許昭俊(Sheu, Jau-Jiuan) 副教授

現   職
神經學科 副教授


學 歷

台灣大學職醫與工衛所 碩士
台灣大學醫學系 學士




2010/06/01 ~ 2011/01/31







1. 2022 Wen CP,Lee YC,Sun YT,Huang CY,Tsai CH,Chen PL, Chang WL, Yeh PY, Wei CY, Tsai MJ, Sun Y, Lin CH, Lee JT, Lai TC, Lien LM, Lin MC, Lin CL, Lee JH, Wang HK, Hsu CY; Taiwan Stroke Registry Investigators. Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol and Mortality in Patients With Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Taiwan. . Front Neurol. .2022 ;(12)

2. 2022 Huang HY,Lin SY,Katz AJ,Sheu JJ,Lin FJ,Wang CC, Wu CH.. Effectiveness and Safety of Clopidogrel vs Aspirin in Elderly Patients With Ischemic Stroke. . Mayo Clin Proc. .2022 ;(97):1483-1492

3. 2021 Tseng CH,Chong CK,Sheu JJ. Prevalence and Risk Factors of Sensory Symptoms in Diabetes Patients in Taiwan. . Frontiers in Endocrinology. .2021 ;(11)

4. 2021 Hsiao SH,Hwang TJ,Lin FJ,Sheu JJ,Wu CH. The association between the use of cholinesterase inhibitors and cardiovascular events among older patients with Alzheimer disease. . Mayo Clinic Proceedings .2021 ;(96):350-362

5. 2020 Ho JD,Sheu JJ,Kao YW,Shia BC,Lin HC. Associations between Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Ocular Abnormalities in Children: A Population-based Study. . Ophthalmic Epidemiol. .2020 ;(27):194-199

6. 2020 Sheu JJ,Yang LY,Sanotra MR,Wang ST,Lu HT,Kam RSY, Hsu IU, Kao SH, Lee CK, Shieh JC, Lin YF. Reduction of AHI1 in the serum of Taiwanese with probable Alzheimer's disease. . Clinical Biochemistry .2020 ;(76):24-30

7. 2019 Sheu JJ,Tsai MT,Erickson SR,Wu CH. Association between Anticholinergic Medication Use and Risk of Dementia among Patients with Parkinson's Disease . Pharmacotherapy .2019 ;(39):798-808

8. 2019 Chang CC,Lin TM,Chang YS,Chen WS,Sheu JJ,Chen YH, Chen JH. Thymectomy in patients with myasthenia gravis increases the risk of autoimmune rheumatic diseases: a nationwide cohort study. . Rheumatology .2019 ;(58):135-143

9. 2018 Tsai JP,Sheu JJ,Hsieh KL. Unusual Magnetic Resonance Imaging Abnormality in Nonketotic Hyperglycemia - related Epilepsia Partialis Continua. . Ann Indian Acad Neurol .2018 ;(21):225-227

10. 2018 Lin TM,Chen WS,Sheu JJ,Chen YH,Chen JH,Chang CC. Autoimmune rheumatic diseases increase dementia risk in middle-aged patients: A nationwide cohort study. . PLoS One .2018 ;(13):e0186475-e0186475

11. 2018 Lin CY,Sheu JJ,Tsai IS,Wang ST,Yang LY,Hsu IU, Chang HW, Lee HM, Kao SH, Lee CK, Chen CH, Lin YF.. Elevated IgM against Nε-(Carboxyethyl)lysine-modified Apolipoprotein A1 peptide 141-147 in Taiwanese with Alzheimer's disease . Clinical Biochemistry .2018 ;(56):75-82

12. 2018 Lin TC,Lin YK,Chen CI,Chan L,Chi NF,Yuan RY, Sheu JJ, Wei CR, Tsai JP, Yeh TH. Serum lipid level is not associated with symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage after intravenous thrombolysis for acute ischemic stroke. . PeerJ .2018 ;(6):e6021

13. 2018 Chen CH,Sheu JJ,Lin YC,Lin HC. Association of migraines with brain tumors: a nationwide population-based study. . J Headache Pain .2018 ;(19):111-111

14. 2017 Chen PH,Sheu JJ. Clock-drawing test for cognitive assessment in an older adult with long-term benzodiazepine use. . Geriatr Gerontol Int .2017 ;(17):1135-1137

15. 2017 Tsai MC,Cheng WL,Sheu JJ,Huang CC,Shia BC,Kao LT, Lin HC. Increased risk of dementia following herpes zoster ophthalmicus. . PLoS One .2017 ;(12)

16. 2017 Hu CC,Lin HC,Sheu JJ,Kao LT. Neovascular age-related macular degeneration is not associated with coronary heart disease in a Chinese Population: a population-based study . Acta Ophthalmol .2017 ;(95):e587-e591-e591

17. 2015 Chung SD,Lee CZ,Kao LT,Lin HC,Tsai MC,Sheu JJ. Association between Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Dementia: A Population-Based Case-Control Study in Taiwan. . PLoS One .2015 ;(10):012003

18. 2015 Chung SD,Hung SH,Lin HC, Sheu JJ. Association between Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss and Anxiety Disorder: a Population-Based Study. . European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol .2015 ;(272):2673-2678

19. 2015 Chung SD,Ho JD,Chen CH,Lin HC,Tsai MC,Sheu JJ. Dementia is Associated with Open-Angle Glaucoma: A Population-Based Study. . Eye .2015 ;(29):1340-1346

20. 2015 Chung SD,Ho JD,Chen CH,Lin HC,Tsai MC,Sheu JJ. Dementia is associated with open-angle glaucoma: a population-based study . Eye .2015 ;(29):1340-1346

21. 2015 Sheu JJ,Lee HC,Lin HC,Kao LT,Chung SD. A 5-Year Follow-up Study on the Relationship between Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Parkinson Disease. . J Clin Sleep Med .2015

22. 2015 Li-Ting Kao,Jau-Jiuan Sheu,Herng-Ching Lin,Ming-Chieh Tsai,Shiu-Dong Chung. Association between sepsis and dementia. . Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. .2015 ;(22):1430-1433

23. 2014 Chung SD,Ho JD,Hu CC,Lin HC,Sheu JJ. Increased Risk of Parkinson Disease Following a Diagnosis of Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration: A Retrospective Cohort Study . Am J Ophthalmol .2014 ;(157):464-469

24. 2014 Chung SD,Hung SH,Lin HC,Sheu JJ. Association between Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss and Anxiety Disorder: a Population-Based Study. . European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology .2014

25. 2014 Chung SD,Liu SP,Sheu JJ,Lin CC,Lin HC,Chen CH. Increased healthcare service utilizations for patients with dementia: a population-based study. . PLoS One .2014 ;(9):105789

26. 2014 Chung SD,Sheu JJ,Kao LT,Lin HC,Kang JH. Dementia is associated with iron-deficiency anemia in females: A population-based study. . J Neurol Sci .2014

27. 2013 Chuan-Song Wu,Tzong-Hann Yang,Herng-Ching Lin,Jau-Jiuan Sheu,Dachen Chu. Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss Associated With Chronic Periodontitis: A Population-Based Study . Otology & Neurotology .2013 ;(34):1380-1384

28. 2013 Chen PK,Chiu PY,Tsai IJ,Tseng HP,Chen JR,Yeh SJ, Yeh SJ,Sheu Jau-Jiuan,Chung CP,Wu MH,Hu CJ,Chang CY, Wei CY, Yip PK, Sung SF, Wang SJ, Hsu C. Onset Headache Predicts Good Outcome in Patients With First-Ever Ischemic Stroke. . Stroke .2013 ;(44):1852-1858

29. 2013 Sheu JJ,Lin HC. Association Between Multiple Sclerosis and Chronic Periodontitis: A Population-based Pilot Study. . European Journal of Neurology .2013 ;(20):1053-1059

30. 2013 Liu TC,Sheu JJ,Lin HC,Jensen DA. Increased Risk of Parkinsonism Following Chronic Periodontitis: A Retrospective Cohort Study . Movement disorders. .2013 ;(28):1307-1308

31. 2013 Sheu JJ,Wang KH,Lin HC,Huang CC. Psoriasis is Associated with an Increased Risk of Parkinsonism: A Population-based Five-year Follow-up Study. . Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology .2013 ;(68):992-999

32. 2013 Chen WT,Yuan RY,Chiang SC,Sheu JJ,Yu JM,Tseng IJ,Yang SK, Chang HH,Hu CJ. OnabotulinumtoxinA improves tactile and mechanical pain perception in painful diabetic polyneuropathy. . The Clinical Journal of Pain .2013 ;(29):305-310

33. 2013 Wang TJ,Keller JJ,Sheu JJ,Lin HC. A 3-year follow-up study on the risk of stroke among patients with conjunctival haemorrhage. . Acta Ophthalmol .2013 ;(91):226-230

34. 2012 Wu D,Sheu JS,Liu HC,Yuan RY,Yu JM,Sheu JJ, Hung CH, Hu CJ. Increase of toll-like receptor 4 but decrease of interleukin-8 mRNA expression among ischemic stroke patients under aspirin treatment. . Clin Biochem. .2012 ;(45):1316-1319

35. 2012 Keller JJ,Kang JH,Sheu JJ,Lin HC. Risk of stroke following diagnosis with pyogenic liver abscess: a nationwide population-based study. . Hepatology International .2012 ;(6):801-808

36. 2012 Keller JJ,Sheu JJ,Lin HC. Chronic Periodontitis and the Subsequent Risk of Trigeminal Neuralgia: A 5-year Follow-up Study. . J Clin Periodontol .2012 ;(39):1017-1023

37. 2012 Sheu JJ,Keller JJ,Lin HC. Increased Risk of Cancer Following Bell's Palsy: A Five-year Follow-up Study . Journal of Neuro-Oncology .2012 ;(110):215-220

38. 2012 Sheu JJ,Wu CS,Lin HC. Association Between Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss . Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. .2012 ;(138):55-59

39. 2012 Sheu JJ,Joseph J. Keller,Chen YH,Wu CS,Lin HC. No increased risk of sudden sensorineural hearing loss following recent herpes zoster: a nationwide population-based study . Acta Oto-Laryngologica .2012 ;(132):167-172

40. 2012 Yang SK,Hu CJ,Yuan RY,Wang HJ,Sheu JJ. Presence of the Eye-of-the-tiger Sign on Magnetic Resonance Imaging in a Subject with Atypical Hallervorden-Spatz Syndrome Lacking Pantothenate Kinase 2 Mutation . Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine .2012 ;(4):73-74

41. 2012 Huang CY,Keller JJ,Sheu JJ,Lin HC. Migraine and erectile dysfunction: evidence from a population-based case-control study. . Cephalalgia .2012 ;(32):366-372

42. 2012 Sheu JJ,Hsu CY,Yuan RY,Yang CC. Clinical characteristics and treatment delay of cerebral infarction in tuberculous meningitis. . Internal Medicine Journal .2012 ;(42):294-300

43. 2011 Kang JH,Sheu JJ,Kao S,Lin HC. Increased risk of multiple sclerosis following herpes zoster: A nationwide, population-based study. . J Infect Dis .2011 ;(204):188-192

44. 2011 Kang JH,Sheu JJ,Lin HC. Neurological comorbidities amongst patients with viral hepatitis B: A nationwide population-based study. . Digestive and Liver Disease .2011 ;(43):332-333

45. 2011 Ho CS,Yuan RY,Chen HH,Yu JM,Sheu JJ. Metoclopramide Therapy and Movement Disorders in a DiabeticeUremic Subject With Bilateral Basal Ganglia Lesions. . J Exp Clin Med .2011 ;(3):50-52

46. 2011 Kang JH,Sheu JJ,Lin HC. Polymyalgia rheumatica and the risk of stroke: A three-year follow-up study. . Cerebrovascular Diseases .2011 ;(32):497-503

47. 2010 Tseng IJ,Liu HC,Yuan RY,Sheu JJ,Yu JM,Hu CJ. Expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and period 1 (PER1) clock gene products in different sleep stages of patients with cognitive impairment. . Journal of Clinical Neuroscience .2010 ;(17):1140-1143

48. 2010 Jau-Jiuan Sheu,Hung-Yi Chiou,Jiunn-Horng Kang,Yi-Hua Chen,Herng-Ching Lin. Tuberculosis and the risk of ischemic stroke: a 3-year follow-up study . Stroke .2010 ;(41):244-249

49. 2010 Jiunn-Horng Kang,Jau-Jiuan Sheu,Herng-Ching Lin. Increased Risk of Stroke During Following Adhesive Capsulitis: A Population-based Study . Stroke .2010 ;(41):1044-1047

50. 2010 Sheu JJ,Hsu CY,Yuan RY,Yang CC. Clinical characteristics and treatment delay of cerebral infarction in tuberculous meningitis . Internal Medicine Journal .2010

51. 2010 Sheu JJ,Kang JH,Lin HC,Lin HC. Hyperthyroidism and Risk of Ischemic Stroke in Young Adults: A 5-Year Follow-Up Study . Stroke .2010 ;(41):961-966

52. 2010 Sheu JJ,Kang JH,Lou HY,Lin HC. Reflux esophagitis and the risk of stroke in young adults. A 1-year population-based follow-up study. . Stroke .2010 ;(41):2033-2037

53. 2010 Kang JH,Sheu JJ,Lin HC. Increased risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome following recent herpes zoster: A nationwide population-based study. . Clinical Infectious Diseases .2010 ;(51):525-530

54. 2009 Yuan RY,Sheu JJ,Yu JM,Chen WT,Tseng IJ,Chang HH,Hu CJ. Botulinum toxin for diabetic neuropathic pain.A randomized double-blind crossover trial. . Neurology .2009 ;(72):1473-1478

55. 2009 Sheu JJ,Yuan RY,Yang CC. Predictors for Outcome and Treatment Delay in Patients With Tuberculous Meningitis . The American Journal of the Medical Sciences .2009 ;(338):134-139

56. 2009 Yuan RY,Sheu JJ,Yu JM,Hu CJ,Tseng IJ,Chun-Sum Ho「Yeh CY, Hung YL, Chiang TR」. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase polymorphisms and plasma homocysteine in levodopa-treated and non-treated Parkinson's disease patients . Journal of the Neurological Sciences .2009

57. 2009 Jia-Ming Yu,Ing-Jy Tseng,Rey-Yue Yuan,Jau-Jiuan Sheu,Hsing-Cheng Liu,Chaur-Jong Hu. Low sleep efficiency in patients with cognitive impairment . Acta Neurol Taiwan .2009 ;(18):91-97

58. 2008 Yang SK,Yuan RY,Sheu JJ,Hu CJ,Yau CM,Yang JF. (2008).病例報告:糖尿病洗腎病患出現的亞急性左多巴反應性巴金森症候群 Subacute Levodopa-Responsive Parkinsonism in a Diabetic Uremic Patient: A Case Report . 台灣神經學年會2008. .():-. .2008

59. 2008 Tseng IJ,Yuan RY,Sheu JJ,Yu JM,Liu HC,Hu CJ. 2008).Changes of Sleep Architecures in Patients with Cognitive Impairment. . 2008神經醫學聯合學術研討會. .():-. .2008

60. 2008 Yang JF,Sheu JJ,Hu CJ,Yau CM,Yuan RY. (2008).病例報告:可逆性腦後部病變症候群合併急性腦梗塞 Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome combined with an acute cerebral infarct: A Case Report . 台灣神經學年會2008. .():-. .2008

61. 2008 Chang JC,Yau JM,Sheu JJ,Hu CJ,Yuan RY. (2008).病例報告:顱底骨纖維性發育不良呈現姿勢性頭痛Fibro-osseous dysplasia of the skull base presenting with orthostatic headache: A Case Report . 台灣神經學年會2008. .():-. .2008

62. 2007 Yuan RY,Tseng IJ,Sheu JJ,Hu CJ,Hong YL,Jang TSR. (2007).巴金森氏病患者有無服用左多巴其MTHFR C677T與A1298C基因多型性對血漿中同半胱胺酸的影響. . 神經醫學聯合學術研討會2007. .():-. .2007

63. 2007 Yuan RY,Tseng IJ,Sheu JJ,Hu CJ,Hung YL,Chiang TR. (2007).The Effect of MTHFR C677T and A1298 polymorphisms on Homocysteine Levelsin Parkinson's Disease Patients with and without L-dopa Administration. . 2007年神經醫學會聯合學術研討會. .():-. .2007

64. 2007 Tseng IJ,Yuan RY,Sheu JJ,Yu JM,Liu Hsing,Hu CJ. (2007).Polymnography Studies in Patients with Cognitive Impairment. . 台灣臨床失智症學會第一屆二次會員大會暨九十六年度失智症學術研討會. .():-. .2007

65. 2007 Tseng IJ,Liu HC,Yuan RY,Sheu JJ,Yu JY,Hu CJ. 2007).iNOS and PER1 Expression in REM Sleep among The Patients with Congnitive Impairment. . 台灣臨床失智症學會第一屆第二次大會暨九十六年度失智症學術研討會. .():-. .2007

66. 2007 Tseng CH,Tseng CP,Chong CK,Sheu JJ,Cheng JC. Angiotensin-converting enzyme gene polymorphism and stroke in type 2 diabetic patients in Taiwan . European Journal of Clinical Investigation. 37(6):483-91,2007 .2007

67. 2006 Sheu JJ,Yuan RY,Chiou HY,HU CJ,Chen WT. Segmental study of the median nerve versus comparative tests un the diagnosis of mild carpal tunnel syndrome. . Clinical Neurophysiology .2006 ;(117):1249-1255

68. 2006 Yuan RY,Tseng IJ,Sheu JJ,Hu CJ,Chen WT. (2006).Elevated homocysteine levels are associated with dementia in L-dopa treated patients with Parkinson's disease. . 台灣神經學會會刊2006.():-. .2006

69. 2006 Chen WT,Yuan RY,Hu CJ,Sheu JJ,Wang HJ,Lin YY. (2006).Altered neuromagnetic responses to pattern-reversal visual stimulation in patients with migraine. .():-. . .2006

70. 2005 許昭俊,袁瑞昱,陳紀勳,陳韋達. 正中神經之比較性電生理研究用於診斷腕道症候群 . 台灣神經學會會刊 .2005 ;(30):165-166

71. 2005 Tseng CH,Chong CK,Sheu JJ,Wu TH. Prevalence and risk factors for stroke in Type 2 diabetic patients in Taiwan: a cross-sectional survey of a national sample by telephone interview . Diabetic Medicine .2005 ;(22):477-482

72. 2005 Rey-Yue Yuan,Ing-Jy Tseng,Jau-Jiuan Sheu,Chi-Hsun Chen,Wei-Ta Chen. Association of L-DOPA and homocysteine with IMT of carotid artery and cerebral WML in Parkinson’s disease. . 台灣神經學會會刊.(20):-. .2005

73. 2005 Wei-Ta Chen,Rey-Yue Yuan,Jau-Jiuan Sheu,Chen CH. (2005).次級感覺皮質之磁性活化反應與痛覺刺激強度之關係. . 台灣神經學年會.():-. .2005

74. 2004 Rey-Yue Yuan,Ing-Jy Tseng,Jau-Jiuan Sheu,Chi-Hsun Chen,Wei-Ta Chen,Tsuey-Ru Chiang. L-DOPA therapy is not associated with carotid atherosclerosis in PD patients. . 台北醫學大學師生聯合發表會2004.():-. .2004

75. 2004 Rey-Yue Yuan,Ing-Jy Tseng,Jan-Jiuan Sheu,Chi-Hsun Chen. Cerebral White Matter Lesions on MRI in Parkinson Disease Patients Treated with Levodopa. . 第一屆神經科學研討會.():-. .2004

76. 2004 JAU-JIUAN SHEU,REY-YUE YUAN,CHI-HSUN CHEN,WEI-TA CHEN. Comparison of segmental study of median nerve and comparative tests in diagnosis of mild carpal tunnel syndrome. . 第一屆神經科學研討會.():-. .2004

77. 2002 C-Y Hsu, T T-F Shih, K-M Huang, P-Q Chen, J-J Sheu, Y-W Li. Tophaceous gout of the spine: MR imaging features . Clinical Radiology .2002 ;(57):919-925

78. 2001 Rey-Yue Yuan, Chiung-Rey Kao, Jau-Jiuan Sheu, Chi-Hum Chen, Chun-Sum Ho. Delirium following a switch from cimetidine to famotidine . Ann Pharmacother .2001 ;(35):1045-1048

79. 2001 Jau-Jiuan Sheu, Rey-Yue Yuan. Superficial radial neuropathy following venepuncture . Int J Clin Pract .2001 ;(55):422-423

80. 2001 C-Y Hsu, J-J Sheu, K-M Huang, Y-W Li. Bilateral anomalous origins of the posterior meningeal artery from the ascending pharyngeal arteries . J Neuroradiol .2001 ;(28):123-125

81. 2000 Jau-Jiuan Sheu, Jing-Shiang Hwang, Jung-Der Wang. Diagnosis and monetary quantification of occupational injuries by indices related to human capital loss: Analysis of a steel company as an illustration . Accident analysis and Prevention .2000 ;(32):435-443

82. 1999 許昭俊、袁瑞昱、盧章智、鍾啟禮、許昭禹. Tuberculous meningitis in a filipino maid. . J. Formos. Med. Assoc. (Accepted) .1999

83. 1999 Sheu JJ and Yuan RY. Superficial radial neuropathy caused by intravenou injection. . Acta Neurologica Belgica (accepted). .1999

84. 1999 Jau-Jiuan Sheu, Rey-Yue Yuan. Superficial radial neuropathy caused by intravenous injection . Acta Neurol Belg .1999 ;(99):138-139

85. 1999 Jau-Jiuan Sheu, Rey-Yue Yuan, Jang-Jih Lu, Chi-Li Chung, Chao-Yu Hsu. Tuberculous Meningitis in a Filipino Maid . J Formos Med Assoc .1999 ;(98):783-786

86. 1998 Jau-Jiuan Sheu, Jung-Der Wang, Yu-Kuei Wu. Determinants of lethality from Suicidal Pesticide Poisoning in Metropolitan Hsinchu . Vet Human Toxicol .1998 ;(40):332-336

87. 1997 Jau-Jiuan Sheu, Po-Nan Chen, Bak-Sau Yip, Mei-Lan Ko. Foster Kennedy syndrome: a case report with literature review . Acta Neurol Taiwan .1997 ;(6):183-186

1. 2013 Jau-Jiuan Sheu,Herng-Ching Lin. Increased Risk of Cancer Following Bell's Palsy: A Five-year Follow-up Study. 2013神經醫學聯合國際學術研討會. . .2013

2. 2011 Sheu JJ,Hsu CY,Yuan RY,Yang CC. Clinical characteristics and treatment delay of cerebral infarction in tuberculous meningitis. . 2011神經醫學聯合國際學術研討會 .2011

3. 2011 Sheu JJ. Tuberculosis increases the risk of ischemic stroke . 台灣腦中風學會100年度學術研討會 .2011

4. 2009 Chun-Chen Chang,Chun-Sum Ho,Jau-Jiuan Sheu,Rey-Yue Yuan,Jia-Ming Yu. Lung Cancer with Initial Presenting Intracranial Hypertension Headache: A Case Report肺癌以高腦壓頭痛開始表現 . .2009

5. 2009 Jing-Yeh Liang,Jau-Jiuan Sheu,Jia-Ming Yu,Rey-Yue Yuan. Delayed parkinsonism in a uremic patient with the syndrome of acute bilateral basal ganglia lesions急性雙側基底核病灶症狀在尿毒症病人的延遲性帕金森氏症 . .2009

6. 2009 Zeng-Feng Yang,Jau-Jiuan Sheu,Chia-Ming Yu,Rey-Yue Yuan. Axonal Variant of Guillain-Barré Syndrome: A Case Report and Literature Review基蘭-巴瑞症候群軸突變異型:病例報告暨文獻回顧 . .2009

7. 2000 Jau-Jiuan Sheu, Rey-Yue Yuan. Superficial radial neuropathy following venipuncture . Abstracts of the 25th general congress of the Taiwan Neurological Society .2000 ;(25):118

8. 1999 Jau-Jiuan Sheu, Jing-Shiang Hwang, Jung-Der Wang. Diagnosis of Occupational Injuries by Indices Related to Human Capital Loss: Analysis of a Steel Company as an Illustration . Abstracts of 1999 Symposium on Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Health .1999

9. 1999 Jau-Jiuan Sheu, Rey-Yue Yuan, Jang-Jih Lu, Chi-Li Chung, Chao-Yu Hsu. Tuberculous meningitis in a Philippine maid . Abstracts of the 23th general congress of the Taiwan Neurological Society .1999

10. 1998 Jau-Jiuan Sheu, Rey-Yue Yuan, Ya-Chien Yang, Chia-Lang Fang. The cutaneous disease in a patient of HTLV-I associated myelopathy. . Abstracts of the 22th general congress of the Taiwan Neurological Society. .1998 ;(23):63

11. 1998 Chiung-Rey Kao, Rey-Yue Yuan, Jau-Jiuan Sheu. Intravenous famotidine induced mental confusion in an elderly patient. . Abstracts of the 22th general congress of the Taiwan Neurological Society .1998 ;(23):79

12. 1998 Jau-Jiuan Sheu, Yu-Kuei Wu,. Acute Pesticide Poisoning in Hsinchu Area: a Review of 187 Hospitalized Cases . Abstracts of 1998 Symposium on Industrial Hygiene .1998


104 臺灣老年人使用抗膽鹼藥物與失智症發生之風險評估

100 阿茲海默症,血管性失智症,與路易氏體疾病患者之精神病表徵

89 代謝性疾病病患之週邊神經病變