劉燦宏(Liou, Tsan-Hon) 教授

現   職
復健學科 教授
萬芳醫院 院長


學 歷

國立陽明大學公共衛生學 博士
國立陽明大學醫務管理研究所 碩士
台北醫學大學醫學系 學士




2024/02/01 ~
2020/11/16 ~ 2021/12/31
2020/02/01 ~
2018/05/01 ~ 2018/07/31
2017/08/01 ~
2016/08/01 ~ 2020/07/31
2016/08/01 ~ 2020/11/15
2015/08/01 ~
2014/08/01 ~ 2016/07/31
2014/08/01 ~ 2016/07/31




復健醫學(Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation)
運動醫學(Sports Medicine)
公共衛生(Public Health)
肥胖醫學(Obesity Medicine)



1. 2024 Wang JJ,Tam KW,Hsiao HY,Liou TH,Rau CL,Hsu TH. Effect of Resistance Exercises on Function and Pain in Fibromyalgia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Am J Phys Med Rehabil .2024 ;(103):275-283

2. 2024 Lin YN,Van Sang P,Chiu V,Kang JH,Liou TH,Ni P, Chang FH. Prediction of Changes in Functional Outcomes During the First Year After Inpatient Stroke Rehabilitation: A Longitudinal Study . Arch Phys Med Rehabil .2024 ;(105):487-497

3. 2024 Lane TJ,Liou TH,Kung YC,Tseng P,Wu CW. Functional blindsight and its diagnosis . Front Neurol .2024 ;(15):-1207115

4. 2024 Lin YN,Hung TH,Rodakowski J,Kang JH,Han DS,Liou TH, Wu YH, Chang FH. Development of a Dyad-Focused Intervention for Stroke Survivors and Their Family Caregivers: A Feasibility Study . Am J Occup Ther .2024 ;(78):7802180230-7802180230

5. 2024 Huang YC,Hong CT,Chi WC,Yen CF,Fang Liao H,Liou TH, Chan L. Deterioration of fine motor skills and functional disability in patients with moderate-to-advanced Parkinson disease: A longitudinal follow-up study . Arch Gerontol Geriatr .2024 ;(121):-105366

6. 2024 Huang SW,Lee YH,Liao CD,Escorpizo R,Liou TH,Lin HW. Association of physical functional activity impairment with severity of sarcopenic obesity: findings from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey . Sci Rep .2024 ;(14):-3787

7. 2023 Liang CW,Cheng HY,Lee YH,Liou TH,Liao CD,Huang SW. Effects of conjugated linoleic acid and exercise on body composition and obesity: a systematic review and meta-analysis . Nutr Rev .2023

8. 2023 Yang FA, Lee TH,Huang SW,Liou TH,Escorpizo R,Chen HC. Upper limb manual training for children with cerebral palsy: A systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Clin Rehabil .2023

9. 2023 Lin LC,Lee YH,Chen YW,Hsu TH,Vitoonpong T,Liou TH, Huang SW. Comparison Clinical Effects of Hypertonic Dextrose and Steroid Injections on Chronic Subacromial Bursitis: A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial . Am J Phys Med Rehabil .2023 ;(102):867-872

10. 2023 Liao CD,Huang SW,Chen HC,Huang YY,Liou TH,Lin CL. Effects of Protein Supplementation Combined with Resistance Exercise Training on Walking Speed Recovery in Older Adults with Knee Osteoarthritis and Sarcopenia . Nutrients .2023 ;(15):1552-1552

11. 2023 Liao CD,Chen HC,Huang MH,Liou TH,Lin CL,Huang SW. Comparative Efficacy of Intra-Articular Injection, Physical Therapy, and Combined Treatments on Pain, Function, and Sarcopenia Indices in Knee Osteoarthritis: A Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . int J Mol Sci .2023 ;(24):6078-6078

12. 2023 Lin HW,Tam KW,Liou TH,Rau CL,Huang SW,Hsu TH. Efficacy of Platelet-Rich Plasma Injection on Range of Motion, Pain, and Disability in Patients with Adhesive Capsulitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . Arch Phys Med Rehabil .2023 ;(104):2109-2122

13. 2023 Lee HC,Kuo FL,Lin YN,Liou TH,Lin JC,Huang SW. Response to Asirvatham (2023): Effects of Robot-Assisted Rehabilitation on Hand Function of People With Stroke . Am J Occup Ther .2023 ;(77):7703050020-7703050020

14. 2023 Chang FH,Lin YN,Liou TH,Ni PS. Predicting trends of community participation after hospital discharge for younger adults after stroke . Ann Phys Rehabil Med .2023 ;(66):101644-101644

15. 2023 Hsiao SS,Kuo CY,Liou TH,Wang TT,Liu YL, Tseng SH. Developing an International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Core Set for Pediatric Brain Tumor Survivors in Chinese Clinical Settings . Cancer Nurs .2023 ;(46):238-244

16. 2023 Ou CH,Shiue CC,Kuan YC,,Liou TH,Chen HC,Kuo TJ. Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation of Upper Extremities in Patients with Cerebral Palsy: A systematic review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Am J Phys Med Rehabil .2023 ;(102):151-158

17. 2023 Chen YH,Wang HY,Liao CD,Liou TH,Escorpizo R,Chen HC. Effectiveness of neuromuscular electrical stimulation in improving mobility in children with cerebral palsy: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Clin Rehabil .2023 ;(37):3-16

18. 2022 Chen CK,Wu TY,Liao YC,Fuh CS,Chen KH,Weng PW, Wang JY, Chen CY, Huang YM, Chen CP, Chu YL, Yeh KL, Yu CH, Wu HK, Lin WP, Liou TH, Wu MS, Liaw CK. Mathematical model of distal radius orientation . Front Surg .2022 ;(9):1000404-1000404

19. 2022 Wu TY,Liao YC,Fuh CS,Weng PW,Wang JY,Chen CY, Huang YM, Chen CP, Chu YL, Chen CK, Yeh KL, Yu CH, Wu HK, Lin WP, Liou TH, Wu MS, Liaw CK. An improvement of current hypercube pooling PCR tests for SARS-CoV-2 detection . Front Public Health .2022 ;(10):994712-994712

20. 2022 Yang FA,Chen HL,Peng CW,Liou TH,Escorpizo R,Chen HC. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of phonophoresis on patients with knee osteoarthritis . Sci Rep .2022 ;(12):12877-12877

21. 2022 Chen HL,Yang FA,Lee TH,Liou TH,Escorpizo R,Chen HC. Effectiveness of interferential current therapy in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Sci Rep .2022 ;(12):9694-9694

22. 2022 Lee TH,Liu CH,Chen PC,Liou TH,Escorpizo R,Chen HC. Effectiveness of mental simulation practices after total knee arthroplasty in patients with knee osteoarthritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . PLoS One .2022 ;(17):e0269296-e0269296

23. 2022 Lu SJ,Liou TH,Lee MB,Yen CF,Chen YL,Escorpizo R, Pan AW. Predictors of Employment Status for Persons with Bipolar Disorder . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2022 ;(19):3512-3512

24. 2022 Liao CD,Chen HC,Liou TH,Lin CL,Huang SW. Impact of Sarcopenia and Obesity on Gait Speed After Total Knee Replacement . J Am Med Dir Assoc .2022 ;(23):631-637

25. 2022 Liao CD,Huang YY,Chen HC,Liou TH,Lin CL,Huang SW. Relative Effect of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy Alone or in Combination with Noninjective Treatments on Pain and Physical Function in Knee Osteoarthritis: A Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Biomedicines .2022 ;(10):306-306

26. 2022 Lin LC,Liou TH,Chi WC,Yen CF,Liao HF,Wu CW. Mobility, educational, and social performance of children with learning problems in Taiwan: A 3-year follow-up study . Dev Med Child Neurol .2022

27. 2022 Hong JP,Lee CH,Lee YH,Escorpizo R,Chiang YC,Liou TH. Functional status and return to work in people with major depression: a 3-year national follow-up study . Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol .2022 ;(57):1179-1188

28. 2022 Lin TH,Tam KW,Yang YL,Liou TH,Hsu TH,Rau CL. Meditation-Based Therapy for Chronic Low Back Pain Management: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Pain Med .2022

29. 2022 Chen YW,Lin YN,Chen HC,Liou TH,Liao CD,Huang SW. Effectiveness, Compliance, and Safety of Dextrose Prolotherapy for Knee Osteoarthritis: A Meta-Analysis and Metaregression of Randomized Controlled Trials . Clin Rehabil .2022

30. 2022 Liao HF,Yen CF,Chiu TY,Chi WC,Liou TH,Chang BS, Wu TF, Lu SJ. Factor Structure of an ICF-Based Measure of Activity and Participations for Adults in Taiwan's Disability Eligibility Determination System . Front Rehabil Sci .2022 ;(3):879898-879898

31. 2022 Yang FA,Chen SC,Chiu JF,Shih YC,Liou TH,Escorpizo R, Chen HC. Body weight-supported gait training for patients with spinal cord injury: a network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials . Sci Rep .2022 ;(12):19262-19262

32. 2022 Correa CL,Liou TH,Barrios M. Editorial: ICF-based rehabilitation for neurological disease . Front Rehabil Sci .2022 ;(3):995070-995070

33. 2022 Lin CL,Liao CD,Lee YH,Escorpizo R,Liou TH,Huang SW. Delphi-Based Consensus to Determine Core Aspects of Post-Hip-Fracture Surgery Rehabilitation Based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2022 ;(19):15988-15988

34. 2022 Chen CP,Chen YW,Chang KH,Huang SW,Wu CH,Escorpizo R, Stucki G, Liou TH. Clustering of functioning and disability profile based on the WHO disability assessment schedule 2.0 - a nationwide databank study . Disabil Rehabil .2022 ;(44):353-362

35. 2021 Jen HJ,Kao CM,Chang KH,Yen CF,Liao HF,Chi WC, Chung WK, Liou TH. Assessment of functioning using the WHODAS 2.0 among people with stroke in Taiwan: a 4-year follow-up study . Ann Phys Rehabil Med .2021 ;(64):101442-101442

36. 2021 Effects of Robot-Assisted Rehabilitation on Hand Function of People With Stroke: A Randomized, Crossover-Controlled, Assessor-Blinded Study . Am J Occup Ther .2021 ;(75):7501205020p1-7501205020p11

37. 2021 Lee YH,Lee PH,Lin LF,Liao CD,Liou TH,Huang SW. Effects of progressive elastic band resistance exercise for aged osteosarcopenic adiposity women . Exp Gerontol .2021 ;(147):111272-111272

38. 2021 Huang SW,Chen YW,Escorpizo R,Liao CD,Liou TH. Development International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Core Set for Post Total Knee Replacement Rehabilitation Program: Delphi-Based Consensus Study in Taiwan . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2021 ;(18):1630-1630

39. 2021 Chi WC,Yen CF,Liou TH,Chang KH,Liao HF,Chang YL. Exploring Factors Associated with Functional Change and Predictors of Participation Improvement-A Two Years Follow-Up on People with Depression . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2021 ;(18):3439-3439

40. 2021 Liao CD,Chen HC,Huang SW,Liou TH. Impact of sarcopenia on rehabilitation outcomes after total knee replacement in older adults with knee osteoarthritis . Ther Adv Musculoskelet Dis .2021 ;(13):1759720X21998508-1759720X21998508

41. 2021 Wang JY,Liaw CK,Huang CC,Liou TH,Lin HW,Huang SW. Hyperlipidemia Is a Risk Factor of Adhesive Capsulitis: Real-World Evidence Using the Taiwanese National Health Insurance Research Database . Orthop J Sports Med .2021 ;(9):1-7

42. 2021 Lin YR,Wang JY,Chang SC,Chang KH,Chen HC,Escorpizo R, Huang SW, Liou TH. Developing a Delphi-Based Comprehensive Core Set from the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health Framework for the Rehabilitation of Patients with Burn Injuries . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2021 ;(18):3970-3970

43. 2021 Chiang YC,Liou TH,Lee HC,Escorpizo R. Using WHODAS 2.0 to Assess Functional Impairment in People with Depression: Should Employment Receive More Attention? . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2021 ;(18):4552-4552

44. 2021 Liao CD,Liao YH,Liou TH,Hsieh CY,Kuo YC,Chen HC. Effects of Protein-Rich Nutritional Composition Supplementation on Sarcopenia Indices and Physical Activity during Resistance Exercise Training in Older Women with Knee Osteoarthritis . Nutrients .2021 ;(13):2487-2487

45. 2021 Liao CD,Chen HC,Huang SW,Liou TH. Exercise therapy for sarcopenia in rheumatoid arthritis: A meta-analysis and meta-regression of randomized controlled trials . Clin Rehabil .2021

46. 2021 Chu SF,Liou TH,Chen HC,Huang SW,Liao CD. Relative Efficacy of Weight Management, Exercise, and Combined Treatment for Muscle Mass and Physical Sarcopenia Indices in Adults with Overweight or Obesity and Osteoarthritis: A Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Nutrients .2021 ;(13):1992-1992

47. 2021 Lin CL,Chen YW,Wu CW,Liou TH,Huang SW. Effect of Hypertonic Dextrose Injection on Pain and Shoulder Disability in Patients with Chronic Supraspinatus Tendinosis: A Randomized Double-Blind Controlled Study . Arch Phys Med Rehabil .2021

48. 2021 Lin JC,Lee HC,Kuo FL,Lin YN,Liou TH,Huang SW. Response . Am J Occup Ther .2021 ;(75):7505050020-7505050020

49. 2020 The Relationship of Urbanization and Performance of Activity and Participation Functioning among Adults with Developmental Disabilities in Taiwan . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2020 ;(17):7553-7553

50. 2020 Chao PZ,Huang SW,Escorpizo R,Chi WC,Yen CF,Liao HF, Chen YW, Liou TH. Effects of Hearing Disability on the Employment Status Using WHODAS 2.0 in Taiwan . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2020 ;(17):9374-9374

51. 2020 Chang FH,Chiu V,Ni P,Lin YN,Kang JH,Liou TH, Lu L, Han DS, Skidmore ER. Enhancing community participation for stroke survivors with cognitive impairment: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial in Taiwan . BMJ Open .2020 ;(10):e040241-e040241

52. 2020 Chen R,Liou TH,Miao NF,Chang KH,Yen CF,Liao HF, Chi WC, Chou KR. Using World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 in people with schizophrenia: a 4-year follow-up . Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci .2020 ;(270):301-310

53. 2020 Liao CD,Chen HC,Kuo YC,Tsauo JY,Huang SW,Liou TH. Effects of muscle strength training on muscle mass gain and hypertrophy in older adults with osteoarthritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis . Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken) .2020 ;(72):1703-1718

54. 2020 Huang SW,Chang KH,Escorpizo R,Liou TH. Accuracy of a modified World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 as an assessment tool for predicting return-to-work among patients with traumatic brain injury . Disabil Rehabil .2020 ;(42):3370-3376

55. 2020 Lee YH,Goo-Yoshino S,Lew HL,Chi WC,Yen CF,Liao HF, Chen SC, Liou TH. Social participation in head and neck cancer survivors with swallowing disorder: World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 study . Head Neck .2020 ;(42):905-912

56. 2020 Wang CY,Chan L,Wu D,Chi WC,Yen CF,Liao HF, Hong CT, Liou TH. Effect of Cognitive Disability and Ambulation Status on Functioning in Moderate-to-Advanced Parkinson Disease . Front Neurol .2020 ;(10):1-8

57. 2020 Huang SW,Lin LF,Chang KH,Escorpizo R,Liou TH. Development of a comprehensive core set from the international classification of functioning, disability and health for return to work among patients with stroke through delphi-based consensus . Eur J Phys Rehabil Med .2020

58. 2020 Liao HF,Hwang AW,Schiariti V,Yen CF,Chi WC,Liou TH, Hung HC, Hsieh YH. Validating the ICF core set for cerebral palsy using a national disability sample in Taiwan . Disabil Rehabil .2020 ;(42):642-650

59. 2020 Huang SW,Wang JY,Lin CL,Huang CC,Liou TH,Lin HW. Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis Are at Risk of Developing Adhesive Capsulitis: Real-World Evidence Database Study in Taiwan . J Clin Med .2020 ;(9):1-11

60. 2020 Chang KH,Chi WC,Liao HF,Chen SC,Chiou HY,Escorpizo R, Liou TH. Development of indicators to assure quality of disability evaluation based on the International Classification of functioning, disability, and health in Taiwan: a Delphi consensus . Disabil Rehabil .2020 ;(42):975-982

61. 2020 Hand Fine Motor Skill Disability Correlates with Cognition in Patients with Moderate-to-Advanced Parkinson's Disease . Brain Sci .2020 ;(10):337-337

62. 2020 Liao CD,Chiu YS,Ku JW,Huang SW,Liou TH. Effects of Elastic Resistance Exercise on Postoperative Outcomes Linked to the ICF Core Sets for Osteoarthritis after Total Knee Replacement in Overweight and Obese Older Women with Sarcopenia Risk: A Randomized Controlled Trial . J Clin Med .2020 ;(9):2194-2194

63. 2020 Liao CD,Wu YT,Tsauo JY,Chen PR,Tu YK,Chen HC, Liou TH. Effects of Protein Supplementation Combined with Exercise Training on Muscle Mass and Function in Older Adults with Lower-Extremity Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials . Nutrients .2020 ;(12):2422-2422

64. 2020 Hand fine motor skill disability correlates with dementia severity . Arch Gerontol Geriatr .2020 ;(90):104168-104168

65. 2020 Recovery after stroke: perspectives of young stroke survivors in Taiwan . Disabil Rehabil .2020

66. 2020 Predicting admission to post-acute inpatient rehabilitation in patients with acute stroke . J Rehabil Med .2020 ;(52):1-6

67. 2020 Structural Validity of an ICF-Based Measure of Activity and Participation for Children in Taiwan's Disability Eligibility Determination System . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2020 ;(17):6134-6134

68. 2020 Liao CD,Tsauo JY,Chiu YS,Ku JW,Huang SW,Liou TH. Effects of elastic resistance exercise after total knee replacement on muscle mass and physical function in elderly women with osteoarthritis: A randomized controlled trial . Am J Phys Med Rehabil .2020 ;(99):381-389

69. 2020 Accuracy of the Critical Shoulder Angle for Predicting Rotator Cuff Tears in Patients With Nontraumatic Shoulder Pain . Orthop J Sports Med .2020 ;(8):1-6

70. 2019 Chang KH,Chi WC,Huang SW,Chang FH,Liao HF,Escorpizo R, Liou TH. Perceptions and attitudes towards the implementation of a disability evaluation system based on the international classification of functioning, disability, and health among people with disabilities in Taiwan . Disabil Rehabil .2019 ;(41):1552-1560

71. 2019 Lu SJ,Liou TH,Yen CF,Chang FH,Chen YL,Escorpizo R, Strauser DR, Pan AW. Determinants of Employment Outcome for the People with Schizophrenia Using the WHODAS 2.0 . J Occup Rehabil .2019 ;(29):375-383

72. 2019 Hsueh CM,Wey JH,Yeh JS,Wu CH,Liou TH,Chang KH. Incidence and risk of major heart diseases in middle-aged adults with moderate to severe vision impairment: a population-based cohort study . Brit J Ophthal .2019 ;(103):1054-1059

73. 2019 Chen YC,Fan HY,Huang YT,Huang SY,Liou TH,Lee YL. Causal relationships between adiposity and childhood asthma: bi-directional Mendelian Randomization analysis . Int J Obes (Lond) .2019 ;(43):73-81

74. 2019 Chiu TY,Finger ME,Fellinghauer CS,Escorpizo R,Chi WC,Liou TH, Yen CF. Validation of the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 in adults with spinal cord injury in Taiwan: a psychometric study . Spinal Cord .2019

75. 2019 Wang WT,Huang SW,Liou TH,Lin HW. Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Were Associated with a Risk of Rotator Cuff Diseases . J Clin Med .2019 ;(8)

76. 2019 Effectiveness and Superiority of Rehabilitative Treatments in Enhancing Motor Recovery Within 6 Months Poststroke: A Systemic Review . Arch Phys Med Rehabil .2019 ;(100):366-378

77. 2019 Huang SW,Lin CL,Lin LF,Huang CC,Liou TH,Lin HW. Autoimmune Connective Tissue Diseases and the Risk of Rotator Cuff Repair Surgery: A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study . BMJ Open .2019 ;(9)

78. 2019 Tung YC,Lai CH,Liao CD,Huang SW,Liou TH,Chen HC. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of lower limb motor function in patients with stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Clin Rehabil .2019 ;(33):1102-1112

79. 2019 Wu CH,Huang SW,Lin YN,Wang CY,Liou TH,Chang KH. Adults with polio are at risk of hip fracture from middle age: A nationwide population-based cohort study . Injury .2019 ;(50):738-743

80. 2019 Liao CD,Tsauo JY,Huang SW,Chen HC,Chiu YS,Liou TH. Preoperative range of motion and applications of continuous passive motion predict outcomes after knee arthroplasty in patients with arthritis . Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc .2019 ;(27):1259-1269

81. 2019 Huang SW,Chang KH,Escorpizo R,Chang FH,Liou TH. WHODAS 2.0 Can Predict Institutionalization among Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2019 ;(16)

82. 2019 Lee HH,Hong CT,Wu D,Chi WC,Yen CF,Liao HF, Chan L, Liou TH. Association between Ambulatory Status and Functional Disability in Elderly People with Dementia . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2019 ;(16):pii: E2168

83. 2019 Chen JH,Hong CT,Wu D,Chi WC,Yen CF,Liao HF, Chan L, Liou TH. Dementia-Related Functional Disability in Moderate to Advanced Parkinson's Disease: Assessment Using the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2019 ;(16):pii: E2230

84. 2019 Lee YH,Chang KH,Escorpizo R,Chi WC,Yen CF,Liao HF, Huang SW, Liou TH. Accuracy of the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0) score as an objective assessment tool for predicting return-to-work status after head and neck cancer in male survivors . Support Care Cancer .2019 ;(27):433-441

85. 2019 Lee HH,Hong CT,Wu D,Chi WC,Yen CF,Liao HF, Chan L, Liou TH. Association between Ambulatory Status and Functional Disability in Elderly People with Dementia . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2019 ;(16):pii: E2168

86. 2019 Chen JH,Hong CT,Wu D,Chi WC,Yen CF,Liao HF, Chan L, Liou TH. Dementia-Related Functional Disability in Moderate to Advanced Parkinson's Disease: Assessment Using the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2019 ;(16):pii: E2230

87. 2019 Liao CD,Chen HC,Huang SW,Liou TH. The Role of Muscle Mass Gain Following Protein Supplementation Plus Exercise Therapy in Older Adults with Sarcopenia and Frailty Risks: A Systematic Review and Meta-Regression Analysis of Randomized Trials . Nutrients .2019 ;(11):pii: E1713

88. 2019 Liao CD,Tsauo JY,Liou TH,Chen HC,Huang SW. Clinical efficacy of extracorporeal shockwave therapy for knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review and meta-regression of randomized controlled trials . Clin Rehabil .2019 ;(33):1419-1430

89. 2019 Liao CD,Chen HC,Huang SW,Liou TH. Reply to: "Comment on the Role of Muscle Mass Gain Following Protein Supplementation Plus Exercise Therapy in Older Adults with Sarcopenia and Frailty Risks: A Systematic Review and Meta-Regression Analysis of Randomized Trials, Nutrients 2019, 11, 1713" . Nutrients .2019 ;(11):pii: E2420

90. 2019 Lin LF,Chang KH,Huang YZ,Lai CH,Liou TH,Lin YN. Simultaneous stimulation in bilateral leg motor areas with intermittent theta burst stimulation to improve functional performance after stroke: a feasibility pilot study . Eur J Phys Rehabil Med .2019

91. 2019 Lai CH,Chen HC,Liou TH,Li W,Chen SC. Exercise Interventions for Individuals With Neurological Disorders: A Systematic Review of Systematic Reviews . Am J Phys Med Rehabil .2019 ;(98):921-930

92. 2019 Yang JD,Liao CD,Huang SW,Tam KW,Liou TH,Lee YH, Lin CY, Chen HC. Effectiveness of electrical stimulation therapy in improving arm function after stroke: a systematic review and a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials . Clin Rehabil .2019 ;(33):1286-1297

93. 2018 Liao HF,Hwang AW,Schiariti V,Yen CF,Chi WC,Liou TH, Hung HC, Hsieh YH. Validating the ICF core set for cerebral palsy using a national disability sample in Taiwan . Disabil Rehabil .2018

94. 2018 Liao CD,Lee PH,Hsiao DJ,Huang SW,Tsauo JY,Chen HC, Liou TH. Effects of Protein Supplementation Combined with Exercise Intervention on Frailty Indices, Body Composition, and Physical Function in Frail Older Adults . Nutrients .2018 ;(10):1-30

95. 2018 Hsu TH,Liou TH,Chou KR,Chi WC,Yen CF,Liao HF, Tseng IJ. Large-Scale Assessment of Function and Disability in Patients with Parkinson's Disease Using the Functioning Disability Evaluation Scale-Adult Version . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2018 ;(15)

96. 2018 Chang KH,Chi WC,Liao HF,Chen SC,Chiou HY,Escorpizo R, Liou TH. Development of indicators to assure quality of disability evaluation based on the International Classification of functioning, disability, and health in Taiwan: a Delphi consensus . Disabil Rehabil .2018

97. 2018 Lin HW,Lin LF,Chen HC,Liou TH,Huang SW. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with short-acting inhaled pharmacotherapy increases the risk of prostate cancer: A two-stage database approach . PLoS One .2018 ;(13):e0203377

98. 2018 Huang SW,Chi WC,Chang KH,Yen CF,Liao HF,Escorpizo R, Liou TH. World health organization disability assessment schedule 2.0 as an objective assessment tool for predicting return to work after a stroke . Disabil Rehabil .2018 ;(40):2592-2597

99. 2018 Huang SW,Hsieh FC,Lin LF,Liao CD,Ku JW,Hsiao DJ, Liou TH. Correlation between Body Composition and Physical Performance in Aged People . Int J Gerontol .2018 ;(12):186-190

100. 2018 Liao CD,Xie GM,Tsauo JY,Chen HC,Liou TH. Efficacy of extracorporeal shock wave therapy for knee tendinopathies and other soft tissue disorders: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . BMC Musculoskelet Disord .2018 ;(19):278-278

101. 2018 Liao CD,Tsauo JY,Chen HC,Liou TH. Efficacy of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy for Lower Extremity Tendinopathy: A Meta-analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials . Am J Phys Med Rehabil .2018

102. 2018 Huang YZ,Lin LF,Chang KH,Hu CJ,Liou TH,Lin YN. Priming with 1-Hz rTMS over contralesional leg motor cortex does not increase the rate of regaining ambulation within 3 months of stroke: A randomized controlled trial . Am J Phys Med Rehabil .2018 ;(97):339-345

103. 2018 Chang KF,Chang KH,Chi WC,Huang SW,Yen CF,Liao HF, Liou TH, Chao PZ, Lin IC. Influence of visual impairment and hearing impairment on functional dependence status among people in Taiwan-An evaluation using the WHODAS 2.0 score . J Chin Med Assoc .2018 ;(81):376-382

104. 2018 Liao CD,Tsauo JY,Huang SW,Ku JW,Hsiao DJ,Liou TH. Effects of elastic band exercise on lean mass and physical capacity in older women with sarcopenic obesity: A randomized controlled trial . Sci Rep .2018 ;(8):2317-2317

105. 2018 Ouyang JH,Chang KH,Hsu WY,Cho YT,Liou TH,Lin YN. Non-elastic taping, but not elastic taping, provides benefits for patients with knee osteoarthritis: systemic review and meta-analysis . Clin Rehabil .2018 ;(32):3-17

106. 2018 Chen R,Liou TH,Chang KH,Yen CF,Liao HF,Chi WC, Chou KR. Assessment of functioning and disability in patients with schizophrenia using the WHO Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 in a large-scale database . Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci .2018 ;(268):65-75

107. 2018 Lin IH,Chang KH,Liou TH,Tsou CM,Huang YC. Progressive shoulder-neck exercise on cervical muscle functions in middle-aged and senior patients with chronic neck pain . Eur J Phys Rehabil Med .2018 ;(54):13-21

108. 2017 Chen WC,Bedell GM,Yen CF,Liou TH,Kang LJ,Liao HF, Hwang AW. Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the child and adolescent factors inventory (CAFI-C) . Res Dev Disabil .2017 ;(68):111-121

109. 2017 Chiu TY,Yen CF,Escorpizo R,Chi WC,Liou TH,Liao HF, Chou CH, Fang WH. What is the gap in activity and participation between people with disability and the general population in Taiwan? . Int J Equity Health .2017 ;(16):136-136

110. 2017 Liao CD,Tsauo JY,Wu YT,Cheng CP,Chen HC,Huang YC, Chen HC, Liou TH. Effects of protein supplementation combined with resistance exercise on body composition and physical function in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis . Am J Clin Nutr .2017 ;(106):1078-1091

111. 2017 Lin YN,Chiu CC,Huang SW,Hsu WY,Liou TH,Chen YW, Chang KH. Association Between Manual Loading and Newly Developed Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Subjects with Physical Disabilities: a Follow-up Study. . Arch Phys Med Rehabil .2017 ;(98):2002-2008

112. 2017 Chen YC,Chih AH,Chen JR,Liou TH,Pan WH,Lee YL. Rapid adiposity growth increases risks of new-onset asthma and airway inflammation in children . Int J Obes (Lond) .2017

113. 2017 Huang SW,Chi WC,Yen CF,Chang KH,Liao HF,Escorpizo R, Chang FH, Liou TH. Does more education mean less disability in people with dementia? A large cross-sectional study in Taiwan . BMJ Open .2017 ;(7):e01384-e01384

114. 2017 Huang SW,Wu CW,Lin LF,Liou TH,Lin HW. Gout Can Increase the Risk of Receiving Rotator Cuff Tear Repair Surgery . Am J Sports Med .2017 ;(45):2355-2363

115. 2017 Yen CF,Chiu TY,Liou TH,Chi WC,Liao HF,Liang CC, Escorpizo R. Development of Activity and Participation Norms among General Adult Populations in Taiwan . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2017 ;(14)

116. 2017 Liao CD,Tsauo JY,Lin LF,Huang SW,Ku JW,Chou LC, Liou TH. Effects of elastic resistance exercise on body composition and physical capacity in older women with sarcopenic obesity: A CONSORT-compliant prospective randomized controlled trial . Medicine (Baltimore) .2017 ;(96):1-8

117. 2017 Chang FH,Chang KH,Liou TH,Whiteneck GG. Validation of the Participation Measure--3 Domains, 4 Dimensions (PM-3D4D) . Arch Phys Med Rehabil .2017

118. 2017 Liao CD,Huang YC,Chiu YS,Liou TH. Effect of body mass index on knee function outcomes following continuous passive motion in patients with osteoarthritis after total knee replacement: a retrospective study . Physiotherapy .2017 ;(103):266-275

119. 2017 Chang FH,Liou TH,Ni P,Chang KH,Lai CH. Development of the Participation Measure--3 Domains, 4 Dimensions (PM-3D4D): A New Outcome Measure for Rehabilitation . Arch Phys Med Rehabil .2017 ;(98):286-294

120. 2017 Huang SW,Ku JW,Lin LF,Liao CD,Chou LC,Liou TH. Body composition influenced by progressive elastic band resistance exercise of sarcopenic obesity elderly women: a pilot randomized controlled trial . Eur J Phys Rehabil Med .2017 ;(53):556-563

121. 2017 Liao CD,Tsauo JY,Chen HC,Liou TH. Efficacy of Stellate Ganglion Blockade Applied with Light Irradiation: A Systemic Review and Meta-analysis . Am J Phys Med Rehabil .2017 ;(96):e97-e110

122. 2017 Chang FH,Liou TH,Brodersen J,Comins JD. Adaptation of the Activity Measure Post-Acute Care (AM-PAC) from English to Mandarin using the dual-panel translation approach . Disabil Rehabil .2017

123. 2017 Huang SW,Chi WC,Chang KH,Yen CF,Liao HF,Escorpizo R, Liou TH. World health organization disability assessment schedule 2.0 as an objective assessment tool for predicting return to work after a stroke . Disabil Rehabil .2017

124. 2017 Liao CD,Rau CL,Liou TH,Tsauo JY,Lin LF. Effects of Linearly Polarized Near-Infrared Irradiation Near the Stellate Ganglion Region on Pain and Heart Rate Variability in Patients with Neuropathic Pain. . Pain Med .2017 ;(18):488-503

125. 2017 Huang SW,Wang WT,Chou LC,Liou TH,Lin HW. Risk of Dementia in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study . J Neurotrauma .2017 ;(34):615-622

126. 2017 Kuo CY,Chiou HY,Lin JW,Tsai SH,Lin MR,Chiang YH, Lin CM, Chu SF, Liou TH, Chiu WT. Characteristics and Clinical Outcomes of Head-Injured Cyclists with and without Helmets in Urban and Rural Areas of Taiwan: A 15 year study. . Traffic Inj Prev .2017 ;(18):193-198

127. 2017 Yang JD,Tam KW,Huang TW,Huang SW,Liou TH,Chen HC. Intermittent Cervical Traction for Treating Neck Pain: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Spine (Phila Pa 1976) .2017 ;(42):959-965

128. 2017 Chen YC,Liou TH,Chen PC,Chiang BL,Yang YH,Fan HY, Lee YL. Growth trajectories and asthma/rhinitis in children: a longitudinal study in Taiwan . Eur Respir J .2017 ;(49):pii: 1600741-pii: 1600741

129. 2017 Wu CW,Huang SW,Lin JW,Liou TH,Chou LC,Lin HW. Risk of stroke among patients with cerebral palsy: a population-based cohort study . Dev Med Child Neurol .2017 ;(59):52-56

130. 2017 Huang YZ,Lin LF,Chang KH,Hu CJ,Liou TH,Lin YN. Priming with 1-Hz rTMS over contralesional leg motor cortex does not increase the rate of regaining ambulation within 3 months of stroke: A randomized controlled trial . Am J Phys Med Rehabil .2017

131. 2017 Liao CD,Tsauo JY,Hsiao DJ,Liou TH,Huang SW,Lin LF. Association of physical capacity with heart rate variability based on a short-duration measurement of resting pulse rate in older adults with obesity . PLoS One .2017 ;(12):e0189150

132. 2017 Lin LF,Huang SW,Chang KH,Ouyang JH,Liou TH,Lin YN. A novel Robotic Gait Training System (RGTS) may facilitate functional recovery after stroke: A feasibility and safety study . NeuroRehabilitation .2017

133. 2017 Huang YC,Chang KH,Liou TH,Cheng CW,Lin LF,Huang SW. Effects of Kinesio taping for stroke patients with hemiplegic shoulder pain: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study . J Rehabil Med .2017 ;(49):208-215

134. 2017 Hu HY,Chi WC,Chang KH,Yen CF,Escorpizo R,Liao HF, Huang SW, Liou TH. The World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 can predict the institutionalization of the patients with stroke . Eur J Phys Rehabil Med .2017

135. 2016 Chu SF,Huang MT,Ou KL,E Sugiatno,Cheng HY,Huang YH, Chiu WT, Liou TH. Enhanced biocompatible and hemocompatible nano/micro porous surface as a biological scaffold for functionalizational and biointegrated implants . Journal of Alloys and Compounds .2016 ;(684):726-732

136. 2016 Huang SW,Wang WT,Lin LF,Liao CD,Liou TH,Lin HW. Association between psychiatric disorders and osteoarthritis: a nationwide longitudinal population-based study. . Medicine (Baltimore) .2016 ;(95):e4016

137. 2016 Huang SW,Chang KH,Escorpizo R,Chi WC,Yen CF,Liao HF, Chang FH, Chiu WT, Lin JW, Liou TH. Functioning and disability analysis by using WHO Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 in older adults Taiwanese patients with dementia . Disabil Rehabil .2016 ;(38):1652-1663

138. 2016 Tsai YC,Huang S,Che WC,Huang YC,Liou TH,Kuo YC. The Effects of Expiratory Muscle Strength Training on Voice and Associated Factors in Medical Professionals With Voice Disorders . J Voice .2016 ;(30):759.e2

139. 2016 Huang YC,Wang WT,Liou TH,Liao CD,Lin LF,Huang SW. Postural Assessment Scale for Stroke Patients Scores as a predictor of stroke patient ambulation at discharge from the rehabilitation ward . J Rehabil Med .2016 ;(48):259-264

140. 2016 Hsu YW,Liou TH,Liou YM,Chen HJ,Chien LY. Measurements and profiles of body weight misperceptions among Taiwanese teenagers: a national survey . Asia Pac J Clin Nutr .2016 ;(25):108-117

141. 2016 Huang SW,Wang WT,Chou LC,Chen HC,Liou TH,Lin HW. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Increases the Risk of Hip Fracture: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study . Sci Rep .2016 ;(6):23360

142. 2016 Lin YR,Chou LC,Chen HC,Liou TH,Huang SW,Lin HW. Increased risk of dementia in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: A nationwide population-based cohort study . Arthritis Care Res .2016 ;(68):1774-1779

143. 2016 Liu HT,Lin YC,Kuan YC,Huang YH,Hou WH,Liou TH, Chen HC. Intranasal corticosteroid therapy in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Am J Rhinol Allergy .2016 ;(30):215-221

144. 2016 Huang SW,Lin LF,Chou LC,Wu MJ,Liao CD,Liou TH. Feasibility of using the international classification of functioning, disability and health core set for evaluation of fall-related risk factors in acute rehabilitation settings . Eur J Phys Rehabil Med .2016 ;(52):152-158

145. 2016 Liao CD,Huang YC,Lin LF,Chiu YS,Tsai JC,Chen CL, Liou TH. Continuous passive motion and its effects on knee flexion after total knee arthroplasty in patients with knee osteoarthritis . Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc .2016 ;(24):2578-2586

146. 2016 Liao CD,Tsauo JY,Liou TH,Chen HC,Rau CL. Efficacy of Noninvasive Stellate Ganglion Blockade Performed Using Physical Agent Modalities in Patients with Sympathetic Hyperactivity-Associated Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. . PloS one .2016 ;(11):e01674

147. 2016 Huang SW,Wang WT,Chou LC,Liou TH,Chen YW,Lin HW. Diabetes mellitus increases the risk of rotator cuff tear repair surgery: A population-based cohort study . J Diabetes Complications .2016 ;(30):1473-1477

148. 2016 Chu SF,Chiu WT,Lin HW,Chiang YH,Liou TH. Hazard Ratio and Repeat Injury for Dementia in Patients With and Without a History of Traumatic Brain Injury: A Population-Based Secondary Data Analysis in Taiwan . Asia Pac J Public Health .2016 ;(28):519-527

149. 2016 Hsieh YW,Liing RJ,Lin KC,Wu CY,Liou TH,Lin JC, Hung JW. Sequencing bilateral robot-assisted arm therapy and constraint-induced therapy improves reach to press and trunk kinematics in patients with stroke . J Neuroeng Rehabil .2016 ;(31):13-31

150. 2016 Chou LC,Liou TH,Kuan YC,Huang YH,Chen HC. Autologous blood injection for treatment of lateral epicondylosis: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. . Phys Ther Sport .2016 ;(18):68-73

151. 2015 Shen SH,Shen SY,Liou TH,Hsu MI,Chang YC,Cheng CY, Hsu CS, Tzeng CR. Obesity and inflammatory biomarkers in women with polycystic ovary syndrome . Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol .2015 ;(192):66-71

152. 2015 Huang SW,Wang WT,Chou LC,Liao CD,Liou TH,Lin HW. Osteoarthritis increases the risk of dementia: a nationwide cohort study in Taiwan . Sci Rep .2015 ;(5):10145

153. 2015 Hwang AW,Yen CF,Liou TH,Simeonsson RJ,Chi WC,Lollar DJ, Liao HF, Kang LJ, Wu TF, Teng SW, Chiu WT. Participation of Children with Disabilities in Taiwan: The Gap between Independence and Frequency . PLoS One .2015 ;(10):e01266

154. 2015 Kuo CY,Liou TH,Chang KH,Chi WC,Escorpizo R,Yen CF, Liao HF, Chiou HY, Chiu WT, Tsai JT. Functioning and disability analysis of patients with traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury by using the world health organization disability assessment schedule 2.0 . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2015 ;(12):4116-27

155. 2015 Huang SW,Chang KH,Escorpizo R,Hu CJ,Chi WC,Yen CF, Liao HF, Chiu WT, Liou TH. Using the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0) for Predicting Institutionalization of Patients With Dementia in Taiwan . Medicine .2015 ;(94):e2155

156. 2015 Hwang AW,Yen CF,Liou TH,Bedell G,Granlund M,Teng SW, Chang KH, Chi WC, Liao HF. Development and validation of the ICF-CY-Based Functioning Scale of the Disability Evaluation System--Child Version in Taiwan . J Formos Med Assoc .2015 ;(114):1170-1180

157. 2015 Huang SW,Lin JW,Liou TH,Lin HW. Cohort study evaluating the risk of hip fracture among patients with dementia in Taiwan . Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. .2015 ;(30):695-701

158. 2015 Liao CD,Lin LF,,Huang YC,Huang SW,Chou LC,Liou TH. Functional Outcomes of Outpatient Balance Training Following Total Knee Replacement in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial . Clin Rehabil .2015 ;(29):855-67

159. 2015 Kang LJ,Yen CF,Bedell G,Simeonsson RJ,Liou TH,Chi WC, Liu SW, Liao HF, Hwang AW. The Chinese version of the Child and Adolescent Scale of Environment (CASE-C): validity and reliability forchildren with disabilities in Taiwan . Res Dev Disabil .2015 ;(38):64-74

160. 2015 Cheung MK,Hung AT,Poon PK,Fong DY,Li LS,Chow ES, Qiu ZY, Liou TH. Validation of the World Health Organization Assessment Schedule II Chinese Traditional Version (WHODAS II CT) in Persons with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses for Chinese Population . Disabil Rehabil .2015 ;(37):1902-7

161. 2015 Lin YN,Hu CJ,Chi JY,Lin LF,Yen TH,Lin YK, Liou TH. Effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the unaffected hemisphere leg motor area in patients withsubacute stroke and substantial leg impairment: A pilot study . J Rehabil Med .2015 ;(47):305-310

162. 2015 Lin SW,Yen CF,Chiu TY,Chi WC,Liou TH. New indices for home nursing care resource disparities in rural and urban areas, based on geocoding and geographic distance barriers a cross-sectional study . Int J Health Geogr .2015 ;(14):28-28

163. 2015 Lin LF,Huang YZ,Hu CJ,Liou TH,Chang KH,Lin YN. Using surface electromyography to guide the activation during motor-evoked potential measurement: An activation control method for follow-up studies . Brain Inj .2015 ;(29):1661-1666

164. 2015 Lin LF,Liou TH,Hu CJ,Ma HP,Ou JC,Chiang YH, Chiu WT, Tsai SH, Chu WC.. Balance function and sensory integration after mild traumatic brain injury . Brain Inj .2015 ;(29):41-46

165. 2015 Hsiao P,Hsu WY,Liou TH,Lin YN,Lin Y,Chang KH. Association between body composition and median neuropathy in patients with physical disabilities. . Eur J Phys Rehabil Med .2015 ;(51):5-13

166. 2015 Chen HC,Yen TH,Chang KH,Lin YN,Wang YH,Liou TH, Taiwan ICF Team. Developing an ICF Core Set for Sub-acute Stages of Spinal Cord Injury in Taiwan: a Preliminary Study . Disabil Rehabil .2015 ;(37):51-55

167. 2015 Chang KH,Liao HF,Yen CF,Hwang AW,Chi WC,Escorpizo R, Liou TH. Association between muscle power impairment and WHODAS 2.0 in older adults with physical disability in Taiwan . Disabil Rehabil .2015 ;(37):712-720

168. 2015 Kao YH,Liou TH,Huang YC,Tsai YW,Wang KM. Effects of a 12-Week Pilates Course on Lower Limb Muscle Strength and Trunk Flexibility in Women Living in the Community . Health Care Women Int .2015 ;(36):303-19

169. 2015 Liao CD,Huang YC,Lin LF,Huang SW,Liou TH. Body Mass Index and Functional Mobility Outcome Following Early Rehabilitation after a Total Knee Replacement: A Retrospective Study in Taiwan . Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken) .2015 ;(67):799-808

170. 2014 Rau CL,Yen TH,Wu LC,Huang YY,Jaw FS,Liou TH. Neglected ruptured flexor carpi ulnaris tendon mimics a soft tissue tumor in the wrist . Am J Phys Med Rehabil .2014 ;(93):355-8

171. 2014 Huang SW,Wang WT,Yang TH,Liou TH,Chen GY,Lin LF. The Balance Effect of Acupuncture Therapy Among Stroke Patients . J Altern Complement Med .2014 ;(20):618-22

172. 2014 Liou TH,Huang SW,Lin JW,Chang YS,Wu CW,Lin HW. Risk of stroke in patients with rheumatism: a nationwide longitudinal population-based study . Sci Rep .2014 ;(4):1-6

173. 2014 Chen HC,Liou TH. Platelet-rich therapies for musculoskeletal soft tissue injuries. . Cochrane Database Syst Rev .2014

174. 2014 Chang KH,Lin YN,Liao HF,Yen CF,Escorpizo R,Yen TH, Liou TH. Environmental effects on WHODAS 2.0 among patients with stroke with a focus on ICF category e120 . Qual Life Res .2014 ;(23):1823-31

175. 2014 Huang SW,Lin JW,Wang WT,Wu CW,Liou TH,Lin HW. Hyperthyroidism is a Risk Factor for Developing Adhesive Capsulitis of the Shoulder: A Nationwide Longitudinal Population-Based Study . Sci Rep .2014 ;(4):4183

176. 2014 Yen CF,Chiu TY,Liou TH,Liao HF,Li YS,Liang CC, Teng SW. Does the planned long-term care policy in Taiwan meet the needs of people with disabilities . Health Policy .2014 ;(116):95-104

177. 2014 Chang KH,Liou TH,Sung JY,Wang CY,Genant HK,Chan WP. Femoral Neck Bone Mineral Density Change Is Associated with Shift in Standing Weight in Hemiparetic Stroke Patients . Am J Phys Med Rehabil .2014 ;(93):477-85

178. 2014 Yen TH,Lin LF,Wei TS,Chang KH,Wang YH,Liou TH. Delphi-based assessment of fall-related risk factors in acute rehabilitation settings according to the international classification of functioning, disability and health . Arch Phys Med Rehabil .2014 ;(95):50-57

179. 2014 Chi WC,Chang KH,Escorpizo R,Yen CF,Liao HF,Chang FH, Chiou HY, Teng SW, Chiu WT, Liou TH. Measuring Disability and Its Predicting Factors in a Large Database in Taiwan Using the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 . Int J Environ Health Res .2014 ;(11):12148-61

180. 2014 Yen CF,Hwang AW,Liou TH,Chiu TY,Hsu HY,Chi WC, Wu TF, Chang BS, Lu SJ, Liao HF, Teng SW, Chiu WT.. Validity and reliability of the Functioning Disability Evaluation Scale-Adult Version based on the WHODAS 2.0-36 items . J Formos Med Assoc .2014 ;(113):839-849

181. 2014 Wang W,Liou TH,Lee WJ,Hsu CT,Lee MF,Chen HH. ESR1 gene and insulin resistance remission are associated with serum uric acid decline for severely obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery . Surg Obes Relat Dis .2014 ;(10):14-22

182. 2014 Lin YN,Chang KH,Lin CY,Hsu MI,Chen HC,Chen HH, Liou TH. Developing comprehensive and Brief ICF core sets for morbid obesity for disability assessment in Taiwan: a preliminary study. . Eur J Phys Rehabil Med .2014 ;(50):133-141

183. 2014 Yen TH,Liou TH,Chang KH,Wu NN,Chou LC,Chen HC. Systematic review of ICF core set from 2001 to 2012 . Disabil Rehabil .2014 ;(36):177-84

184. 2013 Chang KH,Liou TH,Chen CI,Wu CH,Hsu WY,Ou TY. Pathogen colonization in patients with acute cerebral stroke. . Disabil Rehabil .2013 ;(35):662-667

185. 2013 Tsai YW,Liou TH,Kao YH,Wang KM,Huang YC. Effect of a 12-week pilates course on body composition and cardiopulmonary fitness of adults living in an urban community . S Afr J Res Sport Ph .2013 ;(35):183-195

186. 2013 Chiu WT,Yen CF,Teng SW,Liao HF,Chang KH,Chi WC, Wang YH, Liou TH. Implementing disability evaluation and welfare services based on the framework of the international classification of functioning, disability and health: experiences in Taiwan . BMC Health Serv Res .2013 ;(13):416

187. 2013 Lee MF,Liou TH,Wang W,Pan WH,Lee WJ,Hsu CT, Wu SF, Chen HH. Gender, Body Mass Index, and PPARγ Polymorphism Are Good Indicators in Hyperuricemia Prediction for Han Chinese . Genet Test Mol Biomarkers .2013 ;(17):40-46

188. 2013 Hwang AW,Liou TH,Bedell GM,Kang LJ,Chen WC,Yen CF, Chang KH, Liao HF. Psychometric properties of the child and adolescent scale of participation--traditional Chinese version . Int J Rehabil Res .2013 ;(36):211-220

189. 2013 Liao CD,Liou TH,Huang YY,Huang YC. Effects of balance training on functional outcome after total knee replacement in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a randomized controlled trial. . Clin Rehabil. .2013 ;(27):697-709

190. 2013 Hao WR,Lin HW,Chao PZ,Wu CW,Yen TH,Liu JC, Liou TH. Risk of myocardial infarction in patients with rhinosinusitis . Atherosclerosis .2013 ;(226):263-268

191. 2013 Liou TH,Wu CW,Hao WR,Hsu MI,Lin J C,Lin HW. Risk of myocardial infarction in women with pelvic inflammatory disease. . Int J Cardiol .2013 ;(167):416-420

192. 2013 Chi WC,Liou TH,Wennie Huang WN,Yen CF,Teng SW,Chang IC. Developing a disability determination model using a decision support system in Taiwan: A pilot study . J Formos Med Assoc .2013 ;(112):473-481

193. 2013 Liao HF,Yen CF,Hwang AW,Liou TH,Chang BS,Wu TF, Lu SJ, Chi WC, Chang KH. 身心障礙鑑定功能量表之簡介與運用 . 台灣醫學 .2013 ;(17):317-331

194. 2013 Rau CL,Chen YP,Lin CY,Liou TH. 臺灣身心障礙者特別門診建構模式之初探 . 身心障礙研究 .2013 ;(10):252-264

195. 2013 Liao HF,Fan CJ,Liou TH,Yen CF,Wu TF,Chang BS, Lu SJ, Hwang AW, Chi WC, Lu L. 身心障礙鑑定功能量表成人版之檢定專業人員訓練課程與初步結果 . 台灣醫學 .2013 ;(17):368-380

196. 2013 Lin CH,Huang YC,Liou TH,Wu CY,Wang SH,Huang PC. 鏡像治療對慢性腦中風患者上肢動作功能之療效 . 台灣職能治療研究與實務 .2013 ;(9):28-39

197. 2013 Teng SW,Yen CF,Liao HF,Chang KH,Chi WC,Wang YH, Liou TH, Taiwan ICF Team.. Evolution of system for disability assessment based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health: A Taiwanese study . J Formos Med Assoc .2013 ;(112):691-698

198. 2012 Wu TF,Shih SH,Liao HF,Liou TH. 國際健康功能與身心障礙分類系統之日常生活活動量表:成人版之編製及於中風族群應用之信效度研究 . 台灣醫學 .2012 ;(16):236-252

199. 2012 Yen CF,Lin CC,Liao HF,Chen SC,Lin CY,Chiu HY, Liou TH. 應用世界衛生組織-國際健康功能與身心障礙分類系統(WHO-ICF)作為台灣身心障礙者鑑定初探研究 . 身心障礙研究 .2012 ;(10):2-19

200. 2012 Hsueh IP,Wang CH,Liou TH,Lin CH,Hsieh CL. Test-retest Reliability and Validity of the Comprehensive Activities of Daily Living Measure in Patients with stroke . J Rehabil Med .2012 ;(44):637-641

201. 2012 Wu CW,Chao PZ,Hao WR,Liou TH,Lin HW. Risk of stroke among patients with rhinosinusitis: A population-based study in Taiwan . Am J Rhinol Allergy .2012 ;(26):278-282

202. 2012 Chang TF,Liou TH,Chen CH,Huang YC,Chang KH. Effects of elastic-band exercise on lower-extremity function among female patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. . Disabil Rehabil .2012 ;(34):1727-1735

203. 2012 Liang SJ,Liou TH,Lin HW,Hsu CS,Tzeng CR,Hsu MI. Obesity is the predominant predictor of impaired glucose tolerance and metabolic disturbance in polycystic ovary syndrome. . Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand .2012 ;(91):1167-1172

204. 2012 Liou YM,Hsu YW,Ho JF,Lin CH,Hsu WY,Liou TH. Prevalence and correlates of self-induced vomiting as weight-control strategy among adolescents in Taiwan . J Clin Nurs .2012 ;(21):11-20

205. 2012 Wu CH,Liou TH,Chen HH,Sun TY,Chen KH,Chang KH. Stroke risk in poliomyelitis survivors: a nationwide population-based study . Arch Phys Med Rehabil .2012 ;(93):2184-2188

206. 2012 Chang KH,Chen HC,Lin Y,Chen SC,Chiou HY,Liou TH. Developing an ICF core set for post-stroke disability assessment and verification in Taiwan: a preliminary study. . Disability Rehabilitation .2012 ;(34):1254-1261

207. 2011 Wu CH,Liou TH,Hsiao PL,Lin YC,Chang KH. Contribution of Ischemic Stroke to Hip Fracture Risk and the Influence of Gender Difference. . Arch Phys Med Rehabil .2011 ;(92):1987-1991

208. 2011 Chang KH,Lai CH,Chen SC,Hsiao WT,Liou TH,Lee CM. Body Composition Assessment in Taiwanese Individuals with Poliomyelitis. . Arch Phys Med Rehabil .2011 ;(92):1092-1097

209. 2011 Liao CK,Liou TH,Wu CH,Chang KH. Comparison of clinical characteristics and medical resource use between young and elderly patients with ischemic stroke. . Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine .2011 ;(3):171-175

210. 2011 Liou TH,Chen HH,Wang W,Wu SF,Lee YC,Yang WS, Lee WJ. ESR1, FTO, and UCP2 Genes Interact with Bariatric Surgery Affecting Weight Loss and Glycemic Control in Severely Obese Patients. . Obes Surg .2011 ;(21):1758-1765

211. 2011 Chang, K. H.,Lai, C. H.,Chen, S. C.,Tang, I. N.,Hsiao, W. T.,Liou, T. H., Lee, C. M.. Femoral neck bone mineral density in ambulatory men with poliomyelitis. . Osteoporos Int .2011 ;(22):195-200

212. 2011 Lin MC,Huang FF,Chiu HJ,Liou TH,Chen BC,Kao MJ. 社區健康飲食課程及自主運動對高血脂之影響 . 北市醫學雜誌 .2011 ;(8):126-134

213. 2010 Ya-Wen Hsu,Da-Chen Chu,Po-Wen Ku,Tsan-Hon Liou,Pesus Chou. Pharmacotherapy for Obesity: Past, Present and Future . Journal of Experimental & Clinical Medicine .2010 ;(2):118-123

214. 2010 Hsu YW,Pan YJ,Cho YM,Liou TH,Chou P,Wang PS. Aging effects on exercise-induced alternations in plasma acylated ghrelin and leptin in male rats . Eur J Appl Physiol. .2010 ;(111):809-817

215. 2010 Liao FH,Liou TH,Shieh MJ,Chien YW. Effects of different ratios of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids on regulating body fat deposition in hamsters. . Nutrition .2010 ;(26):811-817

216. 2010 Chang KH,Lai CH,Chen SC,Tang IN,Hsiao WT,Liou TH,Lee CM. Femoral neck bone mineral density in ambulatory men with poliomyelitis. . Osteoporos Int. .2010 ;(22):195-200

217. 2010 Liao FH,Liou TH,Chiu WC,Shieh MJ,Chien YW. Differential effects of high MUFA with high or low P/S ratio (polyunsaturated to saturated fatty acids) on improving hepatic lipolytic enzymes and mediating PPARgamma related with lipoprotein lipase and hormone-sensitive lipase of white adipose tissue in . Int J Obes (Lond). .2010 ;(34):1608-1617

218. 2010 Liou YM,Liou TH,Chang LC. Obesity among adolescents: sedentary leisure time and sleeping as determinants . J Adv Nurs. 2010 Jun;66(6):1246-56. .2010

219. 2010 Tseng KJ,Liou TH,Chiu HW. Development of a Computer-Aided Clinical Patient Education System to Provide Appropriate Individual Nursing Care for Psychiatric Patients . J Med Syst. .2010 ;(36):1373-1379

220. 2009 Liou TH,Huang N,Wu CH,Chou YJ,Liou YM,Chou P. Weight loss behavior in obese patients before seeking professional treatment in Taiwan . Obesity Research and Clinical Practice .2009 ;(3):1-52

221. 2009 Tang MF,Liou TH,Lin CC. Improving sleep quality for cancer patients: benefits of a home-based exercise intervention . Support Care Cancer .2009 ;(18):1329-1339

222. 2009 Liou TH,Huang YC,Chou P. Prevalence and secular trends in overweight and obese Taiwanese children and adolescents in 1991-2003 . Ann Hum Biol .2009 ;(36):176-185

223. 2009 Lin YN,Hsu CY,Wang CY,Chang KH,Liou TH. 健康促進計劃對過重之小兒麻痺患者的影響 . 台灣復健醫誌 .2009 ;(37):91-97

224. 2009 Lee PH,Liou TH,Hsu YW,Huang YC. 臺北市學齡前兒童生長常模之分析 . 健康生活與成功老化學刊 .2009 ;(1):16-35

225. 2009 Lin MJ,Lin LF,Wu JH,Liou TH,Tsui R K,Chen ML, Wey JH. 減重計畫介入對減少中年過重民眾發生代謝症候群成效分析-以文山社區為例 . 中華民國內膜異位症婦女協會會刊 .2009 ;(16):9-13

226. 2008 Hsu MI,Liou TH,Liang SJ,Su HW,Wu CH,Hsu CS. Inappropriate gonadotropin secretion in polycystic ovary syndrome. . Fertil Steril .2008 ;(91):1168-1174

227. 2008 Liou TH,Yang JH,Hsieh CH,Lee CY,Hsu CS,Hsu MI. Clinical and biochemical presentations of polycystic ovary syndrome among obese and nonobese women . Fertil Steril .2008 ;(92):1960-1965

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230. 2007 Lin PW,Liu RS,Liou TH,Pan LC,Chen CH. Correlation between joint [F-18] FDG PET uptake and synovial TNF-alpha concentration: a study with two rabbit models of acute inflammatory arthritis . Appl Radiat Isot .2007 ;(65):1221-1226

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1. 2011 Tsan-Hon Liou,Chun-Yu Tsai,Yeng-Fang Chen,Shu-Ti Chiou. Weight Control Programs in Taiwan: The Hospital and Comminiyt Perspectives . International conference of Exercise for 3Qs- Health Quoient, Emotional Quotient, and Intelligence Quotient .2011

2. 2011 Tsan-Hon Liou,Yennung Lin,KwangHwa Chang,Hsin-Nung Kau,Ya-Wen Hsu. Changes in bone mineral density within the first 12 months after stroke. . The 9th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies .2011

3. 2006 Liou TH,Wu CH,Chien HC,Lin WY,Lee WJ,Chou P. Anti-obesity drug use in clients of obesity clinic in Taiwan . Obesity Reviews .2006 ;(7):339-339

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113 氣候變遷對健康的影響:以ICF框架探討脊髓損傷患者所面臨的挑戰(1/3)

112 113年度「身心障礙鑑定作業及資訊管理推動計畫」

112 建置轉譯導向婦癌生醫巨量資料庫開發精準醫療輔助系統(4/4)

111 112年度「身心障礙鑑定作業及資訊管理推動計畫」

111 建置轉譯導向婦癌生醫巨量資料庫開發精準醫療輔助系統(3/4)

110 111年度「身心障礙鑑定作業及資訊管理推動計畫」

110 在國際健康功能與身心障礙分類系統的架構下,探討蛋白質補充合併運動訓練對急慢性機構衰弱老人改善肌少症指數及身體活動功能之成效(3/3)

109 台灣醫護人員於新型冠狀肺炎疫情期間之心理健康狀況研究--以台北某醫院為例

109 110年度「身心障礙鑑定作業及資訊管理推動計畫」

109 在國際健康功能與身心障礙分類系統的架構下,探討蛋白質補充合併運動訓練對急慢性機構衰弱老人改善肌少症指數及身體活動功能之成效(2/3)

108 109年度「身心障礙鑑定作業及資訊管理推動計畫」

108 在國際健康功能與身心障礙分類系統的架構下,探討蛋白質補充合併運動訓練對急慢性機構衰弱老人改善肌少症指數及身體活動功能之成效(1/3)

107 108年度「身心障礙鑑定作業及資訊管理推動計畫」

107 在國際健康功能與身心障礙分類系統的架構下,以功能的角度探討高科技手術術後病人復健與運動指引

106 107年度「身心障礙鑑定推動計畫」

106 以國際健康功能與身心障礙分類系統為架構分析年輕腦中風族群回歸職場之預測因子

105 106年度「身心障礙鑑定推動計畫」採購案

105 複合式運動訓練對過重及肥胖退化性膝關節炎患者接受全膝人工關節置換術術後身體組成及功能性體適能之成效

104 肌阻力訓練對老年過重女性身體組成及少肉性肥胖之效應(3/3)

104 肌阻力訓練對老年過重女性身體組成及少肉性肥胖之效應(3/3)

103 肌阻力訓練對老年過重女性身體組成及少肉性肥胖之效應(2/3)

102 肌阻力訓練對老年過重女性身體組成及少肉性肥胖之效應(1/3)

102 肌阻力訓練對老年過重女性身體組成及少肉性肥胖之效應(1/3)

102 肌阻力訓練對老年過重女性身體組成及少肉性肥胖之效應(2/3)

100 建立台灣體重控制及維持之登錄管理系統

99 建立台灣體重控制及維持之登錄管理系統

98 肥胖與婦女健康

98 頸脊椎退化性脊髓病變之腦器官重組-術前及術後功能性磁振造影研究

98 建立台灣體重控制及維持之登錄管理系統

98 99年度國際健康功能與身心障礙分類系統-兒童與青少年版推動計畫

93 國人減肥藥物之流行病學調查