李友專(Li, Yu-Chuan) 教授

現   職
人工智慧醫療研究中心 副主任
健康資訊科技國際研究中心 主任
醫學資訊研究所 教授


學 歷

美國猶他大學醫學資訊學系 博士
私立臺北醫學院醫學系 學士




2020/07/01 ~
2019/08/01 ~
2019/02/01 ~ 2019/09/30
2018/08/01 ~
2017/01/01 ~ 2017/05/14
2015/03/09 ~
2015/02/01 ~
2012/08/01 ~
2011/02/01 ~ 2020/01/31
2010/02/01 ~
2009/08/01 ~ 2014/ 4/30
2009/06/01 ~ 2011/01/31
2005/08/01 ~ 2006/07/31
1998/09/01 ~ 2006/07/31
1995/08/01 ~ 2006/07/31




Medical Informatics - Medical Decision Support
Medical Informatics - Electronic Health Record
Patient Safety Informatics
Knowledge discovery in medical databases
Data mining in medical databases



1. 2024 Shuo-Chen Chien,Chia-Hui Chien,Chun-You Chen,Yen-Po (Harvey) Chin,Po-Han Chien,Chun-Kung Hsu, Hsuan-Chia Yang, Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. Novel Data Visualization Method to Measure Alert Efficiency in Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) System . HEALTH POLICY TECHN .2024

2. 2023 Artificial intelligence in diabetic retinopathy: Bibliometric analysis . COMPUT METH PROG BIO .2023

3. 2023 Annisa Ristya Rahmanti,Jason C. Hsu,Hsuan-Chia Yang,Yu-Chuan Jack Li. Emotion recognition in doctor-patient interactions from real-world clinical video database: initial development of artificial empathy . COMPUT METH PROG BIO .2023

4. 2023 Machine Learning Approaches for Predicting Psoriatic Arthritis Risk Using Electronic Medical Records: Population-Based Study . J Med Internet Res .2023

5. 2023 Using Alert Dwell Time to Filter Universal Clinical Alerts: A Machine Learning Approach . COMPUT METH PROG BIO .2023

6. 2023 Ability of machine-learning based clinical decision support system to reduce alert fatigue, wrong-drug errors, and alert users about look alike, sound alike medication . COMPUT METH PROG BIO .2023

7. 2022 Voice-based control system for smart hospital wards: a pilot study of patient acceptance . BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH .2022

8. 2022 Alerts in Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS): A Bibliometric Review and Content Analysis . Healthcare .2022

9. 2022 Sequential coupling of dry and wet COVID-19 screening to reduce the number of quarantined individuals . COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE .2022

10. 2022 Yang HC ,Annisa Ristya Rahmanti,Huang CW,Li YC. How Can Research on Artificial Empathy Be Enhanced by Applying Deepfakes? . JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH .2022

11. 2022 Annisa RistyaRahmanti,Chia-HuiChien,Aldilas AchmadNursetyo,AtinaHusnayain,Bayu SatriaWiratam,AnisFuad, Hsuan-ChiaYang, Yu-Chuan JackLi. Social media sentiment analysis to monitor the performance of vaccination coverage during the early phase of the national COVID-19 vaccine rollout . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2022

12. 2022 Annisa Ristya R. Rahmanti,Hsuan-Chia Yang,Bagas S. Bintoro,Aldilas A. Nursetyo,M S. Muhtar,Shabbir Syed-Abdul, Yu-Chuan J. Li. "SlimMe, a Chatbot with Artificial Empathy for Personal Weight Management: System Design and Finding" . Frontiers in Nutrition .2022

13. 2022 Tahmina Nasrin Poly,Ming-Chin Lin,Shabbir Syed-Abdul,Chih-Wei Huang,Hsuan-Chia Yang,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li . Proton Pump Inhibitor Use and Risk of Gastric Cancer: Current Evidence from Epidemiological Studies and Critical Appraisal . Cancers .2022

14. 2022 Tahmina Nasrin Poly,Md. Mohaimenul Islam,Bruno Andreas Walther,Ming-Chin Lin,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. Proton Pump Inhibitors Use and the Risk of Pancreatic Cancer: Evidence from Eleven Epidemiological Studies, Comprising 1.5 Million Individuals . Cancers .2022

15. 2022 Analysis of Dual Combination Therapies Used in Treatment of Hypertension in a Multinational Cohort . JAMA Network Open .2022

16. 2022 Syed-Abdul Shabbir,Babu A. Shoban,Bellamkonda Raja Shekhar,Itumalla Ramaiah,Acharyulu G. V.R.K.,Krishnamurthy Surya,Ramana Y. Venkat Santosh,Mogilicharla Naresh,Malwade Shwetambara,Li Yu Chuan,Syed-Abdul Shabbir,Babu A. Shoban,Bellamkonda Raja Shekhar,Itumalla Ramaiah,Acharyulu G. V.R.K.,Krishnamurthy Surya,Ramana Y. Venkat Santosh,Mogilicharla Naresh,Malwade Shwetambara,Li Yu Chuan. Using artificial intelligence-based models to predict the risk of mucormycosis among COVID-19 survivors: An experience from a public hospital in India . Journal of Infection .2022 ;(84):351-354

17. 2021 Yen Po Harvey Chin,Wenyu Song,Chia En Lien,Chang Ho Yoon,Wei-Chen Wang,Jennifer Liu, Phung Anh Nguyen, Yi Ting Feng, Li Zhou, Yu Chuan Jack Li*, David Westfall Bates. Assessing the International Transferability of a Machine Learning Model for Detecting Medication Error in the General Internal Medicine Clinic: Multicenter Preliminary Validation Study . JMIR Medical Informatics .2021 ;(9):e23454

18. 2021 Tahmina Nasrin Poly,Md. Mohaimenul Islam,Hsuan Chia Yang,Ming Chin Lin,Wen-Shan Jian,Min-Huei Hsu, Yu-Chuan Jack Li*. Obesity and Mortality Among Patients Diagnosed With COVID-19: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . Frontiers in Medicine .2021 ;(8)

19. 2021 Shuo-Chen Chien,Yen-Po (Harvey) Chin,Chang Ho Yoon,Md. Mohaimenul Islam,Wen-Shan Jian,Chun-Kung Hsu, Chun-You Chen, Po-Han Chien, Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li*. A novel method to retrieve alerts from a homegrown Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) system of an academic medical center: Comprehensive alert characteristic analysis . PLoS One .2021 ;(16):e0246597

20. 2021 Hsuan-Chia Yang,Md Mohaimenul Islam,Phung Anh Alex Nguyen,Ching-Huan Wang,Tahmina Nasrin Poly,Chih-Wei Huang, Yu-Chuan Jack Li*. Development of a Web-Based System for Exploring Cancer Risk With Long-term Use of Drugs: Logistic Regression Approach . JMIR Public Health and Surveillance .2021 ;(7):e21401

21. 2021 Diana Barsasella,Megan F. Liu,Shwetambara Malwade,Cooper J Galvin,Eshita Dhar,Chia-Chi Chang, Yu-Chuan Jack Li, Shabbir Syed-Abdul*. Effects of Virtual Reality Sessions on the Quality of Life, Happiness, and Functional Fitness among the Older People: A Randomized Controlled Trial from Taiwan . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2021 ;(200):105892

22. 2021 S Asensio-Cuesta,V Blanes-Selva,JA Conejero,A Frigola,MG Portolés,JF Merino-Torres, MR Almanza, S Syed-Abdul, YC Li, R Vilar-Mateo, L Fernandez-Luque, JM García-Gómez. A User-Centered Chatbot (Wakamola) to Collect Linked Data in Population Networks to Support Studies of Overweight and Obesity Causes: Design and Pilot Study . JMIR Medical Informatics .2021 ;(9)

23. 2021 DE Nkhoma,CJ Soko,KJ Banda,D Greenfield,YC Li,U Iqbal. Impact of DSMES app interventions on medication adherence in type 2 diabetes mellitus: systematic review and meta-analysis . BMJ Health & Care Informatics .2021

24. 2021 CC Wu,M Islam,PA Nguyen,TN Poly,CH Wang,U Iqbal, YC Li, HC Yang. Risk of Cancer in Long‐Term Levothyroxine Users: Retrospective Population‐based Study . Cancer Science .2021

25. 2021 DNA Ningrum,SP Yuan,WM Kung,CC Wu,IS Tzeng,CY Huang, YC Li, YC Wang. Deep Learning Classifier with Patient’s Metadata of Dermoscopic Images in Malignant Melanoma Detection . Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare .2021

26. 2021 Poly TN,Islam MM,Li YJ,Alsinglawi B,Hsu M,Jian WS, Yang H. Application of Artificial Intelligence for Screening COVID-19 Patients Using Digital Images: Meta-analysis . JMIR Medical Informatics .2021 ;(9)

27. 2021 MM Islam,TN Poly,B Alsinglawi,MC Lin,MH Hsu,YC Li. A State-of-the-Art Survey on Artificial Intelligence to Fight COVID-19 . Journal of Clinical Medicine .2021

28. 2021 S Krishnamurthy,K KS,E Dovgan,M Lustrek,BG Piletic,K Srinivasan, YC Li, A Gradisek, SS Abdul. Machine Learning Prediction Models for Chronic Kidney Disease using National Health Insurance Claim Data in Taiwan . Healthcare .2021 ;(9)

29. 2021 MM Islam,TN Poly,HC Yang,YC Li. Deep into Laboratory: An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Recommend Laboratory Tests . Diagnostics .2021 ;(11)

30. 2021 AR Rahmanti,DNA Ningrum,L Lazuardi,HC Yang,YC Li. Social Media Data Analytics for Outbreak Risk Communication: Public Attention on the “New Normal” During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2021

31. 2021 D Barsasella,S Syed-Abdul,S Malwade,T B. J. Kuo,MJ Chien,F J. Núñez-Benjumea, GM Lai, RH Kao, HJ Shih, YC Wen, YC Li, IP Carrascosa, KJ Bai. Sleep Quality among Breast and Prostate Cancer Patients: A Comparison between Subjective and Objective Measurements . Healthcare .2021 ;(9)

32. 2021 WT Chiu,J Scholl,YC Li,J Wu. So Few COVID-19 Cases in Taiwan: Has Population Immune Health Played a Role? . Frontiers in Public Health .2021

33. 2021 CH Wang,PA Nguyen,YC Li,MM Islama,TN Poly,QV Trang, CW Huang, HC Yang. Improved diagnosis-medication association mining to reduce pseudo-associations . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2021

34. 2021 Chi, L.-H.,Wu, A.T.H.,Hsiao, M.,Li, Y.-C. . A Transcriptomic Analysis of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas for Prognostic Indications . Journal of Personalized Medicine .2021

35. 2021 CH Yeh,YH Wang,HC Yang,KJ Bai,HH Wang,YC Li. "Artificial Intelligence–Based Prediction of Lung Cancer Risk Using Nonimaging Electronic Medical Records: Deep Learning Approach" . Journal of Medical Internet Research .2021 ;(23)

36. 2021 DNA Ningrum,WM Kung,IS Tzeng,SP Yuan,CC Wu,CY Huang, MS Muhtar, PA Nguyen, YC Li, YC Wang . "A Deep Learning Model to Predict Knee Osteoarthritis Based on Nonimage Longitudinal Medical Record" . Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare .2021 ;(14):2477-2485

37. 2021 MM Islam ,TN Poly,BA Walther ,MC Lin ,YC Li . Artificial Intelligence in Gastric Cancer: Identifying Gastric Cancer Using Endoscopic Images with Convolutional Neural Network . Cancers .2021 ;(13)

38. 2021 CW Liang,HC Yang,MM Islam,PA Nguyen,YT Feng,ZY Hou; CW Huang; TN Poly; YC Li. "Predicting Hepatocellular Carcinoma With Minimal Features From Electronic Health Records: Development of a Deep Learning Model" . JMIR Cancer .2021 ;(7)

39. 2021 M Jani,N Girard,DW Bates,DL Buckeridge,T Sheppard,J Li, U Iqbal, S Vik, C Weaver, J Seidel, WG. Dixon, R Tamblyn. Opioid prescribing among new users for non-cancer pain in the USA, Canada, UK, and Taiwan: A population-based cohort study . PLoS Medicine .2021

40. 2021 MM Islam,GH Li ,TN Poly ,YC Li . DeepDRG: Performance of Artificial Intelligence Model for Real‐Time Prediction of Diagnosis‐Related Groups . Healthcare .2021

41. 2020 Tahmina Nasrin Poly,Md. Mohaimenul Islam,Hsuan Chia Yang,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li*. Association between Benzodiazepines Use and Risk of Hip Fracture in the Elderly People: A Meta-analysis of Observational Studies . Joint Bone Spine .2020 ;(87):241-249

42. 2020 Brauer Ruth,Wong Ian Chi Kei*,Man Kenneth K.C.,Pratt Nicole L.,Park Rae Woong,Cho Soo Yeon,Li Yu Chuan,Iqbal Usman,Nguyen Phung Anh Alex,Schuemie Martijn. Application of a Common Data Model (CDM) to rank the paediatric user and prescription prevalence of 15 different drug classes in South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and Australia: An observational, descriptive study . BMJ Open .2020 ;(10):e032426-e032426

43. 2020 Islam Md Mohaimenul,Yang Hsuan-Chia,Poly Tahmina Nasrin,Jian Wen-Shan*,Li Yu-Chuan (Jack)*. Deep Learning Algorithms for Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy in Retinal Fundus Photographs: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2020 ;(191):105320-105320

44. 2020 Md. Mohaimenul Islam,Tahmina Nasrin Poly,Bruno Andreas Walther,Hsuan-Chia Yang ,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. Statin Use and the Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies . Cancers .2020 ;(12):671

45. 2020 Hsiao-Han Wang,Chia-Wei Liang,Yu-Chuan Li. Application of Basic Epidemiologic Principles and Electronic Health Records in a Deep Learning Prediction Model—Reply . JAMA Dermatology .2020

46. 2020 Usman Iqbal,Hafsah Arshed Ali Khan,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. Is care safe today? . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2020 ;(31):575-576

47. 2020 Md Mohaimenul Islam Hsuan,Tahmina Nasrin Poly,Suleman Atique,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li,Hsuan Chia Yang*. Deep Learning Model for Detection of Retinal Vessels from Digital Fundus Images- A Survey . EC Ophthalmology .2020 ;(11)

48. 2020 Y.P.H. Chin,Z.Y. Hou,M.Y. Lee,H.M. Chu,H.H. Wang,Y.T. Lin, A. Gittin, S.C. Chien, P.A. Nguyen, L.C. Li, T.H. Chang, Y.C.J. Li*. A patient‐oriented, general‐practitioner‐level, deep‐learning‐based cutaneous pigmented lesion risk classifier on a smartphone . British Journal of Dermatology .2020

49. 2020 Chih-Wei Huang,Yen-Po (Harvey) Chin,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li*. Scaling up knowledge sharing to speed up quality improvement in healthcare organizations . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2020 ;(31):655-656

50. 2020 Md. Mohaimenul Islam,Tahmina Nasrin Poly,Bruno Andreas Walther,Hsuan-Chia Yang,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li*. Artificial Intelligence in Ophthalmology: A Meta-analysis of Deep Learning Models for Retinal Vessels Segmentation . Journal of Clinical Medicine .2020 ;(9)

51. 2020 Meng Yin Wu,Wen Ta Chiu*,Yu-Chuan Jack Li,Wen-Shan Chien,Jonathan Wu,Rachele Hwong, JJ Stewart, PingYi Lin, Claire Huang, Su Yen Wu, Corey Teng. A Preliminary Study: The Novel AI Voice-Recognition System for Acute Care Hospitals in the United States . Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research .2020

52. 2020 Cooper J Galvin,Luis Fernandez-Luque,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li*. Accelerating the global response against the exponentially growing COVID-19 outbreak through decent data sharing . Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease .2020

53. 2020 Phung Anh Nguyen,Mohaimenul Islam,Cooper J Galvin,Chih-Cheng Chang,Soo Yeon An,Hsuan-Chia Yang, Chih-Wei Huang, Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li, Usman Iqbal*. Meta-analysis of proton pump inhibitors induced risk of community-acquired pneumonia . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2020 ;(32):292-299

54. 2020 Phung‐Anh Nguyen,Chih‐Cheng Chang,Cooper J. Galvin,Yao‐Chin Wang,So Yeon An,Chih‐Wei Huang, Yu‐Hsiang Wang, Min‐Huei Hsu, Yu‐Chuan Jack Li*, Hsuan‐Chia Yang*. Statins use and its impact in EGFR‐TKIs resistance to prolong the survival of lung cancer patients: A Cancer Registry Cohort Study in Taiwan . Cancer Science .2020 ;(111):2965-2973

55. 2020 Usman Iqbal,Hafsah Arshed Ali Khan,Yu-Chuan Jack Li*. The global challenges for quality improvement and patient safety . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2020

56. 2020 Mohaimenul Islam,Hsuan-Chia Yang,Phung-Anh Nguyen,Yu-Hsiang Wang,Tahmina Nasrin Poly,Yu-Chuan Jack Li*. Deep Learning Approach for the Development of a Novel Predictive Model for Prostate Cancer . Studies in health technology and informatics .2020 ;(270):1241-1242

57. 2020 Chung-Ming Lo*,Yu-Hung Wu,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li,Chieh-Chi Lee. Computer-Aided Bacillus Detection in Whole-Slide Pathological Images Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network . Applied Sciences .2020 ;(10):4059

58. 2020 Chih-Wei Huang,Alex P. A. Nguyen,Chieh-Chen Wu,Hsuan-Chia Yang,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li*. Develop a Prediction Model for Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer Using Deep Learning in EHR Data . Studies in Computational Intelligence .2020 ;(899):11-18

59. 2020 Wu Chieh Chen,Hsu Wen Ding,Wang Yao Chin,Kung Woon Man,Tzeng I. Shiang,Huang Chih Wei, Huang Chu Ya, Li Yu Chuan*. An Innovative Scoring System for Predicting Major Adverse Cardiac Events in Patients with Chest Pain Based on Machine Learning . IEEE Access .2020 ;(8):124076-124083

60. 2020 Poly Tahmina Nasrin,Islam Md Mohaimenul,Yang Hsuan-Chia,Li Yu-Chuan Jack,Poly Tahmina Nasrin. Appropriateness of Overridden Alerts in Computerized Physician Order Entry: Systematic Review . JMIR medical informatics .2020 ;(8):e15653

61. 2020 Md. Mohaimenul Islam,Tahmina Nasrin Poly,Bruno Andreas Walther,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li*. Use of Mobile Phone App Interventions to Promote Weight Loss: Meta-Analysis . JMIR mHealth and uHealth .2020 ;(8):e17039

62. 2020 Usman Iqbal,Leo Anthony Celi,Yu-Chuan Jack Li*. How Can Artificial Intelligence Make Medicine More Preemptive? . Journal of Medical Internet Research .2020 ;(22):e17211

63. 2020 Cooper J. Galvina,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li,Shwetambara Malwade,Shabbir Syed-Abdul*. COVID-19 preventive measures showing an unintended decline in infectious diseases in Taiwan . International Journal of Infectious Diseases .2020 ;(98):18-20

64. 2020 Yen Po (Harvey) Chin,I Hsin Huang,Ze Yu Hou,Po Yu Chen,Fatima Bassir,Hsiao Han Wang, Yu Ting Lin, Yu Chuan (Jack) Li*. User satisfaction with a smartphone-compatible, artificial intelligence-based cutaneous pigmented lesion evaluator . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2020 ;(195):105649

65. 2020 Md. Mohaimenul Islam,Hsuan Chia Yang,Tahmina Nasrin Poly,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li*. Development of an Artificial Intelligence–Based Automated Recommendation System for Clinical Laboratory Tests: Retrospective Analysis of the National Health Insurance Database . JMIR Medical Informatics .2020 ;(8):e24163

66. 2020 Tahmina Nasrin Poly,Md. Mohaimenul Islam,Muhammad Solihuddin Muhtar,Hsuan Chia Yang,Phung-Anh (Alex) Nguyen,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li*. Machine Learning Approach to Reduce Alert Fatigue Using a Disease Medication–Related Clinical Decision Support System: Model Development and Validation . JMIR Medical Informatics .2020 ;(8):e19489

67. 2020 Mohammad Ainul Maruf,Usman Iqbal,Yu-Chuan Li*. Social media infodemic during the COVID-19 pandemic . The BMJ .2020 ;(368):m1160

68. 2020 Md.Mohaimenul Islam,Tahmina N. Poly,Bruno A. Walther,Hsuan C. Yang,Cheng-Wei Wang,Wen-Shyang Hsieh, Suleman Atique, Hosna Salmani, Belal Alsinglawi, Ming C. Lin, Wen S. Jian, Yu-Chuan Jack Li*. Clinical Characteristics and Neonatal Outcomes of Pregnant Patients with COVID-19: A Systematic Review . Frontiers in Medicine .2020 ;(7)

69. 2020 Mohaimenul Islam,Tahmina Nasrin Poly,Hsuan Chia Yang,Suleman Atique,Yu-Chuan Jack Li*. Deep Learning for Accurate Diagnosis of Glaucomatous Optic Neuropathy Using Digital Fundus Image: A Meta-Analysis . Studies in health technology and informatics .2020 ;(270):153-157

70. 2019 Hsuan-Chia Yang,Tahmina Nasrin Poly,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. Deep into Patient care: An automated deep learning approach for reshaping patient care in clinical setting . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2019 ;(168):A1-A2

71. 2019 Usman Iqbal,Mihajlo Rabrenovic,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li*. Health care quality challenges in low- and middle-income countries . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2019 ;(31):165

72. 2019 Chih Yuan Wu,Chih-Wei Huang,Hsuan-Chia Yang,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li*. Opportunities and challenges in Taiwan for implementing the learning health system . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2019

73. 2019 Poly T. N.,Islam M. M.,Yang H. C.,Wu C. C.,Li Y. C.(.J.).. Proton pump inhibitors and risk of hip fracture: a meta-analysis of observational studies . Osteoporosis International .2019 ;(30):103-114

74. 2019 Islam Md Mohaimenul,Poly Tahmina N.,Walther Bruno A.,Dubey Navneet K.,Ningrum Dina N.A.,Syed-Abdul Shabbir,Li Yu Chuan Jack. Response to letter: 'Proton pump inhibitors therapy and the risk of major osteoporotic nonhip fractures in older adults in Taiwan' . European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology .2019 ;(31)

75. 2019 Iqbal Usman,Humayun Ayesha,Li Yu Chuan Jack. Healthcare quality-improvement and measurement strategies and its challenges ahead . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2019 ;(31)

76. 2019 Chiang Rayleigh Ping Ying,Lin Chien Fu,Li Yu Chuan (Jack),Hsu Min Huei. The importance of sleep for governmental sectors, general population and industry – Asia–Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Sleep Technology Agenda . Sleep Medicine Reviews .2019 ;(43):135-136

77. 2019 Huang Chu Ya,Nguyen Phung Anh,Yang Hsuan Chia,Islam Md Mohaimenul,Liang Chia Wei,Lee Fei Peng,(Jack) Li Yu Chuan. A probabilistic model for reducing medication errors: A sensitivity analysis using Electronic Health Records data . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2019 ;(170):31-38

78. 2019 Islam Md Mohaimenul,Nasrin Tahmina,Walther Bruno Andreas,Wu Chieh Chen,Yang Hsuan Chia,Li Yu Chuan. Prediction of sepsis patients using machine learning approach: A meta-analysis . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2019 ;(170):1-9

79. 2019 Wu Chieh Chen,Yeh Wen Chun,Hsu Wen Ding,Islam Md Mohaimenul,Nguyen Phung Anh (Alex),Poly Tahmina Nasrin,Wang Yao Chin,Yang Hsuan Chia,(Jack) Li Yu Chuan. Prediction of fatty liver disease using machine learning algorithms . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2019 ;(170):23-29

80. 2019 Yang Hsuan Chia,Nasrin Poly Tahmina,Li Yu Chuan Jack. Challenges of patient's safety, satisfaction and quality of care in developing and developed counties . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2019 ;(31):323-324

81. 2019 Islam Md Mohaimenul,Poly Tahmina Nasrin,Yang Hsuan Chia,Wu Chieh Chen,Li Yu Chuan. Increase Risk of Multiple Sclerosis in Patients with Psoriasis Disease: An Evidence of Observational Studies . Neuroepidemiology .2019 ;(52):152-160

82. 2019 Wu Chieh Chen,Hsu Wen Ding,Islam Md Mohaimenul,Poly Tahmina Nasrin,Yang Hsuan Chia,Nguyen Phung Anh  (Alex),Wang Yao Chin,Li Yu Chuan  (Jack). An artificial intelligence approach to early predict non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction patients with chest pain . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2019 ;(173):109-117

83. 2019 Liang Chia-Wei,Islam Md Mohaimenul,Poly Tahmina Nasrin,Yang Hsuan-Chia,Jack Li Yu-Chuan. Association between gout and cardiovascular disease risk: A nation-wide case-control study . Revue du Rhumatisme (English Edition) .2019 ;(86):389-391

84. 2019 Yang Hsuan Chia,Nguyen Phung Anh Alex,Islam Mohaimenul,Huang Chih Wei,Poly Tahmina Nasrin,Iqbal Usman,Li Yu Chuan Jack. Traitements de la goutte et risque de cancer: étude cas témoins . Revue du Rhumatisme (Edition Francaise) .2019 ;(86):380-382

85. 2019 Peisan Lee,Ju-Chi Liu,Ming-Hsiung Hsieh,Wen-Rui Hao,Yuan-Teng Tseng,Shuen-Hsin Liu, Yung-Kuo Lin, Li-Chin Sung, Jen-Hung Huang, Hung-Yu Yang, Jong-Shiuan Ye, He-Shun Zheng, Min-Huei Hsu, Shabbir Syed-Abdul, Richard Lu, Phung-Anh Nguyen, Usman Iqbal, Chih-Wei Huang, Wen-Shan Jian, YC Li*. Corrigendum to “Cloud-based BP system integrated with CPOE improves self-management of the hypertensive patients: A randomized controlled trial” Comput Methods Programs Biomed 2016;132:105–113 . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2019 ;(176):237-238

86. 2019 Syed-Abdul Shabbir,Malwade Shwetambara,Nursetyo Aldilas Achmad,Sood Mishika,Bhatia Madhu,Barsasella Diana,Liu Megan F.*,Chang Chia Chi,Srinivasan Kathiravan,Raja M,Li Yu Chuan Jack. Virtual reality among the elderly: A usefulness and acceptance study from Taiwan . BMC Geriatrics .2019 ;(19)

87. 2019 Md. Mohaimenul Islam*, ,Tahmina Nasrin Poly, ,Yu Chuang Li. Retinal Vessels Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks in Fundus Images . BoiRxiv .2019

88. 2019 Hsiao-Han Wang,Yu-Hsiang Wang,Chia-Wei Liang,Yu-Chuan Li*. Assessment of Deep Learning Using Nonimaging Information and Sequential Medical Records to Develop a Prediction Model for Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer . JAMA Dermatology .2019 ;(155):1277-1283

89. 2019 Tahmina Nasrin Poly,Md. Mohaimenul Islam,Bruno Andreas Walther,Hsuan-Chia Yang,Chieh-Chen Wu,Ming-Chin Lin, Yu-Chuan Li*. Association between Use of Statin and Risk of Dementia: A Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies . Neuroepidemiology .2019

90. 2019 Yi-Chun Liu,Phung-Anh Nguyen,Ayesha Humayun,Shuo-Chen Chien,Hsuan-Chia Yang,Rahma Asdary, Shabbir Syed-Abdul, Min-Huei Hsu, Max Moldovan, Yun Yen, YC Li*, Wen-Shan Jian*, Usman Iqbal*. Does long-term use of antidiabetic drugs changes cancer risk? . Medicine .2019 ;(98):e17461

91. 2019 Ming-Chin Lin*,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. More patient data, greater opportunities and higher quality . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2019 ;(31):403

92. 2019 FranciscoLuna-Perejon*,Shwetambara Malwade,Charis Styliadis,Javier Civit,Daniel Cascado-Caballero,Evdokimos Konstantinidis, Shabbir SyedAbdul*, Panagiotis D.Bamidis, Anton Civit, Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. Evaluation of user satisfaction and usability of a mobile app for smoking cessation . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2019 ;(23):105042

93. 2019 Lin Pei Chen,Huang Hsu Cheng,Komorowski Matthieu,Lin Wei Kai,Chang Chun Min,Chen Kuan Ta,Li Yu Chuan,Lin Ming Chin. A machine learning approach for predicting urine output after fluid administration . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2019 ;(177):155-159

94. 2019 Islam Md Mohaimenul,Poly Tahmina Nasrin,Walther Bruno Andreas,Yang Hsuan Chia,Wu Chieh Chen,Lin Ming Chin,Chien Shuo Chen,Li Yu Chuan. Association Between Atrial Fibrillation and Dementia: A Meta-Analysis . Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience .2019 ;(11)

95. 2019 Md. Mohaimenul Islam,Li Yu Chuan. Quality improvement in healthcare: the need for valid, reliable and efficient methods and indicators . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2019 ;(31):495-496

96. 2019 Poly Tahmina Nasrin ,Islam Md Mohaimenul (Rubel) ,Yang Hsuan Chia ,Li Yu Chuan Jack . Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and risk of Parkinson’s disease in the elderly population: a meta-analysis . European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology .2019 ;(75):99-108

97. 2018 Islam Md Mohaimenul ,Poly Tahmina Nasrin ,Walther Bruno Andreas ,Yang Hsuan Chia ,Lin Ming Chin ,Yu-Chuan Li. Risk of Hemorrhagic Stroke in Patients Exposed to Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs: A Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies . Neuroepidemiology .2018 ;(51):166-176

98. 2018 Navneet Kumar Dubey,Dina Nur Anggraini Ningrum,Rajni Dubey,Yue-Hua Deng, Yu-Chuan Li,Peter D. Wang, Joseph R. Wang, Shabbir Syed-Abdul, Win-Ping Deng. Correlation between diabetes mellitus and knee osteoarthritis: A dry-to-wet lab approach . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2018 ;(19)

99. 2018 Rayleigh Ping-Ying Chiang,Chien-Fu Lin,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li,Min-Huei Hsu. The Importance of Sleep for Governmental Sectors, General Population and Industry – Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Sleep Technology Agenda . Sleep Medicine Reviews .2018

100. 2018 Lin Che Wei ,Chang Elizabeth H. ,Clinciu Daniel L. ,Peng Yun Ting ,Huang Wen Chen ,Chien-Chih Wu, Jen-Chieh Wu, Yu-Chuan Li. Using modified information delivery to enhance the traditional pharmacy OSCE program at TMU – a pilot study . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2018 ;(158):147-152

101. 2018 Kekade Shwetambara ,Hseieh Chung Ho ,Islam Md Mohaimenul ,Atique Suleman ,Mohammed Khalfan Abdulwahed ,Yu-Chuan Li ,Shabbir Syed Abdul*. The usefulness and actual use of wearable devices among the elderly population . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2018 ;(153):137-159

102. 2018 Yao-Chin Wang,Po-An Tai,Tahmina Nasrin Poly,Md.Mohaimenul Islam,Hsuan-Chia Yang,Chieh-Chen Wu, Yu Chuan Li*. Increased Risk of Dementia in Patients with Anti-depressants: A Meta-analysis of Observational Studies . Behavioural Neurology .2018 ;(2018):1-8

103. 2018 Shwetambara Malwade,Shabbir Syed Abdul,Mohy Uddin,Aldilas Achmad Nursetyo,Luis Fernandez-Luque,Xinxin (Katie) Zhu*, Liezel Cilliers*, Chun-Por Wong*, Panagiotis Bamidis*, Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li*. Mobile and Wearable Technologies in Healthcare for the Ageing Population . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2018 ;(161):233-237

104. 2018 Lee Ting-Fang,Tseng Yu-Chi ,Phung Anh Nguyen , Li Yu-Chuan,Ho Chao-Chi ,Wu Cheng-Wen*. Enhanced YAP expression leads to EGFR TKI resistance in lung adenocarcinomas . Scientific Reports .2018 ;(8):271

105. 2018 Phung-Anh(Alex) Nguyen,Jack Li Yu Chuan . Improving the quality healthcare through the efficient computer-aided prediction models . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2018 ;(162):A1-A1

106. 2018 Yang Hsuan-Chia ,Mohaimenul Islam,Jack Li Yu Chuan . Monitor, reduce and prevent the adverse outcomes for ensuring patient safety . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2018 ;(30):415-415

107. 2018 Lin Ming-Chin,Jack Li Yu Chuan . Developing a Framework for Adopting the Latest Health Information Technology Standards for a Next-generation Electronic Health Record . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2018 ;(160):A1-A1

108. 2018 Yang Hsuan-Chia Yang,Md. Mohaimenul Islam,Jack Li Yu Chuan . Potentiality of deep learning application in healthcare . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2018 ;(161):A1-A1

109. 2018 Usman Iqbal,Jack Li Yu Chuan . Improvements scale-up and rapid response systems in the hospitals . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2018

110. 2018 Wu Yu-Wei*,Jack Li Yu Chuan . Development and implementation of computational models provides solutions for biomedical community . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2018 ;(159):A1-A1

111. 2018 Saurabh Singh Thakur,Shabbir Syed Abdul,Hsiao-Yean (Shannon) Chiu,Ram Babu Roy,Po-Yu Huang,Shwetambara Malwade, Aldilas Achmad Nursetyo, Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. Artificial-Intelligence-Based Prediction of Clinical Events among Hemodialysis Patients Using Non-Contact Sensor Data . Sensors .2018 ;(18):2833

112. 2018 Phung-Anh (Alex) Nguyen,Yao-Chin Wang,Yu-Chuan(Jack) Li*. The role of informatics in improving patient care . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2018 ;(163):A1-A1

113. 2018 Ming-Chin Lin,Usman Iqbal,Yu-Chuan Jack Li. AI in Medicine: Big Data Remains a Challenge . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2018 ;(164):A1-A1

114. 2018 Chung-Ming Lo,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. The use of multimedia medical data and machine learning for various diagnoses . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2018 ;(165):A1-A1

115. 2018 Phung-Anh Nguyen,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Implications . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2018 ;(166):A1-A1

116. 2018 Iqbal U. ,Dagan A. ,Syed-Abdul S. ,Celi L.A. ,Hsu M.-H. ,Li YC . A hackathon promoting Taiwanese health-IoT innovation . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2018 ;(163):29-32

117. 2018 Yao-Chin Wang,Bilegjin Ganzorig,Chieh-Chen Wu,Usman Iqbal,Hafash-Arshed-Ali Khan,Wan-Shan Hsieh, Wen-Shan Jian, Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li*. Patient satisfaction with dermatology teleconsultation by using MedX . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2018 ;(167):37-42

118. 2018 Santiago Hors-Fraile,Shwetambara Malwade,Dimitris Spachos,Luis Fernandez Luque,Chien-Tien Su,Wei-Li Jeng, Shabbir Syed-Abdul*, Panagiotis Bamidis, Yu-Chuan(Jack) Li. A recommender system to quit smoking with mobile motivational messages: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial . Trials .2018 ;(19)

119. 2018 Yang Hsuan Chia ,Nguyen Phung Anh Alex ,Islam Mohaimenul ,Huang Chih Wei ,Poly Tahmina Nasrin ,Iqbal Usman, Li Yu-Chuan (Jack) . Gout drugs use and risk of cancer: A case-control study . Joint Bone Spine .2018 ;(85):747-753

120. 2018 Wu Chih Yuan ,Iqbal Usman ,Jack Li Yu Chuan . Communication and diagnosis: Cornerstones for achieving precision medicine . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2018 ;(157):A1-A1

121. 2018 Huang Chih Wei ,Iqbal Usman ,Jack Li Yu Chuan . Healthcare improvement measures in risk management and patient satisfaction . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2018 ;(30)

122. 2018 Lu Richard ,Iqbal Usman ,Jack Li Yu Chuan . Improving access to state of the art statistical methods for use in applied clinical research . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2018 ;(155):A1-A2

123. 2018 Chiu Hung Wen ,Jack Li Yu Chuan . Improving healthcare management with data science . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2018 ;(154):A1-A1

124. 2018 Huang Chih Wei ,Iqbal Usman ,Jack Li Yu Chuan . Learning from errors for continuously improving patient safety . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2018 ;(30)

125. 2018 Lo Chung Ming ,Jack Li Yu Chuan . Machine learning based cancer detection using various image modalities . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2018 ;(156):A1-A1

126. 2018 Chiu Hung-Wen ,Jack Li Yu Chuan . Toward precise and preventive healthcare with computational tools . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2018 ;(153):A1-A1

127. 2018 Wu Chieh-Chen ,Yu Ya-Yu ,Yang Hsuan-Chia ,Nguyen Phung Anh (Alex) ,Tahmina Nasrin Poly,Md. Mohaimenul Islam, Usman Iqbal, Hafash Arshed Ali Khan, Yao-Chin Wang, Yung-Tzu Cheng, Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li* Wen-Shan Jian*. Levothyroxine Use and the Risk of Breast Cancer: A Nation-wide Population Based Case-control Study . Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics .2018 ;(298):389-396

128. 2018 Liang Chia-wei ,Md. Mohaimenul Islam,Tahmina Nasrin Poly,Yang Hsuan-Chia,Jack Li Yu-Chuan*. Association between Gout and Cardiovascular disease risk: A Nation-wide Case-Control Study . Joint Bone Spine .2018

129. 2018 Md.Mohaimenul Islam,Tahmina N. Poly,Bruno A. Walther,Navneet K. Dubey,Dina N. Anggraini Ningrum,Syed-Abdul Shabbir, Li Yu-Chuan (Jack) . Adverse Outcomes of Long-term Use of Proton Pump Inhibitors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology .2018

130. 2018 Usman Iqbal,Jack Li Yu Chuan ,Tang Kung-pei ,Chien Hui-Chen ,Yang Ya-Ting ,Hsu Yi-Hsin Elsa*. A positive legacy of trauma? A study on the impact of natural disasters on medical utilization . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2018

131. 2018 Hsuan-ChiaYang,Md. Mohaimenul Islam,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. Development of user-friendly tools for biomedical research and healthcare . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2018 ;(167):A1-A1

132. 2017 Usman Iqbal,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. Performance measures, perceptions of quality and safety, and experience of adverse events . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2017 ;(28):639

133. 2017 Lin Yu-Pei ,Lqbal Usman,Nguyen Phung-Anh ,Islam Md.Mohaimenul , Atique Suleman ,Jian Wen Shan,Li Yu-Chuan(Jack) ,Huang Chen-Ling , and Hsu Chung-Huei. The concomitant association of thyroid disorders and Myasthenia gravis . Translational Neuroscience .2017 ;(8):27-30

134. 2017 Lo Chung-Ming,Syed-Abdul Shabbir ,Li Yu-Chuan (Jack) . The integration of image processing and machine learning for the diagnosis of stroke in CT . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2017 ;(148):A1-A1

135. 2017 Lo Chung-Ming,Lqbal Usman,Li Yu-Chuan(Jack). Automatic methods for managements of cancer, medicine, and behavior . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2017 ;(146):A1-A1

136. 2017 Yen Ju-Chuan,Li Yu-Chuan,Hsu Min-Huei. Health databases and biobanks: Taipei declaration gives researchers a roadmap . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2017 ;(116):495-495

137. 2017 Greenfield David ,Lqbal Usman,Li Yu-Chuan(Jack). Healthcare improvements from the unit to system levels: contributions to improving the safety and quality evidence base . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2017 ;(29):313-313

138. 2017 Lqbal Usman,Li Yu-Chuan(Jack). Patient's satisfaction and incentive programs for physicians . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2017 ;(29):143-143

139. 2017 Lo Chung-Ming,Lqbal Usman ,Li Yu-Chuan(Jack). Cancer quantification from data mining to artificial intelligence . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2017 ;(145):A1-A1

140. 2017 Syed-Abdul Shabbir ,Lqbal Usman,Li Yu-Chuan(Jack). Predictive Analytics through Machine Learning in the clinical settings . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2017 ;(144):A1-A2

141. 2017 Atique Suleman,Hsieh Chung-Ho,Hsiao Ruei-Ting,Lqbal Usman,Nguyen Phung Anh(Alex),Islam Md. Mohaimenul,Li Yu-Chuan(Jack),Hsu Chien-Yeh,Chuang Ting-Wu,Syed-Abdulab Shabbir. Viral warts (Human Papilloma Virus) as a potential risk for breast cancer among younger females . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2017 ;(144):203-207

142. 2017 Huang Chu Ya ,Nguyen Phung Anh Alex ,Clinciu Daniel L. ,Hsu Chun Kung ,Lu Jui Chia Richard ,Yang Hsuan‐Chiah,Wu Chieh-Chen,Tsai Wen-Chen,Chou Yueh-Ching,Kuo Terry B.J.,Chang Po-Lun,Jian Wen-Shan,Li Yu-Chuan Jack. A personalized medication management platform (PMMP) to improve medication adherence: A randomized control trial . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2017 ;(140):275-281

143. 2017 Lin Ming Chin ,Iqbal Usman ,Li Yu Chuan  (Jack) . Deciphering the human brain: How health information technology can help in diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2017 ;(143):A1-A2

144. 2017 Usman Iqbal ,Yang Hsuan Chia ,Jian Wen Shan ,Yen Yun ,Li Yu Chuan . Does aspirin use reduce the risk for cancer? . Journal of Investigative Medicine .2017 ;(65):391-392

145. 2017 Syed-Abdul Shabbir ,Iqbal Usman ,Jack Li Yu Chuan . Evaluating quality improvement methods and economics of preventable adverse events in the healthcare: From Africa to Europe . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2017 ;(29):1-1

146. 2017 Lin Ming Chin ,Iqbal Usman ,Li Yu-Chuan . The new mindset for embracing precision medicine: Developing new approaches for exploring diseases . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2017 ;(140):A1-A1

147. 2017 Chia-Yu Su Emily ,Li Yu-Chuan ,Iqbal Usman . Deep learning revolutionizes healthcare and precision medicine: the next wave of artificial intelligence applications in biomedicine . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2017 ;(138)

148. 2017 Lin Ming Chin ,Iqbal Usman ,Jack Li Yu Chuan . Solving the adoption bottleneck to streamline application of medical informatics . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2017 ;(149):A1-A2

149. 2017 Lu Richard ,Iqbal Usman ,(Jack) Li Yu Chuan . Two new computational methods for data analysis: A social network analysis-based classifier and the GEEORD SAS module . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2017 ;(150):A1-A2

150. 2017 Chia-Yu Su Emily ,Usman Iqbal ,(Jack) Li Yu Chuan . Unity is Strength: Improving biomedical classification performance based on ensemble learning approaches . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2017 ;(142):A1-A1

151. 2017 Md.Mohaimenul Islam,Usaman Iqbal,Bruno Andreas Walther,Phung-Anh Nguyen,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li,Navneet Kumar Dubey,Tahmina Nasrin Poly,Jakir Hossain Bhuiyan Masud,Suleman Atique,Shabbir Syed-Abdul. Gender-based personalized pharmacotherapy: a systematic review . Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics .2017 ;(295):1305-1317

152. 2017 Turner AM,Facelli JC,Jaspers M,Wetter T,Pfeifer D,Gatewood LC, Adam T, Li YC, Lin MC, Evans RS, Beukenhorst A, van Mens HJT, Tensen E, Bock C, Fendrich L, Seitz P, Suleder J, Aldelkhyyel R, Bridgeman K, Hu Z, Sattler A, Guo SY, Mohaimenul IMM, Anggraini Ningrum DN, Tung HR, Bian J, Plasek JM, Rommel C, Burke J, Sohih H.. Solving Interoperability in Translational Health. Perspectives of Students from the International Partnership in Health Informatics Education (IPHIE) 2016 Master Class. . Applied Clinical Informatics .2017 ;(8):651-659

153. 2017 Usman Iqbal,Tzu-Hao Chang,Phung-Anh Nguyen,Shabbir Syed-Abdul, Hsuan-Chia Yang,Chih-Wei Huang, Suleman Atique, Wei-Chung Yang, Max Moldovan, Wen-Shan Jian, Min-Huei Hsu, Yun Yen, Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. Benzodiazepines use and breast cancer risk: A population-based study and gene expression profiling evidence . Journal of biomedical informatics .2017 ;(74):85-91

154. 2017 Li-Hsing Chi,Wei-Min Chang,Yu-Chan Chang,Yung-Chieh Chan,Chia-Chen Tai, Kam-Wing Leung, Chi-Long Chen, Alexander T.H. Wu, Tsung-Ching Lai, Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li, Michael Hsiao. Global Proteomics-based Identification and Validation of Thymosin Beta-4 X-Linked as a Prognostic Marker for Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma . Scientific Reports .2017 ;(7):9031-9031

155. 2017 Md. Mohaimenul Islam,Hsuan-Chia Yang,Phung-Anh Nguyen,Tahmna Nasrin Poly, Chih-Wei Huang,hwetambara Kekade, Abdulwahed Mohammed Khalfan, Tonmoy Debnath,Yu-Chuan Jack Li,Shabbir Syed Abdul. Exploring Association between Statin Use and Breast Cancer Risk: An Updated Meta-analysis . Archives of gynecology and obstetrics .2017

156. 2017 Mary Regina Boland,Pradipta Parhi,Li Li,Riccardo Miotto,Robert Carroll,Usman Iqbal, Phung-Anh (Alex) Nguyen, Martijn Schuemie, Seng Chan You, Donahue Smith Sean Mooney, Patrick Ryan, Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li, Rae Woong Park, Josh Denny, Joel T Dudley, George Hripcsak, Pierre Gentine, Nicholas P Tatonetti. Uncovering exposures responsible for birth season - disease effects: a global study. . Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association .2017

157. 2017 Wen Chen ,Usman Iqbal ,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. Healthcare quality improvements through hospital accreditation compliance and effective procedure use . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2017 ;(29):603-603

158. 2017 Usman Iqbal ,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. Quality indicators and incentive programs for health care improvement . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2017 ;(29):441-441

159. 2017 Shabbir Syed-Abdul,Usman Iqbal ,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. The novel use of an Extreme learning machines for clinical decision support systems . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2017 ;(147):A1-A1

160. 2017 Chung-Ming Lo,Usman Iqbal ,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. The informative exhibition of diagnostic imaging . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2017 ;(141):A1-A1

161. 2017 Ming-Chin Lin,Usman Iqbal ,Yu-Chuan Jack Li. The road ahead: Embracing big data for clinical decision support . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2017 ;(139):A1-A1

162. 2017 Chen Kuan Chen ,Iqbal Usman ,Nguyen Phung Anh ,Hsu Chung Huei ,Huang Chen Ling ,Yi-Hsin Elsa Hsu, Suleman Atique,Mohaimenul Islam,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li,Wen-Shan Jian. The impact of different surgical procedures on hypoparathyroidism after thyroidectomy A population-based study . Medicine .2017 ;(96):e8245-e8245

163. 2017 Shewatambara Kekade,Chung-Ho Hseieh ,Mohaimenul Islam,Suleman Atique,Abdulwahed Mohammed Khalfan ,Yu-Chuan Li ,Shabbir Syed Abdul*. The usefulness and actual use of wearable devices among the elderly population . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2017 ;(153):137-159

164. 2017 Tahmina Nasrin Poly,Mohaimenul Islam,Bruno Andreas Walther,Hsuan-Chia Yang,Phung-Anh Nguyen,Chih-Wei Huang,Shabbir Syed Abdul, Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. Exploring Association between Statin Use and the Risk of Parkinson’s Disease: A Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies . Neuroepidemiology .2017 ;(49):142-151

165. 2017 Wen Chen ,Usman Iqbal,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. Improving quality of care through evaluating potentially preventable events and crew resource management implementation . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2017 ;(29):751-751

166. 2017 Chung HoHsieh,Usman Iqbal,Yu-Chuan(Jack) Li. Mining new applications from current algorithms . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2017 ;(152):A1-A1

167. 2017 Hung-Wen Chiua,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. Toward precise and preventive healthcare with computational tools . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2017 ;(153):A1-A2

168. 2017 Lu Richard,Iqbal Usman,(Jack) Li Yu Chuan. Two new computational methods for data analysis: A social network analysis-based classifier and the GEEORD SAS module . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2017 ;(150):A1-A2

169. 2017 Hung-WenChiu,Yu-Chuan(Jack) Li. Improving healthcare management with data science . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2017 ;(154)

170. 2016 Islam Md.M.,Iqbal U.,Walther B.,Atique S.,Dubey N.K.,Nguyen P.-A.,Poly T.N.,Masud J.H.B.,Li Y.-C,Shabbir S.-A.. Benzodiazepine Use and Risk of Dementia in the Elderly Population: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. . Neuroepidemiology .2016

171. 2016 Hung-Wen Chiu,Usman Iqba,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. Using classification methodology to improve biomedical decision making . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2016 ;(137)

172. 2016 Emily Chia-Yu Su,Usman Iqbal,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. Data Mining Applications in Clinical Implementation and Healthcare: Highlights of Findings, Interventions, and Future Directions . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2016 ;(136):A1-A2

173. 2016 Ming-Chin Lin,Chieh-Chen Wu,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. New Methods for Improving Clustering Algorithm Efficiency, Tumor Volume Accuracy, and Information Security of Medical Images . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2016

174. 2016 Shabbir Syed-Abdul,Usman Iqbal,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. Impact of continuity of care on preventable hospitalization and evaluating patient safety indicators between Italy and the USA . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2016 ;(28):425

175. 2016 Chung-You Tsai,Shi-Heng Wang,Min-Huei Hsu,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. Do false positive alerts in naïve clinical decision support system lead to false adoption by physicians? A randomized controlled trial. . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2016 ;(132):83-91

176. 2016 Usman Iqbal,Shabbir Syed-Abdul,Yu-Chuan Jack Li. Advantages of involving patients in the guidelines development . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2016 ;(28):267

177. 2016 Chu-Ya Huang,Phung-Anh Nguyen,Daniel L. Clinciu,Chun-Kung Hsu,Richard Lu,Yang HC, Wu CC, Tsai WC, Chou YC, Kuo BJ, Chang PL, Jian WS, Li YC*. A Personalized Medication Management Platform (PMMP) to Improve Medication Adherence: A Randomized Control Trial . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2016 ;(0):0-0

178. 2016 USMAN IQBAL,SHABBIR SYED-ABDUL,YU-CHUAN (JACK) LI. Work Environment and Quality-Improvement in Healthcare . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2016

179. 2016 Hsuan-Chia Yang,Usman Iqbal,Phung Anh (Alex) Ngu,Shen-Hsien Lin,Chih-Wei Huang,Wen-Shan Jian*, Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li*. An automated technique to identify potential inappropriate Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) prescriptions . Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety .2016 ;(25):422-430

180. 2016 Usman Iqbal,Chun-Kung Hsu,Phung Anh (Alex) Ngu,Daniel Livius Clinci,Richard Lu,Shabbir Syed-Abdul, Hsuan-Chia Yang, Yao-Chin Wang, Chu-Ya Huang, Chih-Wei Huang, Yo-Cheng Chang, Mi. Cancer-Disease Associations: A Visualization and Animation through Medical Big Data . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2016 ;(127):44-51

181. 2016 Peisan Lee,Ju-Chi Liu,Ming-Hsiung Hsieh,Wen-Rui Hao,Yuan-Teng Tseng,L.SH, L.YK, S.LC, H.JH, Y.HY, Y. JS, Z.HS, H.MH, S.SY, Lu.R, N.PA, U.I, H.CW, J.WS, L.YC. Cloud-based BP system integrated with CPOE improves self-management of the hypertensive patients: a randomized controlled trial . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2016 ;(132):105-113

182. 2016 Navneet Kumar Dubey,Shabbir Syed-Abdul,Phung Anh Nguyen,Rajni Dubey,Usman Iqbal,Yu-Chuan Li, Wei-Hong Chen, Win-Ping Deng*. Association between anxiety state and mitral valve disorders: a taiwanese population-wide observational study . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2016

183. 2016 Chia-Chang Chen,Chung-Hsin Chang,Yen-Chun Peng,Sek-Kwong Poon,Shih-Che Huang,Yu-Chuan Jack Li*. Effect of implementation of a coded problem list entry subsystem . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2016 ;(134):1-9

184. 2016 Usman Iqbal,Hsuan-Chia Yang,Wen-Shan Jian,Yun Yen,Yu-Chuan Jack Li*. Does aspirin use reduce the risk for cancer? . Journal of Investigative Medicine .2016

185. 2016 USMAN IQBAL,SHABBIR SYED-ABDUL,YU-CHUAN (JACK) LI*. Impact of general practitioner on perceived quality of care and monitoring maternal-newborn health outcomes in developing countries . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2016

186. 2016 Alan Hwang,Leslie Chou,M. M. Islam,Yu-Chuan Li,Shabbir Syed-Abdul*. Risk factors for ectopic pregnancy in the Taiwanese population: a retrospective observational study . Arch Gynecol Obstet .2016 ;(294):779-783

187. 2016 SHABBIR SYED-ABDUL,USMAN IQBAL,YU-CHUAN (JACK) LI*. Improving trustworthiness for the codes of International Classification of Diseases 11th version and reducing hospital readmissions in order to improve healthcare services . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2016 ;(28):1

188. 2015 Ju-Chuan Yen,Hsiu-Li Lin,Chia-An Hsu,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li,Min-Huei Hsu. Atrial Fibrillation and Coronary Artery Disease as Risk Factors of Retinal Artery Occlusion: A Nationwide Population-Based Study . BioMed Research International .2015 ;(2015):1-5

189. 2015 Shabbir Syed-Abdul,Max Moldovan,Phung-Anh Nguyen,Ruslan Enikeev,Wen-Shan Jian,Usman Iqbal, Min-Huei Hsu, Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. Profiling Phenome-wide Associations: A Population-based Observational . Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association .2015 ;(22):896-899

190. 2015 Usman Iqbal,Phung-Anh Nguyen,Shabbir Syed-Abdul,Hsuan-Chia Yang,Chih-Wei Huang,Wen-Shan Jian, Min-Huei Hsu, Yun Yen, Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. Is Long-term use of Benzodiazepine a risk for cancer? . Medicine .2015 ;(94):e483

191. 2015 Usman Iqbal,Hsuan-Chia Yang,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li*. What are the leading keywords of IJQHC in last 3 years? . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2015

192. 2015 Chun-Ming Shih,Che-Wei Lin,Daniel L. Clinciu,Wen-Shan Jian,Terry B.J. Kuo,Phung Anh Nguyen, Usman Iqbal, Chun-Kung Hsu, Patrick O. Owili, Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. Managing mass events and competitions with difficult-to-access locations using mobile electrocardiac monitoring . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2015 ;(121):109-115

193. 2015 Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li,Ju-Chuan Yen,Wen-Ta Chiu,Wen-Shan Jian,Shabbir Syed-Abdul,Min-Huei Hsu. Building a National Electronic Medical Record Exchange System – Experiences in Taiwan . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2015 ;(121):14-20

194. 2015 Shabbir Syed-Abdul,Usman Iqbal,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li*. Healthcare quality and safety in developing countries . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2015 ;(27)

195. 2015 Yu-Chuan Li,Ju-Chuan Yen,Min-Huei Hsu*. Embracing the era of wearable devices . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2015

196. 2015 Usman Iqbal,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. RE: Should doctors encourage patients to record consultations? . British Medical Journal .2015

197. 2015 Hsuan-Chia Yang,Usman Iqbal,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li *. What are the most popular topics of CMPB in the past 3 years? . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2015 ;(120):1-2

198. 2015 Ju-Chuan Yen,Chia-An Hsu,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li*,Min-Huei Hsu*. The Prevalence of Dry Eye Syndrome’s and the Likelihood to Develop Sjögren’s Syndrome in Taiwan: A Population-Based Study . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2015 ;(12):7647-7655

199. 2015 Usman Iqbal,Wen-Shan Jian,Chih-Wei Huang,Arslan Inayat,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li*. Do all hypnotics and sedatives have risk for cancer? . Sleep Medicine .2015

200. 2015 USMAN IQBAL,SHABBIR SYED-ABDUL,YU-CHUAN (JACK) LI*. Health information technology and team work to improve healthcare . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2015

201. 2015 USMAN IQBAL,SHABBIR SYED-ABDUL,YU-CHUAN (JACK) LI*. Improving quality of care and patient safety as a priority . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2015

202. 2015 Chih-Wei Huang,Richard Lu,Usman Iqbal,Shen-Hsien Lin,Phung Anh (Alex) Ngu,Hsuan-Chia Yang, Chun-Fu Wang , Jianping Li, Kwan-Liu Ma*, Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li* and Wen-Shan Jian*. A richly interactive exploratory data analysis and visualization tool using electronic medical records . BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making .2015 ;(15)

203. 2015 Kuan Chen Chen,Richard Lu,Usman Iqbal,Ko-Ching Hsu,Bi-Li Chen,Phung-Anh Nguyen, Hsuan-Chia Yang, Chih-Wei Huang, Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li, Wen-Shan Jian, Shin-Han Tsai*. Interactions between Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Drugs in Taiwan: A Population-based Study . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2015 ;(122):462-470

204. 2015 Balla Rama Devi,Shabbir Syed-Abdul,Arun Kumar,Usman Iqbal,Phung-Anh Nguyen,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li, Wen-Shan Jian*. mHealth: An Updated Systematic Review With a Focus on HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis Long term Management Using Mobile Phones . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2015 ;(122):257-265

205. 2015 Wen-Rui Hao,Yi-Hsin Hsu,Kuan-Chen Chen,Hsien-Chang Li,Usman Iqbal,PA Nguyen, CW Huang, HC Yang, PS Lee, MH Li, Sharoon Lungile Hlatshwayo, YC Li, WS Jian*. LabPush: A Pilot Study of Providing Remote Clinics with Laboratory Results via Short Message Service (SMS) in Swaziland, Africa - A Qualitative study . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2015 ;(118):77-83

206. 2015 Usman Iqbal,Shabbir Syed-Abdul,Phung-Anh Nguyen,Wen-Shan Jian,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. Physicians Antibiotics Prescribing Behavior in Taiwan, 1998-2011 . Clinical Infectious Diseases .2015 ;(60):1439-1441

207. 2015 Chih-Wei Huang,Shabbir Syed-Abdul,Wen-Shan Jian,Usman Iqbal,Phung-Anh (Alex) Ngu,Peisan Lee, Shen-Hsien Lin, Wen-Ding Hsu, Mai-Szu Wu, Chun-Fu Wang, Kwan-Liu Ma*, Yu-Chuan (Jack). A Novel Tool For Visualizing Chronic Kidney Disease Associated Polymorbidity: A 13-Year Cohort Study In Taiwan . Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association .2015 ;(22):290-298

208. 2014 Byamba Khandsuren,Syed-Abdul Shabbir,Garcia-Romero Maria,Huang Chih-Wei,Nergyi Sugarmaa,A. Nyamdorj, P.-A. Nguyen, U. Iqbal, K. Paik, L. Celi, V. Nikore, M. Somai, W.-S. Jian, Y.-C. Li. Mobile teledermatology for a prompter and more efficient dermatological care in rural Mongolia . British Journal of Dermatology .2014

209. 2014 Yu-Ting Lin,Yu-Chuan Li. The dermoscopic comma, zigzag, and bar code-like hairs: Markers of fungal infection of the hair follicles . Dermatologica Sinica .2014 ;(32):160-163

210. 2014 Shabbir Syed-Abdul,Max Moldovan,Phung-Anh Nguyen,Ruslan Enikeev,Wen-Shan Jian,Usman Iqbal, Min-Huei Hsu, Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li*. Profiling Phenome-wide Associations: A Population-based Observational Study . Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association .2014 ;(22):896-899

211. 2014 Shabbir Syed-Abdul*,Min-Huei Hsu*,Usman Iqbal,Jeremiah Scholl,Chih-Wei Huang,PA Nguyen, PS Lee, Maria Teresa García-Romero, YC Li, WS Jian. Utilizing Health Information Technology to Support Universal Healthcare Delivery: Experience of a National Healthcare System . Telemedicine and e-Health .2014 ;(21)

212. 2014 P. Lee,C.-F. Chen,H.-T. Wan,W.-S. Jian,M.-H. Hsu,S. Syed-Abdul, C.-W. Huang, Y.-C. Huang, Y.-T. Lin, T.-J. Chen, Y.-H. Wu, Y.-C. Li*.. iSlide – An Interactive Teledermatopathology e-Learning System with “Big Picture . British Journal of Dermatology .2014

213. 2014 Lam C,Kuan CF,Miser J,Hsieh KY,Fang YA,Li YC, Hsu CW, Chen RJ, Chen CI*. Emergency department utilization can indicate early diagnosis of digestive tract cancers: A population-based study in Taiwan . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2014 ;(115):103-109

214. 2014 Shabbir Syed-Abdul,Alex Nguyen,Frank Huang,Wen-Shan Jian,Usman Iqbal,Vivian Yang, Min-Huei Hsu,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. A Smart Medication Recommendation Model for The Electronic Prescription . .2014 ;(117):218-224

215. 2013 Phung Anh Nguyena,Shabbir Syed-Abdula,Priti Minamareddyd,Peisan Lee,Thuy Dieu Ngoe,Usman Iqbal,Phuong Hoang Nguyen,Wen-Shan Jian, Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li*. A method to manage and share anti-retroviral (ARV) therapy information of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) patients in Vietnam . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2013 ;(111):290-299

216. 2013 Min-Huei Hsu,Shabbir Syed-Abdul,Jeremiah Scholl,Wen-Shan Jian,Peisan Lee,Usman Iqbal,Yu-Chuan Li. The incidence rate and mortality of malignant brain tumors after 10 years of intensive cell phone use in Taiwan . European Journal of Cancer Prevention .2013

217. 2013 Chang-I. Chen,James Miser,Ching-Feng Kuan,Yu-Ann Fang,Carlos Lam,Yu-Chuan Li. Critical laboratory result reporting system in cancer patients . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2013 ;(111):249-254

218. 2013 Yu-Chuan Jack Li. Past, present, and future of CMPB . Computer methods and programs in biomedicine .2013

219. 2013 Yu-Ting Lin,Hui-Wen Lin,Yu-Chen Huang,Wen-Tsao Ho,Yu-Chuan Li,Ting-Jui Chen. Association between gout and vertigo in a Taiwanese population . Journal of Clinical Neuroscience .2013 ;(20):857-861

220. 2013 Che-Wei Lin,Daniel L Clinciu,Mark H Swartz,Chien-Chih Wu,Gi-Shih Lien,Cho-Yu Chan, Fei-Peng Lee and Yu-Chuan Li. An integrative OSCE methodology for enhancing the traditional OSCE program at Taipei medical university ospital - a feasibility study . BMC Medical Education .2013 ;(13)

221. 2013 Usman Iqbal,Cheng-Hsun Ho,Yu-Chuan(Jack) Li,Phung-Anh Nguyen,Wen-Shan Jian,Hsyien-Chia Wen. The relationship between usage intention and adoption of electronic health records at primary care clinics . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2013

222. 2013 Min-Li Yeh,Ying-Jui Chang,Shu-Jen Yeh,Li-Jung Huang,Yung-Tai Yen,Po-Yen Wang, Yu-Chuan Li, Chien-Yeh Hsu. Potential Drug-Drug Interactions in Pediatric Outpatient Prescriptions for Newborns and Infants . .2013

223. 2013 Daniel L. Clinciu,Usman Iqbal,Jack Y.C. Li. Report this comment on "Population: Crowd control." . .2013 ;(501):30-31

224. 2013 Che-Wei Lin,Shabbir Syed Abdul,Daniel L. Clinciu,Jeremias Scholl,Xiangdong Jin,Haifei Lu, Steve S. Chen, Usman Iqbal, Maxwell J. Heineck, Yu-Chuan Li. Empowering Village Doctors and Enhancing Rural Healthcare using Cloud Computing in a Rural Area of Mainland China. . Computer methods and programs in biomedicine .2013

225. 2013 Nguyen Phung Anh,Shabbir Syed-Abdul,Iqbal Usman,Min-Huei Hsu,Chen-Ling Huang,Hsien-Chang Li,Daniel Livius Clinciu,Wen-Shan Jian,Yu-Chuan Jack Li. A Probabilistic Model for Reducing Medication Errors . PLoS ONE .2013 ;(8):e82401

226. 2013 Usman Iqbal,Daniel L. Clinciu,Wen-Shan Jian,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li. Report this comments on "Exploring the Evolution of Human Mate Preference. . Science .2013 ;(342):1060-1061

227. 2013 Min-Li Yeh,Ying-Jui Chang,Po-Yen Wang,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li,Chien-Yeh Hsu. Physicians’ responses to computerized drug–drug interaction alerts for outpatients . Computer methods and programs in biomedicine .2013 ;(111):17-25

228. 2013 Yu-Ting Lin,Wei-Li Ko,Yu-Chuan Li. Grouped vesicles on the leg of a 60-year-old woman . Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology .2013 ;(69):e3-e4

229. 2013 Usman Iqbal,Shabbir Syed-Abdul,Phung Anh Nguyen,Wen-Shan Jian,Yu-Chuan Jack Li. The Impact of benzodiazepines on occurrence of pneumonia and mortality from pneumonia: a nested case-control and survival analysis in a population-based cohort. . Thorax .2013

230. 2013 Shabbir Syed-Abdul,Luis Fernandez-Luque,Wen-Shan Jian,Yu-Chuan Li,Steven Crain,Min-Huei Hsu,Yao-Chin Wang,Dorjsuren Khandreqzin,Enkhzaya Chuluunbaatar,Phung Anh Nquven,DM Liou. Misleading Health-Related Information Promoted Through Video-Based Social Media: Anorexia on YouTube . Journal of Medical Internet Research .2013 ;(15):e30

231. 2012 Wen-Shan Jian,Min-Huei Hsu,Hosea Sukati,Shabbir Syed-Abdul,Jeremiah Scholl,Nduduzo Dube, CK Hsu, TJ Wu, Vera Lin, T.C., P.C, YC Li. LabPush: A Pilot Study of Providing Remote Clinics with LaboratoryResults via Short Message Service(SMS) in Swaziland, Africa. . PLOS ONE .2012 ;(7):e44462

232. 2012 Wen-Shan Jian,Shabbir Syed-Abdul,Sanjay p Sood,Peisan Lee,Min-Huei Hsu,CH Ho, YC Li, HC Wen. Factors influencing consumer adoption of USB-based Personal Health Records in Taiwan. . BMC Health Services Research .2012 ;(12):277

233. 2012 George MIHALAS,Don DETMER,YC Li,Reinhold Haux,Bernd Blobel. EFMI Initiatives for Inter-Regional Cooperation: the TrEHRT Project. . Large Scale Projects in Ehealth: Partnership in Modernization .2012

234. 2012 Wei-Yen Hsu,Yu-Chuan Li,Chien-Yeh Hsu,Chien-Tsai Liu,Hung-Wen Chiu. Application of Multiscale Amplitude Modulation Features and Fuzzy C-Means to Brain-Computer Interface. . Clinical EEG and Neuroscience .2012 ;(43):32-38

235. 2012 Syed-Abdul S,Scholl J,Chen CC,Santos MD,Jian WS,Liou DM, Li YC. Telemedicine Utilization to Support the Management of the Burns Treatment Involving Patient Pathways in Both Developed and Developing Countries: A Case Study. . J Burn Care Res. .2012 ;(0):0-0

236. 2012 Yu-Ting Lin,Yu-Chuan Li. Acute skin rash in a gentleman with gout. . Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology .2012 ;(67):e129-e130

237. 2012 Huang, Y.-C.,Li, Y.-C.,Chen, T.-J. The efficacy of intravenous immunoglobulin for the treatment of toxic epidermal necrolysis: a systematic review and meta-analysis . British Journal of Dermatology .2012 ;(167):424-432

238. 2012 Yu-Ting Lin,Yu-Chuan Li. Ambiguous alopecia in a 36-year-old woman . Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology .2012 ;(67):e175-e176

239. 2011 Hsieh CH,Lu RH,Lee NH,Chiu WT,Hsu MH,Li YC*. Novel solutions for an old disease: diagnosis of acute appendicitis with random forest, support vector machines, and artificial neural networks . SURGERY .2011 ;(149):87-93

240. 2011 Li YC*,Detmer DE,Shabbir SA,Nguyen PA,Jian WS,Mihalas GI, Shortliffe EH, Tang P, Haux R, Kimura M, George I Mihalas, Edward H Shortliffe. A global travelers' electronic health record template standard for personal health records. . JAMIA .2011 ;(19):134-136

241. 2011 Syed-Abdul S,Scholl J,Lee P,Jian WS,Liou DM,Li YC. Study on the potential for delay tolerant networks by health workers in low resource settings. . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2011 ;(0):0-0

242. 2011 Shabbir S,Jian WS,Fernandez-Luque L,Li YC*,Hsu MH,Lee PS, Chiu WT. Leaks and threats to patient data. . BRIT MED J .2011 ;(342):d871-d873

243. 2011 Shabbir Syed Abdul,Lin CW,Jeremiah Scholl,Luis Fernandez-Luque,Jian WS,Hsu MH, Liou DM, Li YC *. Facebook use leads to health-care reform in Taiwan . The Lancet .2011 ;(377):2083-2084

244. 2011 Chang YT,Shabbir S,Tsai CY,Li YC*. A Novel Method for inferring RFID tag reader recordings into clinical events . International Journal of Medical Informatics .2011 ;(80):872-880

245. 2011 Chang YJ,Yeh ML,Li YC,Hsu CY,Lin CC,Hsu MS, Chiu WT. Predicting Hospital-Acquired Infections by Scoring System with Simple Parameters . PLoS ONE .2011 ;(6):1-11

246. 2011 Wang TL,Wu LC,Huang YJ,Lee PS,Chu TB,Fu CJ, Chen DR, Yang MC, Jian WS*, Li YC*. A Model to Personalize Scheduling of Complex Prescriptions . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2011 ;(104):514-519

247. 2011 Kimura M,Croll P,Li B,Wong CP,Gogia S,Faud A, Kwak YS, Chu S, Marcelo A, Chow YH, Paoin W, Li YC*. Survey on medical records and EHR in Asia-Pacific region: languages, purposes, IDs and regulations . Methods Inf Med .2011 ;(50):386-391

248. 2011 Li YC,Detmer DE,Shabbir SA,Nguyen PA,Jian WS,George IM, Edward HS, Paul T, Reinhold H, Michio K. A global travelers’ electronic health record template . J Am Med Inform Assoc .2011

249. 2011 Lin CS,Chang CC,Chiu JS,Lee YW,Lin JA,Mok MS, Chiu HW*, Li YC*. Application of an artificial neural network to predict postinduction hypotension during general anesthesia . Med Decis Making .2011 ;(31):308-314

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251. 2010 Lin CS,Chang CC,Chiu JS,Lee YW,Lin JA,Mok MS, Chiu HW, Li YC. Application of an artificial neural network to predict postinduction hypotension during general anesthesia . Medical Decision Making .2010

252. 2010 Shabbir S,Ahmed L,Sudhir R,Scholl J,Li YC,Liou DM. Comparison of documentation time between an electronic and a paper-based record system by optometrists at an eye hospital in south India: A time-motion study. . COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE .2010

253. 2010 Hsu MH,Chu TB,Yen JC,Chiu WT,Yeh GC,Chen TJ, Sung YJ, Hsiao J, Li YC. Development and implementation of a national telehealth project for long-term care: a preliminary study . Comput Methods Programs Biomed .2010

254. 2010 Chen CF,Chen K,Hsu CY,Chiu WT,Li YC. A guideline-based decision support for pnarmacological treatment can improve the quality of hyperlipidemia management . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2010 ;(accept)

255. 2010 Hsu MH,Li YC,Chiu WT. Smart Cards for Smart Health Care Reform in Taiwan- a Six-year Experience . Canadian Medical Association Journal .2010

256. 2010 Lin CC,Bai YM,Chen JY,Hwang TJ,Chen TT,Chiu HW*, Li YC*. Easy and Low-Cost Identification of Metabolic Syndrome in Patients Treated with Second-Generation Antipsychotics: Artificial Neural Network and Logistic Regression Models. . J Clin Psychiatry .2010 ;(71):225-234

257. 2009 Chiu JS,Wang YF,Su YC,Wei LH,Liao JG,Li YC. Artificial neural network to predict skeletal metastasis in patients with prostate cancer. . J Med Syst .2009 ;(33):91-100

258. 2009 Li YC,Lee PS,Jian WS,Kuo CH. Electronic Health Record Goes Personal World-Wide . Methods of information in medicine (Supple) .2009 ;(Supple):40-43

259. 2009 Lin CC,Bai YM,Chen JY,Hwang TJ,Chen TT,Chiu HW,Li YC. Easy and Low-Cost Identification of Metabolic Syndrome in Patients Treated with Second-Generation Antipsychotics: Artificial Neural Network and Logistic Regression Models . J Clin Psychiatry .2009 ;(71):225-234

260. 2008 Lin CS,Chiu JS,Hsieh MH,Mok MS,Li YC,CHiu HW. Predicting hypotensive episodes during spinal anesthesia with the application of artificial neural networks . Comput Methods Programs Biomed .2008 ;(92):193-197

261. 2008 Long AJ,Chang PL,Li YC,Chiu WT. The use of a CPOE Log for the analysis of physicians' behavior when responding to drug-duplication reminders.. 2008;77(8):499-506 . Int J Med Info .2008 ;(77):499-506

262. 2008 Lin CC,Wan YC,Chen JY,Liou YJ,Bai YM,Lai IC, Chen TT, Chiu HW, Li YC. Artificial neural network prediction of clozapine response with combined pharmacogenetic and clinical data. . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2008 ;(91):91-99

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265. 2007 Jen WY,Chao CC,Hung MC,Li YC*,Chi YP. Mobile information and communication in the hospital outpatient service. . International Journal of Medical Informatics .2007 ;(76):565-574

266. 2007 Chao CC,Jen WY,Hung MC,Li YC. An innovative mobile approach for patient safety services: the case of a Taiwan health care provider . Technovation .2007 ;(27):342-51

267. 2007 Chen CA,Li YC,Lin YF,Yu FC,Huang WH,Chiu JS. Neuro-fuzzy technology as a predictor of intact parathyroid hormone level in hemodialysis patients. . TOHOKU JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE .2007 ;(211):81-87

268. 2007 Jian WS,Hsu CY,Hao TH,Wen HC,Hsu MH,Lee YL, Li YC, Chuan PL. Building a portable data and information interoperability infrastructure-framework for a standard Taiwan Electronic Medical Record Template. . Computer methods and programs in biomedicine .2007 ;(88):102-111

269. 2007 Wu PY,Li YC,Wu HD. Risk factors for chickenpox incidence in Taiwan from a large-scalecomputerized database. . International Journal of Dermatology .2007 ;(46):362-366

270. 2006 Chiu JS,Yu FC,Li YC. Discrimination and calibration are concurrently required for model comparison. . Int J Cardiol .2006 ;(112):245-246

271. 2006 Chiu JS,Hu TM,Li YC,Hsu CY. Calibration measurement is important to assess a medical decision model. . Ophthalmology .2006 ;(Accept)

272. 2006 Hsu MH,Li YC. Adverse drug events and health smart cards . CMAJ .2006 ;(15):385

273. 2006 Chiu JS,Chen CA,Lee CH,Li YC,Lin YF,Wang YF, Yu FC. Neural network technology to predict intracellular water volume. . Int J Clin Pract .2006 ;(60):1231-1238

274. 2006 Chen CA,Lin SH,Hsu YJ,Li YC,Wang YF,Chiu JS. Neural network modeling to stratify peritoneal membrane transporter in predialytic patients . Intern Med .2006 ;(45):663-664

275. 2006 Yen YT,Li YC,Lin MC,Hsu CY. Applying the Grid Computation in Long-Term Retrospective Health Insurance Data Analysis. . Value in Health .2006 ;(9):275

276. 2006 Chiu JS,Hu TM,Li YC,Hsu CY. Choroidal Melanoma Prognosis . Ophthalmology .2006 ;(113):1474-1475

277. 2006 Chiu JS,Li YC,Yu FC,Wang YF. Applying an artificial neural network to predict osteoporosis in the elderly. . Stud Health Technol Inform .2006 ;(124):609-614

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280. 2005 Hsu MH,Li YC,Chiu WT. Health in Africa: in Taiwan, taking action on road safety made a difference. . BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL .2005 ;(15):904

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285. 2005 Chiu JS,Lin WT,Li YC,Wang YF. Neural network modeling to predict intact parathyroid hormone in uremic patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. . Ann Nuc Med Sci .2005 ;(18):135-141

286. 2005 Chiu JS,Lin CS,Yu FC,Li YC. What is the better model in burn patients. . Burns. .2005 ;(31):941

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289. 2005 Hsu MH,Li YC,Chiu WT,Yen JC. Outcome prediction after moderate and severe head injury using an artificial neural network. . Stud Health Technol Inform .2005 ;(116):241-245

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291. 2005 Hsu MH,Li YC. Compensatory sweating after thoracoscopic sympathectomy deserves more attention. . Ann Thorac Surg .2005 ;(80):1160

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298. 2004 Wu CC,Chiu JS,Li YC,Lin SH,Chu P,Lin YF, Chong CF. Artificial neural network is more reliable than anthropometrical equations to predict total body water in Taiwanese hemodialysis patients based on bioelectrical impedance. . J Am Soc Nephrol .2004

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328. 1997 李友專, 劉立, 邱文達. 醫學診斷決策支援系統 . 台灣醫學 .1997 ;(1):722-726

329. 1997 劉立, 李友專. 網際網路在醫學上之應用 . 台灣醫學 .1997 ;(1):727-732

330. 1997 簡文山, 李友專, 唐大鈿, 胡俊弘. 建立臺灣醫療資訊交換中心之藍圖. . 醫療資訊雜誌 .1997 ;(6):54-66

331. 1997 Li YC, Liu L, Yang TF, Chiu WT. Comparing the Performance of Mathematical Models for Surgical Decisions on Head Injury Patients . JAMIA (Supplement) .1997

332. 1996 李友專, 劉立, 張慧朗. 網際網路對醫療資訊傳播的影響. . 醫療資訊雜誌 .1996 ;(4):78-87

333. 1996 Chang LP, Li YC, Huang ST, Wang TM and Hsieh ML. Effects of a medical expert system on differential diagnosis of renal masses: a prospective study. . Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics .1996 ;(20):43-48

334. 1995 Li YC, Haug PJ, Lincoln MJ, Turner CW, Pryor TA, Warner HR. Assessing the Behavioral Impact of a Diagnostic Decision Support System. . Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Supplement .1995

335. 1994 Chang PL,Li YC,WU CJ,Huang MH,Haug PJ. Clinical Evaluation of a Renal Mass Diagnostic Expert System . Computer in Biology and Medicine .1994 ;(24):315-322

336. 1994 Li YC,HuangPJ. Automated Transformation of Probabilistic Knowledge for a Medical Diagnostic System . Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Supplement .1994

337. 1993 Chang PL, Li YC, WU CJ, Huang MH.. Using Iliad System Shell To Create an Expert System for Differential Diagnosis of Renal Masses. . Journal of Medical Systems .1993 ;(17):289-297

1. 2020 Diana Barsasella,Shwetambara Malwade,Chia Chi Chang,Megan F. Liu,Sruthi Srikanth,Ajith Kumar Panja, Yu Chuan Jack Li, Shabbir Syed-Abdul. Opinions regarding Virtual Reality among Older People in Taiwan . Science and Technology Publication .2020 ;(1):165-171

2. 2019 Tahmina Nasrin Poly,Md. Mohaimenul Islam,Hsuan Chia Yang,Phung-Anh Nguyen,Chieh Chen Wu,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li . Artificial Intelligence in Diabetes Retinopathy: Insights from A Meta-Analysis of Deep Learning . Studies in health technology and informatics .2019 ;(246):1494-1495

3. 2019 Md. Mohaimenul Islam,Taimina Nasrin Poly,Hsuan-Chia Yang,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li *. Risk of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Patients with Rheumatic Arthritis: A National-wide Population-Based Cohort Study . Studies in health technology and informatics .2019 ;(264):1494-1495

4. 2019 Yu-Hsiang Wang,Phung-Anh Nguyen*,Md. Mohaimenul Islam,Yu-Chuan Li,Hsuan-Chia Yang. Development of Deep Learning Algorithm for Detection of Colorectal Cancer in EHR Data . Studies in health technology and informatics .2019 ;(264):438-441

5. 2019 Aldilas Achmad Nursetyo,Shabbir Syed-Abdul,Mohy Uddin,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li*. Graft Rejection Prediction Following Kidney Transplantation Using Machine Learning Techniques: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. . Studies in health technology and informatics .2019 ;(264):10-14

6. 2005 Chiu JS,Chuang MH,Wang YF,Yu FC,Li YC. Comparing Discriminatory Power between Neural Network and Physician using Lung Scintigraphy for Diagnosis in the Distinguishability of Pulmonary Embolism: a Meta-Analysis Practice. . Proceedings of Asia Pacific Conference on EBM-CPG .2005

7. 2005 Wang YF,Chiu JS,Li YC. Comparison of artificial neural network and osteoporosis self-assessment tools for Asians in predicting osteoporosis for postmenopausal women. . Ann Nucl Med Sci .2005 ;(18):101

8. 2005 Chiu JS,Wang YF,Li YC. Predicting target range of intact parathyroid hormone in hemodialysis patients using genetic algorithm optimized neural network. . Ann Nucl Med Sci .2005 ;(18):117

9. 2005 Chiu JS,Yu FC,Lin WT,Huang WH,Li YC. Applying a coactive neuro-fuzzy inference system to predict intact parathyroid hormone level in hemodialysis patients. . Stud Health Technol Inform .2005 ;(116):1116

10. 2005 Yen YT,Hsu CY,Li YC. Applying SARS Ontology in Medical Information Retrieval . International Medical Informatics Symposium and Show in Taiwan 2005 .2005

11. 2004 Hao TH,Chen CI,Chen CF,Chiu WT,Wang PY,Li YC. A Roadmap to Construct the Center of Patient Safety Informatics: Using Taipei Medical University Wan Fang Hospital as Example . In Proceedings of MEDINFO 2004 .2004

12. 2004 Yen YT,Hsu CY,Chiu HW,Lee YC,Chen BL,Li YC. Developing a NLP and IR-Based algorithm for Analyzing Gene-disease Relationship. In Proceedings, Symposium on Biomedical Informatics and Biomedical Statistics Education . In Proceedings, Symposium on Biomedical Informatics and Biomedical Statistics Education, International Joint Meeting EuroMISE 2004 .2004

13. 2004 Chen S,Li YC,Liu L,Lai FP,Wang DW. Building a legal and ethical Taiwan Health Grid for Health Decision Making. . In Proceedings of 2nd European HealthGrid conference 2004 .2004

14. 2003 Yen YT,Hsu CY,Li YC. Developing an IR and NLP-Based Algorithm for Biomedical Literature Searching . International Medical Informatics Symposium and Show in Taiwan 2003 .2003

15. 2002 Liu CH, Wu JH, Li YC, Chiang IJ, Liu KS, Lu SY, Chiu HY. Prognostic Prediction of Digital Replantation-Data Mining he CGH Database of 800 Cases . Proceedings of the Inaugural Congress of The World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery .2002

16. 2002 Chen BH, Hsu CY, Lin MC, Li YC. Exchangeable Multimedia Framework for Digital Library in Medicine . In Proceedings of the AMIA 2002 Annual Symposium .2002

17. 2001 Wang BY, Hsu CY, Li YC, Kao MC, Hsie IC. A Study on the effect of physician's prescriptions with a drug ineractions checking integrated computerized order entry system . In Procs. of Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2001 .2001

18. 2001 Tsai JU, Li YC. Using Peer-to-Peet agent framework to decrease the impact to the HIS of hospital when exchanging medical information . In Procs. of Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2001 .2001

19. 2001 Liu CT, Tang DD, Song CM, Chiu WD, Li YC, Liang TC. Incorporating Smart Cards into Hospital Operating Systems . In Procs. of Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2001 .2001

20. 2001 Yeh ML, Chang YJ, Li YC. The method of evaluation of the internet resources: A review of sex therapy websites in Taiwan . In Procs. of Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2001 .2001

21. 2001 Liu CH, Li YC, Chiang IJ. Medical data mining-experience of knowledge discovery in two clinical databases . In Procs. of Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2001 .2001

22. 2001 Lin MC, Li YC. Building a virtual clinical pathology conference on internet . In Procs. of Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2001 .2001

23. 2001 Jian WS, Li YC, Lin ED, Tsai JU, Long AG, Hsu CU, Kuo HS. Mechanism for National medical information exchange center-MIEC . In Procs. of Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2001 .2001

24. 2001 Lin ED, Li YC, Jian WS, Tsai JU. A development of medical information exchange application using S/MIME . In Procs. of Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2001 .2001

25. 2000 許明暉, 劉建財, 李友專, 邱文達. 以頭部外傷病人之臨床變數預測頭部電腦斷層掃描結果 . Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2000 .2000

26. 2000 Chen PH, Li PS, Lin MS, Hsu CY, Li YC. Developing of a Digital Museum for Human Body. . Medical Informatics Syposium in Taiwan 2000. .2000

27. 2000 高孟崇, 李友專, 徐建業, 王博彥, 簡志峰. 醫院門診處方之藥物交互作用回溯調查 . Medical Informatics Syposium in Taiwan 2000 .2000

28. 2000 Chang PL, Li YC, Kao CL. e-Clinical path way implementation for outcomes management. . In Proceedings of Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2000 .2000

29. 2000 林恩德,李友專. 智慧型華文醫學健康搜尋引擎 . Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan2000 .2000

30. 2000 Huang CJ, Liu CT, Li YC.. Development a cardiovascular disease's evaluation system using hyperlipidemia patient's laboratory data. . In Procs. of Asia Pacific Medical Informatics Conference 2000. .2000

31. 2000 Hsu CY, Lee YL, Hsieh D, Lee J, Wang K, Li YC.. Development and deployment of a web-based physician order entry system. . In Procs. of Asia Pacific Medical Informatics Conference 2000. .2000

32. 2000 Lee YL, Hsu CY, Li YC, Liu CT, Hsieh D.. Development and deployment of a web-based physician order entry system in Taipei Wang-Fang Hopital. . In Proceedings of Medical Informatics Syposium in Taiwan 2000. .2000

33. 2000 Liu CT, Long AG, Li YC, Tsai KC, Kuo SS. Sharing patient care records over the World Wide Web . In Procs. of Asia Pacific Medical Informatics Conference 2000 .2000

34. 2000 Tan YK, Li YC, Fang CL. Virtual microscopic teaching for medical students . In Procs. of Asia Pacific Medical Informatics Conference 2000 .2000

35. 1999 Hsu MH, Wu CM, Li YC ,Liu CT. Inter-hospital transfer of TBI patient with the help of web-based bulletin board for regional ICU bed space . In Proceedings of Internation Conference on Recent Advances in Neurotraumatoloty 1999 .1999

36. 1997 Liu L, Li YC, Pan S. Medical Application of Distributed Multimedia Database System on the Internet. . Proceeding of AMIA Spring Congress .1997

37. 1993 Li YC, Haug PJ.. Evaluating the Quality of a Probabilistic Diagnostic System Using Different Inferencing Strategies. . Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care .1993

38. 1993 Li YC, Wong T, Haug PJ. Automated Transformation of a Large Diagnostic knowledge Base and the Linking to a Hospital Information System . American Medical Informatics Association Spring Congress Proceedings .1993

1. 2018 健康醫療資訊科技發展政策建言 . 國家衛生研究院 .2018

2. 2018 建立學習型健康系統之大數據基礎 . 國家衛生研究院 .2018

3. 2018 醫學資訊管理學 ( 3版 ) . 華杏出版股份有限公司 .2018

4. 2018 AI醫療大未來:臺灣第一本智慧醫療關鍵報告 . 好人出版 .2018

5. 2010 醫療資訊管理概論 . 華格那出版有限公司 .2010

6. 2004 邱文達,李友專. 病人安全-理論與實務 . 台灣醫務管理學會 .2004

7. 2002 李友專. 簡明醫學資訊學 . 合記出版社 .2002

8. 2002 Li YC. The Evolving Biomedical Informatics Programs in Taipei Medical University . Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2002 .2002

9. 2002 Li YC. The Evolving Biomedical informatics programs in Taipei Medical University . Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2002. .2002

10. 2001 吳昭新,李友專. 醫療資訊管理學 . 華杏出版社 .2001

11. 2001 Li YC. Toward a medical information collective: trends in the development of digital libraries in medicine . Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2001 .2001

12. 1998 Li YC. Finding Medical Resources on the Internet . Yearbook of Medical Informatics 1998 .1998


113 同理心溫度計:場域驗證與導入成效評估研究(2/2)

112 評估 ChatGPT 在心血管疾病的藥物諮詢 方面的效用

112 同理心溫度計:場域驗證與導入成效評估研究(1/2)

112 開發ICU腦損傷病人意識監測及預後決策支援系統-開發ICU腦損傷病人意識監測及預後決策支援系統(1/4)

112 113年度-數位健康新創轉譯產學聯盟(1/3)

111 打造即時「同理心溫度計」協助醫病互動(2/2)

111 112年度產學合作計畫-智慧醫療產學聯盟-以遠距居家醫療打造國際級智慧社區醫院(2/4)

111 MEDINFO 2023(研究生:醫學資訊研究所博士班Annisa Ristya Rahmanti君)

110 打造即時「同理心溫度計」協助醫病互動(1/2)

110 International Conference on Informatics, Management, and Technology in Healthcare 2022-Tahmina君

110 111年度-智慧醫療產學聯盟-建立第一個跨國開放式意識監測平台系統(1/4)

110 111年度-智慧醫療產學聯盟-建立第一個跨國開放式意識監測平台系統(1/4)

110 111年度-智慧醫療產學聯盟-建立第一個跨國開放式意識監測平台系統(1/4)

110 111年度-智慧醫療產學聯盟-建立第一個跨國開放式意識監測平台系統(1/4)

109 醫療人工智慧國際研討會-克服大流行

109 探討醫師特性與病人情緒反應分析研究:以國內北部某醫院之醫病互動影像資料庫為例

109 首創運用深度學習開發長期臥床病人壓瘡變化預測智慧鏡頭(2/2)

109 首創運用深度學習開發長期臥床病人壓瘡變化預測智慧鏡頭(2/2)

109 首創運用深度學習開發長期臥床病人壓瘡變化預測智慧鏡頭(2/2)

109 首創運用深度學習開發長期臥床病人壓瘡變化預測智慧鏡頭(2/2)

108 醫學資訊研究所博士生Mohaimenul君擬於109年4月28日至5月1日赴瑞士日內瓦參加Medical Informatics Europe (MIE)-2020

108 醫學資訊研究所碩士班研究生Tahmina君擬於108年8月25日至8月30日赴法國里昂參加MedInfo 2019研討會

108 產學合作計畫-首創運用深度學習開發長期臥床病人壓瘡變化預測智慧鏡頭(1/2)

108 產學合作計畫-首創運用深度學習開發長期臥床病人壓瘡變化預測智慧鏡頭(1/2)

108 產學合作計畫-首創運用深度學習開發長期臥床病人壓瘡變化預測智慧鏡頭(1/2)

108 產學合作計畫-首創運用深度學習開發長期臥床病人壓瘡變化預測智慧鏡頭(1/2)

108 價創計畫:AI重大疾病早覺管理

107 (107)年10月19日至21日辦理「2018健康物聯黑客松(2018 TMU-MIT (Sana)Hackathon)」

107 「2018TMU-MIT(Sana) Hackathon」

107 108年度「生醫產業與新農業跨領域人才培育計畫」之A類「生醫產業與新農業學產研鏈結人才培育計畫」夥伴學校

107 108年度委託研究計畫-健康福祉科技整合照護示範場域推動計畫-以新北市及高雄市六龜區為示範場域

107 運用人工智慧進行跨國主動式醫藥安全革新(2/4)

107 價創計畫:智慧型藥物安全系統發展與臨床導入

106 (106)年10月26日至28日辦理「TMU─MIT(Sana) Hackathon」活動

106 亞太生醫矽谷精準醫療旗艦計畫-臺北醫學大學合作案

106 107年度「生醫產業與新農業跨領域人才培育計畫」之A類「生醫產業與新農業學產研鏈結人才培育計畫」夥伴學校

106 2017年國際醫學資訊聯合研討會

106 基因檢測數據分析研究計畫

106 106年度委託科技研究計畫-運用資通訊科技以提升健康照護服務效能-分項5:健康資訊科技之國際合作研究

106 106年度委託科技研究計畫-「智慧醫療之環境整備與試行」分項6:「有效運用人工智慧於我國及國際醫療服務之研究」

106 利用巨量資料及深度學習預防用藥錯誤

106 利用巨量資料及深度學習預防用藥錯誤

106 運用人工智慧進行跨國主動式醫藥安全革新(1/4)

106 博士班研究生Mohaimenul君擬於107年4月24日至4月26日赴瑞典Gothenburg參加Medical Informatics Europe conference-2018

105 亞太生醫矽谷精準醫療旗艦計畫-臺北醫學大學合作案

105 外籍看護工對被看護者健康效益及照護提昇研究

105 2016無所不在的行動醫療照護體驗駭客松競賽

105 105年度委託科技研究計畫-運用健康資訊及資通訊技術建立智慧醫療環境:1-2健康資訊科技之國際接軌

105 利用巨量資料及深度學習預防用藥錯誤

105 睡眠醫學穿戴式用藥管理雲平台之開發與臨床驗證(2/3)

105 HIOT健康物聯網產學醫研聯盟(1/2)

104 104年度歐盟H2020先期規劃計畫-利用資訊溝通科技與使用者經驗設計社交網絡平台促進高齡者社心理健康

104 運用機器學習預測洗腎病人之心血管不良事件

104 失眠患者之睡前準備穿戴式雲平台系統開發與驗證

104 「105年度委託科技研究計畫--健康資訊科技應用」分項計畫2「健康資訊科技之研究與國際接軌」

104 睡眠醫學穿戴式用藥管理雲平台之開發與臨床驗證(1/3)

104 睡眠醫學穿戴式用藥管理雲平台之開發與臨床驗證(1/3)(相對補助)

103 打造跨國智慧型藥物安全系統之臨床試驗研究

103 醫學資訊研究所博士班研究生Dina Nur Anggraini Ningrum擬於104年5月26日至104年5月29日赴西班牙馬德里(Madrid)參加第26屆歐洲醫學資訊會議

102 103年度出席在印度New Delhi的APAMI會議進行醫學資訊交流

102 103年度出席在印度NEW DELHI的APAMI會議進行醫學資訊交流

102 台灣與蒙古行動通訊醫療技術合作:與偏遠地區進行有效地遠距皮膚科會診(2/2)

102 臺蒙(MN)國合計畫-台灣與蒙古行動通訊醫療技術合作:與偏遠地區進行有效地遠距皮膚科會診(2-2)

102 利用行動通訊技術協助西藏地區之醫護人員進行遠距醫療照護之藍圖規畫

101 利用行動通訊技術協助西藏地區之醫護人員進行遠距醫療照護之藍圖規畫

101 打造台灣第一個電腦決策支援系統之臨床試驗

101 台灣與蒙古行動通訊醫療技術合作:與偏遠地區進行有效地遠距皮膚科會診(1/2)

101 透過影像重組和模擬技術探討及建立診斷推理學習的演化能力和模式-iSlide - 建立全球病理數位學習網路

100 整合醫院資訊系統、數據收集和資訊代表性技術的挑戰

100 打造台灣第一個電腦決策支援系統之臨床試驗

100 臺北醫學大學附屬及結盟院聯合生物檢體庫資源中心計畫

100 透過影像重組和模擬技術探討及建立診斷推理學習的演化能力和模式-iSlide - 建立全球病理數位學習網路

100 行動智慧型個人用藥管理平台

99 行動智慧型個人用藥管理平台(3/3)

99 透過影像重組和模擬技術探討及建立診斷推理學習的演化能力和模式-iSlide - 建立全球病理數位學習網路

98 iSlide - 建立全球皮膚病理之數位教學資源及社群

98 行動智慧型個人用藥管理平台(2/3)

98 行動智慧型個人用藥管理平台

97 行動智慧型個人用藥管理平台(1/3)

94 利用電子病歷分析建立B族鏈球菌院內感染預警系統

94 以電子病歷資料分析建立院內感染監測系統

93 九十三年度大學科技系所人才培育計畫-A分項計畫

93 九十四年度大學科技系所人才培育計畫

93 以資料探勘技術分析及警示醫院處方系統之藥物交互作用

92 利用資料探勘建立全面性之藥物交互作用偵測及提示系統  

92 建立一個可以轉化網路吸引特質轉為積極學習動機之前瞻性數位學習平台

91 提昇私大研發能量專案---先進醫學研究資料庫之建立(3/3)(潘憲.陳品玲.邱弘毅.趙振瑞.邱泓文.蔣以仁.劉立.徐建業)

91 建立一個可以轉化網路吸引特質為積極學習動機之前瞻性數位學習平台(I)

91 利用機率性決策支援模型整合基因,疾病與病徵關聯性

90 災難醫療資訊資源中心及資料庫之建構[第二年計畫]

90 利用電腦輔助建立證據醫學之實做模型-以疼痛控制之評估為例(2/2)

90 建立網際網路上之跨領域醫學診斷決策支援系統(3/3)

90 九十年度提昇私大研發能量專案---先進醫學研究資料庫之建立(2/3)

89 九十年度醫學工程科技教育改進計畫

89 網站的運作及維護(2)

89 災難醫療資訊資源中心及資料庫之建構

89 電子病歷資訊之擷取與傳輸應用

89 建立網際網路上之跨領域醫學診斷決策支援系統(2/3)

89 利用電腦輔助建立證據醫學之實做模型-以疼痛控制之評估為例(1/2)

89 提昇私大研發能量專案---建立先進之醫學研究資訊基礎架構

88 牙展資訊科技有限公司網站運作及維護

88 和新精細化學股份有限公司網站設計、運作及維護

88 網站的運作及維護(1)

88 建立完整之國家醫療資訊交換機制

88 建立網際網路上之跨領域醫學診斷決策支援系統(1/3)

88 台灣研究網路連線計畫(II)-台北醫學院

88 生命科學數位博物館--人體奧秘展覽館

88 「醫學工程」科技教育改進計畫