何意(Ho, Yih) 副教授

現   職
藥物科學學科 副教授


學 歷

私立臺北醫學院藥學研究所 碩士
私立臺北醫學院藥學系 學士




1996/09/05 ~ 1997/07/31







1. 2022 Su KW ,Lin HY ,Chiu HC ,Shen SY ,ChangOu CA ,Crawford DR, Yang YSH, Shih YJ, Li ZL, Huang HM, Whang-Peng J, Ho Y*, Wang K. Thyroid Hormone Induces Oral Cancer Growth via the PD-L1-Dependent Signaling Pathway. . Cells .2022 ;(11):3050-3063

2. 2022 Lin HY ,Yang YN ,Chen YF ,Huang TY, Crawford DR,Chuang HY, Chin YT, Chu HR, Li ZL, Shih YJ, Chen YR, Yang YSH, Ho Y*, Davis PJ, Whang-Peng J, Wang K.. 2,3,5,4'-Tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-beta-D-Glucoside improves female ovarian aging . Front Cell Dev Biol .2022 ;(10):862045

3. 2021 Association between acid-suppressive drug use and atopic dermatitis in patients with upper gastrointestinal diseases: A population-based retrospective cohort study . J Clinical Pharmacy &Therapeutics .2021 ;(00):1-8

4. 2021 Use of gastric acid–suppressive agents increases the risk of dementia in patients with upper gastrointestinal disease: A populationbased retrospective cohort study . PLOS ONE .2021 ;(16):e0249095

5. 2021 Transformation of 15-ene steviol by Aspergillus niger, Cunninghamella bainieri, and Mortierella isabellina . Phytochemistry .2021 ;(187):112776

6. 2021 Effect of catechin and commercial preparation of green tea essence on the pharmacokinetics of L-dopa in rabbits . Biomedical Chromatography .2021 ;(e5227)

7. 2021 Identification of Novel CDK9 Inhibitors with Better Inhibitory Activity and Higher Selectivity for Cancer Treatment by an Effective Two-Stage Virtual Screening Strategy . J. Biomedical Science and Engineering .2021 ;(14):371-390

8. 2020 Lin Hsiu C.,Hsu Huan Y. ,Lin Hsiu L.,Uang Yow S. ,Ho Yi ,Wang Li H.. Association Between Acid-Suppressive Agents’ Use and Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma . Dose-Response: An International Journal .2020 ;(Apr-Jun):1-8

9. 2020 Ho Yih,Li Zi-Lin ,Shih Ya-Jung,Chen Yi-Ru ,Wang Kuan,Whang-Peng Jacqueline, Lin Hung-Yun , Davis Paul J. . Integrin v 3 in the Mediating E ects of Dihydrotestosterone and Resveratrol on Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation . International Journal o f Molecular Sciences .2020 ;(21):2906

10. 2020 Ho Y,Wu CY,Chin YT,Li ZL,Pan YS,Huang TY, Su PY, Lee SY, Crawford DR, Su KW, Chiu HC, Shih YJ, Changou CA, Yang YSH, Whang-Peng J, Chen YR, Lin HY, Mousa SA, Davis PJ, Wang K. NDAT suppresses pro-inflammatory gene expression to enhance resveratrol-induced anti-proliferation in oral cancer cells . Food Chem Toxicol .2020 ;(136):111092

11. 2019 Ho Yih ,Wu Chien-Yi , Chin Yu-Tang,Li Zi-Lin,Pan Yi-shin,Huang Tung-Yung, Su Po-Yu, Lee Sheng-Yang, Crawford Dana R. , Su Kuan-Wei , Chiu Hsien-Chung , Shih Ya-Jung , Changou Chun A. , Yang Yu-Chen S.H. ,Whang-Peng Jaqulene, Chen Yi-Ru, Lin Hung-Yun ,Mousa Shaker A. , Davis Paul J., Wang Kuan. NDAT suppresses pro-inflammatory gene expression to enhance resveratrolinduced anti-proliferation in oral cancer cells . Food and Chemical Toxicology .2019 ;(136):1110092

12. 2019 Lin H-Y, Ho Y, Liu H-L. Structure-Based Pharmacophore Modeling to Discover Novel CCR5 Inhibitors for HIV-1/Cancers Therapy . J Biomedical Science and Engineering .2019 ;(12):10-30

13. 2019 Chin YT, He ZR, Chen CL, Chu HC , Ho Y,Su PY, Yang YSH, Wang K, Shih YJ, Chen YR, Pedersen JZ, Incerpi S, Nana AW, Tang HY, Lin HY, Mousa SA, Davis PJ, Whang-Peng J. Tetrac and NDAT Induce Anti-proliferation via Integrin alphavbeta3 in Colorectal Cancers With Different K-RAS Status . Front Endocrinol .2019 ;(10):130

14. 2019 Tang J-Y,Ho Y,Chang C-Y,Liu H-L. Discovery of Novel Irreversible HER2 Inhibitors for Breast Cancer Treatment . J Biomedical Science and Engineering .2019 ;(12):225-244

15. 2019 Ho Y,Wang SH ,Chen YR, Li ZL,Chin YT,Yang YSH, Wu YH, Su KW, Chu HR, Chiu HC, Crawford DR, Shih YJ, Grasso P, Tang HY, Lin HY, Davis PJ, Whang-Peng J, Wang K. Leptin-derived peptides block leptin-induced proliferation by reducing expression of pro-inflammatory genes in hepatocellular carcinoma cells . Food Chem Toxicol .2019 ;(133):110808

16. 2018 Wang Jhih-Lun ,Liu Hsuan-Liang ,Zhou Zheng-Li ,Chen W-H ,Ho Yih. Discovery of novel 5 alpha-reductase type II inhibitors by pharmacophore modelling, virtual screening, molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations . MOLECULAR SIMULATION .2018 ;(41):287-297

17. 2018 Nana AW,Chin Y-T ,Lin C-Y ,Ho Y, Bennett JA ,Shih Y-J, Chen Y-R , Changou CA, Pedersen JZ, Incerpi S, Liu LF, Whang-Peng J, Fu E, Li W-S, Mousa SA, Lin HY, Davis PJ. Tetrac downregulates β-catenin and HMGA2 to promote the effect of resveratrol in colon cancer . Endocr Related Cancer .2018 ;(25):279-293

18. 2018 Cheng Tsai Mu ,Chin Yu Tang ,Ho Yih ,Chen Yi Ru ,Yang Yung Ning . Resveratrol induces sumoylated COX-2-dependent anti-proliferation in human prostate cancer LNCaP cells . Food and Chemical Toxicology .2018 ;(112):67-75

19. 2018 Yu-Tang Chin,Po-Li Wei,Yih Ho,,André Wendindondé Nana,Chun A Changou,Yi-Ru Chen,Yu-Chen SH Yang,Meng-Ti Hsieh, Aleck Hercbergs, Paul J Davis Ya-Jung Shih and Hung-Yun Lin. Thyroxine inhibits resveratrol-caused apoptosis by PD-L1 in ovarian cancer cells . Endocrine-Related 25:5 Cancer .2018 ;(25):533-545

20. 2018 Ho Y,Yang YC SH,Chin Y-T,Chou S-Y,Chen Y-R,Shih YJ, Whang-Peng J, Changou CA, Liu H-L, Lin SJ, Tang H-Y, Lin H-Y, Davis PJ. Resveratrol inhibits human leiomyoma cell proliferation via crosstalk between integrin αvβ3 and IGF-1R . Food and Chemical Toxicology .2018 ;(120):346-355

21. 2018 Nana AW,Wu SY,,Yang YS,Chin YT,Cheng TM, ,Ho Y, Li WS, Liao YM, Chen YR, Shih YJ, Liu YR, Pedersen J, Incerpi S, Hercbergs A, Liu LF, Whang-Peng J, Davis PJ, Lin HY.. Nano-diamino-tetrac (NDAT) enhances resveratrol-induced antiproliferation by action on the RRM2 pathway in colorectal cancers . Horm Cancer .2018 ;(9):349-360

22. 2018 Ho Y,Chen Y-F ,Wang L-H, Hsu K-Y,Chin Y-T,Yang Y-CSH, Wang S-H, Chen Y-R, Shih Y-J, Liu LF, Wang K, Whang-Peng J, Tang H-Y, Lin H-Y, Liu H-L and Lin S-J. Inhibitory Effect of Anoectochilus formosanus Extract on Hyperglycemia-Related PD-L1 Expression and Cancer Proliferation . Frontier in Pharmacology .2018

23. 2018 Lin S-J,Chin Y-T,Ho Y,Chou S-Y ,Yang Y-C Sh, Nana AW, Su K-W, Lim Y-T, Wang K, Lee S-Y, Shih Y-J, Chen Y-R, Whang-Peng, J, Davis, PJ, Lin HY, Fu E. Nano-diamino-tetrac (NDAT) inhibits PD-L1 expression which is essential for proliferation in oral cancer cells . FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY .2018 ;(120):1-11

24. 2017 Hsiu-Chen Lin,Masao Daimon,Ching-HungWang,Yi Ho,Yow-Shieng Uang,Shuo-Ju Chiang, Li-HsuanWang. Allopurinol, benzbromarone and risk of coronary heart disease in gout patients: A population-based study . International Journal of Cardiology .2017 ;(233):85-90

25. 2017 Ho Yih ,Lin Yu Syuan ,Liu Hsuan Liang ,Shih Ya Jung ,Lin Shin Ying ,Shih A , CChin Yu-Tang , Chen Yi-Ru, Lin Hung-Yun , Davis PJ. Biological mechanisms by which antiproliferative actions of resveratrol are minimized . Nutrients .2017 ;(9):1046

26. 2015 Wang JL,Liu HL,Zhou ZL,Chen WH,Ho Y. Discovery of novel 5α-reductase type II inhibitors . Molecular Simulation .2015 ;(41):287-297

27. 2015 Zhou ZL,Ho Y,Liu HL,Elumala P,Chen WH. Computer-aided discovery of novel non-peptide inhibitors against amyloid-beta (Aβ) peptide aggregation for treating Alzheimer's disease . Molecular Simulation .2015

28. 2014 Liao HS,Liu HL,Chen WH,Ho Y. Structure-based pharmacophore modeling and virtual screening to identify novel inhibitors for anthrax lethal factor . Medicinal Chemistry Research .2014 ;(23):3725-3732

29. 2014 Zhou, Z. L.,Liu, H. L.,Wu, J. W.,Tsao, C. W.,Chen, W. H.,Chen, W. H., Ho Y.. A combination of pharmacophore and in silico approaches for identification of potential transthyretin amyloidosis inhibitors . Letters in Drug Design and Discovery .2014 ;(11):339-348

30. 2014 Zhou ZL,Liu HL,Wu JW,Tsao CW,Chen WH,Liu KT and Ho Y. Computer-aided Discovery of Potential Inhibitors for Transthyretin-related . JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE chemical society .2014 ;(61):263-273

31. 2013 Zhou1 ZL,Liu HL,Wu JW,Tsao CW,Chen WH,Liu KT and Ho Y. Combining Structure-Based Pharmacophore and . Chem Biol Drug Des .2013 ;(82):705-717

32. 2013 Yu-Syuan Lin,Yih Ho,Chaur-Jong Hu,Kuang-Yang Hsu,Winston W. Shen,Chuang Chin Chiueh,Rey-Yue Yuan. Development of a Taiwan Version of the Eight-item Morisky Medication . Journal of Experimental & Clinical Medicine .2013 ;(5):77-80

33. 2012 Elumalai, P.,Liu, H. L.,Zhou, Z. L.,Zhao, J. H.,Chen, W,Chuang, C. K.,Tsai, W. B., Ho, Y.. Ligand and structure-based pharmacophore modeling for the discovery of potential human HNMT inhibitors . Letters in Drug Design and Discovery .2012 ;(9):17-29

34. 2012 Pavadai Elumalai,Hsuan-Liang Liu,Jian-Hua Zhao,Wilson Chen,Dar Shong Lin,Chih-Kuang Chuang, Wei-Bor Tsai, Yih Ho. Pharmacophore modeling, virtual screening and docking studies to identify . Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers .2012 ;(43):493-503

35. 2012 Liao HS,Wu JW,Liu HL,Zhao JH,Tsao CW,Liu KT, Chuang CK, Lin HY, Tsai WB and Ho Y. Pharmacophore Modeling and Virtual Screening to Design the Potential Influenza . Journal of the Chinese chemical society .2012 ;(59):1430-1438

36. 2011 Yeh-Fon Lin,Jian-Hua Zhao,Hsuan-Liang Liu,Josephine W. Wu,Chih-Kuang Chuang,Kung-Tien Liu, Hsin-Yi Lin, Wei-Bor Tsai, and Yih Ho. Insights into the structural stability and possible aggregation pathways of the LYQLEN peptides derived from human insulin . Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers .2011 ;(42):394-401

37. 2011 Zheng-Li Zhou,Jian-Hua Zhao,Hsuan-Liang Liu,Josephine W. Wu,Hsin-Yi Lin,Kung-Tien Liu, Chih-Kuang Chuang, Wei-Bor Tsai, and Yih Ho. The possible structural models for polyglutamine aggregation: a molecular dynamics simulations study . Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics .2011 ;(28):743-758

38. 2011 Shin-Hua Lu,Josephine W Wu,Hsuan-Liang Liu,Jian-Hua Zhao,Kung-Tien Liu,Chih-Kuang Chuang, Hsin-Yi Lin, Wei-Bor Tsai, Yih Ho. The discovery of potential acetylcholinesterase inhibitors: A combination of pharmacophore modeling, virtual screening, and molecular docking studies . Journal of Biomedical Science .2011 ;(18):8

39. 2010 Chang, L. K.,Zhao, J. H.,Liu, H. L.,Wu, J. W.,Chuang, C. K.,Liu, K. T.Chen, J. T.Tsai, W. B.Ho, Y.. The Importance of Steric Zipper on the Aggregation of the MVGGVV Peptide Derived from the Amyloid beta Peptide . Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics .2010 ;(28):39-50

40. 2010 Zhao, J. H.,Liu, H. L.,Chuang, C. K.,Liu, K. T.,Tsai, W. B.,Ho, Y.. Molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the stability and aggregation behaviour of the amyloid-forming peptide VQIVYK from tau protein . Molecular Simulation .2010 ;(36):1013-1024

41. 2010 Lin Yeh-Fon, Zhao Jian-Hua ,Liu Hsuan-Liang, Liu Kung-Tien ,Chen Jenn-Tzong ,Tsai Wei-Bor, Ho Yih. Structural Stability and Aggregation Behavior of the VEALYL Peptide Derived From Human Insulin: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study . BIOPOLYMERS .2010 ;(94):269-278

42. 2009 Chang SF,Chou BH,Yang LM,Hsu FL,Lin WK,HO Y, Lin SJ. Microbial transformaiton of isosteviol oxime and the inhibitory effects on NF-kappa B and AP-1 activation in LPS-stimulated macrophages. . Bioorg. Med. Chem .2009 ;(17):6348-6353

43. 2009 Jian-Hua Zhao,Hsuan-Liang Liu,Yi-Fan Liu,Hsin-Yi Lin,Hsu-Wei Fang,Yih Ho,Wei-Bor Tsai. Molecular Dynamics Simulations to Investigate the Aggregation Behaviors of the A(17-42) Oligomers . Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics .2009 ;(26):481

44. 2009 Yung-Chih Lai,Yih Ho,Kai-Han Huang,Li Hsueh Tsai. Effects of Serotonin on Acid Secretion in . Chinese Journal of Physiology .2009 ;(52):390-405

45. 2009 Liang-Kai Chang,Jian-Hua Zhao,Hsuan-Liang Liu,Kung-Tein Liu,Jenn-Tzong Chen,Wei-Bor Tsai, Yih Ho. Molecular Dynamics Simulations to Investigate the Stuctural Stability and Aggregation Behavior of the GGVVIA Oligomers Derived from  Peptide . Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics .2009 ;(26):731-740

46. 2009 Fang Po-Sheng, Zhao Jian-Hua, Liu Hsuan-Liang ,Liu Kung-Tien, Chen Jenn-Tzong,Tsai Wei-Bor, Lin Hsin-Yi, Fang Hsu-Wei, Ho Yih. Molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the relationship between the structural stability and amyloidogenesis of the wild-type and N-terminal hexapeptide deletion Delta N6 beta 2-microglobulin . MOLECULAR SIMULATION .2009 ;(35):755-765

47. 2008 Zhao J-H,Yang C-T,Wu JW,Tsai W-B,Lin H-Y,Fang H-W, Ho Y, Liu H-L. Ring domains functioning as E3 ligases reveal distrinct structural feature: a molecular dynamics sumulation study . Journal of biomolecular struture and dynamics .2008 ;(26):65-73

48. 2007 Liu H-L,Wu Y-C,Zhao J-H,Liu Y-F,Huang C-H,Fang H-W, Ho Y. Insights into the conformational changes of several human lysozyme variants associated with hereditary systemic amyloidosis . Biotechnol. Prog. .2007 ;(23):246-254

49. 2007 Yuan-Min Lin,Hsuan-Liang Liu,Jian-Hua Zhao,Chi-Hung Huang,Hsu-Wei Fang,Yih Ho,Wen-Yi Chen. Molecular Dynamics Simulations to Investigate the Domain Swapping Mechanism of Human Cystatin C . Biotechnology Progress .2007 ;(23):577-584

50. 2007 Chen, S. M.,Fan, M. Y.,Tseng, C. C.,Ho, Y.,Hsu, K. Y.. Pharmacokinetics and nephrotoxicity of aristolochic acid in rabbits . Toxicon .2007 ;(50):180-188

51. 2007 Liu, H. L,Lin, Y. M.,Zhao, I. H.,Hsieh, M. C.,Lin, H. Y.,Huang, C. H.Fang, H. W.Ho, Y.Chen, W. Y.. Molecular dynamics simulations of human cystatin C and its L68Q varient to investigate the domain swapping mechanism . Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics .2007 ;(25):135-144

52. 2007 Liu, H. L.,Yang, C. T.,Zhao, J. H.,Huang, C. H.,Lin, H. Y.,Fang, H. W.Ho, Y.Tsai, W. B.. Molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the effects of zinc ions on the structural stability of the c-Cbl RING domain . Biotechnology Progress .2007 ;(23):1231-1238

53. 2006 Liu H-L,Wu Y-C,Fang H-W,Ho Y. Structural analysis of human lysozyme using molecular dynamics simulations . Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics .2006 ;(24):229-238

54. 2005 Liu HL,LIn JC,Ho Y,Chen CW. Homology models of main proteinase from coronavirus associated with SARS . Chemical Physics Letters .2005 ;(401):24-29

55. 2005 Chen C-W,Liu H-L,Lin J-C,Ho Y. Molecular dynamics simulations of metal ion binding to the His-tag moti . Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 52 (6), 1281-1290 .2005 ;(52):1281-1290

56. 2004 Liu H-L,Lin J-C,Ho Y,Hsieh W-C,Chen C-W,Su Y-C. Homology models and molecular dynamics simulations of main proteinase from coronavirus associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) . Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society .2004 ;(51):889-900

57. 2004 Liu HL,Lin JC,Ho Y,Hsieh WC,Chen C-W,Su Y-C. Molecular dynamics simulations of various coronavirus main proteinases . Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics .2004 ;(22):65-77

58. 2003 Liu H.-L.,Ho Y.,Hsu C.-M.. Molecular simulations to determine the chelating mechanisms of various metal ions to the His-tag motif:a prelimiary study . Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics .2003 ;(21):31-41

59. 2003 Liu H.-L. , Ho Y. and Hsu C.-M.. The influence of metal ions on the substrate binding pocket of human alcohol dehydrogenase B2B2 by molecular modeling . Chemical Physics Letters .2003 ;(372):249-254

60. 2003 Liu H.-L.,Ho Y.,Hsu C.-M.. The effect of metal ions on the binding of ethanol to human alcohol dehydrogenase B2B2 . J. Biomed. Sci. in press .2003 ;(10):302-312

61. 1999 Song DJ, Ho Y and Hsu KY. Metabolic kinetics of P-aminobenzoic acid in rabbits. . Biopharm. Drug Disposit. .1999 ;(20):263-270

62. 1996 Hsu KY, Ho Y and Chang HH. The effect of sodium pyruvate on the elimination of sulfadiazine in slow acetylation rabbits. . Chin. Pharm. J. .1996 ;(48):375-386

1. 2018 Structure-based virtual screening to identify novel CDK9 inhibitors for the treatment of hepatitis B . 2018台灣化學工程學會65週年年會暨科技部 化工學門成果發表會 .2018

2. 2018 Discovery of novel N-glycoside and non-glycoside SGLT2 inhibitors for the treatment of type2 diabetes mellitus . 2018台灣化學工程學會65週年年會暨科技部 化工學門成果發表會 .2018

3. 2017 Hsuan-Liang Liu,Yih Ho. Dicovery of novel estrogen receptor beta agonists with computer-aided drug design and invitro approaches . 2017台灣化學工程學會64週年年會暨科技部 化工學門成果發表會 .2017


103 以電腦模擬和體外實驗方法設計新型CDP-ME激酶抑制劑作為抗結核菌藥物

103 利用電腦輔助藥物設計與體外生活活性實驗來開發雌激素受體b促進劑

102 結合電腦輔助藥物設計與體外實驗來開發新型5α還原酶抑制劑

101 利用電腦輔助藥物設計與體外生物活性實驗來開發乙醯膽鹼酵素抑制劑分子

98 以分子動態模擬及顯微細胞鈣離子濃度偵測研究蛋白質類澱粉沈積病變機轉與神經元細胞保護作用