周綉珠(Chou, Hsiu-Chu) 教授

現   職
解剖學暨細胞生物學科 教授


學 歷

國立臺灣大學解剖學暨細胞生物學研究所 博士
國立臺灣大學解剖學研究所 碩士
私立臺北醫學院保健營養學系 學士




2019/02/01 ~ 2019/07/31
2007/08/01 ~




免疫組織細胞化學 immunohistocytochemistry
組織學技術 technical of histology
電子顯微鏡技術 technical of EM



1. 2023 Hsiu-Chu Chou,Chung-Ming Chen. Effects of uteroplacental insufficiency on cardiac development in growth-restricted newborn rats . J Dev Orig Health Dis . .2023 ;(14):272-278

2. 2023 Hsiao-Chin Wang ,Hsiu-Chu Chou ,Chung-Ming Chen. Molecular Mechanisms of Hyperoxia-Induced Neonatal Intestinal Injury . Int J Mol Sci .2023 ;(24):4366

3. 2023 Yuan-Chii Gladys Lee,Fang-Ning Chou ,Szu-Yu Tung ,Hsiu-Chu Chou ,Tsui-Ling Ko,Yang C Fann, Shu-Hui Juan. Tumoricidal activity of simvastatin in synergy with RhoA inactivation in antimigration of clear cell renal cell carcinoma cells . Int J Mol Sci .2023 ;(24):9738

4. 2023 Chung-Ming Chen ,Yu-Chen S H Yang ,Hsiu-Chu Chou ,Shan Lin. Intranasal administration of Lactobacillus johnsonii attenuates hyperoxia-induced lung injury by modulating gut microbiota in neonatal mice . J Biomed Sci .2023 ;(30):57

5. 2023 Sheng-Yuan Ho ,Merryl Esther Yuliana ,Hsiu-Chu Chou ,Chung-Ming Chen. Intrauterine growth restriction alters kidney metabolism at the end of nephrogenesis . Nutr Metab (Lond) .2023 ;(20):50

6. 2022 Hsiu-Chu Chou,Chung-Ming Chen. Cathelicidin attenuates hyperoxia-induced lung injury by inhibiting ferroptosis in newborn rats. . Antioxidants (Basel) .2022 ;(11):2405

7. 2022 Hyperoxia induces ferroptosis and impairs lung development in neonatal mice . Antioxidants (Basel) .2022

8. 2022 L-Carnitine reduces reactive oxygen species/endoplasmic reticulum stress and maintains mitochondrial function duringautophagy-mediated cell apoptosis in perfluorooctanesulfonate-treated renal tubular cells. . Sci Rep . .2022

9. 2022 Plasmablastic myeloma in Taiwan frequently presents with extramedullary and extranodal mass mimicking plasmablastic lymphoma . Virchows Arch .2022

10. 2022 Sigesbeckia orientalis extract ameliorates the experimental diabetic nephropathy by downregulating the inflammatory and oxidative stress signaling pathways . Evid Based Complement Alternat Med . .2022

11. 2022 Effects of uteroplacental insufficiency on growth-restricted rats with altered lung development: A metabolomic analysis . Front Pediatr . .2022

12. 2022 Uteroplacental insufficiency causes microbiota disruption and lung development impairment in growth-restricted newborn rats . Nutrients .2022

13. 2021 Chin-Yen Tsai,Hsiu-Chu Chou ,Chung-Ming Chen . Perinatal nicotine exposure alters lung development and induces HMGB1-RAGE expression in neonatal mice . Birth Defects Res .2021

14. 2021 Huang LT,Chou HC,Chen CM. TRIM72 mediates lung epithelial cell death upon hyperoxia exposure. . J Chin Med Assoc. .2021

15. 2021 Chen XY,Chen YY,Lin W,Chen CH,Wen YC, Hsiao TC, Chou HC, Chung KF, Chuang HC.. Therapeutic Potential of Human Umbilical Cord-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Recovering From Murine Pulmonary Emphysema Under Cigarette Smoke Exposure. . Front Med .2021

16. 2021 Chou HC,Chang CH,Chen CH,Lin W ,Chen CM. Consecutive daily administration of intratracheal surfactant and human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells attenuates hyperoxia-induced lung injury in neonatal rats. . Stem Cell Res Ther. .2021

17. 2021 Jheng YT ,Putri DU ,Chuang HC ,Lee KY ,Chou HC ,Wang SY, Han CL. . Prolonged exposure to traffic-related particulate matter and gaseous pollutants implicate distinct molecular mechanisms of lung injury in rats. . Part Fibre Toxicol. .2021

18. 2021 Wen LL ,Chen YT,Lee YG ,Ko TL ,Chou HC,Juan SH. Perfluorooctane sulfonate induces autophagy-associated apoptosis through oxidative stress and the activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases in renal tubular cells. optosis through oxidative stress and the activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases in renal tubular cells. . PLoS One. .2021

19. 2021 Chow JC ,Chou HC ,Hwang J ,Chen CM . Anti-Tn Monoclonal Antibody Ameliorates Hyperoxia-Induced Kidney Injury by Suppressing Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Neonatal Mice. . Mediators Inflamm. .2021

20. 2021 Huang LT,Chou HC,Chen CM. Inhibition of FABP4 attenuates hyperoxia-induced lung injury and fibrosis via inhibiting TGF-β signaling in neonatal rats. . J Cell Physiol. .2021

21. 2021 Chen XY ,Feng PH ,Han CL,Jheng YT ,Wu CD ,Chou HC, Chen YY, Wu SM, Lee KY, Kuo HP, Chung KF, Hsiao TC, Chen KY, Ho SC, Chang TY, Chuang HC.. Alveolar epithelial inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain 4 deficiency associated with senescence-regulated apoptosis by air pollution. . Environ Pollut. .2021

22. 2021 Chen CM ,Hwang J ,Chou HC. Immunization with anti-Tn immunogen in maternal rats protects against hyperoxia-induced kidney injury in newborn offspring. . Pediatr Res. .2021

23. 2021 Chen CM ,Yang YSH ,Chou HC. Maternal antibiotic exposure disrupts microbiota and exacerbates hyperoxia-induced lung injury in neonatal mice. . Pediatr Res. .2021

24. 2021 Chen CM ,Chou HC ,Yang YSH. Maternal Antibiotic Treatment Disrupts the Intestinal Microbiota and Intestinal Development in Neonatal Mice. . Front Microbiol. .2021

25. 2021 Chen CM,Chou HC ,Yang YSH ,Su EC ,Liu YR. Predicting Hyperoxia-Induced Lung Injury from Associated Intestinal and Lung Dysbiosis in Neonatal Mice. . Neonatology. .2021

26. 2021 Lo YC ,Chen KY ,Chou HC ,Lin IH,Chen CM. Neonatal hyperoxia induces gut dysbiosis and behavioral changes in adolescent mice. . J Chin Med Assoc. .2021

27. 2021 Huang LT ,Chou HC ,Chen CM. Roxadustat attenuates hyperoxia-induced lung injury by upregulating proangiogenic factors in newborn mice. . Pediatr Neonatol. .2021

28. 2020 Chou HC,Chen CM. Cathelicidin attenuates hyperoxia-induced intestinal injury through inhibition of NF-κB activity in newborn rats. . Exp Mol Pathol. .2020 ;(14)

29. 2020 Chung-Ming Chen ,Jaulang Hwang ,Hsiu-Chu Chou ,Chinde Chen. Anti-Tn Monoclonal Antibody Attenuates Hyperoxia-Induced Lung Injury by Inhibiting Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Neonatal Mice . Front Pharmacol .2020

30. 2020 Hsiu-Chu Chou,Chung-Ming Chen. Human placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells attenuate established hyperoxia-induced lung injury in newborn rats . Pediatr Neonatol .2020

31. 2020 Chung-Ming Chen ,Jaulang Hwang, Hsiu-Chu Chou. Immunization with anti-Tn immunogen in maternal rats protects against hyperoxia-induced kidney injury in newborn offspring . Pediatr Res .2020

32. 2020 Jen-Chieh Lee,Hsiu-Chu Chou,Chung-Hsi Wang,Ping-Yuan Chu,Tsung-Han Hsieh ,Mei-Ling Liu, Shu-Min Hsieh, Yun-Ru Liu, Yu-Chien Kao . Myoepithelioma-like Hyalinizing Epithelioid Tumors of the Hand With Novel OGT-FOXO3 Fusions. . Am J Surg Pathol. .2020 ;(3):387-395

33. 2020 Jiang JS,Chou HC,Chen CM. Cathelicidin attenuates hyperoxia-induced lung injury by inhibiting oxidative stress in newborn rats. . Free Radic Biol Med. .2020 ;(150):23-29

34. 2019 Cathelicidin attenuates hyperoxia-induced kidney injury in newborn rats. . Ren Fail. .2019 ;(41):733-741

35. 2019 Lin SC,Chou HC,Chen CM,Chiang BL. Anti-thymic stromal lymphopoietin antibody suppresses airway remodeling in asthma through reduction of MMP and CTGF . Pediatric reseach .2019 ;(2):181-187

36. 2019 Chun-Shan Wu,Hsiu-Chu Chou,Liang-Ti Huang,Chun-Mao Lin,Yen-Kuang Lin,Chung-Ming Chen. High amplitude bubble continuous positive airway pressure decreases lung injury in rats with ventilator-induced lung injury . J Chin Med Assoc .2019

37. 2019 Chen CM,Hwang J ,Chou HC. Maternal Tn Immunization Attenuates Hyperoxia-Induced Lung Injury in Neonatal Rats Through Suppression of Oxidative Stress and Inflammation . Front Immunol .2019 ;(10):681

38. 2019 Maternal inflammation exacerbates neonatal hyperoxia-induced kidney injury in rat offspring . Pediatr Res. .2019 ;(4):681

39. 2019 Insights Figure for Anti-thymic stromal lymphopoietin antibody suppresses airway remodeling in asthma through reduction of MMP and CTGF. . Pediatr Res .2019 ;(86):285

40. 2018 Hyperglycemia induces epithelial-mesenchymal transition in the lungs of experimental diabetes melitus . Acta Histochemica .2018 ;(120):525-533

41. 2018 Chung-Ming Chen ,Jaulang Hwang,Hsiu-Chu Chou,Her-Shyong Shiah. Tn (N-acetyl-D-galactosamine-O-serine/threonine) immunization protects . International Immunopharmacology .2018 ;(59):261-268

42. 2018 Chen CM,Chou HC. Human mesenchymal stem cells attenuate hyperoxia-induced lung injury through inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system in newborn rats. . Am J Transl Res. .2018 ;(10):2628-2623

43. 2018 Chen CM,Juan SH,Chou HC. Chen CM, Juan SH, Chou HC(2018).Hyperglycemia activates the renin-angiotensin system and induces epithelial-mesenchymal transition in streptozotocin-induced diabetic kidneys. (19):1470320318803009-. . J Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone Syst. .2018 ;(19)

44. 2017 Chen CM,Liu YC,Chen YJ,Chou HC. Genome-Wide Analysis of DNA Methylation in Hyperoxia-Exposed Newborn Rat Lung . Lung .2017

45. 2017 Chen CM,Chou HC,Lin W,Tseng C. Surfactant effects on the viability and function of human mesenchymal stem cells: in vitro and in vivo assessment . Stem Cell Research & Therapy .2017 ;(8):1-10

46. 2017 Wu CS ,Chen CM,Chou HC. Pulmonary Hypoplasia Induced by Oligohydramnios: Findings from Animal Models and a Population-Based Study . Pediatrics and Neonatology .2017 ;(58):3-7

47. 2017 ,Juan SH. L-Carnitine via PPARc- and Sirt1-Dependent Mechanisms Attenuates Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Renal Fibrosis Caused by Perfluorooctanesulfonate . Toxicological sciences .2017 ;(2017):1-13

48. 2017 Chou Hsiu Chu,Chen Chung Ming. Neonatal hyperoxia disrupts the intestinal barrier and impairs intestinal . Experimental and Molecular Pathology .2017 ;(102):415-421

49. 2017 Chen CM,Lin W,Huang LT,Chou HC. Human mesenchymal stem cells ameliorate experimental pulmonary hypertension induced by maternal inflammation and neonatal hyperoxia in rats . Oncotarget .2017

50. 2016 Huang LT,Chou HC,Lin CM,Chen CM. Uteroplacental Insufficiency Alters the Retinoid Pathway and Lung Development in Newborn Rats . Pediatrics and Neonatology .2016 ;(57):508-514

51. 2016 Hsiu-Chu Chou,Yuan-Tsung Li,Chung-Ming Chen. Human mesenchymal stem cells attenuate experimental bronchopulmonary dysplasia induced by perinatal inflammation and hyperoxia . Am J Transl Res .2016 ;(8):342-353

52. 2016 Hsiu-Chu Chou,Willie Lin,Chung-Ming Chen. Human mesenchymal stem cells attenuate pulmonary hypertension induced by prenatal lipopolysaccharide treatment in rats . Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology .2016 ;(43):906-914

53. 2016 Chun Shan Wu,Hsiu Chu Chou,Liang Ti Huang,Yen Kuang Lin,Chung Ming Chen. Bubble CPAP Support after Discontinuation of Mechanical Ventilation Protects Rat Lungs with Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury . Respiration .2016 ;(91):171-179

54. 2016 CHIH-CHENG CHANG,YUNG-HO HSU,HSIU-CHU CHOU,YUAN-CHII G. LEE,SHU-HUI JUAN. 3-Methylcholanthrene/Aryl-Hydrocarbon Receptor-Mediated Hypertension Through eNOS Inactivation . Journal of Cellular Physiology .2016 ;(9999):1-10

55. 2016 Li-Li Wen,Chien-Yu Lin,Hsiu-Chu Chou,Chih-Cheng Chang,Hau-Yin Lo,Shu-Hui Juan. Perfluorooctanesulfonate Mediates Renal Tubular Cell Apoptosis through PPARgammaInactivation . PLoS ONE .2016 ;(11):1-17

56. 2016 Yue-Jun Chen,Chung-Ming Chen,Chuehyi Wang,Hsiu-Chu Chou. Microcomputed tomography assessment of lypopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury in rats . Experimental lung research .2016 ;(42):103-109

57. 2016 Chung-Ming Chen,Hsiu-Chu Chou. Hyperoxia disrupts the intestinal barrier in newborn rats . Experimental and Molecular Pathology .2016 ;(101):44-49

58. 2016 Sheng-Chieh Lin,Hsiu-Chu Chou,Bor-Luen Chiang,Chung-Ming Chen. CTGF upregulation correlates with MMP-9 level inairway remodeling in a murine model of asthma . Arch Med Sci .2016

59. 2015 Chen CM,Chou HC,Huang LT. Maternal nicotine exposure during gestation and lactation induces kidney fibrosis in rat offspring . Pediatr Res .2015 ;(77):56-63

60. 2015 Jiang JS,Chou HC,Yeh TF,Chen CM. Neonatal hyperoxia exposure induces kidney fibrosis in rats . Pediatr Neonatol .2015 ;(56):235-241

61. 2015 Chen CM,Chou HC,Huang LT. Maternal nicotine exposure induces epithelial- mesenchymal transition in rat offspring lungs . Neonatology .2015 ;(108):179-187

62. 2015 Cheng KT,Wang YS,Chou HC,Chang CC,Lee CK,Juan SH. Kinsenoside-mediated lipolysis through an AMPK-dependent pathway in C3H10T1/2 adipocytes:Roles of AMPK and PPAR α in the lipolytic effect of kinsenoside. . Phytomedicine .2015 ;(22):641-647

63. 2014 Su CL,Chou HC,Huang LT,Yeh TF,Chen CM. Combined effects of maternal inflammation and neonatal hyperoxia on lung fibrosis and RAGE expression in newborn rats. . Pediatr Res .2014 ;(75):273-280

64. 2014 Wan-Jung Lu,Ming-Ping Wu,Kuan-Hung Lin,Yu-Chen Lin,Hsiu-Chu Chou,Joen-Rong Sheu. Hinokitiol is a novel glycoprotein VI antagonist on human platelets . Platelets .2014 ;(25):595-602

65. 2014 Sue YM,Chou HC,Chang CC,Yang NJ,Chou Y,Juan SH. L-Carnitine Protects against Carboplatin-Mediated Renal Injury: AMPK- and PPARα-Dependent Inactivation of NFAT3 . PLoS One .2014 ;(9):1-12

66. 2014 Huang LT,Chou HC,Lin CM,Yeh TF,Chen CM. Maternal nicotine exposure exacerbates neonatal hyperoxia-induced lung fibrosis in rats. . Neonatology .2014 ;(106):94-101

67. 2014 Huang LT,Lin CH,Chou HC,Chen CM. Ibuprofen Protects Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury by Down Regulating Rho-kinase Activity in Rats . Biomed Res Int .2014

68. 2014 Chou HC,Chen CM. Maternal nicotine exposure during gestation and lactation induces cardiac remodeling in rat offspring . Reproductive Toxicology .2014 ;(50):4-10

69. 2013 Wang JJ,Huan SK,Hsieh KH,Chou HC,Hsiao G,Jayakumar T, Sheu JR.. Inhibitory effect of midazolam on MMP-9, MMP-1 and MMP-13 expression in PMA-stimulated human chondrocytes via recovery of NF-κB signaling . Arch Med Sci. 2013 Apr 20;9(2):332-9. .2013 ;(9):332-339

70. 2013 Chen CM,Chou HC,Wang LF,Yeh TF. Effects of maternal retinoic acid administration on lung angiogenesis in oligohydramnios-exposedfetal rats. . Pediatr Neonatol. .2013 ;(54):88-94

71. 2012 Huang LT,Chou HC,Wang LF,Chen CM. Tissue plasminogen activator attenuates ventilator-induced lung injury in rats . Acta Pharmacol Sin .2012 ;(33):991-997

72. 2012 Jiunn-Song Jiang,Hsiu-Chu Chou,Tsu-Fu Yeh,Chung-Mi Chen. Maternal nicotine effects on vascular endothelial growth factor expression and morphometry in rat lungs . Early Human Development .2012 ;(88):525-529

73. 2012 Chou Hsiu Chu,Lang Yaw Dong,Wang Leng Fang,Wu Tzu Ying,Hsieh Yu Fang,Chen Chung Ming. Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Antagonist Attenuates Lung Fibrosis in Hyperoxia-Exposed Newborn Rats . The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics .2012 ;(340):169-175

74. 2012 Lee YM,Hsieh KH,Lu WJ,Chou HC,Chou DS,Lien LM, Sheu JR, Lin KH. Xanthohumol, a Prenylated Flavonoid from Hops (Humulus lupulus), Prevents Platelet Activation in Human Platelets . Evid. Based Complement. Alternat. Med. .2012

75. 2012 Jiang JS,Lang YD,Chou HC,Shih CM,Wu MY,Chen CM, Wang LF. Activation of the Renin-Angiotensin System in Hyperoxia-Induced Lung Fibrosis in Neonatal Rats. . Neonatology .2012 ;(101):47-54

76. 2011 Chen CM,Wu MY,Chou HC,Lang YD,,Wang LF. Downregulation of caveolin-1 in a murine model of acute allergic airway disease. . Pediatr Neonatol .2011 ;(52):5-10

77. 2011 Chen CM,Wang LF,Chou HC,Lang YD. Mechanism of Oligohydramnios-induced Pulmonary Hypoplasia . Jounal of Experimental Clinical medicine .2011 ;(2):104-11

78. 2011 Chen CM,Wang LF,Chou HC,Lang YD. Effects of oligohydramnios on lung growth in fetal rats . J pediatr pulmonol .2011

79. 2011 Tsung-Jen Wang,Yu-Huang Lin,David Chao-Kai Chang,Hsiu-Chu Chou,I-Jong Wang. Comparison of the Effects of Cylindrical Correction with and without Iris Recognition Technology in Wavefront LASIK. . Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology .2011

80. 2010 Jiang JS,Chou HC,Wang LF,Chen CM. Effects of activated protein C on ventilator-induced lung injury in rats . respiration .2010 ;(80):246-253

81. 2010 Wang TJ,Wang IJ,Ho JD,Chou HC,Lin SY,Huang MC. Comparison of the clinical effects of carbomer-based lipid-containing gel and hydroxypropyl-guar gel artificial tear formulations in patients with dry eye syndrome:a 4-week, prospective, open-label, randomized, parallel-group, noninferiority study. . Clinical Therapeutics .2010 ;(32):44-52

82. 2010 Chen CM,Wang LF,Chou HC,Lang YD. Mechanism of oligohydramnios-induced pulmonary hypoplasia . J. Exp Clin Med .2010 ;(2):104-110

83. 2009 Chung-Ming Chen,Hsiu-Chu Chou. Effects of maternal undernutrition on glomerular ultrastructure in rat offspring . Pediatr neonatol .2009 ;(50):50-53

84. 2009 Lin KH,Chang HC,Lu WJ,Jayakumar T,Chou HC,Fong TH, Hsiao G, Sheu JR. Comparison of the relative activities of inducing platelet apoptosis stimulated by various platelet-activating agents. . Platelets .2009 ;(20):575-581

85. 2008 Chen CM,Chou HC,Wang LF,Lang YD. Captopril decreases plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in rats with ventilator-induced lung injury . Crit Care Med .2008 ;(36):1880-1885

86. 2008 Chen CM,Chou HC,Wang LF,Lang YD. Experimental oligohydramnios decreases collagen in hypoplastic fetal rat lungs. . Exp Biol Med .2008 ;(233):1334-1340

87. 2008 Chou HC,Wang LF,Lu KS,Chen CM. Effects of maternal undernutrition on renal angiotensin II and chymase in hypertensive offspring. . Acta Histochem .2008 ;(110):497-504

88. 2007 Jiang JS,Wang LF,Chou HC,Chen CM. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor captopril attenuates ventilator-induced lung injury in rat . J Appl Physiol .2007 ;(102):2098-2103

89. 2007 Chung-ming Chen,Leng-Fang Wang,Hsiu-Chu Chou,Yaw-Dong Lang. Oligohydramnios decreaese platelet-derived growth factor expression in fetal rat lungs . neonatology .2007 ;(92):187-193

90. 2007 Chung-Ming Chen,Hsiu-Chu Chou,Leng-Fang Wang,Yaw-Dong Lang,Ching-Ying Yeh. Retinoic acid fails to reverse oligohydramnios-induced pulmonary hypoplasia in fetal rats . pediatric research .2007 ;(62):553-558

91. 2007 Chen CM,Wang LF,Chou HC,Jiang JS,Lin CH,Chuang WC. Ventilation-induced lung injury increases lung angiotensin II in rats. . J Pediatr Pulmonol .2007 ;(5):122-128

92. 2007 Man-Hui PAi,Tsui-Ling Ko,Hsiu-Chu Chou. Effects of streptozotocin-induced diabetes on taste buds in rat vallate papillae . Acta histochemica .2007 ;(109):200-207

93. 2007 Chen CM,Wang LF,Chou HC,Lang YD,Lai YP. Up-regulation of Connective Tissue Growth Factor in Hyperoxia-Induced Lung Fibrosis . pediatric research .2007 ;(62):128-133

94. 2005 Chen CM,Chou HC,Hsu HH,Wang LF. Transforming growth factor-B1 upregulation is independent of angiotension in paraquat-induced lung fibrosis . Toxicology .2005 ;(216):181-187

95. 2001 Hsiu-Chu Chou. Variant palmaris profundus enclosed by an unusual loop of the median nerve . journal of anatomy .2001 ;(199):499-500

96. 2001 Hsiu-Chu Chou, Chung-Liang Chien, Kou-Shyan Lu. The distribution of PGP9.5, BDNF and NGF in the vallate papilla of adult and developing mice . Anatomy Embryology .2001 ;(204):161-169

97. 2001 Hsiu-Chu Chou. effects of zinc deficiency on the vallate papillae and their taste buds in rats . journal formosa medical association .2001 ;(100):326-335

98. 1995 Yin HS, Chou HC, Chiu MM. chnges in the microtubule proteins in the developing and transected spinal cords of the bullfrog tadpole; induction of microtubule-association protein 2c and enhanced levels of Tau and tubulin in regenerating central axons . neuroscience .1995 ;(67):763-775

1. 2023 Hsiu-Chu Chou,Chung-Ming Chen ,Tsui-Ling Ko,Shu-Hui Juan. Elucidation of the protective effect of L-carnitine against perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS)-induced lung injury by morphological studies . JSOT 2023(The 50th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Toxicology) .2023

2. 2020 Shu-Hui Juan ,Yen-Ting Chen,Tsui-Ling Ko,Hsiu-Chu Chou. Protecyion of L-carnitine in autophage-mediated cell apoptosis through ROS/pERK1/2-dependent pathway in PFSO treated RTC cells. . 47th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Toxicology. .2020

3. 2020 Hsiu-Chu Chou,Chung-Ming Chen,Tsui-Ling Ko,Shu-Hui Juan . Sigesbeckia Orientalis extract ameliorates diabetic nephropathy . 47th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Toxicology. .2020

4. 2019 Hsiu-Chu Chou,Chung-Ming Chen ,Tsui-Ling Ko ,Shu-Hui Juan. Propylthiouracil (PTU) disturbs taste acuity through thyroid hormone inactivation . 46th JSOT .2019

5. 2019 Shu-Hui Juan,Tsui-Ling Ko,Hsiu-Chu Chou. Perfluorooctane sulfonaten induces renal tubular cell apoptosis through ROS generation and p-ERK/Autophagy pathway. . 46th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Toxicology (JSOT) .2019

6. 2018 Hsiu-Chu Chou,Chung-Ming Chen,Shu-Hui Juan. Hyperglycemia activates the RAS and induces epithelial–mesenchymal transition in STZ-induced diabetic kidneys . 61st Annual meeting of the Japan Diabetes Society .2018

7. 2018 Shu-Hui Juan ,Hsiu-Chu Chou. Synergistic effects of cAMP–dependent PKA and AMPK on lipolysis in kinsenoside-treated C3H10T1/2 adipocytes . 61st Annual Meeting of the Japan Diabeyes Society .2018

8. 2017 Juan SH,Chang CC,Chou HC. Protection of Simvastatin in 3-methylcholanthrene-mediated Tumorigenesis in Renal Epithelial Cells through Inhibiting Hypoxia-mediated HDAC1 Upregulation and Reactivating RhoA . IFABL .2017 ;(2017):255-255

9. 2017 Chou HC,Chen CM,Pai MH,Juan SH. Hyperglycemia Induced Oxidative Stress Damages Pulmonary Structures in Experimental Diabetes . IFABL .2017 ;(2017):257-257

10. 2014 Chou HC,Pai MH,Chen CM. Morphological Changes in the Lung of the Diabetic Gerbils (Meriones Unguiculatus) . The International Anatomical 5ciences and Cell Biology Conlerence 2014 .2014

11. 2011 Tsui-Ling Ko,Yi-Chen Chen,Man-Hui Pai,Hsiu-Chu Chu. Effects of Ovariectomy on Taste Buds in Rat Vallate Papillae . 第26屆生物醫學聯合學術年會 .2011

12. 2010 Chen CM,Wu MY,Chou HC,Lang YD,Wang LF. own-regulation of caveolin-1 in a murine model of acute allergic airway disease . 中華民國兒童胸腔醫學會第五屆第一次學術討論會 .2010

13. 2010 Chen CM,Lang YD,Chou HC,Wang LF. Role of renin-angiotensin system in a rat model of neonatal chronic lung disease . the 6th congress of asian society for pediatric research .2010

14. 2009 Chung-Ming Chen,Hsiu-Chu Chou,Leng-Fang Wang,Yaw-Dong Lang. Effects of activated protein C on ventilator-induced lung injury in rats . 臺灣兒科醫學會第一九八屆學術演講會 .2009

15. 2008 Chung-Ming Chen,Hsiu-Chu Chou,Leng-Fang Wang. Maternal undernutrition up-regulates renal angiotensin II and chymase expression in hypertensive offspring . 臺灣兒科醫學會第一九四屆學術演講會 .2008

16. 2007 Chen CM,Chou HC,Wang LF. Maternal retinoic acid treatment fails to reverse oligohydramnios-induced pulmonary hypoplasia in rats. . 臺灣兒科醫學會第一九十屆學術演講會 .2007

17. 2007 Chen CM,Wang LF,Chou HC. Captopril decreased plasminogen activator inhibitor activity in rats with ventilator-induced lung injury. . 中華民國兒童胸腔醫學會第四屆第一次學術討論會 .2007

18. 2006 Chen CM,Wang LF,Chou HC. Hypercapnic acidosis attenuates ventilator-induced lung injury in rats. . 中華民國兒童胸腔醫學會第三屆第三次學術討論會 .2006

19. 2005 Chen CM,Wang LF,Chou HC. Platelet-derived growth factor and its receptor mRNA expressions are decreased in hypoplastic fetal rat lung due to oligohydramnios. . 臺灣兒科醫學會第一八四屆學術演講會 .2005 ;(46):202

20. 2005 Chen CM,Wang LF,Chou HC. Transforming growth factor upegulation is independent of angiotensin in paraquat induced lung fibrosis. . 中華民國兒童胸腔醫學會第三屆第二次學術討論會 .2005

21. 2004 Chen CM,Chou HC. Morphometruc analysis of the effects of maternal undernutrition on glomerular structure in rat offspring. Acta Paediatr Tw.(45):169-. . Acta Paediatr Tw .2004 ;(45):169

22. 2004 Pai HP,Ko TL,Chou HC. Study of Circumvallate Papilla and Their Taste Buds in Diabetic Rats Induced by Streptozotocin . 第十九屆生物醫學聯合學術年會 P331 .2004

23. 2003 Pai MH,Ko TL,Chou HC. Structure of Vallate Taste Bud in Mongolian Gerbil (Meriones Uniguiculatus) . 北醫九十一學年度師生聯合學術研究發表會 .2003

24. 2002 Chou HC,Lu KS. Morphological Changes of the Gerbil Vallate Taste Bud After Propylthiouracil (PTU)-Treatment and Thyroidectomy . 第十七屆生物 醫學聯合學術年會P232 .2002


106 高氧暴露經TLR4 路徑影響新生大白鼠迴腸的功能

102 懷孕及哺乳母鼠給予尼古丁對小鼠心臟細胞分化與增殖的影響

98 2,2,5,7,8-Pentamethyl-6-hydroxychromane (PMC)抑制LPS/IFN-gamma引起血管平滑肌細胞發炎反應的機轉探討及在老鼠體內改善氣球擴張術誘發血管內膜增生的作用