蔡尚穎(Tsai, Shang-Ying) 教授

現   職
精神學科 教授


學 歷

私立臺北醫學院醫學系 學士




2022/05/01 ~
2009/08/01 ~ 2013/07/31
2009/02/01 ~ 2020/07/31
2007/08/01 ~
2007/08/01 ~
2003/09/15 ~ 2005/07/31




Medical Science



1. 2024 Chen PH, ,Hsiao CY, ,Chiang SJ, ,Chung KH, ,Tsai SY. Association of lipids and inflammatory markers with left ventricular wall thickness in patients with bipolar disorder . J Affect Disord .2024 ;(358):12-18

2. 2024 Chen PH, ,Tsai SY, ,Chen PY, ,Pan CH, ,Su SS, ,Chen CC, Kuo CJ.. Lipid-modifying agents and risk of all-cause, natural and suicide mortality in schizophrenia: nationwide cohort study. . Br J Psychiatry .2024

3. 2023 Chen PH,Hsiao CY,Chiang SJ,Tsai SY. Association of Lithium Treatment With Reduced Left Ventricular Concentricity in Patients With Bipolar Disorder . Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience .2023 ;(77):59-61

4. 2023 蔡尚穎,陳抱寰,黃宇銳,鐘國軒. Increased proportions of circulating pro-inflammatory monocytes and macrophages expressing toll-like receptor 4 in individuals with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder receiving medication . Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience .2023

5. 2023 Shang-Ying Tsai,Pao-Huan Chen,Cheng-Yi Hsiao,Martha Sajatovic,Yu-Jui Huang,Kuo-Hsuan Chung. Inflammation associated with left ventricular hypertrophy in bipolar disorder: A cross-sectional study . Journal of Psychosomatic Research .2023

6. 2023 Lavin P ,Rej S,,Olagunju AT,Teixeira AL,,Dols A,Alda M, Almeida OP, Altinbas K, Balanzá-Martínez V, Barbosa IG, Blumberg HP, Briggs F, Calkin C, Cassidy K, Forester BP, Forlenza OV, Hajek T, Haarman BCM, Jimenez E, Lafer B, Mulsant B, Oluwaniyi SO, Patrick R, Radua J, Schouws S, Sekhon H, Simhandl C, Soares JC, Tsai SY, Vieta E, Villa LM, Sajatovic M, Eyler LT. Essential data dimensions for prospective international data collection in older age bipolar disorder (OABD): Recommendations from the GAGE-BD group . Bipolar disorders .2023

7. 2023 Chen PH, ,Tsai SY, ,Pan CH, ,Chen YL, ,Chang HM, ,Su SS, Chen CC, Kuo CJ . Sex-specific risk profiles for suicide mortality in bipolar disorder: incidence, healthcare utilization and comorbidity . Psychological Medicine .2023 ;(53):1500-1509

8. 2023 Chen PH,Tsai SY,Pan CH,Chen YL,Chang HM,Su SS, Chen CC, Kuo CJ. Sex-specific risk profiles for suicide mortality in bipolar disorder: incidence, healthcare utilization and comorbidity . Psychological Medicne .2023 ;(53):1500-1509

9. 2022 Chen PH,,Chiang SJ, ,Hsiao CY, ,Shen RS, ,Lin YK, ,Chung KH, Tsai SY. Echocardiographic study of cardiac structure and function in people with bipolar disorder after midlife . Journal of Affective Disorders .2022 ;(296):428-433

10. 2022 Chen PH,Hsiao CY,Chiang SJ,Shen RS,Lin YK,Chung KH, Tsai SY. Cardioprotective potential of lithium and role of fractalkine in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder. . Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. .2022 ;(in press)

11. 2022 Hsu CW ,Tsai SY,Tseng PT,Liang CS,Vieta E,Carvalho AF, Stubbs B, Kao HY, Tu YK, Lin PY. Differences in the prophylactic effect of serum lithium levels on depression and mania in bipolar disorder: a dose-response meta-analysis . European Neuropsychopharmacology .2022 ;(58):20-29

12. 2022 Tsai SY*,, Kuo CJ, ,Sajatovic M, ,Huang YJ, ,Chen PH, ,Chung KH. Lithium exposure and chronic inflammation with activated macrophages and monocytes associated with atherosclerosis in bipolar disorder. . Journal of Affective Disorders .2022

13. 2022 Hsu CH, ,Hsu JL, ,Tsai SY. Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness associated with specific brain region volumes in bipolar disorder. . Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica .2022 ;(146):98-100

14. 2022 Shang-Ying Tsai,Martha Sajatovic,Jung-Lung Hsu,Kuo-Hsuan Chung,Pao-Huan Chen,Yu-Jui Huang. Peripheral inflammatory markers associated with brain volume reduction in patients with bipolar I disorder . Acta Neuropsychiatrica .2022 ;(34):191-200

15. 2021 Chen PH,Tsai SY,Pan CH ,Chang HM ,Chen YL,Su SS, Chen CC, Kuo CJ. Incidence and risk factors of sudden cardiac death in bipolar disorder across the lifespan . Journal of Affective Disorders .2021 ;(274):210-217

16. 2021 Chen PH,Tsai SY,Pan CH,Chen YL,Chang HM,Su SS, Chen CC, Kuo CJ. High risk and trajectories of physical illnesses before the diagnosis of bipolar disorder. J . ournal of Affective Disorders. .2021

17. 2021 Sajatovic M, ,Dols A, ,Rej S, ,Almeida OP, ,Beunders AJM, ,Blumberg HP, Briggs FBS, Forester BP, Patrick RE, Forlenza OV, Gildengers A, Jimenez E, Vieta E, Mulsant B, Schouws S, Paans N, Strejilevich S, Sutherland A, Tsai SY, . Bipolar symptoms, somatic burden, and functioning in older-age bipolar disorder: analyses from the global aging & geriatric experiments in bipolar disorder database project. . Bipolar Disorders .2021

18. 2021 Chih-Wei Hsu*, ,Shang-Ying Tsai,, Liang-Jen Wang, ,Chih-Sung Liang, ,Andre F. Carvalho, ,Marco Solmi, Eduard Vieta, . Predicting serum levels of lithium-treated patients: A supervised machine learning approach. . Biomedicines .2021 ;(9):1-13

19. 2021 Chen PH,Hsu JL,Chung KH,Huang SH,Huang YJ,Tsai SY. Higher body mass index associated with smaller frontal cortical volumes in older adult patients with bipolar disorder . European Journal of Psychiatry .2021 ;(35):157-165

20. 2020 Chen PH ,Tsai SY,Pan CH,Chang CK,Su SS,Chen CC, Kuo CJ. Age effect of antipsychotic medications on the risk of sudden cardiac death in patients with schizophrenia: a nationwide case-crossover study. . Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences .2020 ;(74):594-601

21. 2020 Tsai SY ,Sajatovic M,Hsu JL,Chung KH,Chen PH,Huang YJ. Body mass index, residual psychotic symptoms, and inflammation associated with brain volume reduction in older patients with schizophrenia. . International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry .2020 ;(35):728-736

22. 2020 Liao PC,Chung KH,Chen PH,Kuo CJ,Huang YJ,Tsai SY. Differences in outcomes between older community-dwelling bipolar disorder and schizophrenia with illness onset at young age. . Psychogeriatrics .2020 ;(20):363-369

23. 2020 Tsai SY,Shen RS,Kuo CJ,Chen PH,Chung KH,Hsiao CY , Huang SH. The association between carotid atherosclerosis and treatment with lithium and antipsychotics in patients with bipolar disorder. . Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry .2020 ;(54):1125-1134

24. 2020 Tsai SY . Evidence for vagal-immune dysregulation in bipolar disorder . Asian Journal of Psychiatry .2020 ;(50)

25. 2020 Chen PH,Tsai SY, Pan CH,Chang HM,Chen YL,Su SS, Chen CC, Kuo CJ. Age effect on incidence, physical, and psychiatric comorbidity for sudden cardiac death in schizophrenia. . The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry .2020 ;(66): 367-375

26. 2019 Shang-Ying Tsai; ,Gildengers AG,Hsu JL,Chung KH,Chen PH,Huang YJ. Inflammation associated with volume reduction in the gray matter and hippocampus of older patients with bipolar disorder . Journal of Affective Disorders .2019 ;(244):60-66

27. 2019 Chen PH,Tsai SY,Pan CH,Chang CK,Su SS,Chen CC, Kuo CJ. Mood stabilisers and risk of stroke in bipolar disorder . The British Journal of Psychiatry .2019 ;(205):409-414

28. 2019 Lee HC,Hsu JL,Chen PH,Chung KH,Huang YJ,Tsai SY. High risk of silent stroke in older bipolar patients with typical‐onset age . Psychogeriatircs .2019 ;(in press)

29. 2018 Kuo-Hsuan Chung,Pao-Huan Chen,Chian-Jue Kuo,Shang-Ying Tsai,Shou-Hung Huang,Wen-Cheng Wu. Risk factors for early circulatory mortality in patients with schizophrenia . Psychiatry Research .2018 ;(267):7-11

30. 2017 Tsai SY,Lee CH,Chen PH,Chung KH,Huang SH,Kuo CJ. Risk factors for early cardiovascular mortality in patients with bipolar disorder. . Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences .2017 ;(71):716-724

31. 2017 Levels of interleukin-6 and high sensitivity-C reactive protein reflecting mania severity in bipolar disorder. . Bipolar Disorders .2017

32. 2017 Huang YJ, Tsai SY,Chung KH, Chen PH ,Huang SH ,Kuo CJ. State-dependent alterations of lipid profiles in patients with bipolar disorder. . The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine .2017 ;(27):273-281

33. 2016 Chen PH,Tsai SY ,Kuo CJ,Chung KH,Huang SH,Chen CC . Physiological characteristics of patients with schizophrenia prematurely dying from circulatory diseases . Asia Pacific Psychiatry .2016 ;(8):1-7

34. 2015 Tang HC ,Chen PH,Chung KH,Kuo CJ,Huang SH,Tsai SY. Psychological outcomes and medical morbidity of patients with bipolar disorder and co-occurring alcohol use disorder. . Journal of Dual Diagnosis .2015 ;(11):184-188

35. 2015 Tang HC,Chen PH,Chung KH,Kuo CJ,Huang SH,Tsai SY. Psychological Outcomes and Medical Morbidity of Patients With Bipolar Disorder and Co-Occurring Alcohol Use Disorder. . JOURNAL OF DUAL DIAGNOSIS .2015 ;(11):184-188

36. 2015 Chen PH,Gildengers AG,Lee CH,Chen ML,Kuo CJ,Tsai SY. High serum sodium level in affective episode associated with coronary heart disease in old adults with bipolar disorder . The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine .2015 ;(50):422-433

37. 2015 Chen PC,Syu GD,Chung KH,Ho YH,Chung FH,Chen PH, Lin JM, Chen YW, Tsai SY, Chen CS. Antibody Profiling of Bipolar Disorder Using Escherichia coli Proteome Microarrays. . Mol Cell Proteomics .2015 ;(14):2299

38. 2015 Hou PY,Hung GC,Jhong JR,Tsai SY,Chen CC,Kuo CJ. Risk factors for sudden cardiac death among patients with schizophrenia. . Schizophrenia Research .2015 ;(168):395-401

39. 2015 Wu SI,Tsai SY,Huang MC,Stewart R,Kuo CJ,Chen CC. Risk Factors for Sudden Cardiac Death Among Patients with Alcohol Dependence: A Nested Case-Control Study . Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research .2015 ;(39):1797-1804

40. 2014 Gildengers AG,Chung K-H,Huang S-H,Begley A,Aizenstein HJ,Tsai S-Y. Neuroprogressive effects of lifetime illness duration in older adults with bipolar disorder. . Bipolar Disorders .2014 ;(16):617-623

41. 2014 Tsai SY,Lee CH,Huang SH,Chung KH,Chen PH. Soluble interleukin-6 receptor level reflecting the illness activity in bipolar disorder. . Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry .2014 ;(48):382-383

42. 2014 Tsai SY,Chung KH,Huang SH,Chen PH,Lee HC,Kuo CJ. Persistent inflammation and its relationship to leptin and insulin from bipolar depression to full remission. . Bipolar Disorders1. .2014 ;(16):800-808

43. 2014 Pan CH,Jhong JR,Tsai SY,Lin SK,Chen CC,Kuo CJ. Excessive Suicide Mortality and Risk Factors for Suicide among Patients with Heroin Dependenceby . Drug and Alcohol Dependence .2014 ;(145):224-230

44. 2013 Kuo CJ,Yang SY,Liao YT,Chen WJ,Lee WC,Shau WY, Chen CC*, Tsai SY*. Second-Generation Antipsychotic Medications and Risk of Pneumonia in Schizophrenia. . SCHIZOPHRENIA BULL .2013 ;(39):648-657

45. 2013 Chung KH,Huang SH,Wu JY,Chen PH,Hsu JL,Tsai SY. The Link between High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein and Orbitofrontal Cortex in Euthymic Bipolar Disorder . Neuropsychobiology .2013 ;(68):168-173

46. 2013 Chen PH,Tsai SY,Hsu JL,Lin HW,Huang SH,Chyng KH. Rapid Cycling and Lower Hemoglobin in Elderly Bipolar Patients with Brain Atrophy . Journal of Experimental & Clinical Medicine .2013 ;(5):101-103

47. 2012 Tsai SY,Chen PH,Huang SH,Chung KH,Wang YF. .Comorbid alcoholism in bipolar disorder affecting physcial health rather than social function. . Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research .2012 ;(36):137

48. 2012 Kuo CJ,Tsai SY,Liao YT,Conwell Y,Lee WC,Huang MC, Lin SK, Chen CC, Chen WJ. Elevated Aspartate and Alanine Aminotransferase Levels and Natural Death Among Patients with Methamphetamine Dependence. . PLOS ONE .2012 ;(7):e29325

49. 2012 Huang SH,Chung KH,Hsu JL,Wu JY,Huang YL,Tsai SY. The risk factor for elderly patients with bipolar disorder having cerebral infarction. . Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology .2012 ;(25):15-19

50. 2012 Tsai SY,Chung KH,Wu JY,Kuo CJ,Lee HC,Huang SH. Inflammatory markers and their relationships with leptin and insulin from acute mania to full remission in bipolar disorder . Journal of Affective Disorders .2012 ;(136):110-116

51. 2011 Kuo CJ,Tsai SY,Conwell Y,Lin SK,Chang CL,Chen CC, Chen WJ. Risk and protective factors for suicide among patients with methamphetamine dependence: a nested case-control study. . Journal of Clinical Psychiatry .2011 ;(72):487-493

52. 2011 Yu-Ming Liu,Shang-Ying Tsai,David E. Fleck,Stephen M. Strakowsk. Cross-cultural comparisons on Wisconsin Card Sorting Test performance in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder . Psychiatry Research .2011 ;(189):469-471

53. 2011 Huang SH,Tsai SY,Hsu JL,Huang YL. Volumetric reduction in vaeious cortical regions of elderly patients with early-onset and late-onset mania. . International Psychogeriatics .2011 ;(23):149-154

54. 2011 Chen YH,Tsai SY,Lin HC. Increased mortality risk among offspring of mothers with postnatal depression: a nationwide population-based study in Taiwan. 41: 2287-2296 . Psychological Medicine .2011 ;(41):2287-2296

55. 2010 Chen PH,Tsai SY,Chung KH. Effects of medication and pathophysiology on 12-lead electrocardiograms in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia . Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine .2010 ;(2):173-180

56. 2010 Kuo CJ,Liao YT,Chen WJ,Tsai SY,Lin SK,Chen CC. Causes of death of patients with methamphetamine dependence: a record-linkage study. . Drug and Alcohol Review .2010

57. 2010 Chung KH,Tsai SY. Hyperinsulinemia associated with overweight medicated bipolar patients during full remission. . Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences .2010 ;(64):620-624

58. 2010 Kuo CJ,Tsai SY,Liao YT,Lee WC,Sung XW,Chen CC. Psychiatric discharge against medical advice is a risk factor for suicide but not for other causes of death. . Journal of Clinical Psychiatry .2010 ;(71):808-809

59. 2010 Kuo CJ,Tsai SY,Liao YT,Lee WC,Sung XW,Chen CC. Psychiatric discharge against medical advice is a risk factor for suicide but not for other causes of death. . Journal of Clinical Psychiatry .2010 ;(71):808-809

60. 2009 Chen YH,Tsai SY,Lee HC,Lin HC. Increased Risk of Acute Myocardial Infarction for Patients with Panic Disorder: A Nationwide Population-based Study. . Psychosomatic Medicine .2009 ;(71):798-804

61. 2009 Tsai SY,Kuo CJ,Chung KH,Huang YL,Lee HC,Chen CC. Cognitive dysfunction and medical morbidity in elderly outpatients with bipolar disorder. . American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry .2009 ;(17):1004-1011

62. 2008 Lin HC,Tsai SY,Lee HC. No higher risk of myocardial infarction among bipolar patients in a 6-year follow-up of acute mood episodes. . Psychosom Med .2008 ;(70):73-76

63. 2008 Chen CC,Kuo CJ,Tsai SY. The correlation of drug abuse and gross domestic product in Asian countries . Taiwanese J Psychiatry .2008 ;(22):221-230

64. 2008 Lee HC,Lin HC,Tsai SY. Severely Depressed Young Patients Have Over Five Times Increased Risk for Stroke: A 5-Year Follow-Up Study . Biol Psychiatry .2008 ;(64):912-915

65. 2008 Kuo CJ,Conwell Y,Yu Q,Chiu CH,Chen YY,Tsai SY. Suicide by charcoal burning in Taiwan: implications for means substitution by a case-linkage study. . Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology .2008 ;(43):286-289

66. 2007 Tsai SY*,Lee HC,Chen CC,Huang YL. Cognitive impairment in later life of early-onset bipolar disorder. . . Bipolar Disorders .2007 ;(9):868-875

67. 2007 Strakowski SM,Tsai SY,DelBello MP,Chen CC,Fleck DE,Adler CM, Arndt S, Amicone J. Outcome following a first manic episode: Cross-national U.S. and Taiwan comparison. . Bipolar Disorders .2007 ;(9):820-827

68. 2007 Lin HC,Tsai SY,Lee HC. Increased risk of developing stroke among patients with bipolar disorder after acute mood episode: A six-year follow-up study. . Journal of Affective Disorders .2007 ;(100):49-54

69. 2007 Hsiao FH,Yang TT,Chen CC,Tsai SY,Wang KC,Lai YM. The comparison of effectiveness of two modalities of mental health nurse follow-up programs for female outpatients with depression in Taipei, Taiwan: A pilot study. . Journal of Clinical Nursing .2007 ;(16):1141-1150

70. 2007 Tsai SY,,Lee HC,,Chen CC. Hyperinsulinaemia Associated with -Adrenoceptor Antagonist in Medicated Bipolar Patients during Manic Episode . . Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry .2007 ;(31):1038-1043

71. 2007 Chung KS,,Tsai SY,Lee HC. Mood symptoms and serum lipids in acute phase of bipolar disorder in Taiwan . Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences .2007 ;(61):428-433

72. 2006 Lee HC,Tsai SY,Lin HC,Chen CC. The association between psychiatrist numbers and hospitalization costs for schizophrenia patients: a population-based study. . Schizophr Research. .2006 ;(81):283-290

73. 2006 Lee HC,Lin HC,Tsai SY,Li CY,Chen CC,Huang CC. Suicide rates and the association with climate: A population-based study. . Journal of Affective Disorders .2006 ;(92):221-226

74. 2006 Lin HC,Chen GS,Tsai SY. Lack of care for diabetes among schizophrenia patients. . Schizophrenia Research.(In ress) .2006

75. 2006 Lin HC,Tian WH,Chen CS,, Liu TC,Tsai SY,Lee HC. The association between readmission rates and length of stay for schizophrenia: A 3-year population-based study. . Schizophrenia Research .2006 ;(83):211-214

76. 2006 Chang KC,Tsai SY*,Huang YL,Chen CC. Gender difference in medical comorbidity of bipolar disorder. . Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry .2006 ;(20):221-229

77. 2006 Chung KH,Huang YL,Chen CC,Tsai SY*. A preliminary report of characteristics of patients with recurrent bipolar disorder within 12 months after the first-onset mania. . Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry. .2006 ;(20:):53-60

78. 2005 Shang CY,Tsai SY. Risky sextual behaviors of psychiatric adolescent patients . Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry .2005 ;(19):64-72

79. 2005 Kuo CJ,Tsai SY,Lo CH,Wang YP,Chen CC. Risk factors for completed suicide in schizophrenia. . Journal of Clinical Psychiatry .2005 ;(66):579-585

80. 2005 Tsai SY,Lee CH,Kuo CJ,Chen CC. A retrospective analysis of risk and protective factors for natural death in bipolar disorder . Journal of Clinical Psychiatry .2005 ;(66):1586-1591

81. 2004 Chen CC,Kuo CJ,Tsai SY,Yin SJ. Relation of genotypes of alcohol metabolizing enzymes and mortality of liver diseases in patients with alcohol dependence. . Addiction Biology .2004 ;(9):233-237

82. 2004 蘇宗偉,李信謙,陳喬琪,蔡尚穎. 老年躁鬱症合併認知功能障礙者之臨床特徵 . 台灣精神醫學 .2004 ;(18):119-127

83. 2003 蔡尚穎*. 雙相情感障礙症的預後 . 台灣精神醫學 .2003 ;(17):172-179

84. 2003 Tsai SY*,,Lee HC,,Chen CC,Lee CH. Plasma levels of soluble transferrin receptors and Clara cell protein (CC16) during bipolar mania and subsequent remission . Journal of Psychiatric Research37 .2003 ;(37):229-235

85. 2002 Tsai SY*, Kuo CJ, Chen CC, Lee HC. Risk factors for completed suicide in bipolar disorder. . Journal of Clinical Psychiatry .2002 ;(63):469-476

86. 2002 Su KP, Leu SJC, Yang YY, Shen WW, Chou YM, Tsai SY. Reduced production of interferon-gamma but not interleukin-10 in bipolar mania and subsequent remission. . Journal of Affective Disorders .2002 ;(71):205-209

87. 2001 Su KP, Leu SJC, Yang YY, Shen WW, Chou YM, Tsai SYM. Reduced production of interferon-gamma but not interleukin-10 in bipolar mania and subsequent remission. . Journal of Affective Disorders .2001

88. 2001 Chen CC,Kuo CJ,Tsai SY. Causes of death of patients with substance dependence: a record-linkage study in a psychiatric hospital in Taiwan. . Addition .2001 ;(96):729-736

89. 2001 Tsai SYM, Yang YY, Kuo CJ, Chen CC, Leu SJ. Effects of Symptomatic Severity On Elevation of Plasma Soluble Interleukin-2 Receptor in Bipolar Mania . Journal of Affective Disorders .2001 ;(64):185-194

90. 2001 Tsai SYM, CHen CC, Kuo CJ, Lee JC, Lee HC, Strakowski SM. 15-year outcome of treated bipolar disorder . Journal of Affective Disorders .2001 ;(63):215-220

91. 2000 Su KP, Yu JM, Yang TW, Tsai SYM, Chen CC. Characteristics of mentally retarded criminal offenders in the northern Taiwan. . Journal of Forensic Science .2000 ;(45):1171-1173

92. 2000 Su KP, Tsai SYM, Huang SY. Association of cholesterol with depression: Does total cholesterol really matter? . British Journal of Psychiatry .2000

93. 2000 蔡尚穎,姚俞君, 郭千哲, 陳喬琪,胡維恆. 雙相情感障礙症之死亡危險因子 . 台灣精神醫學 .2000 ;(14):290-300

94. 1999 陳喬琪、游正名、廖琪郁、郭千哲、蔡尚穎. 男性的酒癮患者:分類及兩年預後 . 台灣精神醫學 .1999 ;(13):115-124

95. 1999 Chen CC, Tsai SY, Su LW, Yang TW, Tsai GJ and Hwu HG. Psychiatric co-morbidity among male feroin addicts: difference between hoslital and incarcerated subjects in Taiwan. . Addiction .1999 ;(94):825-832

96. 1999 Tsai SY, Chen KP, Yang YY, Chen CC, Lee JC, Singh VK and Leu SC. Activation of indices of cell-mediated immunity in bipolar mania. . Biol. Psychiatry .1999 ;(45):989-994

97. 1999 Tsai SY, Lee JC and Chen CC. Charateristics and psychosocial problems of patients with bipolar disorder at hihg risk for suicide attempt. . Journal of Affective Disorders .1999 ;(52):145-152

98. 1998 郭千哲、潘俊宏、蔡尚穎、陳喬琪、胡維恆. 精神衛生法施行前後之急性精神住院患者之死亡率. . 台灣精神醫學 .1998 ;(12):352-364

99. 1998 蔡尚穎、陳坤波、楊沂淵、陳喬琪、李儒卿、呂思潔. 急性躁期患細胞免疫功能之活化. . 台灣精神醫學 .1998 ;(12):207-218

100. 1997 蔡尚穎、李儒卿、陳喬琪、陳瑢、趙文聖、陳坤波. 雙極性情感疾患者之生理疾病. . 台灣精神醫學 .1997 ;(11):249-261

101. 1997 李儒卿、鄧惠泉、蔡長哲、蔡尚穎、胡維恆. 急性躁症患者一過性血糖耐受性異常. . 台灣精神醫學 .1997 ;(11):40-47

102. 1997 Tsai SY, Chen CC and Yeh EK. Alcohol problems and long-term psychosocial outcome in Chinese pateints with bipolar disorder. . Journal of Affective Disorders .1997 ;(46):143-150

103. 1996 蔡尚穎、陳喬琪、胡維恆、李儒卿、趙文聖、葉英. 躁鬱症患者之共存物質濫用: 15年追蹤研究. . 中華精神醫學 .1996 ;(10):357-364

104. 1996 蔡尚穎、陳喬琪、葉英. 安非他命濫用與安非他命精神病之心理社會因素. . 中華精神醫學 .1996 ;(10):138-145

105. 1996 蔡尚穎,葉英坤. 慢性疲勞症候群:4例報告 . 中華精神醫學 .1996 ;(10):274-283

106. 1994 蔡尚穎,陳喬琪,葉英坤. 酒精性精神病:戒斷譫妄及幻覺症 . 中華精神醫學 .1994 ;(8):40-48

107. 1992 17. 蔡尚穎,李明濱,蕭裕源等. 顎肌症:兩例個案報告 . 中華精神醫學 .1992 ;(6):149-155

108. 1992 蔡尚穎,彭素玲,陳登義. 合併妄想與憂鬱症特徵的住院病患之臨床研究。,6: 126-139。 . 中華精神醫學 .1992 ;(6):126-139

1. 2023 Tsai SY. Activation of non-classical M1 monocyte subset associatedwith acceleration of atherosclerosis in schizophrenia: carotidultrasonography study / . 2023 Congress of SchizophreniaInternational Research Society/ Toronto, Canada/ .2023

2. 2023 Tsai SY. Activation of specific monocyte/macrophage subset rather than effect of novel psycho-pharmacotherapy associated with arterial atherosclerosis in schizophrenia. . 2023年台灣精神醫學會年會, 台中, 台灣 .2023

3. 2023 Tsai SY. Inflammation associated with high prevalence of diastolic heart failure in young adults with bipolar disorder. . Royal College of Psychiatrists, RCPsych International Congress, 10 – 13 July 2023, Liverpool. .2023

4. 2022 Shang-Ying Tsai. Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness Associated with Specific Brain Region Volumes in Bipolar Disorder . The International College of Neuropsychopharmacology (CINP) World Congress. Taipei, Taiwan .2022

5. 2022 Shang-Ying Tsai. The Up-date Consideration of Treatment with Mood Stabilizers in Older-Age Bipolar Disorder. . 台灣精神醫學會61屆年會 .2022

6. 2022 Tsai SY*,,Chen PH,Shiou CY. Lithium exposure may protect bipolar patients from accelerated atherosclerosis and cardiac change due to chronic inflammation . 台灣精神醫學會61屆年會 , 高雄 .2022

7. 2022 Tsai SY*. Inflammation associated with the volume reduction in gray matter and hippocampus in older adults with bipolar disorder . 台灣老年精神醫學會屆年會 , 台北 .2022

8. 2021 Tsai SY, ,Hsiao CY,, Chen PH . The findings of carotid and cardiac ultrasonography in young schizophrenic patients. . The International College of Neuropsychopharmacology (CINP) 2021 Virtual World Congress. .2021

9. 2021 拔毛症描述型研究:罕會吞頭髮乃本土特徵。 . 台灣精神醫學會60屆年會 (視訊) .2021

10. 2021 Treatment with lithium reducing the arterial atherosclerosis but inflammation accelerating it in patients with bipolar disorder。 . 台灣精神醫學會60屆年會 (視訊) .2021

11. 2020 Tsai SY,Hsiao CY,Chen PH,Shen RS,Chung KH. 以超音波探討雙相情感障礙症與思覺失調症之頸動脈粥狀化與心室收縮功能異常 . 台灣精神醫學會59週年年會 .2020

12. 2019 Shang-Ying Tsai; . Evidence for Vagal-Immune Dysregulation in Bipolar Disorder . 74 th annual meeting of Society of Biological Psychiatry .2019

13. 2019 Shang-Ying Tsai; ,Chung KH,Chen PH. The clinical factors and inflammatory markers associated with brain change of older patients with bipolar disorder . 6th Congress of Asian College of Neuropsychopharmacology (AsCNP) .2019

14. 2019 Shang-Ying Tsai; ,Chung KH,Chen PH. Obesity and persistent Inflammation associated with the reduction of hippocampal volume in older patients with schizophrenia . 19th World Psychiatric Association World Congress of Psychiatry .2019

15. 2018 20th Annual Conference of the International Society for, Mexico City, Mexico. . Bipolar Disorders .2018 ;(20):59-59

16. 2017 Shang-Ying Tsai; ,Kuo-Hsuan Chung ; ,Pao-Huan Chen; ,Shou-Hung Huang. Risk factor of Stroke in the patients with Older-Age Bipolar Disorder . 台灣精神醫學會第56次年會 .2017

17. 2016 Shang-Ying Tsai; . The differences in medical morbidity, cognitive and social function between older community-dwelling patients with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. . The Asian regional meeting of International Psychogeriatric Association .2016

18. 2015 Tsai SY,Huang SH,Chung KH,Chen PH. Differences in cognition & social functioning of community-dwelling older patients with bipolar disorder & schizophrenia . International Conference of World Psychiatric Association, Taipei, Taiwan .2015

19. 2015 Tsai sy. Medical comorbidity, neuropathology, and biomarkers in older adults with bipolar disorder. . 17th Annual Conference of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders, Toronto, Canada. .2015

20. 2015 Tsai SY,Chen PH,Chen ML. Electrocardiographic changes of old patients with bipolar disorder compared with schizophrenic ones. . 17th Annual Conference of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders , Toronto, Canada .2015

21. 2014 Shangying Tsai,,Shou-Hung Huang,Kuo-Hsuan Chung,Pao-Huan Chen. Old Bipolar Patients Having more Unfavorable Health Condition than Schizophrenia in the Community . Joint Congress of 19th Japan Congress of Neuropsychiatry and 14th Interbal College of Geriatricf Psychopharmacology, Tsukuba, Japan .2014

22. 2014 Tsai SY,,Chung KH,,Huang SH,,Chen PH. Inflammation associated with elevation of triglyceride in subsequent remission of bipolar mania. . The 29th CINP (Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum) World Congress, Vancouver, Canada. .2014

23. 2014 Tsai SY. The difference in altered inflammatory markers throughout acute episode between bipolar mania and depression. . The 16th Annual Conference of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders, Seoul, South Korea. .2014

24. 2014 Tsai SY,,Chung KH,Huang SH,Chen PH. Similarities and differences in medical morbidity between Eastern and Western older bipolar patients. . The 16th Annual Conference of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders, Seoul, South Korea. .2014

25. 2013 Tsai SY,Kuo CJ,Chung KH,Wu WC,Huang SH,Chen PH, Chu YL. Increasing heart rate and leukocytes in acute phase predicting early circulatory mortality in bipolar disorder. . 台灣精神醫學會52屆年會,台北 .2013

26. 2013 Tsai SY,Kuo CJ,Chung KH,Wu WC,Huang SH,Chen PH, Chu YL. Increasing heart rate and leukocytes in acute phase predicting early circulatory mortality in bipolar disorder. . 台灣精神醫學會52屆年會,台北 .2013

27. 2013 Chen PH,Tsai SY. Risk and protective factors for prematurely circulatory mortality in schizophrenic patients . 台灣精神醫學會52屆年會,台北 .2013

28. 2013 Chung KH,Tsai SY,Kuo CJ,Chen PH,Chu YL. Influencing factors of respiratory mortality in schizophrenia . 台灣精神醫學會52屆年會,台北 .2013

29. 2013 Tang HC,Tsai SY,Chen PH,Chung KH,Huang SH. Negative impact of alcohol use problems on physical superior to mental health in patients with bipolar disorder. . 台灣精神醫學會52屆年會,台北 .2013

30. 2013 Tsai SY,Kuo CJ,Chung KH,Wu WC,Huang SH,Chen PH. Risk factors for early circulatory mortality in bipolar disorder. . 166 th Annual meeting, American Psychiatric Association, San Francisco, CA, USA .2013

31. 2012 Huang SH,Tsai SY,Wang YF. Fasting lipid profiles and sugar of elderly patients with bipolar disorder. . 台灣精神醫學會51屆年會,台南 .2012

32. 2012 Chung KH,Tsai SY,Huang SH,Chen PH,Wang YF. The alternation of circulating lipid profile from bipolar depression to full remission . 台灣精神醫學會51屆年會,台南 .2012

33. 2012 Chen PH,Tsai SY,Kuo CJ,Chung KH,Huang SH,Chen CC. Metabolic dysregulation of carbohydrate rather than lipid in patients with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia prematurely dying from circulatory diseases . 台灣精神醫學會51屆年會,台南 .2012

34. 2012 Tsai SY,Chung KH,Huang SH,Chen PH,Wang YF. The alternation of circulating lipid profile from bipolar mania to full remission. . 台灣精神醫學會51屆年會,台南 .2012

35. 2012 Tsai SY,Kuo CJ,Huang SH,Chung KH,Wang YF. The Differences in Characteristics of Bipolar and Schizophrenic Patients Prematurely Dying from Circulatory Diseases. . 165 th Annual Meeting, American Psychiatric Association,Philadelphia, PA, USA .2012

36. 2012 Tsai SY,Chen PH,Huang SH,Chung KH,Wang YF. Comorbid alcoholism in bipolar disorder affecting physcial health rather than social function . Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research; 2012 ISBRA World Congress Sep 9-12, Sapporo Japan .2012 ;(36):137-137

37. 2011 Tsai SY,Chung KH,Huang YL. Inflammatory markers and their relationships with leptin and insulin from acute mania to full remission in bipolar disorder. 2011/11 World Psychiatric Association Regional Meeting, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. . .2011

38. 2011 Tsai SY,Huang SH,Chen PH,Huang SH. High serum sodium levels increasing the risk of coronary heart diseases in the late life of bipolar disorder. 2011/11台灣精神醫學會50屆年會,高雄 . .2011

39. 2011 Huang SH,Tsai SY,Huang YL. The Characteristics of Older Bipolar Patients with Cerebral Infarction. . 10th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry, Prague, Czech Republic .2011

40. 2011 Huang SH,Hsu JL,Wang YF,Tsai SY. Metabolic abnormality and inflammation increasing the risk of cerebral infraction in the late life of bipolar disorder. . 2010/11台灣精神醫學會50屆年會, 高雄 .2011

41. 2011 Huang YL,,Tsai SY,Huang SH. The Correlative Factors of Cognitive Function in the Elderly Patients with Bipolar Disorder 2010/11台灣精神醫學會50屆年會, 高雄 . .2011

42. 2011 Chen PH,Tsai SY,Huang SH,Chung KH. The Clinical Characteristics of Geriatric Bipolar Patients with Brain Atrophy 2011/11台灣精神醫學會50屆年會, 高雄 . .2011

43. 2011 Tsai SY,Kuo CJ,Huang SH,Huang YL,Wang YF. Risk and protective factors for premature circulatory mortality of bipolar disorder. (2011/06) . 9th International Conference on Bipolar Disorder Pittsburg, PA, USA .2011

44. 2010 Tsai SY,Wu WC,Huang SH,Chen PH. Characteristics of bipolar inpatients with 10-year circulatory mortality. . 台灣精神醫學會49屆年會,台中 .2010

45. 2010 Tsai SY,Chung KH,Huang SH,Huang YL. Anti-inflammatory mediators in various relations to leptin and symptomatic severity during bipolar mania. . 台灣精神醫學會49屆年會,台中 .2010

46. 2010 Tsai SY. Cognition & medical morbidity in late life of bipolar patients. . The first meeting of East Asian Bipolar Forum, Seoul, Korea .2010

47. 2010 Tsai SY,Chung KH,Huang SH. No state-dependent alternation of immunological parameters, insulin, and leptin during bipolar depression. . 23 rd Congress of European College Neuropshchopharmacology, Amsterdam, Holland .2010

48. 2009 Tsai SY. Undergraduate psychiatric education: perspectives from Taiwan. . 2nd World Congress of Asian Psychiatry, Taipei .2009

49. 2009 Tsai SY,Chung KH,Huang SH. The phase-dependent hyperinsulinaemia in early remission and its correlates in bipolar mania. . 2nd World Congress of Asian Psychiatry, Taipei, Taiwan. .2009

50. 2009 Tsai SY,Huang YL. State-dependent elevatin of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) in bipolar mania. . 9th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Paris, France .2009

51. 2008 Tsai SY,Chung KH,Lin YF,Chen CC. Correltaes of fasting plasma insulin level of bipolar manic patients in various phases . Int J Neurophychopharmacology (CINP in Munich Germany) Jul 13-17, 2008 .2008 ;(11):183-184

52. 2008 Tsai SY. Less concurrent hypertension and more cognitive dysfunction in elderly patients with bipolar disorder . 13th PRCP Tokyo, Japan Oct30-Nov2, 2008 .2008

53. 2008 Tsai SY,Huang YL,Liu NY. Elevation of cardiovascular risk related proinflammatory markers in bipolar disorder. . 13 th PRCP congress in Tokyp, Japan, Oct 30-Nov2, 2008 .2008

54. 2008 Tsai SY. The racial and cultural characteristics strengthening the impacts of psychiatric international collaboration in Asia . 13th PRCP Congress in Tokyo Japan, Oct 30-Nov 2, 2008 .2008

55. 2008 蔡尚穎. 晚發型躁症的診斷與治療 . 第47屆台灣精神醫學會年會 2008年11月 台南 .2008

56. 2007 Tsai SY. Genetic and psychosocial effects on specific medical comorbidity of bipolar disorder . 19 th Congress of International College of Psychosomatic Medicine, Quebec, Canada .2007

57. 2007 Tsai SY. Correlates of Suicide in Bipolar Disorder . 台灣精神醫學會第46屆年會 .2007

58. 2007 蔡尚穎,郭千哲,鐘國軒,李信謙,陳喬琪. Lower systolic blood pressure and worse cognitive impairment in elderly bipolar disorder . 第46屆台灣精神醫學會年會,高雄 .2007

59. 2007 林裕峰,蔡尚穎,鍾國軒,劉乃瑩. Factors related to the hyperinsulinaemia of bipolar disorder . 台灣精神醫學會第46屆年會暨學術研討會,高雄 .2007

60. 2007 Pao-Huan Chen,Shang-Ying Tsai,Kuo-Hsuan Chung. The Impact of Lithium and Symptomatic Severity on The Electrocardiography of Bipolar Mania . 第46屆台灣精神醫學會年會暨學術研討會 高雄 .2007

61. 2006 Tsai SY,Lee HC,,Chen CC,Huang YL. Cognitive dysfunction in later life of early-onset bipolar disorder . 14 th Congress of Association of European Psychiartrist .2006

62. 2005 Tsai SY,Lee HC,Chen CC. Correlates of blood lipid in acute phase of bipolar disorder . The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry .2005 ;(6):184-185

63. 2005 Tsai SY,Hsu CL,Lee HC,Chen CC. The brain change and cognitive function in the elderly bipolar patients . 台灣精神醫學會第44屆年會暨學術研討會 .2005

64. 2004 蔡尚穎,許瑞琳,黃意霖,陳喬琪. 情緒症狀與過敏體質影響躁鬱症患者急性期的血脂肪 . 台灣精神醫學會年會,台南 .2004

65. 2004 蔡尚穎,黃意霖,陳喬琪. 胰島素甚於瘦體素影響急性躁期之身體質量指數 . 台灣精神醫學會年會,台南 .2004

66. 2004 Tsai SY,Kuo-hsuan Chung,Yi-Lin Huang. The effects of first-degree family history of schizophrenia on bipolar mania. . First International Congress of World Federation of Biological Psychiatry, Sydney, Australia. .2004

67. 2004 Tsai SY,Huang YL,Shang CY,Huan CY. Insulin and interleukin-1 receptor antagonist affecting body mass index during bipolar mania. . First International Congress of World Federation of Biological Psychiatry, Sydney, Australia .2004

68. 2003 黃鈞蔚、蔡尚穎、李信謙、陳喬琪、胡維恆. 躁症住院病患體重增加者之特徵 . 台灣精神醫學會年會,彰化 .2003

69. 2003 Tsai SY,Lee HC,Shang CY. The correlates of cognitive dysfunction in early-onset elderly bipolar disorder 15 . . International Psychogeriatrics .2003 ;(15):16

70. 2003 蔡尚穎,黃意霖,商志雍,李信謙,陳喬琪,蔡文雅. 早發型躁鬱症老年患者之認知功能有關因素高雄 . 台灣精神醫學會年會 .2003

71. 2003 商志雍,蔡尚穎,陳喬琪,潘建志,詹佳真,李彗玟. 精神科青少年求治者高危險性行為之危險因子, . 台灣精神醫學會年會,高雄 .2003

72. 2003 Shang CY,Tsai SY. The higher body mass index of Taiwanese adolescent bipolar patients. . The 16 th congress of European College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Prague. Czech Republic .2003

73. 2002 Tsai SY, Chen CC, Lee HC. Marker of bipolar disorder: soluble IL-2 and transferring receptors in serum . The 11 th Congress of Association of European Psychiatrists, Stockholm, Sweden. .2002

74. 2002 Tsai SY, Strakowski SM, Chen CC, Lee HC. Cross-cultural comparison of new-onset mania between US and Taiwan. . The 12 th World Congress of Psychiatry, World Psychiatric Association, Yokohama, Japan. .2002

75. 2002 Tsai SY, Lee CH, Chen CC, Lee HC. Risk factors for natural death in bipolar disorder. . The 12 th World Congress of Psychiatry, World Psychiatric Association, Yokohama, Japan. .2002

76. 2002 蘇宗偉、蔡尚穎、孟繁嘉、 陳喬琪、李信謙、胡維恆. 躁鬱症高齡病患有認知功能退化者的特徵 . 台灣精神醫學會年會,彰化 .2002

77. 2001 Tsai SYM, Lee HC, Yang YH, Chen CC. (2001/11)The cognitive function, medical morbidity, and overall outcome in elderly bipolar disorder. . The 40th Annual Meeting of the Taiwanese Society of Psychiatry, Taipei, Taiwan .2001

78. 2001 Tsai SYM, Chen YC, Hsiao CW, Lee HC. The therapeutic factors of long-term group psychotherapy in bipolar disorder. . The 40th Annual Meeting of the Taiwanese Society of Psychiatry, Taipei, Taiwan .2001

79. 2001 Lee HC, Tsai SYM. The prevalence of obesity in patients with major psychiatric illness . The 40th Annual Meeting of the Taiwanese Society of Psychiatry, Taipei, Taiwan .2001

80. 2001 Tsai SYM, Chen YC, Hsiao CW, Lee HC. The therapeutic factors of long-term group psychotherapy in bipolar disorder. . The 40th Annual Meeting of the Taiwanese Society of Psychiatry, Taipei, Taiwan .2001

81. 2001 Lee HC, Tsai SYM. The distribution of body mass index in Chinese patients with mental illness. . . The 7 th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Berlin, Germany .2001

82. 2001 Tsai SYM, Kuo CJ, Chen CC, Lee HC. Sucessful suicide in bipolar disorder. . The 154 th Annual Meeting of American Psychiatric Association, New Orleans, LA, USA. .2001

83. 2001 Leu SJ, Tsai SYM, Lee CH, Chen CC, Yang YY. Higher TfR and lower CC16 in medicated but not un-medicated bipolar mania. . The 154 th Annual Meeting of American Psychiatric Association, New Orleans, LA, USA .2001


113 重大精神疾病患者其氧化壓力標誌與提早左心室結構和功能異常之關聯性:思覺失調症、雙極症與正常對照組之比較研究

112 雙極症患者單核球和巨噬細胞活化與血管粥狀化的關聯性: 頸動脈超音波的個案對照研究(3/3)

112 思覺失調症其血管粥狀化與先天免疫系統之單核球/巨噬細胞和抗精神病劑的關聯性

111 雙極症患者單核球和巨噬細胞活化與血管粥狀化的關聯性: 頸動脈超音波的個案對照研究(2/3)

111 思覺失調症其血管粥狀化與先天免疫系統之單核球/巨噬細胞和抗精神病劑的關聯性

110 雙極症患者單核球和巨噬細胞活化與血管粥狀化的關聯性: 頸動脈超音波的個案對照研究(1/3)

109 雙極症患者視網膜血管和頸動脈粥狀化、視神經層厚度和腦體積之關聯及影響因素

108 以超音波探討雙極性躁症患者的頸動脈血管粥狀化程度與心臟功能並分析其臨床有關之因子(3/3)

107 精神科蔡尚穎教授申請邀請University of Toronto Benjamin Goldstein教授,於108年05月28日至108年06月03日止來台訪問一案,本部同意補助其在台日支酬金及來回經濟艙機票費

107 以超音波探討雙極性躁症患者的頸動脈血管粥狀化程度與心臟功能並分析其臨床有關之因子(2/3)

106 以超音波探討雙極性躁症患者的頸動脈血管粥狀化程度與心臟功能並分析其臨床有關之因子(1/3)

105 雙極症躁期至緩解期之發炎反射變化與精神藥物的關連性(2/2)

105 雙極症躁期至緩解期之發炎反射變化與精神藥物的關連性(2/2)

104 雙極症躁期至緩解期之發炎反射變化與精神藥物的關連性(1/2)

104 雙極症躁期至緩解期之發炎反射變化與精神藥物的關連性(1/2)

103 中、高年之雙極症與精神分裂症患者併發冠心、腦血管症之心電圖、發炎標誌與臨床特徵之關連性與預測因子(3/3)

102 中、高年之雙極症與精神分裂症患者併發冠心、腦血管症之心電圖、發炎標誌與臨床特徵之關連性與預測因子(2/3)

102 中、高年之雙極症與精神分裂症患者併發冠心、腦血管症之心電圖、發炎標誌與臨床特徵之關連性與預測因子(2-3)

102 中、高年之雙極症與精神分裂症患者併發冠心、腦血管症之心電圖、發炎標誌與臨床特徵之關連性與預測因子(3/3)

101 中、高年之雙極症與精神分裂症患者併發冠心、腦血管症之心電圖、發炎標誌與臨床特徵之關連性與預測因子

100 躁鬱症與精神分裂症患者因循環或呼吸疾病致死之影響因素

99 躁鬱症與精神分裂症患者因循環或呼吸疾病致死之影響因素

98 躁鬱症與精神分裂症患者因循環或呼吸疾病致死之影響因素

97 躁鬱症患者之高胰島素血症的有關因子以及其對代謝之影響(3-3)

95 躁鬱症之認知功能與神經影像的關聯性:首次發病與多次發病之比較(3/3)

95 躁鬱症患者之高胰島素血症的有關因子以及其對代謝之影響(1-3)

95 躁鬱症患者之高胰島素血症的有關因子以及其對代謝之影響(2-3)

94 躁鬱症復發之危險因素(3/3)

94 躁鬱症之認知功能與神經影像的關聯性:首次發病與多次發病之比較(2/3)引神經分化及細胞毒性的影響(2/2)/2)嶀妨O護作用評估I)

93 躁鬱症復發之危險因素(2/3)

93 躁鬱症之認知功能與神經影像的關聯性:首次發病與多次發病之比較(1/3)

92 晚發型燥症患者核磁共振造影與單光子發射電腦斷層的神經學影像變化

92 躁鬱症復發之危險因素(1/3)

91 躁鬱症患者體重增加與肥胖之危險因素

90 首次發病之躁症患者的預後研究:跨文化之前瞻性追蹤(3/3)

90 老年期躁鬱症患者之認知功能與整體預後(2/2)

89 首次發病之躁症患者的預後研究:跨文化之前瞻性追蹤(2/3)

89 老年期躁鬱症患者之認知功能與整體預後(1/2)

88 首次發病之躁症患者的預後研究:跨文化之前瞻性追蹤(1/3)