李信謙(Lee, Hsin-Chien) 副教授

現   職
人文暨社會科學院 副院長
醫學人文研究所 副教授
醫學院睡眠研究中心 主任


學 歷

美國哥倫比亞大學公共衛生研究所 碩士
台北醫學院醫學系 學士




2024/02/01 ~
2023/02/06 ~
2022/05/01 ~
2020/08/01 ~ 2024/01/31
2020/02/01 ~
2019/08/01 ~
2019/05/01 ~ 2019/07/31
2016/11/21 ~
2016/09/07 ~ 2016/10/01
2014/08/01 ~
2012/08/01 ~ 2016/09/07




精神醫學 (Psychiatry)
睡眠醫學 (Sleep Medicine)
社會醫學(Social Medicine)
睡眠檢查技術 (Sleep Study)



1. 2024 Wang ZJ,Lee HC,Chuang CH,Hsiao FC,Lee SH,Hsu AL, Wu CW. Traces of EEG-fMRI coupling reveals neurovascular dynamics on sleep inertia . Sci Rep .2024 ;(14)

2. 2022 Lee YT,Tsai CF,Yen YC,Huang LK,Chao SP,Hu LY, Shen CC, Lee HC. Periodontitis is a potential risk factor for transient ischemic attack and minor ischemic stroke in young adults: A nationwide population-based cohort study . J Periodontol . .2022 ;(93):1848-1856

3. 2022 Yang CM,Lai YS,Huang YH, Huang YC,Lee HC. Predicting Hypnotic Use among Insomnia Patients with the Theory of Planned Behavior and Craving . Behav Sci (Basel) . .2022 ;(12):209

4. 2022 Cheng-Yu Tsai ,Yi-Shin Liu,Arnab Majumdar,Robert Houghton,Shang-Yang Lin,Yin-Tzu Lin, Shu-Chuan Ho, Wun-Hao Cheng, Wen-Te Liu, Dean Wu, Hsin-Chien Lee, Yi-Chun Kuan, Wei-Han Hsu, Shin-Mei Hsu, Chen-Chen Lo, Po-Chieh Chiu, You-Rong Chen, Kang Lo , Chia-I Chen , Hsiang-Jung Lai, Chun-Yu Chen. Association between cyclic variation in the heart rate index and biomarkers of neurodegenerative diseases in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: A pilot study . J Clin Neurosci . .2022

5. 2021 Tsai CY,Kuan YC,Hsu WH,Lin YT,Hsu CR,Lo K, Hsu WH, Majumdar A, Liu YS, Hsu SM, Ho SC, Cheng WH, Lin SY, Lee KY, Wu D, Lee HC, Wu CJ, Liu WT. Differentiation Model for Insomnia Disorder and the Respiratory Arousal Threshold Phenotype in Obstructive Sleep Apnea in the Taiwanese Population Based on Oximetry and Anthropometric Features. . Diagnostics .2021 ;(12):50

6. 2021 Hasan F,Tu YK ,Yang CM,James Gordon C,Wu D,Lee HC, Yuliana LT, Herawati L, Chen TJ, Chiu HY. Comparative efficacy of digital cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. . Sleep Med Rev .2021

7. 2021 Tsai CY,Liu WT,Lin YT,Lin SY,Houghton R,Hsu WH, Wu D, Lee HC, Wu CJ, Li LYJ, Hsu SM, Lo CC, Lo K, Chen YR, Lin FC, Majumdar A. Machine learning approaches for screening the risk of obstructive sleep apnea in the Taiwan population based on body profile . Inform Health Soc Care .2021 ;(10):1-16

8. 2021 Liu WT,Lin SY,Tsai CY,Liu YS,Hsu WH,Majumdar A, Lin CM, Lee KY, Wu D, Kuan YC, Lee HC, Wu CJ, Cheng WH, Hsu YS. Comparison of Hospital-Based and Home- Based Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Severity Measurements with a Single-Lead Electrocardiogram Patch . Sensors .2021 ;(21):8097

9. 2021 Tsai CY,Hsu WH,Lin YT,Liu YS,Lo K,Lin SY, Majumdar A, Cheng WH, Lee KY, Wu D, Lee HC, Hsu SM, Ho SC, Lin FC, Liu WT, Kuan YC.. Associations among sleep- disordered breathing, arousal response, and risk of mild cognitive impairment in a northern Taiwan population. . J Clin Sleep Med .2021

10. 2021 Depressive rumination is correlated with brain responses during self-related processing . J Psychiatry Neurosci .2021 ;(46):518-527

11. 2021 Lin MR,Chen PY,Wang HC,Lin PC,Lee HC,Chiu HY. Prevalence of sleep disturbances and their effects on quality of life in adults with untreated pituitary tumor and meningioma . J Neurooncol .2021 ;(154):179-186

12. 2021 Chiang YC,Liou TH, Lee HC,Escorpizo R . Using WHODAS 2.0 to Assess Functional Impairment in People with Depression: Should Employment Receive More Attention? . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2021 ;(18):4552

13. 2021 Chang CT,Hsieh PJ,Lee HC,Lo CH,Tam KW,Loh EW. Effectiveness of N-acetylcysteine in Treating Clinical Symptoms of Substance Abuse and Dependence: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci. .2021 ;(19):282-293

14. 2021 Truong V,Cheng PZ,Lee HC, Lane TJ,Hsu TY,Duncan NW. Occipital gamma- aminobutyric acid and glutamate-glutamine alterations in major depressive disorder: An mrs study and meta-analysis . Psychiatry Res Neuroimaging. .2021 ;(308):111238

15. 2021 Chiu HY,Lee HC,Liu JW,Hua SJ,Chen PY,Tsai PS, Tu Y. Comparative efficacy and safety of hypnotics for insomnia in older adults: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. . Sleep .2021 ;(44):1-9

16. 2021 Effectiveness of N-acetylcysteine in autism spectrum disorders: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Aust N Z J Psychiatry .2021 ;(55):196-206

17. 2020 Ho YC,Lee HC,Lin MF,Chang HJ. Correlations among life stress, smoking behavior, and depressive symptoms in adolescents: A descriptive study with a mediating model . Nurs Health Sci .2020 ;(22):949-957

18. 2019 Hsu TY,Lee HC,Lane TJ,Missal M. Temporal Preparation, Impulsivity and Short-Term Memory in Depression . Front Behav Neurosci .2019 ;(13):258-258

19. 2019 Lee HC,Hsu JL,Chen PH,Chung KH,Huang YJ,Tsai SY. High risk of silent stroke in older bipolar patients with typical-onset age. . Psychogeriatrics .2019

20. 2019 Kao LT,Lin HC,Lee HC. Inflammatory bowel disease and bipolar disorder: A population-based cross-sectional study. . J Affect Disord .2019 ;(3):120-124

21. 2018 Chiu HY,Lee HC,Chen PY,Lai YF,Tu YK. Associations between sleep duration and suicidality in adolescents: A systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis. . Sleep Med Rev. .2018 ;(12):119-126

22. 2017 Lee YT,Lee HC,Hu CJ,Huang LK,Chao SP,Lin CP, Su EC, Lee YC, Chen CC. Periodontitis as a Modifiable Risk Factor for Dementia: A Nationwide . J Am Geriatr Soc. .2017 ;(65):301-305

23. 2017 Chung SD,Kao LT,Lin HC,Xirasagar S,Huang CC,Lee HC. Patients receiving androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer have an increased risk of depressive disorder . Plos ONe .2017 ;(12):173266-173266

24. 2017 Reply to: Periodontitis and Dementia: A Spurious Causal Relationship? . J Am Geriatr Soc .2017 ;(65):1367-1368

25. 2017 Chiu YL,Lin HC,Kao NW,Kao S,Lee HC. Increased risk of concurrent hepatitis C among Male patients with schizophrenia. . Psychiatry Res. .2017 ;(258):217-220

26. 2016 Kao LT,Chiu YL,Lin HC,Lee HC,Chun SD. Prevalence of chronic diseases among physicians in Taiwan: a population-based cross-sectional study. . BMJ Open .2016 ;(6):e00995

27. 2016 Kao LT,Kang JH,Lin HC,Huang CC,Lee HC,Chung SD. Rheumatoid Arthritis Was Negatively Associated with Alzheimer's Disease: A Population-Based Case-Control Study. . PLoS One. .2016 ;(11):e01681

28. 2016 Wu CC,Hung SH,Lin HC,Lee CZ,Lee HC,Chung SD. Sialolithiasis is associated with nephrolithiasis: a case-control study . Acta Otolaryngol. .2016

29. 2016 Hung SH,Huang HM,Lee HC,Lin HC,Kao LT,Wu CS. A population-based study on the association between chronic periodontitis and sialolithiasis. . Laryngoscope .2016

30. 2016 Kao LT,Chiu YL,Lin HC,Lee HC,Chung SD. Prevalence of chronic diseases among physicians in Taiwan: a population-based cross-sectional study. . BMJ Open .2016 ;(6):e0099

31. 2016 Sung CW,Chen KY,Chiang YH,Chiu WT,Ou JC,Lee HC, Tsai SH, Lin JW, Yang CM, Tsai YR, Liao KH, Chen GS, Li WJ, Wang JY. Heart rate variability and serum level of insulin-like growth factor-1 are correlated with symptoms of emotional disorders in patients suffering a mild traumatic brain injury . Clin Neurophysiol .2016 ;(127):1629-1638

32. 2016 Sung CW,Lee HC,Chiang YH,Chiu WT,Chu SF,Ou JC, Tsai SH, Liao KH, LinCM, Lin JW, Chen GS, Li WJ, Wang JY. Early dysautonomia detected by heart ratevariability predicts late depression in female patients following mild traumaticbrain injury. . Psychophysiology .2016

33. 2015 Wu SI,Chen SC,Liu SI,Sun FJ,Juang JJ,Lee HC, Kao KL, Dewey ME, Prince M, Stewart R. Relative Risk of Acute Myocardial Infarction in People with Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder: A Population-Based Cohort Study. . PLoS One .2015

34. 2015 Wang JK,Lee HC. Pharmacotherapy in Bipolar Depression Comorbid With Parkinson's Disease: A Case Report . J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci .2015 ;(27):e213-e213

35. 2015 Chen CH,Tsai MC,Lin HC,Lee HC,Lee CZ,Chung SD. Appendectomy increased the risk of ischemic heart disease . J Surg Res .2015 ;(199):435-440

36. 2015 Lee CY,Chen HC,Meg Tseng MC,Lee HC,Huang LH. The Relationships Among Sleep Quality and Chronotype, Emotional Disturbance, and Insomnia Vulnerability in Shift Nurses . J Nurs Res .2015 ;(23):225-235

37. 2015 Sung CW,Lee HC,Chiang YH,Chiu WT,Chu SF,Ou JC, Tsai SH, Liao KH, Lin CM, Lin JW, Chen GS, Li WJ, Wang JY. Early dysautonomia detected by heart rate variability predicts late depression in female patients following mild traumatic brain injury. . Psychophysiology .2015 ;(e):e-e

38. 2015 Hsu DY,Cheng YL,Bien MY,Lee HC. Development of a method for manufacturing customized nasal mask cushion for CPAP therapy . Australas Phys Eng Sci Med .2015 ;(e):e-e

39. 2015 Chiu HY,Lin EY,Wei L,Lin JH,Lee HC,Fan YC, Tsai PS. Hypnotics use but not insomnia increased the risk of dementia in traumatic brain injury patients . Eur Neuropsychopharmacol .2015 ;(25):2271-2277

40. 2015 Wang MY,Chiu CH,Lee HC,Su CT,Tsai PS. Cardiovascular Reactivity in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder With High- or Low-Level Depressive Symptoms: A Cross-Sectional Comparison of Cardiovascular Reactivity to Laboratory-Induced Mental Stress. . Biol Res Nurs. .2015

41. 2015 Tsai MC,Chen CH,Lee HC,Lin HC,Lee CZ. Increased Risk of Depressive Disorder following Cholecystectomy for Gallstones. . PLoS One .2015

42. 2015 Sheu JJ,Lee HC,Lin HC,Kao LT,Chung SD. A 5-Year Follow-up Study on the Relationship between Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Parkinson Disease . J Clin Sleep Med .2015 ;(11):1403-1408

43. 2015 Liu WT,Liu WT,Lee HC,Chuang HC,Wu D,Juang JN, Chuang KJ. The association of annual air pollution exposure with blood pressure among patients with leep-disordered breathing. . Sci Total Environ .2015

44. 2015 Lee YT,Chen LY,Lee HC. Psychosomatic consideration to the burning mouth syndrome. . Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. .2015 ;(69):125-126

45. 2015 Chung SD,Ho JD,Hwa P,Lee HC,Lin HC. Increased risk of depressive disorder following a diagnosis of neovascular age-related macular degeneration. . Acta Ophthalmol. .2015 ;(93):e176-e177

46. 2015 Kao LT,Lee HC,Lin HC,Tsai MC,Chung SD. Healthcare Service Utilization by Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Population-Based Study. . PLoS One .2015 ;(10):e01374

47. 2015 Kao LT,Liu SP,Lin HC,Lee HC,Tsai MC,Chung SD. Poor clinical outcomes among pneumonia patients with depressive disorder . Plos One .2015

48. 2015 Huang SH,Teng NC,Wang KJ,Chen KH,Lee HC,Wang PC. Use of oximetry as a screening tool for obstructive sleep apnea: a case study in taiwan. . J Med Syst .2015 ;(39):195

49. 2015 Chung SD,Ho JD,Hwa P,Lee HC,Lin HC. Increased risk of depressive disorder following a diagnosis of neovascular age-related macular degeneration. . Acta Ophthalmol. .2015 ;(93):176-177

50. 2015 Cheng YL,Hsu DY,Lee HC,Bien MY.. Clinical verification of patients with obstructive sleep apnea provided with a customized cushion for continuous positive airway pressure. . J Prosthet Dent .2015 ;(113):29-34

51. 2014 Lu TH,Lee YY,Lee HC,Lin YM. Doctor Shopping Behavior for Zolpidem Among Insomnia Patients in Taiwan: A Nationwide Population-Based Study. . Sleep .2014

52. 2014 Huang HC,Huang LK,Hu CJ,Chang CH,Lee HC,Chi NF, Shyu ML, Chang HJ. The mediating effect of psychological distress on functional dependence in stroke patients. . J Clin Nurs .2014 ;(23):3533-3542

53. 2014 Kao LT,Liu SP,Lin HC,Lee HC,Tsai MC,Chung SD. Poor clinical outcomes among pneumonia patients with depressive disorder. . PLoS One .2014 ;(9):e11643

54. 2014 Yang CM,Hung CY,Lee HC. Stress-related sleep vulnerability and maladaptive sleep beliefs predict insomnia at long-term follow-up. . J Clin Sleep Med .2014 ;(10):997-1001

55. 2014 Tsai SY,Chung KH,Huang SH,Chen PH,Lee HC,Kuo CJ. Persistent inflammation and its relationship to leptin and insulin in phases of bipolar disorder from acute depression to full remission. . Bipolar Disord. .2014 ;(16):800-808

56. 2012 Tsai SY,Chung KH,Wu JY,Kuo CJ,Lee HC,Huang SH. Inflammatory markers and their relationships with leptin and insulin from acute mania to full remission in bipolar disorder. . J Affect Disord .2012

57. 2011 Chang HJ,Wu CJ,Chen TW,Cheng AT,Lin KC,Rong JR, Lee HC.. Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Life Attitude Schedule (LAS-C) in a sample of Taiwanese adolescents . Int J Nurs Stud. .2011

58. 2010 Chen YH,Lin HC,Lee HC. regnancy outcomes among women with panic disorder-do panic attacks during pregnancy matter? . J Affect Disord. .2010 ;(120):258-262

59. 2010 Lee HC,Lin HC. Maternal bipolar disorder increased low birthweight and preterm births: A nationwide population-based study. . J Affect Disord .2010

60. 2010 Lin HC,Chen YH,Lee HC,Lin HC. Increased risk of acute myocardial infarction after acute episode of schizophrenia: 6 year follow-up study. . Aust N Z J Psychiatry. .2010

61. 2010 Lin HC,Chen IJ,Chen YH,Lee HC,Wu FJ. Maternal schizophrenia and pregnancy outcome: does the use of antipsychotics make a difference? . Schizophr Res. .2010 ;(116):55-60

62. 2009 Lin HC,Wu CH,Lee HC. Risk factors for suicide following hospital discharge among cancer patients. . Psychooncology .2009 ;(18):1038-1044

63. 2009 Lin HC,Chen YH,Lee HC. Prenatal care and adverse pregnancy outcomes among women with schizophrenia: a nationwide population-based study in Taiwan. . J Clin Psychiatry .2009 ;(70):1297-1303

64. 2009 Lin HC,Lee HC. Psychiatrists' caseload volume, length of stay and mental healthcare readmission rates: a three-year population-based study. . Psychiatry Res .2009 ;(166):15-23

65. 2009 Chen YH,Chen SF,Lin HC,Lee HC. Healthcare utilization patterns before and after contact with psychiatrist care for panic disorder. . J Affect Disord. .2009 ;(119):172-176

66. 2009 Chen YH,Tsai SY,Lee HC,Lin HC. Increased risk of acute myocardial infarction for patients with panic disorder: a nationwide population-based study . Psychosom Med .2009 ;(71):798-804

67. 2009 Chen YH,Lee HC,Lin HC. Prevalence and risk of atopic disorders among schizophrenia patients: a nationwide population based study . Schizophr Res .2009 ;(108):191-196

68. 2008 Lin HC,Lee HC. The association between timely outpatient visits and the likelihood of rehospitalization for schizophrenia patients. . Am J Orthopsychiatry. .2008 ;(78):494-497

69. 2008 Chung KH,Lee HC,Kao S,Lin HC. Urbanicity and methods of suicide: a nationwide population-based study. . J Urban Health .2008 ;(85):136-145

70. 2008 Lin HC,Tsai SY,Lee HC. No higher risk of myocardial infarction among bipolar patients in a 6-year follow-up of acute mood episodes. . Psychosom Med .2008 ;(70):73-76

71. 2008 Lin HC,Hsiao FH,Pfeiffer S,Hwang YT,Lee HC. An increased risk of stroke among young schizophrenia patients. . Schizophr Res .2008 ;(101):234-241

72. 2008 Lee HC,Lin HC. Are Psychiatrist Characteristics Associated With Postdischarge Suicide of Schizophrenia Patients? . Schizophr Bull. .2008

73. 2008 Lin HC,Lee HC,Chu CH. The volume-outcome relationship of percutaneous coronary intervention: can current procedure volume minimums be applied to a developing country? . Am Heart J. .2008 ;(155):547-552

74. 2008 Lin HC,Lee HC,Kuo NW,Chu CH. Hospital characteristics associated with post-discharge suicide of severely depressed patients. . J Affect Disord .2008

75. 2008 Lin HC,Chu CH,Lee HC. Physician volume, physician specialty and in-hospital mortality for patients with acute myocardial infarction. . Int J Cardiol. .2008

76. 2008 Lin HC,Xirasagar S,Tsao NW,Hwang YT,Kuo NW, Lee HC.,Lee HC. Volume-outcome relationships in coronary artery bypass graft surgery patients: 5-year major cardiovascular event outcomes. . J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. .2008 ;(135):923-930

77. 2008 Lin HC,Chen CS,Xirasagar S,Lee HC. Seasonality and climatic associations with violent and nonviolent suicide: a population-based study. . Neuropsychobiology .2008

78. 2008 Lin HC,Chao PZ,Lee HC. Sudden sensorineural hearing loss increases the risk of stroke: a 5-year follow-up study . Stroke .2008 ;(39):2744-2748

79. 2008 Lin CS,Lee HC,Lin CT,Lin HC. The association between surgeon case volume and hospitalization costs in free flap oral cancer reconstruction operations. . Plast Reconstr Surg. .2008 ;(122):133-139

80. 2008 Lee HC,Lin HC,Liu TC,Lin SY. Contact of mental and nonmental health care providers prior to suicide in Taiwan:a population-based study. . Can J Psychiatry .2008 ;(53):377-383

81. 2008 Lin HC,Tang CH,Lee HC. Association Between Paternal Schizophrenia and Low Birthweight: A Nationwide Population-Based Study. . Schizophr Bull .2008

82. 2008 Chang HJ,Lin HC,Lee HC,Lin CC,Pfeiffer S. Risk of mortality among depressed younger patients: A five-year follow-up study. . J Affect Disord .2008

83. 2008 Lee HC,Lin HC,Tsai SY. Severely depressed young patients have over five times increased risk for stroke: a 5-year follow-up study. . Biol Psychiatry .2008 ;(64):912-915

84. 2008 Lin HC,Lin SY,Lee HC,Hu CJ,Choy CS. Weekly pattern of stroke onset in an Asian country: a nationwide population-based study. . Chronobiol Int .2008

85. 2008 Kuo NW,Lin HC,Lee HC. Physician clinical experience and inappropriate prostate specific antigen screening: evidence from an Asian country. . J Urol .2008 ;(180):1954-1958

86. 2008 Lee HC,Hu CJ,Chen CS,Lin HC.. Seasonal variation in ischemic stroke incidence and association with climate: a six-year population-based study. . Chronobiol Int .2008 ;(25):938-949

87. 2008 Chung KH,Lee HC,Chen SF,Lin HC. The ten-year trend in suicide methods. Evidence from an Asian population. . Can J Public Health .2008 ;(99):406-410

88. 2008 Lin HC,Yang WC,Lee HC. Traditional Chinese medicine usage among schizophrenia patients. . Complement Ther Med. .2008 ;(16):336-342

89. 2008 Lee HC,Lin SY,Lin HC. Reply. . Am J Obstet Gynecol. .2008

90. 2007 Tsai SY,Lee HC,Chen CC,Huang YL. Cognitive impairment in later life in patients with early-onset bipolar disorder. . Bipolar Disord .2007 ;(9):868-875

91. 2007 Lee HC,Tsai SY,Lin HC. Seasonal variations in bipolar disorder admissions and the association with climate: a population-based study . J Affect Disord .2007 ;(97):61-69

92. 2007 Lin HC,Chen CS,Liu TC,Tsai SY,Lee HC. Lack of care for diabetes among schizophrenia patients. . Schizophr Res. .2007 ;(89):353-354

93. 2007 Lin HC,Tsai SY,Lee HC. Increased risk of developing stroke among patients with bipolar disorder after an acute mood episode: A six-year follow-up study. . J Affect Disord .2007

94. 2007 Wu P,Fuller C,Liu X,Lee HC,Fan B,Hoven CW, Mandell D, Wade C, Kronenberg F. Use of complementary and alternative medicine among women with depression: results of a national survey. . Psychiatr Serv .2007 ;(58):394-356

95. 2007 Liu TC,,Lin HC,Chen CS,Lee HC. Obstetrician gender and the likelihood of performing a maternal request for a cesarean delivery. . Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol .2007

96. 2007 Lin HC,Xirasagar S,Chen CH,Lin CC,Lee HC. Association Between Physician Volume and Hospitalization Costs for Patients With Stroke in Taiwan. A Nationwide Population-Based Study. . Stroke .2007

97. 2007 Tsai SY,Lee HC,Chen CC. Hyperinsulinaemia associated with beta-adrenoceptor antagonist in medicated bipolar patients during manic episode. . Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry .2007

98. 2007 Lee HC,Lin HC. Is the volume-outcome relationship sustained in psychiatric care? . Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol .2007 ;(42):669-672

99. 2007 Chung KH,Tsai SY,Lee HC. Mood symptoms and serum lipids in acute phase of bipolar disorder in Taiwan. . Psychiatry Clin Neurosci .2007 ;(61):428-433

100. 2006 Lee HC,Tsai SY,Lin HC,Chen CC. The association between psychiatrist numbers and hospitalization costs for schizophrenia patients: a population-based study. . Schizophrenia Research .2006 ;(81):283-290

101. 2006 Lin HC,Lee HC,Chao PZ,Wu CS. The effects of weather on the incidence of sudden sensorineural hearing loss: a 5-year population-based study. . Audiology Neurootology .2006 ;(11):165-171

102. 2006 Lin HC,Tian WH,Chen CS,Liu TC,Tsai SY,Lee HC. The association between readmission rates and length of stay for schizophrenia: A 3-year population-based study. . Schizophrenia Research .2006 ;(83):211-214

103. 2006 Lin HC,Chen CS,Liu TC,Lee HC. Differences in practice income between solo and group practice physicians. . Health Policy .2006

104. 2006 Lee HC,Lin HC,Tsai SY,Li CY,Chen CC,Huang CC. Suicide rates and the association with climate: A population-based study. . Journal of Affective Disorders .2006 ;(92):221-226

105. 2006 Lin HC,Chen CS,Lee HC,Liu TC. Physician and hospital characteristics related to length of stay for acute myocardial infarction patients . Circulation journal .2006 ;(70):679-685

106. 2006 Tian WH,Lee HC,Liu TC,Chen CS,Lin HC. Seasonal variation in schizophrenia admissions in a Chinese population. . Schizophr Res. .2006 ;(86):333-334

107. 2006 Lin HC,Xirasagar S,Lee HC,Chai CY. Hospital volume and inpatient mortality after cancer-related gastrointestinal resections: the experience of an Asian country. . Ann Surg Oncol. .2006 ;(13):1182-1188

108. 2003 Tsai SY,Lee HC,Chen CC,Lee CH. Plasma levels of soluble transferrin receptors and Clara cell protein (CC16) during bipolar mania and subsequent remission. . Journal of Psychiatric Research .2003 ;(37):229-235

109. 2002 Tsai SY,Kuo CJ,Chen CC,Lee HC. Risk factors for completed suicide in bipolar disorder. . Journal of Clinical Psychiatry .2002 ;(63):469-476

110. 201 Increased risk of concurrent hepatitis C among Male patients with schizophrenia. . Psychiatry Res . 201 ;(258):217-220


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102 建立預測重鬱症復發之生理心理社會整合模式:個案追蹤研究(1/3)

102 建立預測重鬱症復發之生理心理社會整合模式:個案追蹤研究(1/3)

102 建立預測重鬱症復發之生理心理社會整合模式:個案追蹤研究(2/3)

100 失眠之病因與病程: 個案對照與追蹤研究

99 美沙冬替代療法與睡眠障礙: 個案對照研究(2-2)

98 美沙冬替代療法與睡眠障礙: 個案對照研究

96 醫療機構服務量與精神分裂症病患再住院之關係探討

96 失眠相關社會心理因素及生活品質: 兩年追蹤研究

95 自殺死亡者自殺前之就醫行為分析及因應之預防措施

95 憂鬱症求治病患之代謝異常症候群: 個案對照研究(2-2)

94 憂鬱症求治病患之代謝異常症候群: 個案對照研究1/2

90 精神疾病求治者之體質指數分布

89 認知行為團體治療對以憂鬱症狀為主之輕型精神疾患之療效及相關因素分析