李飛鵬(Lee, Fei-Peng) 講座教授

現   職
董事會 董事
醫學院 講座教授


學 歷

私立臺北醫學院醫學系 學士




2022/07/01 ~
2021/08/01 ~
2017/08/01 ~ 2021/07/31
2015/08/16 ~ 2017/07/31
2011/06/01 ~ 2015/08/15
2009/07/01 ~ 2011/05/31
2007/08/01 ~
2004/08/11 ~ 2009/07/31
2003/09/15 ~ 2014/07/31







1. 2020 Association of rs2651899 Polymorphism in the Positive Regulatory Domain 16 and Common Migraine Subtypes: A Meta-Analysis. . Headache .2020 ;(60):71-80

2. 2019 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Subunit Alpha-5 Promotes Radioresistance via Recruiting E2F Activity in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. . J Clin Med .2019 ;(12):1454-1468

3. 2019 Ovatodiolide suppresses inflammatory response in BEAS-2B cells by regulating the CREB/AQP5 pathway, and sensitizes nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells to radiation therapy. . Eur J Pharmacol .2019 ;(859):1-8

4. 2019 The Epidemiology of Benign Voice Disorders in Taiwan: A Nationwide Population-Based Study. . Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. .2019 ;(128):406-412

5. 2019 A probabilistic model for reducing medication errors: A sensitivity analysis using Electronic Health Records data. . Comput Methods Programs Biomed .2019 ;(170):31-38

6. 2019 Histone 2A Family Member J Drives Mesenchymal Transition and Temozolomide Resistance in Glioblastoma Multiforme. . Cancers .2019 ;(12):1-19

7. 2018 Lee FP,Chao PZ,Wang HW. Vardenafil inhibiting parasympathetic function of tracheal smooth muscle . Journal of the Chinese Medical Association .2018 ;(xx):1-5

8. 2018 Enhanced basal tension in isolated rat tracheal smooth muscle stimulated by electric field stimulation under low temperature. . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES .2018 ;( 15):611 -1615

9. 2017 Lee FP,Chao PZ,Wang HW. Vardenafil inhibiting parasympathetic function of tracheal smooth muscle . Journal of the Chinese Medical Association .2017

10. 2016 Wang HW,Liu SC,ChaoPZ,LeeFP. Menthol inhibiting parasympathetic function of tracheal . Int J Med Sci .2016 ;(13):923-928

11. 2015 Chu CW,ChenYJ,LeeYH,Jaung SJ,LeeFP,Huang HM. Government-funded universal newborn hearing screening andgenetic analyses of deafness predisposing genes in Taiwan . International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology .2015 ;(79):584-590

12. 2015 Chiu YC,Hu HY,LeeFP,Huang HM. Tension-type headache associated with obstructive sleep apnea: a nationwide population-based study . The Journal of Headache and Pain .2015 ;(16):34-41

13. 2015 Hsiao PC,Hu HY,Yang TH,LeeFP,Huang HM. sudden sensorineural hearing loss associated with tension-type headache:a population-based study . Audiology&Neurology .2015 ;(20):122-127

14. 2015 Chao PZ,Hsieh MS,LeeFP,Chen SY,Cheng CW,Chang HW, Lin YT,TingLL. Lin YF, Chen CH. Serum level of interleukin-21 is elevated in chronic rhinosinusitis . Am J Rhinol Allergy .2015 ;(29):e1-e7

15. 2015 Wang HW,Chu YH,Chao PZ,LeeFP. The effect of temperature on basal tension and thyroarytenoid muscle contraction in . Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol .2015 ;(DOI 10):s00405-3101-8

16. 2015 Shao JY,LeeFP,Chang CL,Wu SY. Statin-Based Palliative Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma . Medicine .2015 ;(94):1-9

17. 2015 Chen SY,Cherng YG,LeeFP,Yeh CC,Huang SY,Hu CJ, Liao CC,Chen TL. Risk of Cerebrovascular Diseases After Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty in Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea-A Nationwide Cohort Study . Medicine .2015 ;(94):1-7

18. 2015 Chen JH,Yen YC,Liu SH,LeeFP,Lin KC,Lai MT,Wu CC, Chen TM,Yuan SP,Chang CL, Wu SY. Dementia Risk in Irradiated Patients With Head and Neck Cancer . Medicine .2015 ;(94):1-8

19. 2015 Chen CY,Lin YS,Chen CL,Chao PZ,Kuo CC,LeeFP,. Lin YF, Sung YH, Lin YT, Li CF, Chen YJ, Chen CH. Targeting annexin A2 reduces tumorigenesis and therapeutic resistance of nasopharyngeal carcinoma . Oncotarget .2015 ;(6):26946-26959

20. 2015 Wang MS,LeeFP,Shen YD,Ou KL,Ou SF. Surface, biocompatible and hamocompatible properties of meta-amorphous titanium oxide film . Int JAppl Ceram technol .2015 ;(12):341-350

21. 2015 Wang HW,Chao PZ,LeeFP,Wang JY. Benzydamine oral spray inhibiting parasympathetic function of tracheal smooth muscle . Clin Exp otorhinology .2015 ;(8):65-68

22. 2014 Tai YT,LeeWY,LeeFP,LinTJ,WanJY,Chiu WT, Hung KS. Low Dose of Valproate Improves Motor Function after Traumatic Brain Injury . Biomed Res Int .2014 ;(10155):1-8

23. 2014 Lee WH,Tseng TM,Hsu HT,Lee FP,Hung SH,Chen PY. Salivary gland tumors: A 20-year review of clinical diagnostic accuracy at a single center . Oncol Lett .2014 ;(7):583-587

24. 2014 Hung SH,Su CH,Lee FP,Tseng H. Larynx Decellularization: Combining Freeze-Drying and Sonication as an Effective Method . Journal of Voice .2014 ;(27):289-294

25. 2014 Wang HW,Chu YH,Chao PZ,LeeFP. The effect of temperature on basal tension and thyroarytenoid muscle contraction in an isolated rat glottis model . Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol .2014 ;(271):2819-2823

26. 2013 Lin CW,Clinciu DL,Swartz MH,Wu CC,Lien GS,Chan CY , Lee FP, Li YC. An integrative OSCE methodology for enhancing the traditional OSCE program . Bio Med Ccentral Medical Education .2013 ;(13):102-102

27. 2013 Hsui HC,LeeFP,Huang MH. Results of 1-year goverment-fund newborn hearing sreening program in Taiwan . Laryngoscope .2013 ;(123):1275-1278

28. 2013 Lee FP,Wang DY,Chen LK,Wu YC,Ou KL,Yu CH. Antibacterial nanostructured composite films for biomedical applications: microstructural characteristics, biocompatibility, and antibacterial mechanisms. . Biofouling .2013 ;(29):209-305

29. 2013 Wang HW,Chen JJ,Chao PZ,LeeFP. A unique type of psoterior maxilloethmoidal cell . The open Otorhinolaryngology Journal .2013 ;(7):8-9

30. 2013 Hung SH,Lee FP,Su CH,Tseng H. Effect of all-trans retinoic acid on the growth of twonasopharyngeal cancer cel in combination with cisplatinl lines and its treatment potential . Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol .2013 ;(270):695-704

31. 2013 Lee FP,Wang DY,Chen LK,Wu YC,Ou KL,Yu CH. Antibacterial nanostructured composite films for biomedical applications: microstructural characteristics, biocompatibility, and antibacterial mechanisms. . Biofouling .2013 ;(29):295-30

32. 2012 LeeYH,Hsu ST,Chiang YC,Tseng TM,Lai MT,LeeFP. Congenital cholesteatoma of the middle ear in children . J Taiwan Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg .2012 ;(47):229-234

33. 2012 Lee FP,Hsu HT,Lin YS,Hung SC. Effects of the electrode location on tonal discrimination and speech perception of Mandarin-speaking patients with a cochlear implant. . Laryngoscope .2012 ;(122):1366-1378

34. 2011 Hsu CH,Chiang YC,Hsu HE,LeeFP. Extranial pneumatocele of the mastoid . Otology neurotology .2011 ;(32):e16-e17

35. 2010 Hsieh MS,LeeFP,Tsai MD. A virtual reality ear ossicle surgery simulator using three-dimensional computer tomography. . J Medical and Biological Engineering .2010 ;(30):57-63

36. 2010 LeeFP,Jen CY,Chang CC,Chou Y,Lin H,Chou CM, Juan SH. Mechanisms of Adiponectin-Mediated COX-2 Induction and Protection Against Iron Injury in Mouse Hepatocytes . J Cellular Physiology .2010 ;(224):837-847

37. 2010 CHiang YH,Huang CD,LeeFP,Hsu HT,Chao PZ,Yang TH. Biopsy of advanced hypopharyngeal carcinoma under video laryngeal telescopic guidance: an office based procedure . J Taiwan Otol Laryngol Head Neck Surg .2010 ;(45):54-58

38. 2010 LeeFP,Shih CM,Shen HY,Chen CM,Ko WC. Ayanin, a non-selective phosphodiesterase 1-4 inhibitor,effective suppresses ovalbumin-induced airway hyperresponsiveness without affecting xylazine/ketamine-induced anesthesia . European J Pharmacology .2010 ;(635):198-203

39. 2009 Liu CM,Tan CD,LeeFP,KN,Huang HM. Microdebrider-Assisted Versus Radiofrequency-Assisted Inferior Turbinoplasty . Laryngoscope .2009 ;(119):414-418

40. 2009 Lin YS,Lin LC,LeeFP,Lee KJ. The prevalence of chronic otitis media and its complication rates in teenagers and adult patients . Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery .2009 ;(140):165-170

41. 2008 Chiang YC,Hwang WZ,LeeFP. Frontal sinocutaneous fistula . J Taiwan Otolaryngol Head Neck .2008

42. 2008 Chan PW,LeeFP,ChuJS. Cavernous hemangioma of the middle turbinate . J Taiwan Otolaryngil Head NECK .2008 ;(43):136-139

43. 2007 LinYS,LeeFP,Huang IS,PengSC. Continuous improvement in Mandarin lexical tone perception as the . Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 2007; 127: 505514 .2007 ;(127):505-514

44. 2007 Hu KH,Lee FP,Cheng YJ,HuangHM. Vascular endothelial growth factor and children . International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology (2007) 71, 23—28 .2007 ;(71):23-28

45. 2007 Hsueh PJ,Chen WY,Chiang YC,LeeFP. Capillary hemangioma of the middle ear . Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery .2007 ;(136):666-667

46. 2007 Chiang YC,Chen RMY,ChaoPZ,YangTH,LeeFP. Glossal vascular leiomyoma . Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery .2007 ;(136):315-316

47. 2007 Huang CD,LinYH,LeeFP. Postauricular nodular fasciitis . Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery .2007 ;(137):164-165

48. 2006 HuangPH,ChiangYC,YangTH,ChaoPZ,Lee FP. Nasal septal abscess . Otolaryngology Head Neck Surgery .2006 ;(135):335-336

49. 2006 YangTH,ChiangYC,ChaoPZ,Lee FP. Cavernous hemangioma of the bony external auditory canal . Otolaryngology Head Neck Surgery .2006 ;(134):890-891

50. 2006 Lin YS,Lee FP,Peng SC. Complications in children with long-term cochlear implants . journal for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and its related speciality .2006 ;(68):237-242

51. 2006 Lee FP. Pigmented nevus of the external auditory canal . Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg .2006 ;(135):124-128

52. 2006 Chiang YC,Chao PZ,Yang TH,Peng BY,LeeFP. Transnasal endoscopic marsulpialization for a large midline maxillary odontogenic keratocyst in a 6-year-old child . Int J Ped Otorhinolaryngol .2006 ;(Extra):41-44

53. 2006 LeeFP. An alternative use of video telescopic guidance for insertion of myringotomy tube . J Laryngology & Otology( accepted) .2006 ;(E10):1-3

54. 2005 Lee FP. Cartilaginous choristoma of the bony external auditory canal-a study of 36 cases . Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg .2005 ;(133):786-790

55. 2005 Chiang YC,Chen RMY,Chao PZ,Yang TH,LeeFP. Intraparotid Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease masquerading as a parotid tumor . Am J Otolaryngol .2005 ;(26):408-410

56. 2005 Chiang YC,Hsueh PJ,ChaoPZ,Yang TH,LeeFP. Nasal granuloma gravidarum . Taiwan Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg .2005 ;(40):42-44

57. 2004 Chao PZ,Huang CD,Yang TH,LeeFP,CHeng CJ. Sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma with neck metastasis in a patient with prostate adenocarcinoma . Taiwan Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg .2004 ;(39):96-101

58. 2004 Chao PZ,Lee FP. Pleomorphic adenoma ( chondroid syringoma) on the face . Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg .2004 ;(130):499-500

59. 2004 Lee FP. Removal of fish bones in the oropharynx and hypopharynx under video laryngeal telescopic guidance . Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg .2004 ;(131):50-53

60. 2004 Chiang YC,Chen RMY,Chao PZ,Yang TH,Lee FP. Pediatric Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease masquerading as a submandibular tumor . Inter J Ped Otorhinolaryngol .2004 ;(68):971-974

61. 2003 Lee CH, LeeFP, LiuCM, Lin KL, Huang HM. Endoscopic transnasal Dacryocystorhinostomy . Tzu Chi Medical Journal .2003 ;(15):91-94

62. 2003 Chiang YC,Lee FP,Peng CL,Lin CT. Measurement of tongue movement during vowels production with computed-assisted B-mode and M-mode ultrasonography . Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg .2003 ;(128):805-814

63. 2003 Huang HM, LeeFP, Liu CM, Lin KL, Chou CS. Endoscopic sinus surgery in pediatric chronic paranasal sinusitis . Tzu Chi Medical Journal .2003 ;(15):33-36

64. 2003 Peng CL,Lin CT,Lee FP,Chiang YC. Observation of tongue movement: ultrasonic versus non-ultrasonic methods . J taiwan Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg .2003 ;(38):43-48

65. 2003 Chiang YC,Peng CL,Lee FP. Quantitative measurement of tongue movement during mandrian consonants production wiyh ultrasonography in combination with cushinh-scanning technique . J Taiwan Otolaryngol Head Neck .2003 ;(38):1-11

66. 2003 Yang TH,Chao PZ,Lee FP,Lee HS. Left vocal palsy as the presenting sign of thoracic aortic aneurysm . J taiwan Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg .2003 ;(38):63-67

67. 2003 Hsiao SC,Lai MT,Wu CC,Chiu KH,Lee FP. dehiscence of facial canal in adult and fetal temporal bones . J Taiwan Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg .2003 ;(39):1-5

68. 2003 Huang CD,Chao PZ,Yang TH,Lai MT,Lee FP,Chung CL, Wang FC. Bronchoscopic extraction of airway foreign bodies through a tracheostoma . J Taiwan Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg .2003 ;(39):39-42

69. 2003 Lin YL,Chao PZ,Yang TH,Lee FP. Recurrent pleomorphic adenoma of the buccal mucosa . J Taiwan Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg .2003 ;(38):58-62

70. 2002 Tsai KC, LeeFP. Congenital stapes ankylosis with incus anomaly-case report . Taiwan Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg .2002 ;(37):297-301

71. 2002 Chen CW, LeeFP, ChenHT, HuangHM. A combined method of transoral and transnasal endoscopic adenoidectomy . Tzu Chi Medical Journal .2002 ;(14):289-294

72. 2002 ChiuYH, Liu CM, LeeFP. Chen HT, HuangHM. A transnasal microscopic approach for nasolabial cyst extirpation . Tzu Chi Medical Journal .2002 ;(14):359-363

73. 2002 LeeFP. Chondroma in the bony external ear canal . Ear ,Nose& Throat Journal .2002 ;(81):686

74. 2001 LeeFP. Whitish lobulated tumor of the tongue . Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Path Oral Endo .2001 ;(92):367-369

75. 2001 Lee FP, Chao PZ. Chondroma of the bony external ear canal . Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg .2001 ;(125):406-407

76. 2001 Lee FP. Endoscopic extraction of an intranasal tooth: a review of 13 cases . Laryngoscope .2001 ;(111):1027-1031

77. 2001 Kao UC, Lee FP, Wu WJ, Fang CL. Acini cell carcinoma of the buccal mucosa-case report . J Taiwan Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg .2001 ;(36):132-135

78. 1999 Tsai KC, Lee FP. Lipoma of the parotid gland . J Taiwan Otolaryngology Head Neck Surg .1999 ;(34):489-492

79. 1999 Chiang YC, Lin ST, Lee FP, Chion TF, Fang CL. Metastatic renal cell carcinoma of the tongue: case report . J Taiwan Otolaryngological Society .1999 ;(34):228-231

80. 1999 Lee FP. Congenital pyriform sinus fistula causing recurrent left lower neck abscess . Head Neck Surg .1999 ;(21):671-676

81. 1998 Chi NL, Lee FP, Fang CL. Glomus tumor of the nasal septum . J Otolaryngological Society ROC .1998 ;(33):519-523

82. 1998 Louh HS, Lee FP. Second branchial cleft fistula . J Otolaryngological Society ROC .1998 ;(33):650-654

83. 1997 Lin ST, Lee FP. Nasal foreign body with rhinolith . J Otolaryngological Society ROC .1997 ;(32):94-97

84. 1997 Chao PZ, Lee FP. Chondroma of the external ear canal . J Otolaryngological Society ROC .1997 ;(32):222-225

85. 1994 Lee FP. Dehiscent jugular bulb in the middle ear . J Otolaryngological Society ROC .1994 ;(29):75-78

86. 1994 Lee FP. Familial carotid body tumor . J Otolaryngological Society ROC .1994 ;(29):101-106

87. 1994 Lee FP. Osteoma of the tongue: report of two case . J Otolaryngological Society ROC .1994 ;(29):135-138

88. 1994 Huang TS, Lee FP. Congenital cholesteatoma : review of twelve cases . Am J Otol .1994 ;(15):276-281

89. 1994 Huang TS, Hsu J C, Lee FP. Electrocochleographic monitoring in endolymphatic sac sugery for Meniere's dis . Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg .1994 ;(120):552-559

90. 1991 Huang TS, Lee FP, Chen LK. Radiologically confirmed cochlear otospongiosis among the Chinese . Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol .1991 ;(100):232-235

91. 1991 Lee FP, Ho TL, Huang TS. Endolymphatic hydrops in animal experiments . Acta Otolaryngol .1991 ;(Suppl):18-25

92. 1991 Yen PT, Lee FP, Huang TS. Von Recklinghausen's disease with involvement of right parapharyngeal space . J Formosan Medical Association .1991 ;(90):1018-1021

93. 1989 Chung FL, Lee FP, Huang TS. Unilateral membranous choanal atresia : case report . J Otolaryngological Society ROC .1989 ;(24):269-273

94. 1989 Lee FP, Huang TS, Wang AM. Cervicofacial actinomycosis: report of a case . J Formosan Medical Association .1989 ;(88):744-746

95. 1989 Huang TS, Chan ST, Ho TL, Su JL. Lee FP. Hypaque and steroids in the treatment of sudden sensorineural hearing loss . Clin Otolaryngol .1989 ;(14):45-51

96. 1988 Huang TS, Lee FP. Surgically confirmed clinical otosclerosis among the Chinese . Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg .1988 ;(114):538-545

97. 1988 Cheng NJ, Lee FP, Huang TS. Osteopetrosis: report of two cases . J Otolaryngological Society ROC .1988 ;(23):26-30

98. 1988 Lee FP,Huang TS, Hsueh S. Histopathology of the otosclerotic stapes in chinese . J Otolaryngological Society ROC .1988 ;(23):148-156

99. 1986 LeeFP, Huang TS. Detection of small acoustic neuromas with gas-CT cisternography . J Otolaryngological Society ROC .1986 ;(21):1-5

100. 1985 Huang TS, Lee FP, Chang CN. Translabyrinthine resection of acoustic neuromas . J Otolaryngological Society ROC .1985 ;(20):150-157

101. 1984 LeeFP, Huang TS. Traumatic arteriovenous fistula of superficial temporal artery: a case report . J Formosan Medical Association .1984 ;(83):399-401

102. 1984 Lee FP, Liaw WJ, Chen IH, Huang TS. Platysma myocutaneous flap for intraoral reconstruction . J Formosan Medical Association .1984 ;(83):612-617

103. 1982 LeeFP, Liaw WJ, Yang KW, Chen IH. First branchial cleft anomalies: report of 4 cases . J Formosan Medical Association .1982 ;(81):285-290

104. 1982 LeeFP, Huang TS. Method and results of laryngomicrosurgery in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital . J Formosan Medical Association .1982 ;(83):1557-1563

1. 2011 ChiangSJ,LeeFP,ChenSJ,SuJS,OuKL,ChenCS. 微波電漿應用於抗菌醫用金屬之技術平台,技術轉移權利金:120萬 . .2011


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