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Sládek M,Houdek P,Myung J,Semenovykh K,Dočkal T,Sumová A.
The circadian clock in the choroid plexus drives rhythms in multiple cellular processes under the control of the suprachiasmatic nucleus
. Fluids and Barriers of the CNS
2. |
Myung J,Silver R,Jones JR,Nakamura TJ,Ono D.
Development of Circadian Clock Functions (II)
. Frontiers in Neuroscience
3. |
Myung J.
Enhancing Bioluminescence Imaging of Cultured Tissue Explants Using Optical Telecompression
. Sensors
4. |
Le DC,Ngo MH T,Kuo YC,Chen SH,Lin CY,Pham QTT, Au HK, Myung J, Huang YH.
Secretome from estrogen-responding human placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells rescues ovarian function and circadian rhythm in mice with cyclophosphamide-induced primary ovarian insufficiency
. Journal of Biomedical Science
5. |
Myung J,Hong S,Schmal C,Vitet H,Wu MY.
Weak Synchronization Can Alter Circadian Period Length: Implications for Aging and Disease Conditions
. Frontiers in Neuroscience
6. |
Truong VH,Myung J.
LocoBox: modular hardware and open-source software for circadian entrainment and behavioral monitoring in home cages
. Sensors
7. |
Schmal C,Hong S,Tokuda IT,Myung J.
Coupling in biological systems: Definitions, mechanisms, and implications
. Frontiers in Network Physiology
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Chrobok L,Jeczmien-Lazur JS,Bubka M,Pradel K,Klekocinska A,Klich JD, Rahim AR, Myung J, Kepczynski M, Lewandowski MH.
Daily orexinergic modulation of the rat superficial layers of the superior colliculus–implications for intrinsic clock activities in the visual system
. bioRxiv
9. |
Chrobok L,Pradel K,Janik ME,Sanetra AM,Bubka M,Myung J, Rahim AR, Klich JD, Jeczmien-Lazur JS, Palus-Chramiec K, Lewandowski MH.
Intrinsic circadian timekeeping properties of the thalamic lateral geniculate nucleus
. bioRxiv
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Myung J,Nakamura TJ,Jones J,Silver R,Ono D.
Development of Circadian Clock Functions
. Frontiers in Neuroscience
11. |
Quintela T,Furtado A,Duarte AC,Gonçalves I,Myung J,Santos CRA.
The Role of Circadian Rhythm in Choroid Plexus Functions
. Progress in Neurobiology
12. |
Chrobok L,Jeczmien-Lazur JS,Bubka M,Pradel K,Klekocinska A,Klich JD, Rahim AR, Myung J, Kepczynski M, Lewandowski MH.
Daily coordination of orexinergic gating in the rat superior colliculus - implications for intrinsic clock activities in the visual system
. FASEB Journal
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Chrobok L,Pradel K,Janik ME,Sanetra AM,Bubka M,Myung J, Rahim AR, Klich JD, Jeczmien-Lazur JS, Palus-Chramiec K, Lewandowski MH.
Intrinsic circadian timekeeping properties of the thalamic lateral geniculate nucleus
. Journal of Neuroscience Research
14. |
Chrobok L,Belle MDC,Myung J.
From fast oscillations to circadian rhythms: coupling at multiscale frequency bands in the rodent subcortical visual system
. Frontiers in Physiology
15. |
C Schmal,H Herzel,J Myung.
Clocks in the Wild: Entrainment to Natural Light
. Frontiers in Physiology
16. |
Chrobok L,Northeast RC,Myung J,Cunningham PS,Petit C,Piggins HD.
Timekeeping in the hindbrain: a multi-oscillatory circadian centre in the mouse dorsal vagal complex
. Communications Biology
17. |
Schmal C,Ono D,Myung J,Pett JP,Honma S,Honma KI, Herzel H, Tokuda IT.
Weak coupling between intracellular feedback loops explains dissociation of clock gene dynamics
. bioRxiv
18. |
Myung J,Wu MY,Lee CY,Rahim AR,Truong VH,Wu D, Piggins HD, Wu MS.
The Kidney Clock Contributes to Timekeeping by the Master Circadian Clock
. International Journal of Molecular Sciences
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Schmal C,Ono D,Myung J,Pett JP,Honma S,Honma KI, Herzel H, Tokuda IT.
Weak coupling between intracellular feedback loops explains dissociation of clock gene dynamics
. PLOS Computational Biology
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Timothy Joseph Lane,Philip Tseng,Changwei Wu,Tzu-Yu Hsu,Jihwan Myung,Niall Duncan.
. 科學人
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Jihwan Myung,Christoph Schmal,Sungho Hong,Yoshiaki Tzukizawa,Pia Rose,Yong Zhang, Michael J. Holtzman, Erik De Schutter, Hanspeter Herzel, Grigory Bordyugov, Toru Takumi.
The choroid plexus is an important circadian clock component
. Nature Communications
22. |
Jihwan Myung,Scott D. Pauls.
Encoding seasonal information in a two-oscillator model of the multi- oscillator circadian clock
. European Journal of Neuroscience
23. |
Jihwan Myung,Dean Wu,Valérie Simonneaux,Timothy Joseph Lane.
Strong circadian rhythms in the choroid plexus: implications for sleep-independent brain metabolite clearance
. Journal of Experimental Neuroscience
24. |
Christoph Schmal,Jihwan Myung,Hanspeter Herzel,Grigory Bordyugov.
Moran’s I quantifies spatio-temporal pattern formation in neural imaging data
. Bioinformatics
25. |
A Azzi,JA Evans,T Leise,Jihwan Myung,T Takumi,AJ Davidson, SA Brown.
Network dynamics mediate circadian clock plasticity
. Neuron
26. |
Jihwan Myung,S Hong,D DeWoskin,E De Schutter,DB Forger,T Takumi.
GABA-mediated repulsive coupling between circadian clock neurons in the SCN encodes seasonal time
. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
27. |
D DeWoskin,Jihwan Myung,MDC Belle,HD Piggins,T Takumi,DB Forger.
Distinct roles for GABA across multiple timescales in mammalian circadian timekeeping
. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
28. |
Nobuhiro Nakai,Susumu Otsuka,Jihwan Myung,Toru Takumi.
Autism spectrum disorder model mice: Focus on copy number variation and epigenetics
. Science China Life Sciences
29. |
Alun TL Hughes,Cara L Croft,Rayna E Samuels,Jihwan Myung,Toru Takumi,Hugh D Piggins.
Constant light enhances synchrony among circadian clock cells and promotes behavioral rhythms in VPAC2-signaling deficient mice
. Scientific reports
30. |
Tanoue S,Fujimoto K,Myung J,Hatanaka F,Kato Y,Takumi T.
DEC2–E4BP4 heterodimer represses the transcriptional enhancer activity of the EE element in the Per2 promoter
. Frontiers in Neurology
31. |
Schmal C,Myung J,Herzel H,Bordyugov G.
A theoretical study on seasonality
. Frontiers in Neurology
32. |
Goriki A,Hatanaka F,Myung J,Kim JK,Yoritaka T,Tanoue S, Abe T, Kiyonari H, Fujimoto K, Kato Y, Todo T, Matsubara A, Forger D, Takumi T.
A novel protein, CHRONO, functions as a core component of the mammalian circadian clock
. PLoS biology
33. |
Myung J,Hong S,Hatanaka F,Nakajima Y,De Schutter E,Takumi T.
Period coding of Bmal1 oscillators in the suprachiasmatic nucleus
. Journal of Neuroscience
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Hatanaka F,Matsubara C,Myung J,Yoritaka T,Kamimura N,Tsutsumi S, Kanai A, Suzuki Y, Sassone-Corsi P, Aburatani H, Sugano S, Takumi T.
Genome-wide profiling of the core clock protein BMAL1 targets reveals a strict relationship with metabolism
. Molecular and Cellular Biology
35. |
Kim TD,Kim JS,Kim JH,Myung J,Chae HD,Woo KC, Jang SK, Koh DS, Kim KT.
Rhythmic serotonin N-acetyltransferase mRNA degradation is essential for the maintenance of its circadian oscillation
. Molecular and Cellular Biology