馮聖偉(Feng, Sheng-Wei) 教授

現   職
口腔醫學院 副院長
牙齒銀行牙齒幹細胞科技研究中心 主任
牙醫學系 主任
牙醫學系 教授


學 歷

臺北醫學大學牙醫學系 博士
臺北醫學大學牙醫學系 碩士
臺北醫學大學牙醫學系 學士




2024/08/01 ~
2022/08/01 ~
2020/08/01 ~







1. 2024 Tseng KF,Shiu ST,Hung CY,Chan YH,Chee TJ, Huang PC, Lai PC, Feng SW.. Osseointegration Potential Assessment of Bone Graft Materials Loaded with Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Peri-Implant Bone Defects . Int J Mol Sci .2024

2. 2024 Feng SW,Lin W,Lee IT,Luo SD,Wang CS. Ribonucleic Acid Sequencing Reveals the Upregulation and Resolution of Inflammation and Extracellular Matrix Remodeling in Lidocaine-Treated Human Acute Monocytic Leukemia Cell Line THP-1 . Biomedicines .2024

3. 2023 Wang CW,Di Gianfilippo R,Kaciroti N,Ou A,Feng SW,Wang HL. Stability of peri-implantitis surgical reconstructive therapy-a (> 2 years) follow-up of a randomized clinical trial . Clin Oral Investig .2023

4. 2023 Huang HY,Feng SW,Chiang KY,Li YC,Peng TY,Nikawa . Effects of various functional monomers' reaction on the surface characteristics and bonding performance of polyetheretherketone . Journal of Prosthodontic Research .2023

5. 2023 You JR,Chen YT,Hsieh CY,Chen SY,Lin TY,Shih JS, Chen GT, Feng SW, Peng TY, Wu CY, Lee IT.. Exploring Possible Diagnostic Precancerous Biomarkers for Oral Submucous Fibrosis: A Narrative Review. . Cancers (Basel) .2023

6. 2023 Yung-Shin Fan-Chiang,Peng-Chen Chou,Yu-Wen Hsiao,Yu-Hsuan Cheng,Yi Huang,Yu-Chieh Chiu, Yu-Ju Lin, Yuichi Mine, Sheng-Wei Feng , I-Ta Lee, and Tzu-Yu Peng. Optimizing Dental Bond Strength: Insights from Comprehensive Literature Review and Future Implications for Clinical Practice . Biomedicines .2023

7. 2023 Huang WH,Hung CY,Chiang PC,Lee H,Lin I,Lai PC, Chan YH, Feng SW. Physicochemical Characterization, Biocompatibility, and Antibacterial Properties of CMC/PVA/ Calendula officinalis Films for Biomedical Applications . Polymers (Basel) .2023

8. 2023 Lin EC,Chiang YC,Lin HY,Tseng S,Hsieh YT,Shieh JA, Huang YH, Tsai HT, Feng SW, Peng TY, Lee IT.. Unraveling the Link between Periodontitis and Coronavirus Disease 2019: Exploring Pathogenic Pathways and Clinical Implications . Biomedicines .2023

9. 2023 You JR,Chen YT,Hsieh CY,Chen SY, Lin TY,Shih JS, Chen GT, Feng SW, Peng TY, Wu CY, Lee IT.. Exploring Possible Diagnostic Precancerous Biomarkers for Oral Submucous Fibrosis: A Narrative Review Jie-Ru . Cancers (Basel) .2023 ;(15):4812

10. 2023 Fan-Chiang YS,Chou PC,Hsiao YW,Cheng YH,Huang Y,Chiu YC, Lin YJ, Mine Y, Feng SW, Lee IT, Peng TY. Optimizing Dental Bond Strength: Insights from Comprehensive Literature Review and Future Implications for Clinical Practice . Biomedicines .2023

11. 2023 Lin EC,Chiang YC, Lin HY,Tseng SY,Hsieh YT,Shieh JA, Huang YH, Tsai HT, Feng SW, Peng TY, Lee IT.. Unraveling the Link between Periodontitis and Coronavirus Disease 2019: Exploring Pathogenic Pathways and Clinical Implications . Biomedicines .2023

12. 2022 Chan YH ,Ho KN,Lee YC,Chou MJ,Lew WZ,Huang HM, Lai PC, Feng SW. Melatonin enhances osteogenic differentiation of dental pulp mesenchymal stem cells by regulating MAPK pathways and promotes the efficiency of bone regeneration in calvarial bone defects . Stem Cell Research & Therapy .2022 ;(13):73

13. 2022 Li LJ,Chang PM,Li CH, Chang YC,Lai TC,Su CY, Chen CL, Chang WM, Hsiao M, Feng SW. Share FAS receptor regulates NOTCH activity through ERK-JAG1 axis activation and controls oral cancer stemness ability and pulmonary metastasis . Cell Death Discovery .2022 ;(8):101

14. 2022 Vo TTT,Huang HW,Wee Y,Feng SW,Cheng HC,Tuan VP, Lee IT. Surfactin reduces particulate matter-induced VCAM-1-dependent monocyte adhesion in human gingival fibroblasts by increasing Nrf2-dependent HO-1 expression . J Periodontal Res .2022 ;(57):115-130

15. 2022 Chung WC,Huang CF,Feng SW. Clinical Benefits of Minimally Invasive Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy as an Alternative of Conventional Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy-A Pilot Study . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2022 ;(19):7456-7450

16. 2022 Peng TY,Kang CM,Feng SW,Hung CY,Iwaguro S,Lin DJ. Effects of glass-ceramic spray deposition manipulation on the surface characteristics of zirconia dental restorations . Ceramics International .2022 ;(48)

17. 2022 Lin SK,Wu YF,Chang WJ,Feng SW,Huang HM. The Treatment Efficiency and Microbiota Analysis of Sapindus mukorossi Seed Oil on the Ligature-Induced Periodontitis Rat Model . Int J Mol Sci. .2022 ;(23):8560-8570

18. 2022 Li LJ,Li CH,Chang PM,Lai TC,Yong CY,Feng SW, Hsiao M, Chang WM, Huang CF. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) Sensitizes Irinotecan to Suppress Head and Neck Cancer Stem-Like Cells by Downregulation of WNT Signaling . Front Oncol .2022 ;(12):775541

19. 2021 Feng SW,Su YH,Lin YK,Wu YC,Huang YH,Yang FH, Chiang HJ, Yen Y, Wang PD. Small blood stem cells for enhancing early osseointegration formation on dental implants: a human phase I safety study . Stem Cell Research & Therapy .2021 ;(12):380

20. 2021 Chan YH,Lee YC,Hung CY,Yang PJ,Lai PC,Feng SW. Three-dimensional Spheroid Culture Enhances Multipotent Differentiation and Stemness Capacities of Human Dental Pulp-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Modulating MAPK and NF-kB Signaling Pathways . Stem Cell Reviews and Reports .2021

21. 2021 Shiu ST ,Lee WF,Chen SM,Hao LT,Hung YT,Lai PC, Feng SW. Effect of Different Bone Grafting Materials and Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Bone Regeneration: A Micro-Computed Tomography and Histomorphometric Study in a Rabbit Calvarial Defect Model . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2021 ;(22)

22. 2021 Lew WZ ,Feng SW,Lee SY,Huang HM. The Review of Bioeffects of Static Magnetic Fields on the Oral Tissue-Derived Cells and Its Application in Regenerative Medicine . Cells .2021 ;(10):2662

23. 2021 Liao HY ,Chen MS,Yang YF,Liao PB,Feng SW,Juan PK. Share Multidisciplinary Approach for Full-Mouth Rehabilitation of a Young Adult Patient with Ameloblastoma . Case Reports in Dentistry .2021 ;(2021):8694775

24. 2020 Vo TTT ,Huang HW,Wee Y, Feng SW, Cheng HC,Tuan VP, Lee IT.. Surfactin reduces particulate matter-induced VCAM-1-dependent monocyte adhesion in human gingival fibroblasts by increasing Nrf2-dependent HO-1 expression. . J Periodontal Res .2020

25. 2020 Huang HM,Chee TJ,Lew WZ,Feng SW. Modified surgical drilling protocols influence osseointegration performance and predict value of implant stability parameters during implant healing process . Clin Oral Investig. .2020

26. 2020 Chang CY ,Lew WZ,Feng SW,Wu CL,Wang HH, Hsieh SC, Huang HM. Static magnetic field-enhanced osteogenic differentiation of human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells via matrix vesicle secretion . Int J Radiat Biol .2020 ;(96):1207-1217

27. 2020 Su YH,Peng BY,Wang PD,Feng SW. Evaluation of the implant stability and the marginal bone level changes during the first three months of dental implant healing process: A prospective clinical study . J Mech Behav Biomed Mater .2020

28. 2020 Shiu ST,Lew WZ,Lee SY,Feng SW,Huang HM. Effects of Sapindus mukorossi Seed Oil on Proliferation, Osteogenetic/Odontogenetic Differentiation and Matrix Vesicle Secretion of Human Dental Pulp Mesenchymal Stem Cells. . Materials (Basel) .2020

29. 2019 Lee YC,Chan YH,Hsieh SC,Lew WZ,Feng SW. Comparing the Osteogenic Potentials and Bone Regeneration Capacities of Bone Marrow and Dental Pulp Mesenchymal Stem Cells in a Rabbit Calvarial Bone Defect Model . Int J Mol Sci. .2019 ;(20)

30. 2019 Lin SL,Su YT,Feng SW,Chang WJ,Fan KH,Huang HM. Enhancement of natural killer cell cytotoxicity by using static magnetic field to increase their viability . Electromagn Biol Med .2019 ;(38):131-142

31. 2019 Yen AM,Wang ST,Feng SW,Lin CT,Chen SL. The association between fecal hemoglobin concentration and oral potentially malignant disorders . Oral Dis. .2019 ;(25):108-116

32. 2018 Chan YH,Lew WZ,Lu E, Loretz T, Lu L,Lin CT, Feng SW. An evaluation of the biocompatibility and osseointegration of novel glass fiber reinforced composite implants: In vitro and in vivo studies . Dent Mater .2018 ;(34):470-485

33. 2018 Renn TY,Huang YK,Feng SW,Wang HW,Lee WF,Lin CT, Burnouf T, Chen LY, Kao PF, Chang HM. Prophylactic supplement with melatonin successfully suppresses the pathogenesis of periodontitis through normalizing RANKL/OPG ratio and depressing the TLR4/MyD88 signaling pathway . J Pineal Res .2018 ;(64)

34. 2018 Lai WY,Feng SW,Chan YH,Chang WJ,Wang HT,Huang HM. In Vivo Investigation into Effectiveness of Fe3O4/PLLA Nanofibers for Bone Tissue Engineering Applications . Polymers .2018

35. 2018 Lew WZ,Feng SW,Lin CT,Huang HM. Use of 0.4-Tesla static magnetic field to promote reparative dentine formation of dental pulp stems cells through activation of p38 MAPK signaling pathway . Int Endod J .2018

36. 2017 Chen HH1,Lai WY,Chee TJ ,Chan YH ,Feng SW. Monitoring the Changes of Material Properties at Bone-Implant Interface during the Healing Process In Vivo: A Viscoelastic Investigation . Biomed Res Int .2017 ;(2017)

37. 2017 Batsukh N ,Feng SW,Lee WF,Leu SJ,Tsai PU,Ho KN,Lin CT, Su CH, Chang WJ . Effects of Porphyromonas gingivalis on Titanium Surface by Different Clinical Treatment . Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering .2017 ;(37):35-44

38. 2017 Salamanca E, Lin JC, Tsai CY,Hsu YS,Huang HM,Teng NC, Wang PD, Feng SW, Chen MS, Chang WJ. Dental Implant Surrounding Marginal Bone Level Evaluation: Platform Switching versus Platform Matching-One-Year Retrospective Study . BioMed Research International .2017 ;(2017):7191534-7191534

39. 2016 Chang YL,Lo YJ,Feng SW,Huang YC,Tsai HY,Lin CT, Fan KH, Huang HM. Bone healing improvements using hyaluronic acid and hydroxyapatite/ beta-tricalcium phosphate in combination: an animal study . Biomed Res Int .2016

40. 2016 Huang YC,Lew WZ,Feng SW,Lai WY,Abiko Y,Huang HM. Histomorphometric and transcriptome evaluation of early healing bone treated with a novel human particulate dentin powder . Biomed Mater .2016 ;(12):015004

41. 2016 Eisner Salamanca,Chi-Yang Tsai,Yu-Hwa Pan,Yu-Te Lin,Haw-Ming Huang,Nai-Chia Teng, Che-Tong Lin, Sheng-Wei Feng, Wei-Jen Chang. In Vitro and In Vivo Study of a Novel Porcine Collagen Membrane for Guided Bone Regeneration . Materials .2016 ;(9):949

42. 2016 Chang CH,Lee CY,Feng SW,Miao NF,Lin PH,Lin CT, Tsai SH, Huang YK. Effects of Salivary Oxidative Markers on Edentulous Patients' Satisfaction with Prosthetic Denture Treatments: A Pilot Study. . PLoS One .2016 ;(11):e01516

43. 2016 Feng SW,Ho KN,Chan YH,Chang KJ,Lai WY,Huang HM. Damping Factor as a Diagnostic Parameter for Assessment of Osseointegration during the Dental Implant Healing Process: An Experimental Study in Rabbits . Ann Biomed Eng .2016

44. 2016 Lee WF,Feng SW,Lu YJ,Wu HJ,Peng PW. Effects of two surface finishes on the color of cemented and colored anatomic-contour zirconia crowns . J Prosthet Dent .2016 ;(116):264-268

45. 2016 Chang YC,Lee WF,Feng SW,Huang HM,Lin CT,Teng NC, Chang WJ. In Vitro Analysis of Fibronectin-Modified Titanium Surfaces . PLoS One .2016 ;(11):e01462

46. 2016 Chang YC,Ho KN,Feng SW,Huang HM,Chang CH,Lin CT, Teng NC, Pan YH, Chang WJ. Fibronectin-Grafted Titanium Dental Implants: An In Vivo Study . Biomed Res Int .2016

47. 2015 Feng SW,Chang WJ,Lin CT,Lee SY,Teng NC,Huang HM. Modal damping factor detected with an impulse-forced vibration method provides additional information on osseointegration during dental implant healing . Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants .2015 ;(30):1333-1340

48. 2015 Chang YC,Feng SW,Huang HM,Teng NC,Lin CT,Lin HK, Wang PD, Chang WJ. Surface analysis of titanium biological modification with glow discharge . Clin Implant Dent Relat Res .2015 ;(17):469-475

49. 2015 Chang WJ,Pan YH,Tzeng JJ,Wu TL,Fong TH,Feng SW, Huang HM. Development and Testing of X-Ray Imaging-Enhanced Poly-L-Lactide Bone Screws . PLoS One .2015 ;(10):e01403

50. 2015 Eisner Salamanca,Wei-Fang Lee,Chin-Yi Lin,Haw-Ming Huang,Che-Tong Lin,Sheng-Wei Feng, Wei-Jen Chang. A Novel Porcine Graft for Regeneration of Bone Defects . Materials .2015 ;(8):2523-2536

51. 2015 Kang-Hsin Fan,Che-Tong Lin,Wei-Jen Chang,Yi-Wen Wang,Wen-Hsin Huang,Sheng-Wei Feng. Maxillary Implant Overdentures: A Literature Review . Clinical oral implantology and sciences .2015 ;(2):11-18

52. 2014 Eisner Salamanca,Hsi-Kuei Lin,Sheng-Wei Feng,Haw-Ming Huang,Nai-Chia Teng,Wei-Jen Chang. Histological evaluation of socket preservation with different bone grafting materials . Journal of Polymer Engineering .2014 ;(34):225-230

53. 2014 Chia Jen Hsu,Shu-Li Lin,Wei-Jen Chang,Eisner Salamanca,Sheng-Wei Feng,Nai-Chia Teng, Haw-Ming Huang. A novel porcine collagen GTR membrane for treatment of Class II molar furcation involvement . Journal of Polymer Engineering .2014 ;(34):237-240

54. 2014 Hsin-Ta Wang,Ya-Hui Chan,Sheng-Wei Feng,Yi-June Lo,Nai-Chia Teng,Haw-Ming Huang. Development and biocompatibility tests of electrospun poly-l-lactide nanofibrous membranes incorporating oleic acid-coated Fe3O4 . Journal of Polymer Engineering .2014 ;(34):241-246

55. 2014 Feng SW,Lin CT,Chang WJ,Lee SY,Cheng CH,Huang HM. Influence of simulated bone quality and cortical bone thickness on implant stability detection using resonance frequency and damping factor analysis . Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants .2014 ;(29):105-112

56. 2013 Lin CY,Wei PL,Chang WJ,Huang YK,Feng SW,Lin CT, Lee SY, Huang HM. Slow freezing coupled static magnetic field exposure enhances cryopreservative efficiency--a study on human erythrocytes . PLoS One .2013 ;(8):e58988

57. 2013 Lin CY,Chang WJ,Lee SY,Feng SW,Lin CT,Fan KS, Huang HM. Influence of a static magnetic field on the slow freezing of human erythrocytes . Int J Radiat Biol .2013 ;(89):51-56

58. 2013 Kai-Jung Chang,Thin-Wen Chang,Sheng-Wei Feng. 24.An interdisciplinary approach for diastema closure in the anterior maxilla: a clinical report . Journal of Prosthodontics and Implantology .2013 ;(2):22-25

59. 2012 Sheng-Wei Feng,Pei-Bang Liao,May-Show Chen. 23.Prosthodontic treatment of a patient with combination syndrome: a clinical report . Journal of Prosthodontics and Implantology .2012 ;(1):22-25

60. 2012 Shih TC,Chang WJ,Yang JC,Feng SW,Lin CT,Teng NC. In vivo evaluation of resorbable bone graft substitutes in mandibular sockets of the beagle . J Biomed Mater Res A .2012 ;(100):2726-2731

61. 2012 Teng NC,Wang PD,Chang WJ,Feng SW,Fan KH,Lin CT, Hsieh SC, Huang HM. Er:YAG laser-roughened enamel promotes osteoblastic differentiation . Photomed Laser Surg .2012 ;(30):516-522

62. 2011 Huang HM,Hsieh SC,Teng NC,Feng SW,Ou KL,Chang WJ. Biological surface modification of titanium surfaces using glow discharge plasma . Med Biol Eng Comput .2011 ;(49):701-706

63. 2010 Feng SW,Lo YJ,Chang WJ,Lin CT,Lee SY,Abiko Y, Huang HM. Static magnetic field exposure promotes differentiation of osteoblastic cells grown on the surface of a poly-L-lactide substrate . Med Biol Eng Comput .2010 ;(48):793-798


113 優化牙髓間葉幹細胞衍生之外泌體純化以促進體外再生能力、免疫調節特性、分子生物學機制以及體內組織再生(2/3)

112 優化人工智慧模型以自動偵測牙科X光片 影像的口腔疾病

112 113年度「補助博士生赴國外研究」-李俐潔

112 優化牙髓間葉幹細胞衍生之外泌體純化以促進體外再生能力、免疫調節特性、分子生物學機制以及體內組織再生(1/3)

111 新型多醣水膠體複合支架做為骨填充物之潛力評估

111 整合性分析口腔組織間葉幹細胞來源的外泌體之組織再生能力與相關機制探討

110 以深度學習檢測並診斷根尖片中的蛀牙及齒槽骨的缺損

110 3D間葉幹細胞球體培養之血管和成骨分化潛能評估(3/3)

110 科技部產學小聯盟111年度-人工智慧牙醫學教育與臨床應用策略聯盟(1/3)

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108 3D間葉幹細胞球體培養之血管和成骨分化潛能評估(1/3)

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105 新聘教師研究補助