林淑娟(Lin, Shwu-Jiuan) 教授

現   職
藥物科學學科 教授


學 歷

美國愛荷華州立大學藥物化學研究所 博士
私立臺北醫學院藥學研究所 碩士
私立臺北醫學院藥學系 學士




2013/08/01 ~
2012/02/01 ~ 2016/07/31




藥物化學(medicinal chemistry)
微生物轉換(microbial transformation)
天然物化學(natural products chemistry)
藥物合成(drug synthesis)



1. 2023 Nguyen QTN,Nguyen PA,Wang CJ,Phuc PT,Lin RK,Hung CS, Kuo NH, Cheng YW, Lin SJ, Hsieh ZY, Cheng CT, Hsu MH, Hsu JC . Machine learning approaches for predicting 5-year breast cancer survival: A multicenter study . Cancer Science .2023 ;(114):4063-4072

2. 2023 Chen SM,Phuc PT,Nguyen PA,Burton W,Lin SJ,Lin WC, Lu CY, Hsu MH, Cheng CT, Hsu JC . A novel prediction model of the risk of pancreatic cancer among diabetes patients using multiple clinical data and machine learning . Cancer Medicine .2023 ;(12):19987-19999

3. 2023 Lin FT,Liu K,Garan LAW,Folly-Kossia H,Song YC,Lin SJ, Lin WC. A small-molecule inhibitor of TopBP1 exerts anti-MYC activity and synergy with PARP inhibitors . PNAS .2023 ;(120):1-12

4. 2022 Lin WK,Lin SJ,Lee WR,Lin CC,Lin WC,Chang HC, Cheng CT, Hsu JC. Effectiveness and Safety of Immunosuppressants and Biological Therapy for Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria: A Network Meta-Analysis . Biomedicines .2022 ;(10):1-14

5. 2022 Liu SD, Lin SJ,Ray CY,Lin FT,Lin WC,Wang LH. Associations of Warfarin Use with Risks of Ischemic Cerebrovascular Events and Major Bleeding in Patients with Hyperthyroidism-Related Atrial Fibrillation . Biomedicines .2022 ;(10):1-10

6. 2021 Chang SF,Liu HL ,Ho Y,Yang LM,Tsai YE,Chou BH, Wang SH, Lin SJ. Transformation of 15-ene steviol by Aspergillus niger, Cunninghamella bainieri, and Mortierella isabellina . Phytochemistry .2021 ;(187)

7. 2021 Lin SJ,Tai LL,Huang YJ,Uang YS,Ho Y,Hsu KY, Wang LS. Effect of catechin and commercial preparation of green tea essence on the pharmacokinetics of L-dopa in rabbits . Biomedical Chromatography .2021

8. 2021 Identification of Novel CDK9 Inhibitors with Better Inhibitory Activity and Higher Selectivity for Cancer Treatment by an Effective Two-Stage Virtual Screening Strategy . Journal Biomedical Science and Engineering .2021 ;(14):371-390

9. 2019 Chang CY,Ho Y,Lin SJ,Liu HL. Discovery of Novel N-Glycoside and Non-Glycoside hSGLT2 Inhibitors for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus . J Diabetes Mellitus .2019 ;(9):77-104

10. 2018 Kachingwe BH,Wang LH,Uang YS,Huang TJ,Lin SJ. Dose-dependent pharmacokinetics and tentative identification of urine metabolites from an isosteviol derivative with anti-hepatitis B activity in rats . Biomedical Chromatography .2018 ;(32):1-9

11. 2018 Ho Y,Yang YC SH,Chin YT,Chou SY,Chen YR,Shih YJ, Whang-Peng J, Changou CA, Liu HL, Lin SJ, Tang HY, Lin HY, Davis PJ. Resveratrol inhibits human leiomyoma cell proliferation via crosstalk between integrin αvβ3 and IGF-1R . Food and Chemical Toxicology .2018 ;(120):346-355

12. 2018 Ho Y,Chen YF,Wang LH,Hsu KY,Chin YT,Yang YC SH, Wang SH, Chen YR, Shih YJ, Liu LF, Wang K, Whang-Peng J, Tang HY, Lin HY, Liu HL, Lin SJ. Inhibitory Effect of Anoectochilus formosanus Extract on Hyperglycemia-Related PD-L1 Expression and Cancer Proliferation . Frontiers in Pharmacology .2018 ;(9):1-11

13. 2018 Kachingwe BH,Uang YS,Huang TJ,Wang LH,Lin SJ. Development and validation of an LC-MS/MS method for quantification of NC-8 in rat plasma and its application to pharmacokinetic studies . Journal of Food and Drug Analysis .2018 ;(26):401-408

14. 2016 Lin SJ,Su TC,Chu CN,Chang YC,Yang LM,Kuo YC, Huang TJ. Synthesis of C‑4-substituted steviol derivatives and their inhibitory effects against hepatitis B virus . Journal of Natural Products .2016 ;(79):3057-3064

15. 2015 Huang TJ,Yang CL,Kuo YC,Chang YC,Yang LM,Chou BH, Lin SJ. Synthesis and anti-hepatitis B virus activity of C4 amide-substituted isosteviol derivatives . Biorganic Medicinal Chemistrty .2015 ;(23):720-728

16. 2014 Huang TJ,Chou BH,Lin CW,Weng JH,Chou CH,Yang LM, Lin SJ. Synthesis and antiviral effects of isosteviol-derived analogues against the hepatitis B virus . Phytochemistry .2014 ;(99):107-114

17. 2013 Chang SF,Yang LM,Huang TJ,Chen CY,Sheu SY,Liu PC, Lin SJ. Biotransformation of dihydroisosteviol and the effects of transformed products on steroidogenic gene expressions . Phytochemistry .2013 ;(95):268-276

18. 2012 Yang LM,Chang SF,Lin WK,Chou BH,Wang LH,Liu PC, Lin SJ. Oxygenated compounds from the bioconversion of isostevic acid and their inhibition of TNF-alpha and COX-2 expressions in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells . Phytochemistry .2012 ;(75):90-98

19. 2011 Chou BH,Yang LM,Chang SF,Hsu FL,Wang LH,Lin WK, Liu PC, Lin SJ. Transformation of isosteviol lactam by fungi and the suppressive effects of its transformed products on LPS-induced iNOS expression in macrophages . J. Nat. Prod. .2011 ;(74):1379-1385

20. 2010 Wang LH,Hsu KY,Uang YS,Hsu FL,Yang LM,Lin SJ. Caffeic acid improves the bioavailability of L-dopa in rabbit plasma . Phytother. Res. .2010 ;(24):852-858

21. 2009 Chou BH,Yang LM,Chang SF,Lo CH,Lin WK,Wang LH, Liu PC, Lin SJ. Fungal transformation of isosteviol lactone and its biological evaluation for inhibiting the AP-1 transcription factor . Phytochemistry .2009 ;(70):759-764

22. 2009 Chang SF,Chou BH,Yang LM,Hsu FL,Lin WK,HO Y, Lin SJ. Microbial transformaiton of isosteviol oxime and the inhibitory effects on NF-kappa B and AP-1 activation in LPS-stimulated macrophages . Bioorg. Med. Chem. .2009 ;(17):6348-6353

23. 2008 Wang LH,Hsu KY,Hsu FL,Lin SJ. Simultaneous Determination of Caffeic Acid, Ferulic Acid and Isoferulic Acid in Rabbit Plasma by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography . J. Food and Drug Analysis .2008 ;(16):34-40

24. 2008 Chang SF,Yang LM,Lo CH,Liaw JH,Wang LH,Lin SJ. Microbial Transformation of Isosteviol and bioactivities against the glucocorticoid/androgen response elements . J. Nat. Prod. .2008 ;(71):87-92

25. 2008 Lin SJ,Tsai WJ,Chiou WF,Yang TH,Yang LM. Selective COX-2 inhibitors. Part 2: Synthesis and biological evaluation of 4-benzylideneamino- and 4-phenyliminomethyl-benzenesulfonamides . Bioorg. Med. Chem. .2008 ;(16):2697-2706

26. 2008 Chou BH,Yang LM,Chang SF,Hsu FL,Lo CH,Liaw JH, Liu PC, Lin SJ. Microbial Transformation of Isosteviol Lactone and Evaluation of the Transformation Products on Androgen Response Element . J. Nat. Prod. .2008 ;(71):602-607

27. 2008 Wang LH,Hsu KY,Hsu FL,Lin SJ. A dose dependent pharmacokinetic study of levodopa by intramuscular administration in rabbits . J. Food and Drug Analysis .2008 ;(16):21-27

28. 2008 Chen CL,Chang SF,Lee D,Yang LY,Lee YH,Hsu CY, Lin SJ, Liaw JH. Bioavailability effect of methylprednisolone by polymeric micelles . Pharm. Res. .2008 ;(25):39-47

29. 2007 Hsu FL,Yang LM,Chang SF,Wang LH,Hsu CY,Liu PC, Lin SJ. Biotransformation of gallic acid by Beauveris sulfurescens ATCC 7159 . Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. .2007 ;(74):659-666

30. 2007 Yang LM,Hsu FL,Chang SF,Cheng JT,Hsu JY,Hsu CY, Liu PC, Lin SJ. Microbial metabolism of steviol and steviol-16alpha,17-epoxide . Phytochemistry .2007 ;(68):562-570

31. 2006 Tsai WJ,Shiao YJ,Lin SJ,Chiou WF,Lin LC,Yang TH, Teng CM, Wu TS, Yang LM. Selective COX-2 inhibitors. Part I: Synthesis and biological evaluation of phenylazobenzenesulfonamides . Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. .2006 ;(16):4440-4443

32. 2006 Chang SF,Yang LM,Hsu FL,Hsu JY,Liaw JH,Lin SJ. Transformation of steviol-16alpha,17-epoxide by Streptomyces griseus and Cunninghamella bainieri . J. Nat. Prod. .2006 ;(69):1450-1455

33. 2004 Lin SJ,Shiao YJ,Chi CW,Yang LM. Ab aggregation inhibitors. Part 1: Synthesis and biological activity of phenylazo benzenesulfonamides . Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. .2004 ;(14):1173-1176

34. 2004 Lakshmana B,Lin SJ,Hou WC,Lai ZY,Liu PC,Hsu FL. Antioxidant iridoid glucosides from Wendlandia formosana . Nat. Prod. Res. .2004 ;(18):357-364

35. 2004 Yang LM,Hsu FL,Cheng JT,Chang CH,Liu PC,Lin SJ. Hydroxylation and Glucosidation of ent-16-beta-Hydroxybeyeran-19-oic Acid by Bacillus megaterium and Aspergillus niger . Planta Med. .2004 ;(70):359-363

36. 2003 Hou CC,Lin SJ,Cheng JT,Hsu FL. Antidiabetic Dimeric Guianolides and Lignan glycoside from Lactuca indica . J. Nat. Prod. .2003 ;(66):625-629

37. 2002 Yang LM, Lin SJ, Hsu FL, and Yang TH. Antitumor Agents. Part 3: Synthesis and Cytotoxicity of New trans-Stilbene Benzenesulfonamide Derivatives . Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters .2002 ;(12):1013-1015

38. 2002 Hsu FL, Hou CC, Yang LM, Cheng JT, Chi TC, Liu PC, and Lin SJ. Microbial Transformations of Isosteviol . J. Nat. Prod. .2002 ;(65):273-277

39. 2002 Hou CC, Lin SJ, Cheng JT, and Hsu FL. Bacopaside III, Bacopasaponin G, and Bacopasides A, B, and C from Bacopa monniera . J. Nat. Prod. .2002 ;(65):1759-1763

40. 2001 Lin SJ, Yeh CH, Yang LM, Liu PC, Hsu FL. Phenolic Compounds fromFormosan Euphorbia tirucalli . Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society .2001 ;(48):105-108

41. 1999 Yang LM, Lin SJ, Lin LC and Kuo YH. Antitumor agents. 2. Synthesis and cytotoxic evaluation of 10-bromorutaecarpine. . Chin. Pharm. J. .1999 ;(51):219-225

42. 1999 Ford, SP, Rosazza JPN, Al-Mahmoud MS, Lin S, Farley DB, Short RE. Aborificent Effects of a Unique Class of Vasoactive Lipids from Pinus ponderosa Needles . J. of Animal Science .1999 ;(77):2187-2193

43. 1998 Lin SJ, Short RE, Ford SP, Grings EE and Rosazza JPN. In vitro biotransformations of isocupressic acid by cow rumen preparations: formation of agathic and dihydroagathic acids. . J. Natl. Prod. .1998 ;(61):51-56

44. 1998 Lin SJ and Rosazza PN. Microbial transformations of isocupressic acid. . J. Natl. Prod. .1998 ;(61):922-926

45. 1996 Yang LM, Lin SJ, Yang TH and Lee KH. Synthesis and anti-HIV activity of dibenzylbutyrolactone lignans. . Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters .1996 ;(6):941-944

1. 2020 Lin SJ,Chen BL,Wang LH. Polyphenolic compounds improve the bioavailability of L-dopa in rabbit plasma . 第二屆台灣藥學聯合學術研討會 .2020

2. 2016 Chang SF,Yang LM,Tsai YE,Chou BH,Liu PC,Lin SJ. TRansformation of stevioside derivative by fungi and biological evaluation of the transformed products . The 10th International symposium for Chinese Medicine Chemists .2016

3. 2016 Huang TJ,Su TC,Yang LM,Kuo YC,Lin SJ. Synthesis and evaluation of anti-hepatitis B virus activity of ent-kaurene derivatives . The 10th International symposium for Chinese Medicinal Chemists .2016

4. 2013 Huang TJ,Chou BH,Lin CW,Weng JH,Chou CH,Yang LM, Lin SJ. Anti-viral mechanism of isosteviol derivative against hepatitis B virus . 2013 TPA Medicinal Chemistry Symposium .2013

5. 2012 Chang SF,Yang LM,Chen CY,Hsu FL,Liu PC,Lin SJ. Microbial transformation of dihydroisosteviol . The 27th Synposium on natural products .2012

6. 2010 Yang LM,Lin WK,Chang SF,Chou BH,Lin SJ. Microbial transformation of isostevic acid . The 7th International Symposium for Chinese Medicinal Chemists .2010

7. 2009 Chou BH,Yang LM,Chang,SFLin WK,Lin SJ. Microbial metabolism of isosteviol lactam . The 50th Annual meeting of the American Society of Pharmacognosy, June 27-July 1, Honolulu, HI, USA, 2009 .2009

8. 2009 Yang LM,Lin WK,Chou BH,Chang SF,Lin SJ. Microbial transformaiton of isosteviol oxime . The 50th Annual meeting of the American Society of Pharmacognosy, June 27-July 1, Honolulu, HI, USA, 2009 .2009

9. 2007 Lin SJ,Yang LM. Synthesis and SAR of 4-(benzylideneamino)benzenesulfonamides as selective COX-2 inhibitors . The 234th ACS National Meeting, Aug. 19-23, Boston, CA. .2007

10. 2007 Lo CH,Yang LM,Chang SF,Chou BH,Wang LH,Lin SJ. Microbial transformation of isosteviol . 2007 TPA Medicinal Chemistry Symposium, May. 18-20, Natou, Taiwan, p. 72. .2007

11. 2007 Chou BH,Chang SF,Yang LM,Hsu FL,Liu PC,Lin SJ. Microbial metabolism of isosteviol lactone . 2007 TPA Medicinal Chemistry Symposium, May. 18-20, Natou, Taiwan, p. 73. .2007

12. 2006 Lin SJ,Yang LM. Synthesis and biological evaluation of phenylazo benzenesulfonamides as selective COX-2 inhibitors . The 232nd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, September 10-14, 2006 .2006

13. 2006 Lin SJ,Tsai WJ,Wu TS,Yang LM. Synthesis and biological evaluation of benzylideneamino benzenesulfonamides as inhibitors of cyclooxygenases . The 5th International Symposium for Chinese Medicinal Chemists, November 2-7, 2006 Nanjing, China .2006

14. 2006 Yang LM,Chang SF,Lin SJ. Transformation of gallic acid by Beauveria sulfurescens . The 5th Intenational Symposium for Chinese Medicinal Chemists, November 2-7, 2006 Nanjing, China .2006


107 利用電腦輔助藥物設計及優化先導化合物以開發治療乳癌之候選藥物

106 研析國際新興管制物質性質及管理政策研究

105 國際管制藥物列管及分級制度研究

104 結合生物轉化與分子嵌合開發天然化合物作為5alpha-reductase抑制劑

100 Terpenoids之構造修飾與免疫發炎活性評估

99 Terpenoids之構造修飾與免疫發炎活性評估

98 Terpenoids之構造修飾與免疫發炎活性評估

96 異甜菊醇化學衍生物之微生物轉換及生物活性評估

96 微生物轉換stevioside 衍生物及glucocorticoid/androgen response elements之生物活性評估

95 Isosteviol lactone之微生物轉換與降血壓活性評估

94 利用有氧及無氧發酵構造修飾steviol-16alpha,17-epoxide