陳叡瑜(Chen, Ruey-Yu) 教授

現   職
公共衛生學系 教授


學 歷

國立臺灣大學公共衛生研究所 博士
國立臺灣大學公共衛生研究所 碩士
國立臺灣大學公共衛生學系 學士




2015/05/01 ~ 2023/07/31
2015/05/01 ~ 2018/05/15
1998/08/01 ~ 2007/02/28
1998/08/01 ~ 2002/08/01







1. 2023 Effectiveness of Health Coaching in Smoking Cessation and Promoting the Use of Oral Smoking Cessation Drugs in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Controlled Trial . . Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health .2023 ;(20):1-12

2. 2022 Lin CL,Chang YT,Liu WC,Huang LC,Tsao SY,Chen YH, Chen RY. Exploring and Developing a New Culturally-Appropriate Diabetes Distress Scale in Taiwan . Frontiers in Public Health .2022 ;(10):1-7

3. 2022 Huang, L.-C.,Lin, C.-L. ,Chang, Y.-T. ,Chen, R.-Y.,Bai, C.-H.. Gender Impact on Diabetes Distress Focus at Medical Communication Concerns, Life and Interpersonal Stress . Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health .2022 ;(19)

4. 2022 TEJAMAYA, M, PHANPRSIT W, KIM J,TSAI FJ,MUTO G,MILLER D, REGINALD A, GRANADILLOS N, CAPULE C, Bt ZAINAL FARID M, LIN YW, PARK J, CHEN RY, LEE, KH, PARK J, HASHIMOTO H, KWON H, YOON C, PADUNGTOD C, SAFIRA EA and PARK DU. Characteristics of COVID-19 infection clusters occurring among workers in several Asia-Pacific countries . Industrial Health .2022 ;(60):589-598

5. 2021 Lin CL,Huang LC,Chang YT,Chen RY,Yang SH . Under COVID-19 Pandemic: A Quasi-Experimental Trial of Observation on Diabetes Patients' Health Behavior Affected by the Pandemic From a Coaching Intervention Program. . Front. Public Health .2021 ;(9):1-8

6. 2021 Tsai FJ,Chen RY,Chen HJ. Individual and family preferences of job qualities matter: Association between face needs, locked-in job status, and burnout among high-tech workers in Taiwan . BMC Public Health .2021 ;(21)

7. 2021 Derek M ,Tsai FJ,Kim J,Tejamaya M ,Putri V,Muto G, Reginald A, Phanprasit W, Granadillos EN, Capule CQ., Lin YW, Park J, Chen RY, Lee KH, Park J, Hashimoto H, Yoon C, Padungtod C, Park DU . Overview of legal measures for managing workplace COVID-19 infection risk in several Asia-Pacific countries . Safety and Health at Work .2021

8. 2021 Chang YT,Tsai FJ,Yeh CY,Chen RY. From cognition to behavior: associations of workplace health culture and workplace health promotion performance with personal healthy lifestyles. . Frontiers in Public Health .2021 ;(9):1-9

9. 2021 Lin CL,Huang LC,Chang YT,Chen RY,Yang SH. Effectiveness of Health Coaching in Diabetes Control and Lifestyle Improvement: A Randomized-Controlled Trial . Nutrients .2021 ;(13)

10. 2020 Ruey-Yu Chen,Kin-Fai Ho ,Ta-Yuan Chang,Gui-Bing Hong,Chien-Wei Liu,Kai-Jen Chuang. In-vehicle carbon dioxide and adverse effects: An air filtration-based intervention study . Science of the Total Environment .2020 ;(723):1-8

11. 2020 Chang YT,Tsai FJ,Kuo CC,Yeh CY,Chen RY. Exploring and Developing the Workplace Health Culture Scale in Taiwan . Frontiers in Public Health .2020 ;(7)

12. 2019 Chen RY,Ho KF,Hong GB,Chuang KJ. Houseplant, indoor air pollution, and cardiovascular effects among elderly subjects in Taipei, Taiwan . Science of The Total Environment .2019 ;(705):1-4

13. 2019 Study on The Risk Factors of Work-Related Fatigue among Taxi Drivers . International Journal of Management and Applied Science .2019 ;(5):63-67

14. 2019 Yeh WY,Chiu WC,Chen RY,Hu PY,Tsai DM. A preliminary evaluation of psychological stress amongst workers in Taiwan: a cross‑sectional survey . International Journal of Mental Health Systems .2019 ;(13)

15. 2019 Chen RY,Huang LC,Su CT,Chang YT,Chu CL,Chang CL, Lin CL. Effectiveness of Short-Term Health Coaching on Diabetes Control and Self-Management Efficacy: A Quasi-Experimental Trial . Frontiers in Public Health .2019 ;(7)

16. 2019 職場健康資產管理——潛在健康生產力損失推估模型之建立 . 台灣公共衛生雜誌(38:3期) .2019 ;(38):305-315

17. 2018 Hu YC,Yeh CC ,Chen RY,Su CT,Wang WC,Bai CH, Chan CF, Su FH. Seroprevalence of hepatitis B virus in Taiwan 30 years after the commencement of the national vaccination program. . Peer J .2018 ;(2018):12-27

18. 2018 Ruey-Yu Chen,Yao-Tsung Chang,Ching-Ying Yeh,Yu-Ting Huang. Musculoskeletal Pain, Work Characteristics and Presenteeism among Hotel. . International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation .2018 ;(12):1042-1048

19. 2018 Chen RY,Chang YT,Yeh CY,Huang YT. Musculoskeletal Pain, Work Characteristics and Presenteeism among Hotel Employees. International . Journal of Business, Human and Social Sciences .2018 ;(11.0)

20. 2017 Tarigan Yenni Gustiani ,Chen RY ,Lin HC ,Jung CY,Kallawicha Kraiwuth ,Chang TP , Hung PC , Chen CY , Chao H Jasmine. Fungal bioaerosol exposure and its effects on the health of mushroom and vegetable farm workers in Taiwan . Aerosol and Air Quality Research .2017 ;(17):2064-2075

21. 2017 Lai GL,Yeh CC ,Yeh CY,Chen RY,Fu CL,Chen CH, Tzeng CR. Decreased zinc and increased lead blood levels are associated with endometriosis in Asian Women . Reproductive Toxicology .2017 ;(74):77-84

22. 2017 Chen C,Tsai LT,Lin CF,Huang CC,Chang YT,Chen RY, Lyu SY. Factors influencing interest in recreational sports participation and its rural-urban disparity . PLOS ONE .2017 ;(12):178052-178052

23. 2016 Chen RY,Yu LH. Following the trend for a comprehensive healthy workplace in Taiwan . Global Health Promotion .2016 ;(23):35-45

24. 2016 Decline in semen quality in men in northern Taiwan between 2001 and 2010. . Chin J Physiol. .2016 ;(59(6)):355-365

25. 2015 Tsai FC,Lan YC,Muo CH,Yang YF,Sung FC,Chen RY, Lyu SY, Morisky DE. Subsequent ischemic events associated with lower extremity amputations in patients with type 2 diabetes: A population-based cohort study . Diabetes Res Clin Pract .2015 ;(107):85-93

26. 2015 Chang YT,Su CT,Chen RY,Yeh CY,Huang PT,Chen CJ, Chu M. Association Between Organization Culture, Health Status, and Presenteeism . Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine .2015 ;(57):765-771

27. 2015 Li CJ,Yeh CY,Chen RY,Tzeng CR,Han BC,Chien LC. Biomonitoring of blood heavy metals and reproductive hormone level related to low semen quality . Journal of Hazardous Materials .2015 ;(300):815-822

28. 2015 葉婉榆,陳叡瑜. 職場工作者身心狀況與健康促進需求評估的年齡層差異- 以某住宿餐飲業為例 . 福祉科技與服務管理學刊 .2015 ;(3):437-452

29. 2015 高生物氣膠暴露職場之真菌及細菌特性調查 . 勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊 .2015

30. 2014 Ho JC,Lee CT Patricia,Kao SF,Chen RY,Ieonga Marco CF,Chang HL, Hsieh WH , Tzeng CC , Lu CF, Lin SL, Chang Peter W. Perceived environmental and health risks of nuclear energy in Taiwan after Fukushima nuclear disaster . Environment International .2014 ;(73):295-303

31. 2014 Lyu SY,Chen RY,Tsai LT,Wang SS,Lo FE,Chi YC, Morisky DE. Female Media Use Behavior and Agreement with Publicly Promoted Agenda-Specific Health Messages . Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health .2014 ;(11):12532-12543

32. 2013 Shu-Yu Lyu,Ruey-Yu Chen,Shih-fan Steve Wang,Ya-Ling Weng,Eugene Yu-Chang Peng,Ming-Been Lee. Perception of Spokespersons’ Performance and Characteristics in Crisis Communication – Experience of the 2003 SARS Outbreak in Taiwan . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association.(Accepted) .2013 ;(112):600-607

33. 2013 Jung-Chun Ho,Ming-Been Lee,Ruey-Yu Chen,Chiou-Jong Chen,Wushou Peter Chang,Ching-Ying Yeh,「 Shu-Yu Lyu」. Work-related fatigue among medical personnel in Taiwan . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2013 ;(112):608-615

34. 2013 Tsai HH,Yeh CY,Su CT,Chen CJ,Peng SM,Chen RY. The Effects of Exercise Program on Burnout and Metabolic Syndrome Components in Banking and Insurance Workers. . Industrial Health .2013 ;(51):336-346

35. 2013 Wen-Ling Chen,Chiou-Jong Chen,Ching-Ying Yeh,Che-Tong Lin,Hsin-Chung Cheng,Ruey-Yu Chen. Workplace Noise Exposure and Its Consequent Annoyance to Dentists . Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine .2013 ;(5):177-180

36. 2013 Jung-Chun Ho,Shu-Fen Kao,Jung-Der Wang,Chien-Tien Su,Chiao-Tzu PatriciaLe,Ruey-yu Chen,「 Hung-Lun Chang, Marco C F Ieong and Peter Wushou Chang」. Risk perception, trust, and factors related to a planned new nuclear power plant in Taiwan after the 2011 Fukushima disaster . J. Radiol. Prot. .2013 ;(33):773-789

37. 2013 Mak C,Su CT,Chuang YC,Chen RY,Yeh CY,Hung PC, Chang CP, Chao HJ. The Distribution and Characteristics of Indoor Air Quality and Bioaerosols in the Hospitals of the Greater Taipei Area . Journal of Occupational Safety and Health .2013 ;(21):481-497

38. 2011 Tsai K.C.,Chen R.Y.,Hsu W.H.,Chen T.L.,Yeh C.Y.. 地方性肢端壞疽症與麩胺基硫轉移酵素基因多型性關係之探討 . 中南盟研究年刊 .2011 ;(03):01-16

39. 2011 Tsai HH,Peng SM,Yeh CY,Chen CJ,Chen RY. An Effective Physical Fitness Program for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises . Industrial Health .2011 ;(49):311-320

40. 2010 Hsiao-Fang Wang,Guan -Ye Zeng,Ching-Ying Yeh,Yin-Mei Chiung,Ruey-Yu Chen. Occupational Exposure to Antineoplastic Agents of Pharmacy Workers in Hospital(revised) . Journal of Occupational Safety and Health .2010 ;(00):00-00

41. 2009 Chen YH,Yeh CY,Chen RY,Hsieh MZ,Yu PT,Chao KY, Han BC. Moving Towards People’s Needs for Smoke-Free Restaurants: Before and . Nicotine & Tobacco Research .2009 ;(11):503-513

42. 2009 Chen C.J,Chen W.L.,Yeh C.Y,Lin C.,TCheng H.C,Chen R.Y.. Noise Exposure and It’s Related Effects on Dentists . Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine(revised) .2009 ;(00):00-00

43. 2007 Huang CC,Hsu JH,Chen RY,Chen CJ,Yeh CY. A Study of Risk Factors for Occupational Noise-induced Hearing Loss . Journal of Occupational Safety and Health. (revised) .2007

44. 2007 Wang SC,Lin WL,Cheng SF,Liao YL,Chen RY. Development and Evaluation of MeasurementMethods for Anesthetic Gases in Medical Units . Journal of Occupational Safety and Health .2007 ;(15):67-79

45. 2007 Wu HC,Chao HJ,Chen RY,Chang CP,Yu TS. Exposure Assessment of Biological Contaminants in Five Long-Term Care Facilities in Taipei, Taiwan. . Journal of Occupational Safety and Health .2007 ;(15):138-145

46. 2007 Lin CK,Chen RY. 公衛第一課-英國醫學期刊的民調 . 工業安全衛生月刊 .2007 ;(214):14-23

47. 2007 Lin CK,Chen RY. 一氧化碳性格 . 工業安全衛生月刊 .2007 ;(215):28-34

48. 2007 Lin CK,Chen RY. 善待氮氣:哈伯氮肥、氮循環與氮反撲 . 工業安全衛生月刊 .2007 ;(221):47-56

49. 2006 Lin CK,Chen RY. 安全、健康、舒適(S.H.E.)的工作環境 . 工業安全衛生月刊 .2006 ;(206):10-21

50. 2002 Hsu CH. Chi BC. Liu MY. Li JH. Chen CJ. Chen RY.. Phosphine-induced oxidative damage in rats: role of glutathione. . Toxicology. .2002 ;(179):1-8

51. 2002 Yeh CY, Chen RY, Chen CJ, Chang YM, Kuo YC, Hong CL. Medical Surveillance of Dental Technicians in Taiwan . Journal of Occupational Safety and Health .2002 ;(10):273-284

52. 2000 Yeh CY, Chen RY, Chen CJ, Du CL, Ho JJ, Chang YM.. Establishment of a chort of dyestuff workers in Taiwan. . Journal of Occupational Safety and Health .2000 ;(8):33-47

53. 2000 Chen RY, Lin CK, Sheu YY. Indoor Formaldehyde Pollution from Pressed-Wood Products in the Metropolitan Taipei Area . New Taipei Journal of Medicine .2000 ;(2):51-56

54. 1999 Han BC, Jeng WL, Hung TC, Yeh CY, Chen RY, Ling YC, Meng PJ. Mussel Watch: Estimation of metal and organochlorine pesticide exposures and potential health threat by consumption of oysters in Taiwan . Environ. Pollution .1999 ;(108):1-10

55. 1999 Yeh CY, Chen RY, Liu ZS Wang MY, Lin CK, Ko YC. Health Effects Induced by Inorganic Arsenic among Residents in Ta Tung Village . Chinese Journal of Public Health, (Taipei) .1999 ;(18):110-115

56. 1998 Han BC, Jeng WL, Chen RY, Fang GT, Hung TC and Tseng RJ. Estimation of target hazard quotients and potential health risks for metals by consumption of seafood in Taiwan. . Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. .1998 ;(35):711-720

57. 1996 Yeh CY, Chiou HY, Chen RY, Yeh KH, Jeng WL and Han BC. Monitoring lead polllution near a storage battery recycling plant in Taiwan, Republic of China. Arch. Environ. Contam. . Toxicol. .1996 ;(30):227-234

58. 1996 Lin CK, Wong RH, Lee CH, Chiou HY, Chen RY. Evaluation and Promotion on the Cleaning Maintenance of Toilets in Mid-High/Elementary Schools in Taiwan . Chinese Journal of Public Health,(Taipei) .1996 ;(15):259-267

59. 1994 Lin CK, Chen RY, Yeh KH. Experience of Glycol Ether Control in Taiwan . Bulletin of Taipei Medical College .1994 ;(23):91-96

60. 1994 Yeh KH, Chen RY, Lin CK. Survey on the Distribution and Operation on the Dry-Cleaning Services in Taipei-A Public Health Aspect . J Env Protection Society of ROC .1994 ;(17):18-28

61. 1994 Han BC, Chen RY, Chiou HY, Yeh CY, Hsu TJ. Distribution of Lead Pollution in Soil and Air around A Storage Battery Recycling Plant . J Natl Public Health Assoc .1994 ;(13):126-137

62. 1993 Lin CK, Chen RY. Survey of Occupational Lead Exposure in Taiwan . Journal of Occupational Safety and Health .1993 ;(1):93-112

63. 1993 Lin CK, Chen RY, Yeh KH, Chang TP. Strategies on the Control of Glycol Ethers Use . J Occupational Safety and Health .1993 ;(1):87-98

64. 1993 Lin CK, Chen RY, Yeh KH, Chang TP. Strategies on the Control of Glycol Ethers Use . J Occupational Safety and Health .1993 ;(1):87-98

65. 1993 Lin CK, Chen TF, Chen RY. Evaluate the Establishment of College Level Optometric Educaion in Taiwan . Bulletin of Taipei medical College .1993 ;(22):143-151

66. 1993 Lin CK, Chen RY. A Macroscopic View of Occupational Lead Exposure in Taiwan . J Natl Public Health Assoc(ROC) .1993 ;(12):202-207

67. 1993 Chen RY, Lin CK. Recognition of the Hazards and Uses of Glycol Ethers In Taiwan . J Natl Public Health Assoc(ROC) .1993 ;(12):40-56

68. 1993 Lin CK, Chen RY. Survey of Glycol Ether Use in Taiwan, 1991 . American Journal of Industrial Medicine .1993 ;(24):101-108

69. 1992 Han BC, Chin HI, Chen RY, Yeh CY, Hung TC. Speciation of Lead Pollution in Water and Sediments Around A Battery Recycling Plant . J Env Prot Soc of R.O.C. .1992 ;(15):64-74

70. 1986 .Lin YC. Chen RY. The attenuation effectiveness of earplugs sold in local market . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. .1986 ;(85):217-221

71. 1985 .林宜長、徐儆暉、陳叡瑜. 台灣地區歷年煤礦災害資料之統計分析 . 公共衛生 .1985 ;(12):385-393

1. 2022 Chen RY,Chu HY,Tsai FJ,Yeh CY,Yeh SH. Impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the health behaviors and self-perceived health status of workers in Taiwan . The 6th ANOH Conference in conjunction with The 7th IIHA Connect .2022

2. 2021 Chen RY,Yeh CY,Tsai FJ,Chen ML,Lo SY. The current status of healthy workplaces in Taiwan: using the Taiwan Healthy Workplace Scorecard as an assessment tool . The 12th IOHA International Science Conference, IOHA 2021 .2021

3. 2019 Chen RY,Tsai FJ,Chen HJ. Does the concern of “face” related to lock-in at the work place and burnout? A cross-sectional study in Taiwan . KIHA 2019 Winter Conference .2019

4. 2018 Chen RY,Yeh CY,Huang YH,Chen HJ ,Tseng PC. The impact of healthy workplace promotion on the physical fitness of employees in the workplace. . The 3rd ANOH Conference, Asian Network of Occupational Hygiene .2018

5. 2017 Chen RY,Yang TT,Yeh CY,Huang YH. Air pollutants of burning incense in a simulated environment . Healthy Buildings 2017 Europe .2017

6. 2017 我國職場菸害防制現況及員工吸菸習慣影響因子之探討 . 2017台灣職業衛生研討會 .2017

7. 2017 93-105年「工作人口健康促進暨菸害防制現況調查」執行狀況 . 2017年台灣公共衛生學會、台灣流行病學學會、台灣事故傷害預防與安全促進學會、台灣癌症登記學會、台灣健康保險學會聯合年會 .2017

8. 2017 Chan TY,Chen RY ,Yeh CY,Lin LJ,Hung YH,Yeh SH, Chu HY, Chou TY. Occupational and body mass index:Results from Taiwan worker’s health promotion and tobacco control survey . Society for Epidemiology Research 50th Anniversary Meeting .2017

9. 2016 Chen RY,Yeh CY,Lin JF. The effectiveness of the indoor air quality improvement project in an office building - a case study . INDOOR AIR 2016 Conference Proceedings .2016

10. 2015 Chen RY,Yeh CY. An Exercise Intervention Program to Improve Sport Attitudes and Practices and Physical Fitness of Female University Students . Sixth International Conference on Sport and Society, Canada, Toronto, 2015 / 07 /30 ~31 .2015

11. 2015 Chang YT,Chen RY,Yeh CY. The Association between Healthy Working Culture, Worksite Health Culture, and Presenteeism . American Public Health Association (APHA) 143rd Annual Meeting and Exposition, Chicago, USA, 2015/10/31~11/4 .2015

12. 2015 陳叡瑜,葉錦瑩,黃鈺婷,張耀聰. 飯店業員工肌肉骨骼不適與工作特性和減效出席之相關性研究 . 第六届海峡两岸职业卫生学术交流会, 无锡, 中國, 2015.05.13-15 .2015

13. 2015 葉錦瑩,陳叡瑜,黃鈺婷,張耀聰. 旅馆從業人員肌肉骨骼不適現况調查 . 第六届海峡两岸职业卫生学术交流会, 无锡, 中國, 2015.05.13-15 .2015

14. 2015 徐兆勳,陳叡瑜. 醫院抗癌危害性藥品環境表面汙染清潔效果評估 . 2015職業衛生研討會, 台南, 2015/3/5-6 .2015

15. 2015 陳叡瑜,葉錦瑩,張耀聰,葉書瑄. 職場暴力、心理健康與減效出席關聯性探討 . 2015公衛聯合年會, 新北市, 2015/10/17-18 .2015

16. 2014 Chen RY,Yeh CY. The Association between Business Health Culture Index and Health Related Productivity Loss . 177th OMICS Group Conference --- The 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Occupational Health & Safety .2014

17. 2014 Lin TH,Chang CS,Lee CY,Huang HL,Chen RY,Ting CC, Yu JH, Chen CC, Chang WY, Chiang SM, Huang YW. Effectiveness of New Model of Oral Health Promotion and Interventions . Anual meeting of American Public Health Association .2014

18. 2013 Chen RY,Chang KY,Yeh CY,Chien LC. Indoor Air Quality and Related Factors in University Oil Painting Classrooms . Conference of ISEE, ISES and ISIAQ, 2013, Basel, Switzerland .2013

19. 2013 Chen RY,Chen WL,Yeh CY,Lee PH,Hsu CM,Wang CM. The Effectiveness of Smoke-free Park Program in Da-An District, Taipei. . Conference of ISEE, ISES and ISIAQ, 2013, Basel, Switzerland .2013

20. 2013 Chen RY,Yeh CY,Chang YT. 宅配業勞工下背痛與全身振動和人工物料搬運之相關性探討 . 2013年海峽兩岸職業衛生學術交流會,武漢,中國 .2013

21. 2013 Chen RY,Lin MY,Yeh CY. Effects of Rotating Shift Work on Female Sexual Function in Nurse---Two Hospitals Study. . The 23rd International Conference on Epidemiology in Occupational Health(EPICOH 2013), Utrecht, The Netherlands. .2013

22. 2013 Chen RY,Lin MY,Yeh CY. Effects of Rotating Shift Work on Female Sexual Function in Nurse---Two Hospitals Study. . The 23rd International Conference on Epidemiology in Occupational Health(EPICOH 2013), Utrecht, The Netherlands. .2013

23. 2012 Shu-Yu Lyu,Liang-Ting Tsai,Eugene Yu-Chang Peng,Ruey-Yu Chen,Wen-Kuan Chung. Trends in adult smoking behavior from 2004 to 2007 . American Public Health Association(APHA) 140th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Oct. 28-31,2012. .2012

24. 2012 Wan-Yu Yeh,Chia-Shuo Tang,Ruey-Yu Chen. An Exploration of Demographic Background, Work Environment and Situations of Workplace Safety and Health among Middle-Aged and Elderly Workers in Taiwan: Comparative analyses of Multi-Sectoral Government Survey Data . American Public Health Association(APHA) 140th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Oct. 28-31,2012. .2012

25. 2012 Ruey-Yu Chen,Ching-Ying Yeh,Shu-Ti Chiou,Fong-Cheng Tang,Hung-Yi Chuang. Development and Recognition of Health Promoting Workplaces in Taiwan . The Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education. Taipei,Taiwan. May 4-6, 2012. .2012

26. 2012 Ruey-Yu Chen,Ching-Ying Yeh,Mei-Lien Chen,I.-Fang Mao,Shu-Ti Chiou,Fong-Cheng Tang, Hung-Yi Chuang. Tobacco Control Is the First Step of Workplace Health Promotion -the Taiwan Experience . The Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education. Taipei,Taiwan. May 4-6 .2012

27. 2012 Ruey-Yu Chen,Ching-Ying Yeh,Shu-Ti Chiou,Fong-Cheng Tang,Hung-Yi Chuang. Worksite Obesity Control Campaign in Taiwan . The Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education. Taipei,Taiwan. May 4-6. .2012

28. 2011 Chen RY,Chiou ST,Yeh CY,Tang FC,Chuang HY. Workplace Obesity Prevention and Control in Taiwan . 2011 International Conference on Obsity Prevention .2011

29. 2011 Chen RY,Tsai HH,Yeh CY,Chen CJ,Su CT,Lyu SY. Poster-discussion: The effects of exercise programs on stress and metabolic syndrome in banking and insurance workers . Occup Environ Med .2011 ;(68):A125

30. 2011 Jiang CB,Yeh CY,Han BC,Chen RY,Lyu SY,Chien LC. Glutathione S-Transferase genotype may be a modifier on urothelial cell cycle in dyestuff manufacturing workers . Occup Environ Med .2011 ;(68):A122

31. 2011 Chen RY,Chiou ST,Yeh CY,Tang FC,Chuang HY. Comprehensive healthy workplace strategy in Taiwan . American Public Health Association 139th Annual Meeting & Exposition Oct 29- Nov 2, 2011 Washington, DC .2011

32. 2011 Chen RY,Chiou ST,Yeh CY,Lyu SY,Chen ML,Mao IF, Chuang HY and Tang FC. Tobacco Control at Workplaces- the Taiwan Experiences . American Public Health Association 139th Annual Meeting & Exposition Oct 29- Nov 2, 2011 Washington, DC .2011

33. 2010 Chen RY,Wang HF,Chiung YM,Yeh CY,Hsu JH,Chen CJ, Lin CP. 醫院化療藥物環境汙染之改善介入計畫與成效評估 . 第十八屆海峽兩岸職業安全健康學術研討會 .2010

34. 2010 Chen RY,Yeh CY,Chen ML,Mao IF,Chia TP,Chuang HY,Chao KY. Workplace Tobacco Control in Taiwan . EPICOH- MEDICEM 2010 –Occupational Health under Globalization and New Technology .2010

35. 2010 Chen RY,Yeh CY,Chen ML,Mao IF,Chia TP,Chuang HY,Chao KY. Workplace Tobacco Control in Taiwan . EPICOH- MEDICEM 2010 –Occupational Health under Globalization and New Technology .2010

36. 2010 Hsieh ML,Chen RY,Yeh CY,Chen CJ,Shih TS. Research on Risk Factors of Occupational Injury . EPICOH- MEDICEM 2010 –Occupational Health under Globalization and New Technology .2010

37. 2010 Hsieh ML,Chen RY,Yeh CY,Chen CJ,Shih TS. Research on Risk Factors of Occupational Injury . EPICOH- MEDICEM 2010 –Occupational Health under Globalization and New Technology .2010

38. 2010 Hsu YY,Chen RY,Chen CR,Hsu JH. Constructing a workplace health self-management assessment indicators . Towards Better Work and Well-being International Conference, 10-12 February 2010, Helsinki, Finland .2010

39. 2010 Chen RY,Yeh CY,Wang HF,Chiung YM,Chen CJ. How an Occupational Intervention Program Can Reduce the Risk of Exposure to Antineoplastic Drugs of Health Care Workers . 8th International Scientific Conference HEALTH, WORK AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY.IOHA2010 .2010

40. 2009 Chen R.Y.,Yeh C.Y.,Chen M.L.,Mao I.F.,Chao KY,Hsu J.H.,Chen C.J.. 我國職場健康促進現況與展望 . 98年職業安全衛生技術與實務論文研討會論文集 .2009

41. 2009 Chen RY,Yeh CY,Chen ML,Mao IF,Chia TP,Chuang HY, Chao KY. Tobacco Control at Workplaces- the Taiwan Experiences . The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education .2009

42. 2009 Tsai HH,Peng SM,Chen CJ,Chen RY. The Effectiveness of a Small and Medium-size Enterprise Health Promotion Program . The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education .2009

43. 2009 Chang CW,Chen RY. 外宿生租屋處家用熱水器使用情況與一氧化碳中毒潛在危險性評估-以北醫為例 . 2009工業衛生暨環境職業醫學學術研討會 .2009

44. 2009 Wang HF,Chen RY,Yeh CY,Chiun YM. 醫院化學治療作業人員抗腫瘤藥劑暴露評估 . 2009工業衛生暨環境職業醫學學術研討會 .2009

45. 2008 Chen ML,Chen RY,Chen CJ,Chen MH,Zhao KY,Huang CH, Mao IF. The effectiveness of workplace anti-smoking campaigns from 2003 to 2006 in Taiwan: an example of manufacturing industry . .2008

46. 2008 陳叡瑜,陳美蓮,毛義方,葉錦瑩,趙坤郁. 台灣職場菸害防制現況調查(2003~2007) . .2008

47. 2008 黃致和,毛義方,陳叡瑜,趙坤郁. 我國製造業職場之吸菸率研究-2003至2007年之分析 . .2008

48. 2008 張原道,康峻宏,陳秋蓉,陳叡瑜. 下背痛與全身振動和人工物料搬運相關之探討—以宅配業勞工為例 . .2008

49. 2008 Chen,R.Y.,Tsuang,K.Y,Yih-Yang Sheu,Yeh,C.Y.,Chiung,Y.M,Chen,C.J. , Hsieh,C.M. Surface Contamination with 5-Fluorouracil and Cisplatin in Three Cancer Treatment Hospitals in Taiwan . .2008

50. 2007 Peng EY,Lyu SY,Yu PT,Yeh CY,Chen RY. Smoking behavior and perception of quitting smoking among elderly community residents in a rural area of Taiwan . .2007

51. 2007 Peng EY,Lyu SY,Yu PT,Yeh CY,Chen RY. Correlates of Cigarette Smoking Experiences among Aboriginal and Non-aboriginal Adolescents in Taipei City . .2007

52. 2007 Yeh CY,Chien LC,Han BC,Chen RY. GST Polymorphisms may be a modifier of occupational exposure effect on urothelial cell cycle of dye workers in Taiwan . .2007

53. 2007 Tsuang KY,Chen CJ,Chiung YM,Yeh CY,Hsieh CM,Liao YL,Chen PL, Chen RY. An occupational exposure survey in antineoplastic agents of hospital pharmacists . .2007

54. 2006 Chen ML,Chen CJ,Chen RY,Chen MH,Zhao KY,Mao YF. The effectiveness of worksite tobacco-control campaigns by the Taiwanese government from 2003-2005 . .2006

55. 2006 Chen ML,Chen CJ,Chen RY,Mao YF. The effectiveness of worksite tobacco-control campaigns by the Taiwanese government from 2003-2005. . .2006

56. 2006 Lin HM,Sheu YY,Yeh CY,Ho RC,Chen RY. Are the low-yield nicotine cigarettes less harmful ? . .2006

57. 2006 Yeh CY,Han BC,Chen YH,Chen RY,Peng SY,Li WS, Chen YL. Effect of Communication Media in Smoke-Free Restaurants Program 2003-2005 in Taiwan. . .2006

58. 2006 Liao YL,Chen RY,Ho RC,Tsuang KY,Sheu YY,Lee CJ, Wang SC, Lin WL. 手術房區域醫護人員麻醉廢氣暴露評估 . .2006

59. 2006 Chen BL,Chen RY,Yeh CY,Sheu YY,Ho RC,Tsai HH, Lee CJ. 職場男性員工吸菸和飲用咖啡與心血管疾病危險之相關性研究 . .2006

60. 2006 Mei-Lien Chen,Chiu-Jung Chen,Ruey-Yu Chen,Ming-Hsing Chen,Kun-Yu Zhao,I.-Fang Mao. The effectiveness of worksite tobacco-control campaigns by the Taiwanese government from 2003-2005 . .2006

61. 2006 Wu HC,Chao HJ,Chen RY,Yu TS,Chang CP. Investigation of Exposure to Occupational Biological Hazard in Five Long-Term Care Facilities in Taipei . CIH 2006 International Conference of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine, April 28-29, Taipei, Taiwan. .2006

62. 2006 Wang SC,Chen RY,Lin WL,Cheng SF,Tang DT. Development and Evaluation of Method for Measurement of Nitrous Oxide Used as Anesthetic in Medical Unit . CIH 2006 International Conference of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine, April 28-29, 2006, Taipei, Taiwan .2006

63. 2005 Han BC,Yeh CY,Chen RY,Chen YH,Hsieh MZ,Yu PT, Chao KY. Evaluation of Mental Effects on Dining in Smoke-Free Restaurants----Results from Three Waves of National Surveys in Taiwan. . World Federation for Mental Health 2005 Biennial World Congress. Cairo, Egyptian.2005.9.4 ~ 2005.9.8. .2005

64. 2005 Yeh CY,Han BC,Chen YH,Chen RY,Hsieh MZ,Yu PT, Chao KY. The Current Profile of Environmental Tobacco Smoke in the Restaurant Workplace in Taiwan----Does Working in Smoke-Free Restaurants Promote Mental Health? . World Federation for Mental Health 2005 Biennial World Congress. Cairo, Egyptian.2005.9.4 ~ 2005.9.8 .2005

65. 2005 Han BC,Yeh CY,Chen RY,Chen YH,Hsieh MZ,Yu PT, Chao KY. Investigation of Public Opinions on Dining in Smoke-Free Restaurants----Results from Three Waves of National Surveys in the " Smoke-Free Restaurants Program(SFRP)" in Taiwan.  . 37th APACPH Conference in Conjunction with 2005 Asia Pacific Health Forum.Taipei, Taiwan. 2005.11.19 ~ 2005.11.23. .2005

66. 2005 Yeh CY,Han BC,Chen YH,Chen RY,Hsieh MZ,Yu PT , Chao KY. Investigation of The Environmental Tobacco Smoke in the Restaurant Workplace in Taiwan----Results from National Surveys in the " Smoke-Free Restaurants Program(SFRP)" . 37th APACPH Conference in Conjunction with 2005 Asia Pacific Health Forum.Taipei, Taiwan. 2005.11.19 ~ 2005.11.23. .2005

67. 2005 Lin HM,Sheu YY,Yeh CY,Chen RY. Comparison with Urinary Cotinine Levels and Respiratory Health Effects between Light and Heavy Smokers. . 37th APACPH Conference in Conjunction with 2005 Asia Pacific Health Forum.Taipei, Taiwan. 2005.11.19 ~ 2005.11.23. .2005

68. 2004 Han BC,Yeh CY,Chen RY,Chen YH,Wu YC,Yeh SJ, Chao KY. Public Opinions for Tobacco Smoke in Restaurants in Taiwan: Before and After the Nation’s Implementation of the Smoke-Free-Restaurants-Program. . American Public Health Association (APHA) 132nd Annual Meeting. Washington D.C, USA. 2004.11.6-10. .2004

69. 2004 Han BC,Yeh CY,Chen RY,Chen YH,Wu YC,「Yeh SC, Chao KY」. Public opinions for tobacco smoke in restaurants in Taiwan: Before and after the nation's implementation of the Smoke-Free-Restaurants-Program . American Public Health Association Annual Meeting .2004

70. 2004 蔡欣倢,黃映嘉,洪詩婷,張原欣,趙寶強,陳叡瑜. 家用瓦斯熱水器使用情況與潛在危險性評估 . 2004臺北醫學大學師生聯合學術研究發表會 .2004

71. 2004 劉宇萍,許逸洋,王守堅,林宏茂,陳叡瑜. 餐廳吸菸區之隔菸效果評估 . 2004臺北醫學大學師生聯合學術研究發表會 .2004

72. 2003 葉清益,陳叡瑜,郭昭吟. 醫療從業人員暴露於特定化學物質對健康影響之研究--以某教學醫院為例 . 2003職業衛生研討會,台中4/26-27/2003 .2003

73. 2003 蔡榮賢,趙馨,陳叡瑜. 不同職業環境中致敏性真菌之暴露評估 . 2003職業衛生研討會,台中4/26-27/2003 .2003

74. 2003 陳玟伶,陳秋蓉,葉錦瑩,陳叡瑜. 牙科相關工作人員噪音暴露研究 . 2003職業衛生研討會,台中4/26-27/2003 .2003

75. 2003 張景泰,陳叡瑜. 室內裝潢木工木屑粉塵及甲醛暴露評估 . 2003職業衛生研討會,台中4/26-27/2003 .2003

76. 2003 何容君,吳承恩,盧志朋,馮琮涵,陳叡瑜. 某大學大體解剖實驗室整修前後學生甲醛暴露與口腔黏膜微細胞核發生率之比較 . 2003職業衛生研討會,台中4/26-27/2003 .2003

77. 2002 Cheng-En Wu, Ruey-Yu Chen, Yi-Yang Hseu, Tsorng-Harn Fong. The Relation of Personal Dissection Position and Formaldehyde Exposure . 2002 Symposium on industrial Hygiene .2002

78. 2001 Yu-Yun Wei, Jung-Hsien Tsai, Yi-Yang Hseu, Ruey-Yu Chen. Relationship between Formaldehyde Exposure and Buccal Cell Micronuclei Formation among Anatomy Science Teachers. . 2001 Occupational Health Conference .2001

79. 2001 Ju-Yin Wang, Chiou-Jong Chen, Po-Chen Haung, Wen-Yu Yeh, Ming-Hsia Lin, Ruey-Yu Chen. Relationship between Occupational Exposure and Health Effects in Potters . 2001 Occupational Health Conference .2001

80. 2000 Ruey-Yu Chen, Chia-Hui Lo, Ching-Ying Yeh, Chiou-Jong Chen, Chia-Ku Lin. Occupational Health Surveillance on Veterinarians of Animal Hospitals and Clinics in Taiwan . 11th Congress of the Federation of Asian Veterinary Associations .2000

1. 2017 106年健康職場推動計畫(北區)期末報告 (2017) . 國民健康署 .2017

2. 2016 Chen RY,Yeh CY,Chen ML,Mao YF. 105年健康職場推動計畫(北區)期末報告 (2016) . 衛生福利部國民健康署 .2016

3. 2015 Chen RY,Yeh CY,Chen ML,Mao YF. 104年健康職場推動計畫(北區)期末報告. . 衛生福利部國民健康署 .2015

4. 2014 Chen RY,Yeh CY,Chen ML,Mao YF. 102年度健康職推動計畫(北區)期末報告 . 衛生福利部國民健康署 .2014

5. 2014 Chen RY,Yeh CY. 特定行業別職場健康促進輔導計畫-金融及保險業 . 台北市政府 .2014

6. 2013 Chen RY ,Yeh CY. 102年度職場周全性健康促進模式之發展與成效評估研究計畫期末報告 . 行政院衛生署國民健康局 .2013

7. 2013 Chen RY,Yeh CY. 特定行業別職場健康促進輔導計畫-住宿及餐飲業期末報告 . 台北市政府衛生局 .2013

8. 2013 Chen RY,Yeh CY,Chen ML,Mao YF. 102年度健康職推動計畫(北區)期末報告 . 行政院衛生署國民健康局 .2013

9. 2012 陳叡瑜,葉錦瑩. 1.陳叡瑜,葉錦瑩(2012年12月)。101年度職場周全性健康促進模式之發展與成效評估研究計畫期末報告 . .2012

10. 2012 陳叡瑜,葉錦瑩,陳美蓮,毛義方. 101年度健康職推動計畫(北區)期末報告 . .2012

11. 2010 Chen RY,Yeh CY,Chen ML,Moa IF. 99年度健康職場推動計畫北區中心推動中心期末報告 . .2010

12. 2010 Chen RY,Yeh CY,Chiung YM. 醫院化療作業清潔照護人員鉑類藥物暴露分析及衛教宣導會 . .2010

13. 2009 Chiun YM,Chen RY. 勞工多重化療藥物危害調查研究 . 行政院勞工委員會勞工安全衛生研究所研究報告 .2009

14. 2009 Chen RY,Hsu YY. 工作場所安全健康自主管理輔導與試辦計畫 . 行政院勞工委員會勞工安全衛生研究所研究報告 .2009

15. 2009 Chen RY. 98年度健康職場推動計畫北區推動中心期末報告 . 行政院衛生署國民健康局 .2009

16. 2008 Chen RY. 建置全國職業衛生教育訓練資源中心—北部地區職業衛生教育訓練資源中心, . 行政院勞工委員會勞工安全衛生研究所研究報告 .2008

17. 2008 熊映美,陳叡瑜. 醫院化療作業人員健康與暴露調查研究 . .2008

18. 2008 Chen RY,Yeh CY,Chen ML,Mao IF. 97年度職場健康促進暨菸害防制輔導中心計畫北區輔導中心期末報告 . 行政院衛生署國民健康局 .2008

19. 2007 陳叡瑜,陳美蓮,葉錦瑩,毛義方,蘇千田,林宜長. 職場健康促進暨菸害防制輔導中心計劃96年度成果報告 . .2007

20. 2007 陳秋蓉,熊映美,陳叡瑜. 醫院化學治療工作人員健康危害調查研究 . .2007

21. 2006 趙馨,吳欣橋,陳叡瑜. 看護安養機構勞工生物性危害險況調查 . .2006

22. 2006 陳叡瑜,陳美蓮,葉錦瑩,毛義方,蘇千田,林宜長. 職場健康促進暨菸害防制輔導中心計劃北區輔導中心期末報告 . .2006

23. 2005 陳叡瑜,陳美蓮,毛義方,葉文裕,林宜長. 職場菸害防制輔導計劃第二中心期末報告 . .2005

1. 2007 Chen RY,Lyu SJ. 職場紓壓達人 . 行政院衛生署國民健康局出版 .2007

2. 2007 Chen RY,Yeh CY,Su CT,Huang PC,Huang CW. 員工健康檢查實用手冊 . 行政院衛生署國民健康局出版 .2007


112 辦公室開放程度與工作者身心健康狀況 之相關性研究

112 手搖飲店工作人員肌肉骨骼問題初探

112 113年推動健康職場輔導計畫(子計畫1-北區健康職場推動中心)

111 大學生長新冠症候群盛行率及影響之調查-以北部地區學校為例

111 112年健康職場推動計畫(子計畫1)

111 勞工健康服務效益相關績效指標與執行現況評估

110 社區藥局利用社群媒體實施遠距藥事服務現況與發展趨勢探討

110 111年健康職場推動計畫(子計畫1)

109 2021職業衛生暨職業醫學國際學術研討會

109 110年健康職場推動計畫(子計畫1)

108 游離輻射暴露勞工世代追蹤與染色體變異相關指標測定分析

108 109年健康職場推動計畫(子計畫1)

107 108年健康職場推動計畫(北區)

107 企業推動健康促進之健康生產力效益評估指標開發與應用

107 108年婦癌防治友善組織推廣計畫

106 107年健康職場2.0推動計畫(北區)

106 本土性職場健康文化量表與創新健康促進推動模式之建構

106 參加2017年9月假新加坡所舉辦之The World Congress on Safety and Health at Work 2017

105 105年健康職場推動計畫(北區)

105 106年健康職場推動計畫(北區)

104 105年「松山區居民健康及生活需求調查計畫」

104 貴校工業衛生科暨環境醫學研究所李俊璋教授擬組團於105年7月赴比利時Ghent參加The 14th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate/2016 Indoor Air Belgium,申請補助所需費用一案

104 醫療職場暴力之性別分析與防治策略(A02)

104 104 年10 月赴美國芝加哥(Chicago,Illinois)參加美國公共衛生學會第143 屆年會

103 中山區健康生活型態調查

103 探討中山區大型健康職場員工菸害防制介入對員工健康行為之因素影響

103 104健康職場推動計畫(北區)

103 醫院使用密閉系統配藥給藥裝置對於降低抗癌危害性藥品環境汙染的效果評估

103 中山區健康生活型態調查(103-研-R-002)

103 探討中山區大型健康職場員工菸害防制介入對員工健康行為之因素影響(103-研-R-0003)

102 102年健康促進生活型態調查

102 103年健康職場推動計畫(北區)

102 103年至104年職場周全性健康促進模式之發展與成效評估研究計畫

102 103年至104年職場周全性健康促進模式之發展與成效評估研究計畫

102 醫療職場暴力性別分析

102 醫療職場暴力性別分析

102 103年度「特定行業別職場健康促進輔導計畫-金融及保險業」

101 職場周全性健康促進模式之發展與成效評估研究102年後續擴充計畫

101 102年度特定行業別職場健康促進輔導計畫-住宿及餐飲業

100 健康職場推動計畫(北區)

100 職場周全性健康促進模式之發展與成效評估研究計畫(101年後續擴充)

99 100年教育部補助大專校院安全衛生通識課程及教育訓練計畫

98 醫院化療作業清潔照護人員鉑類藥物暴露分析及衛教宣導會

97 職場健康自主管理評鑑表及評鑑手冊

97 醫院化療藥劑暴露評估調查

96 97學年度第1學期大專校院安全衛生通識課程計畫

96 建置全國職業衛生教育訓練資源中心-北部地區職業衛生教育訓練資源中心

96 外宿生租屋處家用熱水器使用情況與一氧化碳中毒潛在危險性評估-以北醫為例

95 96學年度第一學期大專院校安全衛生通識課程計畫

94 醫院化療作業勞工健康危害調查研究

94 95年校園菸害防制計畫

93 大專院校校園菸害防制計畫

91 裝潢木工甲醛與木屑粉塵暴露之健康效應

90 Cyclopenta[cd]pyrene 致癌機轉之研究

88 解剖與病理科教學研究人員甲醛暴露與口腔黏膜細胞微核數之相關性研究