of micro-strain and hydrostatic pressure affect implant healing . 88th International Association for Dental Research, Barcelona, Spain .2010

48. 2010 Huang HM,Hsieh SC,Lin HL,Lee SY. Structural status detection of fatigue-loaded rotary instruments with resonance frequency . 88th International Association for Dental Research, Barcelona, Spain .2010

49. 2010 Feng SW,Huang HM,Lee SY,Chang WJ,Lin CT. Effects of damping factors on monitoring dental implant stability . 88th International Association for Dental Research, Barcelona, Spain .2010

50. 2010 Huang HM. Static Magnetic field induced mechanotransduction in osteoblastic Cells via calmodulin-dependent pathway— an in vitro culture study . Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2010 .2010

51. 2010 Cha YH,Feng SW,Wang HT,Ou KL,Lin CT,Huang HM. Investigation of artificial dress embedded with nanomagnetic particles . Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2010, Xi-An, China .2010

52. 2010 Lai WY,Lin CT,Lee SY,Huang HM. Static magnetic field reduced disseminated intravascular coagulation in the LPS-induced mice . Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Xi-An, China .2010

53. 2010 Lin CY,Yang PC,Lee SY,Lin CT,Huang HM. Inference of SMF on red-blood-cells cryopreservation . Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Xi-An, China .2010

54. 2009 Feng SW,Lin CT,Lee SY,Chang WJ,Huang HM. tatic magnetic fields promote growth of fibroblast-like cells cultured on the poly-L-lactide substrates . The 6th Biennial Meeting of Asian Academy of Prosthodontics, Seoul, Korea .2009

55. 2009 Huang HM,Chang WJ,Chang KJ,Lin CT. Dynamic finite element analysis of damping effect on stress concentration of endodontically-treated premolars . The 6th Biennial Meeting of Asian Academy of Prosthodontics, Seoul, Korea .2009

56. 2009 Huang HM,Lin CT,Chang WJ,Chen CH,Feng SW. Effects of damping properties of restored teeth on loading response- Analysis of a viscoelastic finite element model under dynamic force . 31st Asia Pacific Dental Congress, Hong Kong .2009 ;(P-12):85

57. 2009 Ku YC,Huang HM,Lin CT. Effect of implant-supported-fixed prostheses on mandibular deformation during opening movement – A finite element analysis . 31st Asia Pacific Dental Congress, Hong Kong .2009 ;(P-10):85

58. 2009 Hsien SC,Huang HM,Ciou CY,Lin HL. Nondestructive test of endodontic NiTi rotary instruments cyclic fatigue with resonance frequency . 31st Asia Pacific Dental Congress, Hong Kong .2009 ;(P-8):84

59. 2009 Lee SY,Huang HM,Chang WJ,Lin CY. Development of electromagnetic sensor for resonance frequency analysis of dental implants . 31st Asia Pacific Dental Congress, Hong Kong .2009 ;(P-42):93

60. 2009 詹雅惠,馮聖偉,王賢達,歐耿良,楊正昌,林哲堂, 黃豪銘. 磁性奈米人工敷料之生物相容性研究 . 2009年生物醫學工程科技研討會 .2009 ;(PE011):220

61. 2009 賴緯溢,林哲堂,李勝揚,黃豪銘. 靜磁場抑制脂多醣引發瀰散性血管內凝血的小鼠之死亡 . 2009年生物醫學工程科技研討會 .2009 ;(PE058):240

62. 2008 Chang KZ,Huang HM,Lin CT. Post statbility detection using a noval electromagnetic sensor . 9th International Research Project on Magnetic Dentistry, Hiroshima, Japan .2008 ;(P-03):38

63. 2008 Lee SY,Lin CT,Huang HM. Development of electromagnetic sensor for resonance frequency analysis of dental implants. . 9th International Research Project on Magnetic Dentistry, Hiroshima, Japan .2008 ;(P-04):39

64. 2008 Lin CY,Tsai YZ,Huang HM. Effects of static magnetic fields on neurogeneration. . 9th International Research Project on Magnetic Dentistry, Hiroshima, Japan .2008 ;(P-05):40

65. 2008 Chen CH,Lin CP,Huang HM. SMF attenuate mortality rate of mice with LPS-induced DIC . 9th International Research Project on Magnetic Dentistry, Hiroshima, Japan .2008 ;(P-06):44

66. 2008 Lin CY,Tsai YZ,Huang HM. Effects of static magnetic fields on neurogeneration . 9th International Research Project on Magnetic Dentistry, Hiroshima, Japan .2008 ;(P-05):42

67. 2008 Lin CT,Huang HM. Influence of the static magnetic field to osteoblast growing . 9th International Research Project on Magnetic Dentistry, Hiroshima, Japan .2008 ;(W-07):30

68. 2008 林君彥,李勝揚,黃豪銘. 靜磁場與抗凍劑對紅血球冷凍保存的影響 . 2008年生物醫學工程科技研討會 .2008

69. 2007 Feng SW,Huang HM,Lee SY,Lin CT,Chang WJ. Static magnetic fields promotes osteoblast growth on the poly(latic-acid) surface . 85th International Association for Dental Research, New Orleans, USA, # 1786 .2007

70. 2007 Lin CP,Huang HM,Lee SY,Lin CT,Chang WJ. Static magnetic fields reduced lipopolysaccharide-induced excessive immune reaction in mice . 85th International Association for Dental Research, New Orleans, USA .2007

71. 2007 Lin JY,Lin YS,Lee SY,Lin CT,Huang HM. Detection of osteointegration by sensing integrin expression using a novel electric-substrate sensing chip. . 21th Annual Scientific Meeting of International Association for Dental Research SAE division. Bali, Indonesia. .2007 ;(IP-039):103

72. 2007 Chen CH,Lin CT,Lee SY,Huang HM. Damping effects of dental restorative materials – an in vitro study using modal testing . 21th Annual Scientific Meeting of International Association for Dental Research SAE division. Bali, Indonesia. .2007 ;(IP-092):129

73. 2007 Hsieh SC,Ciou CY,Lee SY,Huang HM. Nondestructive test of endodontic NiTi rotary instruments with resonance frequency. . 21th Annual Scientific Meeting of International Association for Dental Research SAE division. Bali, Indonesia. .2007 ;(IP-098):132

74. 2007 Chang KZ,Lin CT,Chang WJ,Huang HM. Test the different surrounding situation of post by resonance frequency. . 21th Annual Scientific Meeting of International Association for Dental Research SAE division. Bali, Indonesia. .2007 ;(IP-020):93

75. 2007 Lin CT,Feng SW,Lee SY,Huang HM. Static magnetic fields stimulate osteoblast-like cells growth on the Poly(L-lactide) surface. . 21th Annual Scientific Meeting of International Association for Dental Research SAE division. Bali, Indonesia. .2007 ;(IP-123):145

76. 2007 Lee SY,Lin CP,Lin CT,Huang HM. Static magnetic fields reduce lipopolysaccharide induced immune reaction: an animal study. . 21th Annual Scientific Meeting of International Association for Dental Research SAE division. Bali, Indonesia. .2007 ;(IP-105):136

77. 2007 Cheng CH,Lee SY,Lin CT,Huang HM. Detection of impedance characteristics of periodontalcells using biochips . 21th Annual Scientific Meeting of International Association for Dental Research SAE division. Bali, Indonesia. .2007 ;(IP-040):103

78. 2006 Wu CC,Chang WJ,Huang HM,Lee SY,Lin CT. Comparison of two different resonance frequency analysis methods in vitro . 84th International Association for Dental Research .2006

79. 2006 Chen CY,Huang HM,Lee SY,Lin CT. Static magnetic fields reduced cytotoxicity induced by LPS and LTA . 84th International Association for Dental Research, Brisbane, Australia .2006

80. 2006 Lee SY,Wu CC,Chang WJ,Huang HM,Lin CT. In vivo RFA with impact technology provides implant healing information . 84th International Association for Dental Research, Brisbane, Australia .2006

81. 2006 Huang HM,Cheng CA,Lee SY,Yeh CY,Lin CT. Static magnet affects osteoblastic maturation by increasing the membrane fluidity . 84th International Association for Dental Research, Brisbane, Australia .2006

82. 2006 Chang WJ,Huang HM,Wu CC,Lin CT,Lee SY. Comparison of two different resonance frequency analysis methods in vivo . 84th International Association for Dental Research, Brisbane, Australia .2006

83. 2006 Huang HM,Lin CT,Chen CY,Lee SY. The effects of static magnetic fields on lipopolysaccharide and lipoteichoic acid induced excessive immune reaction. . 8th International Research Project on Magnetic Dentistry .2006

84. 2006 陳俊仰,陳麒安,李勝揚,黃豪銘. 靜磁場對脂多醣和脂壁酸引發的細胞毒性之影響 . 2006生物醫學工程技術研討會 .2006

85. 2006 馮聖偉,林哲堂,李勝揚,黃豪銘. 靜磁場促進培養於聚乳酸片上似骨母細胞表現細胞外基質 . 2006生物醫學工程技術研討會 .2006

86. 2006 林君彥,林永昇,李勝揚,黃豪銘. 電極型式對以ITO為基質的細胞行為偵測系統之影響 . 2006生物醫學工程技術研討會 .2006

87. 2005 Chang WJ,Huang HM,Lee SY,Lin CT. Design and examination of a stability detecting device for dental implants using resonance frequency method . The 20th annual meeting of the Academy of Osseointegration .2005

88. 2005 吳成哲,黃豪銘,李勝揚,林哲堂. 比較諧振響應法與激振衝擊法分析人工植體穩固度之研究 . 中華民國贗復牙科學會年會 .2005

89. 2004 Huang HM,Shiau YY,Lin CT,Lee SY. Natural frequency assessment of stability of root keeper magnetic devices. . IRPMD .2004

90. 2004 Huang HM,Lin CT,Lee SY,Ko AS. Static magnetic field affect osteoblast differentiation at early stage . .2004

91. 2004 何國寧,黃豪銘,李勝揚,林哲堂. 以光彈分析法研究細胞貼附與聚乳酸內應力分布之關係 . 台灣口腔醫學研究學會年會 .2004

92. 2004 蔡明宏,毆耿良,黃豪銘,林哲堂,李勝揚. 整合型生醫感測系統晶片於牙科植體穩固度檢測上的應用 . 台灣口腔醫學研究學會年會 .2004

93. 2004 Huang HM,Chen YF,Lin CT,Lee SY. The role of predentin in the ,echanical properties of pulp . 82nd International Association for Dental Research .2004

94. 2004 Fan KH,Huang HM,Lee SY,Lin CT. The mechanism of a dental magnet stimulating osteoblast cell maturation . 82nd International Association for Dental Research .2004

95. 2004 Ho KN,Huang HM,Lee SY,Lin CT,Tseng H,Shih YH. Photoelastic analysis of relationship between internal stress and cell attachment . 82nd International Association for Dental Research .2004

96. 2004 黃豪銘,范剛信,李勝揚,林哲堂. 靜磁鐵磁場驅使骨母細胞分化成熟機轉之研究 . Chinese Dental Journal .2004 ;(23):108

97. 2003 Lee, L. –Y., Huang, H. -M., Lee, S. –Y., Lin, C. –T.. Vibrational analysis of the mechanism of traumatic injuries to the mandible. . 81st International Association for Dental Research, Goteborg, Sweden, .2003 ;(81):B155

98. 2003 Lee, S. –Y., Cheng, K. –Y., Huang, H. -M., Lin, C. –T.. Design and examination of a stability-detecting device for dental implants. . 81st International Association for Dental Research, Goteborg, Sweden, # 1602, JDR .2003 ;(82):B212

99. 2003 Huang, H. -M., Chang, C. -C., Lo, Y. -J., Lin, C. –T., Lee, S. –Y.. Fracture surface analysis of the implant with fatigue failure. . 81st International Association for Dental Research, Goteborg, Sweden, # 1602, JDR; .2003 ;(82):B213

100. 2003 Fan, K. H., Huang, H. -M., Lee, S. Y., Lin, C. T.. The mechanism of dental magnet in stimulating osteoblast cell maturation . The 3rd Biennial Congress of Asian Acadeny of Prosthodontics. Taipei, Taiwan .2003

101. 2003 Ho, K. N., Huang, H. -M., Lee, S. Y., Lin, C. T.. Photoelastic analysis of relationship between internal stress and cell attachment . The 3rd Biennial Congress of Asian Acadeny of Prosthodontics .2003

102. 2003 黃豪銘, 范剛信, 林哲堂, 葉錦瑩, 李勝揚.. 靜磁場刺激骨母細胞成熟之機轉 . 92年度中華民國生物醫學工程學會年會 .2003

103. 2002 Lin, C. -T., Huang, H. -M., Shiau, Y. -Y., Lee, S. –Y., Chang, C. -C.. Vibration assessment of the stability of Root Keeper. . IADR .2002 ;(81):A157

104. 2002 Ho, K –N., Chang, C. -C, Huang, H. -M., Shiau, Y. -Y., Lin, C. –T, Lee, S. –Y.. Vibrational assessment of Root Keeper . 17th International Association for Dental Research-South-East Asian Divivion, Hong Kong .2002 ;(IP-108):64

105. 2002 黃豪銘,張正忠,羅怡君,李勝楊.. 人工牙根之破壞斷面分析 . 中華民國生物醫學工程學會年會 .2002

106. 2002 黃豪銘,張正忠,羅怡君,李勝楊. 人工牙根之破壞斷面分析 . 中華民國生物醫學工程學會年會 .2002 ;(D1-05)

107. 2001 黃豪銘, 潘力誠., 李勝揚.. 自然頻率分析在牙科的應用 . 口腔生醫材料極力學研討會 .2001

108. 2001 Chang C. -C., Huang, H. -M., Lin, C. -T., Shiau, Y. -Y., Lee, S. -Y.. Vibration assessment of the stability of Root Keeper . 台灣口腔研究學會第三屆學術研討會. .2001

109. 2001 Chang C. -C., Lee, S. -Y., Huang, H. -M., Lee, H. -F., Tsai, C. -Y., Lin, C. -H., Li, C. -H.. Dynamic finite element analysis of dental trauma under various impact situations. . The 23rd Asia Pacific Dental Congress. .2001 ;(EN-25):171

110. 2001 Lin, C. -T., Huang, H. -M., Lee, S. -Y., Chiu, C. -L., Pan, L. -C.. Stability assessment of the implant-none interface using resonance frequency analysis . The 23rd Asia Pacific Dental Congress .2001 ;(IM07):181

111. 2001 Huang, H. -M., Ho, K. -N., Lee, S. Y., Fan, K. H.. Numerical approachof vibrational characteristics of dental implant with various bone quality . The 23rd Asia Pacific Dental Congress .2001 ;(IM-08):182

112. 2001 Lin, S. -F., Lee, C. H., Pan, L. C., Lee, S. Y., Huang, H. -M., Lin, C. Y.. A novel device assessing the osseointegration of dental implant based on vibration analysis . The 23rd Asia Pacific Dental Congress .2001 ;(IM-09):183

113. 2001 Wang, M. -S., Huang, H. -M., Yeh, C. -Y., Pan, L. -C., Lee, S. -Y., Lin, C. T., Fan, K. -H., Ho, K. -N.. In vivo investigation of the resonance frequency of natural tooth. . The 23rd Asia Pacific Dental Congress. .2001 ;(Per-24):301

114. 2001 Yu, C. -C., Huang, H. -M., Lee, S. Y., Lin, C. T.. The use of resonance frequency analysis for the noninvasive stability assessment of incisor with multi-wall bony defects . The 23rd Asia Pacific Dental Congress. .2001 ;(per-25):302

115. 2001 Lin, C. -T., Huang, H. -M., Lee, S. -Y., Chiu, C. -L., Pan, L. -C., Cheng H. -C.. In vivo assessment of the resonance frequency of dental implant . 79th General Session of International Association for Dental Research, Chiba, Japan, # 1196, JDR .2001 ;(80):676

116. 2001 Lee, S. -Y., Huang, H. -M., Yeh, C. -Y., Wang, M. -S., Lin, C. -T.. Clinical investigation of periodontal conditions by using vibrational technology. . 79th General Session of International Association for Dental Research, Chiba, Japan, # 1239, JDR; .2001 ;(80):681

117. 2001 Chang, W. -J., Wang, C. -Y., Huang, H. -M., Lee, S. -Y., Lin, C. -T., Hsieh, K. -J.. Evaluation of cell permeability of guided tissue regeneration membranes in vitro (II) . 79th General Session of International Association for Dental Research, Chiba, Japan, # 1784, JDR; .2001 ;(80):749

118. 2000 余俊杰,黃豪銘,李勝揚,林哲堂. 邊界狀況對牙齒共振特性影響的有限元素分析 . 台灣生物力學學會年會, .2000

119. 2000 黃豪銘,李勝揚,葉錦瑩,王茂生,潘力誠. 人類牙齒自然頻率之臨床研究 . 台灣生物力學學會年會 .2000

120. 2000 黃豪銘,李豪富,李勝揚. 正中門齒之黏彈特性分析與其對齒挫傷之影響 . 台灣生物力學學會年會 .2000

121. 2000 李勝揚,黃豪銘,邱慶來,潘力誠. Assessment of osseointegration process by using modal testing technique . 台灣生物力學學會年會 .2000

122. 2000 王茂生,林哲堂,李勝揚,黃豪銘,葉錦瑩. Stability analysis of natural teeth by dynamical modal testing . 中華民國贗復牙科學會第三十次學術研討會 .2000

123. 2000 余俊杰,林哲堂,李勝揚,黃豪銘. Finite element analysis of vibration behavior of natural teeth at various periodontal conditions . 中華民國贗復牙科學會第三十次學術研討會 .2000

124. 2000 Chiu, C. -L., Fan, K. -H., Lee, S. -Y, Huang, H. -M., Pan, L. -C.. Stability assessment of the implant-bone interface using natural frequency analysis. . 15th International Association for Dental Research, South-East Asian Division. .2000

125. 2000 Wang, M. -S., Fan, K. -H., Huang, H. -M., Lee, S. -Y., Yeh, C. -Y., Lin, C.-T., Pan, L. -C.. In vivo investigation of the resonance frequency of natural tooth. . 15th International Association for Dental Research, South-East Asian Division. .2000

126. 2000 Yu, C. -C., Huang, H. -M., Lee, S. -Y., Pan, L. -C., Lin, C. -T.. Vibration assessment of the periodontal conditions by finite element method. . 15th International Association for Dental Research, South-East Asian Division. .2000

127. 2000 Ho, K. -N., Huang, H. -M., Lee, S. -Y., Fan, K. -H.. Finite element vibration analysis of dental implant with various boundary conditions. . 15th International Association for Dental Research, South-East Asian Division. .2000

128. 2000 Chang, W. -J., Wang, C. -Y., Huang, H. -M., Wu, C. -H., Lee, S. -Y., Lin, C. -T., Hsieh, K. -J.. Cell permeability of guided tissue regeneration membranes in vitro. . 15th International Association for Dental Research, South-East Asian Division. .2000

129. 2000 Chang, W. -J., Wang, C. -Y., Huang, H. -M., Wu, C. -H., Lee, S. -Y., Lin, C. -T., Hsieh, K. -J.. Cell Permeability of Guided Tissue Regeneration Membranes in vitro. . Japanese Association for Dental Research .2000

130. 2000 S. -Y., Huang, H. -M., Yeh, C. -Y., Wang, M. -S., , Pan, L. -C., Chang, W.-J.. Non-destructive assessment of periodontium in human anterior teeth . Japanese Association for Dental Research .2000

131. 2000 Ho, K. -N., Huang, H. -M., Lee, S. -Y., Pan, L.-C.. Natural Frequency Analysis of Osseointegration Process in Dental Implant-Bone Interface . 78th General Session of International Association for Dental Research, Washington, DC, USA, .2000 ;(#1210):pp295

132. 2000 Chang, W. -J., Wang, C. -Y., Huang, H. -M., Wu, C. -H., Lee, S. -Y., Lin, C. -T., Hsieh, K. -J.. Cell Permeability of Guided Tissue Regeneration Membranes in vitro. . 78th General Session of International Association for Dental Research, Washington, DC, USA, .2000 ;(#1339):pp311

133. 2000 Lee, H. -F., Lee, S. -Y., Huang, H. -M., Tsai, C.-Y., Pan, L. -C.. Dynamic Finite Element Analysis of Tooth Fracture . 78th General Session of International Association for Dental Research, Washington, DC, USA, .2000 ;(#2504):pp456

134. 2000 李豪富,李勝楊,黃豪銘,蔡吉陽. 牙齒外傷的動態有限元素分析 . 中華牙醫學會第23次學術研討會 .2000

135. 2000 Chiu, C. -L., Lee, S. -Y., Huang, H. -M., Pan, L. -C.. Natural frequency analysis of boundary conditions for dental implants: an in vitro study. . Symposium on Oral Engineering: Application and Research. Taipei, Taiwan .2000

136. 2000 Ho, K. -N., Fan, K. -H., Huang, H. -M., Lee, S. -Y., Pan, L. -C., Lin, C. -T. Finite element analysis for noninvasive assessment of the dental implant stability. . Symposium on Oral Engineering: Application and Research. Taipei, Taiwan. .2000

137. 2000 Pan, L. -C., Huang, H. -M., Lee, S. -Y.. A novel thin film pizeoelectric diagnostic device for the analysis of osseointegration in titanium dental implants. . Symposium on Oral Engineering: Application and Research. .2000

138. 2000 Lee, H. -F., Lee, S. -Y., Huang, H. -M., Tasi, C. -Y., Lin, C. -T.. Dynamic finite element analysis of stress distribution for dental research . Symposium on Oral Engineering: Application and Research. .2000

139. 1999 Wang, C. -C., Huang, H. -M., Chen, L. -G., Yen, K. -Y., Yang, L.-L.. Determination of Cantharidin in Mylabris Phalerata Pallas by GC/Mass. . The 7th Annual Conference for Technical Communication on Analytical Chemistry , Taichung, Taiwan .1999

140. 1999 李豪富,李勝楊,黃豪銘,蔡吉揚,鄭信忠. 牙齒斷裂之動態有限元素分析 . 第6屆中華民國齒顎矯正學會 .1999

141. 1999 Yu, C. -C., Huang, H. -M., Pan, L. -C., Lee, S. -Y.. Finite Element Analysis of Human Upper Central Incisor . Annual Symposium of the Biomechanical Engineering Society ROC .1999

142. 1999 Pan, L. -C., Huang, H. -M., Lee, S. -Y.. A Novel Noninvasive Technique in Stability Assessment of Oral Implant . Annual Symposium of the Biomechanical Engineering Society ROC .1999

143. 1999 Chiu, C. -L., Pan, L. -C., Huang, H. -M., Lee, S. -Y.. Boundary Effects in Analysis of Natural Frequency for Dental Implant . Annual Symposium of the Biomechanical Engineering Society ROC. .1999

144. 1999 Fan K. -H., Ho, K. -N., Lee S. -Y., Huang H. -M., Chang W.-J.. Natural Frequency Analysis of Implant-Bone Interface. . The 26th APDSA, Bangkok, Thailand .1999

145. 1999 Huang H. -M., Chiu W. -D., Lee S. -Y., Chen C. -T., Lee M. -C.. Finite Element Analysis of Head Injury in the Absence of Skull Fracture. . International Conference on Recent Advances in Neurotraumatology, .1999 ;(p-65)

146. 1999 Huang H. -M., Chiu W. -D., Lee S. -Y., Chen C. -T., Lee M. -C.. Three Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Subdural Hematoma. . International Conference on Recent Advances in Neurotraumatology, .1999 ;(p-75)

147. 1998 Wang, C. -C., Huang, H. -M., Su, P. -C., Yen, K. -Y., Yang, L.-L. Established GC/MASS System For Monitoring of Cantharidin in Rabbit Plasma. . The 13th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science .1998

148. 1998 林靜毅,張維仁,黃豪銘,鄭信忠,李勝楊. 牙用復合材在催老化溶液中退化之研究 . 中華牙醫學會第23次學術研討會 .1998 ;(p40)

149. 1998 Lee, S. -Y., Lin, C. -Y., Huang, H. -M.,. In vivo and in vitro Natural Frequency Analysis of Periodontal Conditions. . The 5th Biomedical Material & Technology Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC .1998

150. 1998 Lee S. -Y., Lee H. -C., Chiang H. -C., Lin C. -T., Huang H. -M., Lin K. -H.. Finite Element Analysis of Thermo-debonding in Dental Composites. . 76th General Session and Exhibition of International Association for Dental Research, Nice, France, .1998 ;(0412)

151. 1998 Chiang H. -C., Lee S. -Y., Lin C. -T. Huang H. -M.. Thermo-debonding Mechanisms in Dentin Bonding System Using the Finite Element Method. . 76th General Session and Exhibition of International Association for Dental Research, Nice, France, .1998 ;(2489)

152. 1998 Lin C. -Y., Huang H. -M., Lee S. -Y.. In vivo and in vitro Natural Frequency Analysis of Periodontal Conditions., . 76th General Session and Exhibition of International Association for Dental Research, Nice, France .1998 ;(2894)

153. 1998 Huang H. -M., Lin C. -Y., Lee S. -Y., Chang W. -J.. Degradation of Dental Composites in Organic Solutions Simulating Oral Environment. . 76th General Session and Exhibition of International Association for Dental Research, Nice, France, .1998 ;(0473)

154. 1997 Lin C. -Y., Lee S. -Y., Huang H. -M., Keh E. -S., Lin C. -T.. Stability of Dental Composites in Organic Solution Simulating Oral Environment. . 75th General Session and Exhibition of International Association for Dental Research, Orlando, USA .1997 ;(2457)

155. 1997 Chiang H. -C., Lee S.-Y., Lin C.-T., Huang H. -M.. Finite Element Analysis of Thermo debonding Mechanisms in Composite System. . 12th International Association for Dental Research, Thailand, .1997 ;(p40c)

156. 1997 Huang H.-M., Tasi G. -C., Yang L.-L., Yen K.-Y.. Quantitative Analysis of Muscone and Borneol in CHI-LI SAN by GC-MASS . International Symposium on Natural Medicines. Kyoto, Japan, .1997 ;(1p-060)

157. 1996 Lin C. -Y., Huang H. -M., Lee S. -Y.. The Stability of Dental Composites in Food/Oral Stimulating Fulids. . The 21th APDSA, Singapore .1996

158. 1996 Lin, C. -Y., Huang, H. -M., Keh, E. -S., Lee, S. -Y.. Leached Moieties of Dental . The 19th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Association for Dental Sciences ROC .1996 ;(r121)

159. 1994 Huang, H. -M., Lee, M. -C.. Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Brain . Annual Symposium of the Biomechanical Engineering Society ROC .1994

160. 1992 Chiu, H. -D., Huang, H. -M., Lee, M. -C.. Dynamic Analysis of the Human Head . Annual Sympoium of the Biomechanical Engineering Society ROC .1992

1. 2009 黃豪銘,張維仁,吳成哲,楊建中,李勝揚. 利用共振頻率量測植牙穩定度-植牙的新守護神 . 臨床牙醫植體學精要 .2009

2. 2008 Geng J,Xu W,Tan KBC,Ma QS,Huang HM,Lee SY et al.. Application to Implant Dentistry . Application of the Finite element method in implant dentistry .2008

3. 2008 Geng J,Yan W,Xu W,Tan KBC,Huang HM,Lee SY et al. Finite element modeling in implant dentistry . Application of the Finite element method in implant dentistry .2008

4. 2008 Xu W,Wang JH,Geng J,Huang HM. Application tocommerical FEA software . Application of the Finite element method in implant dentistry .2008

5. 2003 黃豪銘. 醫用電子學新編弟二版 . .2003

6. 2003 李勝揚,黃豪銘,林哲堂,王蔚南,林祥建,鄭信忠. 靜磁鐵磁場驅使骨母細胞分化成熟基轉之研究 . 中華民國臨床口腔矯正醫學會年鑑 .2003

7. 1999 黃豪銘. 醫用電子學 . .1999


113 以Sapindus mukorossi子仁油影響骨髓幹細胞之細胞膜流動性並製備可治療感染性骨缺損的骨再生材料(1/2)

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112 「補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議」第144屆日本藥學會年會(橫濱)(研究生:生醫材料暨組織工程研究所博士班陳宣惟君)

112 「補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議」日本藥學會 第144年會(橫濱)(研究生:牙醫學系博士班賴宣宇君)

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111 以磁性奈米粒子刺激幹細胞製備類胞外體並與靜磁場共同作用於組織工程之骨再生應用

111 日本藥學會 第143年會(札幌)-研究生:牙醫學系博士班賴宣宇君

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107 超順磁奈米磁性水膠膜分析評估計畫

107 纖維素止血棉產品檢測與評估計畫

107 靜磁場與鎂離子共同作用促進臍帶間質幹細胞分化類牙本質細胞與增進細胞遷移的研究

106 細胞內骨架重排與鈣離子傳遞動態在靜磁場促進間葉幹細胞增生活性中所扮演的角色之研究

105 製備一新型可釋放氫氧基磷灰石微米粒子之羧甲基纖維素-透明質酸多孔性組織隔離膜

105 磁性奈米粒子與聚乳酸材料結合之X-光顯影效果檢測與現有專利分析研究計畫

105 熱熔式聚乳酸包覆鎂金屬骨釘之熱傳遞效果評估

105 無患子種仁油品質鑑定與其作為面膜原料評估計畫

105 以聚乳酸包覆鎂金屬製備增強型超音波熱熔式可吸收骨釘之生物力學與實驗動物體內測試

104 下顎前牙擁擠矯正治療之力學生物學探討

104 牙科穩固度偵測傳感器使用確效性檢測

104 軟骨修補型玻尿酸之體外降解性與交聯度分析研究計畫

104 無患子種仁油有效成分分析評估計畫

104 具CT顯影與可3D列印雙功能之可吸收性聚乳酸骨釘之研製與生物力學測試

104 補助黃琨裕君擬於104年11月赴日本名古屋(Nagoya)參加國際生命科學與生物工程研討會

104 黃俞智君擬於104年11月赴日本名古屋(Nagoya)參加第四屆國際生命科學與生物工程會議

104 劉瑋禎君擬於104年11月赴日本名古屋(Nagoya)參加第4屆生命科學及生物工程之國際研討會

104 牙科穩固度偵測傳感器使用確效性檢測

103 生醫材料暨組織工程研究所黃豪銘教授向本部申請邀請 NIIGATA UNIVERSITY TOMOYUKI KAWASE副教授,於104年05月16日至104年05月17日來台訪問乙案

103 以透明質酸修飾四氧化三鐵奈米粒子之核磁共振影像T2顯影劑之製備與性質測試

103 無患子日化品開發方向前導計畫
香港和和有限公司 Hongkong HeHe Limited

103 利用阻尼比作為偵測人工牙根穩固度參數之研究

103 牙醫學系博士班研究生劉瑋禎君擬於103年12月17日至103年12月19日赴日本東京(TOKYO)參加2014年醫工年會

103 牙醫學系博士班研究生黃俞智君擬於103年12月17日至103年12月19日赴日本東京(TOKYO)參加國際生命科學與生物工程會議

103 無患子日化品開發方向前導計畫

102 具超順磁之奈米四氧化三鐵/聚乳酸可吸收性骨填補材製作與測試

102 玻尿酸各種物理性質間之相關性研究

102 玻尿酸體外降解性與交聯度關係研究計畫(A-103-034)

102 透明質酸基本性質檢測研究計畫

102 透明質酸粒徑大小與交聯度關係研究計畫

101 利用雷射處理之牙釉質氫氧基磷灰石做為骨細胞生長基材質之研究

101 以靜磁場強化細胞膜增加自然殺手細胞之冷凍保存效果

100 利用振動分析法非破壞性檢測鎳鈦根管銼針之疲勞破壞程度

100 利用高強度靜磁場增加細胞療法之來源細胞的冷凍保存效果之研究

99 以靜磁場增進神經細胞纖維生長與抑制退化性神經疾病之研究

98 鑄釘治療對下頷第一小臼齒黏彈性質之影響

98 以靜磁場增進神經細胞纖維生長與抑制退化性神經疾病之研究

96 利用動態有限元素法研究牙齒黏滯係數對齒挫傷機轉之影響

96 人工牙根植體受重覆性疲勞負荷之破壞斷面分析

96 以靜磁場增進神經細胞纖維生長與抑制退化性神經疾病之研究

95 力學傳遞路徑在驅使前驅骨母細胞分化機轉中所扮演的角色

95 分析力學訊息傳遞路徑在靜磁場驅使骨母細胞分化成熟之機轉中所扮演的角色之研究

94 利用靜磁場抑制細菌性敗血症之體外實驗研究

94 利用靜磁場抑制細菌性敗血症之體外實驗研究

93 以靜磁場抑制脂質多醣體引發的發炎反應之機轉探討

93 骨母細胞在先天性免疫作用所引發的齒槽骨骨質流失機轉中所扮演的角色

92 永久靜磁場對骨母細胞生理活性影響之研究  

92 骨母細胞受靜磁場刺激後進行增生與分化現象之機轉研究

92 台北醫學大學儀器共同使用服務計畫(1/2)

91 臺北醫學大學貴重儀器使用中心服務計畫

91 不同的生長因子對暴露於靜磁場下的纖維母細胞之影響與其作用機轉之研究

90 牙髓黏彈特性對牙齒挫傷機轉之影響

90 500 MHz NMR 提供區域性學術研究使用

89 牙齒黏滯特性對齒挫傷機轉之影響

88 骨整合作用與骨質密度對人工牙根自然頻率影響之有限元素法分析