余文良(Yu, Wen-Liang) 教授

現   職
內科學科 教授


學 歷

私立中國醫藥學院中醫學系 學士




2007/08/01 ~







1. 2024 Chao CM,Lai CC,Chan KS,Yang CC,Chen CM, Ho CH, Ou HF, Yu WL. Characteristics and outcomes for pulmonary aspergillosis in critically ill patients without influenza: A 3-year retrospective study. . J Infect Public Health .2024 ;(16):2001-2009

2. 2023 Lin YH,Chang TC, Yu WL,Chou W,Chen CM. Aspergillus coinfection in critically Ill patients with severe dengue. . J Infect Public Health .2023 ;(16):1893-1897

3. 2023 Weng NC,Yu WL. . Isolation of Mycoplasma salivarium in the empyema of a diabetic patient with deep neck infection and necrotizing mediastinitis: A case report. . IDCases .2023 ;(34)

4. 2023 Chao CM,Lai CC,Yu WL. Epidemiology of extended-spectrum β-lactamases in Enterobacterales in Taiwan for over two decades . Front Microbiol. .2023 ;(13)

5. 2023 Lai CC,Yu WL. Diagnosis and Treatment of Fungus and Virus Interaction. . J Fungi (Basel) .2023 ;(8)

6. 2022 Chao CM,Lai CC,Yu WL. COVID-19 associated mucormycosis - An emerging threat . J Microbiol Immunol Infect .2022 ;(55):183-190

7. 2022 Chan KS,Lai CC,Yu WL,Chao CM. COVID-19 Associated with Cryptococcosis: A New Challenge during the Pandemic. . J Fungi (Basel) .2022 ;(8)

8. 2021 Lai CC,Yu WL. Appropriate use of antimicrobial therapy for COVID-19 co-infection . Immunotherapy .2021 ;(13):1067-1070

9. 2021 Klebsiella pneumoniae Harboring Carbapenemase Genes in Taiwan: Its Evolution over 20 Years, 1998-2019 . Int J Antimicrob Agents .2021

10. 2021 Chao CM,Lai CC,Ou HF,Ho CH,Chan KS,Yang CC, Chen CM, Yu WL. The Impacts of Aspergillosis on Outcome, Burden and Risks for Mortality in Influenza Patients with Critical Illness . Journal of Fungi .2021 ;(7)

11. 2021 Lai CC,Yu WL. Appropriate use of antimicrobial therapy for COVID-19 co-infection . Immunotherapy .2021 ;(13):1067-1070

12. 2021 Lai CC,Yu WL. COVID-19 associated with pulmonary aspergillosis: A literature review . J Microbiol Immunol Infect .2021 ;(54):46-53

13. 2021 Yu WL, Toh HS,Liao CT,Chang WT. Cardiovascular Complications of COVID-19 and Associated Concerns: A Review . Acta Cardiol Sin .2021 ;(37):9-17

14. 2021 Ku YH,Yu WL. Cefoperazone/sulbactam: New composites against multiresistant gram negative bacteria? . Infect Genet Evol .2021 ;(88)

15. 2021 Ku YH,Chao CM,Ou HF,Yu WL. Dynamic variation in occurrence of influenza A(H1N1)-associated invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in southern Taiwan . Clin Infect Dis .2021 ;(72):899-900

16. 2021 Yu WL,Toh HS,Liao CT,Chang WT. A Double-Edged Sword—Cardiovascular Concerns of Potential Anti-COVID-19 Drugs . Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy .2021 ;(35):205-214

17. 2021 Lai CC,Chen CM,Liao KM,Chao CM,Chan KS,Yu WL. A mysterious surge of aspergillosis among non-SARS-CoV-2 patients during COVID-19 pandemic . Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection .2021 ;(54):156-158

18. 2021 Chang WT,Toh HS,Liao CT,Yu WL. Cardiac Involvement of COVID-19: A Comprehensive Review . American Journal of the Medical Sciences .2021 ;(361):14-22

19. 2021 Liu JW,Ku YH,Chao CM,Ou HF,Ho CH,Chan KS, Yu WL. Epidemiological correlation of pulmonary aspergillus infections with ambient pollutions and influenza a (H1n1) in southern taiwan . Journal of Fungi .2021 ;(7)

20. 2020 Liao CT,Chang WT,Yu WL,Toh HS. Management of acute cardiovascular events in patients with COVID-19 . Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine .2020 ;(21):577-581

21. 2020 Lai CC,Yu WL. The COVID-19 pandemic and tuberculosis in Taiwan . J Infect .2020 ;(81):e159-161

22. 2020 Chan KS,Liang FW,Tang HJ,Toh HS,Yu WL. Collateral benefits on other respiratory infections during fighting COVID-19 . Med Clin (Barc) .2020 ;(155):249-253

23. 2020 Yu WL,Lee NY, Wang JT,Ko WC,Ho CH, Chuang YC. Tigecycline Therapy for Infections Caused by Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae in Critically Ill Patients . Antibiotics (Basel) .2020 ;(9)

24. 2019 Liu WL,Yu WL,Chan KS,Yang CC,Wauters J,Verweij PE. Aspergillosis related to severe influenza: A worldwide phenomenon? . Clin Respir J .2019 ;(13):540-542

25. 2019 Ku YH,Lee MF,Chuang YC,Yu WL. Detection of plasmid-mediated β-lactamase genes and emergence of a novel AmpC (CMH-1) in Enterobacter cloacae at a medical center in southern Taiwan. . J Clin Med .2019 ;(8)

26. 2018 Yu WL,Liu WL,Chan KS,Yang CC,,Tan CK,Tsai CL, Chen CM, Chuang YC. High-level ambient particulate matter before influenza attack with increased incidence of Aspergillus antigenemia in southern Taiwan, 2016 . J Microbiol Immunol Infect .2018 ;(51):141-147

27. 2017 Ku YH, Chan KS,Yang CC,Tan CK,Chuang YC,Yu WL. Higher mortality of severe influenza patients with probable aspergillosis than those with and without other coinfections . J Formos Med Assoc .2017 ;(116):660-670

28. 2017 Ku YH,Chuang YC,Yu WL. Postinfluenza A(H3N2) refractory invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. . J Formos Med Assoc. .2017 ;(116):404-405

29. 2017 Su PA,Yu WL. Failure of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation to rescue acute respiratory distress syndrome caused by dual infection of influenza A (H1N1) and invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. . J Formos Med Assoc. .2017 ;(116):563-564

30. 2017 Yu WL,Chen CM,Lee WY. Ventilator-associated cytomegalovirus organizing pneumonia in an immunocompetent critically ill patient. . J Microbiol Immunol Infect. .2017 ;(50):120-122

31. 2017 Ku YH,Chuang YC,Chen CC, Lee MF,Yang YC,Tang HJ, Yu WL. Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolates from Meningitis: Epidemiology, Virulence and Antibiotic Resistance. . Sci Rep. .2017 ;(7):6634

32. 2017 Ku YH,Chen CC,Lee MF,Chuang YC,Tang HJ,Yu WL. Comparison of synergism between colistin, fosfomycin and tigecycline against extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates or with carbapenem resistance. . J Microbiol Immunol Infect. .2017 ;(50):931-939

33. 2017 Yu WL,Lee MF,Chen CC,Tang HJ,Ho CH,Chuang YC. Impacts of Hypervirulence Determinants on Clinical Features and Outcomes of Bacteremia Caused by Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase-Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae. . Microb Drug Resist. .2017 ;(23):376-383

34. 2016 Chao HC,Yu WL. Treatment failure of fecal microbiota transplant for pseudomembranous colitis due to coexistent cytomegalovirus colitis. . J Microbiol Immunol Infect. .2016 ;(49):617-618

35. 2016 Chao HC,Yu WL. Cytomegalovirus-infected duodenal ulcer with severe recurrent bleeding. . J Formos Med Assoc. .2016 ;(115):682-683

36. 2016 Chen CM,Chan KS,Cheng KC,Chou W,Chao HC,Yeh CY, Yu WL. The exploration of risk factors of concurrent bacteraemia in patients critically ill with severe dengue . Journal of Medical Microbiology .2016 ;(65):1505-1511

37. 2016 Chan KS ,Lee WY,Yu WL. Coexisting cytomegalovirus infection in immunocompetent patients with Clostridium difficile colitis. . J Microbiol Immunol Infect .2016 ;(49):829-836

38. 2015 Cheng KC,Lee MF,Chuang YC,Yu WL. First description of lung abscess caused by ST23 clone capsule genotype K1 Klebsiella pneumoniae . J Formos Med Assoc .2015 ;(114):379-380

39. 2015 Yu WL,Lee MF,Tang HJ,Chang MC,Walther-Rasmussen J,Chuang YC. Emergence of KPC new variants (KPC-16 and KPC-17) and ongoing outbreak in southern Taiwan. . Clin Microbiol Infect .2015 ;(21):347e5-347e8

40. 2015 Yu WL,Lee MF,Tang HJ,Chang MC,Chuang YC. Low prevalence of rmpA and high tendency of rmpA mutation correspond to low virulence of extended spectrum β-lactamase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates . Virulence .2015 ;(6):162-172

41. 2014 Chan KS,Cheng KC,Lee MF,Yu WL. A fish-stunning wound infection with acute cardiac injury . American Journal of Emergency Medicine .2014 ;(32):289e1-289e2

42. 2014 Chan KS,Yang CC,Chen CM,Yang HH,Lee CC,Chuang YC, Yu WL. Cytomegalovirus colitis in intensive care unit patients: difficulties in clinical diagnosis . J Crit Care .2014 ;(29):474e1-474e6

43. 2013 Chuang YC,Lee MF,Tan CK,Ko WC,Wang FD,Yu WL. Can the rmpA gene predict metastatic meningitis among patients with primary Klebsiella pneumoniae liver abscess? . J Infect .2013 ;(67):166-168

44. 2013 Chuang YC,Lee M,Yu WL. Mycotic aneurysm caused by hypermucoviscous Klebsiella pneumoniae serotype K54 with sequence type 29: an emerging threat. . Infection .2013 ;(41):1041-1044

45. 2013 蘇思憓,余文良. 免疫正常的重症病人之巨細胞病毒感染 . 感控雜誌 .2013 ;(23):135-143

46. 2013 蘇思憓,余文良. 嚴重之粟粒狀肺結核合併巨細胞病毒感染:一病例報告 . 內科學誌 .2013 ;(24):220-226

47. 2010 Yu WL,Cheng CC,Chuang YC. First report of acute purulent pericarditis by capsule genotype K1 Klebsiella pneumoniae in an alcoholic patient. . Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis .2010 ;(63):346-347

48. 2009 Chang CY,Fang YT,Tsai SM,Chang LL,Yu WL. Characterization of class 1 integrons and gene cassettes in clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae from Taiwan. . Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis .2009 ;(65):214-216

49. 2008 Yu WL,Ko WC,Cheng KC,Lee CC,Lai CC,Chuang YC. Comparison of prevalence of virulence factors for Klebsiella pneumoniae liver abscesses between isolates with capsular K1/K2 and non-K1/K2 serotypes. . Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis .2008 ;(62):1-6

50. 2008 Yu WL,Ko WC,Cheng KC,Chen HE,Lee CC,Chuang YC. Institutional spread of clonally related Serratia marcescens isolates with a novel AmpC cephalosporinase (S4): a 4-year experience in Taiwan. . Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis .2008 ;(61):460-467

51. 2007 Tan CK,KS Chan KS,Yu WL,Chen CM,Cheng KC. Successful treatment of life- threatening melioidosis with activated protein C and meropenem . J Microbiol Immunol Infect .2007 ;(40):83-87

52. 2007 Chen CH,Huang TH,Chen CM,Cheng KC,Yu WL. Hepatic Portal Venous Gas and Pneumatosis Intestinalis in A UremicPatient with Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis . 內科學誌 .2007 ;(18):146-151

53. 2007 Huang HC,Yu WL,Shieh CC,Cheng KC,Cheng HH. Unusual mixed infection of thoracic empyema caused by Mycobacteria tuberculosis, Nontuberculosis mycobacteria and Nocardia asteroides in a woman with systemic lupus erythematosus . J Infect .2007 ;(54):e25-e28

54. 2007 余文良,張文瀚,莊銀清. 院內感染與細菌抗藥性的監測 . 感染控制雜誌 .2007 ;(17):254-262

55. 2007 Yu WL,Fung CP,Ko WC,Cheng KC,Lee CC,Chuang YC. Polymerase chain reaction analysis for detecting capsuleserotypes K1 and K2 of Klebsiella pneumoniae causing abscesses of the liver and other Sites. . J of Infectious Diseases .2007 ;(195):1235-1236

56. 2007 Yu WL,Chan KS,Ko W,Lee C,Chuang YC. Lower prevalence of diabetes mellitus in patients with Klebsiella pneumoniae primary liver abscess caused by isolates of K1/K2 than with non-K1/K2 capsular serotypes . Clin Infect Dis .2007 ;(45):1529-1530

57. 2007 Yu WL,Chuang YC. Overview of Klebsiella pneumoniae infection . UpToDate .2007

58. 2007 Yu Wl,Chuang YC. Microbiology and pathogenesis of Klebsiella pneumoniae infection . UpToDate .2007

59. 2007 Yu WL,Chuang YC. Invasive liver abscess syndrome caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae . UpToDate .2007

60. 2007 Chan KS,Yu WL,Tsai CL,Cheng KC,Hou CC,Lee MC, Tan CK. Pyogenic liver abscess caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae: analysis of the clinical characteristics and outcomes of 84 patients . Chin Med J .2007 ;(120):136-139

61. 2006 Yu WL,Chuang YC,Rasmussen JW. Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases in Taiwan: epidemiology, detection, treatment and infection control. . J Microbiol Immunol Infect .2006 ;(39):264-277

62. 2006 Lee HC,Chuang YC,Yu WL,Lee NY,Chang CM,Ko NY, Wang LR, Ko WC.. Clinical implications of hypermucoviscosity phenotype in Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates: association with invasive syndrome in patients with community-acquired bacteremia. . J Intern Med .2006 ;(259):606-614

63. 2006 Yu WL,Chen SC,Hung SW,Chuang YC,Chung JG,Chen IC, Wu LT. Genetic association of blaSHV-5 with transposable elements IS26 and IS5 in Klebsiella pneumoniae from Taiwan. . Clinical Microbiology and Infection .2006 ;(12):806-809

64. 2006 Yu WL,Cheng KC,Chi CJ,Chen HE,Chuang YC,Wu LT. Characterization and molecular epidemiology of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Enterobacter cloacae isolated from a district teaching hospital in Taiwan. . Clin Microbiol Infec .2006 ;(12):579-582

65. 2006 Wu LT,Wu HC,Chung JG,Chuang YC,Cheng KC,Yu WL. Dissemination of Proteus mirabilis Isolates Harboring CTX-M-14and CTX-M-3 β-lactamases at Two Hospitals in Taiwan. . . Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis .2006 ;(54):89-94

66. 2006 Cheng KC,Chuang YC,Wu LT,Huang GC,Yu WL. Clinical experiences of the infections caused by extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Serratia marcescens at a medical center in Taiwan. . Jpn J Infect Dis .2006 ;(59):147-152

67. 2006 Yu WL,Ko WC,Cheng KC,,Lee HC,Ke DS,,Lee CC, Fung CP, Chuang YC. Association between rmpA and magA genes and clinical syndromes caused by Klebsiella pneumniae in Taiwan. . Clin Infect Dis .2006 ;(42):1351-1358

68. 2005 Wu LT,Hung SW,Chuang YC,Chen HE,Jones RN,Yu WL. Identification of a Novel Cephalosporinase (DHA-3) in Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolated in Taiwan. . Clin Microbiol Infect .2005 ;(11):893-897

69. 2005 Chung SY,Chen CH,Yu WL. Spinal epidural abscess caused by group B Streptococcus in a diabetic woman presenting with febrile low back pain. . Jpn J Infect Dis .2005 ;(58):177-179

70. 2004 余文良,陳奇祥,陳欽明,黃恆慶,王尹萱,莊銀清, 鄭高珍. Imipenem抗藥性之多重抗藥型 Acinetobacter baumanii 感染症之治療:病例報告。 . 感染控制雜誌 .2004 ;(14):245-255

71. 2004 Yu WL,Chuang YC,Jones RN. A pragmatic approach to identify extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing klebsiella pneumoniae in Taiwan: in vitro activity of newer and established antimicrobial agents. . Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis .2004 ;(48):277-282

72. 2004 Wu LT,Tsou MF,Wu HJ,Chen HE,Chuang YC,Yu WL. Survey of CTX-M-3 extended- spectrumβ-lactamase (ESBL) among cefotaxime-resistant Serratia marcescens at a medical center in middle Taiwan. . Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis .2004 ;(49):125-129

73. 2004 Yu WL,Winokur PL,Jones RN,Sader HS. Surveillance in Taiwan using molecular epidemiology for extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae . Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol .2004 ;(25):812-818


2. 2023 Ku YH,Yu WL. Superior Mesenteric Venous Thrombosis: A Narrative Review . eBook: Advances in Health and Disease (62) .2023


4. 2022 Liu JW,Yu WL. Overview of Panton-Valentine Leukocidin-Expressing Staphylococcus Aureus Pneumonia and Its Therapeutic Strategy . eBook: Advances in Biology .2022

5. 2021 Ku YH,Yu WL. Gastrointestinal tract bleeding caused by Cytomegalovirus: A comprehensive review . Book: Advances in Health and Disease (39) .2021

6. 2019 Ku YH,Chao HC,Yu WL. Wunderlich Syndrome: Urological Emergency of Renal Hemorrhage. . eBook: Recent Advances IN Urology .2019

7. 2018 Ku YH,Chao HC,Yu WL. Choriocarcinoma syndrome: Bleeding of distant metastatic tumors from a testicular germ cell tumor . eBook: Recent Advances IN Urology .2018

8. 2018 Ku YH,Chuang YC,Yu WL. Pleural Tuberculosis and Application of Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery in the Diagnosis and Therapy . eBook: General Thoracic Surgery .2018

9. 2018 Ku YH,Chuang YC,Yu WL. Post Sepsis Cytomegalovirus Syndrome in Critically Ill Patients . ebook: Cytomegalovirus Infection .2018

10. 2018 Yu WL. Infectious etiologies of stress cardiomyopathy . Book: Stress (Takotsubo) Cardiomyopathy: A Crosstalk between the Brain and Heart .2018

11. 2018 Chuang YC,Chen PC,Yu WL. Effects of Lowering Uric Acid by Caulis Tinosporae Compound. . eBook: Traditional Chinese Medicine .2018

12. 2017 Ku YH,Chuang YC,Yu WL. Colonoscopic features of Cytomegalovirus colitis and clinical experience . eBook: Colonoscopy .2017

13. 2016 Ku YH,Chuang YC,Yu WL. Post-viral sepsis: clinical experience in post-viral influenza coinfections . SMGroup eBook .2016

14. 2014 Yu WL. Listeria monocytogenes meningitis in adults: comprehensive review and successful therapy with ampicillin and trimethoprim- sulfamethoxazole in a systemic lupus erythematosus patient . Book: Bacterial meningitis: clinical characteristics, modes of transmission and treatment options .2014

15. 2014 Yu WL,Chuang YC. Clinical Characteristics and Outcome of Klebsiella pneumoniae Meningitis in Adult Patients . Book: Bacterial meningitis: clinical characteristics, modes of transmission and treatment options. New York: Nova Biomedical .2014

16. 2013 Yu WL,Chuang YC. Clinical characteristics of Klebsiella pneumoniae in alcoholic patients and virulence factors of the isolates . Book: Klebsiella infections: epidemiology, pathogenesis and clinical outcomes .2013
