蘇千田(Su, Chien-Tien) 教授

現   職
公共衛生學系 教授


學 歷

美國哥倫比亞大學公共衛生學院 博士
美國哈佛大學公共衛生學系 碩士
國立臺灣大學新聞研究所 碩士
私立臺北醫學院醫學系 學士




2018/11/01 ~
2018/04/01 ~
2016/10/07 ~ 2018/12/31
2003/09/15 ~ 2006/07/31




公共衛生 (Public Health)
職業醫學 (Occupational Medicine)
預防醫學 (Preventive Medicine)
家庭醫學 (Family Medicine)
疾病篩檢 (Disease screening)
Public Health and Environmental Medicine
Family Medicine



1. 2022 Tham T. Nguyen, Minh H. Nguyen,Yen H. Nguyen,Thao T. P. Nguyen, Manh H. Giap,Tung D. X. Tran, Thu T. M. Pham, Khue M. Pham, Kien T. Nguyen, Vinh-Tuyen T. Le, Chien-Tien Su, Tuyen Van Duong. Body mass index, body fat percentage, and visceral fat as mediators in the association between health literacy and hypertension among residents living in rural and suburban areas . Front Med (Lausanne) .2022

2. 2021 Wen-Hsuan Hou,Ken N Kuo,Mu-Jean Chen,Yao-Mao Chang,Han-Wei Tsai,Ding-Cheng Chan, Chien-Tien Su, Der-Sheng Han, Hsiu-Nien Shen, Chung-Yi Li. Simple scoring algorithm to identify community-dwelling older adults with limited health literacy: a cross-sectional study in Taiwan . BMJ open .2021

3. 2021 Han-Yu Chu,Hui-Chuan Huang,Chun-Yao Huang,Ching-Chi Chu,Chien-Tien Su, I-Lin Tsai, Huey-Lan Sophia Hu, Shu-Liu Guo. A predictive model for identifying low medication adherence among older adults with hypertension: A classification and regression tree model . Geriatric nursing (New York, N.Y.) .2021

4. 2021 Wen-Chang Wang,Yu-Shiang Lin,Yin-Fan Chang,Chih-Ching Yeh,Chien-Tien Su,Jin-Shang Wu, Fu-Hsiung Su. Association of HLA-DPA1, HLA-DPB1, and HLA-DQB1 Alleles With the Long-Term and Booster Immune Responses of Young Adults Vaccinated Against the Hepatitis B Virus as Neonates . Frontiers in immunology .2021

5. 2021 Yu-Ling Li,Ting-Wu Chuang,Po-Ya Chang,Li-Yin Lin,Chien-Tien Su,Li-Nien Chien, Hung-Yi Chiou. Long-term exposure to ozone and sulfur dioxide increases the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus among aged 30 to 50 adult population . Environmental research .2021

6. 2020 Dann-Pyng Shih,Chu-Ting Wen,Hsien-Wen Kuo ,Wen-Miin Liang,Li-Fan Liu,Chien-Tien Su, Jong-Yi Wang. Spousal Concordance in Dietary Behaviors and Metabolic Components, and Their Association: A Cross-Sectional Study . Nutrients .2020

7. 2020 Sendren Sheng-Dong Xu,Chang CC,Su CT,Pham Quoc Phu,Tifany Inne Halim,Su SF. Classification of hepatocellular carcinoma and liver abscess by applying neural network to ultrasound images . Sensors and Materials .2020

8. 2020 Hsueh YM,Lin YC,Chung CJ,Huang YL,Hsieh RL,Huang PT, Wu MY, Shiue HS, Chien SN, Lee CY, Lin MI, Shu Chi Mu, Su CT. Combined effect of polymorphisms of MTHFR and MTR and arsenic methylation capacity on developmental delay in preschool children in Taiwan . Archives of Toxicology .2020

9. 2020 Chuang, KJ, Lin, LY, Ho, KF, Su, CT. Traffic-related PM2.5 exposure and its cardiovascular effects among healthy commuters in Taipei, Taiwan . ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT-X .2020

10. 2019 Ruey-Yu Chen,Li-Chi Huang,Chien-Tien Su,Yao-Tsung Chang,Chia-Lin Chu,Choai-Ling Chang, Ching-Ling Lin. Effectiveness of Short-Term Health Coaching on Diabetes Control and Self-Management Efficacy: A Quasi-Experimental Trial . Frontiers Public Health .2019 ;(7):1-9

11. 2019 Chien-TienSu,Ru-LanHsieh,Chi-JungChung,Pai-TsangHuang,Ying-ChinLin,Pui-Lam Ao, Horng-Sheng Shiuek, Wei-Jen Chen, Shiau-Rung Huang, Ming-I Lin, Shu-Chi Mu, Yu-Mei Hsueh. Plasma selenium influences arsenic methylation capacity and developmental delays in preschool children in Taiwan . Environmental Research .2019 ;(171):52-59

12. 2019 Sendren Sheng-Dong Xu,Chun-Chao Chang,Chien-Tien Su*,Pham Quoc Phu. Classification of Liver Diseases Based on Ultrasound Image Texture Features . Applied Sciences .2019 ;(9(2)):342

13. 2019 Chih-Yin Wu,Chung-Shun Wong,Chi-Jung Chung,Mei-Yi Wu,Ya-Li Huang,Pui-Lam Ao, Yuh-Feng Lin, Ying-Chin Lin, Horng-Sheng Shiue, Chien-Tien Su, Hsi-Hsien Chen, Yu-Mei Hsueh. The association between plasma selenium and chronic kidney disease related to lead, cadmium and arsenic exposure in a Taiwanese population . Journal of Hazardous Materials .2019 ;(375):224-232

14. 2019 Tuyen Van Duong,Thao T. P. Nguyen,Khue M. Pham,Kien T. Nguyen,Manh H. Giap,Tung D. X. Tran, Chi X. Nguyen, Shwu-Huey Yang, Chien-Tien Su+*. Validation of the Short-Form Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLS-SF12) and Its Determinants among People Living in Rural Areas in Vietnam. . Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health .2019 ;(16):3346

15. 2019 Tuyen Van Duong,Chun-Kuang Shih,Te-Chih Wong,Hsi-Hsien Chen,Tso-Hsiao Chen,Yung-Ho Hsu, Sheng-Jeng Peng, Ko-Lin Kuo, Hsiang-Chung Liu, En-Tzu Lin, Chien-Tien Su, Shwu-Huey Yang. Insulin Resistance and Cardiovascular Risks in Different Groups of Hemodialysis Patients: A Multicenter Study . BioMed research international .2019

16. 2019 Ying-Chin Lin,Chi-Jung Chung,Ya-Li Huang,Ru-Lan Hsieh,Pai-Tsang Huang,Mei-Yi Wu, Pui-Lam Ao, Horng-Sheng Shiue, Shiau-Rung Huang, Chien-Tien Su, Ming-I Lin, Shu-Chi Mu, Yu-Mei Hsueh. Association of plasma folate, vitamin B12 levels, and arsenic methylation capacity with developmental delay in preschool children in Taiwan. . Archives of Toxicology .2019 ;(93):2535-2544

17. 2019 Wang, C. S.,Wong, T. C., Duong, T. V.,Su, C. T.,Chen, H. H.,Chen, T. H., Hsu, Y. H., Peng, S. J., Kuo, K. L., Liu, H. C., Lin, E. T., Feng, Y. W., & Yang, S. H. . Hyperhomocysteinemia Associated with Low Muscle Mass, Muscle Function in Elderly Hemodialysis Patients: An Analysis of Multiple Dialysis Centers . Biomed Res Int . .2019

18. 2018 Duong, T. V.,Wong, T. C.,Su, C. T.,Chen, H. H.,Chen, T. W.,Chen, T. H., Hsu, Y. H., Peng, S. J., Kuo, K. L., Liu, H. C., Lin, E. T., & Yang, S. H.. Associations of dietary macronutrients and micronutrients with the traditional and nontraditional risk factors for cardiovascular disease among hemodialysis patients: A clinical cross-sectional study . Medicine (Baltimore) .2018

19. 2018 Yang-Cheng Hu,Chih-Ching Yeh,Ruey-Yu Chen,Chien Tien Su,Wen Chang Wang,Chyi Huey Bai, Chi Fei Chan, Fu Hsiung Su. Seroprevalence of hepatitis B virus in Taiwan 30 years after the commencement of the national vaccination program . Peer J .2018 ;(2018):6-e4297

20. 2018 Duong TV, Wong TC,Chen HH,Chen TW,Chen TH,Hsu YH, Peng SJ, Kuo KL, Wang CS, Tseng IH, Feng YW, Chang TY, Su CT, Yang SH. The cut-off values of dietary energy intake for determining metabolic syndrome in hemodialysis patients: A clinical cross-sectional study . PLoS ONE .2018 ;(13):e0193742

21. 2018 Lin YC,Chen WJ,Huang CY,Shiue HS,Su CT,Ao PL, Pu YS, Hsueh YM. Polymorphisms of Arsenic (+3 Oxidation State) Methyltransferase and Arsenic Methylation Capacity Affect the Risk of Bladder Cancer. . TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES .2018 ;(164):328-338

22. 2018 Wu CC,Huang YK,Huang CY,Shiue HS,Pu YS,Su CT, Lin YC, Hsueh YM. Polymorphisms of TNF-α -308 G/A and IL-8 -251 T/A Genes Associated with Urothelial Carcinoma: A Case-Control Study . BioMed Research International .2018 ;(2018):1-8

23. 2018 Hsueh YM,Chen WJ,Lin YC,Huang CY,Shiue HS,Yang SM, Ao PL, Pu YS, Su CT*. Adiponectin gene polymorphisms and obesity increase the susceptibility to arsenic-related renal cell carcinoma. . Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology .2018 ;(350):11-20

24. 2018 Tuyen Van Duong,Chun Kuang Shih,Te Chih Wong,Hsi Hsien Chen,Tso Hsiao Chen,Yung Ho Hsu, Sheng Jeng Peng, Ko Lin Kuo, Hsiang Chung Liu, En Tzu Lin, Chien Tien Su, Shwu Huey Yang. Insulin resistance and cardiovascular risks in different groups of hemodialysis patients: a multi-centre study. . BioMed Research International .2018 ;(2019):9

25. 2018 Huang CY,Lin YC,Shiue HS,Chen WJ,Su CT,Pu YS, Ao PL, Hsueh YM. Comparison of Arsenic Methylation Capacity and Polymorphisms of Arsenic Methylation Genes between Bladder Cancer and Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma. . Toxicology Letters .2018 ;(295):64-73

26. 2018 Duong TV,Wong TC,Chen HH,Chen TW,Chen TH,Hsu YH, Peng SJ, Kuo KL, Liu HC, Lin ET, Wang CS, Tseng IH, Feng YW, Chang TY, Su CT, Yang SH. Inadequate dietary energy intake associates with higher prevalence of metabolic syndrome in different groups of hemodialysis patients: a clinical observational study in multiple dialysis centers. . BMC Nephrol .2018 ;(19):236

27. 2018 Santiago Hors-Fraile,Shwetambara Malwade,Dimitris Spachos,Luis Fernandez-Luque,Chien-Tien Su,Wei-Li Jeng, Shabbir Syed-Abdul, Panagiotis BamidisYu-Chuan(Jack) Li. A recommender system to quit smoking with mobile motivational messages: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial . Trials .2018 ;(19):618

28. 2018 Yu-Shan Lin,Chih-Ching Yeh,Shiang-Fu Huang,Yi-Sheng Chou,Li-Tang Kuo,Fung-Chang Sung,Chih-Hsin Muo,Chien-Tien Su,Fu-Hsiung Su. Aspirin associated with risk reduction of secondary primary cancer for patients with head and neck cancer: a population-based analysis . PLOS ONE .2018 ;(13):8

29. 2018 Utami FA,Lee HC,Su CT,Guo YR,Tung YT,Huang SY. Effects of calorie restriction plus fish oil supplementation on abnormal metabolic characteristics and the iron status of middle-aged obese women. . Food and Function .2018 ;(2018):1152-1162

30. 2017 Chang TY,Liu KL,Chang CS,Su CT,Chen SH,Lee CYC, Chang JS. Ferric Citrate Supplementation Reduces Red-Blood-Cell Aggregation and Improves CD163+ Macrophage-Mediated Hemoglobin Metabolism in a Rat Model of High-Fat-Diet-Induced Obesity . Molecular Nutrition & Food Research .2017 ;(62):1700442

31. 2017 Sendren Sheng-Dong X,Chien-Tien Su*,Chun-Chao Chang,Chih-Chiang Chen,Wai-Chi Fang. Glucose-Insulin Regulation Using Integral Sliding Mode Technique . Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience .2017 ;(14):865-869

32. 2017 Hsieh YC,Cho EC,Tu SH,Wu CH,Hung CS,Hsieh MC, Su CT, Liu YR, Lee CH. MSH2 rs2303425 Polymorphism is Associated with Early-Onset Breast Cancer in Taiwan . Annals of Surgical Oncology .2017 ;(24):603-610

33. 2017 Yi-Chen Hsieh,Shih-Hsin Tu,Chien-Tien Su,Er-Chieh Cho,Chih-Hsiung Wu,Mao-Chih Hsieh, Shiyng-Yu Lin, Yun-Ru Liu, Chin-Sheng Hung, Hung-Yi Chiou. A polygenic risk score for breast cancer risk in a Taiwanese population . Breast Cancer Research and Treatment .2017 ;(163):131-138

34. 2017 Yu-Mei Hsueh,Chien-Tien Su,Horng-Sheng Shiue,Wei-Jen Chen,Yeong-Shiau Pu,Ying-Chin Lin, Cheng-Shiuan Tsai, Chao-Yuan Huang. Levels of plasma selenium and urinary total arsenic interact to affect the risk for prostate cancer . Food and Chemical Toxicology .2017 ;(107):167-175

35. 2017 Ying Chin Lin,Chien Tien Su,Horng Sheng Shiue,Wei Jen Chen,Yi Hua Chen,Cheuk Sing Choy, Hung Yi Chiou, Bor Cheng Han, Yu Mei Hsueh. The Methylation Capacity of Arsenic and Insulin Resistance are Associated with Psychological Characteristics in Children and Adolescents. . Scientific Reports .2017 ;(7):1-11

36. 2017 Yu-Mei Hsueh,Ying-Chin Lin,Wei-Jen Chen,Chao-Yuan Huang,Horng-Sheng Shiue,Yeong-Shiau Pu, Chi-Hung Chen, Chien-Tien Su*. The polymorphism XRCC1 Arg194Trp and 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine increased susceptibility to arsenic-related renal cell carcinoma. . Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology .2017 ;(332):1-7

37. 2017 Ru-Lan Hsieh,Chien-Tien Su,Horng-Sheng Shiue,Wei-Jen Chen,Shiau-Rung Huang,Ying-Chin Lin, Ming-I Lin, Shu-Chi Mu, Ray-Jade Chen, Yu-Mei Hsueh. Relation of polymorphism of arsenic metabolism genes to arsenic methylation capacity and developmental delay in preschool children in Taiwan . Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology .2017 ;(321):37-47

38. 2016 Fasty Arum Utami,Hsiu-Chuan Lee,Chien-Tien Su,Shih-Yi Huang. Calorie Restriction Supplemented with Fish Oil Ameliorates Abnormal Metabolic Status in Middle-Aged Obese Women: An Open-Label, Parallel-Arm, Controlled Trial . Food and Function .2016

39. 2016 Huang CY,Huang YL,Pu YS,Shiue HS,Chen WJ,Chen SS, Lin YC, Su CT, Hsueh YM. The joint effects of arsenic and risk diplotypes of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 in renal cell carcinoma. . Chemosphere .2016 ;(154):90-98

40. 2016 Su FH,Huang YL,Sung FC,Su CT,Hsu WH,Chang SN, Yeh CC. Annual influenza vaccination reduces total hospitalization in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection: A population-based analysis. . Vaccine .2016 ;(34):120-127

41. 2016 Yeh CC,Wang WC,Wu CS,Sung FC,Su CT,Shieh YH, Chang SN, Su FH. Association of Sjögrens Syndrome in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis Virus Infection: A Population-Based Analysis. . PLOS One .2016 ;(11):e01619

42. 2016 Lin YS,Yeh CC,Lin YC,Su CT,Sung FC,Chang SN, Liu YR, Su FH. Kidney Cancer Linked to Chronic Hepatitis in the Asia-Pacific: A Population-Based Analysis. . Am J Nephrol .2016 ;(45):22-31

43. 2016 Wu PY,Su CT,Chang HW,Lan A,Yang SH. The effect of a nutritional supplement on chronic kidney disease patient . Journal of food and nutrition research .2016 ;(4):115-120

44. 2016 Chieh-Hsin Pan,Chun-Chao Chang,Chien-Tien Su,Pei-Shan Tsai. Trends in Irritable Bowel Syndrome Incidence Among Taiwanese Adults During 2003–2013: A Population-Based Study of Sex and Age Differences. . PLOS ONE .2016 ;(11):221-229

45. 2016 Wang MY,Chiu CH,Lee HC,Su CT,Tsai PS. Cardiovascular Reactivity in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder with High- or Low-Level Depressive Symptoms: A Cross-sectional Comparison of Cardiovascular Reactivity to Laboratory-Induced Mental Stress. . Biological Research for Nursing .2016 ;(18):221-229

46. 2016 氣候因子對流感的影響 . 臺北市醫師公會會刊 The Taipei Medical Association .2016 ;(60):26-32

47. 2016 Wang MY,Chang NC,Hsieh MH,Su CT,Liu JC,Shyu YK, Tsai PS. Effect of feedback signal on blood pressure self-regulation capability in individuals with prehypertension or stage I hypertension: a randomized controlled study . Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing .2016 ;(31):166-172

48. 2015 Lee HC,Cheng WY,Hsu YH,Su HY,Huang BE T-G,Lin YK, Chan WP, Su CT, Huang SY. Effects of calorie restriction with n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids on metabolic syndrome severity in obese subjects: A randomize-controlled trial . Journal of Functional Foods .2015 ;(19):929-940

49. 2015 Chan YT,Fang RY,Su FH,Wang ST,Su CT. 登革熱發展與防治--從南部疫情談起 Development and Prevention of Dengue Fever - From the Southern Epidemic. . 臺北市醫師公會會刊 The Taipei Medical Association .2015 ;(59):58-63

50. 2015 Pei-Yu Wu,Chien-Tien Su,Hui-Wen Chang,Hong-Ju Ou,shwu-Hue. 膳食補充完全黃豆蛋白及高纖維營養補充品改善年長糖尿病患者血糖之效果 The Effect of Oral Supplement with Soy Protein and Higher Dietary Fiber on Glycemic Control in Diabetes Patients. . Nutritional Sciences Journal .2015 ;(39):79-87

51. 2015 Chang Yao-Tsung,Su Chien-Tien,Chen Ruey-yu,Yeh Ching-Ying,Huang Pai-Tsang,Chen Chiou-Jong, Chu Ming. Association Between Organization Culture, Health Status, and Presenteeism . Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine .2015 ;(57):765-771

52. 2015 Lin SY,Su CT+#,Li YL,Chen YR,Cheng SY,Hu CM, Chen YH, Hsieh FI, Chiou HY. Risk Factors Correlated With Risk of Insulin Resistance Using Homeostasis Model Assessment in Adolescents in Taiwan . Asia Pac J Public Health .2015 ;(27):476-484

53. 2014 Huang YK,Peng BY,Wu CY,Su CT,Wang HC,Lai HC. DNA methylation of PAX1 as a biomarker for oral squamous cell carcinoma. . Clinical Oral Investigations .2014 ;(18):801-808

54. 2014 Su FH,Wu CS,Sung FC,Chang SN,Su CT,Shieh YH, Yeh CC. Chronic hepatitis C virus infection is associated with the development of rheumatoid arthritis: a nationwide population-based study in taiwan . PLOS ONE .2014 ;(9):e11357

55. 2014 Fu-Hsiung Su,Mei-Chieh Chen,Chiu-Shong Liu,Yi-Chieh Huang,Cheng-Chieh Lin,Fung-Chang Sung, Chien-Tien Su, Chih-Ching Yeh. Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor Gamma: Genetic Polymorphisms Are Not Associated With Metabolic Syndrome in Taiwan. . Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine .2014 ;(6):195-199

56. 2014 Fu-Hsiung Su,Shih-Ni Chang,Fung-Chang Sung,Chien-Tien Su,Ying-Hua Shieh,Cheng-Chieh Lin, Chih-Ching Yeh. Hepatitis B virus infection and the risk of male infertility: a population-based analysis . Fertility and Sterility .2014 ;(102):1677-1684

57. 2013 Tsai HH,Yeh CY,Su CT,Chen CJ,Peng SM,Chen RY. The Effects of Exercise Program on Burnout and Metabolic Syndrome Components in Banking and Insurance Workers . Industrial Health .2013 ;(51):336-346

58. 2013 Jung-Chun Ho,Shu-Fen Kao,Jung-Der Wang,Chien-Tien Su,Chiao-Tzu Patricia L,Ruey-yu Chen, Hung-Lun Chang, Marco C F Ieong, Peter Wushou Chang. Risk perception, trust, and factors related to a planned new nuclear power plant in Taiwan after the 2011 Fukushima disaster . Journal of Radiological Protection .2013 ;(33):773-789

59. 2013 Chia-Chang Wu,Yung-Kai Huang,Chi-Jung Chung,Chao-Yuan Huang,Yeong-Shiau Pu,Horng-Sheng Shiue, Li-An Lai, Ying-Chin Lin, Chien-Tien Su, Yu-Mei Hsueh. Polymorphism of inflammatory genes and arsenic methylation capacity . Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology .2013 ;(272):30-36

60. 2013 Chelsea Mark,Chien-Tien Su,Ying-Chih Chuang,Ruey-Yu Chen,Ching-Ying Yeh,Po-Chen Hung, Cheng-Ping Chang, Hsing-Jasmine Chao. The Distribution and Characteristics of Indoor Air Quality and Bioaerosols in the Hospitals of the Greater Taipei Area . Journal of Occupational Safety and Health .2013 ;(21):481-497

61. 2013 Chu PC, Du CL, Guo YL,Fuh HR,Luo JC,Chuang HY,Guo HR,Liu CS, Su CT, Tang FC, Chen CC, Yang HY. The impact of occupational health service network and reporting system in Taiwan. . International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health .2013 ;(19):352-362

62. 2013 YI-CHIEN LIU,CHI-JUNG CHUNG,HORNG-SHENG SHIUE,YA-YUN CHENG,SHIAU-RUNG HUANG,CHIEN-TIEN SU, YU-MEI HSUEH. Genetic Polymorphisms of Myeloperoxidase and Their Effect on Hypertension . Blood Pressure .2013 ;(22):282-289

63. 2013 Chi-Jung Chung,Yeong-Shiau Pu,Horng-Sheng Shiue,Hui-Ling Lee,Pinpin Lin,Hsiu-Yuan Yang, Chien-Tien Su, Yu-Mei Hsuehi. 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) metabolism-realted enzymes gene polymorphisms, NNK metabolites levels and urothelial carcinoma . Toxicology Letters .2013 ;(216):16-22

64. 2013 Chi-Jung Chung,Chao-Yuan Huang,Yeong-Shiau Pu,Horng-Sheng Shiue,Chien-Tien Su,Yu-Mei Hsueh. The effect of cigarette smoke and arsenic exposure on urothelial carcinoma risk is modified by glutathione S-transferase M1 gene null genotype . Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology .2013 ;(266):254-259


66. 2012 Sendren Sheng-Dong X,Chun-Chao Chang,Chien-Tien Su,Chung-Chi Ye,Ming-Hsien Yang,Ya-Po Wu, Yi-Kuo Liu, and Horng-Yuan Lou. Computer-Aided Classification of Liver Fibrosis Based on Ultrasound Image Processing . Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy .2012

67. 2012 Fu-Hsiung Su,Chyi-Huey Bai,Fung-Yeh Chu,Yu-Shiang Lin,Chien-Tien Su,Chih-Ching Yeh. Significance and anamnestic response in isolated hepatitis B core antibody-positive individuals 18 years after neonatal hepatitis B virus vaccination in Taiwan . Vaccine .2012 ;(30):4034-4039

68. 2012 Chao-Yuan Huang,Chien-Tien Su,Chi-Jung Chung,Yeong-Shiau Pu,Jan-Show Chu,Hsiu-Yuan Yang, Chia-Chang Wu, Yu-Mei Hsueh. Urinary total arsenic and 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine are associated with renal cell carcinoma in an area with non obvious arsenic exposure . Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology .2012 ;(262):349-354

69. 2012 Chia-Chang Wu,Chien-Tien Su,Hui-Ling Lee,Chi-Jung Chung,Chao-Yuan Huang,Yeong-Shiau Pu, Pinpin Lin, Yu-Mei Hsueh. Joint Effect of Arsenic Methylation Profile and NNK Metabolites on Urothelial Carcinoma . The Journal of Urology .2012 ;(188):1701-1705

70. 2012 Fu-Hsiung Su,Chien-Tien Su,Shih-Ni Chang,Pei-Chun Chen,Fung-Chang Sung,Cheng-Chieh Lin, Chih-Ching Yeh. Association of Hepatitis C Virus Infection With Risk of ESRD: A Population-Based Study . Am J Kidney Dis .2012 ;(60):553-560

71. 2012 Su FH,Chang SN,Chen PC,Sung FC,Huang SF,Chiou HY, Su CT, Lin CC, Yeh CC. Positive association between hepatitis C infection and oral cavity cancer: A nationwide population-based cohort study in Taiwan . PLOS ONE .2012 ;(7):e48109

72. 2012 Chien-Tien Su,Hsiu-Chen Lin,Cheuk-Sing Choy,Yung-Kai Huang,Shiau-Rung Huang,Yu-Mei Hsueh. The Relationship between Obesity, Insulin and Arsenic Methylation Capability in Taiwan Adolescents. . Science of the Total Environment .2012 ;(414):152-158

73. 2011 Chi-Jung Chung,Yeong-Shiau Pu,Chien-Tien Su,Chao-Yuan Huang,Yu-Mei Hsueh. Gene Polymorphisms of Glutathione S-transferase Omega 1 and 2, Urinary Arsenic Methylation Profile and Urothelial Carcinoma arsenic profile, and urothelial carcinoma. . Science of the Total Environment. .2011 ;(409):465-470

74. 2011 Chi-Jung Chung,Yeong-Shiau Pu,Ying-Ting Chen,Chien-Tien Su,Chia-Chang Wu,Horng-Sheng Shiue, Chao-Yuan Huang,Yu-Mei Hsueh. Protective effects of plasma alpha-tocopherols on the risk of inorganic arsenic-related urothelial carcinoma . Science of the Total Environment .2011 ;(409):1039-1045

75. 2011 Chung, C.J.,Lee, H.L.,Yang, H.Y.,Lin, P.,Pu, Y.S.,Shiue, H.S., Su, C.T., Hsueh, Y.M.*. Low ratio of 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)- 1-butanol-glucuronides (NNAL-Gluc)/free NNAL increases urothelial carcinoma risk. . Science of Total Environment .2011 ;(409):1638-1642

76. 2011 Fu-Hsiung Su,Shih-Ni Chang,Pei-Chun Chen,Fung-Chang Sung,Chien-Tien Su,Chih-Ching Yeh. Association between Chronic Viral Hepatitis Infection and Breast Cancer Risk: a Nationwide Population-based Case-control Study . BMC Cancer .2011 ;(11:495)

77. 2011 Huang C.Y.,Su C.T.,Chu J.S.,Huang S.P.,Pu Y.S.,Yang H.Y., Chung C.J., Wu C.C., Hsueh Y.M.. The Polymorphisms of P53 codon 72 and MDM2 SNP309 and Renal Cell Carcinoma Risk in a Low Arsenic Exposure Area. . Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology .2011 ;(257):349-355

78. 2010 Chiang, S. S.,Tai, C.W.,,Chung, C.J,Shiue, H.S.,Chen, J.B.,Su, C.T., Hsueh, Y.M.. Micronutrients and lifestyles in Taiwanese patients with stage 3 to 5 chronic kidney disease. . Nutrition .2010 ;(26):276-282

79. 2010 Chi-Jung Chung,Yeong-Shiau Pu,Chien-Tien Su,Hui-Wen Chen,Yung-Kai Huang,Horng-Sheng Shiue, Yu-Mei Hsueh. Polymorphisms in one-carbon metabolism pathway genes, urinary arsenic profile, and urothelial carcinoma. . Cancer Causes Control. .2010 ;(21):1605-1613

80. 2009 Yu-Mei Hsueh,Chi-Jung Chung,Horng-Sheng Shiue,Jin-Bor Chen,Shou-Shan Chiang,Mo-Hsiung Yang, Cheng-Wei Tai, Chien-Tien Su. Urinary Arsenic Species and CKD in a Taiwanese Population: A Case-Control Study . American Journal of Kidney Diseases .2009 ;(54):859-870

81. 2008 Fang-I Hsieh,Ti-Sheng Hwang,Yi-Chen Hsieh,Hsiu-Chiung Lo,Chien-Tien Su,Hui-Shjng Hsu, Hung-Yi Chiou, Chien-Jen Chen. Risk of Erectile Dysfunction Induced by Arsenic Exposure through Well Water Consumption in Taiwan . Environmental Health Perspectives .2008 ;(116):532-536

82. 2008 Chi-Jung Chung,Chi-Jung Huang,Yeong-Shiau Pu,Chien-Tien Su,Yung-Kai Huang,Ying-Ting Chen,Yu-Mei Hsueh. Polymorphisms in Cell Cycle Regulatory Genes, Urinary Arsenic Profile and Urothelial Carcinoma . Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology .2008 ;(232):203-209

83. 2008 Chi-Jung Chung,Chi-Jung Huang,Yeong-Shiau Pu,Chien-Tien Su,Yung-Kai Huang,Ying-Ting Chen, Yu-Mei Hsueh. Urinary 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine and urothelial carcinoma risk in low arsenic exposure area . Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology .2008 ;(226):14-21

84. 2007 Peng YC,Su CT,Lyu SY,Yu BC. 影響醫學院學生的性行為與接觸色情資訊經驗之相關因素探討 . 北市醫學雜誌 .2007 ;(4):393-402

85. 2005 Tsai PS,Wang SY,Wang MY,Su CT,Yang TT,Huang CJ , Fang SC. Psychometric evaluation of the Chinese version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (CPSQI) in primary insomnia and control subjects. . Quality of Life Research .2005 ;(14):1943-1952

86. 2002 Su CT,Lyu SY,Lin CF,Fan CK,Shieh YH,Chiu WT. Work-Related Psychosocial Factors and the Risk of Musculoskeletal Disorders . New Taipei Jounral of Medicine .2002 ;(4):17-24

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