黃士瑋(Huang, Shih-Wei) 副教授

現   職
復健學科 副教授


學 歷

國立體育大學運動科學研究所 博士
長庚大學中醫學系 學士











1. 2023 Lee YH,Huang SW,Chen CK,Hong JP,Chen YW,Lin HW. Conventional Synthetic Disease-Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs and the Risk of Vascular Dementia in Patients with Spondyloarthritis: A Database Cohort Study . J Clin Med .2023 ;(12)

2. 2023 Lin LC,Lee YH,Chen YW,Hsu TH,Vitoonpong T,Liou TH, Huang SW. Comparison Clinical Effects of Hypertonic Dextrose and Steroid Injections on Chronic Subacromial Bursitis: A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial . Am J Phys Med Rehabil .2023 ;(102):867-872

3. 2023 Kuo FL, Lee HC,Kuo TY,Wu YS,Lee YS, Lin JC, Huang SW. Effects of a wearable sensor-based virtual reality game on upper-extremity function in patients with stroke . Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon) .2023 ;(104)

4. 2023 Comparative Efficacy of Intra-Articular Injection, Physical Therapy, and Combined Treatments on Pain, Function, and Sarcopenia Indices in Knee Osteoarthritis: A Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Int J Mol Sci .2023 ;(24)

5. 2023 Liao CD,Chen HC,Huang MH,Liou TH,Lin CL,Huang SW. Comparative Efficacy of Intra-Articular Injection, Physical Therapy, and Combined Treatments on Pain, Function, and Sarcopenia Indices in Knee Osteoarthritis: A Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Int J Mol Sci .2023 ;(24)

6. 2023 Liao CD,Huang SW,Chen HC,Huang YY,Liou TH,Lin CL. Effects of Protein Supplementation Combined with Resistance Exercise Training on Walking Speed Recovery in Older Adults with Knee Osteoarthritis and Sarcopenia . Nutrients .2023 ;(15)

7. 2023 Lin HW, Tam KW,Liou TH,Rau CL,Huang SW,Hsu TH. Efficacy of Platelet-Rich Plasma Injection on Range of Motion, Pain, and Disability in Patients With Adhesive Capsulitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis . Arch Phys Med Rehabil. .2023 ;(104):2109-2122

8. 2023 Kuo FL,Wu YS,Kuo TY, Lee YS,Huang SW,Lee HC. Effects of 3D-printed assistive device on daily life function in patients with neurological impairment: a pilot study . Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol .2023

9. 2022 Liao CD,Chen HC,Huang SW,Liou TH. Exercise therapy for sarcopenia in rheumatoid arthritis: A meta-analysis and meta-regression of randomized controlled trials . Clin Rehabil .2022 ;(36):145-157

10. 2022 Yong JH,Hong JP,Lee YH,Huang CC,Huang SW,Lin HW. Association and Risk of Axial Spondyloarthritis of Scoliosis Patients: A Database Study . Spine (Phila Pa 1976) .2022 ;(47):438-443

11. 2022 Wang HY,Chen YH,Kuan YC,Huang SW,Lin LF,Chen HC. The effectiveness of functional electrical stimulation of the legs in patients with heart failure: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Clin Rehabil .2022 ;(36):303-316

12. 2022 Liao Chun De,Huang Yu Yun,Chen Hung Chou,Liou Tsan Hon,Lin Che Li,Huang Shih Wei. Relative Effect of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy Alone or in Combination with Noninjective Treatments on Pain and Physical Function in Knee Osteoarthritis: A Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Biomedicines .2022 ;(10)

13. 2022 Lin Che Li,Chen Yi Wen,Wu Chin Wen,Liou Tsan Hon,Huang Shih Wei. Effect of Hypertonic Dextrose Injection on Pain and Shoulder Disability in Patients with Chronic Supraspinatus Tendinosis: A Randomized Double-Blind Controlled Study . Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2022 ;(103):237-244

14. 2022 Hong JP,Huang SW,Lee CH,Chen HC,Charoenpong P,Lin HW. Osteoporosis increases the risk of rotator cuff tears: a population-based cohort study . J Bone Miner Metab .2022

15. 2022 Lin CL,Yang MT,Lee YH,Chen HC,Chen YW, Vitoonpong T, Huang SW. Effect of the Critical Shoulder Angle on the Efficacy of Ultrasound-Guided Steroid Injection for Subacromial Bursitis . J Pers Med .2022

16. 2022 Lin CL,Liao CD, Lee YH, Escorpizo R,Liou TH,Huang SW. Delphi-Based Consensus to Determine Core Aspects of Post-Hip-Fracture Surgery Rehabilitation Based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2022

17. 2022 Lin CL,Yang MT,Lee YH,Chen YW,Vitoonpong T, Huang SW. Comparison of Clinical and Ultrasound Imaging Outcomes Between Corticosteroid and Hypertonic Dextrose Injections for Chronic Supraspinatus Tendinopathy . Orthop J Sports Med .2022

18. 2022 Yang FA,Lee TH,Huang SW,Liou TH,Escorpizo R,Chen HC. Upper limb manual training for children with cerebral palsy: A systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Clin Rehabil .2022

19. 2022 Lin YN,Huang SW,Kuan YC,Chen HC,Jian WS,Lin LF. Hybrid robot-assisted gait training for motor function in subacute stroke: a single-blind randomized controlled trial . J Neuroeng Rehabil .2022

20. 2022 Liang CW,Cheng HY,Lee YH,Liou TH, Liao CD,Huang SW. Effects of conjugated linoleic acid and exercise on body composition and obesity: a systematic review and meta-analysis . Nutr Rev .2022

21. 2022 Huang YJ ,Wang SM,Chen C,Chen CA,Wu CW,Chen JJ, Peng CW, Lin CW, Huang SW, Chen SC. High-Definition Transcranial Direct Current with Electrical Theta Burst on Post-Stroke Motor Rehabilitation: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial . Neurorehabil Neural Repair .2022

22. 2022 Chen YW, Lin YN,Chen HC,Liou TH,Liao CD,Huang SW. Effectiveness, Compliance, and Safety of Dextrose Prolotherapy for Knee Osteoarthritis: A Meta-Analysis and Metaregression of Randomized Controlled Trials . Clin Rehabil .2022

23. 2022 Hsu TH,Lin CL,Wu CW,Chen YW, Vitoonpong T,Lin LC, Huang SW. Accuracy of Critical Shoulder Angle and Acromial Index for Predicting Supraspinatus Tendinopathy . Diagnostics (Basel) .2022

24. 2022 Liao CD,Huang YY,Chen HC,Liou TH,Lin CL,Huang SW. Relative Effect of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy Alone or in Combination with Noninjective Treatments on Pain and Physical Function in Knee Osteoarthritis: A Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Biomedicines .2022

25. 2022 Liao CD,Chen HC,Liou TH,Lin CL,Huang SW. Impact of Sarcopenia and Obesity on Gait Speed After Total Knee Replacement . J Am Med Dir Assoc .2022

26. 2021 Lin CL, Lin LF,Hsu TH, Lin LC, Lin CH,Huang SW. Acromioplasty reduces critical shoulder angle in patients with rotator cuff tear . PLoS One . .2021 ;(16)

27. 2021 Chu SF,Liou TH,Chen HC,Huang SW,Liao CD. Relative Efficacy of Weight Management, Exercise, and Combined Treatment for Muscle Mass and Physical Sarcopenia Indices in Adults with Overweight or Obesity and Osteoarthritis: A Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Nutrients .2021 ;(13)

28. 2021 Lee YH, Lee PH,Lin LF, Liao CD,Liou TH, Huang SW. Effects of progressive elastic band resistance exercise for aged osteosarcopenic adiposity women . Exp Gerontol .2021

29. 2021 Huang SW,Chen YW,Escorpizo R,Liao CD, Liou TH. Development International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Core Set for Post Total Knee Replacement Rehabilitation Program: Delphi-Based Consensus Study in Taiwan . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2021

30. 2021 Liao CD,Chen HC,Huang SW,Liou TH. Impact of sarcopenia on rehabilitation outcomes after total knee replacement in older adults with knee osteoarthritis . Ther Adv Musculoskelet Dis .2021

31. 2021 Wang JY,Liaw CK,Huang CC,Liou TH,Lin HW,Huang SW. Hyperlipidemia Is a Risk Factor of Adhesive Capsulitis: Real-World Evidence Using the Taiwanese National Health Insurance Research Database . Orthop J Sports Med .2021

32. 2021 Lin YR,Wang JY, Chang SC,Chang KH,Chen HC,Escorpizo R, Huang SW, Liou TH. Developing a Delphi-Based Comprehensive Core Set from the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health Framework for the Rehabilitation of Patients with Burn Injuries . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2021

33. 2021 Lin LC,Liao CD,Wu CW, Huang SW,Hong JP,Chen HC. Effect of arm sling application on gait and balance in patients with post-stroke hemiplegia: a systematic review and meta-analysis . Sci Rep .2021

34. 2021 Lee HC,Kuo FL,Lin YN,Liou TH,Lin JC,Huang SW. Effects of Robot-Assisted Rehabilitation on Hand Function of People With Stroke: A Randomized, Crossover-Controlled, Assessor-Blinded Study . Am J Occup Ther .2021 ;(75)

35. 2021 Wang JY, Lin YR,Liaw CK,Chen CH,Lin HW,Huang SW. Cervical Spine Pathology Increases the Risk of Rotator Cuff Tear: A Population-Based Cohort Study . Orthop J Sports Med .2021 ;(9)

36. 2021 Liao CD,Huang SW,Huang YY,Lin CL. Effects of Sarcopenic Obesity and Its Confounders on Knee Range of Motion Outcome after Total Knee Replacement in Older Adults with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Retrospective Study . Nutrients .2021 ;(13)

37. 2020 Chao PZ, Huang SW,Escorpizo R,Chi WC,Yen CF,Liao HF, Chen YW, Liou TH.. Effects of Hearing Disability on the Employment Status Using WHODAS 2.0 in Taiwan . Int J Environ Res Public Health . .2020 ;(17)

38. 2020 Huang SW,Wang JY,Lin CL,Huang CC,Liou TH,Lin HW. Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis Are at Risk of Developing Adhesive Capsulitis: Real-World Evidence Database Study in Taiwan. . J Clin Med .2020

39. 2020 Huang SW,Lin LF,Chang KH,Escorpizo R,Liou TH. Development of a comprehensive core set from the international classification of functioning, disability and health for return to work among patients with stroke through Delphi-based consensus . Eur J Phys Rehabil Med . .2020 ;(56):257-264

40. 2020 Lin CL,Chen YW,Lin LF,Chen CP,Liou TH,Huang SW. Accuracy of the Critical Shoulder Angle for Predicting Rotator Cuff Tears in Patients With Nontraumatic Shoulder Pain . Orthop J Sports Med . .2020

41. 2019 Lin CL,Huang CC,Huang SW. Effects of hypertonic dextrose injection on chronic supraspinatus tendinopathy of the shoulder: randomized placebo-controlled trial. . Eur J Phys Rehabil Med .2019 ;(55):480-487

42. 2019 Liao CD,Tsauo JY,Liou TH,Chen HC,Huang SW. Clinical efficacy of extracorporeal shockwave therapy for knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review and meta-regression of randomized controlled trials. . Clin Rehabil .2019 ;(33):1419-1430

43. 2019 Liao CD,Chen HC,Huang SW,Liou TH. The Role of Muscle Mass Gain Following Protein Supplementation Plus Exercise Therapy in Older Adults with Sarcopenia and Frailty Risks: A Systematic Review and Meta-Regression Analysis of Randomized Trials . Nutrients .2019 ;(11)

44. 2019 Liao CD,Chen HC,Kuo YC,Tsauo JY,Huang SW,Liou TH. Effects of muscle strength training on muscle mass gain and hypertrophy in older adults with osteoarthritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis . Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken) .2019 ;(ahead)

45. 2019 Wang WT,Huang SW,Liou TH,Lin HW. Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Were Associated with a Risk of Rotator Cuff Diseases . J Clin Med .2019 ;(8):E129-E129

46. 2019 Huang SW,Chang KH,Escorpizo R,Liou TH. Accuracy of a modified World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 as an assessment tool for predicting return-to-work among patients with traumatic brain injury . Disabil Rehabil .2019 ;(accept):1-7

47. 2019 Huang SW,Lin CL,Lin LF,Huang CC,Liou TH,Lin HW. Autoimmune Connective Tissue Diseases and the Risk of Rotator Cuff Repair Surgery: A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study . BMJ Open .2019 ;(9)

48. 2019 Wu CH,Huang SW,Lin YN,Wang CY,Liou TH,Chang KH. Adults with polio are at risk of hip fracture from middle age: A nationwide population-based cohort study . Injury .2019 ;(50):738-743

49. 2019 Yang JD,Liao CD,Huang SW,Tam KW,Liou TH,Lee YH,Lin CY,Chen HC. Effectiveness of electrical stimulation therapy in improving arm function after stroke: a systematic review and a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials . Clinical Rehabilitation .2019 ;(33):1286-1297

50. 2019 Chao E,Sun HL,Huang SW,Liao JH,Ma PL,Chen HC. Metaraminol use during spinal anaesthesia for caesarean section: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials . International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia Aug;39:42-50. .2019 ;(39):42-50

51. 2019 Chang KH,Chi WC,Huang SW,Chang FH,Liao HF,Escorpizo Reuben,Liou TH. Perceptions and attitudes towards the implementation of a disability evaluation system based on the international classification of functioning, disability, and health among people with disabilities in Taiwan . Disability and Rehabilitation .2019 ;(41):1552-1560

52. 2019 Tung YC,Lai CH,Liao CD,Huang SW,Liou TH,Chen HC. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of lower limb motor function in patients with stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Clinical Rehabilitation .2019 ;(33):1102-1112

53. 2019 Huang SW,Chang KH,Escorpizo Reuben,Chang FH,Liou TH. WHODAS 2.0 Can Predict Institutionalization among Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2019 ;(16):1484-1484

54. 2018 Lin HW,Lin LF,Chen HC,Liou TH,Huang SW. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with short-acting inhaled pharmacotherapy increases the risk of prostate cancer: A two-stage database approach. . PLoS One .2018 ;(13)

55. 2018 Huang SW,Hsieh FC,Lin LF,Liao CD,Ku JW,Hsiao DJ, Liou TH. Correlation between Body Composition and Physical Performance in Aged People . International Journal of Gerontology .2018 ;(12):186-196

56. 2018 Huang SW, Chi WC, Chang KH,Yen CF,Liao HF, Escorpizo R, Liou TH.. World health organization disability assessment schedule 2.0 as an objective assessment tool for predicting return to work after a stroke. . Disabil Rehabil .2018 ;(40):2592-2597

57. 2018 Chang KF,Chang KH,Chi WC,Huang SW,Yen CF,Liao HF, Liou TH, Chao PZ, Lin IC.. Influence of visual impairment and hearing impairment on functional dependence status among people in Taiwan-An evaluation using the WHODAS 2.0 score . J Chin Med Assoc .2018 ;(81):376-382

58. 2018 Liao CD,Tsauo JY,Huang SW,Ku JW,Hsiao DJ,Liou TH. Effects of elastic band exercise on lean mass and physical capacity in older women with sarcopenic obesity: A randomized controlled trial . Sci Rep .2018 ;(8)

59. 2018 Chang KH,Chi WC,Huang SW,Chang FH,Liao HF,Escorpizo R, Liou TH.. Perceptions and attitudes towards the implementation of a disability evaluation system based on the international classification of functioning, disability, and health among people with disabilities in Taiwan . Disabil Rehabil .2018

60. 2018 Lin CL,Lee MC,Hsu YJ,Huang WC,Huang CC,Huang SW. Isolated Soy Protein Supplementation and Exercise Improve Fatigue-Related Biomarker Levels and Bone Strength in Ovariectomized Mice. . Nutrients .2018 ;(10)

61. 2018 Liao CD,Lee PH,Hsiao DJ,Huang SW,Tsauo JY,Chen HC, Liou TH. Effects of Protein Supplementation Combined with Exercise Intervention on Frailty Indices, Body Composition, and Physical Function in Frail Older Adults. . Nutrients .2018 ;(10)

62. 2018 Liao CD,Tsauo JY,Huang SW,Chen HC,Chiu YS,Liou TH. Preoperative range of motion and applications of continuous passive motion predict outcomes after knee arthroplasty in patients with arthritis. . Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc .2018

63. 2018 Huang SW,Hsu YJ, Lee MC, Li HS,Yeo PCW,Lim AL, Huang CC.. In Vitro and In Vivo Functional Characterization of Essence of Chicken as An Ergogenic Aid . Nutrients .2018 ;(10)

64. 2017 Liao CD,Tsauo JY,Hsiao DJ, Liou TH,Huang SW,Lin LF. Association of physical capacity with heart rate variability based on a short-duration measurement of resting pulse rate in older adults with obesity . PLoS One .2017 ;(12)

65. 2017 Huang SW,Wu CW,Lin LF,Liou TH,Lin HW. Gout Can Increase the Risk of Receiving Rotator Cuff Tear Repair Surgery . The American Journal of Sports Medicine .2017 ;(45):2355-2363

66. 2017 Lin Li Fong ,Huang Shih Wei ,Chang Kwang Hwa ,Ouyang Jin Han ,Liou Tsan Hon . A novel Robotic Gait Training System (RGTS) may facilitate functional recovery after stroke: A feasibility and safety study . NeuroRehabilitation .2017 ;(41):453-461

67. 2017 Lin YN ,Chiu CC,Huang SW,Hsu WY,Liou TH,Chen YW, Chang KH.. Association Between Manual Loading and Newly Developed Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Subjects With Physical Disabilities: A Follow-Up Study. . Arch Phys Med Rehabil .2017 ;(98):2002-2008

68. 2017 Huang SW,Chi WC,Yen CF,Chang KH,Liao HF,Escorpizo R, Chang FH, Liou TH.. Does more education mean less disability in people with dementia? A large cross-sectional study in Taiwan . BMJ Open .2017 ;(7)

69. 2017 Liao CD,Tsauo JY,Lin LF,Huang SW,Ku JW,Chou LC, Liou TH.. Effects of elastic resistance exercise on body composition and physical capacity in older women with sarcopenic obesity: A CONSORT-compliant prospective randomized controlled trial . Medicine (Baltimore) .2017 ;(96)

70. 2017 Hu HY,Chi WC,Chang KH, Yen CF,Escorpizo R ,Liao HF, Huang SW, Liou TH.. The World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 can predict the institutionalization of patients with stroke . Eur J Phys Rehabil Med .2017 ;(53):856-862

71. 2017 Huang SW,Wang WT,Chou LC,Liou TH,Lin HW. Risk of Dementia in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study . J Neurotrauma .2017 ;(34):615-622

72. 2017 Huang SW,Ku JW,Lin LF,Liao CD,Chou LC,Liou TH. Body composition influenced by progressive elastic band resistance exercise of sarcopenic obesity elderly women: a pilot randomized controlled trial . Eur J Phys Rehabil Med .2017

73. 2017 Huang YC,Chang KH,Liou TH,Cheng CW,Lin LF,Huang SW. Effects of Kinesio taping for stroke patients with hemiplegic shoulder pain: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study . Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine .2017

74. 2016 Tsai YC,Huang SW,Che WC,Huang YC,Liou TH,Kuo YC. The Effects of Expiratory Muscle Strength Training on Voice and Associated Factors in Medical Professionals With Voice Disorders. . Journal of Voice .2016 ;(30(6)):e21-e27

75. 2016 Huang SW,Wang WT,Chou LC,Liou TH,Chen YW,Lin HW. Diabetes mellitus increases the risk of rotator cuff tear repair surgery: A population-based cohort study . J Diabetes Complications .2016 ;(30):1473-1477

76. 2016 Yang JD,Tam KW,Huang TW,Huang SW,Liou TH,Chen HC. Intermittent Cervical Traction for Treating Neck Pain: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Spine (Phila Pa 1976) .2016

77. 2016 Huang SW,Chang KH,Reuben Escorpizo,Chi WC,Yen CF,Liao HF, Chang FH, Chiu WT, Lin JW, Liou TH. Functioning and Disability Analysis by Using WHO Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 in Older Adults Taiwanese Patients with Dementia . Disabil Rehabil .2016 ;(38):1652-63

78. 2016 Huang YC,Wang WT,Liou TH,Liao CD,Lin LF,Huang SW. Postural Assessment Scale for Stroke Patients Scores as a Predictor of Stroke Patient Ambulation at Discharge from the Rehabilitation Ward . Journal or Rehabilitation Medicine .2016 ;(48):259-264

79. 2016 Huang SW,Wang WT,Chou LC,Chen HC,Liou TH,LinHW. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Increases the Risk of Hip Fracture: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study. . Scientific Reports .2016

80. 2016 Lin YR,Chou LC,Chen HC,Liou TH,Huang SW,Lin HW. Increased risk of dementia in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: A nationwide population-based cohort study . Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken) .2016

81. 2016 Wu CW,Huang SW,Lin JW,Liou TH,Chou LC,Lin HW. Risk of stroke among patients with cerebral palsy: a population-based cohort study . Dev Med Child Neurol .2016

82. 2016 Huang SW,Wang WT,Lin LF,Liao CD,Liou TH,Lin HW. Association between psychiatric disorders and osteoarthritis: a nationwide longitudinal population-based study . Medicine (Baltimore). .2016

83. 2015 Huang SW,Chang KH,Reuben Escorpizo,Hu CJ,Yen CF,Liao HF, Chang FH, Chiu WT, Liou TH. Using the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0) for Predicting Institutionalization of Patients with Dementia in Taiwan . Medicine .2015 ;(94)

84. 2015 Huang SW,Lin LF,Chou LC,,Wu MJ,Liao CD,Liou TH. Feasibility of using the international classification of functioning, disability and health core set for evaluation of fall-related risk factors in acute rehabilitation settings . Eur J Phys Rehabil Med .2015 ;(accept)

85. 2015 Huang SW,,Lin JW,Liou TH,Lin HW. Cohort study evaluating the risk of hip fracture among patients with dementia in Taiwan . Int J Geriatr Psychiatry .2015 ;(30):695-701

86. 2015 Huang SW,Wang WT,Chou LC,Liao CD,Liou TH,Lin HW. Osteoarthritis Increases the Risk of Dementia: A Nationwide Cohort Study in Taiwan . Scientific Reports .2015 ;(5):1-7

87. 2014 Huang SW,Wang WT,Yang TH,Liou TH,Chen GY,Lin LF. The Balance Effect of Acupuncture Therapy Among Stroke Patients . J Altern Complement Med .2014 ;(20):618-622

88. 2014 Liou TH,Huang SW,Lin JW,Chang YS,Wu CW,Lin HW. Risk of Stroke in Patients with Rheumatism: A Nationwide Longitudinal Population-based Study . SCIENTIFIC REPORTS .2014 ;(4):4183

89. 2014 Huang SW,Lin JW,Wang WT,Wu CW,Liou TH,Lin HW. Hyperthyroidism is a Risk Factor for Developing Adhesive Capsulitis of the Shoulder: A Nationwide Longitudinal Population-Based Study . SCIENTIFIC REPORTS .2014 ;(4):4183

90. 2014 Liao CD,Lin LF,Huang YC,Huang SW,Chou LC,Liou TH. Functional outcomes of outpatient balance training following total knee replacement in patients with knee osteoarthritis: A randomized controlled trial . Clin Rehabil .2014 ;(accpet)

91. 2014 Liao CD,Huang YC,Lin LF,Huang SW,Liou TH. Body Mass Index and Functional Mobility Outcome Following Early Rehabilitation after a Total Knee Replacement: A Retrospective Study in Taiwan . Arthritis Care Res .2014 ;(accpet)

92. 2013 Huang SW,Wang WT. Quantitative Diagnostic Method for Biceps Long Head Tendinitis by Using Ultrasound . Scientific World Journal .2013

93. 2012 Huang SW,Liu SY,Tang HW,Wei TS,Wang WT,Yang CP. Relationship between severity of shoulder subluxation and soft-tissue injury in hemiplegic stroke patients. . J Rehabil Med .2012 ;(44):733-739

94. 2012 Huang SW,Chen PO,Chou YH. Effects of a preoperative simplified home rehabilitation education program on length of stay of total knee arthroplasty patients . Orthop Traumatol Surg Res. .2012 ;(98):259-264

95. 2012 Cheng IS,Huang SW,Lu HC,Wu CL,Chu YC,Kuo CH. Oral hydroxycitrate supplementation enhances glycogen synthesis in exercised human skeletal muscle . Br J Nutr .2012 ;(107):1048-1055


108 超音波導引高濃度葡萄糖注射於慢性肩峰下滑液囊炎之成效

107 漸進式阻力運動訓練合併大豆分離蛋白對於骨鬆型肌少症老年女性體組成與體能之影響: 以卵巢摘除小鼠動物模型為基礎之臨床應用

106 高濃度葡萄糖注射液對棘上肌退化性肌腱疾患之臨床症狀與超音波影像之影響(II)

105 高濃度葡萄糖注射液對棘上肌退化性肌腱疾患之臨床症狀與超音波影像之影響

104 以世界衛生組織障礙評估手冊2.0評估教育程度對老年失智症失能之影響

103 向量干擾波對於急性期腦中風半側偏癱併肩部疼痛患者之超音波影像評估與成效