邊立中(Pien, Li-Chung) 副教授

現   職
學士後護理學系 副教授


學 歷

國立臺灣大學健康政策與管理研究所 博士
臺北醫學大學護理學研究所 碩士
臺北醫學大學護理學系 學士











1. 2024 Pien, Li-Chung,Cheng Yawen ,Lee Fang-Chun,Cheng, Wan-Ju. The effect of multiple types of workplace violence on burnout risk, sleep quality, and leaving intention among nurses . Annals of Work Exposures and Health .2024 ;(68):678-687

2. 2024 Chen, Tsui-Fang,Pien, Li-Chung,Fan, Chun-Sung,Liang, Kai-Lin,Chiu, Yi-Wen. Financial strain and social support as moderators of the relationship between living alone and depressive symptoms in older people . BMC Geriatrics .2024 ;(24):646

3. 2024 Liu, Yen-Ling,Pien, Li-Chung,Liu, Guang-Hsing,Chen, Tsung-Po,Lin, Yun-Ping,Lin, Cheng-Li, Cheng, Wan-Ju. Dual Caregiving and Mental Health Among Long-Term Care Nursing Assistants: The Moderating Role of Social Support . Journal of Advanced Nursing .2024

4. 2023 Pien, Li-Chung,Cheng, Wan-Ju,Chang, Wen-Pei,Chen, Su-Ru,Chou, Kuei-Ru,Wang, Chia-Hui. Relationships between stroke prevalence, health literacy, and oral health-related quality of life in middle-aged and older adults: a national survey study . BMC Geriatrics .2023 ;(23):233

5. 2023 Aini, Nur ,Chu, Hsin, Banda, Kondwani Joseph, Chen, Ruey, Lee, Tso-Ying ,Pien Li-Chung, Liu Doresses, Lai Yueh-Jung, Kang Xiao Linda, Chou Kuei-Ru. Prevalence of sleep-related breathing disorders and associated risk factors among people with dementia: A meta-analysis . Sleep Medicine .2023 ;(103):51-61

6. 2023 Ashra, Fauzi, Jen, Hsiu-Ju ,Liu, Doresses ,Lee, Tso-Ying, Pien, Li-Chung, Chen Ruey, Lin, Hui-Chen, Chou Kuei-Ru. Effectiveness of respiratory rehabilitation in patients with COVID-19: A meta-analysis . Journal of Clinical Nursing .2023 ;(32):4972-4987

7. 2023 Banda, Kondwani Joseph,Wu, Ko-Chiu,Jen, Hsiu-Ju,Chu, Hsin, Pien, Li-Chung, Chen Ruey, Lee Tso-Ying, Lin Sheng-Kai, Hung Shih-Han, Chou Kuei-Ru. Comparative Effectiveness of Combined and Single Neurostimulation and Traditional Dysphagia Therapies for Post-Stroke Dysphagia: A Network Meta-Analysis . Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair .2023 ;(37):194-204

8. 2023 Janitra, Fitria Endah ,Jen, Hsiu-Ju,Chu, Hsin,Chen, Ruey ,Pien, Li-Chung ,Liu Doresses, Lai Yueh-Jung, Banda Kondwani Joseph, Lee Tso-Ying, Lin Hui-Chen, Chang Ching-Yi, Chou Kuei-Ru. Global prevalence of low resilience among the general population and health professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic: A meta-analysis . Journal of Affective Disorders .2023 ;(332):29-46

9. 2023 Kustanti, Christina Yeni ,Jen, Hsiu-Ju ,Chu, Hsin ,Liu, Doresses, Chen, Ruey, Lin Hui-Chen, Chang Ching-Yi, Pien Li-Chung, Chiang Kai-Jo, Chou Kuei-Ru. Prevalence of grief symptoms and disorders in the time of COVID-19 pandemic: A meta-analysis . International Journal of Mental Health Nursing .2023 ;(32):904-916

10. 2023 Sung, C. M., Lee, T. Y. ,Chu, H. ,Liu, D. ,Lin, H. C. ,Pien L. C., Jen H. J., Lai Y. J., Kang X. L., Chou K. R.. Efficacy of multi-domain cognitive function training on cognitive function, working memory, attention, and coordination in older adults with mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia: A one-year prospective randomised controlled trial . Journal of Global Health .2023 ;(13):04069

11. 2022 Li, Tin-May,Li-Chung Pien,Kao, Ching-Chiu,Kubo, Tomohide,Cheng, Wan-Ju. Effects of work conditions and organisational strategies on nurses' mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic . Journal of Nursing Management .2022 ;(30):71-78

12. 2022 Kustanti, Christina Yeni,Chu, Hsin,Kang, Xiao Linda,Pien, Li-Chung,Chen, Ruey,Tsai, Hsiu-Ting, Chou, Kuei-Ru. Anticipatory grief prevalence among caregivers of persons with a life-threatening illness: A meta-analysis . BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care .2022

13. 2022 Yunitri, Ninik,Chu, Hsin,Kang, Xiao Linda,Jen, Hsiu-Ju,Pien, Li-Chung,Tsai, Hsiu-Ting, Kamil, Abdu Rahim, Chou, Kuei-Ru. Global prevalence and associated risk factors of posttraumatic stress disorder during COVID-19 pandemic: A meta-analysis . International Journal of Nursing Studies .2022

14. 2022 Tin-May Li,Li-Chung Pien,Wan-Ju Cheng. Direction and magnitude of social jetlag are associated with obesity: Results from a sample of hospital employees . chronobiology international .2022

15. 2022 Wang, Chia-Hui,Chang, Wen-Pei,Chen, Su-Ru,Wan-Ju Cheng,Chou, Kuei-Ru,Li-Chung Pien. Health Literacy and Exercise to Treat Frailty in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A National Survey Study . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2022 ;(19):8711

16. 2022 Pien, L. C,Tsai, H. T,Cheng, W. J,Rias, Y. A.,Chou, K. R.,Chen, S. R.. Sex-Influenced Risk Factors for Cognitive Impairment Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults . Journal of Gerontological Nursing .2022 ;(48):19-25

17. 2022 Ashra, F., Chen, R.,Kang, X. L.,Chiang, K. J.,Pien, L. C.,Jen, H. J., Liu, D., Shen Hsiao, S.T.,& Chou, K. R.. Effectiveness of prone position in acute respiratory distress syndrome and moderating factors of obesity class and treatment durations for COVID-19 patients: A Meta-Analysis. . Intensive and Critical Care Nursing .2022

18. 2021 Chin-Tien Chung,Shu-Yu Kuo,Yu-Ting Chen,Pi-Chu Lin,Li-Chung Pien,Su-Ru Chen. 青少年螢幕式坐式行為使用時間與身體活動、心理社會適應與執行功能之相關性 . 新臺北護理期刊 .2021 ;(23):36-50

19. 2021 Cheng Wan-Ju ,Pien Li-Chung ,Cheng Ya-wen . Occupation-level automation probability is associated with psychosocial work conditions and workers' health: A multilevel study . American Journal of Industrial Medicine .2021

20. 2021 Pien, Li-Chung,Cheng, Wan-Ju,Chou, Kuei-Ru,Lin, Li-Chiu. Effect of Work–Family Conflict, Psychological Job Demand, and Job Control on the Health Status of Nurses . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2021 ;(18):3540

21. 2021 Kustanti, Christina Yeni,Chu, Hsin,Kang, Xiao Linda,Liu, Doresses,Pien, Li-Chung,Jen Hsiu-Ju, Shen Shu-Tai H., Chen Jin-Hua, Chou Kuei-Ru. Evaluation of the performance of instruments to diagnose grief disorders: A diagnostic meta-analysis . International Journal of Nursing Studies .2021 ;(120):103972

22. 2021 Rias, Yohanes Andy,Abiddin, Andi Hayyun,Huda, Nuh,Handayani, Sri,Sirait, Healthy Seventina,Pien Li-Chung, Weng Shuen-Fu, Tsai Hsiu-Ting. Psychometric Testing of the Bahasa Version of the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire among Indonesians with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2021 ;(18):9601

23. 2020 Cheng Wan Ju,Pien Li Chung,Cheng Yawen. Response to the letter by Dr Kawada: Differential effects of employment grade on the association between long working hours and problem drinking . American Journal of Industrial Medicine .2020 ;(63):100-100

24. 2020 Cheng Wan Ju,Pien Li Chung,Kubo Tomohide,Cheng Yawen,Cheng Wan Ju,Pien Li Chung,Kubo Tomohide,Cheng Yawen. Trends in work conditions and associations with workers{\textquoteright health in recent 15 years: The role of job automation probability . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2020 ;(17):1-12

25. 2020 Pien Li Chung,Chen I. Shin,Cheng Wan Ju,Cheng Yawen,Pien Li Chung,Chen I. Shin,Cheng Wan Ju,Cheng Yawen. Work-to-Family Conflict and its Associations With Workers' Burnout, Poor Self-Rated Health, and Minor Mental Disorder: A Survey of General Employees in Taiwan . Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine .2020 ;(62):588-594

26. 2020 Ming-Jin Chan,Li-Chung Pien,Ya-wen Cheng. 公立國中教師職場暴力經驗及其健康狀況之相關 . 健康促進與衛生教育學報Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education .2020 ;(51):37-66

27. 2019 Cheng Wan Ju,Liang Shinn Jye,Huang Chun Sen,Lin Cheng Li,Pien Li Chung,Hang Liang Wen. Air pollutants are associated with obstructive sleep apnea severity in non-rapid eye movement sleep . Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine .2019 ;(15):831-837

28. 2019 Cheng Wan Ju,Pien Li Chung,Cheng Yawen. Differential effects of employment grade on the association between long working hours and problem drinking . American Journal of Industrial Medicine .2019 ;(62):404-411

29. 2019 Pien Li Chung,Cheng Yawen,Cheng Wan Ju. Internal workplace violence from colleagues is more strongly associated with poor health outcomes in nurses than violence from patients and families . Journal of Advanced Nursing .2019 ;(75):793-800

30. 2019 Pien Li Chung,Cheng Yawen,Cheng Wan Ju. Psychosocial safety climate, workplace violence and self-rated health: A multi-level study among hospital nurses . Journal of Nursing Management .2019 ;(27):584-591

31. 2019 Li-Chung Pien,Yu-Ni Huang,Ya-wen Cheng. 醫院職場暴力的通報與申訴:曾遭受職場暴力的護理人員之經驗 . 長庚護理 .2019 ;(30):281-295

32. 2018 Cheng Wan Ju,Pien Li Chung. A Comparison of International Drunk-Driving Policies and the Role of Drinking Patterns . American Journal of Preventive Medicine .2018 ;(55):263-270

33. 2015 Pien Li Chung,Chen Duan Rung,Chen Chiou Jong,Liang Kuei Min,Cheng Yawen. Associations of neighborhood-level workplace violence with workers' mental distress problems: A multilevel analysis of Taiwanese employees . Journal of Occupational Health .2015 ;(57):555-564


109 新進與資深護理人員職場暴力經驗、態度與認知差異對身心健康影響之探討

108 新聘教師研究補助