施純明(Shih, Chwen-Ming) 教授

現   職
生物化學暨細胞分子生物學科 教授
環保暨安全衛生處 環安長


學 歷

國立陽明大學生化所 博士
國立陽明大學生化所 碩士
私立淡江大學化學系 學士




2023/08/01 ~
2023/08/01 ~ 2024/07/31
2023/08/01 ~ 2024/07/31
2014/11/01 ~ 2023/07/31
2012/02/01 ~ 2014/10/31
2011/08/16 ~ 2012/01/31
2010/11/01 ~
2009/09/01 ~ 2010/03/31
2009/02/01 ~ 2009/08/31
2009/02/01 ~ 2009/08/31
2007/08/01 ~
2006/08/01 ~ 2009/01/31
2005/02/01 ~ 2009/01/31
2003/09/15 ~ 2014/01/31




Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Medicine



1. 2022 Kuo-Hao Ho,Peng-Hsu Chen,Chwen-Ming Shih,Yi-Ting Lee,Chia-Hsiung Cheng,Ann-Jeng Liu, Chin-Cheng Lee, Ku-Chung Chen. miR-4286 is Involved in Connections Between IGF-1 and TGF-β Signaling for the Mesenchymal Transition and Invasion by Glioblastomas . Cell Mol Neurobiol .2022 ;(42):791-806

2. 2022 Kuo-Hao Ho,Chwen-Ming Shih,Ann-Jeng Liu,Ku-Chung Chen. Hypoxia-inducible lncRNA MIR210HG interacting with OCT1 is involved in glioblastoma multiforme malignancy . cancer science .2022 ;(01113):540-552

3. 2022 Yu-Yun Kuo,Kuo-Hao Ho, Chwen-Ming Shih,Peng-Hsu Chen,Ann-Jeng Liu,Ku-Chung Chen. Piperlongumine-inhibited TRIM14 signaling sensitizes glioblastoma cells to temozolomide treatment . Life Sci .2022 ;(309):121023-121033

4. 2021 Ho KH,Huang TW,Shih CM,Lee YT,Lin AJ,Chen PH, Chen KC. Glycolysis-associated lncRNAs identify a subgroup of cancer patients with poor prognoses and a high-infiltration immune microenvironment . BMC medicine .2021 ;(19):59-76

5. 2021 Chin-Cheng Lee,Kuo-Hao Ho,Tzu-Wen Huang,Chwen-Ming Shih,Shao-Yuan Hsu,Ann-Jeng Liu, Ku-Chung Chen. A regulatory loop among CD276, miR-29c-3p, and Myc exists in cancer cells against natural killer cell cytotoxicity . LIFE SCIENCES .2021

6. 2021 Kuo-Hao Ho,Tzu-Wen Huang,Ann-Jeng Liu,Chwen-Ming Shih*,Ku-Chung Chen*. Cancer Essential Genes Stratified Lung Adenocarcinoma Patients with Distinct Survival Outcomes and Identified a Subgroup from the Terminal Respiratory Unit Type with Different Proliferative Signatures in Multiple Cohorts. . Cancers (Basel). .2021 ;(13):2128-2138

7. 2021 Kuo-Hao Ho,Yi-Ting Lee,Peng-Hsu Chen,Chwen-Ming Shih,Chia-Hsiung Cheng,Ku-Chung Chen . Guanabenz sensitizes glioblastoma cells to sunitinib by inhibiting GADD34-mediated autophagic signaling. . Neurotherapeutics. .2021 ;(01):01-20

8. 2020 Kuo-Hao Ho,Tai-Chih Kuo,Yi-Ting Lee,Peng-Hsu Chen,Chwen-Ming Shih,Chia-Hsiung Cheng, Ann-Jeng Liu, Chin-Cheng Lee, Ku-Chung Chen. Xanthohumol regulates miR-4749-5p-inhibited RFC2 signaling in enhancing temozolomide cytotoxicity to glioblastoma. . Life Sci. .2020 ;(254):117807-117817

9. 2020 Kuo-Hao Ho, Peng-Hsu Chen,Chih-Ming Chou,Chwen-Ming Shih,Yi-Ting Lee,Chia-Hsiung Cheng, Ku-Chung Chen. A key role of DNA damage-inducible transcript 4 (DDIT4) connects autophagy and GLUT3-mediated stemness to desensitize temozolomide efficacy in glioblastomas . Neurotherapeutics .2020 ;(17):1212-1227

10. 2019 Ku-Chung Chen,Peng-Hsu Chen,Kuo-Hao Ho,Chwen-Ming Shih,Chih-Ming Chou,Chia-Hsiung Cheng, Chin-Cheng Lee . IGF-1-enhanced miR-513a-5p signaling desensitizes glioma cells to temozolomide by targeting the NEDD4L-inhibited Wnt/β-catenin pathway. . PLoS One, .2019 ;(14):913-920

11. 2019 Ho KH,Cheng CH,Chou CM,Chen PH,Liu AJ,Lin CW, Shih CM, Chen KC. miR-140 targeting CTSB signaling suppresses the mesenchymal transition and enhances temozolomide cytotoxicity in glioblastoma multiforme . Pharmacol Res .2019 ;(147):104390-104400

12. 2018 Chen PH,Liu AJ,Ho KH ,Chiu YT ,Anne Lin ZH ,Lee YT, Shih CM, Chen KC. microRNA-199a/b-5p enhance imatinib efficacy via repressing WNT2 signaling-mediated protective autophagy in imatinib-resistant chronic myeloid leukemia cells. . Chem Biol Interact. .2018 ;(291):144-151

13. 2018 Ho KH,Chang CJ,Huang TW,Shih CM,Liu AJ,Chen PH, Cheng KT, Chen KC. Gene landscape and correlation between B-cell infiltration and programmed death ligand 1 expression in lung adenocarcinoma patients from The Cancer Genome Atlas data set. . PLoS One. .2018 ;(13):459-469

14. 2017 Lu KY,Lin PY,Chuang EY,Shih CM,Cheng TM, Lin TY, Sung HW, Mi FL. H2O2-Depleting and O2-Generating Selenium Nanoparticles for Fluorescence Imaging and Photodynamic Treatment of Proinflammatory-Activated Macrophages. . ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. .2017 ;(9):5158-5172

15. 2017 Lee CC, Chen PH,Ho KH, Shih CM, Cheng CH, Lin CW, Cheng KT, Liu AJ, Chen KC. The microRNA-302b-inhibited insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 2 signaling pathway induces glioma cell apoptosis by targeting nuclear factor IA. . PLoS One. .2017 ;(12):890-990

16. 2017 Chen PH,Shen WL,Shih CM,Ho KH,Cheng CH,Lin CW, Lee CC, Liu AJ, Chen KC. The CHAC1-inhibited Notch3 pathway is involved in temozolomide-induced glioma cytotoxicity. . Neuropharmacology .2017 ;(13):300-314

17. 2017 Ho KH,Chen PH,Hsi E,Shih CM ,Chang WC,Cheng CH, Lin CW, Chen KC. Identification of IGF-1-enhanced cytokine expressions targeted by miR-181d in glioblastomas via an integrative miRNA/mRNA regulatory network analysis . Scientific Reports .2017 ;(7):732-739

18. 2016 Chen PH, Chang CK, Shih CM, Cheng CH,Lin CW,Lee CC, Liu AJ , Ho KH, Chen KC. The miR-204-3p-targeted IGFBP2 pathway is involved in xanthohumol-induced glioma cell apoptotic death . Neuropharmacology .2016 ;(110):362-375

19. 2016 Chen PH,Cheng CH,Shih CM,Ho KH,Lin CW,Lee CC, Liu AJ, Chang CK, Chen KC. The Inhibition of microRNA-128 on IGF-1-Activating mTOR Signaling involves in temozolomide-Induced glioma cell apoptotic death . PLoS One .2016 ;(11):01-22

20. 2016 Lin TY,Chen KC,Liu HJ,Liu AJ,Wang KL,Shih CM. MicroRNA-1301-Mediated RanGAP1 Downregulation Induces BCR-ABL Nuclear Entrapment to Enhance Imatinib Efficacy in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Cells . PLOS ONE .2016 ;(11):01-19

21. 2015 Lin TY,Lee CC,Chen KC,Lin CJ,Shih CM. Inhibition of RNA transportation induces glioma cell apoptosis via downregulation . Chemico-Biological Interactions .2015 ;(232):49-57

22. 2014 Lin CJ,Chen TH,Yang LY,Shih CM. Resveratrol protects astrocytes against traumatic brain injury through inhibiting apoptotic and autophagic cell death . Cell Death and Disease .2014 ;(5):1147

23. 2013 Liu AJ,Wang SH,Chen KC,Kuei HP,Shih YL,Hou SY, Chiu WT, Hsiao SH, Shih CM. Evodiamine, a plant alkaloid, induces calcium/JNK-mediated autophagy and calcium/mitochondria-mediated apoptosis in human glioblastoma cells . Chemico-Biological Interactions .2013 ;(205):20-28

24. 2013 Lin AJ,Wang SH,Hou SY,Lin CJ,Chin WT,Hsiao SH, Chen TH, SHih CM. Evodiamine Induces Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid-1-Mediated Protective Autophagy in U87-MG Astrocytes . Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine .2013 ;(ePub):of-print

25. 2013 Chien PJ,Yeh JH,Shih CM,Hsueh YM,Chen MC,Chiu HC. A Decrease in the Percentage of CD3+ Cells Is Correlated With Clinical Improvement During Plasmapheresis in PatientsWith Myasthenia Gravis . Artificial Organs .2013 ;(37):211-216

26. 2012 Tsai MC,Wu JY,Lin HC,Chen TH,Hsieh YJ,Shih CM, Chen WY, Huang RN, Kuo TC. Use of a kinesin-cro Fusion Protein as the Nanoshuttle to Transport Specific DNA . Current Nanoscience .2012 ;(8):669-675

27. 2012 Jiang JS,Lang YD,Chou HC,Shih CM,Wu MY,Chen CM, Wang LF. Activation of the Renin-Angiotensin System in Hyperoxia-Induced Lung Fibrosis in Neonatal Rats . Neonatology .2012 ;(101):47-54

28. 2012 Lin CJ,Lee CC,Shih YL,Lin TY,Wang SH,Lin YF,Shih CM. Resveratrol enhances the therapeutic effect of temozolomide against . Free Radical Biology & Medicine .2012 ;(52):377-391

29. 2012 Lin CJ,Lee CC,Shih YL,Lin CH,Wang SH,Chen TH, Shih CM. Inhibition of mitochondria- and endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated autophagy augments temozolomide-induced apoptosis in glioma cells . PLoS ONE .2012 ;(7):e38706

30. 2011 Chien PJ,Yeh JH,Chiu HC,Hsueh YM,Chen CT,Chen MC, Shih CM. Inhibition of peripheral blood natural killer cell cytotoxicity in patients with myasthenia gravis treated with plasmapheresis . European Journal of Neurology .2011 ;(18):1350-1357

31. 2010 Lin HL,Lin CC,Lin YJ,Lin HC,Shih CM,Chen CR, Huang RN, Kuo TC. Revisiting with a relative-density calibration approach the determination of growth rates of microorganisms by use of optical density data from liquid cultures . Applied and Environmental Microbiology .2010 ;(76):1683-1685

32. 2010 Lee FP,Shih CM,Shen HY,Chen CM,Ko WC. Ayanin, a non-selective phosphodiesterase 1–4 inhibitor, effectively suppresses ovalbumin-induced airway hyperresponsiveness without affecting xylazine/ketamine-induced anesthesia . European Journal of Pharmacology .2010 ;(635):198-203

33. 2010 Lin JC,Shih YL,Chien PJ,Liu CL,Lee JJ,Liu TP, Ko WC, Shih CM. Increased percentage of B cells in patients with more advanced hepatocellular carcinoma . Human Immunology .2010 ;(71):58-62

34. 2009 Lin JW,Shih CM,Chen YC,Lin CM,Tsai JT,Chiang YH,Shih R, Chiu PL, Hung KS, Yeh YS, Wei L, Chiu WT, Yang LY. Biochemical alteration in cerebrospinal fluid precedes behavioral deficits in Parkinsonian rats induced by 6-hydroxydopamine . Surgical Neurology .2009 ;(72):S2:55-S2:65

35. 2009 Chen LG,Chang WL,Lee CJ,Lee LT,Shih CM,Wang CC. Melanogenesis inhibition by gallotannins from Chinese galls in B16 mouse melanoma cells. . Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin .2009 ;(8):1447-1452

36. 2009 Yang LY,Wu KH,Chiu WT,Wang SH,Shih CM. The cadmium-induced death of mesangial cells results in nephrotoxicity . Autophagy .2009 ;(5:4):571-572

37. 2009 Wang SH,Shih YL,Kuo TC,Ko WC,Shih CM. Cadmium toxicity toward autophagy through ROS-activated GSK-3b in mesangial cells . Toxicological Sciences .2009 ;(108):124-131

38. 2009 Yeh JH,Wang SH,Chien PJ,Shin CM,Chiu HC. Changes in serum cytokine levels during plasmapheresis in patients with myasthenia gravis . European Journal of Neurlolgy .2009 ;(16):1318-1322

39. 2009 Lin KH,Hsiao George,Shih CM,Chou DS,Sheu JR. Mechanisms of resveratrol-induced platelet apoptosis . Cardiovascular Research .2009 ;(83):575-585

40. 2009 Chen BC,Chang HM,Hsu MJ,Shih CM,Chiu YH,Chiu WT, Lin CH. Peptidoglycan Induces Cyclooxygenase-2 Expression in Macrophages by Activating the Neutral Sphingomyelinase-Ceramide Pathway . J. Biol. Chem .2009 ;(284):20562-20573

41. 2009 Wang SH,Shih YL,Lee CC,Chen WL,Lin CJ,Lin YS, Wu KH, Shih CM. The role of endoplasmic reticulum in cadmium-induced mesangial cell apoptosis . Chemico-Biological Interactions .2009 ;(181):45-51

42. 2008 Wang SH,Shih YL,Ko WC,Wei YH,Shih CM. Cadmium-induced autophagy and apoptosis are mediated by a calcium signaling pathway . Cellular and molecular life sciences .2008 ;(65):3640-3652

43. 2007 Yeh JH,Chien PJ,Hsueh YM,Shih CM,Chiu HC. Changes in the lymphocyte subset after double-filtration plasmapheresis . American Society for Clinical Pathology .2007 ;(128):940-944

44. 2007 Wu GJ,Chen WF,Sung CS,Jean YH,Shih CM,Shyu CY, Wen ZH. Preventive effects of intrathecal methylprednisolone administration on spinal cord ischemia in rats: The role of excitatory amino acid metabolizing systems . Neuroscience .2007 ;(147):294-303

45. 2007 Huang YH,Chen YH,Lin CM,Kuo SP,Ciou YY,Chen CT, Shih CM, Chang EE.. Suppress effect of seminal vesicle autoantigen on platelet-activating factor-induced mouse sperm capacitation. . Journal of Cellular Biochemistry .2007 ;(100):941-951

46. 2006 Chang YC,Huang YH,Shih CM,Wu JY,Liu CL,Wang SH, Lin CM. Down-regulation of fatty acid synthase is associated with decreased Akt activation in lovastatin induced apoptosis cells. . Journal of Food and Drug Analysis .2006 ;(14):340-345

47. 2006 Huang YH,Shih CM,Huang CJ,Lin CM,Chou CM,Tasi ML, Liu TP, Chiu JF, Chen CT. Effect of cadmium on structure and enzymatic activity of Cu, Zn-SOD and oxidative status in neural cells. . Journal of Cellular Biochemistry .2006 ;(98):577-589

48. 2006 Jiang JS,Shih CM,Wang SH,Chen TT,Lin CN,Ko WC. Mechanisms of suppression of nitric oxide production by 3-O-methylquercetin in RAW 264.7 cells. . Journal of Ethnopharmacology .2006 ;(103):281-287

49. 2005 Au HK,Yeh TS,Kao SH,Shih CM,Hsieh RH,Tzeng CR. Calcium-dependent up-regulation of mitochondrial electron transfer chain gene expressions in human luteinized granulosa cells . FERTIL STERIL .2005 ;(84):1104-1108

50. 2005 Wnag LF,Lin CM,Shih CM,Chen HJ,Su B,Tseng BB, Gau BB, Cheng KT. Prevention of cellular oxidative damage by an aqueous extract of Anoectochilus formosanus . Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences .2005 ;(1042):379-386

51. 2005 Shih CM,Ko WC,Yang LY,Lin CJ,Wu JS,Lo TY, Wang SH, Chen CT. Detection of apoptosis and necrosis in normal human lung cells using 1H NMR spectroscopy . Annals of the New York Academy of Science .2005 ;(1042):488-496

52. 2005 Shih YL,Hsu SW,Wang SH,Chen WL,Lee MT,Wei YH, Shih CM. Cadmium toxicity toward caspase-independent apoptosis through the mitochondria-calcium pathway in mtDNA-depleted cells . Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences .2005 ;(1042):497-505

53. 2005 Yang LY,Ko WC,Lin JW,Wu JC,Lin CJ,Cheng HH, Shih CM. Antioxidant N-acetylcysteine blocks nerve growth factor-induced H2O2/ERK signaling in PC12 cells . Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences .2005 ;(1042):325-337

54. 2005 Ko WC,Shih CM,Leu IJ,Chen TT,Chang JP. Mechanism of relaxant action of leuteolin in isolated guinea pig trachea . Planta Medica .2005 ;(71):406-411

55. 2005 Yang LY,Chen WL,Lin JW,Lee SF,Lee CF,Hung TI, Wei YH, Shih CM. Differential expression of antioxidant enzymes in various hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines . Journal of Cellular Biochemistry .2005 ;(96):622-631

56. 2005 Chou CM,Huang CJ,Shih CM,Chen YP,Liu TP,Chen CT. Identification of three mutations in the Cu,Zn-Superoxide Dismutase (Cu,Zn-SOD) gene with familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis transduction of human Cu,Zn-SOD into PC12 cellby HIV-1 TAT protein basic domains. . Annals New York Academy of Sciences .2005 ;(1042):303-313

57. 2005 Huang YH,Kuo SP,Lin MH,Shih CM,Chu ST,Wei CC, Wu TJ, Chen YH. Signals of seminal vesicle autoantigen suppresses bovine serum albumin-induced capacitation in mouse sperm . Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications .2005 ;(338):1564-1571

58. 2005 Lin CM,Huang ST,Liang YC,Lin MS,Shih CM,Chang CY, Chen CT. Isovitexin suppresses lipopolysaccharide- mediated inducible nitric oxide synthase through inhibition of NF-kappa B in mouse macrophages. . Planta Medica .2005 ;(71):748-753

59. 2004 Shih CM, Ko WC, Wu JS, Wei YH, Wang LF, Chang EE, Lo TY ,Cheng HH, Chen CT. Mediating of caspase-independent apoptosis by cadmium through the mitochondria-ROS pathway in MRC-5 fibroblasts . J. Cell. Biochem. .2004 ;(91):384-397

60. 2004 Yeh TS,Hsieh RH,Shen SC,Wang SH,Tseng MJ,Shih CM, Lin JJ. Nuclear bII–tubulin associates with the activated Notch receptor to modulate Notch signaling. . Cancer Res. .2004 ;(64):8334-8340

61. 2004 Ko WC,Shih CM,Chen MC,Lai YH,Chen JH,Chen CM, Lin CN. Suppressive effect of 3-O-methylquercetin on ovalbumin-induced airway hyperresponsiveness . Planta Medica .2004 ;(70):1-5

62. 2004 Ko WC,Shih CM,Lai YH,Chen JH,Huang HL. Inhibitory effects of flavonoids on phosphodiesterase isozymes from guinea pig and their structure-activity relationships. . Biochem. Pharmacol. .2004 ;(68):2087-2094

63. 2003 Ko WC, Liu PY, Chen JL. Leu IJ, Shih CM.. Relaxant effect of flavonoids in isolated guinea pig Trachea and their structure-activity relationship . Planta Medica .2003 ;(69):1086-1090

64. 2003 Shih CM, Wu JS, Ko WC, Wang LF, Wei YH, Liang HF, Chen YC, Chen CT.. Mitochondria-mediated caspase-independent apoptosis induced by cadmium in normal human lung cells. . J. Cell. Biochem. .2003 ;(89):335-347

65. 2003 Chen SY, Kao CF, Chen CM, Shih CM, Hsu MJ, Chao H, Wang SH, You L, Lee YHW.. Mechanisms for inhibition of hepatitis B virus gene expression and replication by hepatitis c virus core protein . J. Biol. Chem. .2003 ;(278):591-607

66. 2002 Chen YC, Shen SC, Lee WR, Lin HY, Ko CH, Shih CM, Yang LL. Wogoin and fisetin induction of apoptosis through activation of caspase 3 cascade and alternative expression of p21 protein in hepatocellular carcinoma cells SK-HEP-1 . Arch. Toxicol. .2002 ;(76):351-359

67. 2001 許福助、施純明. 生物醫學研究的新利器:蛋白質體(proteome)之簡介及應用 . 中華民國醫檢會報 .2001 ;(16):36-48

68. 2001 Chen KL, Chen CM, Shih CM, Huang HL, Lee YH, Chang C and Lo SJ.. Hepatitis B viral polymerase fusion proteins are biologically active and can interact with the hepatitis C virus core protein in vivo . Journal of Biomedical Science .2001 ;(8):492-503

69. 2000 Lin, Y.-L., C.-T. Chen, S.-C. Lin, C. Lee, H.-S. Kuo, C.-M. Shih, Y.-H. Hsu, Y.-P. Ching, E.-C. Chan.. A Simple Method to Determine Urea Concentration Using Intact Helicobacter pylori and Brom Cresol Purple as a pH Indicator. (in press) . Biotechnology Lett. .2000

70. 2000 C. Chin, T.-S. Chiueh, W.-C. Yang, T.-H. Yang, C.-M. Shih, H.-T. Lin , K.-C. Lin, J.- C. Lien, T.-F. Tsai, S.-T. Nichol, T.-G. Ksiazek, P.-E. Rollin,. Hantavirus infection in Taiwan: the experience of geographically unique area . J. Med. Virol. .2000 ;(60):237-247

71. 1995 Shih, C.-M., C.-M. Chen, S.-Y. Chen, and Y.-H. Wu Lee.. Modulation of the trans-suppression activity of hepatitis C virus core protein by phosphorylation. . J. Virol. .1995 ;(69):1160-1171

72. 1993 Shih, C.-M., S. J. Lo, T. Miyamura, S.-Y. Chen, and Y.-H. Wu Lee.. Suppression of hepatitis B virus expression and replication by hepatitis C virus core protein in HuH-7 cells . J. Virol. .1993 ;(67):5823-5832

1. 2004 Chien PL,Yeh JH,Chiu HC,Hsueh YM,Chen MC,Hsu FC, Shih CM. Assessment of immune function for myasthenia gravis patients . The 19th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science, Taipei, Taiwan. .2004

2. 2004 Shih CM,Ko WC,Yang LY,Lin CJ,Wu JS,Lo TY, Wang SH, Chen CT. Detection of apoptosis and necrosis in normal human lung cells using 1H NMR spectroscopy . The second international scientific meeting of Asia Society of Mitochondrial Research and Medicine (ASARM), Taipei, Taiwan. .2004

3. 2004 Shih YL,Hsu SW,Wang SH,Chen WL,Lee MT,Wei YH, Shih CM. Cadmium toxicity toward caspase-independent apoptosis through the mitochondria-calcium pathway in mtDNA-depleted cells . The second international scientific meeting of Asia Society of Mitochondrial Research and Medicine (ASARM) , Taipei, Taiwan. .2004

4. 2004 Yang LY,Ko WC,Lin JW,Wu JC,Lin CJ,Cheng HH, Shih CM. Antioxidant N-acetylcysteine blocks nerve growth factor-induced H2O2/ERK signaling in PC12 cells . The second international scientific meeting of Asia Society of Mitochondrial Research and Medicine (ASARM) , Taipei, Taiwan. .2004

5. 2003 Hsu FC, Sun J, Ou A, Shih CM. Establishment of flow cytometric assay to assess huma immune response for peripheral blood leukocyte . The 18th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan. .2003

6. 2003 Liang HF, Ko WC, Wang LF, Wei YH, Wu JS, Chen CT, Shih CM. Cadmium-induced caspase-independent apoptosis through mitochondria-ROS pathway . The 18th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan. .2003

7. 2003 Shih CM, Wang SH, Lin CN, Ko WC. The anti-inflammatory effects of 3-o-methylquercetin through nitric oxide scavenging activity in Raw 264.7 cells . The 18th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan. .2003

8. 2003 Ko WC, Chen MC, Lai YH, Chen JH, Shih CM, Chen CM, Lin CL. The 18th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan. . Suppressive effects of 3-O-methylquercetin on ovalbumin-induced airway hyperresponsiveness in vivo and in vitro .2003

9. 2002 Shih CM, Wu JS, Wang CJ, Wang LF, Chen CT, Wei YH. Effect of ROS on cell death triggered by cdamium or mercury in normal human lung cell . Symposiun of Free Radical and Enviromental Toxicant (invited speaker);The 17th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan .2002

10. 2002 Wu JS, Huang ST, Wang LF, Wei YH, Shih CM. 1H NMR analysis of cell death . The 17th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan .2002

11. 2002 Wu JS, Wang LF, Wei YH, Chen CT, Shih CM*. A mitochondria-mediated caspase-independent apoptosis pathway triggered by cadmium in human normal cells (Oral present) . The 4th Asian-Pacific Organization for Cell Biology Congress, Cell Biology in the Post-Genomic Era .2002

12. 2001 Chang CW, Wei YH, Chen CT, Lin SC, Shih CM. Study on the regulation of MnSOD expression in human hepatoma cell lines at different differentiation stage . The 16th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan .2001

13. 2001 Chen KL, Wei YH, Chen CT, Lee C, Shih CM. Thge roles of ROS and antioxidant enzymes in sodium orthovanadate-induced PC12 differentiation . The 16th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan .2001

14. 2001 Wanf LF, Chen HJ, Lin CM, Shih CM, Gau BB, Cheng KT. Antioxidant effects of an aqueous extract of Anoectochilus Formosanus . The 16th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan .2001

15. 2000 Wu J.-C., C.-T. Chen, C. Lee and C.-M. Shih. Effects of ROS and Antioxidant Enzymes on NGF-induced Differentiation of PC12 Cells. . The 14th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences .2000

16. 2000 Wang, C.-J., C.-T. Chen, S.-C. Lin and C.-M. Shih.. Establishment of a Rapid Diagnosis and Serotyping System for Dengue Viral Infection. . The 14th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences .2000

17. 2000 Wu J.-C., C.-T. Chen, C. Lee and C.-M. Shih.. Effects of ROS and Antioxidant Enzymes on NGF-induced Differentiation of PC12 Cells. . The 13th Joint Annual Conference of Taipei Medical College. .2000

18. 2000 Wang, C.-J., C.-T. Chen, S.-C. Lin and C.-M. Shih.. Study on the Effects of ROS during Apoptosis Triggered by Cadmium and Mercury in Human Normal Lung Cell, MRC-5. . The 13th Joint Annual Conference of Taipei Medical College. .2000

19. 1999 Lee, S.-H., C.-M. Shih, Y.-L. Lin and C.-T. Chen.. The inhibition of xanthine oxidase and cell apoptosis by tannic acid. . The 13th joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, .1999

20. 1999 Chen, H. J., C.-M. Shih, Y.-L. Lin and C.-T. Chen.. Betal extraact induce bacteria agglutination and G(+) bacterstic. . The 13th joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences .1999

21. 1999 Shih, C.-M., S.-F. Lee, C.-T. Chen, C. Lee, Y.-H. Wei. The Expression Pattern of Antioxidant Enzymes among Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Lines of Different Differentiation. . Genome Diversity and Bioinformatics (FAOBMB 14th symposium), Dunedin, New Zealand. .1999

22. 1998 Lee, S.-F., Y.-S. Chen, S.-H. Lee, C.-T. Chen and C.-M. Shih. The Scavenging enzyme activities in hepatoma cell lines at different differentiation stage . The 12th Joint Annual Conference of Taipei Medical College. .1998

23. 1997 Chen, C.-T., S.-H. Lee, C.-M. Shih, H.-J. Chen.. Inhibitory effects of gallate-related compounds on Xanthine oxidase. . The 12th joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences .1997

24. 1997 Chen, C.-T., J.-S. Tai, C.-M. Shih, C.-S. Liu. Roles of gallate-related compounds on formation of hydroxyl radicals. . The12th joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences .1997

25. 1995 You, L.-R., Chen C.-M., C.-M. Shih, L.-H. Hwang and Y.-H. Wu Lee.. Interaction of HCV core protein with cellular proteins and HBV encapsidation components: Implication for viral pathogenesis and suppressive effect on HBV replication. . The 29th Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Microbiology .1995

26. 1994 Shih, C.-M., and Y.-H. Wu Lee.. Modulation of the trans-suppression activity of hepatitis C virus core protein by phosphorylation. . The Ninth Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences. .1994

27. 1994 S.-Y. Chen, C.-M. Shih, and Y.-H. Wu Lee.. Modulation analysis of hepatitis C virus core protein. . The Ninth Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences. .1994

28. 1994 Shih, C.-M., and Y.-H. Wu Lee.. Modulation of the trans-suppression activity of hepatitis C virus core protein by phosphorylation. . Second Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology. .1994

29. 1993 C.-M. Chen, C.-M. Shih, P.-J. Chen, S. J. Lo, L.-H. Hwang and Y.-H. Wu Lee.. The nucleic acid binding specificity of hepatitis C viral core proteins . Symposium on Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B Virus. pp. 118 (Washington, DC, USA) .1993

30. 1992 Shih, C.-M., S. J. Lo, T. Miyamura, S.-Y. Chen, and Y.-H. Wu Lee.. Suppression of hepatitis B viral expression and replication by hepatitis C viral core in HuH-7 cell line. . The Seventh Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences. .1992

31. 1992 Shih, C.-M., S. J. Lo, T. Miyamura, S.-Y. Chen, and Y.-H. Wu Lee.. Suppression of hepatitis B viral expression and replication by hepatitis C viral core protein in HuH-7 cell line . Symposium on Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B virus. (San Diego, USA) .1992


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104 探討 microRNAs 在慢性血癌抗藥性機制形成中所扮演的角色

103 抑制RanGAP表現所誘導細胞核BCR-ABL之增加,將促進Imatinib對於慢性血癌的療效

102 2014國際癌症新知研討會、第11屆前瞻生物醫學科學新知研討會暨第13屆海峽兩岸生物醫學研討會

102 2014國際癌症新知研討會、第11屆前瞻生物醫學科學新知研討會暨第13屆海峽兩岸生物醫學研討會

102 2014國際癌症新知研討會、第11屆前瞻生物醫學科學新知研討會暨第13屆海峽兩岸生物醫學研討會

102 2014國際癌症新知研討會、第11屆前瞻生物醫學科學新知研討會暨第13屆海峽兩岸生物醫學研討會

102 SUMOylation 對 androgen receptor 誘導細胞自嗜作用之影響

101 SUMOylation 對GSK-3beta 誘導產生細胞自噬之作用

100 白藜蘆醇抑制glutamate對星狀細胞毒性效果及其機轉之研究

100 SUMOylation 對GSK-3beta 誘導產生細胞自噬之作用

99 SUMOylation 對GSK-3beta 誘導產生細胞自噬之作用

98 肺部纖維化過程中SUMO對CTGF轉錄表現的調控

98 吳茱萸鹼產生不同形式細胞死亡之探討 - 胞內鈣離子訊息傳導於轉譯醫學腦癌治療之應用

98 CXCL12在endotoxin所引發急性肺損傷中扮演之角色

95 重金屬鎘誘發腎間質細胞死亡之分子訊息探討:細胞凋亡與自噬之相關性研究

94 鎘對腎間質細胞之毒性研究:粒線體、內質網及DAP激酶之探討鄐妞袺鰫坌膍s雅釋酗妥?3/3)D酸於酒精戒斷的臨床意義庰

94 鎘對腎間質細胞之毒性研究:粒線體、內質網及DAP激酵素之探討

93 Caspase非依存性凋亡之分子訊息探討: 粒線體與calpain之研究

92 鎘於正常肺細胞導致caspase 非依存性凋亡之分子訊息探討: 粒腺體角色之研究

92 鎘於正常細胞導致caspase非依存性凋亡之分子訊息探討:粒線體角色之研究

90 人體免疫功能相關分析

90 活性氧分子敏感性訊息分子於PC12細胞分化過程所扮演角色之探討

89 自由基於PC12細胞分化所扮演角色之探討(2/2)

88 自由基於PC12細胞分化所扮演角色之探討(1/2)