謝如蘭(Hsieh, Ru-Lan) 教授

現   職
復健學科 教授


學 歷

國立臺灣大學醫學系 學士




2007/08/01 ~




Physical therapy and Rehabilitation



1. 2023 Short-term multidisciplinary family-centered workshop for preschool children with global developmental delays . Pediatric Research .2023

2. 2023 Feasibility of Family-Centered Workshops for Children Aged 18-36 Months with Language Developmental Delay . Pediatric neurology .2023 ;(143):26-33

3. 2022 Yu-Mei Hsueh,Wei-Jen Chen,Chi-Jung Chung,Ru-Lan Hsieh,Hsi-Hsien Chen,Ya-Li Huang, Horng-Sheng Shiue, Ming-I Lin, Shu-Chi Mu, Ying-Chin Lin*. The combined effects of nucleotide-binding domain-like receptor protein 3 polymorphisms and levels of blood lead on developmental delays in preschool children . Journal of Hazardous Materials .2022 ;(424):127317-127317

4. 2022 Effects of Repeated Coinjections of Corticosteroids and Hyaluronic Acid on Knee Osteoarthritis: A Prospective, Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial: Repeated Coinjections for Knee Osteoarthritis . The American journal of medicine .2022

5. 2022 Ru-Lan Hsieh,Wen-Chung Lee. Effects of Intra-articular Coinjections of Hyaluronic Acid and Hypertonic Dextrose on Knee Osteoarthritis: A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind Trial Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation . Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation .2022 ;(103):1505-1514

6. 2022 Associations between Plasma Folate and Vitamin B12, Blood Lead, and Bone Mineral Density among Adults and Elderly Who Received a Health Examination . Nutrients .2022 ;(14)

7. 2021 Fu, Yu-Shan,Hsieh, Ru-Lan. Letter to the Editor Regarding “Effects of Trunk Stabilization Exercise While Wearing a Pelvic Compression Belt on Walking and Balancing Abilities in Patients with Stroke : An Assessor Blinded, Preliminary, Randomized, Controlled Study” . American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation .2021

8. 2021 Alcohol Consumption Moderated the Association Between Levels of High Blood Lead or Total Urinary Arsenic and Bone Loss . Frontiers in endocrinology .2021 ;(12)

9. 2021 Repeated Coinjections of Corticosteroids and Hyaluronic Acid on Knee Osteoarthritis: A Prospective, Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial: Repeated Coinjections for Knee Osteoarthritis . The American journal of medicine .2021

10. 2021 Lin YT,Lee WC,Hsieh RL. Active video games for knee osteoarthritis improve mobility but not WOMAC score: A randomized controlled trial . Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine .2021 ;(63):458-465

11. 2020 Hsueh YM,Lin YC,Chung CJ,Huang YL,Hsieh RL,Huang PT,..., Su CT. Combined effect of polymorphisms of MTHFR and MTR and arsenic methylation capacity on developmental delay in preschool children in Taiwan . Archives of Toxicology .2020 ;(94):2027-2038

12. 2019 Su CT,Hsieh RL,Chung CJ,Huang PT,Lin YC ,Ao PL, Shiue HS, Chen WJ, Huang SR, Lin MI, Mu SC, Hsueh YM. Plasma selenium influences arsenic methylation capacity and developmental delays in preschool children in Taiwan . Environmental Research .2019 ;(171):52-59

13. 2019 Lin YC,Chung CJ,Huang YL,Hsieh RL,Huang PT,Wu MY, Ao PL, Shiue HS, Huang SR, Su CT, Lin MI, Mu SC, Hsueh YM. Association of plasma folate, vitamin B12 levels, and arsenic methylation capacity with developmental delay in preschool children in Taiwan . Archives of Toxicology .2019 ;(93):2535-2544

14. 2018 Hsieh RL,Peng HL,Lee WC . Short-term effects of customized arch support insoles on symptomatic flexible flatfoot in children: A randomized controlled trial . Medicine .2018 ;(97):e10655-e10655

15. 2018 Effects of a family centered workshop for children. . Medicine (Baltimore) .2018 ;(97):e12106-e12106

16. 2017 Hsueh YM,Lee CY,Chien SN,Chen WJ,Shiue HS,Huang SR, Lin MI, Mu SC, Hsieh RL. Association of blood heavy metals with developmental delays and health status in children. . Scientific Reports .2017 ;(7)

17. 2017 Hsieh RL,Su CT,Shiue HS,Chen WJ,Huang SR,Lin YC, Lin MI, Mu SC, Chen RJ, Hsueh YM. Relation of polymorphism of arsenic metabolism genes to arsenic methylation capacity and developmental delay in preschool children in Taiwan. . Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. .2017

18. 2016 Hsieh RL,Lee WC,Lin JH. The Impact of Short-Term Video Games on Performance among Children with Developmental Delays: A Randomized Controlled Trial . PLOS ONE .2016

19. 2016 Hsieh RL,Hsieh WH,Lee WC. Short-term family-centered workshop for children with developmental delays enhances family functioning and satisfaction: A prospective clinical trial. . Medicine (Baltimore) .2016 ;(95):4200

20. 2016 Hsieh RL,Lee WC. Clinical effects of lateral wedge arch support insoles in knee osteoarthritis: A prospective double-blind randomized study . Medicine .2016 ;(95):3952

21. 2016 Hsueh YM,Chen WJ,Lee CY,Chien SN,Shiue HS,Huang SR,Lin MI,Mu SC,Hsieh RL. Association of Arsenic Methylation Capacity with Developmental Delays and Health Status in Children: A Prospective Case–Control Trial. . Scientific Reports .2016 ;(6):37287-37287

22. 2015 Huang KH,Hsieh RL,Lee WC. Pain, physical function, and health in patients with knee osteoarthritis . Rehabilitation Nursing .2015

23. 2014 Hsieh RL,Lee WC. Immediate and Medium-Term Effects of Custom-Molded Insoles on Pain, Physical Function, Physical Activity, and Balance Control in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis. . Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine .2014 ;(46):159-165

24. 2014 Hsieh RL,Huang YL,Shiue HS,Huang SR,Lin MI,Mu SC, Chung CJ, Hsueh YM. Arsenic Methylation Capacity and Developmental Delay in Preschool Children in Taiwan. . International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health .2014 ;(217):678-686

25. 2013 Hsieh RL,Hsueh YM,Huang HY,Lin MI,Tseng WC,Lee WC. Quality of Life and Impact of Children with Unclassified Developmental Delays . Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health .2013 ;(49):116-121

26. 2013 Hsieh RL,Lee WC,Lo MT,Liao WC. Postural Stability in Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis: Comparison With Controls and Evaluation of Relationships Between Postural Stability Scores and International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Components . Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2013 ;(94):340-346

27. 2013 Hsieh RL,Lin MI,Huang HY,Lee WC. Correlations between functional performance, health-related quality of life, and parental impact on children with developmental delays . Developmental Neurorehabilitation .2013

28. 2013 Hsieh RL,Wang LY,Lee WC. Correlation between the Incidence and Severity of Bell’s Palsy and Seasonal Variations in Taiwan . International Journal of Neuroscience .2013 ;(123):459-464

29. 2013 Hsieh RL,Hsueh YM,Huang HY,Lin MI,Lee WC. The Correlation of Health of Preschool Taiwanese Children with Developmental Delay . Hong Kong Journal of Paediatricians .2013 ;(18):159-166

30. 2013 Tseng WC,Hsieh RL. Effects of short-term active video game play on community adults: Under International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health consideration . Chinese Medical Journal .2013 ;(126):2313-2319

31. 2013 Wu SH,Hsieh RL. Use of Root Cause Analysis to Prevent Falls and Promote Patient Safety in Clinical Rehabilitation . Journal of Novel Physiotherapies .2013 ;(3):100013

32. 2013 Hsieh RL,Lee WC. Short-term Therapeutic Effects of 890-Nanometer Light Therapy for Chronic Low Back Pain: A Double-blind Randomized Placebo-controlled Study . Lasers in Medical Science .2013

33. 2013 Hsieh RL,Lee WC. Immediate and Medium-Term Effects of Custom-Molded Insoles on Pain, Physical Function, Physical Activity, and Balance Control in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis . Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine .2013

34. 2012 Hsieh RL,Liao WC,Lee WC. Local and Systemic Cardiovascular Effects from Monochromatic Infrared Therapy in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study . Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine .2012

35. 2012 Hsieh RL,Lo MT,Lee WC,Liao WC. Therapeutic Effects of Short-Term Monochromatic Infrared Energy Therapy on Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study. . Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy .2012 ;(42):947-956

36. 2012 Ru-Lan Hsieh,Min-Tzu Lo,Wei-Cheng Liao,Wen-Chung Lee. Short-Term Effects of 890-Nanometer Radiation on Pain Physical Activity, and Postural Stability in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study . Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2012 ;(93):757-764

37. 2011 Hsieh RL,Huang CH,Uen WC. Necrotizing Fasciitis after Acupuncture in a Patient with Aplastic Anemia . Journal of alternative & complementary medicine .2011 ;(17):871-874

38. 2011 Hsieh RL,Lin MI,Huang HY,Lee WC. The relationship between the Pediatric Outcomes Data Collec-tion Instrument and functional impairment in developmentally delayed Chinese children and their parents’ health: implications for child and family-centered medicine . The International Journal of Person Centered Medicine .2011 ;(1):574-580

39. 2010 Lin WH,Hsieh RL,Tsai PJ. Application of Shewhart Cycle of“Plan-Do-Check-Act”model to improve the waiting time in clinical rehabilitation therapy . Taiwan Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation .2010 ;(38):89-96

40. 2010 Hsieh RL,Huang HY,Chen SC,Lin WH,Wu CW,Chang CH, Lee WC. Changes in physical-functional performance and quality of life in hemodialysis patients in Taiwan: a preliminary study . Journal of Nephrology .2010 ;(23):41-48

41. 2009 Chern SH,Wei CP,Hsieh RL,Wang JL. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus retropharyngeal abcess complicated by a cervical spinal subdural empyema . Jounrla of Clinical Neuroscience .2009 ;(16):149-151

42. 2009 Hsieh RL. Re: Cutaneous electrical stimulation treatment in unresolved facial nerve paralysis . Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2009 ;(88):593

43. 2009 Hsieh RL,Wu CW,Wang LY,Lee WC. Correlates of degree of nerve involvement in early Bell's palsy . BMC Neurology .2009 ;(9)

44. 2009 Hsieh RL,Chen SC. Re: Return to work after spinal cord injury: is it related to wheelchair capacity at discharge form clinical rehabilitation? . Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2009 ;(88):1035-1036

45. 2009 Hsieh RL,Huang HY,Lin MI,Lee WC. Quality of life, health satisfaction and family impact on caregivers of children with developmental delays . Child: Care, Health & Development .2009 ;(35):243-249

46. 2008 Hsieh RL,Lee WC. Are the effects of Botolinum toxin injection on myofascial trigger points placebo effects or needling effects? . Arch Phys Med Rehabil .2008 ;(89):792-793

47. 2007 Hsieh RL,Wang LY,Lee WC. Additional therapeutic effects of electroacupuncture in conjunction with conventional rehabilitation for patients with first-ever ischemic stroke . J Rehabil Med .2007 ;(39):205-211

48. 2007 Hsieh RL,Lee WC,Huang HY,Chang CH. Quality of life and its correlates in ambulatory . Journal of Nephrology .2007 ;(20):731-738

49. 2007 Hsieh RL,Lee WC. Does exercise training during hemodialysis really improve dialysis efficacy ? . Arch Phys Med Rehab .2007 ;(88):130-130

50. 2006 Hsieh RL,Lee WC,Chang CH. Maximal cardiovascular fitness and its correlates in ambulatory hemodialysis patients. . Am J Kidney Dis .2006 ;(48):21-27

51. 2006 Hsieh RL,Lee WC,Chang CH. Maximal cardiovascular fitness and its correlates in ambulatory hemodialysis patients. . Am J Kid Dis .2006 ;(48):21-27

52. 2002 Hsieh RL,Li TC,Yen YC,Lee WC. A randomized controlled trial on therapeutic effects for recurrent ischemic stroke with electroacupuncture. . J Reab Med Assoc ROC .2002 ;(30):9-17

53. 2002 Hsieh RL,Lee WC. Comparison of the therapeutic effects of one-shot electroacupuncture and surface electroacupuncture in cervical pain patients. . J Rehab Med Assoc ROC .2002 ;(30):1-7

54. 2002 Hsieh RL,Lee WC. One-shot percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation vs. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for low back pain comparison of therapeutic effects. . Am J Phys Med Rehab .2002 ;(81):838-843

55. 1996 Hsieh RL,Lein IN,Lee WC,Hsu MH,Wai YW. The study of prognosis of stroke rehabilitation. . J Rehab Med Assoc ROC .1996 ;(24):113-119

56. 1996 Hsieh RL,Lein IN,Hsieh LF,Wai YW,Hsu MH,Chou YJ. Study on disease classification of rehabilitation patients in eight hospitals at northern and western Taiwan. . J Rehab Med Assoc ROC .1996 ;(24):35-40

57. 1996 Lee WC,Hsieh RL. Estimating life expectancy using an Age-Cohort Model in Taiwan. . J Epidemiol Comm Health .1996 ;(50):214-217

58. 1995 Hsieh RL,Lein IN,Lee WC,Lee TK. Disability among the elderly of Taiwan. . Am J Phys Med Rehab .1995 ;(74):370-374

59. 1993 Hsieh RL,Huang SC,Lein IN,Chang CW. Correction of bilateral equinus contracture in a paraplegic patient with the Ilizarov technique. . J Rehab Med Assoc ROC .1993 ;(21):207-211
