陳顧中(Chen, Ku-Chung) 教授

現   職
生物化學暨細胞分子生物學科 教授


學 歷

中山大學生物醫學研究所 博士
高雄醫學大學生物化學研究所 碩士
中山醫學大學醫事技術系 學士











1. 2022 Ho KH,Chen PH,Shih CM,Lee YT,Cheng CH,Lee CC, Chen KC. miR-4286 is Involved in Connections Between IGF-1 and TGF-β Signaling for the Mesenchymal Transition and Invasion by Glioblastomas . Cell Mol Neurobiol . .2022 ;(42):791-806

2. 2022 Kuo-Hao Ho,Chwen-Ming Shih,Ann-Jeng Liu,Ku-Chung Chen. Hypoxia-inducible lncRNA MIR210HG interacting with OCT1 is involved in glioblastoma multiforme malignancy . cancer science .2022 ;(113):540-552

3. 2022 Yu-Yun Kuo,Kuo-Hao Ho ,Chwen-Ming Shih, Peng-Hsu Chen,Ann-Jeng Liu,Ku-Chung Chen. Piperlongumine-inhibited TRIM14 signaling sensitizes glioblastoma cells to temozolomide treatment . Life Sci . .2022 ;(309):121023-121033

4. 2021 Ho KH,Lee YT,Chen PH,Shih CM,Cheng CH,Chen KC. Guanabenz sensitizes glioblastoma cells to sunitinib by inhibiting GADD34 -mediated autophagic signaling . Neurotherapeutics .2021 ;(18):1371-1392

5. 2021 Kuo-Hao Ho,Tzu-Wen Huang,Chwen-Ming Shih,Yi-Ting Lee,Ann-Jeng Liu,Peng-Hsu Chen, Ku-Chung Chen#. Glycolysis-associated lncRNAs identify a subgroup of cancer patients with poor prognoses and a high-infiltration immune microenvironment. . BMC medicine. .2021 ;(19):59-76

6. 2021 Chin-Cheng Lee,Kuo-Hao Ho,Tzu-Wen Huang,Chwen-Ming Shih,Shao-Yuan Hsu,Ann-Jeng Liu5#, Ku-Chung Chen1,2#. A regulatory loop among CD276, miR-29c-3p, and Myc exists in cancer cells against natural killer cell cytotoxicity . LIFE SCIENCES .2021

7. 2021 Ho KH,Huang TW,Liu AJ,Shih CM,Chen KC. Cancer Essential Genes Stratified Lung Adenocarcinoma Patients with Distinct Survival Outcomes and Identified a Subgroup from the Terminal Respiratory Unit Type with Different Proliferative Signatures in Multiple Cohorts . Cancers (Basel) . .2021 ;(13):2128-2146

8. 2020 Kuo-Hao Ho,Peng-Hsu Chen,Chih-Ming Chou,Chwen-Ming Shih,Yi-Ting Lee,Chia-Hsiung Cheng, Ku-Chung Chen. A key role of DNA damage-inducible transcript 4 (DDIT4) connects autophagy and GLUT3-mediated stemness to desensitize temozolomide efficacy in glioblastomas . Neurotherapeutics .2020 ;(17):1212-1227

9. 2020 Ho KH,Kuo TC,Lee YT,Chen PH,Shih CM,Cheng CH, Liu AJ, Lee CC, Chen KC. Xanthohumol regulates miR-4749-5p-inhibited RFC2 signaling in enhancing temozolomide cytotoxicity to glioblastoma . Life Sci . .2020 ;(254):117807-117817

10. 2019 Chou PH,Liao WC,Tsai KW,Chen KC,Yu JS,Chen TW. TACCO, a Database Connecting Transcriptome Alterations, Pathway Alterations and Clinical Outcomes in Cancers. . Sci Rep .2019 ;(9):3877-3887

11. 2019 Fan JJ, Hsu WH, Hung HH, Zhang WJ, Lee YA,Chen KC, Chu CY, Ko TP, Lee MT, Lin CW, Cheng CH.. Reduction in MnSOD promotes the migration and invasion of squamous carcinoma cells . Int J Oncol. .2019 ;(54):1639-1650

12. 2019 Wong JH, Wang YS,Nam S,Ho KH, Chang CM,Chen KC, Chen YF, Chang WC. Phthalate plasticizer di(2-ethyl-hexyl) phthalate induces cyclooxygenase-2 expression in gastric adenocarcinoma cells. . Environ Toxicol. .2019 ;(34):1191-1198

13. 2019 Ho KH, Cheng CH, Chou CM, Chen PH, Liu AJ,Lin CW, Shih CM, Chen KC.. miR-140 targeting CTSB signaling suppresses the mesenchymal transition and enhances temozolomide cytotoxicity in glioblastoma multiforme. . Pharmacol Res. .2019 ;(147):140390-14402

14. 2019 Fan JJ,Hsu WH, Lee KH, Chen KC, Lin CW,Lee YA, Ko TP, Lee LT, Lee MT, Chang MS, Cheng CH. Dietary Flavonoids Luteolin and Quercetin Inhibit Migration and Invasion of Squamous Carcinoma through Reduction of Src/Stat3/S100A7 Signaling . Antioxidants (Basel). .2019 ;(8):E557-E573

15. 2019 Ku-Chung Chen,Peng-Hsu Chen,Kuo-Hao Ho,Chwen-Ming Shih,Chih-Ming Chou,Chia-Hsiung Cheng, Chin-Cheng Lee. IGF-1-enhanced miR-513a-5p signaling desensitizes glioma cells to temozolomide by targeting the NEDD4L-inhibited Wnt/β-catenin pathway . Plos one .2019 ;(14):e0225913-e0225923

16. 2018 Chen PC,Lee WY,Ling HH,Cheng CH,Chen KC,Lin CW. Activation of fibroblasts by nicotine promotes the epithelial-mesenchymal transition and motility of breast cancer cells . Journal of Cellular Physiology .2018 ;(233):4972-4980

17. 2018 Chen KC ,Hsu WH ,Ho JY,Lin CW,Chu CY,Kandaswami CC, Lee MT, Cheng CH. Flavonoids Luteolin and Quercetin Inhibit RPS19 and contributes to metastasis of cancer cells through c-Myc reduction . Journal of Food and Drug Analysis .2018 ;(26):1180-1190

18. 2018 Ho KH,Chang CK,Chen PH,Wang YJ,Chang WC,Chen KC. miR-4725-3p targeting Stim1 signaling is involved in xanthohumol inhibition of glioma cell invasion . J Neurochem. .2018 ;(146):269-288

19. 2018 Chen PH,Liu AJ,Ho KH,Chiu YT,Lin ZHA,Lee YT, Shih CM, Chen KC. microRNA-199a/b-5p enhance imatinib efficacy via repressing WNT2 signaling-mediated protective autophagy in imatinib-resistant chronic myeloid leukemia cells . Chemico-Biological Interactions .2018 ;(291):144-151

20. 2018 Kuo-Hao Ho,Chih-Ju Chang,Tzu-Wen Huang,Chwen-Ming Shih,Ann- Jeng Liu,Peng-Hsu Chen, Kur-Ta Cheng, Ku-Chung Chen. Gene landscape and correlation between B-cell infiltration and programmed death ligand 1 expression in lung adenocarcinoma patients from The Cancer Genome Atlas data set . Plos one .2018

21. 2017 Lee WY,Chen PC,Wu WS,Wu HC,Lan CH,Huang YH, Cheng CH, Chen KC, Lin CW. Panobinostat sensitizes KRAS-mutant non-small-cell lung cancer to gefitinib by targeting TAZ . Int J Cancer. .2017 ;(141):1921-1931

22. 2017 Lee WY,Kuo CC,Lin BX,Cheng CH,Chen KC,Lin CW. Podocalyxin-Like Protein 1 Regulates TAZ Signaling and Stemness Properties in Colon Cancer . Int J Mol Sci. .2017 ;(18):2047-2059

23. 2017 Wang TM,Chen KC,Hsu PY,Lin HF,Wang YS,Chen CY, Liao YC, Juo SH. microRNA let-7g suppresses PDGF-induced conversion of vascular smooth muscle cell into the synthetic phenotype . J Cell Mol Med. .2017 ;(21):3592-3601

24. 2017 Peng-Hsu Chen*,Wan-Lin Shen*,Chwen-Ming Shih,Kuo-Hao Ho,Chia-Hsiung Cheng,Cheng-Wei Lin, Chin-Cheng Lee, Ann-Jeng Liu, Ku-Chung Chen. The CHAC1-inhibited Notch3 pathway is involved in temozolomide-induced glioma cytotoxicity . Neuropharmacology .2017 ;(13):300-314

25. 2017 Lin TH,Hsu WH,Tsai PH,Huang YT,Lin CW,Chen KC, Tsai IH, Kandaswami CC, Huang CJ, Chang GD, Lee MT, Cheng CH. Dietary flavonoids, luteolin and quercetin, inhibit invasion of cervical cancer by reduction of UBE2S through epithelial-mesenchymal transition signaling . Food and Function .2017

26. 2017 Lin HC,Lin MH,Liao JH,Wu TH,Lee TH,Mi FL, Wu CH, Chen KC, Cheng CH, Lin CW. Antroquinonol, a Ubiquinone Derivative from the Mushroom Antrodia camphorata, Inhibits Colon Cancer Stem Cell-like Properties: Insights into the Molecular Mechanism and Inhibitory Targets . J Agric Food Chem .2017 ;(65):51-59

27. 2017 Kuo-Hao Ho,Peng-Hsu Chen,Edward Hsi,Chwen-Ming Shih,Wei-Chiao Chang,Chia-Hsiung Cheng, Cheng-Wei Lin, Ku-Chung Chen. Identification of IGF-1-enhanced cytokine expressions targeted by miR-181d in glioblastomas via an integrative miRNA/mRNA regulatory network analysis . Scientific Reports .2017 ;(7):732-739

28. 2017 Lee CC,Chen PH,Ho KH,Shih CM,Cheng CH,Lin CW, Cheng KT, Liu AJ, Chen KC. The microRNA-302b-inhibited insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 2 signaling pathway induces glioma cell apoptosis by targeting nuclear factor IA . PLoS One. .2017 ;(12):e01738-e01738

29. 2016 Peng-Hsu Chen,Cheng-Kuei Chang,Chwen-Ming Shih,Chia-Hsiung Cheng,Cheng-Wei Lin,Chin-Cheng Lee, Ann-Jeng Liu, Kuo-Hao Ho, Ku-Chung Chen. The miR-204-3p-targeted IGFBP2 pathway is involved in xanthohumol-induced glioma cell apoptotic death . Neuropharmacology .2016 ;(110):362-375

30. 2016 Tsung-Yao Lin,Ku-Chung Chen,Hsing-Jin Eugene Liu,Ann-Jeng Liu,Kun-Li Wang,Chwen-Ming Shih. MicroRNA-1301-Mediated RanGAP1 Downregulation Induces BCR-ABL Nuclear Entrapment to Enhance Imatinib Efficacy inChronic Myeloid Leukemia Cells . plos one .2016 ;(26):156260-156279

31. 2016 Peng-Hsu Chen,Chia-Hsiung Cheng,Chwen-Ming Shih,Kuo-Hao Ho,Cheng-Wei Lin,Chin-Cheng Lee, Ann-Jeng Liu, Cheng-Kuei Chang, Ku-Chung Chen. The inhibition of microRNA-128 on IGF-1-activating mTOR signaling involves in temozolomide-induced glioma cell apoptotic death . PLOS ONE .2016 ;(11):167096-167118

32. 2015 Cheng-Wei Lin,Gi-Ming Lai,Ku-Chung Chen,Tsung-Han Lin,Jhen-Jia Fan,Rhu-Long Hsua, Chih-Ming Chou, Chun-Mao Lin, Chithan C. Kandaswami, Ming-Ting Lee, Chia-Hsiung Che. RPS12 increases the invasiveness in cervical cancer activated by c-Myc and inhibited by the dietary flavonoids luteolin and quercetin . Journal of Functional Foods .2015 ;(19):236-247

33. 2015 Chen KC,Liao YC,Wang JY,Lin YC,Chen CH,Juo SH. Oxidized low-density lipoprotein is a common risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and gastroenterological cancers via epigenomical regulation of microRNA-210 . Oncotarget .2015 ;(6):24105-24108

34. 2015 Wen-Ying Lee,Wai-Theng Lee,Chia-Hsiung Cheng,Ku-Chung Chen,Chih-Ming Chou,Chu-Hung Chung, Min-Siou Sun, Hung-Wei Cheng, Meng-Ni Ho, Cheng-Wei Lin. Repositioning antipsychotic chlorpromazine for treating colorectal cancer by inhibiting sirtuin 1. . oncotarget .2015 ;(6):27580-27595

35. 2015 Tsung-Yao Lin,Chin-Cheng Lee,Ku-Chung Chen,Chien-Ju Lin,Chwen-Ming Shih. Inhibition of RNA transportation induces glioma cell apoptosis via downregulation of RanGAP1 expression. . Chem Biol Interact. .2015 ;(5):49-57

36. 2015 Chwen-Ming Shih,Tzong-Huei Lee,Chia-Hsiung Cheng,Ku-Chung Chen,Yen-Chou Chen,Cheng-Wei Lin. Antroquinonol from Antrodia Camphorata suppresses breast tumor migration/invasion through inhibiting ERK-AP-1- and AKT-NF-κB-dependent MMP-9 and epithelial-mesenchymal transition expressions . Food Chem Toxicol. .2015

37. 2014 Lin MH,Cheng CH,Chen KC,Lee WT,Wang YF,Xiao CQ, Lin CW. Induction of ROS-independent JNK-activation-mediated apoptosis by a novel coumarin-derivative, DMAC, in human colon cancer cells. . Chem Biol Interact .2014 ;(25):42-49

38. 2014 Chen YJ,Lin HC,Chen KC,Lin SR,Cheng TL,Chang LS. Taiwan cobra phospholipase A2 suppresses ERK-mediated ADAM17 maturation, thus reducing secreted TNF-α production in human leukemia U937 cells. . Toxicon .2014

39. 2014 Chen PH,Shih CM,Chang WC,Cheng CH,Lin CW,Ho KH, Su PC, Chen KC. MicroRNA-302b-inhibited E2F3 transcription factor is related to all trans retinoic acid-induced glioma cell apoptosis. . J Neurochem. .2014 ;(131):731-742

40. 2013 Liu ME,Liao YC,Lin RT,Wang YS,Hsi E,Lin HF, Chen KC, Juo SH.. A functional polymorphism of PON1 interferes with microRNA binding to increase the risk of ischemic stroke and carotid atherosclerosis . Atherosclerosis .2013

41. 2013 Hsi E,Chen KC,Chang WS,Yu ML,Liang CL,Juo SH. A functional polymorphism at the FGF10 gene is associated with extreme myopia . Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci .2013

42. 2013 Chou WW,,Chen KC,Wang YS,Wang JY,Liang CL,Juo SH.. The role of SIRT1/AKT/ERK pathway in ultraviolet B induced damage on human retinal pigment epithelial cells . Toxicol In Vitro .2013 ;(27):1728-1736

43. 2013 Liu AJ,Wang SH,Chen KC,Kuei HP,Shih YL,Chiu WT, Hsiao SH, Shih CM.. Evodiamine, a plant alkaloid, induces calcium/JNK-mediated autophagy and calcium/mitochondria-mediated apoptosis in human glioblastoma cells . Chem Biol Interact. .2013 ;(205):20-28

44. 2013 Lee WY,Chen YC,Shih CM,Lin CM,Cheng CH,Chen KC, Lin CW. The induction of heme oxygenase-1 suppresses heat shock protein 90 and the proliferation of human breast cancer cells through its byproduct carbon monoxide . Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. .2013 ;(274):55-62

45. 2013 Chang WP,,Chang WC,Wu MS,Pai JT,Guo YC,Chen KC, Liu ME, Chiu WT, Hung KS.. Population-based 5-year Follow-up Study in Taiwan of Osteoporosis and Risk of Periodontitis . J Periodontol. .2013

46. 2012 Huang CF,Huang JF,Yang JF,Hsieh MY,Lin ZY,Chen SC, Wang LY, Juo SH, Chen KC, Chuang WL, Kuo HT, Dai CY, Yu ML.. Interleukin-28B genetic variants in identification of hepatitis C virus genotype 1 patients responding to 24 weeks peginterferon/ribavirin. . J Hepatol. .2012 ;(56):34-40

47. 2012 Chou WW,Wang YS,Chen KC,Wu JM,Liang CL,Juo SH. Tannic acid suppresses ultraviolet B-induced inflammatory signaling and complement factor B on human retinal pigment epithelial cells. . Cell Immunol. .2012 ;(273):79-84

48. 2012 Chen KC,Juo SH. MicroRNAs in atherosclerosis . Kaohsiung J Med Sci. .2012

49. 2012 Wang YS,Wang HY,Liao YC,Tsai PC,Chen KC,Cheng HY, Lin RT, Juo SH.. MicroRNA-195 regulates vascular smooth muscle cell phenotype and prevents neointimal formation. . Cardiovasc Res .2012 ;(95):517-526

50. 2012 Yang IP,Tsai HL,Hou MF,Chen KC,Tsai PC,Huang SW, Chou WW, Wang JY, Juo SH.. MicroRNA-93 inhibits tumor growth and early relapse of human colorectal cancer by affecting genes involved in the cell cycle. . Carcinogenesis .2012 ;(33):1522-1530

51. 2012 Chen KC,Hsi E,Hu CY,Chou WW,Liang CL,Juo SH. MicroRNA-328 may influence myopia development by mediating the PAX6 gene. . Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. .2012 ;(53):2732-2739

52. 2012 Wang YS,Chou WW,Chen KC,Cheng HY,Lin RT,Juo SH. MicroRNA-152 mediates DNMT1-regulated DNA methylation in the estrogen receptor α gene. . PLoS One .2012 ;(7):e30635

53. 2012 Chen KC,Liao YC,Hsieh IC,Wang YS,Hu CY,Juo SH. OxLDL causes both epigenetic modification and signaling regulation on the microRNA-29b gene: novel mechanisms for cardiovascular diseases. . J Mol Cell Cardiol. .2012 ;(52):587-595

54. 2011 Chen KC,Hsieh IC,Hsi E,Wang YS,Dai CY,Chou WW, Juo SH.. Negative feedback regulation between microRNA let-7g and the oxLDL receptor LOX-1. . J Cell Sci .2011 ;(124):4115-4124

55. 2011 Hou MF,Kuo HC,Li JH,Wang YS,Chang CC,Chen KC, Chen WC, Chiu CC, Yang S, Chang WC. Orai1/CRACM1 overexpression suppresses cell proliferation via attenuation of the store-operated calcium influx-mediated signalling pathway in A549 lung cancer cells. . Biochim Biophys Acta. .2011 ;(1810):1278-1284

56. 2011 Liao YC,Wang YS,Guo YC,Ozaki K,Tanaka T,Lin HF, Chang MH, Chen KC, Yu ML, Sheu SH, Juo SH.. BRAP Activates Inflammatory Cascades and Increases the Risk for Carotid Atherosclerosis. . Mol Med. .2011 ;(17):1065-1074

57. 2011 Liang CL,Hsi E,Chen KC,Pan YR,Wang YS,Juo SH. A functional polymorphism at 3'UTR of the PAX6 gene may confer risk for extreme myopia in the Chinese. . Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci .2011 ;(52):3500-3505

58. 2011 Chen KC,Wang YS,Hu CY,Chang WC,Liao YC,Dai CY, Juo SH.. OxLDL up-regulates microRNA-29b, leading to epigenetic modifications of MMP-2/MMP-9 genes: a novel mechanism for cardiovascular diseases. . FASEB J. .2011 ;(25):1718-1728

59. 2010 Chou WM,Liu WH,Chen KC,Chang LS. Structure-function studies on inhibitory activity of Bungarus multicinctus protease inhibitor-like protein on matrix metalloprotease-2, and invasion and migration of human neuroblastoma SK-N-SH cells. . Toxicon .2010 ;(55):353-360

60. 2010 Chen KC,Liu WH,Kao PH,Chang LS. Calcium-stimulated mitogen-activated protein kinase activation elicits Bcl-xL downregulation and Bak upregulation in notexin-treated human neuroblastoma SK-N-SH cells . J Cell Physiol .2010 ;(222):177-186

61. 2010 Chen KC,Liu WH,Chang LS. Suppression of ERK signaling evokes autocrine Fas-mediated death in arachidonic acid-treated human chronic myeloid leukemia K562 cells. . J Cell Physiol. .2010 ;(222):625-634

62. 2010 Chen KC,Liu WH,Chang LS. Taiwan cobra phospholipase A2-elicited JNK activation is responsible for autocrine fas-mediated cell death and modulating Bcl-2 and Bax protein expression in human leukemia K562 cells . J Cell Biochem .2010 ;(109):245-254

63. 2010 Chen KC,Chang LS. Notexin upregulates Fas and FasL protein expression of human neuroblastoma SK-N-SH cells through p38 MAPK/ATF-2 and JNK/c-Jun pathways. . Toxicon .2010 ;(55):754-761

64. 2010 Chen KC,Liu WH,Chiou YL,Lin SR,Chang LS. Taiwan cobra phospholipase A2 elicits posttranscriptional up-regulation of ADAM17 in human neuroblastoma SK-N-SH cells. . J Cell Biochem .2010 ;(111):148-157

65. 2009 Chen KC,Kao PH,Lin SR,Chang LS. Upregulation of Fas and FasL in Taiwan cobra phospholipase A2-treated human neuroblastoma SK-N-SH cells through ROS- and Ca2+-mediated p38 MAPK activation . J Cell Biochem .2009 ;(106):93-102

66. 2009 Chen KC,Wang LK,Chang LS. Regulatory elements and functional implication for the formation of dimeric visinin-like protein-1 . J Pept Sci .2009 ;(15):89-94

67. 2009 Lee L,Chen KC,Chang LS. Functional roles of EF-hands in human potassium channel-interacting protein 2.2. . Protein Pept Lett .2009 ;(16):1081-1087

68. 2009 Chen KC,Chang LS. Arachidonic acid-induced apoptosis of human neuroblastoma SK-N-SH cells is mediated through mitochondrial alteration elicited by ROS and Ca(2+)-evoked activation of p38alpha MAPK and JNK1. . Toxicology .2009 ;(262):199-206

69. 2009 Liao YS,Chen KC,Chang LS. Functional role of EF-hands 3 and 4 in membrane-binding of KChIP1. . J Biosci .2009 ;(34):203-211

70. 2009 Chen KC,Chiou YL,Chang LS. JNK1/c-Jun and p38 alpha MAPK/ATF-2 pathways are responsible for upregulation of Fas/FasL in human chronic myeloid leukemia K562 cells upon exposure to Taiwan cobra phospholipase A2. . J Cell Biochem .2009 ;(108):612-620

71. 2008 Kao PH,Chen KC,Lin SR,Chang LS. The structural and functional contribution of N-terminal region and His-47 on Taiwan cobra phospholipase A2 . J Pept Sci. .2008 ;(14):342-348

72. 2008 Chen KC,Chiou YL,Kao PH,Lin SR,Chang LS. Taiwan cobra cardiotoxins induce apoptotic death of human neuroblastoma SK-N-SH cells mediated by reactive oxygen species generation and mitochondrial depolarization . Toxicon .2008 ;(51):624-634

73. 2008 Chen KC,Kao PH,Lin SR,Chang LS. p38 MAPK activation and mitochondrial depolarization mediate the cytotoxicity of Taiwan cobra phospholipase A2 on human neuroblastoma SK-N-SH cells . Toxicol Lett. .2008 ;(180):53-58

74. 2008 Chen KC,Lin SR,Chang LS. Involvement of mitochondrial alteration and reactive oxygen species generation in Taiwan cobra cardiotoxin-induced apoptotic death of human neuroblastoma SK-N-SH cells . Toxicon .2008 ;(52):361-368

75. 2007 Chen KC,Kao PH,Lin SR,Chang LS. The mechanism of cytotoxicity by Naja naja atra cardiotoxin 3 is physically distant from its membrane-damaging effect . Toxicon .2007 ;(50):816-824

76. 2006 Cheng YC,Chen KC,Lin SK,Chang LS. Divergence of genes encoding B chains of beta-bungarotoxins . Toxicon .2006 ;(47):322-329

77. 2006 Chang LS,Chen KC,Lin SR,Huang HB. Purification and characterization of Ophiophagus hannah cytotoxin-like proteins . Toxicon .2006 ;(48):429-436

78. 2003 Chang LS,Lin R,Chen KC,Chang CC. Enrichment of the antibodies against the C-terminus of Taiwan cobra cobrotoxin using dimeric glutaraldehyde-modified toxin as an immunogen . Toxicon .2003 ;(41):181-186

79. 1999 Chang LS,Chen KC,Wu BN,Lin SK,Wu PF,Hong YR, Yang CC. Expression and mutagenesis studies of cobrotoxin from Taiwan cobra . Biochem Biophys Res Commun. .1999 ;(263):652-656


113 探討 lncRNA KDM7A-DT 在缺氧誘導腦瘤惡性進程及腫瘤微環境 M2-like巨噬細胞極化作用之機制

111 建立基因、表觀遺傳及代謝產物圖譜來了解缺氧結合低糖環境所調控腦瘤組織進入休止及維持幹細胞特性之分子機轉及相關治療藥物

110 探討piperlongumine 透過抑制 TRIM14訊息途徑來促進腦瘤及癌幹細胞凋亡之分子機轉

110 探討缺氧誘導之 lncRNA MIR210HG 在腦瘤惡性進程及促進 temozolomide 藥物抗藥性機轉中角色,並評估其作為腦瘤治療標的之可行性

109 探討TAGLN2 調控之 EMT 途徑參與 Parthenolide 誘導腦瘤幹細胞凋亡機制

109 探討 ABCC3 調控基因/lncRNA 網絡,進而評估其抑制藥物 Fidaxomicin 作為增強 temozolomide 對腦瘤毒殺能力佐劑之可行性

108 探討 microRNA sponge-like long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) 在腦瘤進程及temozolomide 抗藥性機轉發生時所扮演的角色(3/3)

107 探討 microRNA sponge-like long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) 在腦瘤進程及temozolomide 抗藥性機轉發生時所扮演的角色(2/3)

106 探討 microRNA sponge-like long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) 在腦瘤進程及temozolomide 抗藥性機轉發生時所扮演的角色(1/3)

106 醫學科學研究所博士生何國澔君擬於107年7月1日至7月6日赴日本京都參加國際基礎和臨床藥理學研討會

106 探討與慢性骨髓性白血病細胞產生 imatinib 抗藥性相關之 lncRNA MALAT1 調控 miR-509-3-5p 表現與基因網絡之機制

105 探討受甲基化調控 MicroRNA-4792參與 Temozolomide腦瘤抗藥性形成之分子機轉

105 探討 Temozolomide 誘發腦瘤細胞毒殺及抗藥性機轉時受 DNA 甲基化影響之 microRNA 調控基因網絡

104 探討腦瘤細胞核內之 microRNA 種類及其對腦瘤致病機轉之影響

103 黃腐醇調控之 microRNA 基因網絡對腦瘤生成之探討

103 探討腦瘤細胞分泌之 microRNA 種類及其對腫瘤血管新生機制之影響

102 Temozolomide 透過表觀遺傳調控影響 CHAC1 基因表現對腦瘤生成之探討

102 TEMOZOLOMIDE 透過表觀遺傳調控影響 CHAC1 基因表現對腦瘤生成之探討

102 利用高通量定序法探討 temozolomide 影響多型性神經膠母細胞腫瘤生成之基因及 microRNA 訊息傳遞網絡

102 利用高通量定序法探討 TEMOZOLOMIDE 影響多型性神經膠母細胞腫瘤生成之基因及 MICRORNA 訊息傳遞網絡

101 探討 MicroRNA-128 影響多型性神經膠母細胞瘤生成之訊息傳遞網絡

101 TMU101-AE1-B23