吳建志(Wu, Chien-Chih) 教授

現   職
醫學系 主任
醫學院 副院長
醫學教育暨人文學科 主任
醫學教育暨人文學科 教授


學 歷

臺北醫學大學醫學研究所 博士
台北醫學院醫學系 學士




2024/08/01 ~
2024/04/01 ~
2020/11/16 ~
2018/08/01 ~ 2020/11/15
2018/08/01 ~ 2020/11/15
2017/08/01 ~
2017/08/01 ~
2016/10/01 ~ 2021/07/31
2013/08/01 ~ 2018/07/31
2010/11/01 ~ 2013/07/31
2007/08/01 ~







1. 2022 Chao HT,Chang PC,Lin YK,Huang WC,Wu CC,Chang LI, Liao YM. Longitudinal Effects of a Combined Program of Pelvic Floor Muscle Training and Yoga on Genitourinary Symptoms in Asian Women of Older Age: A Randomized Experimental Study . Geriatric Nursing Volume 46, July–August 2022, Pages 27-38 .2022 ;(46):27-38

2. 2022 Manuaba IBAP,Kang YN,*Wu CC. The effectiveness of problem based learning in improving critical thinking, problem-solving and self-directed learning in first-year medical students: A meta-analysis . PLOS ONE .2022 ;(17):1-12

3. 2021 Wu PC,Hung CS,Kang YN,Wu CC. Tolerability and Optimal Therapeutic Dosage of Clomipramine for Premature Ejaculation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . Sexual Medicine .2021 ;(9)

4. 2021 Huang LC,Wu CC,Kang YN. Do TEP and TAPP have similar effect on postoperative pain? . Hernia .2021

5. 2021 Huang LC,Wu CC,Kang YN. Comment on 'Do TEP and TAPP have similar effect on postoperative pain? Author's reply' . Hernia .2021

6. 2020 Liu MC,Chang ML,Wang YC,Chen WH,Wu CC,Yeh SD. Revisiting the Regenerative Therapeutic Advances Towards Erectile Dysfunction . Cells .2020 ;(9):1-21

7. 2020 Hung TY,Wu CC,Chen LS,Kang YN. Safety of two common laparoscopic inguinal herniorrhaphy approaches: an updated systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials . Translational Andrology and Urology .2020 ;(9):2007-2121

8. 2019 Kang YN,Chang CH,Kao CC,Chen CY,*Wu CC. Development of a short and universal learning self-efficacy scale for clinical skills . PLoS ONE .2019 ;(14):1-11

9. 2019 Wu YN,Chen KC,Wu CC,Lin YH,Chiang HS. SLC9A3 Affects Vas Deferens Development and Associates with Taiwanese Congenital Bilateral Absence of the Vas Deferens . BioMed Research International .2019 ;(2019):1-10

10. 2019 Tang KP,Wu CC,Wu MS,Liou TH. Students' Perspective on the Value of Social Gathering during an Early Clinical Exposure Program . Journal of Medical Education .2019 ;(23)

11. 2019 Tai TE,Wu CC,Kang YN,Wu JC. Effects of Retzius sparing on robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy: a systematic review with meta-analysis. . Surgical Endoscopy .2019 ;(xx):1-10

12. 2019 Shih KW,Shen PY,*Wu CC,Kang YN. Testicular versus percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration for patients with obstructive azoospermia: a systematic review and meta-analysis . Translational Andrology and Urology .2019 ;(2019(8)):636-640

13. 2019 Tang KP,Sheu ML,Hsu YH,Yang YT,Chiou RJ,Wu CC, Chen CY1, Tsai PF. Validation of the Positive Social Interdependence Readiness Scale for Cooperative Learning . Journal of Medical Education .2019 ;(23):227-236

14. 2018 Kang YN,Hsiao YW,Chen CY,*Wu CC. Testicular sperm is superior to ejaculated sperm for ICSI in cryptozoospermia: An update systematic review and meta-analysis . Scientific Reports .2018 ;(8):1-9

15. 2018 Lin CW,Chang EH,Clinciu DL,Peng YT,Huang WC,Wu CC, Wu JC, Li YC. Using modified information delivery to enhance the traditional pharmacy OSCE program at TMU –a pilot study . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2018 ;(158):147-152

16. 2018 Wu JC,Chi SC,*Wu CC,Kang YN. Helps from flipped classroom in learning suturing skill: The medical students' perspective. . PLoS One. 2018 Oct 2;13(10) .2018 ;(13):1-13

17. 2018 Ku FY,Wu CC,Hsiao YW,Kang YN. Association of sperm source with miscarriage and take-home baby after ICSI in cryptozoospermia: a meta-analysis of testicular and ejaculated sperm. . Andrology. 2018 Sep 11. doi: .2018 ;(..):1-8

18. 2018 Chen LS,Chen WC,Kang YN,Wu CC,Tsai LW,Liu MZ. Effects of transabdominal preperitoneal and totally extraperitoneal inguinal hernia repair: an update systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Surg Endosc. 2018 Jul 9. doi: Surgical Endoscopy .2018 ;(..):1-11

19. 2018 Chen YL,Chao TT,Wu YN,Chen MC,Lin YH,Liao CH, Wu CC, Chen KC, Chou SS, Chiang HS. nNOS-positive minor-branches of the dorsal penile nerves is associated with erectile function inthe bilateral cavernous injury model of rats . Scientific Reports .2018 ;(xx):1-10

20. 2018 Lin EY,Chen CY,Cheng YL,Wu CC,Kang YN. 實證醫學基本核心能力指標架構之建置 . 中榮醫教 .2018 ;(22):4-10

21. 2017 Chiu HY,Kang YN,Wang WL,,Huang HC, Wu CC, ,Hsu W, Tong YS, Wei PL. The Effectiveness of a Simulation-Based Flipped Classroom in the Acquisition of Laparoscopic Suturing Skills in Medical Students-A Pilot Study . Journal of Surgical Education .2017

22. 2017 Chang CJ,Pei D,Wu CC,Palmer MH,Su CC,Kuo SF, Liao YM. Correlates of Nocturia and Relationships of Nocturia With Sleep Quality and Glycemic Control in Women With Type 2 Diabetes. . Journal of Nursing Scholarship .2017 ;(49):400-410

23. 2016 Kang YN,Lin CW,Chen CY,Tseng TM,Wu CC. 翻轉教學應用於擬真臨床技能學習之滿意度初探 . 台灣擬真醫學教育期刊 .2016 ;(3):23-31

24. 2016 Lee WY,Chen WC,Lin YC,Wu CC,Chen CY,Liao YM. 加溫灌流液在經尿道前列腺刮除術中預防低體溫之成效――系統性回顧與統合分析 . 台灣實證醫學學會會刊 .2016 ;(7):48-58

25. 2016 Tan KP,Kang YN,Wu CC,Chung QL,Lin EY,Chen CY. 雙案例教學模式導入醫學倫理課程之成果-以長期呼吸器倚賴病人照護為例 . 中榮醫教 .2016 ;(20):3-12

26. 2016 Chen WC,Lin YH,Yeh SD,Wu CC. Testicular Adult Type Granulosa Cell Tumor: A Very Rare Case Report and Review of Literature . Urol Androl Open Journal .2016 ;(1):12-14

27. 2014 Wu CC,Bai CH,Huang MT,Wu CH,Tam KW. Local anesthetic infusion pump for pain management following open inguinal hernia repair: A meta-analysis . International Journal of Surgery .2014 ;(12):245-250

28. 2013 Chiang HS,Lin YH,Wu YN,Wu CC,Liu MC. Advantages of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the seminal vesicles and intra-abdominal vas deferens in patients with congenital absence of the vas deferens . Urology .2013 ;(82):345-351

29. 2013 Wu YN,Wu CC,Sheu MT,Chen KC,Ho HO,Chiang HS. Optimization of platelet-rich plasma and its effects on the recovery of erectile function after bilateral cavernous nerve injury in a rat model . J Tissue Eng Regen Med .2013

30. 2013 Che-Wei Lin,Daniel L Clinciu,Mark H Swartz,Chien-Chih Wu,Gi-Shih Lien,Cho-Yu Chan, Fei-Peng Lee, Yu-Chuan Li1. An integrative OSCE methodology for enhancing the traditional OSCE program at Taipei medical university hospital - a feasibility study . BMC Medical Education .2013 ;(xx):xx-xx

31. 2013 Chiang HS,Wu YN,Wu CC,Hwang JL. Cytogenic and molecular analyses of 46,XX male syndrome with clinical comparison to other groups with testicular azoospermia of genetic origin . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2013 ;(112):72-78

32. 2013 Tong YS,Wu CC,Bai CH,Lee HC,Liang HH,Kuo LJ, Wei PL, Tam KW. Effect of extraperitoneal bupivacaine analgesia in laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Hernia .2013 ;(xx):xx-xx

33. 2012 Wu CC,Wu YN,Ho HO,Chen KC,Sheu MT,Chiang HS. The Neuroprotective Effect of Platelet-rich Plasma on Erectile Function in Bilateral Cavernous Nerve Injury Rat Model . Journal of Sex Medicine .2012 ;(9):2838-2848

34. 2011 Chuang MT,Ho FM,Wu CC,Zhuang SY,Lin SY,Suk FM, Liang YC. 15,16-Dihydrotanshinone I, a Compound of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge, Induces Apoptosis through Inducing Endoplasmic Reticular Stress in Human Prostate Carcinoma Cells . Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine .2011

35. 2011 Tam KW,Tsai LW,Wu CC,Wei PL,Wei CF,Chen SC. Using vote cards to encourage active participation and to improve critical appraisal skills in evidence-based medicine journal clubs . Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice .2011 ;(17):827-831

36. 2009 Lee CH,Wu CC,Wu YN,Chiang HS. Gene copy number variations in Asian patients with congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens . Human Reproduction .2009 ;(24):748-755

37. 2009 Chiang HS,Lu JF,Liu CH,Wu YN,Wu CC. CFTR (TG)m(T)n polymorphism in patients with CBAVD in a population expressing low incidence of cystic fibrosis . Clinical Genetics .2009 ;(76):282-286

38. 2008 Chiang HS,Wu CC,Wu YN,Lu JF,Lee GH,Hwang JL. CFTR mutation analysis of a Caucasian father with congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens, a Taiwanese mother, and twins resulting from ICSI procedure . J Formos Med Assoc .2008 ;(107):736-740

39. 2006 Huan SK,Lee HH,Liu DZ,Wu CC,Wang CC. Cantharidin-induced cytotoxicity and cyclooxygenase 2 expression in human bladder carcinoma cell line . Toxicology .2006 ;(223):136-143

40. 2005 Wu CC,Alper OM,Lu JF,Wang SP,Guo L,Chiang HS, Wong LJ. Mutation spectrum of the CFTR gene in Taiwanese patients with congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens . Human Reproduction .2005 ;(20):2470-2475

41. 2004 Wu CC,Hsieh-Li HM,Lin YM,Chiang HS. Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene screening and clinical correlation in Taiwanese males with congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens . Human Reproduction .2004 ;(19):250-253

42. 2004 Chiang HS,Yeh SD,Wu CC,Huang BC,Tsai HJ,Fan CL. Clinical and pathological correlation of the microdeletion of Y chromosome for the 30 patients with azoospermia and severe oligoasthenospermia . Asian Journal of Andrology .2004 ;(6):369-375

43. 2004 Lu CH,Lai WM,Chen YK,Wu CC,Chen KC,Chiang HS. 先天陰莖彎曲症病患手術後滿意度追蹤評估 . 輔仁醫學期刊 .2004 ;(2):45-56

1. 2020 Wu CC,Wu JC,Kang YN. How do different learning models affect learning self-efficacy of clinical skills in clerkship? . 2020 AMEE - The Virtual Conference (2020歐洲醫學教育年會虛擬會議) .2020

2. 2020 Tang KP,Chu JS,Wu CC,Liou TH. Inquiring Students' Perception on Their Early Clinical Exposure Experience . 2020 AMEE - The Virtual Conference (2020歐洲醫學教育年會虛擬會議) .2020

3. 2019 Wu CC,Ku FY. Association of Testicular and Ejaculated Sperm with Miscarriage and Take-Home Baby after ICSI in Cryptozoospermia: a Meta-Analysis . 台灣男性學醫學會108年度第九屆第3次會員大會暨第50次學術演講會 .2019

4. 2019 Wu CC,Kang YN,Chen CY,Lin EY. Verify a performance assessment rating scale for evidence-based healthcare evaluation . 2019 AMEE (Association of Medical Education in Europe) (2019年歐洲醫學教育年會)) .2019

5. 2019 Guo SL,Wu CC,Kang YN,Hsiao ST. What do medical students learn in Shadowing Modeled Inter-Professional Education (SMIPE)? A preliminary report of SMIPE Project . 2019 AMEE (Association of Medical Education in Europe) (2019年歐洲醫學教育年會)) .2019

6. 2018 Wu CC,Kang YN,Chang CH. Development and validity evaluation of learning self efficacy scale toward clinical skills . 2018 AMEE (Association of Medical Education in Europe) (2018年歐洲醫學教育年會)) .2018

7. 2018 Liou TH,Tsai PF,Chen CY,Wu CC,Tang KP. Measuring Social Interdependence in Collaborative Project-Based Learning . 2018 AMEE (Association of Medical Education in Europe) (2018年歐洲醫學教育年會)) .2018

8. 2018 Wu CC,Shen PY,Kang YN. 阻塞性無精子症患者使用睪丸精子抽取與經皮副睪丸精子抽取 進行試管嬰兒的成效比較:系統性回顧與統合分析 . 台灣男性學醫學會107年度第九屆第2次會員大會暨第49次學術演講會 .2018

9. 2017 Wu CC,Kang YN,Chen CY,Lin CW. 以教學影片輔助醫學生學習鼻胃管置放之比較研究 . 台灣醫學教育學會106年度年會 .2017

10. 2017 Wu CC,Kang YN,Hsiao YW,Chen CY. 寡精子症不孕患者使用睪丸萃取精子與射精精子進行試管嬰兒的成效比較: 系統性回顧與統合分析 . 台灣泌尿科醫學會2017年第20屆第2次會員大會暨第39次學術演講會 .2017

11. 2017 Ku FY,Chen YC,Wu CC. 外源性睪固酮導致無精子症的治療選擇: 個案報告與文獻回顧 . 台灣泌尿科醫學會2017年第20屆第2次會員大會暨第39次學術演講會 .2017

12. 2017 Wu YN,Liao CH,Wu CC,Chiang HS. ⾎⼩板濃厚⾎漿透過調節細胞CXCL5改善海綿體神經損傷的勃起功能障礙 . 台灣泌尿科醫學會2017年第20屆第2次會員大會暨第39次學術演講會 .2017

13. 2017 Wu CC,Kang YN,Jian YL,Lin CW,Chiu HH,Chen CY. Which Blended Flipped Curriculum of Clinical Skills is Better, Situated or Cooperative? . 2017 AMEE (Association of Medical Education in Europe) (2017歐洲醫學教育年會) .2017

14. 2017 Chiu HY,Wei PL,Wu CC,Kang YN. The Effectiveness of a Pre-class Video in Gaining the Knack of Laparoscopic Suture for the Novice Undergraduates . 2017 AMEE (Association of Medical Education in Europe) (2017歐洲醫學教育年會) .2017

15. 2017 ,Liou TH,. Students’ Perspective on the Value of Social Gathering during Early Clinical Exposure Courses . 2017 AMEE (Association of Medical Education in Europe) (2017歐洲醫學教育年會) .2017

16. 2016 Lin NY,Kang YN,Wu CC,Chen CY. 醫學生實施實證醫學課程的初探 . 台灣醫學教育學會106年度年會 .2016

17. 2016 Chen CY,Wu CC,Kang YN,Tang KP. How Reflective Skills Were Exercised in Medical Students Clinical Skill Learning? . 台灣醫學教育學會106年度年會 .2016

18. 2014 吳建志,林勇志,林盈宏,吳宜娜,廖俊厚,陳國強, 江漢聲. 探討在台灣先天性雙側輸精管缺損中SLC9A3 遺傳變異之角色 . 台灣泌尿科醫學會103年第19屆第1次會員大會暨第36次學術演講會 .2014

19. 2014 陳燕麟,吳宜娜,廖俊厚,林盈宏,吳建志,江漢聲. 雙側海綿體神經損傷引發勃起功能障礙大鼠中nNOS 陽性陰莖背神經之小分支與發勃起功能的相關性 . 台灣泌尿科醫學會103年第19屆第1次會員大會暨第36次學術演講會 .2014

20. 2014 吳宜娜,陳國強,吳建志,江漢聲. 利用電子顯微鏡觀察海綿體神經損傷的神經退化與再生過程 . 台灣泌尿科醫學會103年第19屆第1次會員大會暨第36次學術演講會 .2014

21. 2014 陳偉傑,林永和,吳建志. 病例報告: 成人型睪丸顆粒細胞瘤 . 台灣泌尿科醫學會103年第19屆第1次會員大會暨第36次學術演講會 .2014

22. 2014 吳宜娜,廖俊厚,林盈宏,林勇志,吳建志,江漢聲. 鈉氫離子交換蛋白基因拷貝數變異與先天性輸精管缺損之相關性 . 台灣男性學醫學會103年度第八屆第一次會員大會暨第41次學術演講會 .2014

23. 2014 陳燕麟,吳宜娜,廖俊厚,林盈宏,林勇志,吳建志, 江漢聲. 雙側海綿體神經損傷大鼠陰莖背神經變化的型態學證據 . 台灣男性學醫學會103年度第八屆第一次會員大會暨第41次學術演講會 .2014

24. 2011 Wu CC,Ho HO,Wu YN,Chiang HS. 利用神經損傷大鼠模式研究血小板纖維蛋白促進海綿體神經再生的效果 . 台灣男性學醫學會第七屆第一次會員大會暨第卅三次學術演講會 .2011

25. 2009 Wu YN,Wu CC,Chiang HS. 利用微陣列基因晶片偵測46,XX,SRY-Negative Man全基因組的染色體拷貝數變化研究 . 台灣男性學醫學會第六屆第二次會員大會暨第卅一次學術演講會 .2009

26. 2009 Wu CC,Wu YN,Chiang HS. 攜帶相同囊性纖維症突變基因的父子,父親表現正常生育,兒子卻是先天輸精管缺乏症 - 個案報告 . 台灣男性學醫學會第六屆第二次會員大會暨第卅一次學術演講會 .2009

27. 2007 Chiang HS,Wu CC. 以異黃酮治療接受抗男性荷爾蒙療法又有荷爾蒙低下症狀的攝護腺癌病人 . 台灣泌尿科醫學會95年度第15屆第1次會員大會暨第28次學術演講會 .2007

28. 2007 Wu CC,Alper OM,Lu JF,Wang SP,Guo L,Chiang HS. 默沙東研究論文獎-臨床組-- Mutation Spectrum Of The Cftr Gene In Taiwanese Patients With Congenital Bilateral Absence Of The Vas Deferens . 台灣泌尿科醫學會95年度第15屆第1次會員大會暨第28次學術演講會 .2007

29. 2007 Wu YN,Wu CC,Chiang HS. Y染色體基因缺損病人的染色體異常對照分析 . 台灣男性學醫學會96年度第5屆第3次會員大會暨第27次學術演講會 .2007

30. 2007 WuCC,Liu CH,Chiang HS. Association of the phenotype of seminal vesicles and CFTR gene mutation in patients with congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens . The Second World Chinese Urological Society Meeting, Anaheim Hilton & Towers, Anaheim, California, USA .2007

31. 2007 Lee CH,Wu CC,Wu YN,Chiang HS. Array-CGH identifies copy number alternations (CNAs) of reproduction-related genes in Taiwan congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens . 台灣泌尿科醫學會96年度第2次會員大會暨第29次學術演講會 .2007

32. 2006 Wu CC,Liu CH,Chiang HS. 先天雙側無輸精管病人儲精囊的臨床表徵與纖維囊腫基因突變間的相關性 . 台灣泌尿科醫學會95年度第15屆第1次會員大會暨第28次學術演講會 .2006

33. 2006 Wong JS,Wu CC,Tang TN,Chiang HS. 斑塊內注射Verapamil用於班洛尼氏疾病的初步經驗 . 臺北醫學大學附設醫院第一屆住院醫師口頭論文發表會 .2006

34. 2006 Liang HH,Liu M,Wu CC,Chiang HS. 同時以兩針導入法於副睪輸精管吻合術之應用:經驗分享及初步結果 . 臺北醫學大學附設醫院第一屆住院醫師口頭論文發表會 .2006

35. 2006 Liang HH,Liu M,Wu CC,Chiang HS. 以細針穿過副睪並拉套入輸精管輔助吻合手術的初步結果 . 台灣泌尿科醫學會94年度第2次會員大會暨第27次學術演講會 .2006

36. 2005 Wu CC,Alper OM,Lu JF,Wang SP,Guo L,Chiang HS, Wong LJ. 台灣先天雙側無輸精管病人囊性纖維化基因的突變圖譜 . 台灣泌尿科醫學會94年度第2次會員大會暨第27次學術演講會 .2005

37. 2005 Liu M,Wu CC,Chiang HS. 同時以兩隻針穿過副睪並拉套入輸精管進行吻合手術的初步果 . 台灣男性學醫學會94年度第五屆第一次會員大會暨第23次學術演講會 .2005

38. 2005 Wu CC,Hsieh-Li HM,Lin YM,Chiang HS. Cystic fibrosis trandmembrane conductance regulator gene screening and clinical correlation in Taiwanese males with congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens . 台灣泌尿科醫學會94年度第五屆第一次會員大會暨第23次學術演講會 .2005

39. 2005 Wu CC,Wang CC. Cantharidin induced cyclooxgenase 2 expression in human blader carcinoma cell line . The 13th International Congress of Oriental Medicine .2005

40. 2005 Wu CC,Alper OM,Wang SP,Guo L,Chiang HS,Wong LJ. Mutation spectrum of the CFTR gene in Taiwanese patients with congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens . International Journal of Andrology - Abstract of the 8th International Congress of Andrology .2005 ;(28):92-92

41. 2005 Wu CC,Chiang HS,Hwang TIS. Transdermal testosterone gel increase the serum testosterone level in hypogonadal men . International Journal of Andrology - Abstract of the 8th International Congress of Andrology .2005 ;(28):61-61

42. 2004 Liu M,Wu CC,Chen KC,Lin HY,Chen YK,Yeh SD, Huang YH, Chiu AW. 下段輸尿管結石採取仰躺姿勢接受體外震波碎石術的治療成效 . 台灣泌尿科醫學會93年度第14屆第1次會員大會暨第26次學術演講會 .2004

43. 2003 Chen KH,Chiang HS,Wu CC. 558例簡化型無刀口男性結紮之臨床經驗 . 台灣泌尿科醫學會92年度第13屆第2次會員大會暨第25次學術演講會 .2003

44. 2002 Wu CC,Chiang HS,Lin YM. 台灣先天無精管男性CFTR基因的篩檢和臨床的相關性 . 台灣泌尿科醫學會91年度第13屆第1次會員大會暨第24次學術演講會 .2002


108 貴校國際醫學研究博士學位學程博士生Ida Bagus Amertha Putra M君擬於109年2月29日至3月4日赴馬來西亞吉隆坡參加Ottawa 2020 Conference

107 ACGME Milestone與CanMEDs醫學生Milestone之整合、在地化檢驗與應用:建立評量尺規與示範課程

106 實證醫學教學成效評量尺規之發展、驗證與應用

105 大規模開放式線上課程(MOOCs)翻轉教學應用於醫學臨床技能課程的精緻化、訓練成效與效果保留之評估

98 台灣先天雙側無輸精管病人家族CFTR基因的篩檢以及其他可能致病基因的探索

96 台灣先天雙側無輸精管病人家族CFTR基因的篩檢以及其他可能致病基因的探索

95 先天雙側無輸精管病人儲精囊的臨床表徵和汗腺氯離子濃度的變化與囊性纖維化基因突變間的關聯性