李亭儀(Lee, Ting-I (Annie Lee)) 教授

現   職
內科學科 教授


學 歷

菲律賓聖道多馬仕大學科學系 學士
菲律賓聖道多馬仕大學醫學院醫學系 學士








Western Blotting



1. 2023 Ketogenic diet modulates cardiac metabolic dysregulation in streptozocin-induced diabetic rats . J Nutr Biochem .2023 ;(111):109161-109161

2. 2023 Ting I. Lee,Nguyen Ngoc Trang,Ting Wei Lee,Satoshi Higa,Yu Hsun Kao,Yao Chang Chen, Yi Jen Chen. Ketogenic Diet Regulates Cardiac Remodeling and Calcium Homeostasis in Diabetic Rat Cardiomyopathy . Int J Mol Sci .2023

3. 2022 Sex and Age Differences Modulate Association of Vitamin D with Serum Triglyceride Levels . J Pers Med .2022 ;(12):440

4. 2022 Cheng WL,Chen YC,Li SJ, Lee TI,Lee TW,Higa S, Chung CC, Kao YH, Chen SA, Chen YJ. Galectin-3 enhances atrial remodelling and arrhythmogenesis through CD98 signalling . Acta Physiol (Oxf) .2022

5. 2022 Social-Media-Delivered Patient Education to enhance Self-Management and Attitudes of Type 2 Diabetics during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Randomized Controlled Trial . J Med Internet Res .2022 ;(24)

6. 2021 Chao-Wen Cheng, Kam-Tsun Tang, Wen-Fang Fang , Ting-I Lee, Jiunn-Diann Lin. Differential serum interferon-β levels in autoimmune thyroid diseases . Arch Med Sci .2021

7. 2021 Cheng WL,Li SJ, Lee TI,Lee TW,Chung CC,Kao YH, Chen YJ. Sugar Fructose Triggers Gut Dysbiosis and Metabolic Inflammation with Cardiac Arrhythmogenesis . Biomedicines .2021 ;(97):728-747

8. 2021 Lee TW,Chung CC,Lee TI, Lin YK,Kao YH,Chen YJ. Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 Stimulates Cardiac Fibroblast Activity through Phospholipase C-Mediated Calcium Signaling . Int J Mol Sci .2021 ;(23):166-166

9. 2021 Huang JH,Lin YK,Lee TW,Liu HW,Chien YM,Hsueh YC, Lee TI, Chen YJ. Correlation between short- and mid-term hemoglobin A1c and glycemic control determined by continuous glucose monitoring . Diabetol Metab Syndr .2021 ;(13):94-94

10. 2021 Lee TW,Liu HW,Lin YF,Lee TI,Kao YH,Chen YJ. Histone deacetylase inhibition improves metabolism and mitochondrial dynamics: A potential novel therapeutic strategy for sarcopenia coexisting with diabetes mellitus . Med Hypotheses .2021 ;(158):110724

11. 2021 Lee TW,Lee TI,Lin YK,Chen YC,Kao YH,Chen YJ. Effect of antidiabetic drugs on the risk of atrial fibrillation: mechanistic insights from clinical evidence and translational studies . Cell Mol Life Sci .2021 ;(78):923-934

12. 2021 Trang NN,Chung CC,Lee TW,Cheng WL,Kao YH, Huang SY,Lee TI, Chen YJ. Empagliflozin and Liraglutide Differentially Modulate Cardiac Metabolism in Diabetic Cardiomyopathy in Rats . Int J Mol Sci .2021 ;(22):1177-1177

13. 2020 Jung-Fu Chen, Yun-Shing Peng, Chung-Sen Chen,Chin-Hsiao Tseng,Pei-Chi Chen,Ting-I Lee. Use and effectiveness of dapagliflozin in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a multicenter retrospective study in Taiwan . PeerJ .2020

14. 2020 Chung CC,Lin YK,Chen YC,Kao YH,Lee TI,Chen YJ. Vascular endothelial growth factor enhances profibrotic activities through modulation of calcium homeostasis in human atrial fibroblasts . Lab Invest .2020 ;(100):285-296

15. 2020 Lee TI. In reply: How should diabetic dyslipidemia be treated? . Cleve Clin J Med .2020 ;(87):2414-2414

16. 2019 Lee TW,Kao YH,Chen YJ,Chao TF,Lee TI. Therapeutic potential of vitamin D in AGE/RAGE-related cardiovascular diseases . Cell Mol Life Sci .2019 ;(76):4103-4115

17. 2019 Lee TI,Chen YC,Lin YK,Chung CC, Lu YY,Kao YH, Chen YJ. Empagliflozin Attenuates Myocardial Sodium and Calcium Dysregulation and Reverses Cardiac Remodeling in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats . International Journal of Molecular Science .2019 ;(20):1680-1699

18. 2019 Hsueh YC ,Chou CL,Lee TI. Diabetic dyslipidemia with eruptive xanthoma . Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine .2019

19. 2019 Lee TI,Kao YH,Baigalmaa L,Lee TW,Lu YY,Chen YC, Chao TF, Chen YJ. Sodium hydrosulphide restores tumour necrosis factor-α-induced mitochondrial dysfunction and metabolic dysregulation in HL-1 cells . J Cell Mol Med .2019 ;(23):7641-7650

20. 2018 Baigalmaa Lkhagva,Yu-Hsun Kao,Ting-I Lee,Ting-Wei Lee,Wan-Li Cheng,Yi-Jen Chen. Activation of Class I histone deacetylases contributes to mitochondrial dysfunction in cardiomyocytes with altered complex activities . Epigenetics .2018

21. 2018 Yung-Kuo Lin,Yi-Ann Chen,Ting-I Lee ,Yao-Chang Chen ,Shih-Ann Chen ,Yi-Jen Chen . Aging Modulates the Substrate and Triggers Remodeling in Atrial Fibrillation . Circ J .2018 ;(82):1237-1244

22. 2018 Lee TW,Lee TI,Lin YK,Kao YH,Chen YJ. Calcitriol downregulates fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 through histone deacetylase activation in HL-1 atrial myocytes . J Biomed Sci .2018 ;(25):42-42

23. 2018 Ting‑I Lee,Kuan‑Jen Bai,Yao‑Chang Chen,Ting‑Wei Lee,Cheng‑Chih Chung,Wen‑Chih Tsai, Shin‑Yi Tsao, Yu‑Hsun Kao. Histone deacetylase inhibition of cardiac autophagy in rats on a high‑fat diet with low‑dose streptozotocin-induced type 2 diabetes mellitus . Mol Med Rep .2018 ;(17):594-601

24. 2018 Wang JS,Hung YJ,Lu YC,Tsai CL,Yang WS,Lee TI, Hsiao YC, Huey-Herng Sheu W. Difference between observed and predicted glycated hemoglobin at baseline and treatment response to vildagliptin-based dual oral therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes . Diabetes Res Clin Pract .2018 ;(17)

25. 2017 I-Shuan Lee,An-Tsz Hsieh,Ting-Wei Lee,Ting-I Lee, Chien YM. The Association of Thyrotropin and Autoimmune Thyroid Disease in Developing Papillary Thyroid Cancer . Int J Endocrinol .2017 ;(2017):5940367

26. 2017 Lee TW,Kao YH,Lee TI, Chen YJ. ADAM10 modulates calcitriol-regulated RAGE in cardiomyocytes . Eur J Clin Invest .2017 ;(47):675-683

27. 2017 Lu YY,Cheng CC,Tsai CF,Lin YK,Lee TI,Chen YC, Chen SA, Chen YJ. Discrepant effects of heart failure on electrophysiological property in right ventricular outflow tract and left ventricular outflow tract cardiomyocytes . Clin Sci (Lond) .2017 ;(131):1317-1327

28. 2017 Lee TW,Bai KJ,Lee TI,Chao TF,Kao YH,Chen YJ. PPARs modulate cardiac metabolism and mitochondrial function in diabetes . J Biomed Sci .2017 ;(24):5

29. 2016 Huang SY,Chen YC,Kao YH,Hsieh MH,Lin YK,Chung CC, Lee TI, Tsai WC, Chen SA, Chen YJ. Fibroblast growth factor 23 dysregulates late sodium current and calcium homeostasis with enhanced arrhythmogenesis in pulmonary vein cardiomyocytes . Oncotarget .2016 ;(7):69231-69242

30. 2016 Lee TI,Kao YH,Tsai WC,Chung CC,Chen YC,Chen YJ. HDAC Inhibition Modulates Cardiac PPARs and Fatty Acid Metabolism in Diabetic Cardiomyopathy . PPAR Res .2016 ;(2016):593874-593884

31. 2016 Huang JH,Chen YC,Lee TI,Kao YH,Chazo TF,Chen SA, Chen YJ. Glucagon-like peptide-1 regulates calcium homeostasis and electrophysiological activities of HL-1 cardiomyocytes . Peptides .2016 ;(78):91-98

32. 2016 Chou CL, Lee TI,Hu TY. Iatrogenic tracheal rupture after emergent intubation . Arch Bronconeumol .2016 ;(53):75-76

33. 2015 Lee TW,Lee TI,Chang CJ,Lien GS,Kao YH,Chao TF, Chen YJ. Potential of vitamin D in treating diabetic cardiomyopathy . Nutr Res .2015 ;(35):269-279

34. 2015 Chiang CY,Bai KJ,Lin HH,Chien ST,Lee JJLee TI,Enarson DA, Lee TI, Yu MC. The influence of diabetes, glycemic control, and diabetes-related comorbidities on pulmonary tuberculosis . PLoS One .2015 ;(10):012169

35. 2014 Lee TI,Kao YH,Chen YC,Tsai WC,Chung CC,Chen YJ. Cardiac metabolism, inflammation, and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors modulated by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 in diabetic rats . Int J Cardiol .2014 ;(176):151-157

36. 2014 Tsai WC,Lee TI,Chen YC,Kao YH,Lu YY,Lin YK, Chen SA, Chen YJ. Testosterone replacement increases aged pulmonary vein and left atrium arrhythmogenesis with enhanced adrenergic activity . Int J Cardiol .2014 ;(176):110-118

37. 2014 Hsiao FC,Lin YF,Hsieh PS,Chu NF,Chen YD,Shieh YS, Hsieh CH, Lee CH, Lee TI, Hung YJ. Effect of GAS6 and AXL Gene Polymorphisms on Adiposity, Systemic Inflammation, and Insulin Resistance in Adolescents . Int J Endocrinol .2014 ;(2014):674069

38. 2014 Lee TW,Kao YH,Lee TI,Chang CJ,Lien GS,Chen YJ. Calcitriol modulates receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) in diabetic hearts . Int J Cardiol .2014 ;(173):236-241

39. 2014 Chang CJ,Yang TF,Lee TI,Chen YC,Kao YH,Chen SA, Chen YJ. Sitagliptin Modulates the Electrical and Mechanical Characteristics of Pulmonary Vein . Acta Cardiol Sin .2014 ;(30):29-37

40. 2013 Lee TW,Lin KH,Chang CJ,Lew WH,Lee TI. Pheochromocytoma Mimicking Both Acute Coronary Syndrome and Sepsis: A Case Report . Med Princ Pract .2013 ;(22):405-407

41. 2013 Lee TI,Chen YC,Kao YH,Hsiao FC,Lin YK,Chen YJ. Rosiglitazone induces arrhythmogenesis in diabetic hypertensive rats with calcium handling alteration . Int J Cardiol .2013 ;(165):299-307

42. 2013 Lee TI,Kao YH,Chen YC,Huang JC,Hsu MI,Chen YJ. The dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor-sitagliptin modulates calcium dysregulation, inflammation, and PPARs in hypertensive cardiomyocytes . Int J Cardiol .2013 ;(168):5390-5395

43. 2013 Hsiao FC,Hsieh CH,Wu CZ,Hsu CH,Lin JD,Lee TI, Pei D, Chen YL. Elevated fasting glucose levels within normal range are associated with an increased risk of metabolic syndrome in older women . Eur J Intern Med .2013 ;(24):425-429

44. 2013 Lee TI,Kao YH,Chen YC,Huang JH,Hsiao FC,Chen YJ. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors modulates cardiac dysfunctions in diabetic cardiomyopathy . Diab Res Clin Pract .2013 ;(100):330-339

45. 2012 Ting-Wei Lee,Ke-Hsun Lin,Chun-Jen Chang,Wei-Han Lew,Ting-I Lee. Pheochromocytoma Mimicking Both Acute Coronary Syndrome and Sepsis: A case Report . .2012

46. 2012 Lee TI,Chen YJ. Oxidative stress and inflammation modulate peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors with . Eur J Clin Invest .2012 ;(41):1149-1164

47. 2011 Lew WH,Chang CJ,Lin JD,Cheng CY,Chen YK,Lee TI. Successful preoperative treatment of a Graves' disease patient with agranulocytosis and hemophagocytosis using double filtration plasmapheresis-Case report. . J Clin Apher. .2011 ;(26):159-161

48. 2011 Lee TI,Kao YH,Chen YC,Pan NH,Lin YK,Chen YJ. Cardiac peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor expression in hypertension co-existing with diabetes . Clin Sci (Lond) .2011 ;(121):305-312

49. 2011 Kao YH,Cheng CC,Chen YC,Chung CC,Lee TI,Chen SA, Chen YJ. Hydralazine-induced promoter demethylation enhances sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase and calcium homeostasis in cardiac myocytes . Lab Invest .2011 ;(91):1291-1297

50. 2011 Lee TI,Chen YC,Kao YH,Hsiao FC,Lin YK,Chen YJ. Rosiglitazone induces arrhythmogenesis in diabetic hypertensive rats with calcium handling alteration. . Int J Cardiol. .2011

51. 2010 Lee TI,Kao YH,Chen YC,Pan NH,Chen YJ. Oxidative stress and inflammation modulate peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors with regional discrepancy in diabetic heart . Eur J Clin Invest. .2010 ;(40):692-699

52. 2010 Kao YH,Chen YC,Cheng CC,Lee TI,Chen YJ,Chen SA. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha decreases sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase expressions via the promoter methylation in cardiomyocytes . Crit Care Med .2010 ;(38):217-222

53. 2009 Lee TI,Kao Y H,Chen Y C,Chen Y J. Proinflammatory cytokine and ligands modulate cardiac peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors . Eur J Clin Invest .2009 ;(39):23-30

54. 2007 Lee TI,Yeh YT,Liu CT,Chen PL. Development and evaluation of a patient-oriented educational system for diabetic management. . .2007 ;(76):655-663

55. 2006 Kuo YC,Tseng YT,Lee TI,Hsieh MH. Chronic bifascicular block with intermittent complete atrioventricular block induced by hyperthyroidism . Int J Cardiol .2006 ;(110):407-410

56. 2006 Yeh YT,Chiu YT,Liu CT,Wu SJ,Lee TI. Development and evaluation of an integrated patient-oriented education management system for diabetes . Studies in Health Technology and Informatics .2006 ;(122):172-175

57. 2005 Liu CT,Yeh YT,Lee TI,Li YC. Observations on Online Services for Diabetes Management . Diabetes Care .2005 ;(28):2807-2808

58. 2005 Lee TI,Su MF,Wen YR,Kuo PL,Liu CF. Nitric oxide inhibit malondialdehyde activity in patients with diabetes mellitus in Taiwan . Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular diseases .2005 ;(15):452-453

59. 2005 Yeh YT,Lee TI,Hsu CY,Long AJ,Li YC,Liu CT. A framework for integrating information of clinical care into patient education for diabetes . The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics .2005 ;(14):17-26

60. 2005 Liu CT,Yeh YT,Lee TI,Hsu CY,Li YC. Evaluation on return rates of follow-up for an integrated diabetes patient-centered educational system . The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics .2005 ;(14):15-24

61. 2005 CHIEN-TSAI LIU,YU-TING YEH,TING-I LEE,YU-CHUAN LI. Observations on Online Services for Diabetes Management . Diabetes Care .2005 ;(28):2807-2808

62. 2005 Ting-I Lee,Mao-Feng Sun,Ying-Rong Wen,Po-Lin Kuo,Chi-Feng Liu. Elevated nitric oxide levels inhibit malondialdehyde activity in patients with diabetes mellitus in Taiwan . .2005 ;(15):452-453

63. 0920 Yamaguchi Y,Greiner C,Lee SC,Ryuno H,Yen HY,Lin CF; [Lee TI]; [Lee PH]. Lifestyle factors associated with muscle quality in community-dwelling older people with type 2 diabetes in Japan and Taiwan: a cross-sectional study. . Psychogeriatrics .0920 ;(22):736-742

64. 0920 Yen HY,Lee SC,Lin CF,Lee TI,Yamaguchi Y,Lee PH. Complications and comorbidities as influencing factors of health outcomes in older adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus. . Collegian .0920

1. 2021 「Yuko Yamaguchi,」「Chieko Greiner,」,「Hirochika Ryuno,」「Pi-Hsia Lee,」, ,「Hsin-Yen Yen,」「Shu-Chun Lee,」, ,「Chiou-Fen Lin,」「Ting-I Lee,」 . Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Sarcopenia Among Elderly With Diabetes in Japan and Taiwan . Innovation in Aging .2021 ;(4):177-178

2. 2020 Lee T-I,Kao Y-H,Baigalmaa L,Lee T-W,Lu Y-Y,Chen Y-C,「Chen Y-J」. 硫化氫可恢復腫瘤壞死因子-ALPHA-誘導的HL-1 細胞線粒體功能障礙和代謝異常 . 社團法人中華民國內分泌暨糖尿病學會 .2020

3. 2019 Tseng Y-L, Chien Y-M,Lee T-W,Lao H-W,Hsueh Y-C,*Lee T-I. Simultaneous presentation of diabetic ketoacidosis and thyrotoxicosis in a pregnant woman. . 40th Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society and the Diabetes Association of the Republic of China .2019

4. 2019 Lee T-W,Chang T-J,Lew W-H,Lee T-I. Graves’ disease presenting with eosinophilia-a case report . 40th Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society and the Diabetes Association of the Republic of China .2019

5. 2019 Nguyen T-T-T,Lee T-I,Chang T-S,Sung J-Y. The Early Changes in Axonal Neurophysiology of Axon in Pre-diabetes . 社團法人中華民國內分泌暨糖尿病學會 .2019

6. 2019 Lee T-W,Chou C-L,Chien Y-M,Liu H-W,Hsueh Y-C,*Lee T-I. Graves’ disease recurrence after subtotal thyroidectomy presenting with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest . Asian Oceanic Thyroid Association .2019

7. 2019 Han-Wen Liu,Yu-Ann Fang,Ting-I Lee,Ju-Chi Liu. . 1660-P: Rhinosinusitis, Diabetes Mellitus, and Risk of Atrial Fibrillation: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study . Diabetes Care .2019

8. 2019 Lin C-L,Chen J-F,Peng Y-S,Chen C-S,Tseng C-H,Chen P-C,「*Lee T-I, Lu Y-C, Yang Y-S, Hung Y-J, Hsiao P-J, Jiang J-Y, Tu S-T Chen C-C, Lee C-C, Lu C-H, Yang C-YChen S-T」. The Real-Life Effectiveness of Dapagliflozin in T2DM: a subgroup analysis based on add on or switch from oral glucose therapy from LEAD Study . May 24th, 2019 AASD the 11th Scientific Meeting of the Asian Association for Study of Diabetes/Australia .2019

9. 2016 Jun-Sing Wang,Yi-Jen Hung,An-Tsz Hsieh,Ting-I Lee,Chih-Hsun Chu,Wayne H-H Sheu. Self-monitoring of blood glucose with smart-phone based data sharing improved glycemic control in patients with diabetes . Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice .2016

10. 2016 「F.H. Chiu,」「 T.I. Lee,」,「C.L. Lo,」「T.W. Lee,」,「Y.M. Chane,」「H.W. Liu,」,「C.L. Chou,」「 I.S.Lee,」,「C.J. Chang,」. The role of diabetic education added to biphasic insulin on the glycemic control of type 2 diabetes mellitus . Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice .2016

1. 2022 LEE TI. Chapter 10/小血管病變與糖尿病足/ . DAROC Clinical Practice Guidelines for Type 1 Diabetes Care 2022 .2022


113 酮體beta-羥基丁酸透由與FGF-21協同作用改善糖尿病心肌病變(3/3)

112 酮體beta-羥基丁酸透由與FGF-21協同作用改善糖尿病心肌病變(2/3)

111 酮體beta-羥基丁酸透由與FGF-21協同作用改善糖尿病心肌病變(1/3)

109 大豆發酵精製液(MBS)對於血糖異常相關的代謝症候群病患腸道菌相及症狀影響評估

109 抑制NLRP3發炎體- 糖尿病心肌病變的治療新策略

108 Liraglutide與Empagliflozin在糖尿病心肌病變不同地調控心臟代謝:抗糖尿病藥物的獨特心臟保護作用

108 生酮飲食對糖尿病心肌病變代謝失調的分子機制探討

107 鈉葡萄糖轉運蛋白(SGLTs)抑制之抗纖維化活性:於糖尿病心肌病變治療的潛力

106 Empagliflozin對心臟代謝與電生理和結構重塑的機制:鈉葡萄糖轉運蛋白2抑制劑於心臟保護的影響

105 活性維生素D3(Calcitriol)調控纖維母細胞生長因子-23(FGF-23)影響糖尿病心肌脂肪酸和葡萄糖代謝失調的訊息傳遞

103 硫化氫對於高血糖和高血壓心肌細胞之過氧化物酶體增殖物激活受體、心臟代謝及炎症的調控影響

102 維生素D在糖尿病和高血壓大鼠對心臟電生理特性和鈣離子恆定的影響

98 高血壓對於糖尿病心肌病變之過氧化體增殖劑活化受體(PPARs)及鈣離子調控機轉的影響