1. |
Ruei-Jen Chiou, Po-Fang Tsai, Der-Yan Han.
Exploring the impacts of a coffin-lying experience on life and death attitudes of medical and nursing students: preliminary findings
. BMC Medical Education
2. |
Cheng Chia Shih,Yu Hsuan Chang,Ruei Jen Chiou,Chun hui Chang.
Analysis of lateral orbitofrontal cortex activation on acquisition of fear extinction and neuronal activities in fear circuit
. Brain Structure and Function
3. |
Luok Wen Yong,Tsai Ming Lu,Che Huang Tung,Ruei Jen Chiou,Kun Lung Li,Jr Kai Yu.
Somite Compartments in Amphioxus and Its Implications on the Evolution of the Vertebrate Skeletal Tissues
. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology
4. |
Chiou RJ ,Tsai PF ,Han DY .
Impacts of a gross anatomy laboratory course on medical students’ emotional reactions in Taiwan: the role of high-level emotions
. BMC Medical Education
5. |
Yu Ju Lin,Ruei Jen Chiou,Chun Hui Chang.
The reuniens and rhomboid nuclei are required for acquisition of pavlovian trace fear conditioning in rats
. eNeuro
6. |
Chiou RJ,Han DY,Tsai PF.
. 人文社會與醫療學刊
7. |
Kung-Pei Tang,Mei-Ling Sheu,Yi-Hsin Elsa Hsu,Ya-Ting Yang,Ruei-Jen Chiou ,Po-Fang Tsai.
Validation of the Positive Social Interdependence Readiness Scale for Cooperative Learning.
. Journal of Medical Education
8. |
Ruei-Jen Chiou,Hei-Yin Ng,Der-Yan Han.
The Relationship Between Admission Channels and Medical Students’ Performance in Their Third Year.
. 醫學教育
9. |
Chiou Ruei Jen ,Tsai Po Fang ,Han Der Yan .
Effects of a {silent mentor{ initiation ceremony and dissection on medical students' humanity and learning
. BMC Research Notes
10. |
Kuo CC,Lee JC,Chiou RJ,Tsai ML,Yen CT.
Spatiotemporal chnages of neuronal responses in the primary somatosensory cortex to noxious tail stimulation in awake and pentobarbital-anesthetized rats
. The Chinese Journal of Physiology
11. |
Chiou RJ,Kuo CC,Yen CT.
Comparisons of terminal densities of cardiovascular function-related projections from the amygdala subnuclei
. autonomic nneuroscience: basic and clinical
12. |
Ruei-Jen Chiou,Chen-Wei Chang,Chung-Chih Kuo.
involvement of the periaqueductal gray in the effect of motor cortex stimulation
. brain research
13. |
Ruei-Jen Chiou,Hsiao-Yun Lee,Chen-Wei Chang,Kuan-Hung Lin,Chung-Chih Kuo.
Epidural motor cortex stimulation suppresses somatosensory evoked potentials in the primary somatosensory cortex of the rat
. Brain research
14. |
Kuo CC,Chiou RJ,Liang KC,Yen CT.
Differential involvement of anterior cingulate and primary sensorimotor cortices in sensory and affective functions of pain.
. journal of neurophysiology
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Chiou RJ,Kuo CC,Liang KC,Yen CT.
State Dependent Amygdala Stimulation-induced Cardiovascular Effects in Rats
. Chinese Journal of Physiology
16. |
Fong TH,Wu CH,Liao EW,Chang CY,Pai MH,Chiou RJ, Lee AW.
Association of globular beta-actin with intracellular lipid droplets in rat adrenocortical cells and adipocytes.
. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.
17. |
Cardiac parasympathetic output of nucleus ambiguus is not altered in spontaneously hypertensive rats
. Acta Zoologica Taiwanica
18. |
Chen RF, Chiou RJ and Yen CT.
Distribution and number of intracardiac ganglion cells in the rat.
. Acta Zoologica Taiwanica