周志銘(Chou, Chih-Ming) 副教授

現   職
生物化學暨細胞分子生物學科 副教授


學 歷

國立臺灣大學動物學系 博士
私立輔仁大學生物學類 碩士
私立輔仁大學生物學系 學士




2012/10/01 ~ 2016/10/31
2007/08/01 ~
2006/02/01 ~




protein expresion
gene cloning
Southern, Western analysis
cell culture
cDNA library construction



1. 2023 Cheng-Yu Wang,Chih-Ming Chou,Cheng-Ying Chu,Amy Chen,En-Hsin Liu ,Cheng-Yang Liu, Yu-Lin Amy Lee, Fwu-Long Mi, Chia-Hsiung Cheng. A low-molecular-weight chitosan fluorometric-based assay for evaluating antiangiogenic drugs . Int J Biol Macromol .2023 ;(224):927-937

2. 2022 Yi-Ping Chen,Chih-Ming Chou,Tsu-Yuan Chang,Hao Ting,Julien Dembélé,You-Tai Chu, Tsang-Pai Liu, Chun A. Changou, Chien-Wei Liu, Chien-Tsu Chen. Bridging Size and Charge Effects of Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for Crossing the Blood-Brain Barrier . Front Chem . .2022 ;(10):931584-931584

3. 2022 Leung, S. W.,Cheng, P. C.,Chou, C. M.,Lin, C.,Kuo, Y. C.,Lee, Y. A., Liu, C. Y., Mi, F. L., Cheng, C. H.. A novel low-molecular-weight chitosan/gammapolyglutamic acid polyplexes for nucleic acid delivery into zebrafish larvae . International Journal of Biological Macromolecules .2022 ;(194):384-394

4. 2020 Ho KH,Chen PH,Chou CM, Shih CM,Lee YT,Cheng CH, Chen KC. A Key Role of DNA Damage-Inducible Transcript 4 (DDIT4) Connects Autophagy and GLUT3-Mediated Stemness To Desensitize Temozolomide Efficacy in Glioblastomas. . Neurotherapeutics .2020

5. 2020 Fucoidan from Laminaria japonica exerts antitumor effects on angiogenesis and micrometastasis in triple-negative breast cancer cells. . Int J Biol Macromol. .2020

6. 2020 Chou CM,Mi FL,Horng JL,Lin LY,Tsai ML,Liu CL, Lu KY, Chu CY, Chen YT, Lee YA, Cheng CH. Characterization and toxicology evaluation of low molecular weight chitosan on zebrafish . Carbohydr Polym. .2020 ;(240):116164

7. 2020 Lee KY,Shueng PW,Chou CM,Lin BX,Lin MH,Kuo DY, Tsai IL, Wu SM, Lin CW. Elevation of CD109 promotes metastasis and drug resistance in lung cancer via activation of EGFR-AKT-mTOR signaling. . Cancer Sci. .2020 ;(111):1652-1662

8. 2020 Lee KY,Kuo TC,Chou CM,Hsu WJ,Lee WC,, Dai JZ, Wu SM, Lin CW. Upregulation of CD109 Promotes the Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition and Stemness Properties of Lung Adenocarcinomas via Activation of the Hippo-YAP Signaling . Cells .2020 ;(10)

9. 2019 Hsu SP,Lin PH,Chou CM,Lee WS. Progesterone up-regulates p27 through an increased binding of the progesterone receptor-A-p53 protein complex onto the non-canonical p53 binding motif in HUVEC . J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol .2019 ;(185):163-171

10. 2019 Ho KH,Cheng CH,Chou CM,Chen PH,Liu AJ,Lin CW, Shih CM, Chen KC. miR-140 targeting CTSB signaling suppresses the mesenchymal transition and enhances temozolomide cytotoxicity in glioblastoma multiforme. . Pharmacological Reports .2019 ;(147):104390

11. 2019 Chen KC,Chen PH,Ho KH,Shih CM,Chou CM,Cheng CH, Lee CC. IGF-1-enhanced miR-513a-5p signaling desensitizes glioma cells to temozolomide by targeting the NEDD4L-inhibited Wnt/β-catenin pathway.. . PLoS One .2019

12. 2018 Wen HC,Huo YN,Chou CM,Lee WS. PMA inhibits endothelial cell migration through activating the PKC-δ/Syk/NF-κB-mediated up-regulation of Thy-1 . Sci Rep. .2018 ;(8):16247

13. 2017 Huang CJ,Chou CM,Lien HW ,Chu CY,Ho JY,Wu Y, Cheng CH. IRF9-Stat2 Fusion Protein as an Innate Immune Inducer to Activate Mx and Interferon-Stimulated Gene Expression in Zebrafish Larvae . Marine Biotechnology .2017 ;(19):1-10

14. 2016 Liu TP,Chen YP,Chou CM,Chiu TT,Chen CT. Therapeutic evaluation of HIV transduction basic domain-conjugated superoxide dismutase solution on suppressive effects of the formation of peroxynitrite and expression of COX-2 in murine skin. . J Biomed Sci. .2016 ;(23):11

15. 2016 Kuo ML,Lee MB,Tang M,den Besten W,Hu S,Sweredoski MJ, Hess S, Chou CM, Changou CA, Su M, Jia W, Su L, Yen Y. PYCR1 and PYCR2 Interact and Collaborate with RRM2B to Protect Cells from Overt Oxidative Stress . Sci Rep. .2016 ;(6):18846

16. 2016 Hung CC,Lin CH,Chang H,Wang CY,Lin SH,Hsu PC, Sun YY, Lin TN, Shie FS, Kao LS, Chou CM, Lee YH. Astrocytic GAP43 Induced by the TLR4/NFκB/STAT3 Axis Attenuates Astrogliosis-Mediated Microglial Activation and Neurotoxicity . J Neurosci .2016 ;(36):2027-2043

17. 2016 Yen TL,Wu MP,Chung CL,Yang WB,Jayakumar T,Geraldine P, Chou CM, Chang CY, Lu WJ, Sheu JR.. Novel synthetic benzimidazole-derived oligosaccharide, M3BIM, prevents ex vivo platelet aggregation and in vivo thromboembolism. . J Biomed Sci. .2016 ;(23):26-26

18. 2016 Lin YH,Chen YP,Liu TP,Chien FC,Chou CM,Chen CT, Mou CY. Approach To Deliver Two Antioxidant Enzymes with Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles into Cells . ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. .2016 ;(8):17944-17954

19. 2016 Lien HW,Yuan RY,Chou CM,Chen YC,Hung CC,Hu CH, Hwang SP, Hwang PP, Shen CN, Chen CL, Cheng CH, Huang CJ. Zebrafish cyclin Dx is required for development of motor neuron progenitors, and its expression is regulated by hypoxia-inducible factor 2α. . Sci Rep. .2016 ;(6):28297

20. 2015 Liu TP,Wu SH,Chen YP,Chou CM,Chen CT. Biosafety evaluations of well-dispersed mesoporous silica nanoparticles: towards in vivo-relevant conditions . Nanoscale .2015 ;(7):6471-6480

21. 2015 Chen MC,Zhou B,Zhang K,Yuan YC,Un F,Hu S, Chou CM, Chen CH, Wu J, Wang Y, Liu X, Smith L, Warde. The Novel Ribonucleotide Reductase Inhibitor COH29 Inhibits DNA Repair In Vitro. . Mol Pharmacol. .2015 ;(87):996-1005

22. 2015 Chou CM,Chen YC,Su S,Chen GD,Huang KY,Lien HW, Huang CJ, Cheng CH.. Activation of MEK2 is sufficient to induce skin papilloma formation in transgenic zebrafish . J Biomed Sci. .2015 ;(22)

23. 2015 Lee WY,Lee WT,Cheng CH,Chen KC,Chou CM,Chung CH, Sun MS, Cheng HW, Ho MN, Lin CW. Repositioning antipsychotic chlorpromazine for treating colorectal cancer by inhibiting sirtuin 1 . Oncotarget .2015 ;(6):27580-27595

24. 2015 Su WT,Chou WL,Chou CM. Osteoblastic differentiation of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth induced by thermosensitive hydrogels with strontium phosphate . Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl. .2015 ;(52):46-53

25. 2014 Han HW,Chou CM,Chu CY,Cheng CH,Yang CH,Hung CC Hwang PP Lee SJ Liao YF Huang CJ. The Nogo-C2/Nogo Receptor Complex Regulates the Morphogenesis of Zebrafish Lateral Line Primordium through Modulating the Expression of dkk1b, a Wnt Signal Inhibitor . PLoS One .2014 ;(9):e86345-e86345

26. 2014 Cheng CH,Chou CM,Chu CY,Chen GD,Lien HW,Hwang PP, Chang MS, Huang CJ. Differential regulation of Tetraodon nigroviridis Mx gene promoter activity by constitutively-active forms of STAT1, STAT2, and IRF9 . Fish Shellfish Immunol. .2014 ;(38):230-243

27. 2014 Su WT,Wang YT,Chou CM. Optimal fluid flow enhanced mineralization of MG-63 cells in porous chitosan scaffold . Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers .2014 ;(45):1111-1118

28. 2013 Chen YP,Chen CT,Hung Y,Chou CM,Liu TP,Liang MR, Chen CT, Mou CY. A New Strategy for Intracellular Delivery of Enzyme Using Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles: Superoxide Dismutase . J. Am. Chem. Soc. .2013 ;(135):1516-1523

29. 2012 Tsai FC,Wang MC,Lo JF,Chou CM,Lin YL. Spatiotemporal dynamics of the biological interface between cancer and the microenvironment: a fractal anomalous diffusion model with microenvironment plasticity . Theor Biol Med Model .2012 ;(9):1-12

30. 2011 Tsai FC,Pai MH,Chiu CC,Chou CM,Hsieh MS. Denervation Dynamically Regulates Integrin alpha7 Signaling Pathways and Microscopic Structures in Rats . J Trauma .2011 ;(70):220-227

31. 2011 Coward K,Ponting CP,Zhang N,Young C,Huang CJ,Chou CM, Kashir J, Fissore RA, Parrington J. Identification and functional analysis of an ovarian form of the egg activation factor phospholipase C zeta (PLCζ) in pufferfish . Mol Reprod Dev. .2011 ;(78):48-56

32. 2010 Tsai FC,Hsieh MS,Chou CM. Comparison between neurectomy and botulinum toxin A injection for denervated skeletal muscle . J Neurotrauma. .2010 ;(27):1509-1516

33. 2010 Lee FP,Jen CY,Chang CC,Chou Y,Lin H,Chou CM, Juan SH. Mechanisms of adiponectin-mediated COX-2 induction and protection against iron injury in mouse hepatocytes. . J Cell Physiol. .2010 ;(224):837-847

34. 2010 Sun YY,Wang CY,Hsu MF,Juan SH,Chang CY,Chou CM, Yang LY, Hung KS, Xu J, Lee YH, Hsu CY. Glucocorticoid protection of oligodendrocytes against excitotoxin involving hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha in a cell-type-specific manner. . J Neurosci. .2010 ;(30):9621-9630

35. 2010 Lin YF,Yeh TS,Chen SF,Tsai YH,Chou CM,Yang YY, Huang HM. Nonmuscle Myosin IIA (Myosin Heavy Polypeptide 9): A Novel Class of Signal Transducer Mediating the Activation of G{alpha}h/Phospholipase C-{delta}1 Pathway. . Endocrinology .2010 ;(151):876-885

36. 2010 Sung SC,Cheng CH,Chou CM,Chu CY,Chen GD,Hwang PP, Huang FL, Huang CJ. Expression and characterization of a constitutively active STAT6 from Tetraodon . Fish Shellfish Immunol .2010 ;(28):819-828

37. 2010 Tsai FC,Liu WM,Pai MH,Hsieh MS,Lin JY,Chou CM. Downregulation of the Integrin α(v) Signaling Pathway in Uterine Leiomyomas . Gynecol Obstet Invest .2010 ;(71):129-135

38. 2009 Lin CH,Chen CC,Chou CM,Wang CY,Hung CC,Chen JY, Chang HW, Chen YC, Yeh GC, Lee YH. Knockdown of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor attenuates excitotoxicity and enhances NMDA-induced BDNF expression in cortical neurons. . J Neurochem. .2009 ;(111):777-789

39. 2008 Yeh MS,Cheng CH,Chou CM,Hsu YL,Chu CY,Chen GD, Chen ST, Chen GC, Huang CJ. Expression and characterization of two STAT isoforms from Sf9 cells . Dev Comp Immunol. 2008;32(7):814-24. Epub 2007 Dec 26. .2008 ;(32):814-824

40. 2008 Lin CH,Juan SH,Wang CY,Sun YY,Chou CM,Chang SF, Hu SY, Lee WS, Lee YH.. Neuronal activity enhances aryl hydrocarbon receptor-mediated gene expression and dioxin neurotoxicity in cortical neurons. . J Neurochem. .2008 ;(104):1415-1429

41. 2008 Tsai FC,Mardini S,Fong TH,Kang JH,Chou CM. Selective neurectomy of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles for calf hypertrophy: an anatomical study and 700 clinical cases . Plast Reconstr Surg .2008 ;(122):178-187

42. 2006 Chou CM,Chen YC,Lee MT,Chen GD,Lu IC,Chen ST, Huang CJ. Expression and characterization of a brain-specific protein kinase BSK146 from zebrafish . Biochemical and biophysical research Communications .2006 ;(340):767-775

43. 2006 Huang YH,Shih CM,Huang CJ,Lin CM,Chou CM,Tsai ML, Liu TP, Chiu JF, Chen CT. Effects of cadmium on structure and enzymatic activity of Cu,Zn-SOD and oxidative status in neural cells . J Cell Biochem. .2006

44. 2006 Chen GD,Chou CM,L. Hwang SP,Wang FF,Chen YC,Hung CC, Chen JY, Huang CJ. Requirement of nuclear localization and transcriptional activity of p53 for its targeting to the yolk syncytial layer (YSL) nuclei in zebrafish embryo and its use for apoptosis assay.(in press) . Biochemical and biophysical research Communications .2006 ;(344):272-282

45. 2005 Chou CM,,Huang CJ,,Shih CM,,Chen YP,,Liu TP,,Chen CT. Identification of Three Mutations in the Cu, Zn-Superoxide Dismutase(Cu,Zn-SOD) Gene with Familial Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis . Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. .2005 ;(1042):303-313

46. 2004 Wu HS,Hsieh YC,Su IJ,Lin TH,Chiu SC,Hsiao PW, Chang GD, Chou CM, Huang CJ. Early Detection of Antibodies against Various Structural Proteins of the SARSAssociated . J. Biomed. Sci. .2004 ;(11):117-126

47. 2004 Lin CC,Chou CM,Hsu YL,Lien JC,Wang YM,Chen ST, Tsai SC, Hsiao PW, Huang CJ. Characterization of two mosquito STATs, AaSTAT and CtSTAT: differential regulationof tyrosine phosphorylation and DNA binding activity by LPS treatment and by Japanese encephalitis virus infection . J. Bio. Chem. .2004 ;(279):3308-3317

48. 2004 Chang MH,Chou CM,Hsieh YC,Lu IC,Devi MK,Chang JP, Kuo TF, Huang CJ. Identification of 5'-upstream region of pufferfish ribosomal protein L29 gene as a strong constitutive promoter to drive GFP expression in zebrafish . Biochem Biophys Res Commun. .2004 ;(314):249-258

49. 2004 Tsai PL,Chen CH,Huang CJ,Chou CM,Chang GD. Purification and cloning of an endogenous protein inhibitor of carp nephrosin, an astacin metalloproteinase . J Biol Chem. .2004 ;(279):11146-11155

50. 2004 Chang MH,Huang CJ,Hwang SP,Lu IC,Lin CM,Kuo TF, Chou CM. Zebrafish heparin-binding neurotrophic factor enhances neurite outgrowth during its development . Biochem Biophys Res Commun .2004 ;(321):502-509

51. 2003 Sung SG,Fan TJ,Chou CM,Leu JH,Hsu YL,Yeh MS, Chen ST and Huang CJ. Genomic structure, expression and characterization of a STAT5 homologue from pufferfish (Tetraodon fluviatilis) . Eur. J. Biochem .2003 ;(270):239-252

52. 2003 Hsieh YC, Chang MS, Chen JY, Yen JJ, Lu IC, Chou CM, Huang CJ. Cloning of zebrafish BAD, a BH3-only proapoptotic protein, whose overexpression leads to apoptosis in COS-1 cells and zebrafish embryos . Biochem Biophys Res Commun. .2003 ;(304):667-675

53. 2002 Chen LL,Leu JH,Huang CJ,Chou CM,Chen SM,Wang CH, Lo CF, and Kou GH. Identification of a nucleocapsid protein (VP35) gene of shrimp white spot syndrome virus and characterization of the motif important for targeting VP35 to the nuclei of transfected insect cells. . Virology. .2002 ;(293):44-53

54. 2000 Tsai, M. F., Lo, C. F., van Hulten M. C. W., Tzeng, H. F., Chou, C. M., Huang, C. J., Wang, C. H., Lin, J. Y., Vlak, J. M. and Kou, G. H.. Transcriptional analysis of the ribonucleotide reductase genes of shrimp white spot syndrome virus . Virology .2000 ;(277):92-99

55. 2000 Tsai, M. F., Yu, H. T., Tzeng, H. F., Sun, S. W., Leu, J. H., Chou, C. M., Huang, C. J., Wang, C. H., Lin, J. Y., Kou, G. H. and Lo, C. F. Identification and characterization of a shrimp white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) gene that encodes a novel chimeric polypeptide of cellular-type thymidine kinase and thymidylate kinase . Virology .2000 ;(277):100-110

56. 2000 Tsai, S. C., Leu, J. H., Chou, C. M., Yeh, M. S., Huang, F. L., and Huang, C. J.. Genomic organization and the promoter region of the round-spotted pufferfish (Tetraodon fluviatilis) CDC37 gene. . Biochimi. Biophy. Acta .2000 ;(1494):144-148

57. 2000 Leu, J. H., Yan, S. J., Lee, T. F., Chou, C. M., Chen, S. T., Hwang, P. P., Chou, C. K., and Huang, C. J.. The complete genomic organizations and promoter analysis of the round-spotted pufferfish JAK1, JAK2, JAK3 and TYK2 genes. . DNA and Cell Biol. .2000 ;(19):431-446

58. 1998 Chou, C. M., Lin, W. C., Leu, J. H., Su, T. L., Chou, C. K., and Huang C. J.. Isolation and identification of novel protein kinase genes from the round-spotted pufferfish (Tetraodon fluviatilis) genomic DNA . J. Biomed. Sci. .1998 ;(5):127-134

59. 1998 6. Hung, H. W., Lo, C. F., Tseng, C. C., Peng, S. E., Chou, C. M., and Kou, G. H.. The small subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequence of Pleistophora anguillarum and the use of PCR primers for diagnostic detection of the parasite. . J. Euk. Microbiol. .1998 ;(45):556-560

60. 1997 Chou, C. M., Huang, C. J., Lo, C. F., Kou, G. H. and Wang, C. H.. Molecular cloning and nucleotide sequences of the Perina nuda nucleopolyhedrovirus (PenuNPV) p10 gene. . Zoological studies .1997 ;(36):48-57

61. 1996 Chou, C. M., Huang, C. J., Lo, C. F., Kou, G. H. and Wang, C. H.. Characterization of Perina nuda nucleopolyhedrovirus (PenuNPV) polyhedrin gene . J. Invertebr. Pathol. .1996 ;(67):259-266

62. 1996 9. Lo. C.F., Leu, C. H., Ho, C. H., Chen, C. H., Peng, S. E., Chen. Y. T., Chou C. M., Yeh, P. Y., Huang, C. J., Chou, H. Y., Wang, C. H. and Kou, G.. Detection of baculovirus associated with ehite spot syndrome (WSBV) in penaeid shrimps using polymerase chain reaction. . Dis. Aquat. Org. .1996 ;(25):133-141

63. 1996 Wang, C. H., Chou, C. M., Liu, H. C., Kau, S. L., Kou, G. H. and Lo, C. F.. Continuous cell line from pupal ovary of Perina nuda (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) that is permissive to nuclear polyhedrosis virus from P. nuda. . J. Invertebr. Pathol. .1996 ;(67):199-204

64. 1995 Kou, G. H., Wang, C. H., Hung H. W., Jang, Y. S., Chou C. M. and Lo. C. F. A cell line (EP-1 cell line) derived from “Beko disease” affected Japanese eel elver (Anguilla japonica) persistently infected with Pleistophora anguillarum. . Aquaculture .1995 ;(132):161-173

65. 1995 Lo. C.F., Chi, S. C., Tien, N. Y., Yu, P. J., Chou C. M., Chen, S. N., Wang, C. H. and Kou, G. H.. The sequential changes of the virion polypeptides of CV HB1 virus (Birnaviridae) during serial undiluted passaging. . Aquaculture .1995 ;(132):73-80

66. 1995 13. Wang, C. H., Lo, C.F., Leu, J. H., Chou, C. M., Yeh, P. Y., Chou, H. Y., Tung, M. C., Chang, C. F., Su, M. S., and Kou G. H.. Purification and genomic analysis of baculovirus associated with white spot syndrome (WSBV) of Penaeus monodon. . Dis. Aquat. Org .1995 ;(23):239-242

1. 2014 Ting H,Chen GD,Chen YC,Huang CJ,Chou CM. Characterization of syndecan-3 function during the early developmental embryonic stage from zebrafish . 2014-International zebrafish development and genetic meeting .2014

2. 2005 Huang CJ,,Chu CY,,Lu IC,,Chou CM. Modulation of neurite outgrowth in zebrafish. . 4th European Zebrafish Genetics and Development Meeting, Dresden Germany July. 13-16, 2005. .2005

3. 2004 Chou CM,Chu CY,Lu IC,Huang CJ. Enhancement and inhibition of neurite outgrowth in zebrafish . The 1st TMU Neuroscience Symposium, Sep. 17-18, 2004. .2004

4. 2004 Chu CY,Chou CM,Lu IC,Huang CJ. Enhancement and inhibition of neurite outgrowth in zebrafish . Internation Workshop on Fish Genetics and Development-Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan China Oct.11-14, 2004 .2004

5. 2002 Leu, J. H., Chou, C. M., Sung, S. C., Lin, Y. T., Tsai, S. C., Dei, P. J., and Huang, C. J.. Molecular cloning and characterization of JAK2b from pufferfish (Tetraodon fluviatilis). Poster in 5th International Conference on Zebrafish Development & Genetics, sponsored by Univeresity of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, June 12-16, 2002 . .2002

6. 2002 Hsieh, Y. C., Chou, C. M., Chu, C. Y., Lin, Y. T., Tsai, S. C., Dei, P. J., and Huang, C. J.. Overexpression of zebrafish NIP3 proteins induced apoptosis in both cultured cells and zebrafish embryos. Oral presentation in the 4th Asian-Pacific Organization for Cell Biology Congress, sponsored by the Asian-Pacific Organization for Cell Biology and S . .2002

7. 2001 Leu, J. H., Sung, S. C., Yeh, M. S., Chou, C. M., Chen, S. T., and Huang, C. J.. Expression and characterization of all members of the JAK-STAT signal transduction in pufferfish. Oral presentation in a symposium on aquatic biology: development, growth, adaptation and defense. Sponsored by Interchange Association, Japan and National Sc . .2001

8. 2001 Sung, S. C., Lee, P. S., Fan, T. J., Hsu, Y. L., Chou, C. M., Yeh, M. S., Leu, J. H., and Huang, C. J.. Expression and characterization of constitutively active STAT5 from the round-spotted pufferfish and zebrafish. Poster in the symposium of International Marine Biotechnology, sponsored by Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. April 1 . .2001

9. 2000 Leu, J. H., Chou, C. M., Lee, T. F., Lin, C. J., Sung, S. C., Fan, T. J., Yao, C. W., Chen, S. T., and Huang, C. J.. The use of pufferfish and zebrafish as model organisms for genomic structure analysis and identification of novel genes. Oral presentation in the eighth symposium on recent advances in cellular and molecular biology, Ken-Din, Ping-Dong, January 31, 2000. . .2000

10. 2000 Chou, C. M., Lin, C. C., Lin, Y. T., Wu, H. S., Leu, J. H., Chen, S. T., Tsou, A. P., Chou, C. K., and Huang, C. J.. Functional characterization of human genes by injection of dsRNA into the zebrafish embryos. Poster in a symposium on Frontier in Genomic Mediceine sponsered by National Science Council, Taipei, May 29-31, 2000. . .2000

11. 2000 Sung, S. C., Fan, T. J., Leu, J. H., Chou, C. M., and Huang, C. J.. Expression and characterization of six constitutively active STATs from the round-spotted pufferfish (Tetraodon fluviatilis) Poster in “The Sixth Asian Conference on Transcription, ACT-VI”, Beijing, China, October 23-27, 2000. . .2000

12. 2000 Leu, J. H., Chou, C. M., Lee, T. F., Lin, C. J., Sung, S. C., Fan, T. J., Yao, C. W., Chen, S. T., and Huang, C. J.. The use of pufferfish and zebrafish as model organisms for genomic structure analysis and identification of novel genes. Abstract in the eighth symposium on recent advances in cellular and molecular biology, Ken-Din, Ping-Dong, January 31, 2000. . .2000

13. 1999 Chou, C. M., Lee, T. F., Leu, J. H., Chen, S. T., Wang, J. I., Hwang, P. P., and Huang, C. J.. Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel protein kinase expressed predominantly in the brain from zebrafish. Poster in a symposium on development and genetics of zebrafish sponsered by Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, June 7-9, 1999. . .1999

14. 1999 Leu, J. H., Yan, S. J., Chou, C. M., Lee, T. F., Chen, S. T., Hwang, P. P., Chou, C. K., and Huang, C. J.. Isolation and characterization of JAK/STAT signaling molecules and novel protein kinases from round-spotted pufferfish (Tetraodon fluviatilis). Abstract in a symposium on protein kinases sponsered by Department of Medical Research, Veterans General Hospit . .1999


102 斑馬魚 DnaJA3 與其結合蛋白在胚胎發育時期功能之研究

102 斑馬魚 DNAJA3 與其結合蛋白在胚胎發育時期功能之研究

101 斑馬魚 DnaJA3a/DnaJA3b 與其結合蛋白在胚胎發育時期功能之研究

101 動態培養對PC12細胞存活與分化表現的影響

100 斑馬魚 DnaJA3a 與 DnaJA3b 基因在胚胎發育時期功能之研究

96 斑馬魚 syndecan-3 基因在胚胎型態發育過程中功能之分析

95 斑馬魚胚胎發育過程 syndecan-3 基因功能之分析

94 斑馬魚 syndecan-3 基因之表現與功能鑑定

94 利用斑馬魚系統進行藥物篩選

93 斑馬魚具腦部特異性表現新穎蛋白激脢基因 (zBSK146) 之選殖與功能鑑定

92 具腦部特異性表現新穎蛋白激脢基因(BSK146)之選殖與功能鑑定(3/3)

91 具腦部特異性表現新穎蛋白激脢基因(BSK146)之選殖與功能鑑定(2/3)

90 具腦部特異性表現新穎蛋白激脢基因(BSK146)之選殖與功能鑑定(1/3)

89 具腦部特異性表現的斑馬魚新穎蛋白激脢基因之選殖與功能鑑定