蔡秀婷(Tsai, Hsiu-Ting) 教授

現   職
學士後護理學系 教授


學 歷

高雄醫學大學醫學研究所(流行病學組) 博士
高雄醫學大學醫學研究所(生理組) 碩士
中山醫學大學護理系 學士




2022/08/01 ~ 2023/03/13
2017/03/01 ~
2016/08/01 ~ 2022/07/31
2016/08/01 ~ 2016/09/23
2015/10/06 ~ 2016/07/31
2015/10/06 ~ 2016/07/31







1. 2024 Ya Wen Shih,,Ching Wen Chang,,Hui-Chen (Rita) Chang,, Jia Ruey Tsai,,Wei Jun Wang, Hui Fen Fang, Chia Ling Lin, Yohanes Andy Rias,,Hsiu Ting Tsai* (通訊作者). Mediating effect of white blood cells and tobacco exposure on cervical neoplasm risk among Taiwanese women . Biological Research for Nursing .2024 ;(*):1-15

2. 2023 Sri Yuliana,Erica Yu,Yohanes Andy Rias,Nur Atikah, Hsiu Ju Chang,Hsiu Ting Tsai* (通訊作者). Associations among disability, depression, anxiety, stress, and quality of life between stroke survivors and their family caregivers: An Actor-Partner Interdependence Model . Journal of Advanced Nursing .2023

3. 2023 Wen-Pei Chang, Hsiao-Mei Chen,Jia-Rong Wu,Hsiu-Ting Tsai,Chiung-Fang Ho,Yu-Huei Lin. Adverse effects of non-intubated airway suctioning: a clinical data-based study . J Clin Nurs .2023

4. 2023 Ya Wen Shih , Mei Hua Wang ,Karen A Monsen ,Ching Wen Chang ,Yohanes Andy Rias ,Hsiu Ting Tsai (通訊作者). Effectiveness of Acupuncture for Relieving Chemotherapy-Induced Bone Marrow Suppression: A Systematic Review with a Meta-analysis and Trial Sequential Analysis . Journal of integrative and complementary medicine .2023 ;(29):621-636

5. 2023 Yohanes Andy Rias,Ratsiri Thato,Hsiu Ting Tsai. Physical Activity and Its Synergistic Interaction With Low Platelet–Lymphocyte Ratio Levels Increasing the Sleep Quality in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus . Sci diabetes self manag care .2023 ;(49):1-11

6. 2023 Yohanes Andy Rias,Hsiu Ting Tsai (通訊作者),Ratsiri Thato ,Bagus Sholeh Apriyanto,Kuei Ru Chou ,Shu Chuan Ho , Chia Hsuan Sun . Synergistic Interactions of Insufficient Physical Activity and a High Systemic Immune-Inflammation Index on Psychological Problems in Indonesians With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus . Biological research for nursing .2023 ;(25):516-526

7. 2023 Defi Efendi ,Maria Dyah Kurniasari,Hsiu Ting Tsai,Dessie Wanda,Nani Nurhaeni,Ferry Efendi. Path analysis of COVID-19 vaccine adherence among adolescents across Indonesia, in the Maluku-Papua Islands (Eastern Indonesia), and on Java Island . J Pediatr Nurs .2023

8. 2023 Maria Dyah Kurniasari,Ferry Fredy Karwur,Rosiana Eva Rayanti1, Ya Wen Shih,Sri Yuliana,Kuei Ru Chou,,Hsiu Ting Tsai* (通訊作者). Immersion in Water Between 20-30oC Mediated Inflammations Marker to Reduced Pain Among Indonesian With Gout Arthritis: A Community-Based Randomized Controlled Trial . Biological Research for Nursing .2023

9. 2022 Sri Handayani,Yohanes Andy Rias,Maria Dyah Kurniasari,Ratna Agustin,Yafi Sabila Rosyad,Ya Wen Shih, Ching Wen Chang,, Hsiu Ting Tsai *(通訊作者). Relationship of spirituality, health engagement, health belief and attitudes toward acceptance and willingness to pay for a COVID-19 vaccine . PLOS ONE .2022

10. 2022 Christina Yeni Kustant,Hsin Chu, Xiao Linda Kang,Li-Chung Pien,Ruey Chen,Hsiu-Ting Tsa, Kuei-Ru Chou. Anticipatory grief prevalence among caregivers of persons with a life-threatening illness: Aa metaanalysis . BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care .2022

11. 2022 Li-Chung Pien,Hsiu-Ting Tsai,Wan-Ju Cheng,Yohanes-Andy Rias,Kuei-Ru Chou,Su-Ru Chen. Sex-Infl uenced Risk Factors for Cognitive Impairment Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults . J Gerontol Nurs .2022

12. 2022 Maria Dyah Kurniasari ,Karen A. Monsen,Shuen Fu Weng,Chyn Yng Yang,Hsiu Ting Tsai (通訊作者). Cold Water Immersion Directly and Mediated by Alleviated Pain to Promote Quality of Life in Indonesian with Gout Arthritis: A Community-based Randomized Controlled Trial . Biological Research for Nursing .2022 ;(24):245-258

13. 2022 Ninik Yunitri,Hsin Chu,Xiao Linda Kang,Hsiu-Ju Jen,Li-Chung Pien, Hsiu-Ting Tsai, Abdu Rahim Kamil , Kuei-Ru Chou. Global prevalence and associated risk factors of posttraumatic stress disorder during COVID-19 pandemic: A meta-analysis . Int J Nurs Stud .2022

14. 2022 Sri Yuliana,Muhammad Muslih,Jenny Sim,Amelia Nur Vidyanti,Ageng Brahmadhi ,Hsiu Ting Tsai (通訊作者). Development and validation of the World Health Organization disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0) Indonesian version in stroke survivors . Disability and Rehabilitation .2022 ;(*):1-9

15. 2022 Maria Dyah Kurniasari,Ferry Fredy Karwur,Rosiana Eva Rayanti,Andrian Dolfriandra Huruta,Yu Huei Lin,Shuen Fu Weng, Hsiu Ting Tsai (通訊作者). Increased Systolic Blood Pressure Mediates the Relationship Between Urate and Gout Risk in Indonesia: A Novel Application of a Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Model . Biological Research for Nursing .2022 ;(24):40-47

16. 2021 Ya-Wen Shih,Hsiu-Ting Tsai (通訊作者). The Association Between Smartphone Use and Breast Cancer Risk Among Taiwanese Women: A Case-Control Study [Response to Letter] . Cancer Management and Research .2021 ;(13):89-90

17. 2021 Kurniasari MD,Karwur FF,Rayanti RE,Dharmana E,Rias YA,Tsai HT (通訊作者). Second-Hand Smoke and Its Synergistic Effect with A Body-Mass Index of >24.9 kg/m2 Increase the Risk of Gout Arthritis in Indonesia . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2021 ;(18):1-15

18. 2021 Yohanes Andy Rias,Andi Hayyun Abiddin,Nuh Huda,Sri Handayani,Healthy Seventina Sirait,Li-Chung Pien , Shuen-Fu Weng , Hsiu-Ting Tsai. Psychometric Testing of the Bahasa Version of the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire among Indonesians with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2021

19. 2021 Ying Cheng Chao,Sophia H. Hu,Hsiao Yean Chiu,Pi Hua Huang,Hsiu Ting Tsai,Yeu Hui Chuan. The effect of an immersive 3d interactive video program on improving student nurses’ skill competence: A randomized controlled trial study . Nurse Education Today .2021

20. 2021 Ya Wen Shih,Jui Yuan Su,Yu Shan Kung,Yu Huei Lin,Duong Thi To Anh,Edi Sampurno Ridwan , Hsiu Ting Tsai (通訊作者). Effectiveness of Acupuncture in Relieving Chemotherapy-induced Leukopenia in Patients With Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review With A Meta-Analysis and Trial Sequential Analysis . Integrative Cancer Therapies .2021

21. 2021 Shih YW,Tsai HT. The Association Between Smartphone Use and Breast Cancer Risk Among Taiwanese Women: A Case-Control Study「Response to Letter」 . Cancer Management and Research .2021

22. 2021 Shih YW,Tsai HT*. The Association Between Smartphone Use and Breast Cancer Risk Among Taiwanese Women: A Case-Control Study (Response to letter) . Cancer Management and Researc .2021

23. 2021 Kurniasari MD,Huruta AD,Tsai, Hsiu Ting,Lee CW. Forecasting future HIV infection cases: evidence from Indonesia . Soc Work Public Health .2021 ;(36):12-25

24. 2020 Chang CW,Yang SF,Gordon CJ, Liao WC,Niu SF,Wang CW, Tsai HT(通訊作者). Physical Activity of ≥ 7.5 MET-h/Week Is Significantly Associated with a Decreased Risk of Cervical Neoplasia . Healthcare(Basel) .2020 ;(8):1-14

25. 2020 Rias YA,Kurniasari MD,Traynor V,Niu SF,WiratamaBS,Tsai HT (通訊作者). Synergistic Effect of Low Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio With Physical Activity on Quality of Life in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Community-Based Study . Biological Research for Nursing .2020 ;(22):378-387

26. 2020 Rias YA,Gordon CJ,Niu SF,Wiratama BS,Chang CW,Tsai HT (通訊作者). Secondhand Smoke Correlates with Elevated Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio and Has a Synergistic Effect with Physical Inactivity on Increasing Susceptibility to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Community-Based Case Control Study . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2020 ;(17):1-16

27. 2020 Rias YA,Kurniawan AL,Chang CW,Gordon CJ,Tsai HT (通訊作者). Synergistic Effects of Regular Walking and Alkaline Electrolyzed Water on Decreasing Inflammation and Oxidative Stress, and Increasing Quality of Life in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes: A Community Based Randomized Controlled Trial . Antioxidants .2020 ;(9):1-17

28. 2020 Shih YW,Hung CS,Huang CC,Chou KR,Niu SF,Chan S, Tsai HT(通訊作者). The Association Between Smartphone Use and Breast Cancer Risk Among Taiwanese Women: A Case-Control Study . Cancer Management and Research .2020 ;(12):10799-10807

29. 2020 Shih YW,O'BRIEN AP,Hung CS,Chen KH,Hou WH,Tsai HT (通訊作者). Exposure to radiofrequency radiation increases the risk of breast cancer: A systematic review and meta analysis . Shih YW, O'BRIEN AP, Hung CS, Chen KH, Hou WH, Tsai HT .2020 ;(21):1-11

30. 2020 Chang KT,Liu CJ,Tsai HT,Hsu TP,Chen PT,Hu SH. Effects and safety of body positioning on back pain after transcatheter arterial chemoembolization in people with hepatocellular carcinoma: A randomized controlled study . International Journal of Nursing Studies .2020

31. 2020 Rias YA,Rosyad YS,Chipojola R,Wiratama BS,Safitri CI,Tsai HT (通訊作者). Effects of Spirituality, Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices toward Anxiety Regarding COVID-19 among the General Population in INDONESIA: A Cross-Sectional Study . Journal of Clinical Medicine .2020 ;(24):1-15

32. 2019 Chung-Yuan Lee,Shun-Fa Yang,Po-Hui Wang,Chun-Wen Su,Hua-Fen Hsu,Hsiu-Ting Tsai (通訊作者), Yi-Hsuan Hsiao. Antimetastatic effects of Terminalia catappa leaf extracts on cervical cancer through the inhibition of matrix metalloprotein- 9 and MAPK pathway . Environmental Toxicology .2019 ;(34):60-66

33. 2019 Tsai JC,Chou KR,Tsai HT,Yen YC,Niu SF. Effect of Nocturnal Sleep Quality on Diurnal Cortisol Profiles and attention in Nurses: A Cross-Sectional Study. . Biological Research for Nursing .2019 ;(21):510--518

34. 2019 Niu SF,Kuo SF, Tsai HT,Kao CC,Traynor V,Chou KR. Prevalence of workplace violent episodes experienced by nurses in acute psychiatric settings . PloS one .2019

35. 2018 Shih YW,Yang SF,Chien MH,Chang CW, Chang Vincent H. S,Tsai HT(通訊作者). Significant Effect of Acupressure in Elevating Blood Stem Cell Factor During Chemotherapy in Patients With Gynecologic Cancer. . Journal of Nursing Research .2018 ;(26):411-419

36. 2017 Anh DTT,Shih YW, Miao NF,Liao YM, Chuang YH, ,Chang HJ, Huang HC,,Tsai HT*. Differences of Self-Management in Controlling Blood Pressure between Patients with Hypertension and Healthy People in Vietnam . POJ Nurs Prac Res .2017 ;(1):1-8

37. 2017 Tsai HT,Hsieh MJ,Lin CW,Su SC,Maio NF,Yang SF, Huang HC, Lai FC,Liu YF. Combinations of SERPINB5 gene polymorphisms and environmental factors . PLos One .2017 ;(12):1-11

38. 2017 Huang HC,Chang CH,Hu CJ,Shyu ML,Chen CI,Huang CS,Tsai HT, Chang HJ. Time-varying effects of psychological distress on the functional recovery of stroke patients . Arch Phys Med Rehabil .2017 ;(98):722-729

39. 2016 Chang CW,Yang SF,Wang PH,Chang HJ,Liu WC,Tsai HT. Association of the Genetic Polymorphisms RRM1 −756T>C and −269 C>A with Cervical Neoplasia. . Biological Research for Nursing .2016 ;(18):567-572

40. 2016 Yang PY,Miao NF,Lin CW,Chou YE,Yang SF,Tsai HT (通訊作者). Impact of Maspin Polymorphism rs2289520 G/C and Its Interaction with Gene to Gene, Alcohol Consumption Increase Susceptibility to Oral Cancer Occurrence . PLos One .2016 ;(11):1-12

41. 2015 Lai MY,Chang HJ,Lin CC,Chen YJ,Hsiao CY,Tsai HT. Effects of an Educational Program on Nurses’ Use of Physical Restraints . Journal of Medical Education .2015 ;(19):196-208

42. 2015 Lee CH,Peng CY,Li RN,Chen YC,Tsai HT,Hung YH, Chan TF, Huang HL, Lai TC, Wu MT.. Risk evaluation for the development of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: Development and validation of risk-scoring schemes. . Int J Cancer. .2015 ;(136):340-349

43. 2015 HO TC,Yang SF,Wang PH,Lin LY,Tee YT,Liao WC, Chang HJ, Tsai HT*. Increased plasma soluble CD40 ligand concentration in pelvic inflammatory disease. . Clin Chim Acta. .2015 ;(438):236-240

44. 2014 Tee YT,Wang PH,Yang SF,Tsai HT,Lee SK,Ko JL, Lin LY, Chen SC.. Correlation of plasma osteopontin and neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin levels with the severity and clinical outcome of pelvic inflammatory disease. . Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. .2014 ;(53):158-161

45. 2014 Tsai HT,Hsieh MJ,Chiou HL,Lee HL,Hsin MC,Liou YS, Yang CC, Yang SF, Kuo WH. TIMP-3 -1296 T>C and TIMP-4 -55 T>C gene polymorphisms play a role in the susceptibility of hepatocellular carcinoma among women. . Tumour Biol. .2014 ;(35):8999-9007

46. 2014 Chen DR,Chuang CY,Wu BC,Yang SF,Peng YH,Tsai HT. Association of Novel Gene Polymorphisms RRM1 −756T>C and −269 C>A With Breast Cancer . Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis. .2014 ;(28):287-293

47. 2014 SU YF,Wu TF,Ko JL,Tsai HT,Tee1 YT,Chien MH,Chou CH, Lin WL, Low HY, Chou MY, Yang SF, Wang PH. The Expression of Ribonucleotide Reductase M2 in the Carcinogenesis of Uterine Cervix and Its Relationship with Clinicopathological Characteristics and Prognosis of Cancer Patients. . PLoS One. .2014 ;(9):1-8

48. 2014 Yang SF,Wu TF,Tsai HT,Lin LY,Wang PH. New markers in pelvic inflammatory disease. . Clinica Chimica Acta .2014 ;(431):118-124

49. 2013 Wang HL,Hsiao PC,Tsai HT,Yeh CB,Yang SF. Usefulness of Plasma YKL-40 in Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia Severity in Patients. . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2013 ;(14):22817-22825

50. 2013 Chen SC,Ko JL,Yang SF,Tsai MY,Tsai HT,Tang CH, Wang PH. Increased concentrations of plasma growth arrest-specific 6 and its soluble tyrosine kinase receptor sAxl in Taiwanese women with pelvic inflammatory disease. . Clin Chim Acta. .2013 ;(426):85-90

51. 2013 Tsai HT,Hsin CH,Hsieh YH,Tang CH,Yang SF,Lin CW, Chen MK. Impact of Interleukin-18 Polymorphisms -607A/C and -137G/C on Oral Cancer Occurrence and Clinical Progression. . PLoS One. .2013 ;(8 (12)):1-8

52. 2013 Tsai HT,Lee TH,Yang SF,Lin LY,Tee YT,Wang PH. Markedly elevated soluble E-cadherin in plasma of patient with pelvic inflammatory disease. . Fertil Steril. .2013 ;(99):490-495

53. 2013 Yeh YH,Wang PH,Lin LY,Tee YT,Chou MC,Yang SF, Tsai HT. Significantly increased concentration of soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor in the blood of patients with pelvic inflammatory disease. . Clin Chim Acta. .2013 ;(29):138-144

54. 2012 Tee YT,Wang PH,Tsai HT,Lin LY,Lin HT,Yang SF, Hsieh YH, Ying TH.. Genetic polymorphism of urokinase-type plasminogen activator is interacting with plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 to raise risk of cervical neoplasia. . J Surg Oncol. .2012 ;(106):204-208

55. 2012 Chen LJ,Tsai HT,Chen WJ,Hsieh CY,Wang PC,Chen CS,Wang L,Yang CC. In vitro antagonistic growth effects of Lactobacillus fermentum and lactobacillus salivarius and their fermentative broth on periodontal pathogens. . Braz J Microbiol. .2012 ;(43):1376-1384

56. 2012 Tsai HT,Yang SF,Chen DR,Chan SE. CCL5-28, CCL5-403, and CCR5 genetic polymorphisms and their synergic effect with alcohol and tobacco consumptions increase susceptibility to hepatocellular carcinoma. . Med Oncol. .2012 ;(29):2771-2779

57. 2012 Tee YT,Yang SF,Wang PH,Tsai HT,Lin LY,Lee SK, Liao CL, Chang JT, Shih YT.. G801A polymorphism of human stromal cell-derived factor 1 gene raises no susceptibility to neoplastic lesions of uterine cervix. . Int J Gynecol Cancer .2012 ;(22):1297-1302

58. 2011 Chang HC,Chen ST,Chien SY,Kuo SJ,Tsai HT,Chen DR.. Capsaicin may induce breast cancer cell death through apoptosis-inducing factor involving mitochondrial dysfunction. . Hum Exp Toxicol. .2011 ;(30):1657-1665

59. 2011 Lin SS,Lu TM,Chao PC,Lai YY,Tsai HT,Chen CS, Lee YP, Chen SC, Chou MC, Yang CC.. In Vivo Cytokine Modulatory Effects of Cinnamaldehyde, the Major Constituent of Leaf Essential Oil from Cinnamomum osmophloeum Kaneh. . Phytother Res. .2011 ;(25):1511-1518

60. 2011 Wang PH,Ko JL,Yang SF,Tsai HT,Tee YT,Han CP, Lin LY, Chen SC, Shih YT.. Significant Relation of Tissue Inhibitor of Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 and its Combination With Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 to Survival of Patients With Cancer of Uterine Cervix. . Reprod Sci. .2011 ;(18):798-808

61. 2011 Tsai HT,Su PH,Lee TH,Tee YT,Lin LY,Yang SF, Wang PH.. Significant elevation and correlation of plasma neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin and its complex with matrix metalloproteinase-9 in patients with pelvic inflammatory disease. . Clin ChimActa. .2011 ;(412):1252-1256

62. 2010 Hsueh CW,Lin SS,Lin CH,Chien ST,Liu WS,Lin FG, Tsai HT, Huang CF, Yang CC.. Quantitative diagnosis and analysis of mutations affecting drug resistance to rifampicin and isoniazid of clinical Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates in Taiwan. . Ann Microbiol .2010 ;(60):391-397

63. 2010 Wang PH,Liu YF,Tsai HT,Tee YT,Lin LY,Hsieh YH, Yang SF.. Elevated Plasma Osteopontin Level is Associated With Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. . Reprod Sci. .2010 ;(17):1052-1058

64. 2010 Chen DR,Chien SY,Kuo SJ,Teng YH,Tsai HT,Kuo JH, Chung JG.. SLC34A2 as a novel marker for diagnosis and targeted therapy of breast cancer. . Anticancer Res. .2010 ;(30):4135-4140

65. 2010 Wang PH,Yi YC,Tsai HT,Tee YT,Ko JL,Han CP, Liu YF, Lin LY, Yang SF.. Significant association of genetic polymorphism of human nonmetastatic clone 23 type 1 gene with an increased risk of endometrial cancer. . Gynecol Oncol. .2010 ;(119):70-75

66. 2010 Yeh CB,Tsai HT,Chen YC,Kuo WH,Chen TY,Hsieh YH, Chou MC, Yang SF.. Genetic polymorphism of CCR2-64I increased the susceptibility of hepatocellular carcinoma. . J Surg Oncol. .2010 ;(102):264-270

67. 2010 Kao CC,Chen MK,Kuo WH,Chen TY,Su SC,Hsieh YH, Liu CL, Chou MC, Tsai HT*, Yang SF.. Influence of glutathione-S-transferase theta (GSTT1) and micro (GSTM1) gene polymorphisms on the susceptibility of hepatocellular carcinoma in Taiwan. . J Surg Oncol. .2010 ;(102):301-307

68. 2010 Kuo SJ,Chien SY,Lin C,Chan SE,Tsai HT,Chen DR.. ignificant elevation of CLDN16 and HAPLN3 gene expression in human breast cancer. . Oncol Rep. .2010 ;(24):759-766

69. 2010 Chen MK,Tsai HT,Chung TT,Su SC,Kao TY,Tseng HC, Liu TH, Chiou HL, Yang SF.. Glutathione S-transferase P1 and alpha gene variants; role in susceptibility and tumor size development of oral cancer. . Head Neck-J SCI SPEC .2010 ;(32):1079-1087

70. 2010 Hsiao PC,Chen MK,Su SC,Ueng KC,Chen YC,Hsieh YH, Liu YF, Tsai HT*, Yang SF.. Hypoxia inducible factor-1alpha gene polymorphism G1790A and its interaction with tobacco and alcohol consumptions increase susceptibility to hepatocellular carcinoma. . J Surg Oncol. .2010 ;(102):163-169

71. 2010 Lee CH,Yang SF,Peng CY,Li RN,Chen YC,Chan TF, Tsai EM, Kuo FC, Huang JJ, Tsai HT, Hung YH, Huang HL, Tsai S, Wu MT.. The precancerous effect of emitted cooking oil fumes on precursor lesions of cervical cancer. . Int J Cancer. .2010 ;(127):932-941

72. 2010 Feng CY,Wang PH,Tsai HT,Tee YT,Ko JL,Chen SC, Lin CY, Han CP, Yang JS, Liu YF, Lin LY, Yang SF.. Polymorphisms of Human Nonmetastatic Clone 23 Type 1 Gene and Neoplastic Lesions of Uterine Cervix. . Reprod Sci. .2010 ;(17):886-893

73. 2010 Hsiao PC,Wang PH,Tee YT,Yang SF,Su PH,Chen YC, Lin LY, Tsai HT*.. Significantly elevated concentration of plasma monocyte chemotactic protein 1 of patients with pelvic inflammatory disease. . Reprod Sci. .2010 ;(17):549-555

74. 2010 Chen YL,Tseng HS,Kuo WH,Yang SF,Chen DR,Tsai HT.. Glutathione S-Transferase P1 (GSTP1) gene polymorphism increases age-related susceptibility to hepatocellular carcinoma. . BMC Med Genet. .2010 ;(11):1-8

75. 2010 Lee SA,Wang PH,Chiou HL,Chou MC,Tsai HT,Yang SF.. Markedly elevated plasma myeloperoxidase protein in patients with pelvic inflammatory disease who have A allele myeloperoxidase gene polymorphism. . Fertil Steril. .2010 ;(93):1260-1266

76. 2009 Wang PH,Tsai HT,Tee YT,Lin LY,Yang SF,Hsieh YS.. Significant elevation of plasma matrix metalloproteinase-9 level and its ratio to matrix metalloproteinase-2 in patients with pelvic inflammatory disease. . Fertil Steril .2009

77. 2009 Teng YH,Liu TH,Tseng HC,Chung TT,Yeh CM,Li YC, Ou YH, Lin LY, Tsai HT*, Yang SF.. Contribution of genetic polymorphisms of stromal cell-derived factor-1 and its receptor, CXCR4, to the susceptibility and clinicopathologic development of oral cancer. . Head Neck-J SCI SPEC. .2009

78. 2009 Tsai HT,Tsai YM,Yang SF,Lee CH,Lin LY,Lee S, Wu MT.. A notable accessory screening program for detection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. . Pathol Biol (Paris). .2009

79. 2009 Chen MK,Chiou HL,Su SC,Chung TT,Tseng HC,Tsai HT*, Yang SF.. The association between hypoxia inducible factor-1alpha gene polymorphisms and increased susceptibility to oral cancer. . Oral Oncol .2009

80. 2009 Teng YH,Tsai HT,Hsieh YS,Chen YC,Lin CW,Lee MC, Lin LY, Yang SF.. Elevated erythrocyte carbonic anhydrase activity is a novel clinical marker in hyperventilation syndrome. . Clin Chem Lab Med. .2009

81. 2009 Lu TM,Tsai HT,Cheng YW,Chin LW,Yang CC. Gastroenteroviruses Infection in Taiwan. . The Open Infectious Diseases Journal. .2009

82. 2009 Tsai HT,Wang PH,Tee YT,Lin LY,Hsieh YS,Yang SF.. mbalanced serum concentration between cathepsin B and cystatin C in patients with pelvic inflammatory disease. . Fertil Steril. .2009

83. 2009 Tsai HT,Tee YT,Hsieh YH,Chiou HL,Lin CW,Tsai HC, Wang PH, Yang SF.. Elevated plasma stromal cell-derived factor 1 protein and its gene polymorphism in patients with pelvic inflammatory disease. . Reprod Sci. .2009

84. 2009 Chang CC,Chen SC,Hsieh YH,Chen YC,Chen TY,Chu YH, Ma HJ, Chou MC, Tsai HT*, Yang SF.. Stromal cell-derived factor-1 but not its receptor, CXCR4, gene variants increase susceptibility and pathological development of hepatocellular carcinoma. . Clin Chem Lab Med. .2009

85. 2008 Hsu CG,Lin LY,Ko JL,Yang SF,Chang H,Lin CY, Tsai HT, Chen SC, Chen SC, Wang PH.. High expression of human nonmetastatic clone 23 type 1 in cancer of uterine cervix and its association with poor cell differentiation and worse overall survival. . J Surg Oncol. .2008

86. 2008 Chen KS,Wang PH,Yang SF,Lin DB,Lin YJ,Kuo DY, Lin LY, Wu MT, Lin CW, Lee S, Chou MC, Tsai HT*, Hsieh YS.. Significant elevation of a Th2 cytokine, interleukin-10, in pelvic inflammatory disease. . Clin Chem Lab Med. .2008

87. 2008 Lee SA,Tsai HT,Ou HC,Han CP,Tee YT,Chen YC, Wu MT, Chou MC, Wang PH, Yang SF.. Plasma interleukin-1beta, -6, -8 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha as highly informative markers of pelvic inflammatory disease. . Clin Chem Lab Med. .2008

88. 2008 Tsai HT,Tsai TH,Lu TM,Yang CC. Immunopathology of hepatitis B virus infection. . Int Rev Immunol. .2008

89. 2008 Wang PH,Ko JL,Tsai HT,Yang SF,Han CP,Lin LY, Chen GD.. Clinical significance of matrix metalloproteinase-2 in cancer of uterine cervix: a semiquantitative study of immunoreactivities using tissue array. . Gynecol Oncol. .2008

90. 2007 Tsai HT,Tsai YM,Yang SF,Wu KY,Chuang HY,Wu TN, Ho CK, Lin CC, Kuo YS, Wu MT.. Lifetime cigarette smoke and second-hand smoke and cervical intraepithelial neoplasm—a community-based case-control study. . Gynecol Oncol. .2007

91. 2005 Tsai HT,Wu CH,Lai HL,Li RN,Tung YC,Chuang HY, Wu TN, Lin LJ, Ho CK, Liu HW, Wu MT*. Association between quantitative high-risk human papillomavirus DNA load and cervical intraepithelial neoplasm risk . Cancer Epidem Biomar. .2005

92. 2005 Je-Ken Chang,Gwo-Jaw Wang,Shiu-Ting Tsai,Mei-Ling Ho. Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug Effects on Osteoblastic Cell Cycle, Cytotoxicity, and Cell Death. . Connect Tissue Res .2005

93. 2004 Wu MT,Lee LH,Ho CK,Wu SC,Lin LY,Cheng BH, Liu CL, Yang CY, Tsai HT, Wu TN. Environmental exposure to cooking oil fumes and cervical intraepithelial neoplasm . Environ Res .2004

94. 2003 Tsai HT,Wu MT,Hauser R,Rodrigues E,Ho CK,Liu CL, Christiani DC. Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and urinary 1-hydroxypyrene levels in preschool children. . Kaohsiung J Med Sci. .2003

95. 2001 Ho ML,Chang JK,Tsai HT,Cho MH,Wang GW. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs arrest cell cycle in G0/G1 phase and induce cell death in osteoblast-enriched cultures. . Journal of Musculoskeletal Research 2001 .2001

1. 2019 Hsiu Ting Tsai. The Relationship between Smartphone Addiction and Breast Cancer Risk . 5th International Conference on Public Health 2019 (ICOPH 2019) .2019

2. 2018 Hsiu Ting Tsai. The association between physical activity and cervical neoplasia risk . Asia-Singapore Conference on Sport Science (ACSS 2018) .2018

3. 2017 Shih YW,Tsai HT. The effectiveness of acupressure for relieving chemotherapy-induced bone marrow suppression . 23rd World Nursing and Healthcare Conference .2017

4. 2015 Shih YW,Tsai HT. Chemotherapy Induced Nausea and Vomiting can be Released by Acupressure . The 7th International Shared Decision Making (ISDM) Conference and the 4th International Society for Evidence-Based Health Care (ISEHC) Conference .2015

5. 2012 Tsai HT. Elevated concentration of soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor in the . 4th International Conference in Quantitative Genetics .2012

6. 2010 Tsai HT. CLDN16 and HAPLN3 gene expressions in human breast cancer tissue . 6th World Congress on Biomechanics .2010

7. 2009 Tsai HT. Glutathione S-transferase Gene Polymorphisms Increase Susceptibility of Hepatocellular . International Conference on Mathematical Biology and Annual Meeting of the Society .2009


113 低強度耐力運動對改善癌因性疲憊肺癌患者粒線體功能、細胞生物電阻抗相位角、疲憊及生活品質成效之探討(1/3)

112 抗阻力運動介入及肌肉激素分泌對接受放射化學治療子宮頸癌個案改善肌少症與生活品質成效之探討(3/3)

111 抗阻力運動介入及肌肉激素分泌對接受放射化學治療子宮頸癌個案改善肌少症與生活品質成效之探討(2/3)

110 抗阻力運動介入及肌肉激素分泌對接受放射化學治療子宮頸癌個案改善肌少症與生活品質成效之探討(1/3)

109 以隨機對照試驗運用戒菸及中度身體活動代謝當量介入對高齡糖尿病患減緩認知功能障礙成效之探討

108 工作過時、工作過勞、工作壓力及腳底反射區按摩式健走對子宮頸癌發生率、病程進展、及免疫功能之探討(3/3)

108 護理學系博士生Maria Dyah君擬於109年1月10日至1月11日赴泰國清邁參加進階護理學者發展推進在全球轉型與顛覆性創新時代

107 工作過時、工作過勞、工作壓力及腳底反射區按摩式健走對子宮頸癌發生率、病程進展、及免疫功能之探討(2/3)

106 工作過時、工作過勞、工作壓力及腳底反射區按摩式健走對子宮頸癌發生率、病程進展、及免疫功能之探討(1/3)

105 介入性護理措施-身體活動及戒菸對子宮頸上皮內細胞瘤個案病程進展之探討(3/3)

105 介入性護理措施-身體活動及戒菸對子宮頸上皮內細胞瘤個案病程進展之探討(3/3)

104 介入性護理措施-身體活動及戒菸對子宮頸上皮內細胞瘤個案病程進展之探討(2/3)

104 介入性護理措施-身體活動及戒菸對子宮頸上皮內細胞瘤個案病程進展之探討(2/3)

103 介入性護理措施-身體活動及戒菸對子宮頸上皮內細胞瘤個案病程進展之探討(1/3)

103 介入性護理措施-身體活動及戒菸對子宮頸上皮內細胞瘤個案病程進展之探討(1/3)

103 澳大利亞雪梨(SYDNEY)參加第四屆國際實證健康照護研討會

103 TMU103-AE1-B18

103 (103)新聘教師研究補助-蔡秀婷教師

102 穴位按揉介入性護理措施、核糖核酸還原次單位M1 (RRM1)、與核糖核酸還原次單位M2 (RRM2)基因多型性對減緩子宮頸癌病患接受化學治療所導致的骨髓抑制及其機制之探討