1. |
Tsai ML,Wang CC,Lee FC,Peng SJ,Chang H,Tseng SH.
Resting-State EEG Functional Connectivity in Children with Rolandic Spikes with or without Clinical Seizures.
. Biomedicines
2. |
Wang AY,Wong TT,Hsieh KL,Tsai ML,Yang C.
Giant cystic hypothalamic hamartoma in an infant associated with persistent syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion.
. Child's Nervous System
3. |
Tsai ML,Lin HC,Yen CH,Ku JT,Sung SY,Chang H.
Increased Risk of Tourette Syndrome with Leukotriene Modifier Use in Children with Allergic Diseases and Asthma: A Nationwide Population-Based Study.
. Children (Basel)
4. |
Liu YL ,Tsai ML,Chen CI,Yar N,Tsai CW,Lee HL, Kuo CC, Ho WL, Hsieh KLC, Tseng SH, Miser JS, Chang CY, Chang H, Huang -C, Wong TT, Wu ATH, Yen YC. .
Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor in Taiwan: A Nationwide, Population-Based Study.
. Cancers
5. |
Peng SJ,Hsieh KL,Lin YK,Tsai ML,Wong TT,Chang H.
Febrile seizures reduce hippocampal subfield volumes but not cortical thickness in children with focal onset seizures.
. Epilepsy Research