施俊哲(Shih, Chun-Che) 教授

現   職
外科學科 教授
副校長室 副校長
臺北心臟醫學研究中心 主任


學 歷

國立陽明大學醫學院臨床醫學研究所 博士
中國醫藥大學醫學系 學士




2024/08/01 ~
2019/10/16 ~
2019/08/01 ~ 2019/10/15




Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Lab Anim
Stem Cell/ Regenerative Biology
Cardiovascular Surgery and Chest Surgery
Cardiovascular Surgery



1. 2023 Ching-Yuan Kuo,Chun-Yang Huang ,Tai-Wei Chen,Hung-Lung Hsu ,Chun-Che Shih,Chiao-Po Hsu. Outcomes of abdominal false lumen embolization for chronic aortic dissection after prior proximal repair with stent-graft . J Chin Med Assoc .2023 ;(7):633-640

2. 2023 Tsung-Che Yu,Ting-Chieh Huang,Po-Yueh Chen,Chun-Che Shih,Wei-Wen Chang. Biomaterial Material Applications in Postoperative Surgical Fields of Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty: A Comparative Study. . J Funct Biomater . .2023 ;(7):337-337

3. 2023 Kuan-Chung Ting,Yu-Chieh Lin,Chia-Tai Chan ,Tzong-Yang Tu,Chun-Che Shih,Kai-Chun Liu,Yu Tsao. Inertial Measurement Unit-Based Romberg Test for Assessing Adults With Vestibular Hypofunction . IEEE J Transl Eng Health Med . .2023 ;(12):245-255

4. 2022 Hung-Lung Hsu,Chun-Yang Huang,Hsin-Ying Lu, Chiao-Po Hsu,Po-Lin Chen,I-Ming Chen , Chun-Che Shih. Aortic Remodeling of the Provisional Extension to Induce Complete Attachment Technique in DeBakey type IIIb Aortic Dissection . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2022 ;(121):1748-1757

5. 2022 Alexander T H Wu, Bashir Lawal, Yew-Min Tzeng,Chun-Che Shih, Chun-Ming Shih. Identification of a Novel Theranostic Signature of Metabolic and Immune-Inflammatory Dysregulation in Myocardial Infarction, and the Potential Therapeutic Properties of Ovatodiolide, a Diterpenoid Derivative . Int J Mol Sci . .2022 ;(23):1281-1281

6. 2022 Alexander T H Wu,Wei-Hung Chang,Hsin-Ying Lu,Chun-Che Shih. Tolvaptan reduces angiotensin II-induced experimental abdominal aortic aneurysm and dissection . Vascul Pharmacol . .2022 ;(144):106973-106973

7. 2022 Wei-Yi Chen,Chieh-Yu Liu,Chun-Che Shih,Yih-Sharng Chen,Hsiao-Wei Cheng,Ai-Fu Chiou. Factors Associated With Frailty in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery: A Longitudinal Study . J Cardiovasc Nurs . .2022 ;(37):201-212

8. 2022 Hsiu-Yi Chu,Lung-Ching Chen,Tsung-Rong Kuo,Chun-Che Shih,Sibidou Yougbaré, Yu-Han Chen , Tsai-Mu Cheng . Haptoglobin-Conjugated Gold Nanoclusters as a Nanoantibiotic to Combat Bacteremia . Nanomaterials (Basel) . .2022 ;(12):3596-3596

9. 2021 Chun-Yang Huang,Po-Lin Chen,Hsin-Ying Lu,Hung-Lung Hsu,Tzu-Ting Kuo,I-Ming Chen,Chiao-Po Hsu, Chun-Che Shih. Midterm result of custom-made iliac branch device for common iliac aneurysm with and without abdominal aortic aneurysm. . Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg .2021 ;(32):97-105

10. 2021 Hsin-Ying Lu,Hung-Lung Hsu ,Chih-Han Li,Shao-Jung Li ,Shing-Jong Lin,Chun-Ming Shih ,Chun-Che Shih. Hydrogen Sulfide Attenuates Aortic Remodeling in Aortic Dissection Associating with Moderated Inflammation and Oxidative Stress through a NO-Dependent Pathway . Antioxidants .2021 ;(10):682-682

11. 2021 Hsin-Ying Lu,Chun-Ming Shih ,Shih-Hsien Sung,Alexander T. Wu,Tsai-Mu Cheng,Yen-Chung Lin,Chun-Che Shih. Galectin-3 as a Biomarker for Stratifying Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Size in a Taiwanese Population . ORIGINAL RESEARCH article .2021 ;(8):663152-663152

12. 2021 Chang LH,Chuang EY,Cheng TM,Lin C,Shih CM,Wu AT,Jheng PR, Lu HY, Shih CC* and Mi FL.. Thrombus-specific theranostic nanocomposite for codelivery of thrombolytic drug, algae-derived anticoagulant and NIR fluorescent contrast agent. . Acta Biomater .2021 ;(134):686-701

13. 2021 Hsin-Ying Lu,Yun-Ning Chiu,Tai-Wei Chen ,Chun-Yang Huang,Chun-Che Shih ,Chiao-Po Hsu. Flow density of computed tomography aortography for predicting early unfavorable aortic remodeling after TEVAR in type IIIb aortic dissection. . Int J Cardiol . .2021 ;(332):41-47

14. 2021 Yung-Sheng Chen,Yi-Ying Lin, Chun-Che Shih,Cheng-Deng Kuo . Relationship Between Heart Rate Variability and Pulse Rate Variability Measures in Patients After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery. . Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine .2021 ;(8):749297-749297

15. 2021 Hsiao-Wei Cheng,Chieh-Yu Liu ,Yih-Sharng Chen,Chun-Che Shih ,Wei-Yi Chen,Ai-Fu Chiou. Assessment of preoperative frailty and identification of patients at risk for postoperative delirium in cardiac intensive care units: a prospective observational study. . Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs .2021 ;(8):745-751

16. 2021 Chia-Wen Shih,Shung-Tai Ho , Hao-Ai Shui,Chi-Tun Tang,Chun-Che Shih,Tzeng-Ji Chen ,Kuan-Chia Lin ,Chun-Yu Liang,Kwua-Yun Wang . Endovascular aortic repair is a cost-effective option for in-hospital patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm. . J Chin Med Assoc .2021 ;(9):890-899

17. 2021 Wei-Yi Chen, Chieh-Yu Liu, Chun-Che Shih, Yih-Sharng Chen, Hsiao-Wei Cheng, Ai-Fu Chiou. Factors Associated With Frailty in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery: A Longitudinal Study. . J Cardiovasc Nurs .2021

18. 2021 Ya-Ting Gu,Tzu-Ting Kuo,Po-Lin Chen,Chun-Yang Huang , Chun-Che Shih ,I-Ming Chen. Internal iliac artery preservation outcomes of endovascular aortic repair for common iliac aneurysm: Iliac branch device versus crossover chimney technique. . Heart Vessels . .2021 ;(2):235-241

19. 2020 Chia-Wen Shih,Chun-Che Shih,Chu-Chih Wu,Shung-Tai Ho,Tzeng-Ji Chen,Kuan-Chia Lin, Chun-Yu Liang, Kwua-Yun Wang . Health-related quality of life in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm undergoing endovascular aneurysm repair: A cross-sectional study. . J Chin Med Assoc . .2020

20. 2020 Tzu-Ting Kuo,Po-Lin Chen,Chun-Yang Huang, I-Ming Chen,Chun-Che Shih . CT Angiography Findings Predictive of Kidney Injury in Chronic Aortic Dissection . AJR Am J Roentgenol . .2020 ;(6):1409-1416

21. 2020 Chien-Sheng Huang, Po-Kuei Hsu, Chun-Ku Chen, Yi-Chen Yeh, Chun-Che Shih,Biing-Shiun Huang. Delayed surgery after histologic or radiologic-diagnosed clinical stage i lung adenocarcinoma. . J Thorac Dis .2020 ;(3):615-625

22. 2020 Chien-Sheng Huang,Po-Kuei Hsu,Chun-Ku Chen,Yi-Chen Yeh,Hui-Shan Chen,Mei-Han Wu, Teh-Ying Chou, Wen-Hu Hsu, Chun-Che Shih, Biing-Shiun Huang. Preoperative biopsy and tumor recurrence of stage I adenocarcinoma of the lung. . Surg Today . .2020 ;(7):673-684

23. 2020 Hsin-Ying Lu, Chun-Ming Shih,Chun-Yang Huang,Alexander T H Wu,Tsai-Mu Cheng,Fwu-Long Mi , Chun-Che Shih*.. Galectin-3 Modulates Macrophage Activation and Contributes Smooth Muscle Cells Apoptosis in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Pathogenesis. . Int J Mol Sci . .2020 ;(21):8257-8257

24. 2020 Chun-Ku Chen,Hsiao-Ping Chou,Ying-Yueh Chang, Chao-Yu Guo,Chen-Sheng Chen, Chun-Che Shih. Association Between Targeted Aortic Segment Tortuosity and Stent-Graft-Induced New Entry After Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair for Aortic Dissection or Intramural Hematoma. . AJR Am J Roentgenol .2020

25. 2020 Chun-Ku Chen, Hsiao-Ping Chou ,Ying-Yueh Chang, Chun-Che Shih. Elongation of the Aorta after Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair: A longitudinal study. . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2020 ;(17 (4))

26. 2019 Huang Chun Yang,Hsu Hung Lung,Chen Po Lin,Kuo Tzu Ting,Chen I. Ming,Hsu Chiao Po,Shih Chun Che. Aortic remodeling after hybrid provisional extension to induce complete attachment aortic repair of chronic residual type I aortic dissection . Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery .2019 ;(158):1007-1016

27. 2019 Lin Ting Chao,Chen Po Lin,Lee Chiu Yang,Shih Chun Che,Chen I. Ming. Covered stent versus bare-metal stents for chronic total occluded long complicated femoropopliteal lesions: A 2-year single center review . Journal of the Chinese Medical Association .2019 ;(82):44-49

28. 2019 Lee Po Ying,Chen Po Lin,Shih Chun Che,Chen I. Ming. Cross-wire technique for difficult contralateral limb cannulation during endovascular abdominal aneurysm repair for tortuous proximal aortic neck . Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery .2019 ;(28):270-272

29. 2019 Yen Hsu Ting,Shih Chun Che,Chen I. Ming. Double-Barreled and Branched Endografting for Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysm: The Hexapus Technique . CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology .2019 ;(42):455-459

30. 2019 Hsu Hung Lung,Huang Chun Yang,Chen Po Lin,Chen Yin Yin,Hsu Chiao Po,Chen I. Ming,Shih Chun Che. Efficacy of ascending aortic banding technique concomitant with type I hybrid aortic arch repair in high-risk patients . Heart and Vessels .2019 ;(34):1524-1532

31. 2019 Chen I-Ming,Lee Tsung-Hsing,Chen Po-Lin,Shih Chun-Che,Chang Hsiao-Hunag. Factors in ProGlide®Vascular Closure Failure in Sheath Arteriotomies Greater than 16 French . European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery .2019 ;(4):615-622

32. 2019 Kuo Tzu Ting,Huang Chun Yang,Chen Po Lin,Chen I. Ming,Shih Chun Che. Impact of Renal Artery Stent-Graft Placement on Renal Function in Chronic Aortic Dissection . Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology .2019 ;(7):979-986

33. 2019 Kuo Tzu Ting,Chen Po Lin,Huang Chun Yang,Lee Chiu Yang,Shih Chun Che,Chen I. Ming. Outcome of drug-eluting balloon angioplasty versus endarterectomy in common femoral artery occlusive disease . Journal of Vascular Surgery .2019 ;(69):141-147

34. 2019 Chen Pei Ku,Shih Chun Che,Lin Fang Chi,Perng Diahn Warng,Chou Kun Ta,Kou Yu Ru,Ko Hsin Kuo. Prolonged use of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation after extubation among patients in the intensive care unit following cardiac surgery: The predictors and its impact on patient outcome . Scientific Reports .2019 ;(9):9539-9539

35. 2019 Chen Po-Lin,Hsu Hung-Lung,Chen I-Ming,Kuo Tzu-Ting,Chen Yin-Yin,Shih Chun-Che. Tailor-made iliac branched device for preserving the internal iliac artery in patients with common iliac artery aneurysm . Journal of the Chinese Medical Association .2019 ;(82):710-713

36. 2018 Chen CK,Chou HP, Guo CY, Chang HT, Chang YY, Chen IM,Wu MH, Shih CC*. Interobserver and intraobserver variability in measuring the tortuosity of the thoracic aorta on computed tomography. . J Vasc Surg. .2018

37. 2018 Chen TW,Huang CY,Chen PL,Lee CY,Shih CC,Chen IM. Endovascular and Hybrid Revascularization for Complicated Aorto-Iliac Occlusive Disease: Short-Term Results in Single Institute Experience. . Acta Cardiol Sin. .2018

38. 2018 Yu-Jen Chiu, Hsu Ma,Wen-Chieh Liao, Yu-Chung Shih,Mei-Chun Chen, Chun-Che Shih , Tai-Wei Chen, Cherng-Kang Perng. Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Support May Be a Lifesaving Modality in Patients With Burn and Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Experience of Formosa Water Park Dust Explosion Disaster in Taiwan . BURNS .2018 ;(44):118-123

39. 2018 Kuo MJ,Chen PL,Shih CC,Chen IM. Establishing Stable Innominate Access by Inserting a Body Floss Wire From the Brachial Artery to the Femoral Artery Facilitates Right Carotid Artery Stenting in Type III Arch Anatomy . Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. .2018 ;(1):8-10

40. 2018 Lee CW,Sung SH,Tsai YL,Chang TY,Hsu CP,Lu CC,Shih CC. Initial experience with percutaneous edge-to-edge transcatheter mitral valve repair in a tertiary medical center in Taiwan. . J Chin Med Assoc. .2018

41. 2018 Lin TC,Huang CY,Chen PL,Lee CY,Shih CC,Chen IM. Edge Stenosis After Covered Stenting for Long Superficial Femoral Artery Occlusive Disease: Risk Factor Analysis and Prevention With Drug-Coated Balloon Angioplasty. . J Endovasc Ther. .2018 ;(3):313-319

42. 2018 Lin TC,Lu TM,Huang FC,Hsu PF,Shih CC,Lin SJ,Hsu CP. Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery versus Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Left Main Coronary Artery Disease with Chronic Kidney Disease. . Int Heart J. .2018 ;(2):279-285

43. 2018 Meng FC,Chen PL,Lee CY,Shih CC,Chen IM. Real-World Comparison of Drug-Eluting and Bare-Metal Stents in Superficial Femoral Artery Occlusive Disease with Trans-Atlantic Intersociety Consensus B Lesions: A 2-Year, Single-Institute Study. . Acta Cardiol Sin. .2018 ;(2):130-136

44. 2018 Tsai TC,Shih CC, Chien HP,Yang AH,Lu JK,Lu JH. Anti-apoptotic effects of IGF-I on mortality and dysmorphogenesis in tbx5-deficient zebrafish embryos. . BMC Dev Biol. .2018 ;(1):5-5

45. 2018 Wu HY,Chao HS,Shih HC,Shih CC,Chang SC. The impact of open to collaborative care model in cardiovascular surgical unit. . J Chin Med Assoc. .2018 ;(1):64-69

46. 2018 Huang CY,Hsu HL,Chen PL,Chen IM,Hsu CP,Shih CC. The Impact of Distal Stent Graft-Induced New Entry on Aortic Remodeling of Chronic Type B Dissection. . Ann Thorac Surg. .2018 ;(105):785-793

47. 2017 Hsu HL,Shih CC. Re-intervention after thoracic endovascular aortic repair is high, but we should keep optimistic. . J Thorac Dis. .2017 ;(9):E162-E163

48. 2017 Chiang WC,Ling-Lin Pai E,Chen PL,Shih CC,Chen IM. Endografting under Assistance of Transapical Body Floss Through-and-Through Wiring Technique and Rapid Ventricular Pacing for an Ascending Aortic Tuberculous Pseudoaneurysm. . Ann Vasc Surg .2017

49. 2017 Chen PL,Hsu HL,Chen IM,Chen YY,Chen YY,Kuo TT ,Shih CC*. The Impact of Aortic Tortuosity on Delayed Type I or III Endoleak after Endovascular Aortic Repair. . Ann Vasc Surg. .2017 ;(41):110-117

50. 2017 Chen IM,Chen PL,Huang CY,Weng SH,Chen WY,Shih CC. Factors Affecting Optimal Aortic Remodeling After Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair of Type B (IIIb) Aortic Dissection. . Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. .2017

51. 2017 Lin YY,Lu WA,Hsieh YC,Chang HH,Shih CC,Jeng MJ , Kuo CD. Jeng MJ and Kuo CD. Effect of position on the residual heart rate variability in patients after orthotopic heart transplantation. . J Chin Med Assoc. .2017 ;(80):63-71

52. 2017 Li HR,Hsu CP,Sung SH,Shih CC,Lin SJ,Chan WL,Wu CH,Lu TM. Percutaneous Coronary Intervention versus Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Patients with Diabetic Nephropathy and Left Main Coronary Artery Disease. . Acta Cardiol Sin .2017 ;(33):119-126

53. 2017 Lee CW,Sung SH,Tsai YL,Chang TY,Hsu CP,Lu CC,Shih CC. Initial experience with percutaneous edge-to-edge transcatheter mitral valve repair in a tertiary medical center in Taiwan . J Chin Med Assoc. .2017

54. 2017 Kuo TT,Chen PL,Shih CC,Chen IM. Endovascular stenting for end-stage lung cancer patients with superior vena cava syndrome post first-line treatments - A single-center experience and literature review. . J Chin Med Assoc. .2017 ;(80):482-486

55. 2017 Lu HY,Huang CY,Shih CM,Lin YW,Tsai CS,Lin FY,Shih CC*. A potential contribution of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 by the mediation of monocyte differentiation in the development and progression of abdominal aortic aneurysms. . J Vasc Surg. .2017 ;(66):1217-1226 e1

56. 2017 Lin TC,Shih CC. Review of Treatment for Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysm, and the Modern Experience of Multi-Branched Endograft in Taiwan. . Acta Cardiol Sin. .2017 ;(33):1-9

57. 2016 Huang CY,Chen CW,Chen PL,Chen WY,Chen IM,Hsu CP ,Shih CC*. Association between Aortic Remodeling and Stent Graft-Induced New Entry in Extensive Residual Type A Dissecting Aortic Aneurysm after Hybrid Arch Repair. . Ann Vasc Surg .2016

58. 2016 Chen IM,Huang CY,Weng SH,Lin PY,Chen PL,Chen WY, Shih CC*. Implantation sequence modification averts distal stent graft-induced new entry after endovascular repair of Stanford type B aortic dissection. . J Vasc Surg. .2016

59. 2016 Tsai CS,Lin YW,Huang CY,Shih CM,Tsai YT,Tsao NW, Lin CS, Shih CC, Jeng H,Lin FY. Thrombomodulin regulates monocye differentiation via PKCdelta and ERK1/2 pathway in vitro and in atherosclerotic artery. . Sci Rep. .2016

60. 2016 Tai YH,Chang KY,Liao SW,Chung KC,Shih CC,Ho ST, Lu CC,Tsou MY. Intravenous loading of nitroglycerin during rewarming of cardiopulmonary bypass improves metabolic homeostasis in cardiac surgery: a retrospective analysis. . J Anesth. .2016

61. 2016 Lu WA,Chen GY,Shih CC,Kuo CD. The use of heart rate variability measures as indicators of autonomic nervous modulation must be careful in patients after orthotopic heart transplantation. . J Clin Monit Comput. .2016

62. 2016 Lu TM,Lee WL,Hsu PF, Lin TC,Sung SH,Wang KL, Huang SS, Chan WL, Shih CC, Lin SJ ,Hsu CP.. Long-term results of stenting versus coronary artery bypass surgery for left main coronary artery disease-A single-center experience. . J Chin Med Assoc .2016

63. 2016 Huang PH,Chen JY,Chen JY,Chen JW,Lin SJ,Shih CC. Simvastatin pretreatment enhances ischemia-induced neovascularization and blood flow recovery in streptozotocin-treated mice. . J Vasc Surg. .2016

64. 2016 Chen IM,Huang CY,Weng SH,Lin PY,Chen PL,Chen WY, Shih CC*. Implantation sequence modification averts distal stent graft-induced new entry after endovascular repair of stanford type b aortic dissection. . Journal of vascular surgery. .2016

65. 2016 Huang CY,Chen CW,Chen PL,Chen WY,Chen IM,Hsu CP, Shih CC*. Association between aortic remodeling and stent graft-induced new entry in extensive residual type a dissecting aortic aneurysm after hybrid arch repair. . Annals of vascular surgery. .2016


113 結合新奈米附載劑型與間質幹細胞治療系統應用於糖尿病危重肢體缺血 -奈米級遞送/治療系統對糖尿病危重肢體缺血患者保肢的有效性驗證和臨床生物標誌的鑑定(3/3)

113 組織特異性外泌體長鏈非編碼核糖核酸H19在主動脈剝離平滑肌細胞壞死性凋亡中作用的轉譯研究(1/3)

112 建立奈米載體之精準治療於心肌梗塞後心室重塑的臨床前評估(3/3)

112 結合新奈米附載劑型與間質幹細胞治療系統應用於糖尿病危重肢體缺血 -奈米級遞送/治療系統對糖尿病危重肢體缺血患者保肢的有效性驗證和臨床生物標誌的鑑定(2/3)

111 建立奈米載體之精準治療於心肌梗塞後心室重塑的臨床前評估(2/3)

111 結合新奈米附載劑型與間質幹細胞治療系統應用於糖尿病危重肢體缺血 -奈米級遞送/治療系統對糖尿病危重肢體缺血患者保肢的有效性驗證和臨床生物標誌的鑑定(1/3)

110 建立奈米載體之精準治療於心肌梗塞後心室重塑的臨床前評估(1/3)

108 新聘教師研究補助