葉篤學(Yeh, Tu-Hsueh) 副教授

現   職
神經學科 主任
國際醫學研究碩士學位學程 副教授
臺北神經醫學中心 副院長


學 歷

長庚大學臨床醫學研究所 博士
臺北醫學大學醫學系 學士




2024/04/01 ~
2023/08/01 ~
2020/08/01 ~
2020/08/01 ~ 2022/09/02
2019/08/01 ~
2019/08/01 ~
2017/10/01 ~




genetic epidemiology
genetic epidemiology



1. 2024 Chen SM,Chen LY,Lin JH,Salazar N,Yeh TH,Lo WL, Lui TN, Hsieh YC, Chien LN. Comparison of endoscopic third ventriculostomy versus cerebrospinal fluid shunt procedures for the treatment of pediatric hydrocephalus in Taiwan . Childs Nerv Syst .2024

2. 2024 Tung YT,Liao YC,Yeh TH,Tsao SP,Chang CC,Shih WT, Huang HY. 10 weeks low intensity treadmill exercise intervention ameliorates motor deficits and sustains muscle mass via decreasing oxidative damage and increasing mitochondria function in a rat model of Parkinson's disease . Life Sci .2024

3. 2024 Chiu CC,Chen YL,Weng YH,Liu SY,Li HL,Yeh TH, Wang HL. Downregulation of Protease Cathepsin D and Upregulation of Pathologic α-Synuclein Mediate Paucity of DNAJC6-Induced Degeneration of Dopaminergic Neurons . Int J Mol Sci .2024 ;(25):6711

4. 2024 Chen HY,Huang YC,Yeh TH,Chang CW, Shen YJ,Chen YC, Sun MQ, Cheng YC. Dtx2 Deficiency Induces Ependymo-Radial Glial Cell Proliferation and Improves Spinal Cord Motor Function Recovery . Stem Cells Dev . .2024

5. 2023 Chiu CC,Weng YH,Yeh, Tu-Hsueh,Lu JC,Chen WS,Li AH, Chen YL, Wei KC, Wang HL. Deficiency of RAB39B Activates ER Stress-Induced Pro-apoptotic Pathway and Causes Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Oxidative Stress in Dopaminergic Neurons by Impairing Autophagy and Upregulating α-Synuclein . Molecular Neurobiology .2023 ;(60):2706-2728

6. 2023 Wang HL,Cheng YC,Yeh, Tu-Hsueh,Liu HF,Weng YH,Chen RS, Chen YC, Lu JC, Hwang TL, Wei KC, Liu YC, Wang YT, Hsu CC, Chiu TJ, Chiu CC. HCH6-1, an antagonist of formyl peptide receptor-1, exerts anti-neuroinflammatory and neuroprotective effects in cellular and animal models of Parkinson's disease . Biochemical Pharmacology .2023 ;(212):115524

7. 2023 Chen YT,Liu YL,Yeh, Tu-Hsueh,Ho JD,Chang CJ,Hsieh KL. Adult PHACE Syndrome Presenting With Visual Field Loss: A Case Report and Review of the Literature . Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology .2023

8. 2023 Shih HY,Chen HY,Huang YC,Yeh TH,Chen YC,Cheng YC. Etv5a Suppresses Neural Progenitor Cell Proliferation by Inhibiting sox2 Transcription . Stem Cells Dev. .2023

9. 2023 Fevga C,Tesson C,Mascaro AC,Courtin T,van Coller R,Sakka S, Ferraro F, Farhat N, Bardien S, Damak M, Carr J, Ferrien M, Boumeester V, Hundscheid J, Grillenzoni N, Kessissoglou IA, Kuipers DJS, Quadri M; French and Mediterranean Parkinson disease Genetics Study Group; International Parkinsonism Genetics Network; Corvol J-C, Mhiri C, Hassan BA, Breedveld GJ, Lesage S, Mandemakers W, Brice A, Bonifati V. PTPA variants and impaired PP2A activity in early-onset parkinsonism with intellectual disability . Brain .2023 ;(146):1496-1510

10. 2022 Nurrahma BA,Yeh TH,Hsieh RH,Tsao SP,Chen CW,Lee YP, Pan CH, Huang HY. Mangosteen Pericarp Extract Supplementation Boosts Antioxidant Status via Rebuilding Gut Microbiota to Attenuate Motor Deficit in 6-OHDA-Induced Parkinson's Disease . Antioxidants (Basel) .2022 ;(11):2396

11. 2021 Kuipers DJS,Mandemakers W,Lu CS,Olgiati S,Breedveld GJ,Fevga C, Tadic V, Carecchio M, Osterman B, Sagi-Dain L, Wu-Chou YH, Chen CC, Chang HC, Wu SL, Yeh TH, Weng YH, Elia AE, Panteghini C, Marotta N, Pauly MG, Kühn AA, Volkmann J, Lace B, Meijer IA, Kandaswamy K, Quadri M, Garavaglia B, Lohmann K, Bauer P, Mencacci NE, Lubbe SJ, Klein C, Bertoli-Avella AM, Bonifati V. EIF2AK2 Missense Variants Associated with Early Onset Generalized Dystonia . Ann Neurol .2021 ;(89):485-497

12. 2021 Nurrahma BA,Tsao SP,Wu CH,Yeh TH,Hsieh PS,Panunggal B, Huang HY. Probiotic Supplementation Facilitates Recovery of 6-OHDA-Induced Motor Deficit via Improving Mitochondrial Function and Energy Metabolism . Front Aging Neurosci .2021 ;(13)

13. 2021 Yeh TH,Liu HF,Chiu CC,Cheng ML,Huang GJ,Huang YC, Liu YC, Huang YZ, Lu CS, Chen YC, Chen HY, Cheng YC. PLA2G6 mutations cause motor dysfunction phenotypes of young-onset dystonia-parkinsonism type 14 and can be relieved by DHA treatment in animal models . Exp Neurol .2021

14. 2021 Ni CF,Cheng SJ,Chen CY,Yeh TH,Hsieh KLC. Added Value of Rescue Devices in Intra-Arterial Thrombectomy: When Should We Apply Them . Front Neurol .2021

15. 2021 Wang HL,Yeh TH,Huang YZ,Weng YH,Chen RS,Lu CS, Wei KC, Liu YC, Chen YL, Chen CL, Chen YJ, Lin YW, Hsu CC, Chiu CH, Chiu CC. Functional variant rs17525453 within RAB35 gene promoter is possibly associated with increased risk of Parkinson's disease in Taiwanese population . Neurobiol Aging .2021

16. 2021 Tsao SP, ,Nurrahma BA,Kumar R,Wu CH,Yeh TH,Chiu CC, Lee YP, Liao YC, Huang CH, Yeh YT, Huang HY. Probiotic enhancement of antioxidant capacity and alterations of gut microbiota composition in 6-hydroxydopamin-induced Parkinson's disease rats . Antioxidants .2021 ;(10):1823

17. 2020 Liu YC,Wang HL,Huang YZ,Weng YH,Chen RS,Tsai WC, Yeh TH, .... Alda-1, an activator of ALDH2, ameliorates Achilles tendinopathy in cellular and mouse models . Biochem Pharmacol .2020

18. 2020 Chiu CC,Weng YH,Huang YZ,Chen RS,Liu YC,Yeh TH, Lu CS, Lin YW, Chen YJ, Hsu CC, Chiu CH, Wang YT, Chen WS, Liu SY, Wang HL. (D620N) VPS35 causes the impairment of Wnt/β-catenin signaling cascade and mitochondrial dysfunction in a PARK17 knockin mouse model . Cell Death Dis .2020 ;(11):1018

19. 2019 Wang HL,Lu CS,Yeh TH,Shen YM,Weng YH,Huang YZ, Chen RS, Liu YC, Cheng YC, Chang HC, Chen YL, Chen YJ, Lin YW, Hsu CC, Lin HL, Chiu CH, Chiu CC. Combined Assessment of Serum Alpha-Synuclein and Rab35 is a Better Biomarker for Parkinson's Disease . J Clin Neurol .2019 ;(15):488-495

20. 2019 Chiu CC,Wang HL,Weng YH,Chen RS,Chen CM,Yeh TH, Lu CS, Chen YJ, Liu YC, Huang YZ, Chang KH. Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells from a young-onset Parkinson's disease patient carrying the compound heterozygous PLA2G6 p.D331Y/p.M358IfsX mutations . Stem Cell Res .2019 ;(40):101552

21. 2019 Chiu C-C,Yeh T-H,Chen R-S,Chen H-C,Huang Y-Z,Weng Y-H, Cheng Y-C, Liu Y-C, Cheng A-J, Lu Y-C, Chen Y-J, Lin Y-W, Hsu C-C, Chen Y-L, Lu C-S, Wang H-L. Upregulated Expression of MicroRNA-204-5p Leads to the Death of Dopaminergic Cells by Targeting DYRK1A-Mediated Apoptotic Signaling Cascade . Front Cell Neurosci .2019 ;(13):1-15

22. 2019 Tsai JP,Hsieh KL,Yeh TH,Lee YJ,Wei CR. The Occurrence of Metronidazole-Induced Encephalopathy in Cancer Patients: A Hospital-Based Retrospective Study . Ann Indian Acad Neurol .2019 ;(22):344-348

23. 2019 Lin WY,Lin MS,Weng YH,Yeh TH,Lin YS,Fong PY, Wu YR, Lu CS, Chen RS, Huang YZ. Association of Antiviral Therapy With Risk of Parkinson Disease in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection . JAMA Neurol .2019

24. 2019 Chiu CC,Lu CS,Weng YH,Chen YL,Huang YZ,Chen RS, Cheng YC, Huang YC, Liu YC, Lai SC, Lin KJ, Lin YW, Chen YJ, Chen CL, Yeh TH, Wang HL. PARK14 (D331Y) PLA2G6 Causes Early-Onset Degeneration of Substantia Nigra Dopaminergic Neurons by Inducing Mitochondrial Dysfunction, ER Stress, Mitophagy Impairment and Transcriptional Dysregulation in a Knockin Mouse Model . Mol Neurobiol .2019 ;(56):3835-3853

25. 2018 Quadri M,Mandemakers W,Grochowska MM,Masius R,Geut H,Fabrizio E, ..., Yeh TH. LRP10 genetic variants in familial Parkinson's disease and dementia with Lewy bodies: a genome-wide linkage and sequencing study . Lancet Neurology .2018 ;(17):597-608

26. 2018 Yeh TH,Liu HF,Li YW,Lu CS,Shih HY,Chiu CC, Lin SJ, Huang YC, Cheng YC. C9orf72 is essential for neurodevelopment and motility mediated by Cyclin G1 . Experimental Neurology .2018 ;(304):114-124

27. 2018 Pparα deficiency inhibits the proliferation of neuronal and glial precursors in the zebrafish central nervous system . Developmental Dynamics .2018 ;(247):1264-1275

28. 2018 Lin Ting Chun ,Lin Yen Kuang ,Chen Chin I. ,Chan Lung ,Chi Nai Fang ,Yuan RY, Sheu JJ, Wei CR, Tsai JP, Yeh TH. Serum lipid level is not associated with symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage after intravenous thrombolysis for acute ischemic stroke . PeerJ .2018 ;(2018):e6021

29. 2018 Yang Chen Chih ,Wang Wei Chung ,Yeh Tu Hsueh ,Chen Tzu Hsuan ,Liu Yen Liang . A novel missense mutation of the GTP cyclohydrolase 1 gene in a Taiwanese family with dopa-responsive dystonia: A case report . Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery .2018 ;(165):21-23

30. 2018 Wu-Chou YH,Hung TC,Lin YT,Cheng HW,Lin JL,Lin CH, Yu CC, Chen KT, Yeh TH, Chen YR. Genetic diagnosis of neurofibromatosis type 1: targeted next- generation sequencing with Multiple Ligation-Dependent Probe Amplification analysis . Journal of Biomedical Science .2018 ;(25):72

31. 2017 Huang Tzu Chou ,Lai Tzu Hsien ,Wang Shuu Jiun ,Wang Po Jen ,Wang Yen Feng . Medical treatment guidelines for preventive treatment of migraine . Acta Neurologica Taiwanica .2017 ;(26):33-53

32. 2017 Lin Yi Ying ,Chen Rou Shayn ,Lu Chin Song ,Huang Ying Zu ,Weng Yi Hsin ,Yeh Tu-Hsueh. Sleep disturbances in Taiwanese patients with Parkinson's disease . Brain and Behavior .2017 ;(7)

33. 2017 Quadri Marialuisa ,Breedveld Guido J. ,Chang Hsiu Chen ,Yeh Tu Hsueh ,Guedes Leonor Correia . Mutations in TMEM230 are not a common cause of Parkinson's disease . Movement Disorders .2017 ;(32):302-304

34. 2017 Lan Min Yu ,Chang Yung Yee ,Yeh Tu-Hseuh ,Lin Tsu Kung ,Lu Chin Song . Leukoencephalopathy with brainstem and spinal cord involvement and lactate elevation (LBSL) with a novel DARS2 mutation and isolated progressive spastic paraparesis . Journal of the Neurological Sciences .2017 ;(372):229-231

35. 2017 Lin Sheng Jia ,Chiang Ming Chang ,Shih Hung Yu ,Hsu Li Sung ,Yeh Tu-Hsueh . Regulator of G protein signaling 2 (Rgs2) regulates neural crest development through Pparδ-Sox10 cascade . Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects .2017 ;(1864):463-474

36. 2017 Huang YC,Lin SJ,Shih HY,Shih HY,Chu HH,Chiu CC, Yuh CH, Yeh TH*, Cheng YC. Epigenetic regulation of NOTCH1 and NOTCH3 by KMT2A inhibits glioma proliferation . Oncotarget .2017 ;(8):63110-63120

37. 2017 Chiu CC,Yeh TH,Lu CS,Huang YC,Cheng YC,Huang YZ, Weng YH, Liu YC, Lai SC, Chen YL, Chen YJ, Chen CL, Chen HY, Lin YW, Wang HL. PARK14 PLA2G6 mutants are defective in preventing rotenoneinduced mitochondrial dysfunction, ROS generation and activation of mitochondrial apoptotic pathway . Oncotarget .2017 ;(8):79046-79060

38. 2017 Lin TK,Hsu PW,Chuang CC,Tu PH,Chen PY, Jung SM, Wei KC, Huang YC. Primary Central Nervous System Lymphomas of the Brain: A Retrospective Analysis in a Single Institution . World Neurosurgery .2017 ;(103):550-556

39. 2016 Weng YH,Chen CY,Lin KJ,Chen YL,Yeh TH. (R1441C) LRRK2 induces the degeneration of SN dopaminergic neurons and alters the expression of genes regulating neuronal survival in a transgenic mouse model . Experimental Neurology .2016 ;(275):104-115

40. 2016 Effects of intravenous and oral magnesium on reducing migraine: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Pain Physician .2016 ;(19):E97-E112

41. 2016 Chiu Ching Chi ,Yeh Tu Hsueh ,Lai Szu Chia ,Weng Yi Hsin ,Huang Yin Cheng . Increased Rab35 expression is a potential biomarker and implicated in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease . Oncotarget .2016 ;(7):54215-54227

42. 2016 Paroxysmal exercise-induced dystonia within the phenotypic spectrum of ECHS1 deficiency . Movement Disorders .2016 ;(31):1041-1048

43. 2015 Lan Ming Ying ,Yeh TsH ,Chang Y. Y. ,Kuo H. C. ,Sun H S . Clinical and genetic analysis of Taiwanese patients with hereditary spastic paraplegia type 5 . European Journal of Neurology .2015 ;(22):211-214

44. 2015 Cheng Yi Chuan ,Huang Yin Cheng ,Yeh Tu Hsueh ,Shih Hung Yu ,Lin Ching Yu . Deltex1 is inhibited by the Notch-Hairy/E(Spl) signaling pathway and induces neuronal and glial differentiation . Neural Development .2015 ;(10)

45. 2015 Chou An Hsun ,Chen Ying Ling ,Chiu Ching Chi ,Yuan Shin Je ,Weng Yi Hsin . T1-11 and JMF1907 ameliorate polyglutamine-expanded ataxin-3-induced neurodegeneration, transcriptional dysregulation and ataxic symptom in the SCA3 transgenic mouse . Neuropharmacology .2015 ;(99):308-317

46. 2015 Chiu Ching Chi ,Yeh Tu Hsueh ,Lai Szu Chia ,Wu-Chou Yah Huei ,Chen Che Hong . Neuroprotective effects of aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 activation in rotenone-induced cellular and animal models of parkinsonism . Experimental Neurology .2015 ;(263):244-253

47. 2015 Huang Yin Cheng ,Shih Hung Yu ,Lin Sheng Jia ,Chiu Ching Chi ,Ma Tsu Lin ,Tu-Hsueh Yeh, Yi-Chuan Cheng. The epigenetic factor Kmt2a/Mll1 regulates neural progenitor proliferation and neuronal and glial differentiation . Developmental Neurobiology .2015 ;(75):452-462

48. 2015 Cheng Yi Chuan ,Chiang Ming Chang ,Shih Hung Yu ,Ma Tsu Lin ,Yeh Tu Hsueh . The transcription factor hairy/E(spl)-related 2 induces proliferation of neural progenitors and regulates neurogenesis and gliogenesis . Developmental Biology .2015 ;(397):116-128

49. 2014 Chou Jun Shiao ,Chen Chu Yu ,Chen Ying Ling ,Weng Yi Hsin ,Yeh Tu Hsueh . (G2019S) LRRK2 causes early-phase dysfunction of SNpc dopaminergic neurons and impairment of corticostriatal long-term depression in the PD transgenic mouse . Neurobiology of Disease .2014 ;(68):190-199

50. 2014 A novel XK gene mutation in a Taiwanese family with McLeod syndrome . Journal of the Neurological Sciences .2014 ;(340):221-224

51. 2014 Lan Min Yu ,Chang Yung Yee ,Yeh Tu Hseuh ,Lai Szu Chia ,Liou Chia Wei . High frequency of SPG4 in Taiwanese families with autosomal dominant hereditary spastic paraplegia . BMC Neurology .2014 ;(14)

52. 2014 Transglutaminase 2 expression is increased as a function of malignancy grade and negatively regulates cell growth in meningioma . PLoS One .2014 ;(9)

53. 2013 Stamelou Maria ,Lai Scarlett C. ,Aggarwal Annu ,Schneider Susanne A. ,Houlden Henry . Dystonic opisthotonus: A {}red flag{} for neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation syndromes? . Movement Disorders .2013 ;(28):1325-1329

54. 2013 Wu-Chou Yah Huei ,Chen Ying Ting ,Yeh Tu Hsueh ,Chang Hsiu Chen ,Weng Yi Hsin . Genetic variants of SNCA and LRRK2 genes are associated with sporadic PD susceptibility: A replication study in a Taiwanese cohort . Parkinsonism and Related Disorders .2013 ;(19):251-255

55. 2013 Wang Hung Li ,Hu Su Huei ,Chou An Hsun ,Wang Shang Seng ,Weng Yi Hsin . H1152 promotes the degradation of polyglutamine-expanded ataxin-3 or ataxin-7 independently of its ROCK-inhibiting effect and ameliorates mutant ataxin-3-induced neurodegeneration in the SCA3 transgenic mouse . Neuropharmacology .2013 ;(70):1-11

56. 2013 Lee Chih Hong ,Lu Chin Song ,Chuang Wen Li ,Yeh Tu Hsueh ,Jung Shih Ming . Phenotypes and genotypes of patients with pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration in Asian and caucasian populations: 2 cases and literature review . The Scientific World Journal .2013 ;(2013)

57. 2013 Yeh Tu Hsueh ,Lai Szu Chia ,Weng Yi Hsin ,Kuo Hung Chou ,Wu-Chou Yah Huei . Screening for C9orf72 repeat expansions in parkinsonian syndromes . Neurobiology of Aging .2013 ;(34)

58. 2013 Wang Hung Li ,Chang Ning Chun ,Weng Yi Hsin ,Yeh Tu Hsueh . XLID CUL4B mutants are defective in promoting TSC2 degradation and positively regulating mTOR signaling in neocortical neurons . Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease .2013 ;(1832):585-593

59. 2012 Chen C. Y. ,Weng Yi H. ,Chien Kun Yi ,Lin J. K. ,Yeh T. H. . (G2019S) LRRK2 activates MKK4-JNK pathway and causes degeneration of SN dopaminergic neurons in a transgenic mouse model of PD . Cell Death and Differentiation .2012 ;(19):1623-1633

60. 2012 Yeh Tu Hsueh ,Lin Juei Jueng ,Lai Szu Chia ,Wu-Chou Yah Huei ,Chen An Chih . Familial paroxysmal nonkinesigenic dyskinesia: Clinical and genetic analysis of a Taiwanese family . Journal of the Neurological Sciences .2012 ;(323):80-84

61. 2012 Majounie Elisa ,Renton Alan E. ,Mok Kin ,Dopper Elise G P ,Waite Adrian . Frequency of the C9orf72 hexanucleotide repeat expansion in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia: A cross-sectional study . The Lancet Neurology .2012 ;(11):323-330

62. 2012 Lu Chin Song ,Lai Szu Chia ,Wu Ruey Meei ,Weng Yi Hsin ,Huang Chia Ling . PLA2G6 mutations in PARK14-linked young-onset parkinsonism and sporadic Parkinson's disease . American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics .2012 ;(159 B):183-191

63. 2009 Yeh Tu Hsueh ,Lee Da Yong ,Gianino Scott M. ,Gutmann David H. . Microarray analyses reveal regional astrocyte heterogeneity with implications for neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1)-regulated glial proliferation . GLIA .2009 ;(57):1239-1249

64. 2008 Deshmukh H. ,Yeh T. H. ,Yu J. J. ,Sharma M. K. ,Perry Arie . High-resolution, dual-platform aCGH analysis reveals frequent HIPK2 amplification and increased expression in pilocytic astrocytomas . Oncogene .2008 ;(27):4745-4751

65. 2005 Yeh Tu Hsueh ,Lu Chin Song ,Chou Yah Huei Wu ,Chong Chok Chean ,Wu Tony . Autonomic dysfunction in Machado-Joseph disease . Archives of Neurology .2005 ;(62):630-636

66. 2005 Yeh Tu Hsueh ,Wang Hung Li . Global ischemia downregulates the function of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons . Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences .2005 ;(29):484-492

67. 2005 Yeh Tu Hsueh ,Hwang Hwa Min ,Chen Jin Jung ,Wu Tony ,Li Allen Hon Lun . Glutamate transporter function of rat hippocampal astrocytes is impaired following the global ischemia . Neurobiology of Disease .2005 ;(18):476-483

1. 2023 Yeh TH,Huang YC,Huang SC,Chen SM,Lin CH,Wu-Chou YH. CONTRIBUTION OF GENOMIC CHANGE IN THE PROGRESSION OF NF1-ASSOCIATED NEUROFIBROMAS . Journal of the Neurological Sciences .2023

2. 2021 Limanjaya I,Chiu CC,Kao TJ,Yeh TH. Therapeutic potential of inhibition of formyl peptide receptor signaling in Parkinson's disease . Journal of the Neurological Sciences .2021 ;(429):119568


107 利用PLA2G6基因嵌入小鼠研究第十四型帕金森病分子病理機轉與治療(3/3)

106 新聘教師研究補助

106 利用PLA2G6基因嵌入小鼠研究第十四型帕金森病分子病理機轉與治療(2/3)

105 利用PLA2G6基因嵌入小鼠研究第十四型帕金森病分子病理機轉與治療(1/3)