曾美智(Tseng, Mei-Chih) 教授

現   職
精神學科 教授


學 歷

國立臺灣大學公共衛生學院職業醫學與工業衛生研究所 博士
國立臺灣大學公共衛生學院預防醫學研究所 碩士
臺北醫學大學醫學系 學士











1. 2023 Lin CY,Chiang CH,Tseng MC,Tam KW,Loh EW. Effects of quetiapine on sleep: A systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials . European Neuropsychopharmacology .2023 ;(67):22-36

2. 2023 MC,LN,CY,CM,HY. Risk of dialysis and renal diseases in patients with anorexia nervosa in Taiwan . International Journal of Eating Disorders .2023 ;(56):991-1000

3. 2023 MC,LN,CY,HY. Mortality in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa: A population-based cohort study in Taiwan, 2002–2017 . International Journal of Eating Disorders .2023 ;(56):1135-1144

4. 2023 CY,SS,Matthew ,CH,MC. Cause-specific mortality after discharge from inpatient psychiatric care in Taiwan: a national matched cohort study . Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience .2023 ;(77):290-296

5. 2023 CY,MC. Studies on eating disorders in Taiwan: Measurements, epidemiology, comorbidities, and healthcare use . Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry .2023 ;(37):14-20

6. 2023 JC,MC,CH. Association of suicide with psychiatric hospitalization in Taiwan . Asia-Pacific Psychiatry .2023 ;(15)

7. 2023 Austin A,De Silva U,Ilesanmi C,Likitabhorn T,Miller I,Fialho MLS, Austin SB, Caldwell B, Chew CSE, Chua SN, Dooley-Hash S, Downs J, Hadati CEK, Herpertz-Dahlmann B, Lampert J, Latzer Y, Machado PPP, Maguire S, Malik M, Moser CM, Myers E, Pastor IR, Russell J, Smolar L, Steiger H, Tan E, Vacuán E T-C, Tseng MC, Furth EFV, Wildes JE, Peat C, Richmond TK. International consensus on patient-centered outcomes in eating disorders . Lancet Psychiatry .2023

8. 2023 Yan HY,Lin FG,Tseng MCM,Fang YL,Lin HR. The Psychometric Properties of Binge Eating Scale Among Overweight College Students in Taiwan . Journal of Eating Disorders .2023 ;(11)

9. 2023 Yan HY,Liu CY,Tseng MCM,Lee TY,Mu PF,Lin HR. Severity of binge eating behavior among overweight college students in Taiwan and associated factors . Healthcare .2023

10. 2022 MC. Suicide and psychiatric hospitalization in Taiwan . Journal of Suicidology 2022 .2022 ;(17):337-341

11. 2021 Tseng MC,Tu CY,Chang YT. Healthcare use and costs of adults with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa in Taiwan . International Journal of Eating Disorders .2021 ;(54):69-80

12. 2021 Tu CY,Tseng MC,Chang YT. Paths to the first-time diagnoses of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa in Taiwan . International Journal of Eating Disorders .2021 ;(54):59-68

13. 2021 Chang JC,Huang WL,Liu CY ,Tseng MC,Yang CH,Kuo BJ. Heart Rate Variability Reactivity to Food Image Stimuli is Associated with Body Mass Index . Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback .2021 ;(46):271-277

14. 2020 Tseng MC,Chang CH,Liao SC,Yeh YC. Length of stay in relation to the risk of inpatient and post-discharge suicides: a national health insurance claim data study . Journal of Affective Disorders .2020 ;(226):528-533

15. 2020 Tseng MC,Tu CY,Hsieh SF,Chang CH. Rates and trends in healthcare-detected incidence of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa: a national health insurance claim data study in Taiwan, 2002–2013 . International Journal of Eating Disorders .2020 ;(53):331-338

16. 2019 Tseng MC,Chang CH,Liao SC,Yeh YC. Rates and trends of psychiatric inpatient and postdischarge suicide in Taiwan, 2002-2013: a national register-based study . Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology .2019 ;(54):591-598

17. 2019 Tu CY,Tseng MC,Chang CH. Night eating syndrome in patients with eating disorders: is night eating syndrome distinct from bulimia nervosa? . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2019 ;(118):1038-1046

18. 2017 Tu CY,Tseng MC,Chang CH,Lin CC. Comparative validity of the Internet and paper-and-pencil versions of the Night Eating Questionnaire . Comprehensive Psychiatry .2017 ;(75):53-61

19. 2017 Huang MC,Chuang SC,Tseng MC,Chien YL,Liao SC,Chen HC, Kuo PH. Cortisol awakening response in patients with bipolar disorder during acute episodes and partial remission: A pilot study . Psychiatry Research .2017 ;(258):594-597

20. 2017 Tseng MC,Chang CH,Liao SC,Chen HC. Comparison of associated features and drug treatment between co-occurring unipolar and bipolar disorders in depressed eating disorder patients . BMC Psychiatry .2017 ;(17)

21. 2017 Chiu CD,Tseng MC,Chien YL,Liao SC,Liu CM,Yeh YY, Hwu HG, Ross C.A.. Dissociative disorders in acute psychiatric inpatients in Taiwan . Psychiatry Research .2017 ;(250):285-290

1. 2019 Tseng MC,Hsieh SF. Characteristics of health service utilization in healthcare detected anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa . Poster presentation (P7-084) at the 2019 Annual Meeting of American Psychiatric Association .2019

2. 2019 Tseng MC,Chang CH,Yeh YC. Time trends in incidence rates of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa: a national register-based study in Taiwan, 2002-2013 . Poster presentation (T-89) at the 2019 International Conference on Eating Disorders .2019

3. 2018 Tu CY,Tseng MC. Eating disorders in Taiwan: a research perspective . Presented in the symposium S02: Practice and research in psychosomatic medicine: An update at the 57th Annual meeting .2018

4. 2018 Tseng MC,Chang CH,Liao SC. Predictors of inpatient and post-discharge suicides in psychiatric inpatients: a national register-based study in Taiwan 2002-2012 . Poster presentation (P5-197) at the 2018 Annual Meeting of American Psychiatric Association .2018

5. 2017 Tseng MC,Chang CH. Heterogeneity among patients with eating disorders during major depressive episodes (S07-2) . Presented in the symposium S07: Eating and psychiatric morbidity: from basic to clinical aspects of care at the 5th Asia-Pacific Society of Alcohol and Addiction Research & 2017 Taiwan Society of Addiction Society .2017

1. 2019 Tu CY,Tseng MC. Overview: Feeding and Eating Disorders (Full Text in Chinese) . Seminars on Cases of Mental Disorders: Based on ICD-11 and DSM-5 (Chapter X Feeding and Eating Disorders) .2019

2. 2019 Tu CY,Tseng MC. 10.1 Anorexia Nervosa, Restrictive Type: Sadness of a Skinny Girl (Full Text in Chinese) . Seminars on Cases of Mental Disorders: Based on ICD-11 and DSM-5 (Chapter X Feeding and Eating Disorders) .2019

3. 2019 Tu CY,Tseng MC. 10.3 Bulimia Nervosa: Swing between Satiety and Vomiting . Seminars on Cases of Mental Disorders: Based on ICD-11 and DSM-5 (Chapter X Feeding and Eating Disorders) .2019


112 厭食症和暴食症的腎臟病和心血管疾病的長期風險

111 新聘教師研究補助

110 飲食障礙症的死亡率和相關因子