林源峰(Lin, Yuan-Feng) 教授

現   職
臨床醫學研究所 教授


學 歷

臺北醫學大學藥研所 博士
臺北醫學大學藥學系 碩士
臺北醫學院醫技系 學士




2018/02/01 ~
2018/02/01 ~







1. 2024 Chiu HW,Lin CH,Lee HH,Lu HW,Lin YK,Lin YF, Lee HL.. Guanylate binding protein 5 triggers NF-κB activation to foster radioresistance, metastatic progression and PD-L1 expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma . Clinical Immunology .2024

2. 2024 Chiu HW,Lee HL,Lee HH,Lu HW,Lin KY,Lin YF, Lin CH.. AIM2 promotes irradiation resistance, migration ability and PD-L1 expression through STAT1/NF-κB activation in oral squamous cell carcinoma . Journal of Translational Medicine .2024 ;(22):13

3. 2023 Yuan TZ,Lin HY,Kuei CH,Lin CH,Lee HH,Lee HL, Lu HW, Su CY, Chiu HW, Lin YF. NEDD8 promotes radioresistance via triggering autophagy formation and serves as a novel prognostic marker in oral squamous cell carcinoma . Cancer Cell International .2023 ;(23):41-54

4. 2023 Chang HW,Hsu MJ,Chien LN,Chi NF,Yu MC,Chen HC, Lin YF, Hu CJ. Role of the Autism Risk Gene Shank3 in the Development of Atherosclerosis: Insights from Big Data and Mechanistic Analyses . Cells .2023 ;(12):2546-2559

5. 2022 Zheng JQ,Lin CH,Lee HH,Chang WM,Li LJ,Su CY, Lee KY, Chiu HW, Lin YF.. AIM2 upregulation promotes metastatic progression and PD-L1 expression in lung adenocarcinoma . Cancer Science .2022

6. 2021 Sun MS,Yuan LT,Kuei CH,Lin HY,Chen YL,Chiu HW, Lin YF. RGL2 Drives the Metastatic Progression of Colorectal Cancer via Preventing the Protein Degradation of β-Catenin and KRAS . Cancers (Basel) .2021 ;(13):1763-1777

7. 2021 Cheng SW,Chen PC,Lin MH,Ger TR,Chiu HW,Lin YF. GBP5 Repression Suppresses the Metastatic Potential and PD-L1 Expression in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer . Biomedicines .2021 ;(9):371-384

8. 2021 Cheng SW,Chen PC,Ger TR,Chiu HW,Lin YF. GBP5 Serves as a Potential Marker to Predict a Favorable Response in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Patients Receiving a Taxane-Based Chemotherapy . J Pers Med. .2021 ;(11):197-210

9. 2021 Chen PH,Chung CC,Lin YF,Kao YH,Chen YJ. Lithium Reduces Migration and Collagen Synthesis Activity in Human Cardiac Fibroblasts by Inhibiting Store-Operated Ca 2+ Entry . Int J Mol Sci. .2021 ;(22):842-857

10. 2021 Huang SP,Li CH,Chang WM,Lin YF. BICD Cargo Adaptor 1 (BICD1) Downregulation Correlates with a Decreased Level of PD-L1 and Predicts a Favorable Prognosis in Patients with IDH1-Mutant Lower-Grade Gliomas . Biology (Basel) .2021 ;(10):701-720

11. 2021 Zheng JQ,Lin CH,Chen CC,Lin YF,Chiu CC,Yang TY, Hsu MH, Fang YA, Hao WR, Liu JC, Lee KY. Role of Annual Influenza Vaccination against Lung Cancer in Type 2 Diabetic Patients from a Population-Based Cohort Study . J Clin Med. .2021 ;(10):3434-3444

12. 2021 Lee TW,Liu HW,Lin YF,Lee TI,Kao YH,Chen YJ. Histone deacetylase inhibition improves metabolism and mitochondrial dynamics: A potential novel therapeutic strategy for sarcopenia coexisting with diabetes mellitus . Med Hypotheses. .2021 ;(158):110724

13. 2021 Zheng JQ,Lin CH,Lee HH,Wang WK,Tong YS,Lee KY, Chiu HW, Lin YF. Lactotransferrin Downregulation Serves as a Potential Predictor for the Therapeutic Effectiveness of mTOR Inhibitors in the Metastatic Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma without PTEN Mutation . Biomedicines .2021 ;(9):1896

14. 2020 Lee HH,Chen CC,Ong JR,Lin YF,Lee FP,Hu CJ, Wang YH.. Association of rs2651899 Polymorphism in the Positive Regulatory Domain 16 and Common Migraine Subtypes: A Meta-Analysis. . Headache. .2020 ;(60):71-80

15. 2020 Chen PH,Kao YH,Chang CK,Lin YK,Lin YF,Chen YJ. Clinical Risk Factors for Therapeutic Lithium-associated Electrocardiographic Changes in Patients with Bipolar Disorder . Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology .2020 ;(40):46-53

16. 2020 Chan YC,Chang YC,Chuang HH,Yang YC,Lin YF,Huang MS, Hsiao M, Yang CJ, Hua KT.. Overexpression of PSAT1 promotes metastasis of lung adenocarcinoma by suppressing the IRF1-IFNγ axis . Oncogene .2020 ;(39):2509-2522

17. 2020 Kuei CH,Lin HY,Lee HH,Lin CH,Zheng JQ,Chen KC, Lin YF.. IMPA2 Downregulation Enhances mTORC1 Activity and Restrains Autophagy Initiation in Metastatic Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma. . J Clin Med. .2020 ;(9):956.

18. 2020 Chiu IJ,Hsu YH,Chang JS,Yang JC,Chiu HW,Lin YF. Lactotransferrin Downregulation Drives the Metastatic Progression in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma. . Cancers (Basel). .2020 ;(12):847

19. 2020 Lin HY,Kuei CH,Lee HH,Lin CH,Zheng JQ,Chiu HW, Chen CL, Lin YF. The Gαh/phospholipase C-δ1 interaction promotes autophagosome degradation by activating the Akt/mTORC1 pathway in metastatic triple-negative breast cancer . Aging-US .2020 ;(12):13023-13037

20. 2020 Lin CH,Lee HH,Chang WM,Lee FP,Chen LC,Lu LS, Lin YF. FOXD1 Repression Potentiates Radiation Effectiveness by Downregulating G3BP2 Expression and Promoting the Activation of TXNIP-Related Pathways in Oral Cancer. . Cancers (Basel) .2020 ;(12):2690

21. 2020 Kuei CH,Lin HY, Lin MH,Lee HH,Lin CH,Lee WJ, Chen YL, Lu LS, Zheng JQ, Hung RC, Chiu HW, Chen KC, Lin YF. DNA polymerase theta repression enhances the docetaxel responsiveness in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer. . Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis. .2020 ;(1866):165954

22. 2020 Lin HY,Kuei CH,Lee HH,Lin CH,Chen YL,Chen CL, Lin YF. TNFSF13 upregulation confers chemotherapeutic resistance via triggering autophagy initiation in triple-negative breast cancer. . J Mol Med (Berl) .2020 ;(98):1255-1267

23. 2020 Kao WY,Lin YF,Chang IW,Chen CL,Tang JH,Chang CC, Chang YJ, Wang W.. Interleukin-2 receptor alpha as a biomarker for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease diagnosis . J Chin Med Assoc. .2020

24. 2020 Chang YX,Lin YF,Chen CL,Huang MS,Hsiao M,Liang PH. Chaperonin-Containing TCP-1 Promotes Cancer Chemoresistance and Metastasis through the AKT-GSK3β-β-Catenin and XIAP-Survivin Pathways . Cancers (Basel) .2020 ;(12(12))

25. 2019 Huang SP,Chan YC,Huang SY,Lin YF. Overexpression of PSAT1 Gene is a Favorable Prognostic Marker in Lower-Grade Gliomas and Predicts a Favorable Outcome in Patients with IDH1 Mutations and Chromosome 1p19q Codeletion . Cancers (Basel) .2019 ;(12):13

26. 2019 Lee HH,Lin CH,Lin HY, Kuei CH,Zheng JQ,Wang YH, Lu LS, Lee FP, Hu CJ, Wu D, Lin YF.. Histone 2A Family Member J Drives Mesenchymal Transition and Temozolomide Resistance in Glioblastoma Multiforme . Cancers (Basel) .2019 ;(12):98

27. 2019 Chiou J,Chang YC,Tsai HF,Lin YF,Huang MS,Yang CJ, Hsiao M.. Follistatin-like protein 1 inhibits lung cancer metastasis by preventing proteolytic activation of osteopontin. . Cancer Research. .2019

28. 2019 Jan YH,Lai TC,Yang CJ,Lin YF,Huang MS,Hsiao M. Adenylate kinase 4 modulates oxidative stress and stabilizes HIF-1α to drive lung adenocarcinoma metastasis . Journal of Hematology and Oncology .2019 ;(12):12

29. 2019 Lin YF,Chou JL,Chang JS,Chiu IJ,Chiu HW,Lin YF. Dysregulation of the miR-25-IMPA2 axis promotes metastatic progression in clear cell renal cell carcinoma. . EBioMedicine .2019

30. 2019 Chang YC,Chiou J,Yang YF,Su CY,Lin YF,Yang CN, Lu PJ, Huang MS, Yang CJ, Hsiao M.. Therapeutic Targeting of Aldolase A Interactions Inhibits Lung Cancer Metastasis and Prolongs Survival. . Cancer Research. .2019 ;(18):4754-4766

31. 2019 Lin CH,Lee HH,Kuei CH,Lin HY,Lu LS,Lee FP, Chang J, Wang JY, Hsu KC, Lin YF.. Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Subunit Alpha-5 Promotes Radioresistance via Recruiting E2F Activity in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. . Journal of Clinical Medicine. .2019 ;(9): pii: E1454.

32. 2018 Lin YF,Tseng IJ,Kuo CJ,Lin HY,Chiu HW. High-level expression of ARID1A predicts a favorable outcome in triple-negative breast cancer patients receiving paclitaxel-based chemotherapy . Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine [Epub ahead of print] .2018

33. 2018 Huang SP,Chiou J,Jan YH,Lai TC,Yu YL,Hsiao M, Lin YF. Over-expression of lysyl oxidase is associated with poor prognosis and response to therapy of patients with lower grade gliomas. . Biochem Biophys Res Commun. .2018 ;(501):619-627

34. 2018 Hui-Wen Chiu,Jeng-Shou Chang,Hui-Yu Lin,Hsun-Hua Lee,Chia-Hao Kuei,Che-Hsuan Lin, Huei-Mei Huang, Yuan-Feng Lin. FBXL7 Upregulation Predicts a Poor Prognosis and Associates with a Possible Mechanism for Paclitaxel Resistance in Ovarian Cancer. . J Clin Med. .2018 ;(7(10)):330

35. 2018 Lee CH, Lin YF, Chen YC, Wong SM, Juan SH, Huang HM. MPT0B169 and MPT0B002, New Tubulin Inhibitors, Induce Growth Inhibition, G2/M Cell Cycle Arrest, and Apoptosis in Human Colorectal Cancer Cells. . Pharmacology .2018 ;(102(5-6)):262-271

36. 2017 Chien MH,Chang W,Lee WJ,Chang YC,Lai TC,Chan DV, Sharma R, Lin YF, Hsiao M. A Fas ligand (FasL)-fused humanized antibody against tumor-associated glycoprotein 72 selectively exhibits the cytotoxic effect against oral cancer cells with a low FasL/Fas ratio. . Mol Cancer Ther. .2017

37. 2017 Liu YJ,Kumar V,Lin YF,Liang PH. Disrupting CCT-β : β-tubulin selectively kills CCT-β overexpressed cancer cells through MAPKs activation . Cell Death Dis. .2017 ;(9):e3052

38. 2017 Lin YF,Lee YH,Hsu YH,Chen YJ,Lin YF,Cheng FY,Chiu HW. Resveratrol-loaded nanoparticles conjugated with kidney injury molecule-1 as a drug delivery system for potential use in chronic kidney disease . Nanomedicine .2017 ;(22):2741-2756

39. 2017 Hsu YH,Lin YF,Chen CH,Chiu YJ,Chiu HW. Far infrared promotes wound healing through activation of Notch1 signaling . J Mol Med .2017 ;(11):1203-1213

40. 2017 Chiu HW,Lin HY,Tseng IJ,Lin YF. OTUD7B upregulation predicts a poor response to paclitaxel in patients with triple-negative breast cancer . Oncotarget .2017 ;(9):553-565

41. 2017 Huang SP,Chang YC,Low QH,Wu ATH,Chen CL,Lin YF, Hsiao M. BICD1 expression, as a potential biomarker for prognosis and predicting response to therapy in patients with glioblastomas . Oncotarget .2017 ;(8):113766-113791

42. 2017 Chang WM,Lin YF,Su CY,Peng HY,Chang YC,Hsiao JR, Chen CL, Chang JY, Shieh YS, Hsiao M, Shiah SG. Parathyroid Hormone-Like Hormone is a Poor Prognosis Marker of Head and Neck Cancer and Promotes Cell Growth via RUNX2 Regulation . Scientific Reports .2017 ;(7):41131

43. 2017 Lee YC,Su CY,Lin YF,Lin CM,Fang CY,Lin YK, Hsiao M, Chen CL. Lysosomal acid phosphatase 2 is an unfavorable prognostic factor but is associated with better survival in stage II colorectal cancer patients receiving chemotherapy . Oncotarget .2017 ;(8):12120-12132

44. 2017 Chang YC,Chi LH,Chang WM,Su CY,Lin YF,Chen CL, Chen MH, Chang PM, Wu AT, Hsiao M. Glucose transporter 4 promotes head and neck squamous cell carcinoma metastasis through the TRIM24-DDX58 axis. . J Hematol Oncol. .2017 ;(10):11

45. 2017 Huang SP,Liu PY,Kuo CJ,Chen CL,Lee WJ,Tsai YH,Lin YF. The Galphah-PLCdelta1 signaling axis drives metastatic progression in triple-negative breast cancer . J.Hematol.Oncol. .2017 ;(10):114-129

46. 2017 Chang YC,Chan YC,Chang WM,Lin YF,Yang CJ,Su CY, Huang MS, Wu ATH, Hsiao M. Feedback regulation of ALDOA activates the HIF-1alpha/MMP9 axis to promote lung cancer progression . Cancer Lett. .2017 ;(403):28-36

47. 2016 Hsiao YW,Lai TC,Lin YH,Su CY,Lee JJ,Liao AT, Lin YF, Hsieh SC, Wu AT, Hsiao M. Granulysin expressed in a humanized mouse model induces apoptotic cell death and suppresses tumorigenicity. . Oncotarget .2016 ;(doi:):18632

48. 2016 Chang WM,Lin YF,Su CY,Peng HY,Chang YC,Lai TC,Wu GH, Hsu YM,Chi LH, Hsiao JR, Chen CL, Chang JY, Shieh YS, Hsiao M, Shiah SG. Dysregulation of Runx2/Activin A axis upon miR376c downregulation promotes lymph node metastasis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. . Cancer Res. .2016 ;(pii):1188

49. 2016 Lin TC,Su CY,Wu PY,Lai TC,Pan WA,Jan YH, Chang YC, Yeh CT, Chen CL, Ger LP, Chang HT, Yang CJ, Huang MS, Liu YP, Lin YF, Hsiao M. The nucleolar protein NIFK promotes cancer progression via CK1α/β-catenin in metastasis and Ki-67-dependent cell proliferation. . Elife .2016 ;(5):e11288

50. 2016 Chan YC,Chen CW,Chan MH,Chang YC,Chang WM,Chi LH, Yu HM, Lin YF, Tsai DP, Liu RS, Hsiao M. MMP2-sensing up-conversion nanoparticle for fluorescence biosensing in head and neck cancer cells. . Biosens Bioelectron. .2016 ;(80):131-139

51. 2015 Tsung-Chieh Lin,Yu-Peng Liu,Yung-Chieh Chan,Chia-Yi Su,Yuan-Feng Lin,Shih-Lan Hsu, Chung-Shi Yang, andMichael Hsiao. Ghrelin Promotes Renal Cell Carcinoma Metastasis via Snail Activation and Is Associated with Poor Prognosis . Journal of Patholoy .2015

52. 2015 Chia-Yi Su,Tsung-Chieh Lin,Yuan-Feng Lin,Ming-Huang Chen,Chien-Hsin Lee,Hsuan-Yao Wang, Yu-Chieh Lee, Yu-Peng Liu, Michael Hsiao. DDX3 as a strongest prognosis marker and its downregulation promotes metastasis in colorectal cancer . Oncotarget .2015

53. 2015 Chia-Yi Su,Yu-Peng Liu,Chih-Jen Yang,Yuan-Feng Lin,Jean Chiou,Li-Hsing Chi, Jih-Jong Lee, Alex T. H. Wu, Pei-Jung Lu, Ming-Shyan Huang, Michael Hsiao. Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-2 Plays a Leading Prognostic Role among Protease Families in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer . PLoS.One .2015 ;(10):e01334

54. 2015 Chang JS,Su CY,Yu WH,Lee WJ,Liu YP,Lai TC,Jan YH,Yang YF, Shen CN,Shew JY,Lu J,Yang CJ,Huang MS,Lu PJ,Lin YF,Kuo ML,Hua KT,Hsiao M. GIT1 promotes lung cancer cell metastasis through modulating Rac1/Cdc42 activity and is associated with poor prognosis . Oncotarget .2015

55. 2014 Yang YF,Jan YH,Liu YP,Yang CJ,Su CY,Chang YC, Lai TC, Chiou J, Tsai HY, Lu J, Shen CN, Shew JY, Lu PJ, Lin YF, Huang MS, Hsiao M. Squalene Synthase Induces Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor 1Enrichment in Lipid Rafts to Promote Lung Cancer Metastasis . Am.J.Respir.Crit Care Med. .2014 ;(190):675-687

56. 2013 Lin YF,Lai TC,Chang CK,Chen CL,Huang MS,Yang CJ, Liu HG, Dong JJ, Chou YA, Teng KH, Chen SH, Tian WT, Jan YH, Hsiao M, Liang PH. Targeting the XIAP/caspase-7 complex selectively kills caspase-3-deficient malignancies . J.Clin.Invest .2013 ;(123):3861-3875

57. 2012 Lin YF,Lee YF,Liang PH. Targeting beta-tubulin:CCT-beta complexes incurs Hsp90- and VCP-related protein degradation and induces ER stress-associated apoptosis by triggering capacitative Ca2+ entry, mitochondrial perturbation and caspase overactivation . Cell Death.Dis. .2012 ;(3):e343

58. 2011 Lin YF,Leu SJ,Huang HM,Tsai YH. Selective activation of specific PKC isoforms dictating the fate of CD14(+) monocytes towards differentiation or apoptosis . J.Cell Physiol .2011 ;(226):122-131

59. 2010 Lin YF,Yeh TS,Chen SF,Tsai YH,Chou CM,Yang YY, Huang HM. Nonmuscle myosin IIA (myosin heavy polypeptide 9): a novel class of signal transducer mediating the activation of G alpha h/phospholipase C-delta 1 pathway . Endocrinology .2010 ;(151):876-885

60. 2009 Lin YF,Tsai WP,Liu HG,Liang PH. Intracellular beta-tubulin/chaperonin containing TCP1-beta complex serves as a novel chemotherapeutic target against drug-resistant tumors . Cancer Res. .2009 ;(69):6879-6888

61. 2008 Lai TH,Lin YF,Wu FC,Tsai YH. Follicle-stimulating hormone-induced Galphah/phospholipase C-delta1 signaling mediating a noncapacitative Ca2+ influx through T-type Ca2+ channels in rat sertoli cells . Endocrinology .2008 ;(149):1031-1037

62. 2007 Lin YF,Lee HM,Leu SJ,Tsai YH. The essentiality of PKCalpha and PKCbetaI translocation for CD14+monocyte differentiation towards macrophages and dendritic cells, respectively . J.Cell Biochem. .2007 ;(102):429-441

63. 2006 Lin YF,Tseng MJ,Hsu HL,Wu YW,Lee YH,Tsai YH. A novel follicle-stimulating hormone-induced G alpha h/phospholipase C-delta1 signaling pathway mediating rat sertoli cell Ca2+-influx . Mol.Endocrinol. .2006 ;(20):2514-2527

64. 2005 Chen TH,Chang PC,Chang MC,Lin YF,Lee HM. Chloroquine induces the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase in C6 glioma cells . Pharmacol.Res. .2005 ;(51):329-336

65. 2001 Lin CH,Lin YF,Chang MC,Wu CH,Ho YS,Lee HM. Advanced glycosylation end products induce nitric oxide synthase expression in C6 glioma cells: involvement of a p38 MAP kinase-dependent mechanism . Life Sci. .2001 ;(69):2503-2515


113 探討GBP5藉由發炎小體建構NF-κB依賴型回饋環線促進口腔鱗狀上皮細胞癌治療抗性、轉移與免疫抑制的分子機制

112 探討AEBP1在促進多形性膠質母細胞瘤之 temozolomide抗藥性中的角色

110 利用Iodoacetamide衍生物找尋與鑑定新型藥物標靶用於治療多型性神經膠質母細胞瘤

110 利用人工智慧虛擬篩選平台鑑定DNA聚合酶theta之小分子抑制劑和評估其對於轉移型去勢抗性之攝護腺癌的治療效果(3/3)

110 延攬科技人才林旻萱君參與「利用人工智慧虛擬篩選平台鑑定DNA聚合酶theta之小分子抑制劑和評估其對於轉移型去勢抗性之攝護腺癌的治療效果」

110 延攬陳功儒君參與「利用人工智慧虛擬篩選平台鑑定DNA聚合酶theta之小分子抑制劑和評估其對於轉移型去勢抗性之攝護腺癌的治療效果」

109 利用人工智慧虛擬篩選平台鑑定DNA聚合?theta之小分子抑制劑和評估其對於轉移型去勢抗性之攝護腺癌的治療效果(2/3)

109 「利用人工智慧虛擬篩選平台鑑定DNA聚合酶theta之小分子抑制劑和評估其對於轉移型去勢抗性之攝護腺癌的治療效果」

109 評估在三陰性乳癌中阻斷OTUD7B相關之訊息傳遞軸對於增強太平洋紫杉醇敏感度與抑制轉移能力的效果

108 探討SH2 Domain Containing 5 (SH2D5)促進大腸癌細胞進程之分子機轉

108 利用人工智慧虛擬篩選平台鑑定DNA聚合?theta之小分子抑制劑和評估其對於轉移型去勢抗性之攝護腺癌的治療效果(1/3)

108 臨床醫學研究所林源峰副教授申請補助延攬科技人才林旻萱君參與研究計畫案

107 探討NEDD8促進口腔癌細胞之放射線療法抗性的分子機轉

107 鑑定Gαh-連結型的接受器及探討其於三陰性乳癌之轉譯醫學應用

106 RGL2促進大腸/直腸癌抗藥性之轉譯醫學研究

106 探討阻斷Galpha-h與PLC-delta1蛋白質交互作用對抗三陰性乳癌的抗藥性及轉移之機制和轉譯醫學應用(3/3)

105 探討阻斷Galpha-h與PLC-delta1蛋白質交互作用對抗三陰性乳癌的抗藥性及轉移之機制和轉譯醫學應用(2/3)

105 探討阻斷Galpha-h與PLC-delta1蛋白質交互作用對抗三陰性乳癌的抗藥性及轉移之機制和轉譯醫學應用(2/3)

104 探討第一型磷酸絲氨酸轉氨酶誘導癌細胞轉移的分子機制(2/2)

104 探討第一型磷酸絲氨酸轉氨酶誘導癌細胞轉移的分子機制(2/2)

104 探討阻斷Galpha-h與PLC-delta1蛋白質交互作用對抗三陰性乳癌的抗藥性及轉移之機制和轉譯醫學應用(1/3)

104 探討阻斷Galpha-h與PLC-delta1蛋白質交互作用對抗三陰性乳癌的抗藥性及轉移之機制和轉譯醫學應用(1/3)

103 探討第一型磷酸絲氨酸轉氨酶誘導癌細胞轉移的分子機制(1-2)

103 探討第一型磷酸絲氨酸轉氨酶誘導癌細胞轉移的分子機制(1/2)

103 TMU103-AE1-B13

103 (103)新聘教師研究補助-林源峰教師