高偉育(Kao, Wei-Yu) 副教授

現   職
內科學科 副教授
消化醫學研究中心 副主任


學 歷

臺北醫學大學臨床醫學研究所博士班 博士
臺北醫學大學醫學系 學士




2023/08/01 ~
2023/06/01 ~




Gastrointestinal Medicine



1. 2024 Hsu SW,Kao WY,Huang YM. Cutaneous Metastasis from Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Rare Cause of Periumbilical Bulging Tumor . Asian Journal of Surgery .2024 ;(47):1472-1474

2. 2024 Liu Chen Hua,Chang Yu Ping,Fang Yu Jen,Cheng Pin Nan,Chen Chi Yi,Kao Wei Yu,Lin Chih Lin,Yang Sheng Shun,Shih Yu Lueng,Peng Cheng Yuan,Tsai Ming Chang,Huang Shang Chin,Su Tung Hung,Tseng Tai Chung,Liu Chun Jen,Chen Pei Jer,Kao Jia Horng,Liu Chen Hua,Chang Yu Ping,Fang Yu Jen,Cheng Pin Nan,Chen Chi Yi,Kao Wei Yu,Lin Chih Lin,Yang Sheng Shun,Shih Yu Lueng,Peng Cheng Yuan,Tsai Ming Chang,Huang Shang Chin,Su Tung Hung,Tseng Tai Chung,Liu Chun Jen,Chen Pei Jer,Kao Jia Horng. Dynamic change of metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease in patients with hepatitis C virus infection after achieving sustained virologic response with direct-acting antivirals . Journal of Gastroenterology .2024

3. 2024 Jeong Sohyun,Liao Yi Tyng,Tsai Min Hsuan,Wang Yao Kuang,Wu I. Chen,Liu Chung Jung,Wu Ming Shun,Chan Tze Sian,Chen Ming Yao,Hu Ping Jen,Kao Wei Yu,Liu Hsiang Chin,Tsai Ming Ju,Liu Cheng Yuan,Chang Chun Chao,Wu Deng Chyang,Hsu Yi Hsiang,Jeong Sohyun,Liao Yi Tyng,Tsai Min Hsuan,Wang Yao Kuang,Wu I. Chen,Liu Chung Jung,Wu Ming Shun,Chan Tze Sian,Chen Ming Yao,Hu Ping Jen,Kao Wei Yu,Liu Hsiang Chin,Tsai Ming Ju,Liu Cheng Yuan,Chang Chun Chao,Wu Deng Chyang,Hsu Yi Hsiang. Microbiome signatures associated with clinical stages of gastric Cancer: whole metagenome shotgun sequencing study . BMC Microbiology .2024 ;(24)

4. 2024 Kao WY,Yu SH,Mai FD,Tsai HY,Chen JW,Liu YC. Extracting Pesticides from Shallots Utilizing Environmentally Friendly Vapors of In Situ Plasmon-Activated Water . ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering .2024

5. 2024 Kao WY,Yu SH,Mai FD,Tsai HY,Chen JW,Liu YC. More-energetic vapors of in situ plasmon-activated water as an environmentally friendly etchant . Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry .2024

6. 2024 Liu CH,Chang YP,Lee JY,Chen CY,Kao WY,Lin CL, Yang SS, Shih YL, Peng CY, Lee FJ, Tsai MC, Huang SC, Su TH, Tseng TC, Liu CJ, Chen PJ, Kao JH. Four weeks of off-treatment follow-up is sufficient to determine virologic responses at off-treatment week 12 in patients with hepatitis C virus infection receiving fixed-dose pangenotypic direct-acting antivirals . Journal of Medical Virology .2024

7. 2023 Liu CH,Peng CY,Liu CJ,Chen CY,Lo CC,Tseng KC, Su PY, Kao WY. Sofosbuvir/velpatasvir/voxilaprevir for patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection previously treated with NS5A direct-acting antivirals: a real-world multicenter cohort in Taiwan . Hepatology International .2023

8. 2023 Kao WY,Tan EC,Lee HL,Huang YH,Huo TI,Chang CC, Chiou JF, Hou MC, Wu JC, Su CW. Entecavir versus tenofovir on prognosis of hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma after curative hepatectomy . Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics .2023

9. 2023 Wu HC,Hsieh YR,Wang W,Chang CW,Chen IW,Chen CL, Chang CC, Chang CH, Kao WY, Huang SY. Potential Hepatic Lipid Markers Associated with Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis and Fibrosis in Morbid Obesity Patients . Journal of Clinical Medicine .2023 ;(12):3730

10. 2023 Cheng PL,Wu PH,Kao WY,Lai YT,Hsu Jason,Chiou JF, Wu MH, Lee HL. Comparison of local ablative therapies, including radiofrequency ablation, microwave ablation, stereotactic ablative radiotherapy, and particle radiotherapy, for inoperable hepatocellular carcinoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis . Experimental Hematology & Oncology .2023 ;(12):37

11. 2023 Lu CH,Kao WY,Kan YA. A rare cause of hematochezia: colonic extranodal marginal zone lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALToma): A case report and literature review . Medicine .2023 ;(102):e33869

12. 2023 Chang CH,Wu HC,Hsieh YR,Lai WD,Tung TH,Huang JJ, Kao WY, Huang SY. Modulatory effect of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on depressive-like behaviors in rats with chronic sleep deprivation: potential involvement of melatonin receptor pathway and brain lipidome . Food & Function .2023 ;(14)

13. 2023 Yu SH,Mai FD,Kao WY,Tsai HY,Liu YC. Catalytic green energy production based on engineered active water innovatively prepared using sunlight-illuminated gold nanoparticles . Journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry .2023 ;(127):406-415

14. 2023 Yang CP,Kao WY,Yu SH,Mai FD,Tsai HY,Chen JW, Liu YC. Plasmon-activated water; surface-enhanced Raman scattering; Vapors; Pesticides; Environmental-friendly etchant . Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical .2023 ;(374):132798

15. 2022 Kao WY,Su CW. Outcomes of atezolizumab and bevacizumab for hepatocellular carcinoma: Does Age Matter? . Liver International .2022 ;(42):2597-2598

16. 2022 Jhan CH,Kao WY,Huang YM. Indocyanine green fluorescence imaging-assisted laparoscopic radiofrequency ablation of hepatocellullar carcinoma . Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology .2022

17. 2022 Liu CH,Chen CY,Su WW,Tseng KC,Lo CC,Liu CJ, Chen JJ, Peng CY, Shih YL, Yang SS, Huang CS, Huang KJ, Chang CY, Tsai MC, Kao WY, Fang YJ, Chen PY, Su PY, Tseng CW, Huang JJ, Lee PL, Lai HC, Hsieh TY, Chang CH, Huang YJ, Lee FJ, Chang CC, Kao JH. Sofosbuvir/velpatasvir with or without low-dose ribavirin for patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection and severe renal impairment . Gut .2022 ;(71):176-184

18. 2022 Liu CH,Peng CY,Kao WY,Yang SS,Shih YL,Chang CC, Chen PJ, Kao JH. Hepatitis C virus reinfection after achieving sustained virologic response with antiviral treatment in hemodialysis patients . Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics .2022 ;(55):434-445

19. 2022 Chang CC,Kao WY,Liu CY,Su HH,Kan YA,Lin PY, Ku WC, Chang KW, Yang RN, Huang CJ. Butyrate supplementation regulates expression of chromosome segregation 1‑like protein to reverse the genetic distortion caused by p53 mutations in colorectal cancer . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY .2022 ;(60):64-75

20. 2022 Liu CH,Sun HY,Peng CY,Hsieh SM,Yang SS,Kao WY,Shih YL,Lin CL, Liu CJ, Sheng WH, Lo YC, Li WC, Wu JH, Su TH, Tseng TC,Chen PJ, Hung CC, Kao JH . Hepatitis C Virus Reinfection in People With HIV in Taiwan After Achieving Sustained Virologic Response With Antiviral Treatment: The RECUR Study . Open Forum Infectious Disease .2022 ;(9)

21. 2022 Chang CC,Liu CY,Su IC,Lee YJ,Yeh HJ,Chen WC, Yu CJ, Kao WY, Liu YC, Huang CJ. Functional Plasmon-Activated Water Increases Akkermansia muciniphila Abundance in Gut Microbiota to Ameliorate Inflammatory Bowel Disease . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2022 ;(23):11422

22. 2021 Chou TH,Yeh HJ,Chang CC,Tang JH,Kao WY,Su IC, Li CH, Chang WH, Huang CK, Sufriyana Herdiantri, Su Emily Chia-Yu . Deep learning for abdominal ultrasound: a computer-aided diagnostic system for the severity of fatty liver . Journal of the Chinese Medical Association .2021 ;(84):842-850

23. 2021 Su WC,Kao WY,Chang TK,Tsai HL,Huang CW,Chen YC, Li CC, Hsieh YC, Yen HJ, Chang CC, Wang JY. Stool DNA test targeting methylated syndecan-2 (SDC2) as a noninvasive screening method for colorectal cancer . Bioscience Repo .2021 ;(41):BSR20201930

24. 2021 Liu CH,Chen PY,Chen JJ,Lo CC,Su WW,Tseng KC, Liu CJ, Huang CS, Huang KJ, Yang SS, Peng CY, Tsai MC, Kao wY, Chang CY, Shih YL, Fang YJ, Chen CY, Huang YJ, Lai HC, Chang CC Lee FJ, Hsieh TY, Kao JH. Sofosbuvir/velpatasvir for patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection and compensated liver disease: real‑world data in Taiwan . Hepatology International .2021

25. 2021 Kao WY,Yu SH,Mai FD,Tsai HY,Liu YC. Innovative strategy on improved surface-enhanced Raman scattering sensing by using plasmon-activated water dissolving analyte . Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry .2021 ;(891):1-9

26. 2021 Yu SH,Kao WY,Mai FD,Tsai HY,Liu YC. Comprehensively active condensed water from vapors of plasmon-activated water . Chemical Engineering Journal .2021 ;(426):1-10

27. 2021 Liu CH,Chen CY,Su WW,Liu CJ,Lo CC,Kao WY, Chang CC, Kao JH. Sofosbuvir/velpatasvir plus ribavirin for Child-Pugh B and Child-Pugh C hepatitis C virus-related cirrhosis . Clinical Molecular Hepatology .2021 ;(27):575-588

28. 2021 Yu CJ,Yeh HJ,Chang CC,Tang JH,Kao WY,Su Emily Chia-Yu. Lightweight Deep Neural Networks for Cholelithiasis and Cholecystitis Detection by Point-of-Care Ultrasound . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2021 ;(211)

29. 2021 Kao WY,Lin YF,Chang IW,Chen CL,Tang JH,Chang CC, Chang YJ, Wang W. Interleukin-2 receptor alpha as a biomarker for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease diagnosis . Journal of the Chinese Medical Association .2021 ;(84):261-266

30. 2020 Liu CH,Peng CY,Fang YJ,Kao WY,Yang SS,Lin CK, Lai HC, Su WP, Fang SU, Chang CC, Su TH, Liu CJ, Chen PJ, Chen DSm Kao JH . Elbasvir/grazoprevir for hepatitis C virus genotype 1b East-Asian patients receiving hemodialysis . Scientific Reports .2020 ;(10):9180

31. 2020 Lee PC,Chen YJ,Chou YC,Lee KC,Chen PH,Kao WY, Huang YH, Huo TI, Lin HC, Hou MC, Lee FY, Wu JC, Su CW. Low dose of propranolol treatment is associated with better survival in cirrhotic patients with hepatic encephalopathy . European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology .2020 ;(32):365-372

32. 2020 Lee PC,Chiou YY,Chiu NC,Chen PH,Liu CA,Kao WY, Hou TI, Huang YH, Hou MC, Lin HC, Wu JC, Su CW. Liver stiffness measured by acoustic radiation force impulse elastography predicted prognoses of hepatocellular carcinoma after radiofrequency ablation . Scientific Reports .2020 ;(10):1-13

33. 2020 Kao WY,Chang IW,Chen CL,Su CW,Fang SU,Tang JH, Chang CC, Chang YJ, Wang W. Fibroscan-based score to predict significant liver fibrosis in morbidly obese patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease . Obesity Surgery .2020 ;(30):1249-1257

34. 2020 Su CW,Fang KC,Lee RC,Liu CA,Chen PH,Lee PC, Kao WY, Huang YH, Huo TI, Hou MC, Lin HC, Wu JC. Association between esophagogastric varices in hepatocellular carcinoma and poor prognosis after transarterial chemoembolization: A propensity score matching analysis. . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2020 ;(119):610-620

35. 2020 Chen Po Chun,Kao Wei Yu,Cheng Yuan Lung,Wang Yuan Jen,Hou Ming Chih,Wu Jaw Ching,Su Chien Wei. The correlation between fatty liver disease and chronic kidney disease . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2020 ;(119):42-50

36. 2019 Kao Wei-Yu,Su Chien-Wei,Tan Elise Chia-Hui,Lee Pei-Chang,Chen Ping-Hsien,Tang Jui-Hsiang,Huang Yi-Hsiang,Huo Teh-Ia,Chang Chun-Chao,Hou Ming-Chih,Lin Han-Chieh,Wu Jaw-Ching. Proton Pump Inhibitors and Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B or C . Hepatology .2019 ;(69):1151-1164

37. 2019 Kao WY, Tan EC, Su CW. Reply to comment: Proton pump inhibitors use and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma . Hepatology .2019 ;(70):440-441

38. 2019 Kao Wei Yu,Cheng Tiong,Chang Chun Chao. A rare cause of hematochezia after colonoscopy . Digestive and Liver Disease .2019 ;(51):452

39. 2019 Kao Wei-Yu,Su Chien-Wei,Fang Sheng-Uei,Tang Jui-Hsiang,Chang Chun-Chao,Liu Jean-Dean. Determination of the predictive factors for significant liver fibrosis assessed through transient elastography . Advances in Digestive Medicine .2019 ;(6):5-14

40. 2019 Lee HL,Tsai JT,Chen CY,Lin YC,Ho CB,Ting LL, Kuo CC, Lai IC, Lin CY, Tang JH, Huang YM, Kao WY, Chen SW, Shen CN, Chen SW, Chiou JF. Effectiveness of stereotactic ablative radiotherapy in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma unsuitable for transarterial chemoembolization. . Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology .2019 ;(11):1-13

41. 2018 Fang Kuan Chieh,Kao Wei Yu,Su Chien Wei,Chen Po Chun,Lee Pei Chang,Huang Yi Hsiang,Huo Teh Ia,Chang Chun Chao,Hou Ming Chih,Lin Han Chieh,Wu Jaw Ching. The Prognosis of Single Large Hepatocellular Carcinoma Was Distinct from Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer Stage A or B: The Role of Albumin-Bilirubin Grade . Liver Cancer .2018 ;(7):335-358

42. 2018 Yeh Hsing Jung,Lin Pao Ying,Kao Wei Yu,Kun Ching Huei,Chang Chun Chao. Idiopathic mesenteric phlebosclerosis associated with long-term use of Chinese herbal medicine . The Turkish journal of gastroenterology : the official journal of Turkish Society of Gastroenterology .2018 ;(29):140-142

43. 2018 Kao W. Y.,Su C. W.. Letter: the role of direct-acting anti-virals in determining the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma development in patients with hepatitis C virus-induced cirrhosis . Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics .2018 ;(47):1230-1231

44. 2018 Chen Po Chun,Fang Kuan Chieh,Kao Wei Yu,Su Chien Wei. Outcomes of resection surgery for hepatocellular carcinoma: Does size matter? . Journal of the Chinese Medical Association .2018 ;(81):89-91

45. 2017 Kao Wei Yu,Su Chien Wei,Chiou Yi You,Chiu Nai Chi,Liu Chien An,Fang Kuan Chieh,Huo Teh Ia,Huang Yi Hsiang,Chang Chun Chao,Hou Ming Chih,Lin Han Chieh,Wu Jaw Ching. Hepatocellular carcinoma: Nomograms based on the albumin-bilirubin grade to assess the outcomes of radiofrequency ablation . Radiology .2017 ;(285):670-680

46. 2017 Fang Kuan Chieh,Su Chien Wei,Chiou Yi You,Lee Pei Chang,Chiu Nai Chi,Liu Chien An,Chen Ping Hsien,Kao Wei Yu,Huang Yi Hsiang,Huo Teh Ia,Hou Ming Chih,Lin Han Chieh,Wu Jaw Ching. The impact of clinically significant portal hypertension on the prognosis of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma after radiofrequency ablation: a propensity score matching analysis . European Radiology .2017 ;(27):2600-2609

47. 2015 Kao Wei Yu,Chao Yee,Chang Chun-Chao,Li Chung Pin,Su Chien Wei,Huo Teh Ia,Huang Yi Hsiang,Chang Yu Jia,Lin Han Chieh,Wu Jaw Ching. Prognosis of early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma: The clinical implications of substages of Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer system based on a cohort of 1265 patients . Medicine (Baltimore) .2015 ;(94):e1929

48. 2014 Kao Wei Yu,Su Chien Wei,Huang Yi Shin,Chou Yueh Ching,Chen Yi Chih,Chung Wen Hung,Hou Ming Chih,Lin Han Chieh,Lee Fa Yauh,Wu Jaw Ching. Risk of oral antifungal agent-induced liver injury in Taiwanese . British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology .2014 ;(77):180-189

49. 2013 Chen Ping Hsien,Kao Wei Yu,Chiou Yi You,Hung Hung Hsu,Su Chien Wei,Chou Yi Hong,Huo Teh Ia,Huang Yi Hsiang,Wu Wen Chieh,Chao Yee,Lin Han Chieh,Wu Jaw Ching. Comparison of prognosis by viral etiology in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma after radiofrequency ablation . Annals of Hepatology .2013 ;(12):263-273

50. 2013 Cheng Yuan Lung,Wang Yuan Jen,Kao Wei Yu,Chen Ping Hsien,Huo Teh Ia,Huang Yi Hsiang,Lan Keng Hsin,Su Chien Wei,Chan Wan Leong,Lin Han Chieh,Lee Fa Yauh,Wu Jaw Ching. Inverse Association between Hepatitis B Virus Infection and Fatty Liver Disease: A Large-Scale Study in Populations Seeking for Check-Up . PLoS One .2013 ;(8):e72049

51. 2013 Kao W. Y.,Su C. W.. Letter: Pyogenic liver abscess and colorectal cancer - Authors' reply . Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics .2013 ;(37):165-166

52. 2013 Hung Hung Hsu,Lei Hao Jan,Chau Gar Yang,Su Chien Wei,Hsia Cheng Yuan,Kao Wei Yu,Lui Wing Yiu,Wu Wen Chieh,Lin Han Chieh,Wu Jaw Ching. Milan Criteria, Multi-nodularity, and Microvascular Invasion Predict the Recurrence Patterns of Hepatocellular Carcinoma After Resection . Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery .2013 ;(17):702-711

53. 2012 Kao W. Y.,Hwang C. Y.,Chang Y. T.,Su C. W.,Hou M. C.,Lin H. C.,Lee F. Y.,Lee S. D.,Wu J. C.. Cancer risk in patients with pyogenic liver abscess: A nationwide cohort study . Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics .2012 ;(36):467-476

54. 2012 Chang Wen Tsan,Kao Wei Yu,Chau Gar Yang,Su Chien Wei,Lei Hao Jan,Wu Jaw Ching,Hsia Cheng Yuan,Lui Wing Yiu,King Kuang Liang,Lee Shou Dong. Hepatic resection can provide long-term survival of patients with non-early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma: Extending the Indication for resection? . Surgery .2012 ;(152):809-820

55. 2012 Wu Wen Chieh,Chiou Yi You,Hung Hung Hsu,Kao Wei Yu,Chou Yi Hong,Su Chien Wei,Wu Jaw Ching,Huo Teh Ia,Huang Yi Hsiang,Lee Kuei Chuan,Lin Han Chieh,Lee Shou Dong. Prognostic significance of computed tomography scan-derived splenic volume in hepatocellular carcinoma treated with radiofrequency ablation . Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology .2012 ;(46):789-795

56. 2012 Kao W. Y.,Chiou Y. Y.,Hung H. H.,Su C. W.,Chou Y. H.,Wu J. C.,Huo T. I.,Huang Y. H.,Wu W. C.,Lin H. C.,Lee S. D.. Serum alpha-fetoprotein response can predict prognosis in hepatocellular carcinoma patients undergoing radiofrequency ablation therapy . Clinical Radiology .2012 ;(67):429-436

57. 2012 Wu W. C.,Wu C. Y.,Wang Y. J.,Hung H. H.,Yang H. I.,Kao W. Y.,Su C. W.,Wu J. C.,Chan W. L.,Lin H. C.,Lee F. Y.,Lee S. D.. Updated thresholds for serum alanine aminotransferase level in a large-scale population study composed of 34 346 subjects . Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics .2012 ;(36):560-568

58. 2012 Kao Wei Yu,Chiou Yi You,Hung Hung Hsu,Su Chien Wei,Chou Yi Hong,Huo Teh Ia,Huang Yi Hsiang,Wu Wen Chieh,Lin Han Chieh,Lee Shou Dong,Wu Jaw Ching. Younger hepatocellular carcinoma patients have better prognosis after percutaneous radiofrequency ablation therapy . Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology .2012 ;(46):62-70

59. 2011 Kao Wei Yu,Su Chien Wei,Chau Gar Yang,Lui Wing Yiu,Wu Chew Wun,Wu Jaw Ching. A comparison of prognosis between patients with hepatitis B and C virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma undergoing resection surgery . World Journal of Surgery .2011 ;(35):858-867

60. 2011 Kao Wei Yu,Chiou Yi You,Hung Hung Hsu,Chou Yi Hong,Su Chien Wei,Wu Jaw Ching,Huo Teh Ia,Huang Yi Hsiang,Lin Han Chieh,Lee Shou Dong. Risk factors for long-term prognosis in hepatocellular carcinoma after radiofrequency ablation therapy: The clinical implication of aspartate aminotransferase-platelet ratio index . European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology .2011 ;(23):528-536

61. 2011 Hung Hung Hsu,Chiou Yi You,Hsia Cheng Yuan,Su Chien Wei,Chou Yi Hong,Chiang Jen Huey,Kao Wei Yu,Huo Teh Ia,Huang Yi Hsiang,Su Yu Hui,Lin Han Chieh,Lee Shou Dong,Wu Jaw Ching. Survival Rates Are Comparable After Radiofrequency Ablation or Surgery in Patients With Small Hepatocellular Carcinomas . Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology .2011 ;(9):79-86

62. 2010 Hung Hung Hsu,Su Chien Wei,Lai Chiung Ru,Chau Gar Yang,Chan Che Chang,Huang Yi Hsiang,Huo Teh Ia,Lee Pui Ching,Kao Wei Yu,Lee Shou Dong,Wu Jaw Ching. Fibrosis and AST to platelet ratio index predict post-operative prognosis for solitary small hepatitis B-related hepatocellular carcinoma . Hepatology International .2010 ;(4):691-699

63. 2010 Kao Wei Yu,Hung Hung Hsu,Lu Hsueh Chieh,Lin Han Chieh,Wu Jaw Ching,Lee Shou Dong,Su Chien Wei. Hepatocellular Carcinoma With Presentation of Budd-Chiari Syndrome . Journal of the Chinese Medical Association .2010 ;(73):93-96


113 利用質譜分析策略解析飲食與運動模式對非酒精性脂肪肝進程之影響 — 以進行減重手術之病態性肥胖大鼠模式為例(2/2)

112 非生酮性低碳之限制熱量飲食對非酒精 性脂肪肝的改善:以袖狀胃切除手術的 病態性肥胖大鼠為例

112 利用質譜分析策略解析飲食與運動模式對非酒精性脂肪肝進程之影響 — 以進行減重手術之病態性肥胖大鼠模式為例(1/2)

108 病態性肥胖病人接受減重手術後改善非酒精性脂肪肝之預測因子(III)

107 病態性肥胖病人接受減重手術後改善非酒精性脂肪肝之預測因子(II)

106 抽菸對非酒精性脂肪肝在病態性肥胖病人接受減重手術之影響

104 病態性肥胖病人接受減重手術後改善非酒精性脂肪肝之預測因子