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Linking childhood trauma to the psychopathology of schizophrenia: the role of oxytocin
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Negative emotionality downregulation affects moral choice but not moral judgement of harm: a pharmacological study
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Meta-analysis of electroencephalographic (EEG) correlates and cognitive performance for acute exercise-induced modulation
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Noise-induced hearing loss profile among Taiwan Airforce on duty pilots
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Chen C,Cheng Y,Wu CT,Chiang CH,Wong CC,Huang CM, Martínez RM, Tzeng OJL, Fan YT.
A sensory signature of unaffected biological parents predicts the risk of autism in their offspring
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Akhmad Fajri Widodo, Chenyi Chen, Cheng-Wei Chan, Wafaa Saleh,Bayu Satria Wiratama,Chih-Wei Pai.
Walking against traffic and pedestrian injuries in the United Kingdom: New insights
. BMC Public Health
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Hu-Ming Chang,Chenyi Chen,Mong-Liang Lu,Susyan Jou,Vitor Hugo Jesus Santos,Kah Kheng Goh.
The interplay of childhood trauma, oxytocin, and impulsivity in predicting the onset of methamphetamine use
. Child Abuse & Neglect
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Róger Marcelo Martínez,Tsai-Tsen Liao,Yang-Teng Fan,Yu-Chun Chen,Chenyi Chen.
Interaction effects of the 5-HTT and MAOA- uVNTR gene variants on pre-attentive EEG activity in response to threatening voices
. Commuications Biology
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Chenyi Chen,R ´ oger Marcelo Martínez,Yu-Chun Chen,Yang-Teng Fan,Yawei Cheng.
The neural mediators of moral attitudes and behaviors
. Behavioural Brain Research
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Chenyi Chen,Yu-Hsin Chen,Yawei Cheng.
Meta-analysis of functional neuroimaging and dispositional variables for clinical empathy
. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
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Yawei Cheng,Yu-Chun Chen,Yang-Teng Fan,Chenyi Chen.
Neuromodulation of the right temporoparietal junction alters amygdala functional connectivity to authority pressure
. Human Brain Mapping
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Chenyi Chen,Róger Marcelo Martínez,Yu-Chun Chen,Yang-Teng Fan,Yawei Cheng.
The anti-anxiety drug lorazepam changes implicit behaviors but not explicit evaluations of sense of agency under authoritative pressure: An functional magnetic resonance imaging study
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Yawei Cheng,Judith Chou,Róger Marcelo Martínez,Yang-Teng Fan ,Chenyi Chen.
Psychopathic traits mediate guilt-related anterior midcingulate activity under authority pressure
. Scientific Reports
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Yu-Chun Chen,Chenyi Chen,Róger Marcelo Martínez,Yang-Tang Fan,Chia-Chien Liu,Chin-Yau Chen,Yawei Cheng.
An amygdala-centered hyper-connectivity signature of threatening face processing predicts anxiety in youths with autism spectrum conditions
. Autism Research
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Chen C.,Martínez R. M.,Liao T.T.,Chen C.Y.,Yang C.Y.,Cheng Y..
An integrative analysis of 5HTT-mediated mechanism of hyperactivity to non-threatening voices
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Chen C.,Martínez R. M.,Cheng Y..
The key to group fi tness: The presence of another synchronizes moral attitudes and neural responses during moral decision-making
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The multifaceted effects of serotonin transporter polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) on anxiety, implicit moral attitudes, and harmful behaviors
. Frontiers in Psychology
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Chen C,Martínez R. M.,Chen Y.,Cheng Y..
Pointing fingers at others: The neural correlates of actor-observer asymmetry in blame attribution
. Neuropsychologia
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Chen Y.C.,Chen C.,Martínez R. M.,Etnier J.L.,Cheng Y..
Habitual physical activity mediates the acute exercise-induced modulation of anxiety-related amygdala functional connectivity
. Scientific Reports
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Chenyi Chen,Chia-Wen Chan,Yawei Cheng.
Test–Retest Reliability of Mismatch Negativity (MMN) to Emotional Voices
. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
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Chenyi Chen,Yu-Chun Chen,Kuan-Ling Chen,Yawei Cheng.
Atypical Anxiety-Related Amygdala Reactivity and Functional Connectivity in Sant Mat Meditation
. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience
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Chenyi Chen,Róger Marcelo Martínez,Yawei Cheng.
The Developmental Origins of the Social Brain: Empathy, Morality, and Justice
. Frontiers in Psychology
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Cheng Y,Chen C,Decety J.
How Situational Context Impacts Empathic Responses and Brain Activation Patterns.
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Chen C,Hu CH,Cheng Y.
Mismatch Negativity (MMN) Stands at the Crossroads between Explicit and Implicit Emotional Processing.
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Chen C,Hung AY,Fan YT,Tan S,Hong H,Cheng Y.
Linkage between Pain Sensitivity and Empathic Response in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Conditions and Conduct Disorder Symptoms.
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Chen C,Sung JY,Cheng Y.
Neural Dynamics of Emotional Salience Processing in Response to Voices During the Stages of Sleep.
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Chen C,Decety J,Huang PC,Chen CY,Cheng Y.
Testosterone Administration in Females Modulates Moral Judgment and Patterns of Brain Activation and Functional Connectivity.
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Fan YT,Chen C,Cheng Y.
The Neural Mechanisms of Social Learning from Fleeting Experience with Pain.
. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience
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Chen C,Liu CC,Weng PY,Cheng Y.
Mismatch Negativity to Threatening Voices associated with Positive Symptoms in Schizophrenia.
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Decety J,Chen C,Harenski CL,Kiehl KA.
Socioemotional processing of morally-laden behavior and their consequences on others in forensic psychopaths.
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Chen C,Chen CY,Yang CY,Lin CH,Cheng Y.
Testosterone modulates preattentive sensory processing and involuntary attention switches to emotional voices.
. Journal of Neurophysiology
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Chen C,Lee YH,Cheng Y.
Anterior insular cortex activity to emotional salience of voices in a passive oddball paradigm.
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Cheng Y,Chen C,Decety J.
An EEG/ERP investigation of the development of empathy in early and middle childhood.
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Fan YT,Chen C,Chen SC,Decety J,Cheng Y.
Empathic arousal and social understanding in individuals with autism: evidence from fMRI and ERP measurements.
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Decety J,Chen C,Harenski CL,Kiehl KA.
An fMRI study of affective perspective taking in individuals with psychopathy: imagining another in pain does not evoke empathy.
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Chen C,Yang CY,Cheng Y.
Sensorimotor resonance is an outcome but not a platform to anticipating harm to others.
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Cheng Y,Chen C,Lin CP,Chou KH,Decety J.
Love hurts: an fMRI study.
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Yang CY,Decety J,Lee S,Chen C,Cheng Y.
Gender differences in the mu rhythm during empathy for pain: an electroencephalographic study.
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The Mirror-Neuron Theory of Autism Spetrum Disorder.
. Taipei City Medical Journal. 北市醫學誌