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臨床醫學研究所 教授


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臺北醫學大學醫學研究所 博士
私立臺北醫學院醫學研究所 碩士
私立臺北醫學院醫學系 學士




2021/11/01 ~
2020/08/01 ~ 2022/01/11
2016/11/01 ~ 2022/10/31
2014/08/01 ~
2014/08/01 ~ 2017/01/31




Medical Science
Gynecology and Urology



1. 2024 Chen KC,Dhar T,Chen CR,Chen ECY,Peng CC. Nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase modulates PD-L1 in bladder cancer and enhances immunotherapeutic sensitivity . Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease .2024 ;(1870):167106

2. 2022 Bicalutamide may enhance kidney injury in diabetes by concomitantly damaging energy production from OXPHOS and glycolysis . Chem. Biol. Interact. .2022 ;(356):1-12

3. 2022 The ADAM9/UBN2/AKR1C3 axis promotes resistance to androgen-deprivation in prostate cancer . Am J Cancer Res .2022 ;(12):176-197

4. 2022 Enhanced uropathogenic Escherichia coli-induced infection in uroepithelial cells by sugar through TLR-4 and JAK/STAT1 signaling pathways . J Microbiol Immunol Infect .2022 ;(54):193-205

5. 2022 Li-Yun Lin , Kwei-Fan Chen, Lin-Ling Changchien, Kuan-Chou Chen , Robert Y. Peng. Volatile Variation of Theobroma cacao Malvaceae L. Beans Cultivated in Taiwan Affected by Processing via Fermentation and Roasting . Molecules .2022 ;(27):1-23

6. 2022 Yaw-Bee Ker,Hui-Ling Wu,Kuan-Chou Chen, Robert Y. Peng. Nutrient composition of Chenopodium formosanum Koidz. bran: Fractionation and bioactivity of its soluble active polysaccharides . PeerJ .2022 ;(10):1-24

7. 2022 Lin LY ,Liao YL ,Chen MH ,Chang SF,Chen KC,Peng RY. Molecular Action Mechanism of Coixol from Soft-Shelled Adlay on Tyrosinase: The Future of Cosmetics . Molecules .2022 ;(27):4626-4639

8. 2021 Lin LY, Huang CY, Chen KC,Peng RY. Pomelo fruit wastes are potentially valuable antioxidants, anti‑inflammatories, antihypertensives, and antihyperglycemics . Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology .2021 ;(62):377-395

9. 2021 Chen KC ,Chen CR,Chen CY,Peng CC*,Peng RY. Bicalutamide Exhibits Potential to Damage Kidney via Destroying Complex I and Affecting Mitochondrial Dynamics . J. Clin. Med .2021 ;(11):135-156

10. 2020 Urinary tract infection pathogens and antimicrobial susceptibilities in Kobe, Japan and Taipei, Taiwan: an international analysis . J Int Med Res. .2020 ;(48):300060519867826

11. 2020 Chang CH,Chen KC,Liaw KC,Peng CC,Peng RY. Astaxanthin Protects PC12 Cells against Homocysteine- and Glutamate-Induced Neurotoxicity . Molecules .2020 ;(25)

12. 2020 Peng CC,Chen CR,Chen CY,Lin YC,Chen KC*,Peng RY. Nifedipine Upregulates ATF6-α, Caspases -12, -3, and -7 Implicating Lipotoxicity-Associated Renal ER Stress . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2020 ;(21):3147-3165

13. 2020 Chen KC,Chen CR,Chen CY,Tzou KY,Peng CC*,Peng RY. Bicalutamide Elicits Renal Damage by Causing Mitochondrial Dysfunction via ROS Damage and Upregulation of HIF-1a . International Journal o f Molecular Sciences .2020 ;(20):3400-3423

14. 2020 The modulating effect of dietary protein intake on mortality in long-term hemodialysis patients: A nationwide population-based study . Int J Clin Pract . .2020

15. 2020 Anti-tumor Effect of Hedgehog Signaling Inhibitor, Vismodegib, on Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer . Anticancer Res . .2020 ;(40):5107-5114

16. 2020 DNA polymerase theta repression enhances the docetaxel responsiveness in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer . Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis .2020 ;(1866):165954.-165954

17. 2020 Nifedipine Exacerbates Lipogenesis in the Kidney via KIM-1, CD36, and SREBP Upregulation: Implications from an Animal Model for Human Study . Int J Mol Sci . .2020 ;(21):4359

18. 2020 Testosterone regulates the intracellular bacterial community formation of uropathogenic Escherichia coli in prostate cells via STAT3 . Int J Med Microbiol . .2020 ;(310):151450-151450

19. 2020 Integrated anti-hyperlipidemic bioactivity of whole Citrus grandis [L.] osbeck fruits-multi-action mechanism evidenced using animal and cell models . Food Funct . .2020 ;(11):2978-2996-2996

20. 2020 IMPA2 Downregulation Enhances mTORC1 Activity and Restrains Autophagy Initiation in Metastatic Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma . J Clin Med . .2020 ;(9):956-956

21. 2020 Effect of Preoperative Dutasteride on Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate . Urol Int . .2020 ;(104):356-360

22. 2020 A Novel Salicylanilide Derivative Induces Autophagy Cell Death in Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer via ER Stress-Activated PERK Signaling Pathway . Mol Cancer Ther . .2020 ;(19):101-111

23. 2019 A novel salicylanilide derivative induces autophagy cell death in castration-resistant prostate cancer via ER stress-activated PERK signaling pathway . Mol Cancer Ther .2019

24. 2019 Possible correlation of sonic hedgehog signaling with epithelial-mesenchymal transition in muscle-invasive bladder cancer progression. . J Cancer Res Clin Oncol .2019 ;(145):2261-2271

25. 2019 Enhanced uropathogenic Escherichia coli-induced infection in uroepithelial cells by sugar through TLR-4 and JAK/STAT1 signaling pathways . J Microbiol Immunol Infect .2019

26. 2019 Yaw-Bee Ker,Chiung-Chi Peng,Yi-Shan Chen,Kuan-Chou Chen,Kun-Hung Shen,Robert Y. Peng. Soluble peptidoglycan production from the waste peels of pineapple Ananas comosus (L.) Merr. . Fruits .2019 ;(74):38-51

27. 2019 Peng CC,Chen CY,Chen CR,Chen CJ,Shen KH,Chen KC* , Peng RY. Renal Damaging Effect Elicited by Bicalutamide Therapy Uncovered Multiple Action Mechanisms As Evidenced by the Cell Model . Scientific Reports .2019 ;(9):3392-3407

28. 2019 Lin YC,Wu MS,Lin YF,Chen CR,Chen CY,Chen CJ, Shen CC, Chen KC#, Peng CC#. Nifedipine Modulates Renal Lipogenesis via the AMPK-SREBP Transcriptional Pathway . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2019 ;(20):1570-1584

29. 2019 Tian YS#,Chen KC#,Zulkefli ND,Maner RS,Hsieh CL*. Evaluation of the Inhibitory Effects of Genipin on the Fluoxetine-Induced Invasive and Metastatic Model in Human HepG2 Cells . Molecules .2019 ;(23):pii: E3327

30. 2019 Lin YC,Lai YJ,Lin YC,Peng CC,Chen KC,Chuang MT, Wu MS, Chang TH*. Effect of weight loss on the estimated glomerular filtration rates of obese patients at risk of chronic kidney disease: the RIGOR-TMU study. . J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle .2019

31. 2019 Hu SW,Wu CC,Chen KC,Ho CH*. Modified U-Shaped ileal neobladder designed for facilitating neobladder-urethral anastomosis in extracorporeal reconstruction after robotic-assisted radical cystectomy . J Cancer Res Ther .2019 ;(15):S51-S55

32. 2019 Yang YH,Wen YC,Chen KC,Chen C*. Ultrasound-guided versus fluoroscopy-guided percutaneous nephrolithotomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis . World J Urol .2019 ;(37):777-788

33. 2018 Hsu YP,Hsu CW,Bai CH,Cheng SW,Chen KC,Chen C*. Silodosin versus tamsulosin for medical expulsive treatment of ureteral stones: A systematic review and meta-analysis . PLoS One .2018 ;(13):e0203035-e0203058

34. 2018 Lin YC,Lin YC,Peng CC,Chen KC, Chen HH,Fang TC,Sung SY, Wu MS.. Effects of Cholesterol Levels on Mortality in Patients with Long-Term Peritoneal Dialysis Based on Residual Renal Function. . Nutrients. .2018 ;(10)

35. 2018 Wang KH, Wang YM,Chiu LH,Chen TC,Tsai YH,Zuo CS, Chen KC, Changou CA, Lai WT. Optical imaging of ovarian cancer using a matrix metalloproteinase-3-sensitive near-infrared fluorescent probe. . PLoS One .2018 ;(13):e0202610

36. 2018 Effects of collagen matrix and bioreactor cultivation on cartilage regeneration of a full-thickness critical-size knee joint cartilage defects with subchondral bone damage in a rabbit model. . PLoS One .2018 ;(13):e0196779.

37. 2018 Yu-Syuan Tian*,Kuan-Chou Chen*,Nor Diana Zulkefli ,Rida S. Maner,Chiu-Lan Hsieh. Evaluation of the Inhibitory Effects of Genipin on the Fluoxetine-Induced Invasive and Metastatic Model in Human HepG2 Cells . Molecules .2018 ;(23):3327-3342

38. 2017 Lin YC,Lin JW,Wu MS, Chen KC,Peng CC, Kang YN. Effects of calcium channel blockers comparing to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers in patients with hypertension and chronic kidney disease stage 3 to 5 and dialysis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. . PLoS One .2017 ;(12)

39. 2017 Su HH, Kao CM,Lin YC,,Lin YC,Kao CC,, Chen HH, Hsu CC, Chen KC, Peng CC, Wu MS. Relationship between serum total bilirubin levels and mortality in uremia patients undergoing long-term hemodialysis: A nationwide cohort study. . Atherosclerosis. .2017 ;(265):155-161

40. 2017 Hsieh CL,Liu CM,Chen HA,Yang ST,Shigemura K,Kitagawa K, Yamamichi F, Fujisawa M, Liu YR, Lee WH, Chen KC, Shen CN, Lin CC, Chung LWK, Sung SY. Reactive oxygen species-mediated switching expression of MMP-3 in stromal fibroblasts and cancer cells during prostate cancer progression. . Sci Rep. .2017 ;(7):9065

41. 2017 Wang KH,Chan WP,Chiu LH,Tsai YH,Fang CL,Yang CB, Chen KC, Tsai HL, Lai WF. Histological and Immunohistochemical Analyses of Repair of the Disc in the Rabbit Temporomandibular Joint Using a Collagen Template. . Materials (Basel) .2017 ;(10)

42. 2017 Ho CH,Fan CK,Yu HJ,Wu CC,,Chen KC,Liu SP, Cheng PC. Testosterone suppresses uropathogenic Escherichia coli invasion and colonization within prostate cells and inhibits inflammatory responses through JAK/STAT-1 signaling pathway. . PLoS One .2017 ;(12)


44. 2017 Ho CH,Wu CC,Chen KC,Jaw FS,Yu HJ,Liu SP. Erectile dysfunction, loss of libido and low sexual frequency increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in men with low testosterone . Aging Male .2017 ;(19):96-101

45. 2017 Lin LY,Peng CC,Wang HE,Liu YW,Shen KH,Chen KC, Peng RY. Active Volatile Constituents in Perilla frutescens Essential Oils And Improvement of Antimicrobial And Anti-Inflammatory Bioactivity by Fractionation . Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants .2017 ;(19):1957-1983

46. 2016 Lin LY,Shen KH,Yeh XY,Huang BY,Wang HE,Chen KC, Peng RY. Integrated Process for Production of Galangal Acetate, the . Journal of Food Science .2016 ;(81):H1565-H1575

47. 2016 Liao PW,Wu CC,Chen KC,Jaw FS,Yu HJ,Liu SP, Ho CH. Testosterone Threshold for Increased Cardiovascular Risk in Middle-Aged and Elderly Men: A Locally Weighted Regression Analysis . J Sex Med .2016 ;(13):1872-1880

48. 2016 Sung SY,Chang JL,Chen KC,Yeh SD,Liu YR,Su YH, Hsueh CY, Chung LW, Hsieh CL. Co-Targeting Prostate Cancer Epithelium and Bone Stroma by Human Osteonectin-Promoter-Mediated Suicide Gene Therapy Effectively Inhibits Androgen-Independent Prostate Cancer Growth . PLOS ONE .2016 ;(11):e01533-50

49. 2015 Peng CC,Lin YT,Chen KC*,Chyau CC*,Peng RY. Antrodan, A β-glucan obtained from Antrodia cinnamomea mycelia, is beneficial to benign prostate hyperplasia . Food & Function .2015 ;(6):635-645

50. 2015 Ho CH,Jaw FS,Wu CC,Chen KC,Wang CY,Hsieh JT, Yu HJ, Liu SP. The prevalence and the risk factors of testosterone deficiency in newly diagnosed and previously known type 2 diabetic men . J Sex Med .2015 ;(12):389-397

51. 2015 Hsieh CL,Chen KC*,Guan WW,Peng CC*,Peng RY. Cylophosphamide Elicited Intracranial Hemorrhage via Mitochondrial ROS-hif-1a-ATP Depleting Pathway- Preventive Trials With Folic Acid, Resveratrol And Vitamin E. . RSC Advances .2015 ;(5):30342-30353

52. 2015 Hsieh CL,Lin CH,Chen KC*,Peng CC*,Peng RY. The Teratogenicity And The Action Mechanism of Gallic Acid Relating With Brain And Cervical Muscles. . PLoS One .2015 ;(10):e01195-e01195

53. 2015 Lin LY#,Peng CC#,Yeh XY,Huang BY,Wang HE,Chen KC*, Peng RY*. Antihyperlipidemic bioactivity of Alpinia officinarum (Hance) Farw Zingiberaceae can be attributed to the coexistance of curcumin, polyphenolics, dietary fibers and phytosterols. . Food Funct. .2015 ;(6):1600-1610

54. 2015 Hsieh CL#,Chen KC#,Peng CC,Guan WW,Shen KH*,Peng RY*. Cyclophosphamide Elicited Renal Dys-Organogenesis via Mitochondrial hif-1alpha–ROS-Energy Uncoupling Pathway- Its Preventive Strategy . SYLWAN .2015 ;(159):84-121

55. 2015 Chen KC,Sung SY,Lin YT,Hsieh CL,Shen KH*,Peng CC*,Peng RY.. Benign prostatic hyperplasia complicated with T1DM can be alleviated by treadmill exercise-evidences revealed by the rat model . BMC Urol .2015 ;(15):113

56. 2015 Chen KC,Dutta S,Yamauchi Y,Alshehri SM,Nguyen MT,Yonezawa T, Shen KH, and Wu Kevin C.-W.. Mesoporous Europium-Doped Titania Nanoparticles (Eu-MTNs) for Luminescence-Based Intracellular Bio-Imaging . Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology .2015 ;(15):9802-9806

57. 2014 Tung MC,Wang YH,Yeh SD,Wu CC,Chen KC,Huang ZM, Huang MT, Chiou HY. Combined effects of GSTO1 and SULT1A1 polymorphisms and cigarette smoking on urothelial carcinoma risk in a Taiwanese population. . J Formos Med Assoc .2014 ;(113):640-647

58. 2014 Peng CC,Ker YB,Hsieh CL,Huang CN,Chen KC,Peng RY. Therapeutic effect of amino acid mixture on type 1 diabetes mellitus with impaired renal methionine reabsorption . Journal of Diabetes Research & Clinical Metabolism .2014 ;(3):5

59. 2014 Chen KC,Hsieh CL,Peng CC,Peng RY. Exercise rescued chronic kidney disease by attenuating cardiac hypertrophy through the cardiotrophin-1 ->LIFR/gp 130 -> JAK/STAT3 pathway. . Eur J Prev Cardiol. (formerly European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation) .2014 ;(21):507-520

60. 2014 Hsieh CL,Chen KC,Lin PX,Peng CC*,Peng RY. Resveratrol And Vitamin E Rescued Valproic Acid-Induced Teratogenicity The Action Mechanism. . Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol .2014 ;(41):201-209

61. 2014 Lin YT,Huang CC,Chyau CC,Chen KC,Peng RY. Sixteen years post radiotherapy of nasopharyngeal carcinoma elicited multi-dysfunction along PTX and chronic kidney disease with microcytic anemia. . BMC Urol. .2014 ;(14):19

62. 2013 Hsieh CL#,Chen KC#,Ding CY,Tsai WJ,Wu JF,Peng CC*. Valproic acid substantially downregulated genes folr1, IGF2R, RGS2, COL6A3, EDNRB, KLF6, and pax-3, N-acetylcysteine alleviated most of the induced gene alterations in chicken embryo model. . Rom J Morphol Embryol .2013 ;(54):993-1004

63. 2013 Chen KC,Peng CC,Hsieh CL.,Peng RY. Exercise ameliorates renal cell apoptosis in chronic kidney disease by intervening in the intrinsic and the extrinsic apoptotic pathways in a rat model . Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. .2013 ;(2013):368450-368450

64. 2013 Chou Y,Lin HC,Chen KC,Chang CC,Lee WS,Juan SH. Molecular mechanisms underlying the anti-proliferative and anti-migratory effects of folate on homocysteine-challenged rat aortic smooth muscle cells . Br J Pharmacol. .2013 ;(169):1447-1460

65. 2013 Chiung-Chi Peng,Jia-Hong Liu,Chi-Huang Chang,Jin-Yuan Chung,Kuan-Chou Chen,Kuang-Yu Chou, Robert Y. Peng. Action Mechanism of Ginkgo biloba Leaf Extract Intervened by Exercise Therapy in Treatment of Benign Prostate Hyperplasia . Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine .2013 ;(2013):408734

66. 2013 Chiung-Chi Peng,Charng-Cherng Chyau,Hui-Er Wang,Chi-Huang Chang,Kuan-Chou Chen,Kuang-Yu Chou, Robert Y. Peng. Cytotoxicity of Ferulic Acid on T24 Cell Line Differentiated by Different Microenvironments . BioMed Research International (Old name: Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology) .2013 ;(2013):579859

67. 2013 Hsieh CL,Peng CC,Chen KC,Peng RY. Rutin (Quercetin Rutinoside) Induced Protein-Energy Malnutrition in Chronic Kidney Disease, but Quercetin Acted Beneficially . Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry .2013 ;(61):7258-7267

68. 2013 Chuang CM,Wang HE,Chang CH,Peng CC,Ker YB,Lai JE, Chen KC, Peng RY. Sacchachitin, a novel chitin-polysaccharide conjugate macromolecule present in Ganoderma lucidum: purification, composition, and properties . Pharmaceutical Biology .2013 ;(51):84-95

69. 2012 Peng CC,Hsieh CL,Ker YB,Wang HY,Chen KC,Peng RY. Selected nutraceutic screening by therapeutic effects on doxorubicin-induced chronic kidney disease . Molecular Nutrition and Food Research .2012 ;(56):1541-1558

70. 2012 Chuang CM,Chang CH,Wang HE,Chen KC,Peng CC,Hsieh CL, Peng RY. Valproic acid downregulates RBP4 and elicits hypervitaminosis A-teratogenesis--a kinetic analysis on retinol/retinoic acid homeostatic system . PLoS One .2012 ;(7):e43692

71. 2012 Peng CC,Chen KC,Hsieh CL,Peng RY. Swimming exercise prevents fibrogenesis in chronic kidney disease by inhibiting the myofibroblast transdifferentiation . PLoS One .2012 ;(7):e37388-e37388

72. 2012 Peng CC,Hsieh CL,Wang HE,Chung JY,Chen KC,Peng RY. Ferulic acid is nephrodamaging while gallic acid is renal protective in long term treatment of chronic kidney disease . Clinical Nutrition .2012 ;(31):405-414

73. 2012 Peng CC,Chen KC,Lu HY,Peng RY. Treadmill exercise improved adriamycin-induced nephropathy . Journal of Biological Regulatory and Homeostatic Agents .2012 ;(26):15-28

74. 2012 Hsieh CL,Chang CH,Wang HE,Chen KC,Chyau CC,Peng RY. Therapeutic discrepancy of diallyl trisulfide and diallyl disulfide in part may be attributed to the resonance-stabilization of allylic cations and trisulfide anions . Journal of Sulfur Chemistry .2012 ;(iFirst):1-13

75. 2012 Chuang CM,Wang HE,Chang CH,Peng CC,Ker YB,Lai JE, Chen KC, Peng RY. Sacchachitin, a novel chitin-polysaccharide conjugate macromolecule present in Ganoderma lucidum: Purification, composition, and properties . Pharmaceutical Biology .2012 ;(Early):1-12

76. 2011 Wang HE,Chang CH,Ker YB,Peng CC,Chen KC,Peng RY. Fermented Soybean Liquid Alleviated Peptic Ulcer through the Destruction of Acidic Proton Pump Rather than Suppression of Urease of Helicobacter pylori : A Kinetic Analysis . JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY .2011 ;(59):6730-6739

77. 2011 Hwang CF,Wang HE,Ker YB,Peng CC,Chen KC,Peng RY. The Limited Deglucosylation Process of β-Glucosidase in Bacillus cereus H62L for Biotransforming Secoisolariciresinol Diglucoside into Mammalian Lignans . PROCESS BIOCHEMISTRY .2011 ;(46):1632-1640

78. 2011 Chuang CM,Wang HE,Peng CC,Chen KC,Peng RY. Hypolipidemic effects of different angiocarp parts of Alpinia zerumbet . PHARMACEUTICAL BIOLOGY .2011 ;(49):1257-1264

79. 2011 Lin LY,Ker YB,Chang CH,Chen KC,Peng RY. Arabinogalactan present in the mountain celery seed extract potentiated hypolipidemic bioactivity of coexisting polyphenols in hamsters. . Pharmaceutical Biology .2011 ;(49):319-326

80. 2011 Shih-Ting Tseng,Wen-Ta Chiu,Hui-Er Wang,Kuan-Chou Chen,Robert Y. Peng. Combined Therapy for Chronic HCV With Interferon-a Plus Ribavirin Improved Insulin Resistance but did not Affect the Adiponectin Levels . Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine .2011 ;(3):46-49

81. 2011 Chiu-Lani Hsieh,Huir-Er Wang,Yaw-Bee Ker,Chiung-Chi Peng,Kuan-Chou Chen,Robert Y. Peng. GC/MS Determination of N-butyl-N-(3-carboxypropyl) Nitrosamine (BCPN) in Bladder Cancers - The Skewed Molecular Interaction Caused Retention Time Shift . Journal of Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques .2011 ;(2):1-6

82. 2010 Chen KC,Peng CC,Chiu WT,Cheng YT,Huang GT,Hsieh CL, Peng RY.. Action Mechanism and Signal Pathways of Psidium guajava L. Aqueous Extract in Killing Prostate Cancer LNCaP Cells . Nutrition and Cancer .2010 ;(62):260-270

83. 2010 Peng CC,Peng CH,Chen KC,Hsieh CL,Peng RY. The Aqueous Soluble Polyphenolic Fraction of Psidium guajava Leaves Exhibits Potent Anti-angiogenesis and Anti-migration Actions on DU145 cells. Advance Access published February 18, 2010, doi:10.1093/ecam/neq005 . Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine .2010 ;(x):1-8

84. 2010 Hsieh CL,Peng CC,Cheng YM,Lin LY,Ker YB,Chang CH, Chen KC, Peng RY. Quercetin and Ferulic Acid Aggravate Renal Carcinoma in Long-Term Diabetic Victims . Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry .2010 ;(58):9273-9280

85. 2010 Ker YB,Chen KC,Peng CC,Hsieh CL,Peng RY. Structural Characteristics and Antioxidative Capability of the Soluble Polysaccharides Present in Dictyophora indusiata (Vent. Ex Pers.) Fish Phallaceae . Evidence--Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. doi:10.1093/ecam/neq041 .2010 ;(eCAM):1-10

86. 2010 Liu CH,Peng CC,Peng CH,Hsieh CL,Chen KC,Peng RY. Polyphenolics-Rich Psidium guajava Budding Leaf Extract CanReverse Diabetes-Induced Functional Impairment of Cavernosal Smooth Muscle Relaxation in Rats . Research Journal of Medical Sciences .2010 ;(4):25-32

87. 2010 Ko WS,Hsu SL,Chyau CC,Chen KC,Peng RY. Compound Cordyceps TCM-700C Exhibits Potent Hepatoprotective Capability in Animal Model . Fitoterpia .2010 ;(81):1-7

88. 2009 Yang MH,Chuang CM,Hsieh CL,Wang HE,Chen KC,Chiu WT, Shih CM, Peng RY. Modelling of the in vivo Kinetics of Antioxidants Delineates Suitable Parameters for Selecting Potential Antioxidant Adjuvants for Cancer Therapy . Pharmaceutical Biology, 2009. (Accepted). .2009

89. 2009 Chen KC,Chuang CM,Lin LY,Chiu WT,Wang HE,Hsieh CL, Peng RY. The polyphenolics in the aqueous extract of Psidium guajava kinetically reveal an inhibition model on LDL glycation . Pharmaceutical Biology, 2009. (Accepted) .2009

90. 2009 Peng CC,Chen KC,Yang YL,Lin LY,Peng RY. Aqua-culture improved buckwheat sprouts with more abundant precious nutrients and hypolipidemic activity . International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009, (Accepted) .2009

91. 2009 Chang CH,Peng CH,Chen KC,Huang HB,Chiu WT,Peng RY. Shock membrane electropotential drops and limited diffusive distance of β-amyloids in cerebral neurons are detrimental enhancement to Alzheimer’s diseases . Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 2009, (Accepted). .2009

92. 2009 Chen KC,Chang HH,Ko WS,Wu CL,Chiu WT,Hsieh CL, Peng RY. UV-induced damages eliminated by arbutin and ursolic acid in cell model of human dermal fibroblast WS-1 cells . Egyptian Dermatology Online Journal .2009 ;(5):1-14

93. 2009 Liang HH,Li HC,Huang AC,Chen KC. Symptomatic Prostatic Cyst: A Case Report . 輔仁醫學期刊 .2009 ;(6):139-142

94. 2009 Hsieh CL,Peng CC,Lin LY,Cheng YT,Chen KC,Peng RY. Chorioallantoic membrane assays have been based on diffusion control—Problems arising with a diversity of mass transfers in egg white . Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces .2009 ;(68):74-78

95. 2009 Peng CC,Hsieh CL,Lin LY,Chyau CC,Cheng YT,Chen KC, Peng RY. Anisotropic diffusion deviates chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane assay (CAM) to reflect inherent therapeutic behaviors . Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces .2009 ;(70):29-34

96. 2009 Chen KC,Hsieh CL,Huang KD,Ker YB,Chyau CC,Peng RY. Anticancer Activity of Rhamnoallosan against DU-145 Cells Is Kinetically Complementary to Coexisting Polyphenolics in Psidium guajava Budding Leaves . Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry .2009 ;(57):6114-6122

97. 2008 Huang CN,Chou WC,Lin LY,Peng CC,Chyau CC,Chen KC, Peng RY. First phase release coefficient of insulin in subjects with normal glucose tolerance on glucose infusion analyzed by computer simulation . Biosystems .2008 ;(91):146-157

98. 2007 Hsieh CL,Chang CY,Ko WS,Chen BS,Chen KC,Peng RY. The Effect of Temperature and Standings Can Cause Deviations in Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Assays . Analytical Letters .2007 ;(40):2485-2496

99. 2007 Peng CC, Chen KC,Peng RY,Chyau CC,Su CH,Hsieh-Li HM. Antrodia camphorata extract induces replicative senescence in superficial TCC, and inhibits the absolute migration capability in invasive bladder carcinoma cells . Journal of Ethnopharmacology .2007 ;(109):93-103

100. 2007 Huang CN,Peng CH,Shih CM,Chiu WT,Chayu CC,Chen KC, Peng CC, Peng RY. Fluid mechanical and physicochemical modeling interprets hypertension to be capable of inducing secondary complications . Medical Hypotheses .2007 ;(68):967-78

101. 2007 Chen KC,Peng CC,Peng RY,Su CH,Chiang HS,Hsieh-Li HM. The Unique Formosan Mushroom Antrodia camphorata Differentially Inhibits Androgen-Responsive LNCaP and -Independent PC3 Prostate Cancer Cells. . Nutrition and Cancer .2007 ;(57):111-121

102. 2007 Chen KC,Hsieh CL,Peng CC,Hsieh-Li HM,Chiang HS,Huang KD, Peng RY. Brain derived metastatic prostate cancer DU-145 cells are effectively inhibited in vitro by guava (Psidium gujava L. ) leaf extracts . Nutrition and Cancer .2007 ;(58):93-106

103. 2006 Peng CC,Chen KC,Peng RY,Su CH,Hsieh-Li HM. Human urinary bladder cancer T24 cells are susceptible to the Antrodia camphorata extracts . Cancer letters. In press .2006 ;(243):109-119

104. 2005 Chen KC,Lai WM,Chen YK,Chiang HS. The Use of The Appendix or Tapered Ileal Segment as a Continent Catherizable Efferent Limb of Urinary Reservior . Fu-Jen Journal of Medicine .2005 ;(3):69-74

105. 2005 Hsu CK,Cheng CJ,Chen KC,Chiang HS,Chu JS. Prostatic Pure Small Cell Carcinoma v.s. Mixed-Type Small cell Carcinoma: Analysis of Two Cases . Juurnal of Taiwan Urological Association .2005 ;(16):115-119

106. 2005 Chen KC,Lin YH. Retroperitoneal Undifferentiated Sarcoma in a Hemodialysis Patient . Formosan Journal of Surgery .2005 ;(38):246-250

107. 2005 Chen KC,Peng CC,Hsieh HM,Peng CH,Hsieh CL,Huang CN, Chyau CC, Wang HE, Peng RY. Antiandrogenic therapy can cause coronary arterial disease (CAD) . . International Journal of Urology .2005 ;(12):886-891

108. 2005 Chen KC,Chiu AW,Chiang HS,Chu JS,Cheng CJ. Gemcitabine /Carboplatin chemotherapy for Pure Small Cell Carcinoma of Prostate . Fu-Jen Journal of Medicine .2005 ;(3):17-23

109. 2005 Ker YB,Chen KC,Chyau CC,Chen CC,Guo JH,Hsieh CL, Wang HE, Peng CC, Chang CH, Peng RY. Antioxidant capability of polysaccharides fractionated from submerge-cultured Agaricus blazei mycelia . Journal of Argiculture and Food Chemistry .2005 ;(53):7052-7058

110. 2005 Chen KC,Peng CC,Hsieh HM,Chiang HS. Simply modified no-scalpel vasectomy (percutaneous vasectomy)----A comparative study against the standard no-scalpel vasectomy . Contraception .2005 ;(71):153-156

111. 2005 Chen KC,Chiang HS,Fang CL. The EBER Expression in the Unique 2 Asian Patients of Pure Urinary Bladder Lymphoepithelioma-Like Carcinoma . Urologia Internationalis .2005 ;(74):280-282

112. 2004 Chen KC, Peng CH, Wang HE, Peng CC, Peng Robert Y.. Modeling of the pH- and the temperature- dependant deviations of the free to total PSA( prostate specific antigen ) ratios for clinical predictability of prostate cancer and benign prostate hyperplasia . Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. .2004 ;(66):423-445

113. 2004 Chen KC. A Novel Instrument-Independent No-Scalpel Vasectomy (IINSV) ----A Comparative Study Against The Standard Instrument-Dependent No-Scalpel Vasectomy (IDNSV). . International Journal of Andrology .2004 ;(27):222-227

114. 2004 Lu CH,Lai WM,Chen YK,Wu CC,Chen KC,Chiang HS. Follow-up Evaluation of the Postoperative Statisfaction for the Patients of Congenital Penile Curvature . Fu-Jen Journal of Medicine .2004 ;(2):45-56

115. 2004 Liu MC,Chiang HS,Chen KC,Hsieh KJ. Isoflavone(Phytogen) in the Treatment of Male Climacterics and Prostatism . Fu-Jen Journal of Medicine .2004 ;(2):249-256

116. 2003 Chen KC,Wang HE,Huan CN,Peng RY. Coronary Heart Disease Caused by Hormonal Therapy is Determined by Overall Profile of HDL, ApoA- I, and ApoA- II, not by VLDL, Which in Turn is Mediated by Transactivation and Transcription of Nuclear Receptor. . HungKuang Journal .2003 ;(42):79-92

117. 2003 Lai, W. M., Chen, K. C., Chen, Y. K., Chiang, H. S. Transrectal Ultrasound-Guided Transperineal Drainage of a Huge Prostatic Abscess: A Case Report with Literature Review . J Taiwan Urology Association .2003 ;(13):161-166

118. 2003 Chen KC, Huang JH, Lin YH, Chiang HS. Extramammary Paget's Disease of the External Genitalia-A Csae Report . Journal of Taiwan Urology Association .2003 ;(14):88-91

119. 2003 Chen KC, Yeh SD, Fang CL, Chiang HS, Chen YK. Lymphoepithelioma-Like Carcinoma of Bladder-Two Cases report . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2003 ;(102):722-725

120. 2001 Cheng, C. J., Chen, K. C., Chen, W. Y., Su, S. J. Ductal Adenocarcinoma of the prostate with endometrioid features in a 69 year old man . J Formos Med Assoc .2001 ;(100):707-711

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126. 1998 陳冠州、江漢聲、吳政誠、方嘉郎. 大白鼠電刺激取精之動物實驗模式. . 中華泌尿醫誌 .1998 ;(9):65-71

1. 2019 Bicalutamide Can Potentially Induce Renal Cell Damage via Hypoxia -Activated ROS-HIF1a Pathway In Vitro . 107th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Urological Association (107 JUA) .2019

2. 2018 Medical Treatment for Renal Cancer:Neoadjuvant/ adjuvant therapy for renal cell carcinoma: Which drug for which patient? . The 35th Fiesta Urology “Advancing Towards Better Urological Care: Learn,Act, and Collaborate .2018

3. 2018 Management of M0 CRPC with Enzalutamide . Asian Pacific Prostate Society(APPS)2018 .2018

4. 2015 Hidayati ERN,Chen KC,Chen SC,Hsieh TH,Peng CC. ALTERED GAIT PATTERN AND THE CHANGE OF PAIN SENSATION IN DIABETIC PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY RAT MODEL . 2015 TMU Teachers and Students Joint Academic Research Symposium .2015

5. 2015 Kuan-Chou Chen. Management of Rectal injury During Retropubic Radical Prostatectomy . 2015 5th conference of Asian Pacific Prostate Society, Bali, Indonesia .2015

6. 2015 KC Chen. LHRH agonist vs antagonist (Keynote Speaker) . 2015 5th conference of Asian Pacific Prostate Society , Bali, Indonesia .2015

7. 2015 Peng CC,Peng RY,KC Chen. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Engaged With Diabetes Mellitus Can Be Alleviated By Treadmill Exercise . 2015 5th conference of Asian Pacific Prostate Society , Bali, Indonesia .2015

8. 2014 Chen KC,Hsieh CL,Peng CC,Peng RY. Quercetin or Quercetin Plus Amino Acid Mixture Is Incompatible with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus - in View of Renal Damage, Prostate Inflammation and Prostatic Hyperplasia . 2014 International Conference on Food and Nutrition Technology (ICFNT2014) .2014

9. 2014 Chen KC (Keynote Spe. Herbal Neutraceutics Used in Chemoprevention of Prostate Cancer in Taiwan. . The 4th Congress of Asian Pacific Prostate Society. .2014

10. 2013 Chen KC,Hsu YH,Peng CC. Urological Surgical Sequelae Impact the Renal Functions-3 Critical Cases Analysis . CRRT 2013 Acute Kidney Injuries Controversies, Challenges and Solutions Rasing Awareness of AKI. San Diego, USA .2013

11. 2012 Yeo HF,Chen KC,Peng CC. Effects of exercise on STZ-induced diabetes mellitus complicated with benign prostatic hyperplasia . 2012 NHRI/IBMS Joint international Conference Inflammation, Cancer and Metabolic syndrome .2012

12. 2010 Lu HY,Lin TC,Chen YJ,Hsieh CL,Chen KC,Peng RY, Peng CC. Aquatic exercise is beneficial to the prognosis of chronic kidney disease . The 25th joint annual conference of biomedical science .2010

13. 2010 Chiung-Chi Peng,Hsin-Ying Lu,Tsu-Chi Lin,Ying-Ru Chen,Chiu-Lan Hsieh,Robert Y.Peng, Kuan-Chou Chen*. Potential Beneficial Effect of Exercise For Chronic Kidney Disease . .2010

14. 2010 Jin-Yuan Jhong,Chiu-Lan Hsieh,Kuan-Chou Chen,Robert Y. Peng,Chiung-Chi Peng. Gallic Acid Improved Manifestation of Chronic Kidney Diseases . .2010

15. 2006 Chen KC,Peng CC,Hsieh-Li HM. Androgen regulated human homeobox gene OTEX is expressed in androgen dependent LNCaP cells and down-regulated in the pure androgen independent prostate cancer . European Urology Supplements for The 21st EAU Annual Congress. .2006 ;(5):126

16. 2005 Chen KC. A Novel Colour Doppler Ultrasound Assisted No-Scalpel Testis Biopsy . European Urology supplement for xxth Congress of the European Association of Urology .2005 ;(4):268

17. 2005 Chen KC,Cheng CJ,Yan JH,Peng CC,Chiang HS,Hsieh HM. MUTATION ANALYSIS OF ANDROGEN RECEPTOR GENE IN TAIWAN PROSTATE CANCER PATIENTS . The 14th Annual Meeting(2005) and the 27th General Scientific Meeting, Taiwan Urological Association .2005

18. 2005 Chen KC,Yan JH,Peng CC,Chiang HS,Hsieh HM. ANALYSIS OF THE ANDROGEN REGULATED HUMAN HOMEOBOX GENE OTEX IN PROSTATE CANCER . The 14th Annual Meeting(2005) and the 27th General Scientific Meeting, Taiwan Urological Association .2005

19. 2005 Chen KC,Chiang HS,Fang CL. EBER EXPRESSION OF PURE URINARY BLADDER LYMPHOEPITHELIOMA-LIKE CARCINOMA IN TWO UNIQUE ASIAN PATIENTS . The 14th Annual Meeting(2005) and the 27th General Scientific Meeting, Taiwan Urological Association .2005

20. 2005 Chen KC,Hsu CK. A NOVEL INSTRUMENT-INDEPENDENT NO-SCALPEL VASECTOMY(IINSV) ----A COMPARATIVE STUDY AGAINST THE STANDARD INSTRUMENT-DEPENDENT NO-SCALPEL VASECTOMY(IDNSV) . The 14th Annual Meeting(2005) and the 27th General Scientific Meeting, Taiwan Urological Association .2005

21. 2005 Chen KC,Peng CC,Yan JH,Su CH,Hsieh HM. THE RESPONSE OF PROSTATE CANCER CELL TO ANTRODIA CAMPHORATA EXTRACT IS ANDROGEN-DEPENDENT . The 14th Annual Meeting(2005) and the 27th General Scientific Meeting, Taiwan Urological Association .2005



113 膀胱癌是否能經由Glo1-NAMPT-SIRT1路徑影響氧化壓力及生物能量來調控PD-L1並靶向克服免疫逃避機制(2/3)

112 膀胱癌是否能經由Glo1-NAMPT-SIRT1路徑影響氧化壓力及生物能量來調控PD-L1並靶向克服免疫逃避機制(1/3)

110 甲基乙二醛經ChREBP/SREBP1造成腎小管脂毒性進而調控PGC1/SIRT3導致電子傳遞鏈缺陷之糖尿腎病進展-探討水飛薊素(Silybin)合併Metformin之逆轉潛能

109 探討黃腐醇合併降血糖藥是否可調控粒線體失常並經由活化未摺疊蛋白反應所激發之AMPK-NRf2-ARE-Glo1路徑來逆轉雙羰基壓力導致之糖尿病腎脂毒性

107 In vivo 及In vitro篩選探討抗高血壓藥物是否經SREBP 及PPAR路徑調控脂質代謝,並進而研究以山芹菜子水萃物合併治療改善脂質異常加重腎纖維化的可能性與機制(3/3)

106 In vivo 及In vitro篩選探討抗高血壓藥物是否經SREBP 及PPAR路徑調控脂質代謝,並進而研究以山芹菜子水萃物合併治療改善脂質異常加重腎纖維化的可能性與機制(2/3)

105 In vivo 及In vitro篩選探討抗高血壓藥物是否經SREBP 及PPAR路徑調控脂質代謝,並進而研究以山芹菜子水萃物合併治療改善脂質異常加重腎纖維化的可能性與機制(1/3)

105 In vivo 及In vitro篩選探討抗高血壓藥物是否經SREBP 及PPAR路徑調控脂質代謝,並進而研究以山芹菜子水萃物合併治療改善脂質異常加重腎纖維化的可能性與機制(1/3)

105 106年7月8日辦理「第八屆臺灣臨床醫學研究所聯合教學研究研討會:自體免疫疾病與發炎反應之轉譯研究」活動經費補助

105 第八屆臺灣臨床醫學研究所聯合教學研究研討會

104 探討雄性素訊息相關蛋白參與降血糖藥物對腎臟保護的角色

104 探討bicalutamide可否經由血小板衍生生長因子訊息路徑引發糖尿慢性腎臟病?

103 應用 Nifedipine 和 Quercetin 共治療改善慢性腎臟病鼠之高血脂與高血壓-其作用機制與最適

102 以動物模式探討Metformin合併Sesamin預防糖尿病膀胱病變之效果及機制

102 臨床上應用Nifedipine+Quercetin; Atorvastatin, 及Captopril+quercetin切換治療慢性腎臟病高血壓之決定性參數探討


101 芭樂心葉水萃物主成份(gallic acid, quercetin, EGCG, and rutin)合併臨床用藥及控制飲食應用於治療慢性腎臟疾症之完整療效探討

100 芭樂心葉水萃物主成份(gallic acid, quercetin, EGCG, and rutin)合併臨床用藥及控制飲食應用於治療慢性腎臟疾症之完整療效探討

100 芭樂心葉水萃物對於雄性素調控之攝護腺間質細胞與惡性上皮細胞間接共同培養系統之抑制效果探討

99 芭樂心葉水萃物主成份(gallic acid, quercetin, EGCG, and rutin)合併臨床用藥及控制飲食應用於治療慢性腎臟疾症之完整療效探討

98 芭樂心葉水萃物及其多酚類主成份應用於治療慢性腎臟疾症之療效探討

94 芭樂心葉萃取物對攝護腺癌細胞DU145, CA-HPV-10 之凋亡及轉移抑制的分子調控機制研究