陳錦華(Chen, Jin-Hua(Chen, Chin-Hua)) 教授

現   職
大數據科技及管理研究所 教授
校務研究中心 主任
數據處 副數據長


學 歷

中央大學統計研究所 博士
淡江大學統計系 學士




2022/05/01 ~
2021/08/01 ~
2019/12/01 ~ 2021/07/31
2019/12/01 ~
2019/08/01 ~ 2019/11/30
2019/08/01 ~ 2019/11/30
2018/04/01 ~
2015/11/06 ~ 2019/11/30
2015/08/16 ~ 2019/11/30
2014/08/01 ~ 2015/08/15







1. 2024 Chen,Chen,Hsieh. Major adverse cardiovascular events of vascular endothelial growth factor tyrosine kinase inhibitors among patients with different malignancy: A systemic review and network meta-analysis. . Journal of the Chinese Medical Association .2024 ;(87):48-57

2. 2023 Hsueh,Wang,Chen,Chen,Hsiao,Kuo. Harmonic effects of sham acupuncture at Tsu San Li (St-36) in the radial pulse wave. . Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine .2023 ;(13):568-574

3. 2023 Chen,Tsai,Hsu,Wang,Hsieh. Peptide-Coated Bacteriorhodopsin-Based Photoelectric Biosensor for Detecting Rheumatoid Arthritis. . Biosensors .2023 ;(13):929

4. 2023 Wu,Huang,Kang,Chiu,Chen,Chen. Comparing the efficacy of different steroids for rhinoplasty: A systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. . Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery .2023 ;(84):121-131

5. 2023 Li,Huang,Chen,Kang,Chen. Effectiveness and Safety of Energy-Based Devices for Acne Scars: A Network Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. . Facial Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine .2023 ;(25):521-527

6. 2023 Yeh,Kang,Littlejohns,Wu,Chen. Frailty and Other Factors Associated With Early Outcomes in Middle-to Older Age Trauma Patients: A Prospective Cohort Study. . American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry .2023 ;(32):244-255

7. 2023 Ju,Lee,Lin,Chen,Hsu. Serial electrocardiogram recordings revealed a high prevalence of QT interval prolongation in patients with tuberculosis receiving fluoroquinolones. . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2023 ;(122):1255-1264

8. 2023 Fu,Chen,Cheng,Yuan. Measuring college students' multidisciplinary learning: a novel application of natural language processing. . Higher Education .2023

9. 2023 Shih,Chou,Chen ,Chou,Lai. Cancer-related fatigue classification based on heart rate variability signals from wearables. . Frontiers in Medicine .2023

10. 2023 Huang,Lee,Chiu,Chen,Chen,Wang. Determinants of the success in flap reconstruction—Outcome analysis of 120 flaps in 484 procedures for pressure injury. . International Wound Journal .2023 ;(20):3105-3115

11. 2023 Vinculin phosphorylation impairs vascular endothelial junctions promoting atherosclerosis . European Heart Journal .2023 ;(44):304-318

12. 2022 Yu-Chuan Shen,Hui-Ching Hsu,Tzu-Min Lin,Yu-Sheng Chang,Li-Fang Hu,Lung-Fang Chen, Sheng-Hong Lin, Pei-I. Kuo, Wei-Sheng Chen, Yi-Chun Lin, Jin-Hua Chen, Yu-Chih Liang, and Chi-Ching Chang.. H1-Antihistamines Reduce the Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients With Hepatitis B Virus, Hepatitis C Virus, or Dual Hepatitis B Virus-Hepatitis C Virus Infection. . Journal of Clinical Oncology .2022

13. 2022 ShengLi Tzeng ,Chun-Shu Chen,Yu-Fen Li,Jin-Hua Chen . On summary ROC curve for dichotomous diagnostic studies: an application to meta-analysis of COVID-19 . Journal of Applied Statistics .2022

14. 2022 Po Hsiu Huang,Sudha Xirasagar,Jin Hua Chen,Yen Fu Cheng,Nai Wen Kuo,Herng Ching Lin. Absence of Association of Tinnitus With Pre-existing Hypertension: A Population-based Study . Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology .2022

15. 2022 Tzu-Rong Peng,Jin-Hua Chen,Ya-Hui Chang,Jeng-Chuan Shiang,Ming-Chia Lee,Chih-Hsin Lee, Jann-Yuan Wang. Advantages of short-course rifamycin-based regimens for latent tuberculosis infection: an updated network meta-analysis. . Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance, .2022

16. 2022 Chen Jin Hua,Lee Chih Hsin,Lee Meng Rui,Huang Pei-Yu,Yen Tzu Hsin,Lee Ming Chia,Tsai Ching Wen,Wang Jann Yuan,Lee Jen Ai,Chen Jin Hua,Lee Chih Hsin,Lee Meng Rui,Huang Pei-Yu,Yen Tzu Hsin,Lee Ming Chia,Tsai Ching Wen,Wang Jann Yuan,Lee Jen Ai. Bisphosphonate Use Is Not Associated With Tuberculosis Risk Among Patients With Osteoporosis: A Nationwide Cohort Study . Journal of Clinical Pharmacology .2022

17. 2022 Chang Yu Sheng,Chen Jin Hua,Lin Tzu Min,Hsu Hui Ching,Chen Wei Sheng,Lin Sheng Hong,Kuo Pei I.,Lin Yi Chun,Chang Chi Ching,Chang Yu Sheng,Chen Jin Hua,Lin Tzu Min,Hsu Hui Ching,Chen Wei Sheng,Lin Sheng Hong,Kuo Pei I.,Lin Yi Chun,Chang Chi Ching. Effects of biologics on reducing the risks of total knee replacement and total hip replacement in rheumatoid arthritis . Rheumatology and Rehabilitation .2022 ;(61):1849-1856

18. 2022 Lin Hsien Chun,Yu Ming Chih,Putri Denise U.,Tsai Yi San,Chen Jin Hua,Lee Chih Hsin,Lin Hsien Chun,Yu Ming Chih,Putri Denise U.,Tsai Yi San,Chen Jin Hua,Lee Chih Hsin. Minimizing nephrotoxicity during multidrug-resistant tuberculosis treatment by the stepwise de-escalation of second-line injectables dosing intervals . Clinical Microbiology and Infection .2022 ;(28):752-754

19. 2022 Chen Fu Li,Hou Wen Hsuan,Chen Jin Hua,Tung Tao Hsin,Wu Jeng Cheng,Chen Fu Li,Hou Wen Hsuan,Chen Jin Hua,Tung Tao Hsin,Wu Jeng Cheng. Organizational Factors Are Key Predictors of Physicians{\textquoteright Confidence in Handling Workplace Violence . Healthcare (Switzerland) .2022 ;(10)

20. 2022 Chang Yu Sheng,Shen Yu Chuan,Chen Jin Hua,Chang Chi Ching. Reply to C.-H. Chiang et al and R. Chang et al . Journal of Clinical Oncology .2022 ;(40)

21. 2022 Huang Ching Ya,Chang Chiung Wen,Lee Sheng Lian,Chen Chiehfeng,Chen Jin Hua,Wang Hsian Jenn,Chiu Wen Kuan,Huang Ching Ya,Chang Chiung Wen,Lee Sheng Lian,Chen Chiehfeng,Chen Jin Hua,Wang Hsian Jenn,Chiu Wen Kuan. The change of clinical features and surgical outcomes in patients with pressure injury during the COVID-19 pandemic . International Wound Journal .2022 ;(20):971-980

22. 2022 Lee Yuarn Jang,Lin Ying Chin,Liao Chen Chung,Chang Yu Sheng,Huang Yu Hui,Tsai I. Jung,Chen Jin Hua,Lin Sheng Hong,Lin Yi Fang,Hsieh Ting Wan,Chen Yi Su,Wu Chih Yin,Chang Chi Ching,Lin Ching Yu,Lee Yuarn Jang,Lin Ying Chin,Liao Chen Chung,Chang Yu Sheng,Huang Yu Hui,Tsai I. Jung,Chen Jin Hua,Lin Sheng Hong,Lin Yi Fang,Hsieh Ting Wan,Chen Yi Su,Wu Chih Yin,Chang Chi Ching,Lin Ching Yu. Using anti-malondialdehyde-modified peptide adduct autoantibodies in serum of taiwanese women to diagnose primary Sjogren's syndrome . Clinical Biochemistry .2022

23. 2022 Li Man Yun,Chiu Wen Kuan,Wang Hsian Jenn,Chen I. Fan,Chen Jin Hua,Chang Ta Pang,Ko Yu,Chen Chiehfeng,Li Man Yun,Chiu Wen Kuan,Wang Hsian Jenn,Chen I. Fan,Chen Jin Hua,Chang Ta Pang,Ko Yu,Chen Chiehfeng. Effectiveness of Botulinum Toxin Type A Injection on Scars: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery .2022 ;(150):1249E-1258E

24. 2022 Chou Shu Ming,Yeh Hsing Jung,Lin Tzu Min,Chang Yu Sheng,Hsu Hui Ching,Shen Yu Chuan,Kuo Tzu Tung,Chen Jin Hua,Chen Shu Chuan,Chang Chi Ching,Chou Shu Ming,Yeh Hsing Jung,Lin Tzu Min,Chang Yu Sheng,Hsu Hui Ching,Shen Yu Chuan,Kuo Tzu Tung,Chen Jin Hua,Chen Shu Chuan,Chang Chi Ching. Association of interferon-based therapy with risk of autoimmune diseases in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection: A population-based Taiwanese cohort study . Frontiers in Immunology .2022 ;(13)

25. 2021 Putri ,Tsai ,Chen ,Tsai ,Ou. Psychological distress assessment among patients with suspected and confirmed COVID-19: A cohort study. . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2021

26. 2021 Hsu,Chang,Hou,Chen,Hu. Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia in autoimmune rheumatic diseases: a nationwide population-based study. Clinical Rheumatology . Clinical Rheumatology .2021 ;(40):3755-3763

27. 2021 Chen,Chen,Chiang,Lin,Ko. An evaluation of the healthcare costs of metastatic breast cancer: A retrospective matched cohort study . Medicine .2021 ;(100):43

28. 2021 Lin,Chang,Lin,Hu,Hou. Proton Pump Inhibitors Increase the Risk of Autoimmune Diseases: A Nationwide Cohort Study . Frontiers in Immunology .2021 ;(12):736036

29. 2021 Denise Utami Putri,Yi San Tsai,Jin Hua Chen,Ching Wen Tsai,Chung Yi Ou,Chiao Ru Chang, Hui Chun Chen, Mong Liang Lu, Ming Chih Yu, Chih Hsin Lee. Psychological distress assessment among patients with suspected and confirmed COVID-19: A cohort study. . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2021

30. 2021 Hsin Ming Liu,Jin Hua Chen,Chiehfeng Chen,Cher Ming Liou. Prophylactic antiemetic effects of dexamethasone versus 5-HT3 receptor antagonists in ear surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis. . International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy .2021

31. 2021 Pei I. Kuo,Tzu Min Lin, Yu Sheng Chang,Tsung Yun Hou,Hui Ching Hsu,Sheng Hong Lin, Wei Sheng Chen, Yi Chun Lin, Li Hsuan Wang, Chi Ching Chang, Jin Hua Chen. Primary Sjogren syndrome increases the risk of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw . Scientific Reports .2021

32. 2021 Kai Leun Tsai,Che Chang Chang,Yu Sheng Chang,Yi Ying Lu,I. Jung Tsai,Jin Hua Chen, Sheng Hong Lin, Chih Chun Tai, Yi Fang Lin, Hui Wen Chang, Ching Yu Lin, Emily Chia Yu Su. Isotypes of autoantibodies against novel differential 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal-modified peptide adducts in serum is associated with rheumatoid arthritis in Taiwanese women. . BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. .2021

33. 2021 Christina Yeni Kustanti,Hsin Chu,Xiao Linda Kang,Doresses Liu,Li Chung Pien,Hsiu Ju Jen, Shu Tai H. Shen, Jin Hua Chen, Kuei Ru Chou. Evaluation of the performance of instruments to diagnose grief disorders: A diagnostic meta-analysis. . International Journal of Nursing Studies .2021

34. 2021 Lin-Chien Wang,Hsuan-Ming Chen,Jin-Hua Chen,Yi-Chun Lin ,Yu Ko . An evaluation of the healthcare costs associated with adverse events in patients with breast cancer. . International Journal of Health Planning and Management .2021

35. 2020 Li Man Yun,Chen Jin Hua,Chen Chiehfeng,Kang Yi No*. Association between egg consumption and cholesterol concentration: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. . Nutrients .2020 ;(12):1-15

36. 2020 Chen Yen Jung,Chen Fu Lun,Chen Jin Hua,Wu Man Tzu Marcie,Chien Du Shieng,Ko Yu*. Costs and length of sepsis-related hospitalizations in Taiwan. . Medicine .2020 ;(99):e20476

37. 2020 Hsu Hui Ching,Hou Tsung Yun,Lin Tzu Min,Chang Yu Sheng,Chen Wei Sheng,Kuo Pei I., Lin Yi Chun, Chang Chi Ching*, Chen Jin Hua*. Higher risk of Parkinson disease in patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome. . Clinical Rheumatology .2020 ;(39):2999-3007

38. 2020 Lin Tzu Min,Chang Yu Sheng,Hou Tsung Yun,Hsu Hui Ching,Lin Sheng Hung,Chen Wei Sheng, Kuo Pei i., Lin Yi Chun, Chen Jin Hua, Chang Chi Ching*. Risk of incident autoimmune diseases in patients with thymectomy. . Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology .2020 ;(7):1072-1082

39. 2020 Yeh Tsai Chu,Chen Wei Sheng,Chang Yu Sheng,Lin Yi Chun,Huang Yi Hsiang,Tsai Chang Youh, Chen Jin Hua, Chang Chi Ching*. Risk of obstructive sleep apnea in patients with Sjögren syndrome and Behçet's disease: a nationwide, population-based cohort study. . Sleep and Breathing .2020 ;(24):1199-1205

40. 2020 Zhuang Zheng Yun,Ho Chi Kit,Tan Paul Juinn Bing*,Ying Jia Ming,Chen Jin Hua. The optimal setting of A/B exam papers without item pools: A hybrid approach of IRT and BGP. . Mathematics .2020 ;(8)

41. 2020 Sung Shian Ying,Le Trang Thi Huynh,Chen Jin Hua,Hsieh Teng Fu,Hsieh Chia Ling*. Alpha-1 blocker use increased risk of subsequent renal cell carcinoma: A nationwide population-based study in Taiwan. . PLoS ONE .2020 ;(15)

42. 2019 Hsu Yuan Pin,Hsu Chin Wang,Chu Karen Chia Wen,Huang Wen Cheng,Bai Chyi Huey,Huang Chun Jen,Cheng Sheng Wei,Chen Jin Hua,Chen Chiehfeng. Efficacy and safety of femoral nerve block for the positioning of femur fracture patients before a spinal block – A systematic review and meta-analysis . PLoS One .2019 ;(14)

43. 2019 End-of-Life Health Care Utilization Between Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Lung Cancer Patients . Journal of Pain and Symptom Management .2019 ;(57):933-943

44. 2019 Chen Yen Jung,Chen Fu Lun,Chen Jin Hua,Wu Man Tzu Marcie,Chen Yen Ling,Chien Du Shieng,Ko Yu. Epidemiology of sepsis in Taiwan . Medicine; analytical reviews of general medicine, neurology, psychiatry, dermatology, and pediatries .2019 ;(98):e15725-e15725

45. 2019 Hou Tsung Yun,Hsu Hui Ching,Lin Tzu Min,Chang Yu Sheng,Chen Wei Sheng,Kuo Pei I.,Lin Yi Chun,Chang Chi Ching,Chen Jin Hua. Higher risk of dementia in primary Sjogren's syndrome . Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology .2019 ;(6):633-641

46. 2019 Tsai Kai Leun,Liao Chen Chung,Chang Yu Sheng,Huang Ching Wen,Huang Yu Chu,Chen Jin Hua,Lin Sheng Hong,Tai Chih Chun,Lin Yi Fang,Lin Ching Yu. Low levels of IgM and IgA recognizing acetylated C1-inhibitor peptides are associated with systemic lupus erythematosus in Taiwanese women . Molecules .2019 ;(24)

47. 2019 Chen Chi Jen,Warikoo Neha,Chang Yung Chun,Chen Jin Hua,Hsu Wen Lian. Medical knowledge infused convolutional neural networks for cohort selection in clinical trials . Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA .2019 ;(26):1227-1236

48. 2019 Lin Kun I.,Yang Jia Lian,Lin Yu Chao,Chou Che Yi,Chen Jin Hua,Hung Chin Chuan. Network meta-analysis of effcacy and safety of chemotherapy and target therapy in the first-line setting of advanced pancreatic cancer . Cancers .2019 ;(11)

49. 2019 Lee Yi Yun,Kuo Li Na,Chen Jin Hua,Lin Yi Chun,Chen Lung Fang,Ko Yu. Prescribing patterns and healthcare costs of gout . Current Medical Research and Opinion .2019

50. 2019 Chang Chi-Ching,Lin Tzu-Min,Chang Yu-Sheng,Chen Wei-Sheng,Sheu Jau-Jiuan,Chen Yi-Hsuan,Chen Jin-Hua. Thymectomy in patients with myasthenia gravis increases the risk of autoimmune rheumatic diseases: a nationwide cohort study . Rheumatology .2019 ;(58):135-143

51. 2018 Chen JH,Yang JL ,Chou CY ,Wang JY ,Hung CC. Indirect comparison of efficacy and safety between immune checkpoint inhibitors and antiangiogenic therapy in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. . Scientific Reports .2018 ;(8)

52. 2018 Chang CC,Lin TM,Chang YS,Chen WS,Sheu JJ,Chen YH, Chen JH. Autoimmune rheumatic diseases and the risk of Parkinson disease: a nationwide population-based cohort study in Taiwan. . Ann Med .2018

53. 2018 Lee YY,Tang CH,Chen JH,Kuo LN,Ko Y. Evaluation of health care costs and utilization for patients with gout: a population-based matched cohort study . Curr Med Res Opin .2018

54. 2018 Chang CC ,Lin TM,Chang YS ,Chen WS ,Sheu JJ ,Chen YH , Chen JH. Thymectomy in patients with myasthenia gravis increases the risk of autoimmune rheumatic diseases: a nationwide cohort study . Rheumatology .2018

55. 2018 Autoimmune rheumatic diseases increase dementia risk in middle-aged patients: A nationwide cohort study. . PLoS One .2018

56. 2018 Cheng SW,Wang CY,Chen JH,Ko Y. Healthcare costs and utilization of diabetes-related complications in Taiwan: A claims database analysis . MEDICINE .2018

57. 2017 Chang CC,Chang YS,Wang SH,Lin SY,Chen YH,Chen JH. Primary Sjogren's syndrome and the risk of acute pancreatitis: a nationwide cohort study . BMJ Open .2017

58. 2017 Chang YS,Pan CH,Chang CC,Tsai KL,Chou HW,Chen JH, Lin SH, Lu YY, Tai CC, Lin YF, Lin CY.. ow Levels of IgG Recognizing the α-1-Antitrypsin Peptide and Its Association with Taiwanese Women with Primary Sjögren's Syndrome . Int J Mol Sci .2017 ;(12)

59. 2017 Chang YS,Chang CC,Chen YH,Chen WS,Chen JH. Risk of infective endocarditis in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus in Taiwan: a nationwide population-based study . Lupus .2017

60. 2017 Tsai FJ,Cheng CF,Lai CH,Wu YC,Ho MW,Wang JH, Tien N, Liu X, Tsang H, Lin TH, Liao CC, Huang SM, Li JP, Lin JC, Lin CC, Chen JH, Liang WM, Lin YJ. Effect of antiretroviral therapy use and adherence on the risk of hyperlipidemia among HIV-infected patients, in the highly active antiretroviral therapy era . Oncotarget .2017 ;(8):106369-106381

61. 2017 Chang HY,Chen JH,Chang JH,Lin HC,Lin CY,Peng CC. Multiple strains probiotics appear to be the most effective probiotics in the prevention of necrotizing enterocolitis and mortality: An updated meta-analysis. . PLoS One .2017

62. 2017 Huang KC,Li TM,Liu X,Chen JH,Chien WK,Shiao YT, Tsang H, Lin TH, Liao CC, Huang SM, Li JP, Lin CW, Lin JC, Lin CC, Lai CH, Cheng CF, Liang. KCNQ1 Variants Associate with Hypertension in Type 2 Diabetes and Affect Smooth Muscle Contractility In Vitro . J Cell Physiol .2017

63. 2017 Chen JH,Yen YC,Chen TM,Yuan KS,Lee FP,Lin KC, Lai MT, Wu CC, Chang CL, Wu SY.. Survival prognostic factors for metachronous second primary head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. . Cancer Med .2017

64. 2016 Chen JH,Yen YC,Liu SH,Yuan SP,Wu LL,Lee FP, Lin KC, Lai MT,Wu CC, Chen TM,Chang CL, Chow JM, Ding YF, Lin MC, Wu SY. Outcomes of induction chemotherapy for head and neck cancer patients:a combined study of two national cohorts in Taiwan. . Medicine. .2016

65. 2016 Chang CC,Chang YS,Chen WS,Chen YH,Chen JH. Effects of annual influenza vaccination on morbidity and mortality in patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Nationwide Cohort Study . Sci Rep .2016

66. 2016 Chen WS,Chang YS,Chang CC,Chang DM,Chen YH,Tsai CY, Chen JH. Management and Risk Reduction of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Individuals with Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Nationwide Population-Based Study in Taiwan. . Sleep .2016

67. 2016 Chen JH,Yen YC,Yang HC,Liu SH,Yuan SP,Wu LL, Lee FP, Lin KC, Lai MT, Wu CC, Chen TM, Chang CL, Chow JM, Ding YF, Wu SY. Curative-Intent Aggressive Treatment Improves Survival in Elderly Patients With Locally Advanced Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma and High Comorbidity Index . MEDLINE .2016

68. 2016 Chen JH,Chen CS,Huang MF,Lin HC. Estimating the Probability of Rare Events Occurring Using a Local Model Averaging . Risk Analysis .2016

69. 2016 Chen JH,Yen YC,Liu SH,Lee FP,Lin KC,Lai MT,Wu CC, Chen TM,Chang CL,Wu SY. Outcomes of induction chemotherapy for head and neck cancer patients:a combined study of two national cohorts in Taiwan. . Medicine .2016 ;(95):e2845

70. 2015 Chen JH,Yen YC,Liu SH,Lee FP,Lin KC,Lai MT,Wu CC, Chen TM,Yuan SP,Chang CL,Wu SY. Dementia risk in irradiated patients with head and neck cancer . Medicine .2015 ;(94):e1983

71. 2014 Lin YJ,Lan YC,Lai CH,Lin TH,Huang SM,Liao CC, Lin CW, Hung CH,Tien N,Liu X,Chien WK, Chen JH, Tasi FJ. Association of promoter Genetic Variants in Interleukin-10 and Kawasaki Disease with Coronary Artery Aneurysms . Journal of clinical laboratory analysis .2014

72. 2014 Hsieh YH,Tsai CA,Lin CY,Chen JH,King CC,Chao DY,Cheng KF. Asymptomatic ratio for seasonal H1N1 influenza infection among schoolchildren in Taiwan . BMC infectious diseases .2014

73. 2014 Lin YJ,Lan YC,Lai CH,Lin TH,Huang SM,Liao CC, Lin CW, Hung CH, Tien N, Liu X, Chien WK, Chen JH, Tasi FJ. Association of Promoter Genetic Variants in Interleukin-10 and Kawasaki Disease with Coronary Artery Aneurysms . J Clin Lab Anal .2014

74. 2014 Hsieh YT,Tsai CA,Lin CY,Chen JH,King CC,Chao DY, Cheng KF. Asymptomatic ratio for seasonal H1N1 influenza infection among schoolchildren in Taiwan . BMC INFECTIOUS DISEASES .2014 ;(14):80-80

75. 2014 Lu YY,Chen JH,Liang JA,Chu S,Lin WY,Kao CH. FDG PET or PET/CT for Detecting Extensive Disease in Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis . Nuclear Medicine Communications .2014 ;(35):697-703

76. 2013 Chien CR,Liang JA,Chen JH,Wang NH,Lin CC,Chen CY, Wang PH, Kao CH, Yeh JJ. [18F]Fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography screening for lung cancer: a systematic review and meta-and meta-analysis . Cancer Imaging .2013 ;(13):458-465

77. 2013 Lin YJ,Chang JS,Liu X,Lin TH,Huang SM,Liao CC, Lin CW, Chien WK, Chen JH, Wu JY, Chen CH, Chang LC , Tsang HY, Jeang KT, Chen CY, Tsai FJ. Sorting nexin 24 genetic variation associates with coronary artery aneurysm severity in Kawasaki disease patients . Cell&Bioscience .2013 ;(3):44-44

78. 2013 Chang MC,Chen JH,Liang JA,Yang KT,Cheng KY,Kao CH. Accuracy of whole-body FDG-PET and FDG-PET/CT in M staging of nasopharyngeal carcinoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis. . European Journal of Radiology .2013 ;(82):366-373

79. 2013 Chang MC,Chen JH,Liang JA,Huang WS,Cheng KY,Kao CH. PET or PET/CT for Detection of Peritoneal Carcinomatosis: A Meta-Analysis. . CLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE .2013 ;(38):623-629

80. 2013 Cheng KF,Chen JH. Detecting Rare Variants in Case-Parents Association Studies . PLOS ONE .2013 ;(8)

81. 2013 Lin YJ,Lan YC,Hung CH,Lin TH,Huang SM,Liao CC, Wen LC, Lai CH, Ni T, Liu X, Ho MW, Chien WK, Cheng JH. Variants in ZNRD1 Gene Predict HIV-1/AIDS Disease Progression in a Han Chinese Population in Taiwan. . PLoS One .2013 ;(8):1-8

82. 2013 Kuang-Fu Cheng,Jin-Hua Chen. Detecting rare variants in family-based association studies. . PLoS ONE .2013 ;(8):e74310

83. 2012 Lin CY ,Chen JH,Liang JA,Lin CC,Jeng LB,Kao CH. 18F-FDG PET or PET/CT for detecting extrahepatic metastases or recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis . European Journal of Radiology .2012 ;(81):3511-3517

84. 2012 Liao CY, Chen JH,LiangJA,YehJJ,Kao CH. Meta-analysis study of lymph node staging by18F-FDG PET/CT scan in non-small cell lung cancer:Comparison of TB and non-TB endemic regions . European Journal of Radiology. .2012 ;(81):3518-3523

85. 2012 Chang MC,Chen JH,Liang JA,Yang KT,Cheng KY,Kao CH. 18F-FDG PET or PET/CT for detection of metastatic lymph nodes in patients with endometrial cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis . European Journal of Radiology .2012 ;(81):2417-2422

86. 2011 Chen YK,Yeh CL,Tsui CC,Liang JA,Chen JH,Kao CH. 18F-FDG PET for Evaluation of Bone Marrow Involvement in Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma: A Meta-Analysis. . Clinical Nuclear Medicine .2011 ;(36):553-559

87. 2010 Chen JH,Cheng KF. A Robust TDT-Type Association Test under Informative Parental Missingness. . Statistics in Medicine .2010 ;(30):291-297

1. 2015 Hsieh RK,Lin YK,Chien WK,Chen JH,Cheng KF. Effective analysis of primary preventive anti-HBV medicine to prevent hepatitis reactivation in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy using national health insurance data base and cancer registry data. . .2015


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