陳瑞杰(Chen, Ray-Jade) 講座教授

現   職
董事會 董事長
醫學院 講座教授


學 歷

臺北醫學大學醫學資訊研究所 碩士
臺北醫學大學醫學系 學士




2022/08/01 ~
2019/08/01 ~
2019/05/01 ~ 2019/07/31
2015/01/01 ~ 2020/12/31
2013/11/01 ~ 2014/12/31
2011/08/16 ~ 2014/07/31
2010/04/01 ~ 2014/12/31







1. 2019 5. Yang CY,Chen RJ,Chou WL,Lee YJ,Lo YS. New therapeutic strategy of hinokitiol in haemorrhagic shock-induced liver injury . J Cell Mol Med .2019 ;(21)

2. 2019 Lin BC,Chen RJ,Hwang TL. Lessons learned from isolated blunt major pancreatic injury: Surgical experience in one trauma centre . Injury .2019 ;(50):1522-1528

3. 2019 Li JY,Chen RJ,Huang LT,Lee TY,Lu WJ,Lin KH. Embelin as a Novel Inhibitor of PKC in the Prevention of Platelet Activation and Thrombus Formation . J Clin Med .2019 ;(8)

4. 2019 Lo YS,Yang CY,Chien HF,Chang SS,Lu CY,Chen RJ. Blockchain-Enabled iWellChain Framework Integration With the National Medical Referral System: Development and Usability Study . J Med Internet Res .2019 ;(21)

5. 2019 Lu WJ,Li JY,Chen RJ,Huang LT,Lee TY,Lin KH. VAS2870 and VAS3947 attenuate platelet activation and thrombus formation via a NOX-independent pathway downstream of PKC . Sci Rep .2019 ;(9)

6. 2019 Yang CY,Chen RJ,Chou WL,Lee YJ,Lo YS. An Integrated Influenza Surveillance Framework Based on National Influenza-Like Illness Incidence and Multiple Hospital Electronic Medical Records for Early Prediction of Influenza Epidemics: Design and Evaluation. . J Med Internet Res .2019 ;(21)

7. 2018 Jeng LB,Velmurugan BK ,Hsu HH ,Wen Su Ying ,Shen Chia Yao ,Lin CH, Lin YM, Chen RJ, Kuo WW, Huang CY. Fenofibrate induced PPAR alpha expression was attenuated by oestrogen receptor alpha overexpression in Hep3B cells . Environmental Toxicology .2018 ;(33):234-247

8. 2018 Huang CY,Kuo CH, Pai PY,Ho TJ, Lin YM,Chen RJ, Tsai FJ, Vijaya Padma V, Kuo WW, Huang CY. Data supporting the angiotensin II activates MEL18 to deSUMOylate HSF2 for hypertension-related heart failure . Data in Brief .2018 ;(16):521-526

9. 2018 Feng CC,Pandey S, Lin CY,Shen CY,Chang RL,Chang TT, Chen RJ, Viswanadha VP, Lin YM, Huang CY. Cardiac apoptosis induced under high glucose condition involves activation of IGF2R signaling in H9c2 cardiomyoblasts and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat hearts . Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy .2018 ;(97):880-885

10. 2018 Yang CY, Lo YS,Chen RJ, Liu CT. A clinical decision support engine based on a national medication repository for the detection of potential duplicate medications: Design and evaluation . Journal of Medical Internet Research .2018 ;(6)

11. 2018 Lu WJ ,Wu GJ ,Chen RJ,Chang CC,Lien LM ,Chiu CC , Tseng MF , Huang LT , Lin KH .. Licochalcone A attenuates glioma cell growth in vitro and in vivo through cell cycle arrest. . Food Funct .2018 ;(9/8):4500-4507

12. 2018 Huang YJ,Chen CY,Chen RJ,Kang YN,Wei PL. Topical diltiazem ointment in post-hemorrhoidectomy pain relief: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. . Asian J Surg .2018 ;(41):431-437

13. 2018 Lu CF,Hsu FT,Hsieh KL,Kao YJ,Cheng SJ,Hsu JB, Tsai PH, Chen RJ, Huang CC, Yen Y, Chen CY. Machine Learning-Based Radiomics for Molecular Subtyping of Gliomas. . Clin Cancer Res .2018 ;(24):4429-4436

14. 2018 Lu WJ,Chung CL,Chen RJ,Huang LT,Lien LM,Chang CC, Lin KH, Sheu JR. An Antithrombotic Strategy by Targeting Phospholipase D in Human Platelets. . J Clin Med .2018 ;(7)

15. 2018 Lu WJ,Lin KH,Tseng MF,Yuan KC,Huang HC,Sheu JR, Chen RJ. New therapeutic strategy of hinokitiol in haemorrhagic shock-induced liver injury. . J Cell Mol Med .2018 ;(23):1723-1734

16. 2018 Lee KL,Chen WL,Chen RJ,Lai KS,Chung CL. Lipoteichoic acid upregulates plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 expression in parapneumonic effusions . Respirology .2018 ;(23):89-95

17. 2017 Luo CC,Chien WK,Huang CS,Lo HC,Wu SM,Huang HC, Chen RJ, Chao HC7. Trends in diagnostic approaches for pediatric appendicitis: nationwide population-based study. . Bmc Pediatr .2017 ;(17)

18. 2017 Chen HL,Hsu FT,Kao YJ,Liu HS,Huang WZ,Lu CF, Tsai PH, Ali AAA, Lee GA, Chen RJ, Chen CY. Identification of epidermal growth factor receptor-positive glioblastoma using lipid-encapsulated targeted superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles in vitro. . J Nanobiotechnol .2017 ;(15)

19. 2017 Huang CC,Wang W,Chen RJ,Wei PL,Tzao C,Chen PL. Predicted Coronary Heart Disease Risk Decreases in Obese Patients After Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy . World J Surg .2017

20. 2017 Lin BC,Wong YC,Chen RJ,Liu NJ,Wu CH,Hwang TL, Hsu YP6.. Major pancreatic duct continuity is the crucial determinant in the management of blunt pancreatic injury: a pancreatographic classification . Surg Endosc .2017

21. 2017 Huang YJ,Chen CY,Chen RJ,Kang YN,Wei PL. Topical diltiazem ointment in post-hemorrhoidectomy pain relief: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. . Asian J Surg .2017

22. 2017 Lien LM,Lin KH,Huang LT,Tseng MF,Chiu HC,Chen RJ, Lu WJ. Licochalcone A Prevents Platelet Activation and Thrombus Formation through the Inhibition of PLC 2-PKC, Akt, and MAPK Pathways. . Int J Mol Sci .2017 ;(18)

23. 2017 Lee JL,Chen TC,Huang HC,Chen RJ. How Motorcycle Helmets Affect Trauma Mortality: Clinical and Policy Implications. . Traffic Inj Prev .2017 ;(18):666-671

24. 2017 Yao WC,Yuan LT,Yang WB,Hsia CH,Huang LT,Lee T-Y, Sheu JR, Lu WJ, Jayakumar T, Chen RJ. Development of Benzimidazole Derivatives as Novel Anti-platelet Drugs. . Curr Pharm Biotechno .2017

25. 2017 Lam C,Chen PL,Kang JH,Cheng KF,Chen RJ,Hung KS. Risk factors for 14-day rehospitalization following trauma with new traumatic spinal cord injury diagnosis: A 10-year nationwide study in Taiwan . plos one .2017 ;(12):e0184253

26. 2017 Jean SS,Lee WS,Bai KJ,Yu KW,Hsu CW,Liao CH, Chang FY, Ko WC, Wu JJ, Chen YH, Chen YS, Liu JW, Lu MC, Liu CY, Chen RJ, Hsueh PR.. Corrigendum to "Carbapenem susceptibility among Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Enterobacter cloacae isolates obtained from patients in intensive care units in Taiwan in 2005, 2007, and 2009" [Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 2015;81(4):290-295]. . Microbiol Infect Dis .2017 ;(87)

27. 2017 Chen RJ,Chu H,Tsai LW. Impact of Beta-Blocker Initiation Timing on Mortality Risk in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus Undergoing Noncardiac Surgery: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study. . J Am Heart Assoc .2017 ;(6):e0043--

28. 2017 Lee GA,Lai YG,Chen RJ,Liao NS. Interleukin 15 activates Akt to protect astrocytes from oxygen glucose deprivation-induced cell death. . Cytokine. .2017 ;(92):68-74

29. 2017 Hsieh RL,Su CT,Shiue HS,Chen WJ,Huang SR,Lin YC, Lin MI, Mu SC, Chen RJ, Hsueh YM.. Relation of polymorphism of arsenic metabolism genes to arsenic methylation capacity and developmental delay in preschool children in Taiwan. . Toxicol Appl Pharmacol .2017 ;(321):37-47

30. 2016 Yen TL,Chen RJ,Jayakumar T,Lu WJ,Hsieh CY,Hsu MJ, Yang CH, Chang CC, Lin YK, Lin KH, Sheu JR. Andrographolide stimulates p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase-nuclear factor erythroid-2-related factor 2-heme oxygenase 1 signaling in primary cerebral endothelial cells for definite protection against ischemic stroke in rats. . Transl Res .2016 ;(170):57-72

31. 2016 Yeh YL,Tsai HI,Cheng SM,Pai P,Ho TJ,Chen RJ, Lai CH, Huang PJ, Padma VV, Huang CY.. Mechanism of Taiwan Mingjian Oolong Tea to Inhibit Isoproterenol-Induced Hypertrophy and Apoptosis in Cardiomyoblasts . Am J Chin Med .2016 ;(44)

32. 2016 Tsai CT,Chang YM,Lin S,Chen YS,Yeh YL,Padma VV, Tsai CC, Chen RJ, Ho TJ, Huang CY.. Alpinate Oxyphyllae Fructus Inhibits IGFII-Related Signaling Pathway to Attenuate Ang II-Induced Pathological Hypertrophy in H9c2 Cardiomyoblasts. . J Med Food .2016 ;(19):300-309

33. 2016 Tai CJ,Wang H,Wang CK,Tai CJ,Huang MT,Wu CH, Chen RJ, Kuo LJ, Wei PL, Chang YJ, Chang CC, Chiou HY, Wu CJ. Bevacizumab and cetuximab with conventional chemotherapy reduced pancreatic tumor weight in mouse pancreatic cancer xenografts. . Clin Exp Med .2016

34. 2016 Chang YM,Chang HH,Kuo WW,Lin HJ,Yeh YL,Padma Viswanadha V, Tsai CC, Chen RJ, Chang HN, Huang CY.. Anti-Apoptotic and Pro-Survival Effect of Alpinate Oxyphyllae Fructus (AOF) in a d-Galactose-Induced Aging Heart. . Int J Mol Sci .2016 ;(17):466

35. 2016 Chen MC,Lee NH,Hsu HH,Ho TJ,Tu CC,Chen RJ, Lin YM, Viswanadha VP, Kuo WW, Huang CY.. Inhibition of NF-κB and metastasis in irinotecan (CPT-11)-resistant LoVo colon cancer cells by thymoquinone via JNK and p38. Environ Toxicol. . Environ Toxicol .2016

36. 2016 Tai CJ,Huang MT,Wu CH,Wang CK,Tai CJ,Chang CC, Hsieh CI, Chang YJ, Wu CJ, Kuo LJ, Wei PL, Chen RJ, Chiou HY.. Combination of Two Targeted Medications (Bevacizumab Plus Cetuximab) Improve the Therapeutic Response of Pancreatic Carcinoma. . Medicine .2016 ;(95)

37. 2016 Chen YP,Tsai CW,Shen CY,Day CH,Yeh YL,Chen RJ, Ho TJ, Padma VV, Kuo WW, Huang CY.. Palmitic acid interferes with energy metabolism balance by adversely switching the SIRT1-CD36-fatty acid pathway to the PKC zeta-GLUT4-glucose pathway in cardiomyoblasts. . J Nutr Biochem .2016 ;(31):137-149

38. 2016 Lee JL,Chen TC,Huang HC,Chen RJ. How Motorcycle Helmets Affect Trauma Mortality: Clinical and Policy Implications. . Traffic Inj Prev .2016 ;(0):epub-epub

39. 2016 Lin JC,Kuo WW,Baskaran R,Chen MC,Ho TJ,Chen RJ, Chen YF, Vijaya Padma V, Lay IS, Huang CY.. Enhancement of beta-catenin in cardiomyocytes suppresses survival protein expression but promotes apoptosis and fibrosis . Cardiol J .2016

40. 2016 Luo CC,Cheng KF,Huang CS,Lo HC,Wu SM,Huang HC, Chien WK, Chen RJ.. Therapeutic effectiveness of percutaneous drainage and factors for performing an interval appendectomy in pediatric appendiceal abscess. . BMC Surg .2016 ;(16):72--

41. 2016 Hsu HH,Kuo WW,Day CH,Shibu MA,Li SY,Chang SH, Shih HN, Chen RJ, Viswanadha VP, Kuo YH, Huang CY.. Taiwanin E inhibits cell migration in human LoVo colon cancer cells by suppressing MMP-2/9 expression via p38 MAPK pathway. . Environ Toxicol .2016

42. 2016 Hu WS,Lin YM,Kuo WW,Pan LF,Yeh YL,Li YH, Kuo CH, Chen RJ, Padma VV, Chen TS, Huang CY.. Suppression of isoproterenol-induced apoptosis in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells by daidzein through activation of Akt. . Chin J Physiol .2016 ;(59):323-330

43. 2016 Tai CJ,Huang MT,Wu CH,Tai CJ,Shi YC,Chang CC, Chang YJ, Kuo LJ, Wei PL, Chen RJ, Chiou HY.. Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound and Computed Tomography Assessment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma after Transcatheter Arterial Chemo-Embolization . J Gastrointestin Liver Dis .2016 ;(25):499-507

44. 2015 Jean SS,Lee WS,Lam C,Hsu CW,Chen RJ,Hsueh PR. Carbapenemase-producing Gram-negative bacteria: current epidemics, antimicrobial susceptibility and treatment options . Future Microbiol .2015 ;(10):407-425

45. 2015 Jean SS,Lee WS,Yu KW,Liao CH,Hsu CW,Chang FY, Ko WC, Chen RJ, Wu JJ, Chen YH, Chen YS, Liu JW, Lu MC, Lam , Liu CY, Hsueh PR. Rates of susceptibility of carbapenems, ceftobiprole, and colistin against clinically important bacteria collected from intensive care units in 2007: Results from the Surveillance of Multicenter Antimicrobial Resistance in Taiwan (SMART) . J Microbiol Immunol Infect .2015

46. 2015 Yen TL,Chen RJ,Jayakumar T,Lu WJ,Hsieh CY,Hsu MJ, Yang CH, Chang CC, Lin YK, Lin KH, Sheu JR. Andrographolide stimulates p38 MAPK-Nrf2-HO-1 signaling in primary cerebral endothelial cells for definite protection against ischemic stroke in rats . Transl Res .2015 ;(inpres):xxx-xxx

47. 2015 Luo CC,Chien WK,Huang CS,Huang HC,Lam C,Hsu CW, Chen RJ, Cheng KF. National trends in therapeutic approaches and outcomes for pediatric appendicitis: a Taiwanese nationwide cohort study . Pediatr Surg In .2015 ;(31):647-651

48. 2015 Jean SS,Lee WS,Bai KJ,Lam C,Hsu CW,Yu KW, Liao CH, Chang FY, Ko WC, Wu JJ, Chen YH, Chen YS, Liu JW, Lu MC, Liu CY, Chen RJ, Hsueh PR. Relationship between the distribution of cefepime minimum inhibitory concentrations and detection of extended-spectrum β-lactamase production among clinically important Enterobacteriaceae isolates obtained from patients in intensive care units in Taiwan: . J Microbiol Immunol Infect .2015 ;(48):85-91

49. 2015 Ting WJ,Kuo WW,Hsieh DJ,Yeh YL,Day CH,Chen YH, Chen RJ, Padma VV, Chen YH, Huang CY. Lactobacillus reuteri GMNL-263 Reduces Fibrosis Effects on the Liver and Heart in High Fat Diet-Hamsters via TGF-β Suppression . Int J Mol Sci .2015 ;(16):25881-25896

50. 2015 Liao PH,Hsieh DJ,Kuo CH,Day CH,Shen CY,Lai CH, Chen RJ, Padma VV, Kuo WW, Huang CY. Moderate exercise training attenuates aging-induced cardiac inflammation, hypertrophy and fibrosis injuries of rat hearts . Oncotarget .2015 ;(6):35383-35394

51. 2015 Lee WS,Jean SS,Bai KJ,Lam C,Hsu CW,Chen RJ. Empyema necessitatis due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis . J Microbiol Immunol Infect .2015 ;(48):461-462

52. 2014 Chang HC,Chiu YW,Lin YM,Chen RJ,Lin JA,Tsai FJ, Tsai CH, Kuo YC, Liu JY, Huang CY. Herbal supplement attenuation of cardiac fibrosis in rats with CCl₄-induced liver cirrhosis . Chin J Physiol .2014 ;(57):41-47

53. 2014 Lam C,Kuan CF,Miser J,Hsieh KY,Fang YA,Li YC, Hsu CW, Chen RJ, Chen CI. Emergency department utilization can indicate early diagnosis of digestive tract cancers: A population-based study in Taiwan . Comput Methods Programs Biomed .2014 ;(115):103-109

54. 2014 Fu CY,Huang HC,Chen RJ,Tsuo HC,Tung HJ. Implementation of the acute care surgery model provides benefits in the surgical treatment of the acute appendicitis. . Am J Surg .2014 ;(208):794-799

55. 2014 Lin BC,Fang JF,Chen RJ,Wong YC,Hsu YP. Surgical management and outcome of blunt major liver injuries: Experience of damage control laparotomy with perihepatic packing in one trauma centre . Injury .2014 ;(45):122-127

56. 2013 Yu-Hui Chiu,Jen-Dar Che,Shih-Hao Wang,Chui-Mei Tiu,Chorng-Kuang How,Jiun-I Lai, Yi-Hong Chou, Carlos Lam, Ray-Jade Chen.. Whether intravenous contrast is necessary for CT diagnosis of acute appendicitis in adult ED patients? . Acad Radiol .2013 ;(20):73-78

57. 2013 Yung-Ming Chang,Chuan-Te Tsai,Chiun-Chuang Wang,Yueh-Sheng Chen,Yueh-Min Lin,Chia-Hua Kuo, Bor-Show Tzang, Ray-Jade Chen, Fuu-Jen Tsai, Chih-Yang Huang. Alpinate oxyphyllae fructus (Alpinia Oxyphylla Miq) extracts inhibit angiotensin-II induced cardiac apoptosis in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells . Biosci Biotechnol Biochem .2013 ;(77):229-234

58. 2013 Chih-Wei Lu,Liang-Chih Liu,Ya-Ching Hsieh,Li-Heng Yang,Ray-Jade Chen,Chi-Hsun Hsieh. Increased admission serum estradiol level is correlated with high mortality in patients with severe acute pancreatitis. . J Gastroenterol .2013 ;(48):374-381

59. 2013 Chih Yuan Fu,Chi Hsun Hsieh,Shih Chi Wu,Ray Jade Chen,Yu-Chun Wang,Chun Han Shih, Hung Chang Huang, Jui Chien Huang, Hsun Chung Tsuo, Hsiu Jung Tung. Anterior-posterior Compression Pelvic Fracture Increases the Probability of Requirement of Bilateral Embolization . American Journal of Emergency Medicine .2013 ;(1):42-49

60. 2013 Chiu YH,Hou SK,How CK,Li LH,Kao WF,Yang CC, Chou SL, Shiau YT, Lam C, Chen RJ. Influence of a 100 km ultra-marathon on hepatitis B carrier runners . Int J Sports Med .2013 ;(34):841-845

61. 2013 Jean SS,Hsueh PR,Lee WS,Yu KW,Liao CH,Chang FY, Ko WC, Wu JJ, Chen YH, Chen YS, Liu JW, Lu MC, Liu CY, Lam C, Chen RJ. Carbapenem susceptibilities and non-susceptibility concordance to different carbapenems amongst clinically important Gram-negative bacteria isolated from intensive care units in Taiwan: results from the Surveillance of Multicentre Antimicrobial Resistance . Int J Antimicrob Agents .2013 ;(41):457-462

62. 2013 Abdelfadil E,Cheng YH,Bau DT,Ting WJ,Chen LM,Hsu HH, Lin YM, Chen RJ, Tsai FJ, Tsai CH, Huang C. Thymoquinone induces apoptosis in oral cancer cells through p38β inhibition . Am J Chin Med .2013 ;(41):683-696

63. 2013 Tu CC,Kumar VB,Day CH,Kuo WW,Yeh SP,Chen RJ, Liao CR, Chen HY, Tsai FJ, Wu WJ, Huang CY. Estrogen receptor α (ESR1) over-expression mediated apoptosis in Hep3B cells by binding with SP1 proteins . J Mol Endocrinol .2013 ;(51):203-212

64. 2013 Hu WS,Lin YM,Ho TJ,Chen RJ,Li YH,Tsai FJ, Tsai CH, Day CH, Chen TS, Huang CY. Genistein Suppresses the Isoproterenol-Treated H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis Associated with P-38, Erk1/2, JNK, and NF κ B Signaling Protein Activation . Am J Chin Med .2013 ;(41):1125-1136

65. 2013 Jean SS,Lee WS,Bai KJ,Lam C,Hsu CW,Chen RJ, Hsueh PR. Leclercia adecarboxylata bacteremia in a patient with long-term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs . J Microbiol Immunol Infect .2013

66. 2012 Fu CY,Hsieh CH,Shih CH,Wang YC,Chen RJ,Huang HC, Huang JC, Wu SC, Tsuo HC, Tung HJ. Selective Computed Tomography and Angioembolization Provide Benefits in the Management of Patients with Concomitant Unstable Hemodynamics and Negative Sonography Results . World J Surg .2012 ;(36):819-825

67. 2012 Yi Chieh Huang,Shih Chi Wu,Chih Yuan Fu,Yung Fang Chen,Ray Jade Chen,Chi Hsun Hsieh, Yu Chun Wang, Hung Chang Huang, Jui Chien Huang, Chih Wei Lu. Tomographic Findings are not Always Predictive of Failed Nonoperative Management in Blunt Hepatic Injury . American Journal of Surgery .2012 ;(4):448-453

68. 2012 Hung Chang Huang,Chih Yuan Fu,Chi Hsun Hsieh,Yu Chun Wang,Shih Chi Wu,Ray Jade Chen, Jui Chien Huang. Lodox/Statscan Facilitates the Early Detection of Commonly Overlooked Extracranial Injuries in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury . European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery .2012 ;(3):319-326

69. 2012 Chih Yuan Fu,Chi Hsun Hsieh,Chun Han Shih,Yu Chun Wang,Ray Jade Chen,Hung Chang Huang, Jui Chien Huang, Shih Chi Wu, Catherine Lin. The Effects of Repeat laparoscopic Surgery on the Treatment of Complications Resulting from Laparoscopic Surgery . American Surgeon .2012 ;(9):926-932

70. 2012 Chih Yuan Fu,Chi Hsun Hsieh,Po-Yen Chang,Chi-Hao Hsiao,Yu-Chun Eang,Ray Jade Chen. Conservative treatment of concomitant extraperitoneal bladder rupture and intrabladder blood clot formation: Case report of application of ureteral catheterization . Canadian Journal of Urology .2012 ;(6):E256-E258

71. 2012 Hsi-Hsien Hsu,Chung-Jung Liu,Chia-Yao Shen,Yi-Jyun Chen,Li-Mien Chen,Wu-Hsien Kuo, Yueh-Min Lin, Ray-Jade Chen, Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai,Chih-Yang Huang.. p38α MAPK mediates 17β-estradiol inhibition of MMP-2 and -9 expression and cell migration in human lovo colon cancer cells . J Cell Physiol .2012 ;(227):3648-3660

72. 2012 Shih Chi Wu,Chih Yuan Fu,HH Lin,Ray Jade Chen,Chi Hsun Hsieh,Yu Chun Wang, Chun Chieh Yeh, Hung Chang Huang, Jui Chien Huang, YJ Chang. Late initiation of continuous veno-venous hemofiltration therapy is associated with a lower survival rate in surgical critically ill patients with postoperative acute kidney injury . American Surgeon .2012 ;(2):235-242

73. 2012 Chih Yuan Fu,Shih Chi Wu,Ray Jade Chen,Jui Chein Huang. Blunt Pancreatic Head Hematoma as an Infrequent Cause of Delayed Obstructive Jaundice . Journal of Emergency Medicine .2012 ;(2):e27-e29

74. 2012 Chih-Yuan Fu,Yu-Chun Wang,Shih-Chi Wu,Ray-Jade Chen,Chi-Hsun Hsieh,Hung-Chang Huang, Jui-Chien Huang, Chih-Wei Lu, Yi-Chieh Huang. Angioembolization provides benefits in patients with concomitant unstable pelvic fracture and unstable hemodynamics . American Journal of Emergency Medicine .2012 ;(1):207-213

75. 2012 Chih-Yuan Fu,Yu-Chun Wang,Shih-Chi Wu,Yung-Fang Chen,Ray-Jade Chen,Chi-Hsun Heieh,Hung-Chang Huang,Jui-Chien Huang,Chih-Wei Lu,Yi-Chieh Huang. Higher glucose on admission is associated with need for angioembolization in stable pelvic fracture . American Journal of Emergency Medicine .2012 ;(1):26-31

76. 2011 Shih-Chi Wu,Chih-Yuan Fu,Ray-Jade Chen,Yung-Fang Chen,Ping-Kuei Chung,Shu-Fen Yu, Cheng-Cheng Tung, Kun-Hua Lee. Higher incidence of major complications after splenic embolization for blunt splenic injuries in elderly patients . American Journal of Emergency Medicine .2011 ;(2):135-140

77. 2011 Fu CY,Wang YC,Hsieh CH,Chen RJ. Lodox/Statscan provides benefits in evaluation of gunshot injuries . Am J Emerg Med .2011 ;(29):823-827

78. 2011 Wu Shih Chi,Yu Chun Wang,Chih Yuan Fu,Ray Jade Chen,Hung Chang Huang,Jui Chien Huang,Chih Wei Lu, Chi-Hsun Hsieh, Chia-Yun Lin.. Laparoscopic appendectomy provides better outcomes than open appendectomy in elderly patients . American Surgeon .2011 ;(4):466-470

79. 2011 Chun-Lin Kuo,Yu-Hui Chiu,Chorng-Kuang How,Jen-Bin Wang,Hua-Ling Kao,Carlos Lam, Ray-Jade Chen. Airway compromise caused by the spontaneous thyroid hemorrhage . Resuscitation .2011 ;(9):1249-1250

80. 2011 Chih-Yuan Fu,Yu-Chun Wang,Chi-Hsun Heieh,Ray-Jade Chen. LodoxStatscan provides benefits in evaluation of gunshot injuries . American Journal of Emergency Medicine .2011 ;(7):823-827

81. 2010 Chin-Teng Lin,Kuan-Cheng Chang,Chun-Ling Lin,Chia-Cheng Chiang,Shao-Wei Lu,Shih-Sheng Chang, Bor-Shyh Lin, Hsin-Yueh Liang, Ray-Jade Chen. An intelligent telecardiology system using a wearable and wireless ecg to detect atrial fibrillation. . Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine .2010 ;(14):726-733

82. 2010 Chun-Chieh Yeh,Chi-Hsun Hsieh,Yu-Chun Wang,Ping Kuei Chung,Ray-Jade Chen. Commotio cordis as a rare cause of traumatic cardiac arrest in motorbike crashes: Report of a case. . Surgery today .2010 ;(4):369-372

83. 2010 Chih-Yuan Fu,Shih-Chi Wu,Ray-Jade Chen,Yung-Fang Chen,Yu-Chun Wang,Ping-Kuei Chung,Hung-Chang Huang,Chih-Wei Lu. Evaluation of Need for Angioembolization in Blunt Renal Injury Discontinuity of Gerota’s Fascia Has an Increased Probability of Requiring Angioembolization . American Journal of Surgery .2010 ;(2):154-159

84. 2010 Chih-Yuan Fu,Shih-Chi Wu,Ray-Jade Chen,Yung-Fang Chen,Yu-Chun Wang,Hung-Chang Huang, Chih-Wei Lu, Wei-Ching Lin. Evaluation of Need for Operative Intervention in Blunt Splenic Injury: Intraperitoneal Contrast Extravasation has an Increased Probability of Requiring Operative Intervention. . World Journal of Surgery .2010 ;(11):2745-2751

85. 2010 Ray-Jade Chen,Chih-Yuan Fu,Shih-Chi Wu,Yu-Chun Wang,Ping-Kuei Chung,Hung-Chang Huang, Jui-Chien Huang, Chih-Wei Lu. Diagnostic accuracy, biohazard safety, and cost effectiveness - the Lodox/Statscan provides a beneficial alternative for the primary evaluation of patients with multiple traumas. . Journal of Trauma .2010 ;(4):826-830

86. 2009 Chih-Yuan Fu,Shih-Chi Wu,Ray-Jade Chen,Yu-Chun Wang,Ping-Kuei Chung,Chun-Chieh Yeh,Hung-Chang Huang. Evaluation of Pelvic fracture stability and the need for angioembolization: pelvic instabilities on plain film have an increased probability of requiring angioembolization . American Journal of Emergency Medicine .2009 ;(7):792-796

87. 2009 Ray-Jade Chen,His-Chin Wu,Mu-Hsin Chang,Chao-Hung Lai,Yun-Chen Tien,Jin-Ming Hwang,Wu-Hsien Kuo,Fuu-Jen Tsai,Chang-Hai Tsai, Li-Mien Chen,Chih-Yang Huang. Leu27IGF-II plays opposite role to IGF-I to induce H9c2 cardiomyoblast cell apoptosis via G{alpha}q signaling . Journal of Molecular Endocrinology .2009 ;(6):221-230

88. 2009 Chun-Chieh Yeh,Chi-Hsun Hsieh,Yu-Chun Wang,Ping Kuei Chung,Ray-Jade Chen. Concomitant aortic valve and internal mammary artery injuries in blunt chest trauma: report of a case . Surgery today .2009 ;(9):790-794

89. 2008 Chih-Yuan Fu,Shih-Chi Wu,Ray-Jade Chen. Lodox/Statscan provides rapid identification of bullets in multiple gunshot wounds . American Journal of Emergency Medicine .2008 ;(8):965e5-e7

90. 2008 Shih-Chi Wu,Ray-Jade Chen,Albert D Yang,Cheng-Cheng Tung,Kun-Hua Lee. Complication associated with embolization in the treatment of blunt splenic trauma . World Journal of Surgery .2008 ;(3):476-482

91. 2006 Yu-Chun Wang,Horng-Ren Yang,Ping-Kuei Chung,Long-Bin Jeng,Ray-Jade Chen. Laparoscopic Appendectomy in the Elderly . SURG ENDOSC .2006 ;(20):887-889

92. 2006 Horng-Ren Yang,Huai-Hsu Huang,Yu-Chun Wang,Chi-Hsun Hsieh,Ping-Kuei Chung,Long-Bin Jeng,Ray-Jade Chen. Management of Right Colon Diverticulitis:A Ten-Year Experience . WORLD J SURG .2006 ;(30):1929-1934

93. 2006 Hong-Ren Yang,Yu-Chun Wang,Ping-Kuei Chung,Wei-Kung Chen,Long-Bin Jeng,Ray-Jade Chen. Laboratory Tests in Patients with Acute Appendicitis . ANZ Journal of Surgery .2006 ;(76):71-74

94. 2006 Horng-Ren Yang,Huai-Hsu Huang,Yu-Chun Wang,Chi-Hsun Hsieh,Ping-Kuei Chung,Long-Bin Jeng,Ray-Jade Chen. Management of Right Colon Diverticulitis: A Ten-Year Experience . World Journal of Surgery .2006 ;(30):1929-1934

95. 2006 Yu-Chun Wang,Horng-Ren Yang,Ping-Kuei Chung,Long-Bin Jeng,Ray-Jade Chen. Laparoscopic Appendectomy in the Elderly . Surgical Endoscopy .2006 ;(20):887-889

96. 2005 Hong-Ren Yang,Yu-Chun Wang,Ping-Kuei Chung,Wei-Kung Chen,Long-Bin Jeng,Ray-Jade Chen. Role of Leukocyte Count, Neutrophil Percentage, and C-reactive Protein in the Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis in the Elderly . American Surgeon .2005 ;(71):344-347


109 新冠肺炎胸部影像人工智慧警示系統

109 新冠肺炎胸部影像人工智慧警示系統

108 探討檜木醇治療缺血再灌注之肝損傷的新策略(1/3)

106 價創計畫:使用人工智慧來建構智慧醫院及健康照護生態圈-從疾病到健康與樂活

104 利用缺血性休克動物模式評估檜木醇的作用及其抑制機轉

103 參與「第七屆臺美生醫工程論壇」

103 創新醫療科技發展-推動3D生物列印系統與行動健康醫療服務(mHealth)之技術應用

102 怡仁醫院評估專案

100 出血性休克造成大白鼠肝臟細胞凋亡、發炎、自噬作用與器官功能反應及Ligustrazine保護作用機制之探討

99 全民健保特殊材料納入部分給付之評估模式研究

99 降低出血性休克所引發大白鼠之氧化壓力—探討6-磷酸葡萄糖水解酶之角色與其它抗氧化途徑之交互作用(3-3)

98 降低出血性休克所引發大白鼠之氧化壓力—探討6-磷酸葡萄糖水解之角色與其它抗氧化途徑之交互作用(2-3)