林樹基(Carlos Shu Kei Lam) 教授

現   職
急診學科 教授


學 歷

臺北醫學大學公共衛生學系 博士
私立臺北醫學大學傷害防治學研究所 碩士
私立中國醫藥學院醫學系 學士











1. 2023 Liao KH,Chan TC,Wu CC,Huang WC,Hsu CW,Chuang HC, Wiratama BS, Chiu WT, Lam C. Association between short-term air pollution exposure and traumatic intracranial hemorrhage: Pilot evidence from Taiwan . Frontiers in Neurology .2023 ;(14)

2. 2023 Nhu NT,Kang JH,Yeh TS,Wu CC,Tsai CY,Piravej K, Lam C. Prediction of posttraumatic functional recovery in middle-aged and older patients through dynamic ensemble selection modeling . Frontiers in Public Health .2023 ;(11)

3. 2023 Yeh TS,Kang JH,Littlejohns TJ,Wu CC,Chen JH,Piravej K, Chiu WT, Lam C. Frailty and other factors associated with early outcomes in middle-to older age trauma patients: A prospective cohort study . The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry .2023

4. 2022 Chan TC,Pai CW,Wu CC,Hsu JC,Chen RJ,Chiu WT,Lam C. Association of air pollution and weather factors with traffic injury severity: A study in Taiwan . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2022 ;(19):7442

5. 2022 Lin HY,Li JS,Pai CW,Chien WC,Huang WC,Hsu CW,Wu CC,Yu SH,Chiu WT,Lam C. Environmental factors associated with severe motorcycle crash injury in university neighborhoods: A multicenter study in Taiwan . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2022 ;(19):10274

6. 2022 Peng HY,Lin YK,Nguyen PA,Hsu JC,Chou CL,Chang CC, Lin CC, Lam C, Chen CI, Wang KH, Lu CY. Determinants of coronavirus disease 2019 infection by artificial intelligence technology: A study of 28 countries . PLoS One .2022 ;(17):e0272546

7. 2021 Lam C,Yen JC,Wu CC,Lin HY,Hsu MH. Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on treatment efficiency for traumatic brain injury in the emergency department: A multi-center study in Taiwan . Journal of Clinical Medicine .2021 ;(10):5314

8. 2020 Lam C,Wiratama BS,Chang WH,Chen PL,Chiu WT,Saleh W,Pai CW. Effect of motorcycle helmet types on head injuries: evidence from eight level-I trauma centres in Taiwan . BMC Public Health .2020 ;(20):78

9. 2019 Wu CC,Yu SH,Lam C. A pilot study of motorcycle injury epidemiology in Taiwan . International Journal of Community & Family Medicine .2019 ;(4):148

10. 2019 Lam C,Pai CW,Chuang CC,Yen YC,Wu CC,Yu SH,Hung KS,Chiu WT. Rider factors associated with severe injury after a light motorcycle crash: a multicentre study in an emerging economy setting . PLoS One .2019 ;(14):e0219132

11. 2019 Yu SH,Chang KK,Pai CW,Chien WC,Lin DY,Chiu WT,Lam C. 機車交通事故住院傷患嚴重度之影響因子分析 . 運輸計劃季刊 .2019 ;(48):1-28

12. 2019 Lam C,Chen CI,Chuang CC,Wu CC,YU SH,Chang KK, Chiu WT. Improving timeliness and accuracy of data on road traffic injury severity in an emerging economy setting . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2019 ;(31):140-146

13. 2018 Jean SS,Hsieh TC,Lee WS,Hsueh PR,Hsu CW,Lam C. Treatment outcomes of patients with non-bacteremic pneumonia caused by extensively drug-resistant Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-Acinetobacter baumannii complex isolates: Is there any benefit of adding tigecycline to aerosolized colistimethate sodium? . Medicine .2018 ;(97):e12278-e12278

14. 2017 Lam C,Chen PL,Kang JH,Cheng KF,Chen RJ,Hung KS. Risk factors for 14-day rehospitalization following trauma with new traumatic spinal cord injury diagnosis: a 10-year nationwide study in Taiwan . PLoS One .2017 ;(12):e0184253

15. 2016 Lam C,Kang JH,Lin HY,Huang HC,Wu CC,Chen PL. First fall-related Injuries requiring hospitalization increase the risk of recurrent Injurious falls: a nationwide cohort study in Taiwan . PLos One .2016 ;(11):e0149887

16. 2016 Jean SS,Lee WS,Yu KW,,Liao CH,Hsu CW,Chang FY, Ko WC, Chen RJ, Wu JJ, Chen YH, Chen YS, Liu JW, Lu MC, Lam C, Liu CY, Hsueh PR. Rates of susceptibility of carbapenems, ceftobiprole, and colistin against clinically important bacteria collected from intensive care units in 2007 . Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection .2016 ;(49):969-976

17. 2016 Jean SS,Lee WS,Bai KJ,Lam C,Hsu CW,Chen RJ,Hsueh PR. Leclercia adecarboxylata bacteremia in a patient with long-term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs . Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection .2016 ;(49):452-454

18. 2016 Jean SS,Hsieh TC,Hsu CW,Lee WS,Bai KJ,Lam C. Comparison of the clinical efficacy between tigecycline plus extended-infusion imipenem and sulbactam plus imipenem against ventilator-associated pneumonia with pneumonic extensively drug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii bacteremia, and correlation of clinical efficacy with in vitro synergy tests . Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection .2016 ;(49):924-933

19. 2015 Jean SS,Lee WS,Lam C,Hsu CW,Chen RJ,Hsueh PR. Carbapenemase-producing Gram-negative bacteria: current epidemics, antimicrobial susceptibility and treatment options . Future Microbiology .2015 ;(10):407-425

20. 2015 Luo CC,Chien WK,Huang CS,Huang HC,Lam C,Hsu CW, Chen RJ, Cheng KF. National trends in therapeutic approaches and outcomes for pediatric appendicitis: a Taiwanese nationwide cohort study . Pediatric Surgery International .2015 ;(31):647-651

21. 2015 Lam C,Lin MR,Chu SF,Tsai SH,Bai CH,Chiu WT. The effect of various types of motorcycle helmets on cervical spine injury in head injury patients: a multicenter study in Taiwan . Biomed Research International .2015 ;(2015):487985

22. 2015 Chen CI,Kuan CF,Miser J,Fang YA,Lam C,Chiu WT,Li YC. Comorbidity as an independent risk factor in patients with cancer: an 8-year population-based study . Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health .2015 ;(27):NP590-NP599

23. 2015 Jean SS,Lee WS,Bai KJ,Lam C,Hsu CW,Yu KW,Liao CH,Chang FY,Ko WC,Wu JJ,Chen YH,Chen YS,Liu JW,Lu MC,Liu CY,Chen RJ,Hsueh PR. Relationship between the distribution of cefepime minimum inhibitory concentrations and detection of extended-spectrum β-lactamase production among clinically important Enterobacteriaceae isolates obtained from patients in intensive care units in Taiwan: results from the Surveillance of Multicenter Antimicrobial Resistance in Taiwan (SMART) in 2007 . Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection .2015 ;(48):85-91

24. 2015 Lee WS,Jean SS,Bai KJ,Lam C,Hsu CW,Chen RJ. Empyema necessitatis due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis . Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection .2015 ;(48):461-462

25. 2014 Lam C,Kuan CF,Miser J,Hsieh KY,Fang YA,Li YC, Hsu CW, Chen RJ, Chen CI. Emergency Department Utilization Can Indicate the Diagnosis of Digestive Tract Cancer: a Population-Based Study in Taiwan . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2014 ;(115):103-109

26. 2014 Wen-Sen Lee,Shio-Shin Jean,Kuan-Jen Bai,Carlos Lam,Chin-Wang Hsu,Ray-Jade Chen. Empyema necessitatis due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis . Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection .2014

27. 2013 Chen CI,Miser J,Kuan CF,Fang YA,Lam C,Li YC. Critical Laboratory Result Reporting System in Cancer Patients . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2013 ;(111):249-254

28. 2013 Jean SS, Hsueh PR,Lee WS,Yu KW,Liao CH,Chang FY, Lam C et al.. Carbapenem susceptibilities and non-susceptibility concordance to different carbapenems amongst clinically important Gram-negative bacteria isolated from intensive care units in Taiwan: results from the Surveillance of Multicentre Antimicrobial Resistance . International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents .2013 ;(41):457-462

29. 2013 Chiu YH,Chen JD,Tiu CM,Chou YH,Lam C,Chen RJ. Maximum Outer Appendiceal Diameter as a Criterion of Acute Appendicitis: Evaluation at Computerized Tomography . Journal of Experimental & Clinical Medicine .2013 ;(5):97-100

30. 2013 Jean SS,Lee WS,Bai KJ,Lam C,Hsu CW,Yu KW, Liao CH, Chang FY, Ko WC, Wu JJ, Chen YH, Chen YS, Liu JW, Lu MC, Liu CY, Chen RJ, Hsueh PR. Relationship between the distribution of cefepime minimum inhibitory concentrations and detection of extended-spectrum β-lactamase production among clinically important Enterobacteriaceae isolates obtained from patients in intensive care units in Taiwan: . Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection .2013

31. 2013 Chiu YH,Hou SK,How CK,Li LH,Kao WF,Yang CC, Chou SL, Shiau YT, Lam C, Chen RJ. Influence of a 100-km Ultra-Marathon on Hepatitis B Carrier Runners . International Journal of Sports Medicine .2013 ;(34):841-845

32. 2013 Chiu YH,Chen JD,Wang SH,Tiu CM,How CK,Lai JI, Chou YH, Lam C, Chen RJ. Whether intravenous contrast is necessary for CT diagnosis of acute appendicitis in adult ED patients? . Academic Radiology .2013 ;(20):73-78

33. 2012 Chiu YH,Hou SK,Chen SC,How CK,Lam C,Kao WF, Yen DH, Huang MS. Diagnosis and endoscopic management of upper gastrointestinal foreign bodies . The American Journal of the Medical Sciences .2012 ;(343):192-195

34. 2012 Huang WC,Lee WS,Chang T,Ou TY,Lam C. Emphysematous cholecystitis complicating liver abscess due to  Clostridium  baratii  infection . Journal of microbiology, immunology and infection .2012 ;(45):390-392

35. 2012 Chen JJ,Li WH,Hsieh KY,Chen DL,Tsai SH,Lam C. Bruns-Cushing nystagmus due to hypertensive  unilateral  paramedian  pontine  base  infarction . The American Journal of Emergency Medicine .2012 ;(30):1326e5-e7

36. 2012 Tzu-Hsuan Weng,Wen-Ta Chiu,Marc Afilalo,Cheuk-Sing Choy,Chris Tselios,Ping-Keung Yip, Carlos Lam. A young man presented with acute encephalopathy, hemiparesis and headache. . The Journal of Emergency Medicine .2012 ;(43):258-262

37. 2012 Lin SH,Chen CI,Liu CC,Du MH,Lam C. An old lady with anterior chest pain and unilateral facial flushing . American Journal of Emergency Medicine .2012 ;(30):248e1-e4

38. 2011 Carlos Lam,Mau-Roung Lin,Shin-Han Tsai,Wei-Chen Lee,Cheuk-Sing Choy,Shu-Fen Chu, Wen-Ta Chiu. An epidemiological survey of acute spinal trauma caused by traffic accidents versus falls in northern Taiwan. . Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health .2011 ;(23):957-966

39. 2011 Kuo CL,Chiu YH,How CK,Wang JB,Kao HL,Lam C, Chen RJ. Airway compromise caused by the spontaneous thyroid hemorrhage . Resuscitation .2011 ;(82):1249-1250

40. 2010 Huang WC,Chiu YH,How CK,Chen JD,Lam C. Posterior comminuted scapular fracture induced by a low-voltage electric shock . The American Journal of Emergency Medicine .2010 ;(28):1060e3-e4

41. 2010 Kuo CL,Chiu YH,Chen JD,How CK,Lam C. Thunderclap Headache . Headache .2010 ;(50):1201-1202

42. 2010 Wen-Ta Chiu,Hsiao-Chiao Lin,Carlos Lam,Shu-Fen Chu,Yung-Hsiao Chiang,Shin-Han Tsai. Epidemiology of Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: Comparisons Between Developed and Developing Countries . Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health .2010 ;(22):9-18

43. 2010 Wei-Chen Lee,Wen-Ta Chiu,Shin-Han Tsai,Mau-Roung Lin,Shu-Fen Chu,Carlos Lam. Comparison of Length of Hospital Stay Between Taipei City and Hualien County in Spinal Trauma Patients . Journal of Experimental & Clincal Medicine .2010 ;(2):239-244

44. 2010 Lam C,Lin MR,Tsai SH,Chiu WT. A pilot study of the opinions of citizens on the incident command system in Taiwan . Disaters: The Journal of Disater Studies, Policy and Management .2010 ;(34):447-469

45. 2010 Chiu WT,Lin HC,Lam C,Chu SF,Chiang YH,Tsai SH. Epidemiology of traumatic spinal cord injury: comparisons between developed and developing countries . The Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health .2010 ;(22):9-18

46. 2010 Huang WK,Chen FC,Weng TH,Du MH,Chiu WT,Lam C. Hematemesis, A rare sign of aortic infection . Journal of Emergency and Critical Medicine .2010 ;(21):111-117

47. 2009 Chiu YH,Chen JD,Chao TF,How CK,Lam C,Yen DH, Huang CI. Aorto-left renal cyst fistula: a rare complication of abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture. . Journal of the Chinese Medical Association .2009 ;(72):551-554

48. 2009 林樹基,林茂榮,蔡卓城,蔡行瀚,邱文達. 台北市交通事故及跌落導致急性脊椎傷害病人的特質比較 . 中華民國急救加護醫學會雜誌 .2009

49. 2009 Hu CM,Liu YH,Cheah KP,Li JS,Lam C,Yu WY, Choy CS. Heme oxygenase-1 mediates the inhibitory actions of brazilin in RAW2647 macrophages stimulated with lipopolysaccharide . Journal of Ethnopharmacology .2009 ;(121):79-85

50. 2007 Carlos Lam,Mau-Roung Lin,Shin-Han Tsai,Cheuk-Sing Choy,Wen-Ta Chiu. Comparison of patient characteristics in acute spinal trauma caused by traffic accident versus falls in northern Taiwam . The Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health .2007 ;(31):405-16

51. 2007 Carlos Lam,Mau-Roung Lin,Shin-Han Tsai,Cheuk-Sing Choy,Wen-Ta Chiu. Comparison of the expectations of community emergency medical response after mudslide disasters of residents and rescue providers . disasters .2007 ;(31):405-416

52. 2006 Carlos Lam,Ming-Fu Chiang,Shin-Han Tsai,Hung-Yi Chiou,Cheuk-Sing Choy,Mau-Roung Lin 「Wen-Ta Chiu」. reappraisal of methylprednisolone treatment for acute traumatic cord injury . 外科醫學會雜誌 .2006 ;(39):236-245

53. 2005 Carlos lam,Mau-Roung Lin,Shin-Han Tsai,Cheng-Yao Liu,Cheuk-Sing Choy,Daniel Chen「Ta-Chien Chan,Wen-Ta Chiu」. 土石流災發生時社區居民與救援團體對緊急應變內容期待的差異性比較 . 中華民國急救加護醫學會雜誌 .2005 ;(16):99-106

54. 2003 Carlos Lam,Wen-Ta Chiu,Ming-Fu Chiang,Cheng-Yao Liu,Shin-Han Tsai,Mau-Roung Lin. 急性外傷性脊髓損傷病人使用甲基去氫氧化可體松的併發症 . 中華民國急救加護醫學會雜誌 .2003 ;(14):146-154

55. 1998 林仙明,林樹基. 紅螞蟻叮咬後併發過敏休克 . 中華民急救加護醫學會雜誌 .1998

1. 2023 Lam C,Fang YT,Wu CC,Chen PL. Risk of traumatic intracranial hemorrhage among patients after a new stroke: A nationwide population-based cohort study in Taiwan . Asia Pacific Stroke Conference 2023 .2023

2. 2022 Lam C. The risk factors of severe injury after motorcycle crashes in university neighborhoods . 42th KSCCM Annual Congress and Asian Critical Care Conference 2022 .2022

3. 2021 Lam C,Chan TC,Liao KH,Chang WH,Hsu MH,Chiu WT. The effect of air pollution on injury severity among vulnerable road users after traffic accidents . 41th KSCCM Annual Congress and Asian Critical Care Conference 2021 .2021

4. 2020 Lam C,Liao KH,Chiu WT,Chan TC,Hsu MH,Pai CW. The influence of environmental factors and air pollution on brain injury after road accidents . 40th KSCCM Annual Congress & Acute and Critical Care Conference 2020 .2020

5. 2020 道路交通事故傷害嚴重度推估-使用醫院端即時數據之研究 . 台灣公共衛生學會、台灣流行病學學會、台灣事故傷害預防與安全促進學會、台灣癌症登記學會、台灣健康保險學會 2020年聯合年會 .2020

6. 2018 Lam C,Chiu WT. Improving timeliness and accuracy of data on road traffic injury severity in an emerging economy setting . 26th World ITMA Congress .2018

7. 2018 Lam C,Hung KS,Chiu WT. Driver factors affecting injury severity of light motorcycle crashes: a multicenter study in an emerging economy setting . 26th World ITMA Congress .2018

8. 2018 Lam C,Hung KS,Chiu WT. The effect of various types of motorcycle helmets on cervical spine injury in head injury patients: a multicenter study in Taiwan . 26th World ITMA Congress .2018

9. 2018 Lam C,Chen PL,Kang JH,Cheng KF,Hung KS,Chen RJ. Risk Factors for 14-day Rehospitalization following Trauma with New Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury Diagnosis . The 37th KSCCM Annual Congress and Asian Critical Care Conference 2018 .2018

10. 2017 臺灣機車使用者行為與事故傷害嚴重度相關性的初探 . 台灣公共衛生學會、台灣流行病學學會、台灣事故傷害預防與安全促進學會、台灣癌症登記學會、台灣健康保險學會 2017年聯合年會 .2017

11. 2017 14天內再住院新診斷脊髓外傷的危險因子:臺灣10年健保資料庫分析 . 中華民國急救加護醫學會第十八屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會 .2017

12. 2017 臺灣交通事故傷害嚴重度分類指標及相關資訊即時性取得模式的探討 . 106年道路安全與執法研討會 .2017

13. 2016 臺灣機車事故傷害危險因子初探 . 社團法人台灣急診醫學會2016年冬季學術討論會 .2016

14. 2015 Lam C,Hsu CW,Chen PL. Predictive Effect of Injury Characteristics of First Fall on Recurrent fall: Nationwide Study in Taiwan . 8th Asian Conference for Emergency Medicine .2015

15. 2015 Lam C,Wu CC,Chen PL. Predictive effect of injury characteristics of first fall on recurrent fall: nationwide study in Taiwan . 14th World Congress on Public Health, Kolkata, India .2015

16. 2013 Chen HB,Hsu CW,Lam C. Shock Caused by Prevertebral Abscess Formation . 2013 Annual Conference of Taiwan Society of Emergency Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan .2013

17. 2012 Huang WC,Chiu YH,Chen JD,Lam C,Hsu CW,Chen RJ. High-pressure Water Jet Injury Causes Extensive Subcutaneous Emphysema . Pan-Pacific Emergency Medicine Congress 2012 .2012

18. 2012 Huang PK,Lam C,Chen RJ,Chiu WT. Risk Factors Of Cervical Spine Trauma In Head-Injured Patients Of Motorcycle Crash . Pan-Pacific Emergency Medicine Congress 2012 .2012

19. 2012 心包填塞引起的急性心肌梗塞假象 . 社團法人台灣急診醫學會第10屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會 .2012

20. 2011 消化道癌症病患罹癌前一年內急診醫療行為之探討 . 社團法人台灣急診醫學會第9屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會 .2011

21. 2009 劉靖之,林紹華,林樹基. 因肺尖腫瘤所引起之Harlequin症候群 . 台灣急診醫學會2009年冬季學術討論會 .2009

22. 2008 The impact of age on the comparisons of patients' characteristics between traffic accident-caused and fall-caused acute spinal trauma in Taipei . 中華民國急救加護醫學會第十四屆第一次會員(代表)大會暨學術研討會 .2008

23. 2007 林樹基,蔡行瀚,林秋梅,蔡卓城,邱文達. 以急性肢體活動障礙表現的家族性偏癱型偏頭 . 台灣急診醫學會 七屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會 .2007

24. 2006 Carlos Lam,Wen-Ta Chiu,Lu Pai,Hung-Yi Chiou,Mau-Roung Lin,Shin-Han Tsai, Cheng-Yao Liu, Cheuk-Sing Choy. Comparison of expectation on medical response between residents of urban community and rural community following typhoon disaster . 38th APACPH conference, Bangkok .2006

25. 2005 Lam C,Chiu WT,Lin MR,Tsai SH,Liu CY,Choy CS. Comparison of the expectation on emergency response between community residents and rescue-providers following a mudslide disaster . 37th APACPH conference, Taipei .2005

26. 2005 Lam C,Chiu WT,Pai L,Chiou HY,Lin MR,Tsai SH, Liu CY, Choy CS. Comparison of expectation on medical response between residents of urban community and rural community following typhoon disaster . 3rd Asian Regional Conference on Safe Communities, Taipei .2005

27. 2005 Lam C,Chiu WT,Lin MR,Tsai SH,Liu CY,Choy CS. Comparison of the expectation on emergency response between community residents and rescue-providers following a mudslide disaster . 3rd Asian Regional Conference on Safe Communities, Taipei .2005

28. 2005 都市社區居民與鄉村社區居民對颱風災緊急應變內容的期待及差異性比較 . 台灣急診醫學會第六屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會 .2005

29. 2004 急性外傷性脊髓損傷病人使用甲基培尼皮質醇(methylprednisolone)的治療結果(第二年報告) . 中華民國急救加護醫學會九十三年年會暨學術研討會 .2004

30. 2004 Lam C,Chiu WT,Pai L,Liu CY,Chiou HY,Lin MR,Hock TY,Chen HS,Huang CH,Chuang CC,Hsiung KH. Developing a community-based indicators system to evaluate the capacity of medical response to disasters in Taiwan . 3rd Asian Conference on Emergency Medicine .2004

31. 2004 The Outcome of Methylprednisolone Treatment of the Patients with Acute Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: a Hospital-Based Study in Taiwan . 臺北醫學大學92學年度師生聯合學術研究發表會論文摘要 .2004

32. 2003 建立第一套符合本土國情,針對區域醫院外部災難發生48小時內救援能力的評估指標系統。 . 臺北醫學大學91學年度師生聯合學術研究發表會論文摘要 .2003


113 結合前瞻性社會人口學特徵、身體功能數據及醫療記錄建立肺炎病人30天非預期返診住院預測模型的機器學習研究

109 探討弱勢道路使用者在大專院校周遭活動地區發生嚴重交通事故傷害的危險因子

109 既存疾病對中高齡外傷病人的生活功能恢復及預後結果影響的探討:以醫學中心為基礎的兩年世代研究

107 貴校公衛系博六林樹基同學參加ICADTS會議發表論文

105 交通事故傷害資料蒐集體系建構及應用(2/2)

97 建立各級醫院對大量傷患應變計畫的內容及評估指標

92 急性外傷性脊髓傷害病人使用methylprednisolone的治療結果-以某大型教學醫院為範圍之研究  

92 急性外傷性脊髓傷害病人使用methylprednisolone的治療結果-以台北市及花蓮縣醫院為基礎之研究

91 建立第一套以社區為基礎,具不同類型自然災害特異性的本土化災難醫療應變能力評估指標系統

91 急性外傷性脊髓傷害病人使用Methylprednisolone的治療結果-以台北市及花蓮縣醫院為基礎之研究