王智揚(Wang, Chih-Yang) 副教授

現   職
癌症生物學與藥物研發博士學位學程 副教授


學 歷

國立成功大學基礎醫學研究所 博士
國立陽明大學傳統醫藥研究所 碩士
中國醫藥大學中國醫藥暨中藥資源學系 學士








Biological Biochemistry and Molecular Biology



1. 2023 Li CY, Anuraga G,Chang CP,Weng TY,Hsu HP,Ta HDK, Su PF, Chiu PH, Yang SJ, Chen FW, Ye PH, Wang CY, Lai MD.. Repurposing nitric oxide donating drugs in cancer therapy through immune modulation . Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research .2023

2. 2023 Wang CC,Shen WJ,Anuraga G,Hsieh YH,Khoa Ta HD,Xuan DTM, Shen CF, Wang CY, Wang WJ.. Penetrating Exploration of Prognostic Correlations of the FKBP Gene Family with Lung Adenocarcinoma . Journal of Personalized Medicine .2023

3. 2023 Ye PH,Li CY,Cheng HY,Anuraga G,Wang CY, Chen FW, Yang SJ, Lee KT, Chang KY, Lai MD.. A novel combination therapy of arginine deiminase and an arginase inhibitor targeting arginine metabolism in the tumor and immune microenvironment. . American Journal of Cancer Research .2023

4. 2023 Dang HH,Ta HDK,Nguyen TTT,Wang CY,Lee KH,Le NQK. Identification of a Novel Eight-Gene Risk Model for Predicting Survival in Glioblastoma: A Comprehensive Bioinformatic Analysis. . Cancers .2023

5. 2023 Tram VTN,Khoa Ta HD,Anuraga G,Dung PVT,Xuan DTM,Dey S, Wang CY, Liu YN. Dysbindin Domain-Containing 1 in Prostate Cancer: New Insights into Bioinformatic Validation of Molecular and Immunological Features . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2023

6. 2023 Raza A,Yen MC,Anuraga G,Shahzadi I,Mazhar MW,Ta HDK, Xuan DTM, Dey S, Kumar S, Santoso AW, Wang CY. Comparative Analysis of the GNAI Family Genes in Glioblastoma through Transcriptomics and Single-Cell Technologies . Cancers .2023

7. 2023 Wang CY,Xuan DTM,Ye PH,Li CY,Anuraga G,Ta HDK, Lai MD, Hsu HP. Synergistic suppressive effects on triple-negative breast cancer by the combination of JTC-801 and sodium oxamate . American Journal of Cancer Research .2023

8. 2023 Anuraga G,Lang J,Xuan DTM,Ta HDK,Jiang JZ,Sun Z, Dey S, Kumar S, Singh A, Kajla G, Wang WJ, Wang CY.. Integrated bioinformatics approaches to investigate alterations in transcriptomic profiles of monkeypox infected human cell line model . Journal of Infection and Public Health .2023

9. 2023 Wu PS ,Wang CY,Hsu HJ,Yen JH,Wu MJ. 8-Hydroxydaidzein Induces Apoptosis and Inhibits AML-Associated Gene Expression in U-937 Cells: Potential Phytochemical for AML Treatment . Biomolecules .2023

10. 2023 Chen HK ,Chen YL,Wang CY,Chung WP,Fang JH,Lai MD, Hsu HP . ABCB1 Regulates Immune Genes in Breast Cancer . Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy .2023

11. 2022 Wu AC,Yang WB,Chang KY,Lee JS,Liou JP,Su RY, Cheng SM, Hwang DY, Kikkawa U, Hsu TI, Wang CY, Chang WC, Chen PY, Chuang JY.. HDAC6 involves in regulating the lncRNA-microRNA-mRNA network to promote the proliferation of glioblastoma cells. . Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research .2022

12. 2022 Tsai YT,Li CY,Huang YH,Chang TS,Lin CY, Chuang CH, Wang CY, Anuraga G, Chang TH, Shih TC, Lin ZY, Chen YL, Chung I, Lee KH, Chang CC, Sung SY, Yang KH, Tsui WL, Yap CV, Wu MH.. Galectin-1 orchestrates an inflammatory tumor-stroma crosstalk in hepatoma by enhancing TNFR1 protein stability and signaling in carcinoma-associated fibroblasts. . Oncogene .2022

13. 2022 Chen YL,Lee KT,Wang CY,Shen CH,Chen SC,Chung WP, Hsu YT, Kuo YL, Chen PS, Cheung CHA, Chang CP, Shen MR, Hsu HP.. Low expression of cytosolic NOTCH1 predicts poor prognosis of breast cancer patients. . American Journal of Cancer Research .2022

14. 2022 Chen PY,Wang CY,Tsao EC,Chen YT,Wu MJ,Ho CT, Yen JH.. 5-Demethylnobiletin Inhibits Cell Proliferation, Downregulates ID1 Expression, Modulates the NF-κB/TNF-α Pathway and Exerts Antileukemic Effects in AML Cells. . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2022

15. 2022 Dang HH,Ta HDK,Nguyen TTT,Anuraga G,Wang CY,Lee KH, Le NQK.. Prospective role and immunotherapeutic targets of sideroflexin protein family in lung adenocarcinoma: evidence from bioinformatics validation. . Functional & Integrative Genomics .2022

16. 2022 Lesmana MHS, Le NQK,Chiu WC,Chung KH,Wang CY,,Irham LM, Chung MH.. Genomic-Analysis-Oriented Drug Repurposing in the Search for Novel Antidepressants. . Biomedicines .2022

17. 2022 Xuan DTM,Yeh IJ,Wu CC,Su CY,Liu HL, Chiao CC, Ku SC, Jiang JZ, Sun Z, Ta HDK, Anuraga G, Wang CY, Yen MC.. Comparison of Transcriptomic Signatures between Monkeypox-Infected Monkey and Human Cell Lines. . Journal of Immunology Research .2022

18. 2022 Ku SC,Liu HL,Su CY,Yeh IJ,Yen MC,Anuraga G, Ta HDK, Chiao CC, Xuan DTM, Prayugo FB, Wang WJ, Wang CY.. Comprehensive analysis of prognostic significance of cadherin (CDH) gene family in breast cancer. . Aging .2022

19. 2022 Wang CC,Lin WH,Ku SC,Shen WJ,Ta HDK,Anuraga G, Liu FW, Shen CF, Wang SH, Yang CC, Wang CY, Wang WJ.. Circadian rhythm-related factors of PER and CRY family genes function as novel therapeutic targets and prognostic biomarkers in lung adenocarcinoma . Aging .2022

20. 2022 Wang CC,Shen WJ,Anuraga G,Khoa HD,Xuan DTM, Chen ST, Shen CF, Jiang JZ, Sun Z, Wang CY, Wang WJ. Novel Potential Therapeutic Targets of PTPN Families for Lung Cancer . Journal of Personalized Medicine .2022

21. 2022 Xuan DTM,Wu CC,Wang WJ,Hsu HP, Ta HDK,Anuraga G, Chiao CC, Wang CY. Glutamine synthetase regulates the immune microenvironment and cancer development through the inflammatory pathway . International Journal of Medical Sciences .2022

22. 2022 Xuan DTM, Yeh IJ,Su CY,Liu HL,Ta HDK,Anuraga G, Chiao CC,Wang CY, Yen MC. Prognostic and Immune Infiltration Value of Proteasome Assembly Chaperone (PSMG) Family Genes in Lung Adenocarcinoma . International Journal of Medical Sciences .2022

23. 2021 Wu YH,Yeh IJ,Phan NN,Yen MC,Liu HL,Wang CY, Hsu HP. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV)-2 infection induces dysregulation of immunity: in silico gene expression analysis . International Journal of Medical Sciences .2021

24. 2021 Kao TJ ,Wu CC,Phan NN, Liu YH, Ta HDK, Anuraga G, Wu YF, Lee KH , Chuang JY, Wang CY. Prognoses and genomic analyses of PSMC family genes in clinical breast cancer . Aging .2021

25. 2021 Cheng LC,Kao TJ,Phan NN,Chiao CC,Yen MC,Chen CF, Hung JH, Jiang JZ, Sun Z, Wang CY, Hsu HP. Novel signaling pathways regulate SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 infectious disease . Medicine (Baltimore) .2021

26. 2021 Tsai WL,Chang CJ,Wang CY,Hsu TI,Chang MY,Wu YH, Chang PS, Lin KL, Chuang JY, Kania A, Kao TJ.. Paxillin Is Required for Proper Spinal Motor Axon Growth into the Limb . Journal of Neuroscience .2021

27. 2021 Khoa Ta HD,Tang WC,Phan NN,Anuraga G,Hou SY,Chiao CC, Liu YH, Wu YF, Lee KH, Wang CY. Analysis of LAGEs Family Gene Signature and Prognostic Relevance in Breast Cancer . Diagnostics (Basel) .2021

28. 2021 Anuraga G,Tang WC,Phan NN,Ta HDK,Liu YH,Wu YF, Lee KH, Wang CY. Comprehensive Analysis of Prognostic and Genetic Signatures for General Transcription Factor III (GTF3) in Clinical Colorectal Cancer Patients Using Bioinformatics Approaches . Current Issues in Molecular Biology .2021

29. 2021 Wu YH,Yeh IJ,Phan NN,Yen MC,Hung JH,Chiao CC, Chen CF, Sun Z, Hsu HP, Wang CY, Lai MD.. Gene signatures and potential therapeutic targets of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV)-infected human lung adenocarcinoma epithelial cells . Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection .2021

30. 2021 Choy TK,Wang CY,Phan NN,Khoa Ta HD,Anuraga G,Liu YH, Wu YF, Lee KH, Chuang JY, Kao TJ. Identification of Dipeptidyl Peptidase (DPP) Family Genes in Clinical Breast Cancer Patients via an Integrated Bioinformatics Approach. . Diagnostics (Basel) .2021

31. 2021 Tsou YS,Wang CY,Chang MY,Hsu TI,Wu MT,Wu YH, Tsai WL, Chuang JY, Kao TJ. Vav2 is required for Netrin-1 receptor-class-specific spinal motor axon guidance. . Developmental Dynamics .2021

32. 2021 Dang HH,Ta HDK,Nguyen TTT,Anuraga G,Wang CY, Lee KH, Le NQK.. Identifying GPSM Family Members as Potential Biomarkers in Breast Cancer: A Comprehensive Bioinformatics Analysis. . Biomedicines .2021

33. 2021 Chen PY,Chao TY,Hsu HJ,Wang CY,Lin CY,Gao WY, Wu MJ, Yen JH. The Lipid-Modulating Effect of Tangeretin on the Inhibition of Angiopoietin-like 3 (ANGPTL3) Gene Expression through Regulation of LXRα Activation in Hepatic Cells . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2021

34. 2021 Ta HDK,Wang WJ,Phan NN,An Ton NT,Anuraga G, Ku SC, Wu YF, Wang CY, Lee KH. Potential Therapeutic and Prognostic Values of LSM Family Genes in Breast Cancer. . Cancers (Basel) .2021

35. 2021 Chen YL,Wang CY,Fang JH,Hsu HP. Serine/threonine-protein kinase 24 is an inhibitor of gastric cancer metastasis through suppressing CDH1 gene and enhancing stemness . American Journal of Cancer Research .2021

36. 2021 Wu YF,Wang CY,Tang WC,Lee YC,Ta HDK,Lin LC, Pan SR, Ni YC, Anuraga G, Lee KH. Expression Profile and Prognostic Value of Wnt Signaling Pathway Molecules in Colorectal Cancer . Biomedicines .2021

37. 2021 Tsai WL,Wang CY,Lee YC,Tang WC,Anuraga G,Ta HDK, Wu YF, Lee KH. A New Light on Potential Therapeutic Targets for Colorectal Cancer Treatment. . Biomedicines .2021

38. 2021 Prayugo FB,Kao TJ,Anuraga G,Ta HDK,Chuang JY,Lin LC, Wu YF, Wang CY, Lee KH. Expression Profiles and Prognostic Value of FABPs in Colorectal Adenocarcinomas. . Biomedicines .2021

39. 2021 Kao TJ,Wang CY,Hsu TI,Wu YH,Chuang JY, Huang CC, Hsieh CT. TDP-43 is essential for Eph receptor-class-specific spinal motor axon trajectory into the limb. . Neuroscience Research .2021

40. 2021 Ta HDK,Xuan DTM,Tang WC, Anuraga G,Ni Yi-Chun,Pan SR, Wu YF, Fitriani F, E Hermanto, Muhammad A, Vivin A, Wang CY and Lee KH. Novel insights into the prognosis and immunological value of the SLC35A (Solute Carrier 35A) Family Genes in human Breast Cancer . Biomedicines .2021

41. 2021 Xuan DTM,Wu CC ,Kao TJ ,Ta HDK, Anuraga G,Vivin A, Muhammad A, Chiao CC, Wu YF, Lee KH Wang CY and Chuang JY. Prognostic and immune infiltration signatures of proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase (PSMD) family genes in breast cancer patients . Aging .2021

42. 2021 Anuraga G,Wang WJ,Phan NN,An T,Ta HDK,Berenice F, Minh DT, Lee, KH, Wang CY. Potential Prognostic Biomarkers of NIMA (Never in Mitosis, Gene A)-Related Kinase (NEK) Family Members in Breast Cancer . Journal of Personalized Medicine .2021

43. 2021 Chou CW,Hsieh YH,Ku SC,Shen WJ,Anuraga G,Khoa Ta HD, Lee KH, Lee YC, Lin CH, Wang CY, Wang WJ.. Potential Prognostic Biomarkers of OSBPL Family Genes in Patients with Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. . Biomedicines .2021

44. 2021 Chiao CC,Liu YH,Phan NN,An Ton,Ta HDK,Anuraga G, Minh DT, Fitriani F, Putri H, Athoillah M, Andriani V, Ajiningrum PS, Wu YF, Lee KH, Chuang JY, Wang CY, Kao TJ. Prognostic and Genomic Analysis of Proteasome 20S Subunit Alpha (PSMA) Family Members in Breast Cancer . Diagnostics .2021

45. 2021 Wu PS,Wang CY,Chen PS,Hung JH,Yen JH,Wu MJ. 8-Hydroxydaidzein Downregulates JAK/STAT, MMP, Oxidative Phosphorylation, and PI3K/AKT Pathways in K562 Cells . Biomedicines .2021

46. 2020 Hsu HP,Wang CY,Hsieh PY,Fang JH,Chen YL. Knockdown of serine/threonine-protein kinase 24 promotes tumorigenesis and myeloid-derived suppressor cell expansion in an orthotopic immunocompetent gastric cancer animal model . Journal of Cancer .2020

47. 2020 Chih-Yang Wang,Chung-Chieh Chiao, Nam Nhut Phan,Chung-Yen Li,Zheng-Da Sun,Jia-Zhen Jiang, Jui-Hsiang Hung, Yi-Ling Chen, Meng-Chi Yen, Tzu-Yang Weng, Wei-Ching Chen, Hui-Ping Hsu, Ming-Derg Lai. Gene signatures and potential therapeutic targets of amino acid metabolism in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer . American Journal of Cancer Research .2020

48. 2020 Phan NN,Liu S,Wang CY,Hsu HP,Lai MD,Li CY,Chen CF, Chiao CC, Yen MC, Sun Z, Jiang JZ.. Overexpressed gene signature of EPH receptor A/B family in cancer patients-comprehensive analyses from the public high-throughput database. . International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology .2020

49. 2020 Hagerling C,Owyong M,Sitarama V,Wang CY,Lin C,van den Bijgaart RJE, Koopman CD, Brenot A, Nanjaraj A, Wärnberg F, Jirström K, Klein OD, Werb Z, Plaks V.. LGR5 in breast cancer and ductal carcinoma in situ: a diagnostic and prognostic biomarker and a therapeutic target. . BMC Cancer .2020

50. 2020 Gene signatures of SARS-CoV/SARS-CoV-2-infected ferret lungs in short- and long-term models. . Infection, Genetics and Evolution .2020

51. 2020 Liu HL,Yeh IJ,Phan NN,Wu YH,Yen MC,Hung JH, Chiao CC, Chen CF, Sun Z, Jiang JZ, Hsu HP, Wang CY, Lai MD.. Gene signatures of SARS-CoV/SARS-CoV-2-infected ferret lungs in short- and long-term models. . Infection, Genetics and Evolution .2020

52. 2020 Lin YY,Wang CY,Phan NN,Chiao CC,Li CY,Sun Z, Hung JH, Chen YL, Yen MC, Weng TY, Hsu HP, Lai MD.. PODXL2 maintains cellular stemness and promotes breast cancer development through the Rac1/Akt pathway. . International Journal of Medical Sciences .2020

53. 2020 Cheng LC,Chao YJ,Wang CY,Phan NN,Chen YL,Wang TW, Hsu HP, Lin YJ, Shan YS, Lai MD.. Cancer-Derived Transforming Growth Factor-β Modulates Tumor-Associated Macrophages in Ampullary Cancer. . OncoTargets and Therapy .2020

54. 2020 Cheng LC,Chao YJ,Overman MJ,Wang CY,Phan NN,Chen YL, Wang TW, Hsu HP, Shan YS, Lai MD.. Increased expression of secreted frizzled related protein 1 (SFRP1) predicts ampullary adenocarcinoma recurrence. . Scientific Reports .2020

55. 2020 Wu CC,Ekanem TI,Phan NN,Loan DTT,Hou SY,Lee KH, Wang CY.. Gene signatures and prognostic analyses of the Tob/BTG pituitary tumor-transforming gene (PTTG) family in clinical breast cancer patients. . International Journal of Medical Sciences .2020

56. 2020 Wang CY,Chao YJ,Chen YL,Wang TW,Phan NN,Hsu HP, Shan YS, Lai MD. Upregulation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α and lipid metabolism pathway promotes carcinogenesis of ampullary cancer . International Journal of Medical Sciences .2020

57. 2020 Chen PS,Hsu HP,Phan NN,Yen MC,Chen FW,Liu YW, Lin FP, Feng SY, Cheng TL, Yeh PH, Omar HA, Sun Z, Jiang JZ, Chan YS, Lai MD, Wang CY, Hung JH. CCDC167 as a potential therapeutic target and regulator of cell cycle-related networks in breast cancer . Aging .2020

58. 2020 Wu PS,Yen JH,Wang CY,Chen PY,Hung JH,Wu MJ. 8-Hydroxydaidzein, an Isoflavone from Fermented Soybean, Induces Autophagy, Apoptosis, Differentiation, and Degradation of Oncoprotein BCR-ABL in K562 Cells . Biomedicines .2020

59. 2019 Chang CP,Phan NN,Shen MR,Hsu HP. Mutation of the PTCH1 gene predicts recurrence of breast cancer. . Scientific Reports .2019

60. 2019 van GM,Dejmek A, Jirström K,Werb Z. Immune effector monocyte-neutrophil cooperation induced by the primary tumor prevents metastatic progression of breast cancer. . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences .2019

61. 2019 Barras D,Matli M,Miao Y,Garcia KC,Tejpar S,Delorenzi M, Venook AP, Nixon AB, Warren RS, Roose JP, Depeille P. RasGRP1 is a potential biomarker to stratify anti-EGFR therapy response in colorectal cancer. . JCI Insight .2019

62. 2019 Owyong M,Chou J,Van den Bijgaart,RJ,Kong N,Efe G, Maynard C, Talmi-Frank D, Solomonov I, Koopman C, Hadler-Olsen E, Headley M, Lin C, Wang CY, Sagi I, Werb Z, Plaks V. MMP9 modulates the metastatic cascade and immune landscape for breast cancer anti-metastatic therapy . Life Science Alliance .2019

63. 2018 Weng TY,Wu HF,Li CY,Hung YH,Chang YW,Chen YL, Hsu HP, Chen YH, Wang CY, Chang JY, Lai MD. Homoharringtonine induced immune alteration for an Efficient Anti-tumor Response in Mouse Models of Non-small Cell Lung Adenocarcinoma Expressing Kras Mutation. . Scientific Reports .2018

64. 2018 Phan NN,Wang CY,Li KL,Chen CF,Chiao CC,Yu HG, Huang PL, Lin YC. Distinct expression of CDCA3, CDCA5, and CDCA8 leads to shorter relapse free survival in breast cancer patient. . Oncotarget .2018

65. 2017 Wang CY,Li CY,Hsu HP,Cho CY,Yen MC, Weng TY,Chen WC, Hung YH, Lee KT, Hung JH, Chen YL, Lai MD. PSMB5 plays a dual role in cancer development and immunosuppression. . American Journal of Cancer Research .2017

66. 2017 Shan YS,Hsu HP, Lai MD,Hung YH, Wang CY,Yen MC, Chen YL. Cyclin D1 overexpression correlates with poor tumor differentiation and prognosis in gastric cancer. . Oncology Letters .2017

67. 2017 Cooke DL,McCoy DB,Halbach VV, Hetts SW,Amans MR,Dowd CF, Higashida RT, Lawson D, Nelson J, Wang CY, Kim H, Werb Z, McCulloch C, Hashimoto T, Su H, Sun Z.. Endovascular Biopsy: In Vivo Cerebral Aneurysm Endothelial Cell Sampling and Gene Expression Analysis. . Translational Stroke Research .2017

68. 2017 Phan NN,Wang CY,Chen CF,Sun Z,Lai MD,Lin YC. Voltage-gated calcium channels: Novel targets for cancer therapy. . Oncology Letters .2017

69. 2017 Shahi P, Wang CY, Chou J,Hagerling C,Gonzalez Velozo ,Ruderisch A, Yu Y, Lai MD, Werb Z. GATA3 targets semaphorin 3B in mammary epithelial cells to suppress breast cancer progression and metastasis. . Oncogene .2017

70. 2017 Sun Z,Wang CY,Lawson DA,Kwek S,Velozo HG,Owyong M,Lai MD, Fong L, Wilson M, Su H, Werb Z, Cooke DL. Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals gene expression signatures of breast cancer-associated endothelial cells. . Oncotarget .2017

71. 2017 Thuy TD,Phan NN,Wang C,Yu HG, Wang SY,Huang PL, Do YY, Lin YC. Novel therapeutic effects of sesamin on diabetes-induced cardiac dysfunction . Molecular Medicine Reports .2017

72. 2017 Shahi P,Wang CY,Lawson DA,Slorach EM,Lu A, Yu Y, Lai MD, Gonzalez Velozo H, Werb Z. ZNF503/Zpo2 drives aggressive breast cancer progression by down-regulation of GATA3 expression . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences .2017

73. 2017 Wang CY,Shahi P,Huang JT,Phan NN,Sun Z,Lin YC, Lai MD, Werb Z. Systematic analysis of the achaete-scute complex-like gene signature in clinical cancer patients . Molecular and Clinical Oncology .2017

74. 2016 Hung YH,Huang HL,Chen WC,Yen MC,Cho CY,Weng TY, Wang CY, Chen YL, Chen LT, Lai MD. Argininosuccinate lyase interacts with cyclin A2 in cytoplasm and modulates growth of liver tumor cells . Oncology Reports .2016

75. 2016 Huang HL,Chen WC,Hsu HP,Cho CY,Hung YH,Wang CY, Lai MD. Silencing of argininosuccinate lyase inhibits colorectal cancer formation . Oncology Reports .2016

76. 2016 Chen WC,Hsu HP,Li CY,Yang YJ,Hung YH,Cho CY, Wang CY, Weng TY, Lai MD. Cancer stem cell marker CD90 inhibits ovarian cancer formation via β3 integrin . International Journal of Oncology .2016

77. 2016 Thi Do D,Phan NN,Wang CY, Sun Z,Lin YC. Novel regulations of MEF2-A, MEF2-D, and CACNA1S in the functional incompetence of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells by induced indoxyl sulfate in chronic kidney disease . Cytotechnology .2016

78. 2016 Weng TY,Wang CY,Hung YH,Chen WC,Chen YL, Lai MD. Differential Expression Pattern of THBS1 and THBS2 in Lung Cancer: Clinical Outcome and a Systematic-Analysis of Microarray Databases . PLoS One .2016

79. 2016 Chen WC,Wang CY,Hung YH,Weng TY, Yen MC,Lai MD. Systematic Analysis of Gene Expression Alterations and Clinical Outcomes for Long-Chain Acyl-Coenzyme A Synthetase Family in Cancer . PLoS One .2016

80. 2016 Cho CY,Lee KT,Chen WC,Wang CY,Chang YS,Huang HL, Hsu HP, Yen MC, Lai MZ, Lai MD. MST3 promotes proliferation and tumorigenicity through the VAV2/Rac1 signal axis in breast cancer . Oncotarget .2016

81. 2015 Chen WC,Chang YS,Hsu HP,Yen MC,Huang HL,Cho CY, Wang CY, Weng TY, Lai PT, Chen CS, Lin YJ, Lai MD. Therapeutics targeting CD90-integrin-AMPK-CD133 signal axis in liver cancer . Oncotarget .2015

82. 2015 Huang HL,Chen WC,Hsu HP,Cho CY,Hung YH,Wang CY, Lai MD. Argininosuccinate lyase is a potential therapeutic target in breast cancer . Oncology Reports .2015

83. 2015 Lai MD. Argininosuccinate lyase is a potential therapeutic target in breast cancer . Oncology Reports .2015

84. 2015 Wang CY,Lai MD,Phan NN,Sun Z,Lin YC. Meta-Analysis of Public Microarray Datasets Reveals Voltage-Gated Calcium Gene Signatures in Clinical Cancer Patients . PLoS One .2015

85. 2015 Kessenbrock K, Wang CY,Werb Z. Matrix metalloproteinases in stem cell regulation and cancer . Matrix Biology .2015

86. 2015 Lawson DA,Bhakta NR,Kessenbrock K,Prummel KD,Yu Y,Takai K, Zhou A, Eyob H, Balakrishnan S, Wang CY, Goga A, Werb Yaswen P, . Single-cell analysis reveals a stem-cell program in human metastatic breast cancer cells . Nature .2015

87. 2015 Depeille P,Henricks LM,Van de Ven RA,Lemmens E,Wang CY,Matli M, Werb Z, Haigis KM, Donner D, Warren R, Roose JP. RasGRP1 opposes proliferative EGFR-SOS1-Ras signals and restricts intestinal epithelial cell growth . Nature Cell Biology .2015

88. 2015 Sun Z,Lawson DA,Sinclair E,Wang CY,Lai MD,Hetts SW, Higashida RT, Dowd CF, Halbach VV, Werb Z, Su H, Cooke DL. Endovascular biopsy: Strategy for analyzing gene expression profiles of individual endothelial cells obtained from human vessels . Biotechnology Reports .2015

89. 2014 Shahi P,Slorach EM,Wang CY,Chou J,Lu A,Ruderisch A, Werb Z. The Transcriptional Repressor ZNF503/Zeppo2 Promotes Mammary Epithelial Cell Proliferation and Enhances Cell Invasion . The Journal of Biological Chemistry .2014

90. 2014 Ou KC,Wang CY,Liu KT,Chen YL,Chen YC,Lai MD, Yen MC. Optimization protein productivity of human interleukin-2 through codon usage, gene copy number and intracellular tRNA concentration in CHO cells . Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications .2014

91. 2014 Phan NN,Wang CY,Lin YC. The novel regulations of MEF2A, CAMKK2, CALM3, and TNNI3 in ventricular hypertrophy induced by arsenic exposure in rats . Toxicology .2014

92. 2014 Hung YH,Chan YS,Chang YS, Lee KT,Hsu HP,Yen MC, Chen WC, Wang CY, Lai MD. Fatty acid metabolic enzyme acyl-CoA thioesterase 8 promotes the development of hepatocellular carcinoma . Oncology Reports .2014

93. 2014 Weng TY,Yen MC,Huang CT,Hung JJ,Chen YL,Chen WC, Wang CY, Chang JY, Lai MD. DNA vaccine elicits an efficient antitumor response by targeting the mutant Kras in a transgenic mouse lung cancer model . Gene Therapy .2014

94. 2013 Weng TY,Huang SS,Yen MC, Lin CC,Chen YL,Lin CM, Chen WC, Wang CY, Chang JY, Lai MD. A novel cancer therapeutic using thrombospondin 1 in dendritic cells . Molecular Therapy .2013

95. 2012 Kuo JJ,Wang CY,Lee TF,Huang YT,Lin YL. Paeoniae radix reduces PDGF-stimulated hepatic stellate cell migration . Planta Medica .2012


112 探討胺基酸代謝基因調控帝盟多抗性與膠質母細胞瘤復發之治療機制

112 2024年第14屆生物科學、生物化學與生物資訊學國際會議(ICBBB 2024)(研究生:癌症生物學與藥物研發博士學位學程博士班Khoa君)

112 以精準醫療與大數據分析為導向探討控神經膠母細胞瘤 經由SLC31A2調節HIF1A的反應路徑與復發機制

109 探討胺基酸代謝基因標誌及其在雌激素高表達乳癌病人之治療機制(2/2)

108 新聘教師研究補助

108 探討胺基酸代謝基因標誌及其在雌激素高表達乳癌病人之治療機制(1/2)