朱娟秀(Chu, Jan-Show) 副教授

現   職
病理學科 副教授
副校長室 副校長


學 歷

國立臺灣大學病理學研究所 碩士
私立臺北醫學院醫學系 學士




2023/01/01 ~ 2024/01/31
2022/08/01 ~ 2022/12/31
2019/01/01 ~
2015/03/04 ~ 2016/01/31
2015/02/01 ~ 2016/01/31
2013/08/01 ~ 2019/07/31
2013/08/01 ~ 2019/07/31
2013/08/01 ~ 2015/08/15
2012/02/01 ~ 2013/07/31
2011/08/16 ~ 2013/07/31
2011/01/15 ~ 2011/04/30
2007/08/01 ~
2003/12/01 ~ 2011/08/15
2000/08/01 ~ 2014/01/31




乳房病理Breast pathology



1. 2023 Tseng SH,Lee CJ,Chen SH,Chen CH,Tsai PW,Hsieh MS, Chu JS, Wang CC. Cinnamic aldehyde, an anti-inflammatory component in Du-Huo-Ji-Sheng-Tang, ameliorates arthritis in II collagenase and monosodium iodoacetate induced osteoarthritis rat models. . Journal of Traditional & Complementary Medicine. .2023 ;(13):51-61

2. 2023 Li CH,Fang CY,Chan MH,Lu PJ,Ger LP,Chu JS, Chang YC, Chen CL, Hsiao M. The activation of EP300 by F11R leads to EMT and acts as a prognostic factor in triple-negative breast cancers. . The Journal of Pathology. Clinical Research. .2023 ;(9):165-181

3. 2022 Wu JC,Tang KP,Hsu YH,Yang YT,Chu JS,Lin YK, Hou WH. Medical undergraduates’ self‑evaluation: before and after curriculum reform. . BMC Medical Education. .2022 ;(22):296

4. 2022 Chang WT,Shih JY,Lin YW,Huang TL,Chen ZC,Chen CL, Chu JS, Liu PY.. miR-21 upregulation exacerbates pressure overload-induced cardiac hypertrophy in aged hearts. . Aging .2022 ;(14):5925-5945

5. 2020 Yang YT,Chu JS,Tang KP,Hsu YH . An innovative assignment improving empathy, communication and dementia screening skill . Medical Education .2020 ;(54):455-456

6. 2020 Ngoc PN,Cheng CL,Lin YK,Wu MS,Chu JS,Tang KP. A meta-analysis of students' readiness assurance test performance with team-based learning . BMC Medical Education .2020 ;(20)

7. 2020 Yang YT,Hsu YH,Tang KP,Wang C ,Timmon S,Chiu WT, Annavajjula S, CHU JS. Case study: international healthcare service quality, building a model for cultivating cultural sensitivity . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2020 ;(32):639-642

8. 2019 Tang KP,Yang YT,Chu JS,Hsu YH. From indifference to internalisation: the definition of good doctors by CanMEDS Roles . Medical Education .2019 ;(53):502-503

9. 2019 Kuo CY,Lin SH,Lee KD,Cheng SJ,Chu JS,Tu SH. Transcatheter arterial chemoembolization improves the resectability of malignant breast phyllodes tumor with angiosarcoma component: a case report . BMC Surgery 2019 .2019 ;(19):100

10. 2018 Chang YS,Wang KH,Tsai HH,Hu CH,Chu JS. Purpuric halo around hemangioma as a clue for primary systemic amyloidosis: Case report and review of literature . DERMATOLOGICA SINICA .2018 ;(36):42-45

11. 2018 Ho YF,Chou HY,Chu JS,Lee PI. Comedication with interacting drugs predisposes amiodarone users in cardiac and surgical intensive care units to acute liver injury A retrospective analysis . Medicine .2018 ;(97):e12301

12. 2017 Chen KT,Chu JS,Lee CH. Radiotherapy Inducing Total Knee Prosthetic Component Loosening for Recurrent Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis following Joint Replacement . J Med Sci .2017 ;(37):168-171

13. 2017 Chen CW,Chu JS,Hsieh LC,Kao CC,Lin YC,Chen HH. Intestinal goblet cell carcinoid presenting with recurrent sterile peritonitis in a patient on peritoneal dialysis: a case report . BMC Nephrology .2017 ;(18):62

14. 2017 Yang TH,Wang KH,Tsai HH,Chu JS. Eruptive melanocytic nevi with malignant transformations and the connection to BRAF and p16 mutations . Dermatologica Sinica .2017 ;(35):30-33

15. 2016 Liew PL,Fang CY,Lee YC,Lee YC,Chen CL,Chu JS. DEF6 expression in ovarian carcinoma . Diagnostic Pathology .2016 ;(11):68

16. 2014 Lin RJ,Chu JS,Chien HL,Tseng CH,Ko PC,Mei YY, Tang WC, Kao YT, Cheng HY, Liang YC, Lin SY. MCPIP1 Suppresses Hepatitis C Virus Replication and Negatively Regulates Virus-Induced Proinflammatory Cytokine Responses . Journal of Immunology .2014 ;(193):4159-4168

17. 2014 Hsu HA,Wu CY,Chu JS,Lin LH,Lu CA,Ou KL. Effect of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 and Ling Zhi-8 on osteogenesis: a comparative study using a rabbit sinus model. . J Oral Maxil Surg .2014 ;(72):1703e1-1703e1

18. 2014 Ou KL,Chu JS,Hosseinkhani H,Chiou JF,Yu CH. Biomedical nanostructured coating for minimally invasive surgery devices applications: characterization, cell cytotoxicity evaluation and an animal study in rat. . Surgical Endoscopy .2014 ;(28):2174-2188

19. 2014 Hsiao WT,Kung CM,Chu JS,Ou KL,Peng, PW. Research of electrosurgical ablation with antiadhesive functionalization on thermal and histopathological effects of brain tissues in vivo. . BioMed Research International. .2014 ;(2014)

20. 2014 Chang C,Shiah HS,Hsu NY,Huang HY,Chu JS,Yen Y. Jejunal Cancer with WRN Mutation Identified from Next-Generation Sequencing: A Case Study and Minireview. Case Reports in Surgery. . Case Reports in Surgery .2014 ;(2014)

21. 2012 Chang ST,Hsieh YC,Kuo SY,Lu CL,Chu JS,Chuang SS. The Spectrum of T-cell and Natural Killer/T-cell Neoplasms with Leukaemic Presentation in a Single Institution in Taiwan. . Int. J. Lab. Hem .2012 ;(34):422-426

22. 2012 Shih HJ,Chu KL,Wu MH,Wu PH,Chang WW,Chu JS, Wang LH, Takeuchi H, Ouchi T, Hsu HL. The involvement of MCT-1 oncoprotein in inducing mitotic catastrophe and nuclear abnormalities . Cell Cycle .2012 ;(11):934-952

23. 2012 Huang CY,Su CT,Chung CJ,Pu YS,Chu JS,Yang HY, Wu CC, Hsueh YM. Urinary total arsenic and 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine are associated with renal cell carcinoma in an area without obvious arsenic exposure . Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology .2012 ;(262):349-354

24. 2012 Leung TK,Huang PJ,Sun LM,Chu JS,Chen CS,Lee CM, Wu CH, Chao JS. Silicone breast implant with intracapsular rupture coexisting with locally advanced carcinoma. . Breast Journal .2012 ;(18):76-77

25. 2012 Leung TK,Huang PJ,Liang HH,Hung CS,Chen CS,Chu JS, Liou HY, Lee CM, Wu CH. Retrospective Study of False-positive Breast Magnetic Resonance Images and Pathological Results in Taiwan . J Exp Clin Med .2012 ;(4):284-288

26. 2012 Shih CH,Tsai WH,Huang SW,Chu JS,Hsu SC,Hsu HC. Effects of high concentration oxygen treatment on traumatic pneumothorax in adult rabbits . Chin J Physiol .2012 ;(55):178-183

27. 2011 Huang CY,Chu JS,Pu YS,Wu CC,Chung CJ,Hsueh YM. Effect of Urinary Total Arsenic Level and Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate on the Risk of Renal Cell Carcinoma in a Low Arsenic Exposure Area . J Urol .2011 ;(185):2040-2044

28. 2011 Huang CY,Su CT,Chu JS,Huang SP,Pu YS,Yang HY, Chung CJ, Wu CC, Hsueh YM. The Polymorphisms of P53 codon 72 and MDM2 SNP309 and Renal Cell Carcinoma Risk in a Low Arsenic Exposure Area . Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology .2011 ;(257):349-355

29. 2010 Peng HC,Huang MT,Chen DJ,Leung TK,Chu JS. Pleomorphic hyalinizing angiectatic tumor of soft parts. . J Formos Med Assoc .2010 ;(109):616-620

30. 2010 Chen CL,Chu JS,Su WC,Huang SC,Lee WY. Hypoxia and metabolic phenotypes during breast carcinogenesis: expression of HIF-1α, GLUT1, and CAIX. . Virchows Arch .2010 ;(457):53-61

31. 2010 Chuang SS,Ichinohasama R,Chu JS,Ohshima K. Differential diagnosis of angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma with seropositivity for anti-HTLV antibody from adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma. . International Journal of Hematology .2010 ;(91):687-691

32. 2010 Tu SH,Chang CC,Chen CS,Tam KW,Wang YJ,Lee CH, Lin HW, Cheng TC, Huang CS, Chu JS, Shih NY, Chen LC, Leu SJ, Ho YS, Wu CH. Increased expression of enolase alpha in human breast cancer confers tamoxifen resistance in human breast cancer cells. . Breast Cancer Res Treat .2010 ;(121):539-553

33. 2010 Lee CH,Huang CS,Chen CS,Tu SH,Wang YJ,Chang YJ, Tam KW, Wei PL, Cheng TC, Chu JS, Chen LC, Wu CH, Ho YS. Overexpression and Activation of the {alpha}9-Nicotinic Receptor During Tumorigenesis in Human Breast Epithelial Cells . J Natl Cancer Inst .2010 ;(102):1322-1335

34. 2010 Leung TK,Chu JS,Huang PJ,Lin YH,Lee CM,Chen CS, Tai CJ, Wu CH. Breast MRI for monitoring images of an‘‘adenomyoepithelioma with malignant features’’,before, during, and after chemotherapy. . Breast J .2010 ;(16):652-653

35. 2009 Kasiappan R,Shih HJ,Chu KL,Chen WT,Liu HP,Huang SF, Choy CO, Shu CL, Din R, Chu JS, Hsu HL. Loss of p53 and MCT-1 overexpression synergistically promote chromosome instability and tumorigenicity . Molecular Cancer Research .2009 ;(7):536-548

36. 2009 Ana Mozos1,Hongtao Ye,Wen-Yu Chuang,Jan-Show Chu,Wan-Ting Huang,Han-Ku Chen, Yung-Hsiang Hsu, Chris M Bacon, Ming-Qing Du, Elias Campo1, Shih-Sung Chuang. Most primary adrenal lymphomas are diffuselarge B-cell lymphomas with non-germinalcenter B-cell phenotype, BCL6 generearrangement and poor prognosis. . Modern Pathology .2009 ;(22):1210-1217

37. 2009 Lin SS,Tai CJ,Lee WR,Chu JS,Wang KH. Giant eccrine adenocarcioma with skin and lymph node metastases: favourable response to chemotherapy . Journal of the European academy of dermatology and venereology .2009 ;(23):332-333

38. 2009 Liang HH,Wang W,Tiong C,Chang CC,Huang MT,Chu JS, Wu CH, Wei PL. Difficulty in swallowing . Gut .2009 ;(58):1316-1317

39. 2008 Chen CY,Chen PH,Yao MS,Chu JS,Chan WP. MRI of hemangioblastoma in the conus medullaris. . Computerized Medical Imaging & Graphics .2008 ;(32):78-81

40. 2008 Huang CS,Ho WL,Lee WS,Sheu MT,Wang YJ,Tu SH, Chen RJ, Chu JS, Chen LC, Lee CH, Tseng H,. SP1-regulated p27/Kip1 gene expression is involved in terbinafine-induced human A431 cancer cell differentiation: An in vitro and in vivo study. . Biochemical pharmacology .2008 ;(75):1783-1796

41. 2007 Lin JH,Tsai CH,Chu JS,Chen JY,Takada K,Shew JY. Dysregulation of HER2/HER3 signaling axis in Epstein-Barr virus-infected breast carcinoma cells . Journal of Virology .2007 ;(81):5705-5713

42. 2007 Liang HH,Chang CC,Chai CY,Tam KW,Chu JS,Huang MT, Wu CH, Chen SC, Chen CS. Repeated Intussusception Induced by Intestinal Lipomatosis: Report of a Case . Formos J Surg .2007 ;(40):45-50

43. 2006 Hsu CH,Wu CH,Chu JS. Metastatic cancer in thyroid detected by FDG PET. . Clinical Nuclear Medicine .2006 ;(31):51-52

44. 2006 Chen CY,Wong JS,Hsieh SC,Chu JS,Chan WP. Intracranial epidermoid cyst with hemorrhage: MRI findings . Am J Neuroradiol .2006 ;(27):427-429

45. 2006 Lee CH,Lin YH,Lin HY,Lee CM,Chu JS. Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor of the Prostate: A Case Report and Literature Review . Human Pathology .2006 ;(37):1361-1365

46. 2005 Yao MS,Chan WP,Chen CY,Chu JS,Hsieh SC. Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma of the Female breast: A Case Report. . Clinical Imaging .2005 ;(29):134-137

47. 2005 Liang YC,Wu CH,Chu JS,Wang CK,Hung LF,Wang YJ, Ho YS, Chang JG, Lin SY.. Involvement of fatty acid-CoA ligase in hepatocellular carcinoma growth: Roles of cyclic AMP and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase. . World J Gastroenterol .2005 ;(11):2557-2563

48. 2005 Lai SW,Chan WP,Chen CY,Chien CW,Chu JS,Chiu WT. MRI of Epidermoid Cyst of the Conus Medullaris . Spinal Cord .2005 ;(43):320-323

49. 2005 Chen KC,Chiu AW,Chiang HS,Chu JS,Cheng CJ. Gemcitabine/Carboplatin Chemotherapy for pure small cell carcinoma of the prostate: A case report. . Fu-Jen J Med .2005 ;(3):17-23

50. 2005 Ho YS,Chen CH,Wang YJ,Pestell RG,Albanese C,Chen RJ, Chang MC, Jeng JH, Lin SY, Liang YC, Tsen. Tobacco-specific carcinogen 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) induces cell proliferation in normal human bronchial epithelial cells through NFkappaB activation and cyclin D1 up-regulation. . Toxicology & Applied Pharmacology .2005 ;(205):133-148

51. 2004 Fang CL,Chu JS,Hsieh MC,Wu MS. Signet-ring cell carcinoma of the ampulla of Vater . J Formos Med Assoc .2004 ;(103):793-796

52. 2004 Chu JS,Shew JY,Huang CS. Immunohistochemical Analysis of Survivin Expression in Primary Breast Cancers. . J Formos Med Assoc .2004 ;(103):925-931

53. 2004 Chen WY,Chen CS,Chen HC,Hung YH,Chu JS. Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of the breast coexisting with infiltrating ductal carcinoma . Pathology International .2004 ;(54):781-786

54. 2004 Yang SC,Huang CC,Chu JS,Chen JR. Effects of beta-carotene on cell viability and antioxidant status of hepatocytes from chronically ethanol-fed rats. . British Journal of Nutrition .2004 ;(92):209-215

55. 2004 Chu JS. Prognostic factors in phyllodes tumor of the breast: Are immuohistochemical biomarkers useful? . Journal of the Chinese Medical Association .2004 ;(67):1-2

56. 2004 Wang KH,CHu JS,Lin YH,Hu CH,Lee WR. Milium-like syringoma: a case study on histogenesis. . J Cutan Pathol .2004 ;(31):336-340

57. 2003 Lee WS, Chen RJ, Wang YJ, Tseng H, Jeng JH, Lin SY, Liang YC, Chen CH, Lin CH, Lin JK, Ho PY, Chu JS, Ho WL, Chen LC, Ho YS.. In vitro and in vivo studies of the anticancer action of terbinafine in human cancer cell lines: G0/G1 p53-associated cell cycle arrest. . International Journal of Cancer .2003 ;(106):125-137

58. 2002 Wang YJ. Jeng JH. Chen RJ. Tseng H. Chen LC. Liang YC. Lin CH. Chen CH. Chu JS. Ho WL Ho YS.. Ketoconazole potentiates the antitumor effects of nocodazole: In vivo therapy for human tumor xenografts in nude mice. . Molecular Carcinogenesis. .2002 ;(34):199-210

59. 2002 Lung JC, Chu JS, Yu JC, Yue CT, Lo YL, Shen CY, Wu CW. Aberrant expression of cell-cycle regulator cyclin D1 in breast cancer is related to chromosomal genomic instability . Genes, chromosomes & cancer .2002 ;(34):276-284

60. 2002 Huang CC, Chen JR, Huang TI, Shieh MJ, Chu JS, Yang SC.. β-carotene prevents hepatic lipid accumulation in rats under chronic alcohol consumption. . Nutr Sci J .2002 ;(27):129-138

61. 2001 Chu JS. Recent advances in breast cancer pathology. . Formosan J Med .2001 ;(5):552-556

62. 2001 Mao TL, Chu JS, Jeng YM, Lai PL, Hsu HC.. Expression of mutant nuclear b-catenin correlates with non-invasive hepatocellular carcinoma, absence of portal vein spread, and good prognosis. . J Pathology .2001 ;(193):95-101

63. 2001 Chen CA, Cheng WF, Lee CN, Wei LH, Chu JS, Hsieh FJ, Hsidh CY.. Cytosol vascular endothelial growth factor in endometrial carcinoma: correlation with disease-free survival. . Gynecologic Oncology .2001 ;(80):207-212

64. 2000 Lee CN, Cheng WF, Chen CA, Chu JS, Hsieh CY, Hsieh FJ.. Angiogenesis of endometrial carcinomas assessed by measurement of intratumoral blood flow, microvessel density, and vascular endothelial growth factor levels. . Obstet Cynecol .2000 ;(96):615-621

65. 2000 Liew PL, Chu JS.. Clinical pathological conference: Case A98-7. . New Taipei Journal Medicine .2000 ;(2):73-80

66. 2000 Hsu HC, Jeng YM, Mao TZ, Chu JS, Lai PL, Peng SY.. -catenin mutations are associated with a subset of low stage hepatocellular carcinoma negative for hepatitis B virus and with favorable prognosis. . Am J Pathol. .2000 ;(157):763-770

67. 1999 Liu CJ, Kao JH, Lai MY, Chen PJ, Chu JS, Chen W and Chen DS. Hepatitis B, C, G and TT virus. Minimal role of GB virus-C/hepatitis G virus in fulminant and subfulminant hepatitis in Taiwan. . Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology .1999 ;(14):352-357

68. 1999 Chu JS and Chang KJ. Mucin expressin in mucinous carcinoma and other invasive carcinomas of the breast. . Cancer Letters .1999 ;(142):121-127

69. 1999 Chu JS, Huang CS and Chang KJ. p27 expression as a progenostic of breast cancer in Taiwan. . Cancer Letters .1999 ;(141):123-130

70. 1999 Cheng WF. Lee CN. Chu JS. Chen CA. Chen TM. Shau WY. Hsieh CY. Hsieh FJ.. Vascularity index as a novel parameter for the in vivo assessment of angiogenesis in patients with cervical carcinoma. . Cancer .1999 ;(85):651-657

71. 1999 Lin WT, Lin SJ, Ni YH, Chen HL, Wang HP, Chu JS, Chang MH.. Primary sclerosing cholangitis in a child. . J Formos Med Assoc .1999 ;(98):209-213

72. 1999 Chen YM. Wu KD. Hu-Tsai MI. Chu JS. Lai MK. Hsieh BS.. Differential expression of type 1 angiotensin II receptor mRNA and aldosterone responsiveness to angiotensin in aldosterone-producing adenoma. . Molecular & Cellular Endocrinology. .1999 ;(152):47-55

73. 1999 Huang CS. Wu CY. Chu JS. Lin JH. Hsu SM. Chang KJ.. Microcalcifications of non-palpable breast lesions detected by ultrasonography: correlation with mammography and histopathology. . Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology. .1999 ;(13):431-436

74. 1999 Cheng WF. Wei LH. Su YN. Cheng SP. Chu JS. Lee CN.. The possible use of colour flow Doppler in planning treatment in early invasive carcinoma of the cervix. . British Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. .1999 ;(106):1137-1142

75. 1998 Chu JS, Huang CS and Chang KJ. The prognostic significance of pathologic characteristics of breast cancer patients in Taiwan. . Tzu Chi Med. J. .1998 ;(10):265-271

76. 1998 Chu JS, Huang CS and Chang KJ. The prognostic significance of tumor angiognesis in Taiwanese patients with invasive ductal breast carcinomas. . Cancer Letters .1998 ;(134):7-14

77. 1998 Chu JS, Chen CC and Chang KJ. In situ detection of epstein-barr virus in breast cancer. . Cancer Letters .1998 ;(124):53-57

78. 1998 Chu JS, Huang CS and Chang KJ. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) immunolabeling as a progonostic factor in invasive ductal carcinoma of the breastin Taiwan. . Cancer Letters .1998 ;(131):145-152

79. 1998 Lee CC, Liu JY, Lin JK, Chu JS and Shew JY. p53 point mutation enhanced by hepatic regeneration in aflatoxin B1-induced rat liver tumors and preneoplastic lesions. . Cancer Letters .1998 ;(125):1-7

80. 1997 Chu JS, Lee WJ, Chang KJ and Hsu HC. Immunohistochemical analyses of p53 protein expression in breast cancers in Taiwan: a clinicopathologic study. . J. Formos. Med. Assoc. .1997 ;(96):237-241

81. 1997 Wei SC, Young PM, Chen CH, Chu JS, and Chen DS. Successful palliative treatment with intraperitoneal OK-432 injection for epithelioid haemangioendothelioma presenting with intractable ascites. . J Gastroentero Hepatol 12:39-43,1997. .1997 ;(12):39-43

82. 1996 Lee WJ, Chu JS, Huang CS, Chang MF, Chang KJ and Chen KM. Breast cancer vascularity: color doppler sonography and histopathology. . Breast Cancer Research and Treatment .1996 ;(37):291-298

1. 2012 Chu JS. 病理服務滿意度調查及品質提升專案 . 台灣健康照護聯合學術研討會 .2012

2. 2009 Chu JS. 八大癌症病理診斷報告完整性(海報) . 台灣健康照護聯合學術研討會 (台北榮總) .2009

3. 2005 Chu JS. Content of Pathology Report for Breast Cancer . 中華民國乳房醫學會乳房病理診斷研討會 .2005

4. 2004 Peng HC,Cheng CJ,Chu JS,Chen CL. Clear cell chondrosarcoma . 台灣病理學會九十三年度切片討論會 .2004

5. 2004 Chu JS. Pathologic examination of sentinel node . 中華民國乳房醫學會前哨淋巴結研討會 .2004

6. 2003 Hung YJ, Chen WY, Chu JS.. Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of the breast. . 台灣病理學會九十二年度切片討論會(Nov.23 2003) .2003

7. 2003 Chu JS. 乳房疾病病理診斷的注意事項. . 中華民國乳房醫學會2003乳房疾病診斷研討會(Nov.16 2003). .2003

8. 2001 Chu JS. (1)Result of questionnaire and Content of pathology report for breast cancer. (2)Case presentation-mucinous carcinoma associated with mucocele-like lesion. (3)Case presentation-fibroadenoma with atypical ductal hyperpplasia . Consensus conference of breast cancer in Taiwan. Taiwan Society of Pathology(Dec. 2001) .2001

9. 2001 Liew PL, Lin YH, Fang CL, Chu JS.. Sinonasal hemangiopericytoma-like tumor.(Nov. 2001). . .2001

10. 2001 Chu JS.. Content of pathology report for breast cancer. (Dec 9, 2001) . TCOG Joint Symposium with Breast Cancer Society of Taiwan-Critical Issues of Breast Cancer Management in Taiwan. .2001

11. 2000 3. Chu JS.. The pathology of acute pancreatitis. (Jan. 2000) . .2000

12. 2000 Lo CY, Fang CL, Chu JS.. Subependymoma- a case report. (May, 2000) . 台灣病理學會八十九年度切片討論會 .2000

13. 1999 Chen WY, Lin YH, Fang CL, Chu JS.. Ependymoma of the ovary- a case report. (May 1999). . 中華民國病理學會八十八年度切片討論會 .1999

14. 1997 Chu JS. The pathology of fatty liver. . 八十六年度台灣醫學會聯合醫學會學術討論會教育演講 .1997


112 教育部跨領域教師發展暨人才培育計畫-苗圃分區資源中心計畫:人文社會教育新❤思維:韌性城市角落ESG5.0

111 「教育部跨領域教師發展暨人才培育計畫─人文社科教育苗圃分區資源中心計畫」「子計畫一:人文社會育新思維:韌性城巿角落ESG計畫」

109 城市角落苗圃:設計思考化跨域教與學

109 城市角落苗圃:設計思考化跨域教與學

106 以照護為本的活力展齡創新結盟(3/3)

93 探討同時存在之不同組織型態乳癌的遺傳本質

92 以尿液中腫瘤生物學標記診斷膀胱尿路上皮癌

89 提昇私大研發能量專案---異位性皮膚炎趨化素及其受器表現之研究(子計3)

88 細胞存活素(Survivin)及與細胞凋亡有關蛋白質在乳癌表現的意義